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Chapter 9 Chapter 7 Comrades, the grass is waiting to be harvested

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1562Words 2018-03-21
So the animals walked to the pasture in groups and began to harvest.When they came back at night, they found that the milk had disappeared. The animals worked very hard and sweated a lot before harvesting the forage grass.But their sweat paid off, because the harvest was more successful than they expected. Their work is sometimes very hard, because farm implements are designed for people, not animals.No animal would use a tool that is supposed to be operated on two legs.This is extremely detrimental to them.But the little pig is very clever and can always think of some ways to avoid difficulties.As for the horses, they knew every inch of the field like the back of their hands.In fact, they were far more adept at mowing and harrowing than Jones and Jones' workmen.Pigs do not actually work, but direct and supervise other animals to work.Since they are far more knowledgeable than other animals, they naturally assume leadership responsibilities.Boxer and Clover got on the lawn mower or the horse-drawn rake (of course there was no need for a bit and a bridle now), and walked around the field with a steady pace.A pig followed, sometimes calling out "Come on, forward, comrade!" and sometimes "Relieve, step back, comrade!" Every animal, even the humblest ones, participated. Turning grass and picking up work.Ducklings and chickens run around in the fields all day under the scorching sun, and each time they can only hold a handful of grass in their mouths.The animals finally harvested the forage in two days less time than Jones and his workers had done in the past.In addition, this time is also a bumper harvest that the farm has never experienced before.Nothing was wasted.The chickens and ducks have sharp eyesight, and they picked up every grass stalk in the field.None of the animals on the farm ate, and even a small bite was taken back to the public.

All summer the crops on the farm worked like clockwork.The animals were all in high spirits, and they never thought they would live such a happy life.Every morsel of food gives them great, real pleasure, because they eat food they have prepared for themselves, and produced by their own labor, and not handed over to them by miserly masters in the past. .After the despicable humans, the parasites of the farm, had been driven out, every animal had more food and more leisure, though they were not used to it.They naturally also encountered many difficulties.For example, when they harvested the grain later in the year, because there was no thresher on the farm, the animals had to follow the ancient method of trampling down the grains with their hooves and claws, and blowing air through their mouths to remove the chaff. .Relying on the wisdom of the pig and the strong physical strength of the boxer, these difficulties were overcome one by one.Boxer is deeply admired by every animal.Even in Jones' day he had never worked hard, and now he was more like working three horses alone.There were days when the whole of the farm work seemed to rest on his strong shoulders.From morning to night, I saw him either pushing or pulling, and he appeared wherever the work was the most tiring.He made an agreement with the rooster to wake him up early every day, half an hour earlier than other animals.Before the normal working hours of the day began, he volunteered where he was most needed.Whenever he encounters difficulties and setbacks at work, he always answers with "I will work harder"-this sentence has become his mantra.

But other animals are also working to the best of their ability.In the case of chickens and ducks, they saved five bushels of grain by collecting the stray grain that had been missed in the fields.No one steals, no one complains that his rations are not enough.The quarreling, biting and jealousy that used to be commonplace in daily life almost no longer occurs.No animal is lazy—or, almost no animal is lazy.It was true that Molly was always procrastinating about getting up on time.When she was working, she always excused a stone in her hoof and left work early.Also, cats behave a little differently.It was soon discovered that when there was any work to be done, she was nowhere to be seen.She would disappear for hours, not reappearing until it was time to eat, or at night, not returning nonchalantly until the work was done.She can always find a good excuse for her behavior, purring with faux-intimacy so that other animals can't suspect her of any bad motives.Old Benjamin the Donkey didn't seem to have changed at all since the Rebellion.He was still working as slowly as Jones had ruled the farm, neither slacking off nor doing more than his share.He never expressed any opinion on the rebellion and the various changes after the rebellion.If any other animal asked him if he was happier now that Jones was gone, he would say, "Donkeys live a long time, and you haven't seen a dead donkey yet." The meaning of it, but he can't ask in detail, so he can only leave it to him.

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