Home Categories foreign novel Onmyoji·Cheng Sheng Ji

Chapter 7 second quarter

Onmyoji·Cheng Sheng Ji 梦枕獏 6758Words 2018-03-21
They drank heartily. Before I knew it, one bottle was empty and I was drinking the second bottle. At this time, the clouds scattered in all directions, and the dark and transparent night sky gradually appeared, and the stars in the sky were shining brightly. The moonlight became brighter and clearer, and beside the moon, the clouds were rolling and flying eastward. "What a bright moon." Boya put down the cup and sighed softly. "Yes." Qingming didn't nod, but replied in a low voice. The clear light of fireflies flew by from time to time, as if to appease the darkness in the courtyard.The strong smell emitted by the plants melts in the air.

"Qingming..." Boya looked at the courtyard in a daze. "To be honest, the seasons are indeed constantly changing." "Why do you say this, Boya?" Qingming stared at Boya. "It's nothing special, it's just emotion." "Emotional?" "It's nothing. What I feel is that time, seasons, these things are constantly changing." "yes." "Look, Seimei—" "what?" "This is the garden." "patio?" "Isn't it lush right now?" The leaves, rhizomes, flowers, etc. of all plants have absorbed enough water, and they are watery and delicate, and they stretch out to their heart's content.

"Seeing this scene, I can't help but feel more pitiful." "Is it human?" "yes." "why?" "The leaves and flowers that are so beautiful now will wither and wither in autumn." "Well, that's right." "Now they are in full bloom, but after a while, these grasses and flowers will wither and decay. Thinking about their appearance at that time, for some reason, there is an incredible feeling, and I feel very desolate. I can't help but feel sad. I have pity." "Ok." "It's the same with people," Boya said. "People also get old."

"Well, it will grow old." Qingming nodded. "Even the most handsome man, when he gets old, his face will be wrinkled, his cheeks will sag, his belly will sag, and his teeth will fall out—" "Is such that." "Even myself, I will not always be young. I will also grow old. I know all of this." "Oh." "There is a good line in the ancient songs 'the sorrow of things is greater than the sorrow of autumn'..." "yes." "However, Qingming, at this moment, I have a strange feeling." "What kind of feeling?"

"As I said just now, compared to autumn when the grass and trees wither, spring and summer are the seasons when flowers and plants are flourishing, which makes me feel the pity of things more." Holding the cup in his hand, Boya stared at the courtyard in the twilight. The season is early summer. Unknowingly, the breath of the plum rain that is about to pass fills the entire dark night. "The vegetation sprouts, and the flower buds bloom. At this time, I often sigh." Grass that will eventually wither. A flower that will wither. "What's wrong with me, Seimei..."

Boya didn't bring the wine glass to his lips, but put down the wine glass and whispered. "Don't laugh at me. At this moment, I feel that everything in the world is pitiful." Boya became silent, he was listening attentively. Summer insects are singing. The night wind was blowing gently. "When I hear insects, I feel sorry for the insects. The breeze, the fragrance in the air, the old marks on this passage, the weight of the cup, what I have seen, the smell I smell, what I touch, what I hear The sound, the taste of the tongue, everything is very pitiful." Seimei didn't make fun of him.

Seimei's eyes revealed a gentle and peaceful expression. "Hey, Seimei, don't you feel this way?" Seimei still had a smile at the corners of his mouth and eyes, a bewildering, pathetic, indescribable smile. "Bo Ya, you are too loyal by nature." Qingming said. Boya's tone became serious. "Honest and honest, you mean me?" "Yeah, facing you like this, I'm always so surprised that it's hard for me to find an appropriate answer." "That's how it is now." "That's right." "Qingming, you, don't you think this kind of statement is too heartless?"

"ruthless……" "yes." "Nothing. I've been thinking, it's really nice to meet you." "Meet me?" "You're my drinking buddy." "Drinking friend?" "Because you are here, I will be closely connected with the world." "With the world?" "yes." "Qingming, when you say that, doesn't it mean that you don't belong to the world?" "Does it smell like this?" "Yes, I have." Boya took the wine glass placed on the edge of the corridor in his hand again, and drank it down in one gulp.

He put the empty glass on the floor. "Okay, Qingming?" Boya said, "This has become my mantra. I think, even if you are really not human, I, Boya, will still be your good friend." "Even if I'm a monster?" Qingming's tone was half teasing. "For this point, I really can't explain clearly, and I can't find a suitable language..." Boya seemed to be searching for the words in his heart one by one, and spoke word by word. "Sunny is just so sunny." "..." "Even if you are not a human being but something else, even if you are a monster, you are still you—" Boya said solemnly, "Qingming, sometimes I think, if only I were you."

Boya stared at Qingming intently. Empty wine glass, not refilled. "Qingming, I am self-aware, and I am a little different from others." "Why is it different?" "That's indescribable. However, although I can't say it clearly, when I'm with you, I feel that I can't hide it." "What can't be hidden?" "Myself. In the palace, I always feel that I have put on something like armor, completely covering myself..." "Ok." "It is the real Boya who is facing you like this and drinking a cup of wine," Boya said.

"You are a human being, we drink together; if you are not human, I will not stop drinking with you. As long as you are Qingming, we will drink together, that's what it is. Think carefully... " "What a good man, Boya!" Qingming blurted out. "Don't make fun of me, Seimei—" "It's not a joke at all, it's a compliment." "Oh……" Boya nodded, looking very serious. "Why don't I feel that I am being praised." Usually, when Qingming said that he was a hero, Boya would always answer like this. Sometimes he even says: "Are you saying that I'm a fool?" Tonight, Boya looked at Qingming with confidence: "Bring the topic back." As he spoke, he filled the empty glass with wine. "topic?" "Isn't it? The topic I started was that drinking while admiring the garden scenery can't help but make me feel nostalgic." "how to say?" "For example, if there is someone worthy of pity by your side—" "Is there really, Boya?" "I'm not saying what if." "What if it's here?" "This person is old and has many wrinkles on her face. From the clothes she is wearing, one can find that her muscles are slack and her body is weak..." "Ok." "And the one who knows this best is she herself." "Maybe." "The grace and beauty that was indescribable in the past has gradually moved away from her..." "Ok." "How should I put it, this feeling is one that I have no time to think about when I am young and frivolous. And it is this that makes me especially feel pitiful and sad." "And wrinkles..." "yes." "Your voice is hoarse, and your cheek muscles are loose?" "Ok." "..." "Facing his aging self, this person has a sense of desolation and sadness in his heart. This kind of sadness makes people feel extremely pitiful." "Ha ha." "Perhaps it's because I'm about to grow old." "Ok." "What's going on here, Seimei?" "what do you mean?" "The body is beautiful and charming, the skin is round and lovely, it will never return. Perhaps, because of this, the world thinks that the beauty is the most pitiful." "hehe." "The figure is charming and glamorous, it's just an excuse to feel pitiful for Yi Ren—" "Hey——" Qingming stared at Boya and said, "It's strange." "What's wrong, Qingming?" "Don't you have someone you like?" "The person you like?" "In my opinion, she is still a beautiful woman who makes your heart beat. Have you liked any woman?" "No, that's another matter." "Why is it not the same thing? If it was another woman, would you care about it?" "Don't worry, Seimei—" "I'm in a hurry?" "As for me, I haven't shaken the other party's hand at all, and no one even knows the name." "Not yet." "It's different from whether she has it or not. Because I don't know where she lives." "In the end there is." "..." "It turns out there really is someone there." "It's a thing of the past." Boya blushed slightly. "How long ago?" "Twelve years." Boya said. Seimei was stunned. "That long ago?" "Ok." "But Boya, how come you don't know her name?" "Because she never said her name." "You didn't ask?" "I asked." "Did I ask and didn't tell you?" "yes." "what happened?" "It's all because of the flute." "Flute?" "Seimei, sometimes I can't help but want to play the flute." "clear." "For example, on a night with a bright moon like tonight, I will walk to Horikawa alone and play the flute by the river until the whole night." "Yes." "The cherry blossoms are swaying in the spring night, and the bright moon hangs high above the flower clusters. This situation often makes me feel uneasy. For some reason, I feel extremely miserable in my heart, and it is unbearable not to play the flute." "so--" "Twelve years ago, it happened to be such a night." "hehe." "It was a moonless night when the wild cherry blossoms began to fall—" Boya didn't bring any entourage, but went outdoors with his flute. There are three liberal arts officials. As a person in the palace who inherited the noble blood, it is extremely rare for a person of Boya's status to go out on foot without an entourage in the middle of the night. But for Boya, it was nothing unusual. That night twelve years ago was like that. On the bank of Horikawa Bridge, Boya played his flute in the moonlight. It's fife.Also known as the dragon flute. The annoying breeze of the spring night blows, and the murmur of the river echoes softly in the gloom. Boya played the flute with forgetfulness. The sound of the flute flew straight into the sky through the moonlight. The tone is as shiny and transparent as it is visible to the naked eye. The moonlight and the sound of the flute merged into one in the sky, where is the moonlight and where is the sound of the flute, it is impossible to distinguish. Boya is a master flute player, and there is no musician more favored by heaven than Boya.However, although he has overflowing talents, Boya himself does not boast of it. Because Boya itself is a musical instrument. It can be a flute or a pipa. No matter how famous it is out of the world, the musical instrument itself is often not aware of the fact that it is a precious musical instrument. Even as a rare and precious musical instrument in the world, Boya is unaware of his own endowment as a musical instrument. However, this musical instrument called Yuan Boya is a non-playing musical instrument and does not require a player.Although let the mind soar, it will sing of its own accord. If there is movement between the heaven and the earth, the instrument of Boya will automatically respond. If the heart is throbbing, it will let the heart think and vibrate the strings. When the seasons change and the heart is swaying, the instrument of Boya will naturally play the movement. Can't stop-- Miserable-- As far as the instrument itself is concerned, it couldn't be more logical. Boya played the flute, and it was the instrument itself that could not be stopped, and played the music on its own initiative. Boya is a flute. The flute in the moonlight could not bear the brilliance of the moonlight, and began to play by itself. For Boya himself, there is no sense of playing the flute at all. The ever-changing sense of the seasons and the atmosphere between heaven and earth permeate Boya's body and pass through his body.At this time, Boya's flute played a functional note. Joy, joy-- Boya's body is a musical instrument when heaven and earth talk to themselves. Whether it is the world or the world, there are always moments when you are not happy, and you can't stop. In this sense, the life of Yuan Boya is the hourglass between heaven and earth. How much time has passed? Suddenly aware of something, Boya opened his eyes. Before that, Boya had been playing the flute with his eyes closed. He moved the flute away from his mouth and found a bullock cart parked opposite. Under the big willow tree on the bank of the river. It's a lady's car. Looking carefully under the moonlight, I found two men standing beside the incense car, who looked like handymen or family members. what is the problem? Are you looking for something for me, or are you doing something in this area? Boya stopped playing the flute and stared in the direction of Xiangche.The car just stopped there quietly, no one got off the car, and no sound was made. There was a pleasant fragrance rippling in the night wind, like the scent of agarwood wafting from the Xiangche. Who is that noble-blooded Meiji sitting quietly in the car? Boya was thinking, but he didn't intend to say hello. That night, Boya returned home.However, the encounter with that car was far from over. The next night, Boya went to Horikawa again and played the flute. After a while, when he was playing the flute by the bridge and looked up as if aware of it, he found that the fragrant car was parked there again.The location is still the same as last night, under the willow tree by the river. Boya thought to himself, this matter is a bit strange.But still didn't come forward to say hello, just let it be. Boya originally planned to play the flute the next night, but unfortunately, it was raining, so he didn't go. When he went again the next day, the incense car was still waiting; and the next night, the incense car was still waiting there. That incense car seems to have come to listen to me playing the flute.On the fifth day, Boya seemed to realize something. Perhaps, this car came just to listen to my flute. But even so, when did it start? The first time I saw it was the night of four days ago. Before that, Boya also went to Horikawa Bridge to play the flute every now and then. Maybe, the car has been coming since early in the morning, but I didn't realize it. Boya became interested. What kind of person is sitting in the car? "Qingming, I became interested in Xiangche without knowing it." Boya told Qingming that on the fifth night, he finally spoke. Boya lowered his hand holding the flute and walked towards Xiangche. It is a hanging window car with a green ox tied to the yoke. On both sides of the cow, two men who looked like handymen and family members stood silently. Boya stopped in front of the car, not to greet the handyman, but to greet the owner of the car directly. "Every night, you always come when I play the flute. What kind of Gaoshi is sitting in the car? Do you have something to discuss with me?" "It's really rude!" It was the handyman who answered. The handyman and his family knelt down on one knee: "The person sitting in the car is the lady of the Fuchu that we serve." They bowed their heads in salute.handyman says: "Seven days ago, when Miss was about to go to bed, she faintly heard the sound of a flute coming from outside—" The young lady listened to it all the time, and did not go to bed until the sound of the flute disappeared.But the next day, the sound of the flute was still lingering in my ears. On the second night, the same flute sound as the night before was heard again. The more you listen carefully, the more melodious and clear the sound of the flute becomes, lingering in your ears for a long time. "What kind of person played such beautiful music?" When the lady became interested, she ordered the handyman to drive out and followed the sound of the flute to Horikawa alley. When I got here, I saw a man wearing a long linen gown standing by the stone bridge across Horikawa, playing a flute in the moonlight. Such a clear flute sound can be heard in such a distant place, and the flute player is by no means an idle person. So, every night, when the flute sounded, the young lady would murmur softly: "Let's go listen to the flute." The handyman told Boya so and so. The lady in the car remained silent. The conversation outside can naturally be heard clearly.But the bead curtain seemed to be quieter, without a single sound. "Excuse me, which family's lady is it?" "I'm really sorry, Miss asked us to keep a secret, but we can't help it. We won't come tomorrow night if we bother you." "Why? Actually, I disturbed you——" Just as Boya finished speaking, a beautiful voice sounded in the car: "If you can……" It was the voice of an incomparably soft woman. It was a sound like a gentle wind blowing through thin silk. Boya looked at the car, but saw that the end of the curtain was lifted a little, revealing a slender hand, holding a bunch of mountain cherry branches with slender fingers, and there were still cherry blossoms on the branches. "This is for you..." the woman's voice said. Boya took the flower branch with both hands, but heard an indescribably sweet fragrance wafting from the bead curtain. It was the breath of agarwood. In addition to agarwood, it is also mixed with the elegant atmosphere of several kinds of fragrant woods. Boya held the branch in his hand, that jade hand retracted into the car, and the curtain fell down like before.At this moment, the hem of the dress worn by the woman in the carriage suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. It was the color of red and white sumac— The woman didn't make a sound, and the handyman and her family stood up. The sound of wheels sounded, and the ox cart moved. The car went away quietly in the moonlight. Boya held the flute in his left hand and the mountain cherry branch in his right, watching the car go far away. "At that time, I couldn't see her beautiful face. I thought she was an elegant and noble lady." Boya said to Qingming. "Her voice sounds so familiar, and her fingers are as thin and white as catkins. The scent that emanates from the car is exactly the scent of lavender. The skirt that flashes under the curtain is a gorgeous kimono with a mountain cherry pattern." "That's all?" "No, there is another story to follow." "hehe." "Whenever I went to play the flute, the lady would follow, and this situation continued for a while afterwards." Boya played the fife, and the bullock cart came over before he knew it, listening to the sound of the flute quietly. This situation lasted for about three months. Even if it is a rainy day, as long as Boya goes out and plays the flute, the lady will always arrive as scheduled. During these days, the two did not exchange a single word. "That day, in such a season as now..." Boya filled the wine glass, drank it down, and recalled with emotion: "It's the time when the rainy season is fading away, a good night when the rain clears, the clouds bloom, and the moon hangs in the sky..." On that very night— As usual, Boya played the fife. Thin as a gossamer, mist-like water vapor rises from the ground, and the moonlight shines mistyly from high above. Under the willow tree by the river, there was a female guest car parked as always. At this moment, as if in harmony with Boya's flute, another musical sound sounded. It is the sound of pipa. Boya looked away while playing the flute, and found that the music was coming from the car over there. It's so wonderful... Boya couldn't help sighing. What a charming, what a desirable rhythm. The performer has extraordinary skills, but his heart is closed.As if to explain the knot in the heart, the sound flows from the pipa. The sound of the pipa is in harmony with the sound of Boya's flute, and the sound of Boya's flute is also harmoniously blended with the sound of pipa. Under the clear brilliance of the bright moon, it is really enjoyable to be in harmony with each other like this, and it even makes people feel radiant and dazzling. Boya played the flute with forgetfulness. Enter a state of mind like traveling in a dream. Boya played the flute fascinatedly. Unaware of the passage of time. When Boya stopped, the sound of pipa also quietly stopped. While he was in a daze—— "Excuse me..." the handyman said. "What's the matter?" Boya asked. "Miss has something I want to give to the adults. I wonder if you can move over here?" The handyman bowed his head respectfully. Understood-- Boya nodded and walked quietly to the side of the car. "Pipa, it's you..." Boya asked in a low voice. "It's so clumsy that it disturbs my hearing." The woman's voice came from inside the car. "Where? Let me forget the passage of time." "Tonight I finally couldn't bear the itch and played the pipa. Please forgive me." "Ah, the sound of the pipa tonight is absolutely wonderful. I don't know what kind of precious pipa it is—" "It's not expensive either." The woman said in a low voice. "What's the matter with you?" After Boya finished speaking, at some point, one end of the bead curtain was lifted up, revealing a jade-white slender hand.In the slender fingers, there is a peony. The heavy petals are in full bloom, white as snow, and an indescribably sweet fragrance hits the nostrils. The fragrance of flowers combined with the fragrance of lavender in the woman's clothes almost made Boya suddenly feel like he was in a fairyland on earth. "For you..." said the woman's voice. Boya held the flower branch in his hand, the flower was wet and heavy, and full of raindrops that had just rested at dusk. "I have always been grateful to you, Lord Boya—" A woman's voice came from the car. "Do you know my name?" "Yes." The woman replied. "What do you mean by 'always'?" The question was asked, but there was only silence in the bead curtain, and there was no answer. "Your beauty, can you—" After listening to Boya, a thoughtful silence lasted for a moment. After a while, the snow-white fingers I saw just now lifted the curtain, and the curtain rose briskly. Sitting in the car was a suuji with light makeup wearing a gorgeous kimono with a blue willow pattern. In the shadow of the opened curtain, the woman leaned her body into the moonlight and looked up at the sky, as if Boya was not there. She was a beautiful woman in her twenties. Her eyes looking up at the sky are big and dark, full of autumn water, reflecting the clearness of the moonlight. "What a charming moonlight..." Su Ji's vermilion lips parted lightly, muttering like this. Slowly, the curtain came down. The woman's face disappeared again. Boya opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say anything. The curtain is drawn. "If, you can tell Fang Ming—" Boya said. However, there was no response. The bullock cart rolled away again.
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