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Chapter 7 Chapter Five The Livestock Songs of England

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1887Words 2018-03-21
The most faithful disciples of the pig are the two cart horses, Boxer and Clover.These two animals could hardly think about anything, but once they accepted the pig as their mentor, whatever the pig said, they took it into their heads and passed it on to the other animals in simple terms.Boxer and Clover were never absent from every secret meeting in the barn, and they always took the lead in singing "Beast Songs of England" at the end of the meeting. Events turned out unexpectedly, and the rebellion came sooner and succeeded more easily than every animal expected.In the past so many years, as an animal breeder, Mr. Jones has never been lenient in management, and as a farmer, he is also very capable in management.But lately he's had bad luck.In a lawsuit with someone else, he lost a lot of money, which made him disheartened.Then he started drinking heavily, drinking more and more to excess.Sometimes for days at a time lounging in an old wood-backed chair in the kitchen, drinking and flipping through the newspaper.Dip slices of bread in beer once in a while and feed Moses.The workers under Jones also became lazy and sneaky.The fields on the farm were overgrown with weeds, the roofs of the chicken coops and stables were leaking, the hedges were untrimmed, and the animals couldn't even get enough to eat.

Come June, it's time to harvest the grass. June 24th is John the Baptist's Day in England.On the previous day, Saturday night, Mr. Jones had gone to Wellington, got drunk at the Red Lion, and did not return to the farm until Sunday noon.The workers milked the cows early in the morning and went out to hunt rabbits in the field without feeding the animals.Mr. Jones went home, sat down on the sofa in the living room, covered his face with a copy of "News of the World", and fell asleep immediately.Until dusk, the animals were never fed.At last the animals could bear it no longer.A cow broke through the wooden door of the feed storage room with its horns first, and all the animals rushed in, desperately grabbing the feed contained in the box.At this moment Mr. Jones awoke.He and the four servants didn't delay for a minute, and immediately rushed into the storage room with a whip in hand, and beat them in all directions.This made the hungry animals even more irritated.Although they had no such plan in advance, at this moment they rushed towards the person who whipped them.Jones and his men suddenly found themselves surrounded by enemies, horns and hooves, and the situation was completely out of control.They had never seen such behavior of animals, and the animals that had been allowed to be whipped and abused by them suddenly rebelled.These few people were simply terrified and panicked.After a short while, they gave up their senseless resistance and fled in haste.A minute later the five were seen fleeing in panic along the carriage drive leading to the road, with the victorious animals in hot pursuit.

Mrs. Jones, looking out of her bedroom window, saw exactly what was happening.She hastily packed some belongings into a blanket sack and slipped out of the farm by another road.Moses jumped up from the shelf, and flapped after her, croaking loudly.By this time the animals had chased Jones and his workmen out onto the road, and the five-barred gate slammed shut behind them.And so, before the animals could figure out what was going on, the rebellion was done.Mr Jones was evicted and the farm was given over to the animals. For a while, they could hardly believe their good fortune.The first thing they did was run collectively around the boundaries of the farm, as if to find out where it was true that no one was hiding anymore.Then they ran back to the various pens of the farm, and they wiped out all the relics of the hated Jones rule.The harness-room at one end of the stables was washed open, and the bits, the nose-rings, the chains for the dogs, the cruel knife with which Mr. Jones used his pigs and sheep... were all thrown down the well.Reins, bridles, blindfolds and degrading hay sacks hung around the necks of the animals were thrown into the blazing rubbish piles in the yards.The whip is naturally disposed of in the same way.When the animals saw the whip burning in the fire, they were all very happy.Snowball also threw into the fire the ribbons that had been tied on the horse's mane and tail on market days.

"These streamers should be regarded as clothes," he said. "Clothes are the marks of people. Animals should not have a thread of cloth hanging on them." When Boxer heard this remark, he brought at once the little straw hat which he wore in summer to keep the flies out of his ears.He threw the hat into the fire and burned it with the others. In a short time the animals had wiped out all that reminded them of Mr. Jones.Napoleon took them to the pantry and gave each animal a double portion of food, two biscuits for each dog.After this they sang "The Beasts of England" seven times in a row, from beginning to end, and then they each went to bed.They had never slept so soundly.

The next day, they woke up at dawn as usual.Suddenly, they remembered the extraordinary incident that happened yesterday, and they all ran to the pasture.There is a small hill not far from the ranch, standing on it, you can almost see the whole panorama of the farm.The animals rushed to the top of the hill, and in the bright morning light they looked around.That's right, the farm was theirs now, and everything they could see was theirs.In a burst of ecstasy, the animals ran in circles, had fun, and jumped into the air with excitement.They rolled in the dew, gnawed mouthfuls of luscious summer grass, kicked the black dirt under their feet, and inhaled the fragrant smell of the fields.After that, they took a tour around the whole farm, plowed fields, hay fields, orchards, ponds, groves... No matter what they saw, they were speechless with envy, as if they had never seen these things before. of.Even looking at it now, they couldn't believe that it was all their own property.

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