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Chapter 4 Chapter 2 Man Is Our Real Enemy

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1699Words 2018-03-21
"Comrades, everyone has heard that I had a strange dream yesterday. What I dreamed, I will talk about it later. Now I have something else to tell you. Comrades, I am afraid that I will I shall not be long with you. Before I die, I feel it is my duty to pass on to you the wisdom I have accumulated. My life is long enough. When I lie alone in the pen I have a lot of time to think about things when I'm in the world. I think I can say that I know what life is all about, and I know as much as any other animal that lives in the world. It's me who I'm going to tell you I realized a little bit of truth.

"Comrades, I would like to ask you, what kind of life do we live? Better to face reality! In a word, our life is painful, exhausting, and extremely short. We are born, We are given just enough food to keep us alive. Those who can work are forced to exhaustion. When the energy is exhausted and useless, they are slaughtered cruelly. The animals in England only After a year there is neither happiness nor leisure. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is a life of misery and bondage. This is a perfectly clear fact. "But is it nature's arrangement? Is our land too barren for the creatures that inhabit it to live comfortably? No, comrades, absolutely not. The land of England is fertile. Yes, the climate is mild, and even if the creatures here are far more numerous than they are at present, it can provide very rich food. Just our one farm can feed twelve horses, twenty cows, and hundreds of sheep , and all of them can live comfortably and decently, which is definitely not what we can imagine now. But why do we always live in such a miserable state? This is because almost all the fruits of our labor have been Man has stolen away. That, comrades, is the answer to all questions. One word sums it all up—man. Man is our only true enemy. Remove man from the arena of life, and the source of hunger and toil is was eradicated.

"Man is the only creature that consumes and does not produce. He cannot produce milk, he cannot lay eggs, he has no strength, he cannot pull a plow, he cannot run fast, he cannot catch rabbits. Yet he becomes all the livestock Lord of the land. He makes the animals work, and for what they earn, he gives back just enough to keep them from starving, and keeps the rest for himself. We work hard on the land, we use our own Manure fertilizes the land, but what do we have but a skin on our bodies? You cows standing in front of me, you have produced thousands of gallons of milk in the past year! This milk should be used to feed Healthy calves, but where is it now? Every drop is down the throats of our enemies. You hens, how many eggs have you produced in the past year! How many were there? The rest went to the market and got paid for by Jones and his boys. And you, Clover, where did your four foals go? They were supposed to be you Reliance and comfort in old age! Every foal is sold to someone else when it is a year old - you never see them again. You have been pregnant four times and labored hard in the fields Boy, but what have you ever had but a little feed and a stable every day that barely fills your belly?

"But we can't live through such miserable days. Personally, I have nothing to complain about, because I am lucky. I lived for twelve years and gave birth to more than four hundred litters. For a pig, Life is nothing more than that. But no matter what animal you are, you will inevitably be slaughtered by the butcher's knife in the end. You little fat pigs sitting in front of me will all be screaming on the chopping block to die within a year. This horrible Fate is inescapable for none of us—cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep. Even horses and dogs. The same fate. Take you, Boxer, as long as you As soon as the muscular strength wears off, Jones will sell you to a butcher, and your throat will be slit, and the meat will be boiled for foxhound food. And these dogs, old Well, as soon as the teeth fell out, Jones would tie a brick around their necks and sink them in some pond nearby.

"Comrades, is it not clear enough? All the misery in our lives comes from tyrannical human beings! Only by eradicating human beings can we enjoy our fruits, and overnight we will become rich Free again. So, what shall we do? There is nothing but the struggle to overthrow humanity, which must be fought day and night, with all your heart. Comrades, this is my message to you: Rebel! I don't know what this day The time will come, maybe a week from now, maybe a hundred years from now. But one thing is certain, and I see it as clearly as the straw under my feet: sooner or later justice will be done. In For the rest of your short lives, comrades, I hope you will keep this firmly in your hearts. Most importantly, pass this message on to your descendants. In this way, our descendants will continue to fight until they achieve victory.

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