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Chapter 3 Chapter 1 The big gray and white boar that won the prize

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1386Words 2018-03-21
Mr. Jones of the Manor Farm locked several chicken coops for the night, but he was so drunk that day that he forgot to close the small doors.As he staggered across the yard, the halo of a lantern in his hand wobbled.Going through the back door, he shook off his boots, poured himself a last beer of the day from the keg in the scullery, and climbed into bed.Mrs. Jones was already snoring there by this time. As soon as the light in Mr. Jones' bedroom was extinguished, there was a commotion and noise from every stable on the farm.During the day the word had spread that old Major--the big gray and white prize-winning boar--had had a strange dream the night before, and was going to tell it to all the animals on the farm.It had been calculated that they would be assembled in the big barn only after Mr. Jones had moved away from being caught by him again.Old Major--that's what everyone called him, though he used to be called "The Flower of Wellington" when he went to the show--so popular on the farm that every animal was willing to sacrifice an hour's sleep, listen What the hell is he going to say.

On a raised platform at one end of the large barn, the major was now seated on a bed of straw, with an oil lamp hanging from a beam hanging over his head.The major was already twelve years old at this time, and his body had gained some weight in recent years, but he still looked dignified.Besides, his canine teeth never came in, which gave him an intelligent and kindly appearance.It was not long before the other animals came one after another, and settled down according to their own habits.The first chapter that comes first is three dogs - Bluebell, Jesse and Pincher.Then came a herd of pigs; they all at once lay down on the straw in front of the stage.Some hens perched on the windowsills.The pigeons landed on the rafters and flapped their wings.The sheep and cows are behind the pigs and start chewing cud.Two workhorses, Boxer and Clover, came in side by side.They walked very slowly, and lowered their big hairy hooves cautiously, for fear of trampling some small animal covered by straw.Clover is a stout, middle-aged mare who, after giving birth to her fourth foal, has never regained her former beauty.Boxer was tall and strong, nearly six feet tall, and as strong as two horses put together.There is a white mark on the bridge of his nose, giving him some silly looks.In fact, his intelligence is not very high, but his strong character and strong physical strength in work have won the admiration of all animals.After the two driving horses came Muriel the white goat and Benjamin the donkey.Benjamin was the oldest on the farm, and the worst tempered.He doesn't like to talk much, but as long as he opens his mouth, the words that come out are sure to be harsh and sarcastic.For example, he said that God gave him a tail so that he could fend off flies, but he would rather not have the tail than have the flies.Among the animals on the farm he was the only one who never smiled.Ask him why, and he says he can't see anything to laugh at.But, though he never admitted it openly, he had a heart for Boxer.The two of them often spent Sundays together in a paddock beyond the orchard, grazing side by side without speaking to each other.

As soon as the two horses lay down, they walked into a nest of motherless ducklings.The ducklings walked in a line, squawking weakly, and swaying from side to side.They are looking for a place where they won't be trampled by other animals.Alfalfa stretched out her two front legs to form a barrier like a wall.The ducklings huddled against the wall and fell asleep immediately.Molly, the white mare who drew Mr. Jones's cart, did not come until the party was about to begin.Molly was pretty, but brainless; she came waddling in, with a lump of sugar in her mouth.She took a seat near the front, and at once fluffed her white mane to show off the red ribbon that tied it.The last one to come to the barn was the old farm cat.She looked around first as usual to find the warmest place for herself.At last she squeezed between Boxer and Clover.She snored all the time the major was speaking, and didn't catch a word.

Now all the animals were there except Moses—a mature crow on the farm who always slept on a perch behind the back door.When the major saw that everyone had taken their places and was waiting attentively for his speech, he cleared his throat and said:
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