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Chapter 33 Section 33 Relics Left Behind

She sees the robbery and smelting incident as El punishing us for our indecisiveness, and blames the Farsighted for contributing to this weakness.She said these things cautiously at first, and then more and more clearly, but she did not dare to encourage treason outright.However, the ritual of slaughtering cows and offering blood is still carried out on the cliffs by the sea, and she, like in ancient times, smeared blood on many young people and sent them out to carry out this so-called earth spirit exploration.Prondi heard that she is still waiting for someone who is equal to her to join her plan to overthrow the Zhanyuan family, and they will rule the country together, ending the age of farmers and starting the age of warriors.According to Bearns, many young people have been scrambling for the honor.But Prondi hoped that she would stop these actions before he accused her of treason, lest he have to force his subordinates to choose between the heroine and himself.Shrewd thought that if she was defeated in a joust, or suffered a tragic accident, or contracted a strange disease that made her weak and ugly, her following might plummet.I have to agree that this is a possible evolution, but also remind him that there are many people who achieve godlike status after death.Shrewd agrees with me, but only if the man dies with honor.

Then, he suddenly changed the subject.In Ripple Castle in Seal Bay, there is an ancient scroll that Verity wants to transcribe, which is a list of all the team members who came from Bearns to perform Skills for the king, and it is said that there are some ancient spirits in Ripple Castle Assist the moat with the relics left behind.Shrewd wants me to set off for Seal's Cove the next day to transcribe the scrolls and visit the relics, and report back to him.And conveyed the king's blessing and belief to Prondi, telling the duke that the unstable situation would soon subside. I understand.

When I got up to leave, Shrewd held up a finger for me to stop, and I stood waiting for the order. "Do you think I'm still keeping my promise to you?" It's an old question, he started asking it when I met him when I was a kid, and it made me laugh. "Yes, Your Majesty," I said as usual. "Then let's see if you are also consistent." He paused for a moment, and then added unprecedentedly, "Remember, Fitz Horseman, any injury to my loved ones is tantamount to an injury to me." "His Majesty?" "You're not going to hurt my loved ones, are you?"

I stand up straight.I understand his request.I humbly answered him: "Your Majesty, I will not hurt your relatives, I swear to the Zhanyuan family." He nodded slowly.He's forced an apology from Regal, and a promise from me not to kill his son, and he probably believes he's reconciled us.Outside his door, I paused and pushed my hair back, reminding myself of the promise I had just made.I thought about it carefully, forcing myself to examine the price I had to pay for keeping my promise.A bitterness set in, until I compared this to the consequences of breaking a promise.Then, realizing my hesitation, I pushed them out of my mind at once, and resolved to keep my promise to the king.There is no real peace between me and Regal, but at least I have peace of mind.The decision made me feel better, and I strode deliberately toward the other end of the corridor.

I haven't replenished the poison stock since I came back from the mountains.It's not very safe out there, and I have to steal back what I need to steal.The wool dye may have ingredients I can use, and the doctor's supplies may have others.I was busy with this project in my mind, thinking about it as I walked down the stairs. Duanning was walking up the stairs and stopped when I saw her.Her presence made me feel a little shyer than I ever did when I saw Regal, and that's always been my reaction.Of Garen's Skill group, she was now the most powerful.Wei Yi retired and returned to the interior to be a gentleman in the orchid-filled countryside.His Skill was lost in the confrontation that ended Garen's life, and Tannin was now a key figure in the Skill team.In the summer she would remain at Buckkeep, while the rest of the Skill Party would be scattered in beacons and castles along the Long Coast, and through her they would report to the King what they had seen and heard.During the winter, the whole team returned to Buckkeep to renew their bond and partnership. In the absence of a Skill Master, she had taken over most of Galen's responsibilities at Buckkeep, as well as Galen's responsibilities. My deep resentment.Her appearance brought back the memory of my previous abuse, which was so clear that I couldn't bear to see it. At the same time, it also made me feel afraid for no reason.I have been avoiding her since I came back, but at this moment I saw her looking at me with needle-like sharp eyes.

The stairs are wide enough for two people to pass by, unless one of them deliberately stops in the middle of a step.Even though she was standing below and looking up at me, I felt like she had the upper hand.Her demeanor is very different from when we were all Garen's students, and her appearance reflects her new position.The night sky-blue gown was exquisitely embroidered, and her long black hair was tied into intricate braids behind her head with shiny threads inlaid with ivory. The neckline and the rings on her hands were shining silver, but her Femininity has disappeared.She adopted Galen's ascetic values, with a scrawny face and clawed hands that radiated as much self-righteousness as Galen.It was the first time she had faced me directly since Galen's death.I stopped above her, not knowing what she wanted from me.

"Little bastard," she said in a nonchalant tone, more like a roll call than a greeting, and I wondered if it was possible that the word would stop poking me like a needle. "Danning." I also tried my best to speak in a flat tone. "You didn't die in the mountains." "NO, I have not." Still standing in my way, she said very calmly, "I know what you've done and who you are." My heart quivered like a rabbit, telling myself that she might have used up every ounce of energy in the Skill to put this fear on me, and telling myself that it wasn't how I really felt, it was her Skill Suggest how I should feel.Then, I forced myself to speak out what was stuck in my throat.

"I also know who I am, and I am a citizen of my prince." “You don’t deserve to be like that at all!” she insisted quietly, smiling at me. “One day everyone will know.” The feeling of fear is so real that its source seems insignificant by comparison.I stood without saying a word, and finally she stepped aside to let me pass.It was a small victory for me, although in retrospect she was less able to react otherwise.As I prepared for my journey to Bearns, I was suddenly delighted to be away from Buckkeep for a few days.
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