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Chapter 48 Chapter 46: How Xiko Visited Bixi and What Happened Afterwards

Madame Monsolo 大仲马 5632Words 2018-03-21
At around nine o'clock the next morning, Bissie had breakfast quietly with Remy. Remy, as a doctor, arranged a lot of supplements for him.They talked about the events of the previous night, and Remi tried to recall the inscription on the frescoes in the chapel of the Virgin Mary in Egypt. Bixi asked him suddenly: "Remy, when we passed Shell Street last night, a nobleman was held in a dye vat. Do you think this person looks familiar?" "That's right, Mr. Earl. His face is very familiar. I have been thinking about his name ever since then." "You didn't recognize him either?"

"No. He's all blue already." Bissi said: "I should have helped him out, and all good people should help each other against the common people. But really, Remi, I was too busy with my own affairs to spare my hand." "We didn't recognize him, but he definitely recognized us, because our faces were unstained," said fellow Auduin. "It seemed to me that he was looking at us with terrible eyes and threatening us with his fists." .” "Remi, are you sure of all this?" Auduin is most familiar with Bissy's violent character, and hurriedly said: "I can guarantee that his eyes are very scary, but I don't remember clearly the level of threatening us with his fist."

"In that case, let's find out who this nobleman is, Rémi; I can't be insulted and ignore it." The old man of Alduin suddenly exclaimed as if his brain had suddenly opened up: "Yes, yes, ah! My God! I remembered, I know him." "what happened?" "I heard him swear." "I fully believe that anyone in his position will curse." "Yes, but he cursed in German." "Really?" "He said: Gottverdamme" "Then this is Schonberger." "It is he, Monsieur Count, it is he." "My dear Rémi, then you must prepare some ointment."

"why?" "Because you're soon going to have wounds to heal on his body, or mine." Remy blinked and said: "Now that you are in good health and have a happy event, you are not so stupid. You are going to be beaten to death. The Egyptian saint Mary has already resurrected you once, and she will bring you back to life the second time." Probably too tired to make miracles happen again, even Jesus Christ only performed miracles twice." The count said: "On the contrary, Remy, you can't imagine how happy a happy person will be to fight with others with his life. I can assure you: Whenever I lose a large amount of money at a bet, I don't care about it." I never took pleasure in a duel when I found out that my lover had been unfaithful to me, or that I had done something wrong; on the contrary, when my wallet was swollen, my mind was free from worries, and I had done nothing wrong, I I step boldly and lightly into the field of duel. I have confidence in my sword, I see through any enemy's intentions at a glance, and my good luck will overwhelm me. Now I am in a position like a lucky man. A gambler is throwing dice, and always feels that the wind of good luck is blowing all the other party's gold to his side. At this time, I am the best and most sure, and I will keep sprinting to the end. Remy, if there is a duel today, I will definitely I will win," Bissy said, reaching out his hand to thank Remy, "because, thanks to you, I am very happy today."

"Wait a moment," said fellow Audouin, "wait a moment, you cannot enjoy this pleasure, because a handsome lady has entrusted you to me. Ask me to swear that you will be safe, because, she says, it is because she I saved your life, your life does not belong to you, and you have no right to dispose of it freely." Bissy replied: "Good Remy!" After he finished speaking, he fell into a lost meditation. This kind of meditation makes a man in love hear and see what others say through a layer of tulle, like in a theater. Everything he did and did, the objects he saw were indistinct and indistinct.This state was very sweet and dreamlike, for while his heart was indulging in sweet and faithful thoughts, his features were attracted by the words and actions of his friend.

The fellow Audouin said: "You call me good Remy, because I help you see Mrs. Monsolo again, but when you want to say goodbye to her, see if you still call me good Remy! Unfortunately What’s more, although this day has not come, it is not far away.” Bixi asked loudly, "What are you talking about? Don't joke about this kind of thing, Master Remy." "Monsieur, I'm not joking; don't you know she's leaving for Anjou? I'm going to be parted from Mademoiselle Gertrude myself in a very painful way..." Bissi couldn't help smiling when he saw Remy making a painful look.

"Do you love her very much?" he asked. "I love...and she... if only you knew how she beat me." "Did you really let her fight?" "Yes, for the love of science, she forced me to invent a panacea that would take away the blue color." "In that case, you should send a few bottles to Schonberg." "Don't mention Schonberg, we have already agreed to let him wash off the blue color on his body." "Yes, let's go back to Madame Monsolo, no, it should be Diana de Meridor, because you know..." "Ah! My God, yes, I know."

"Remi, when are we leaving?" "Ah! I have foreseen this, Monsieur Count, as late as possible." "why?" "In the first place, because M. Anjou, dear leader of our group, was in Paris last night, busy with something, and it is evident that he will need us soon." "Secondly?" "Secondly, M. Monsolo has no doubts at all, especially about you, because of his good luck; if he finds out that you left Paris at the same time as his wife who is not his wife, he may be suspicious." "Never mind him, what does it matter to me whether he is suspicious or not?"

"Yes, but it has much to do with me, my dear lord. I am responsible for healing sword wounds in duels, and your sword skills are first-rate. You never get only minor wounds, but what I am most afraid of is You've been stabbed with daggers in the dark, especially with jealous husbands; they're beasts, and they'll strike with the most ferocity in such a case. Just see how our friend Mr. Guise put Mr. Sainte-Megrand in a cruel place. If you die, you will know." "Then what can I do? My dear friend, if I am destined to die in the hands of Monsolo..." "so what?"

"Then he can kill me." "At that time, in a week, a month, or a year, Mrs. Monsolo will marry her husband, and your poor soul can only gnash his teeth with anger in heaven or hell, and there is nothing he can do. Think, because your soul has no body." "You're right, Remi, I want to live." "Excellent! But please believe me, it is not enough to just want to live, you must do what I say, and show affection to Monsolo. At present he is jealous of the Duke of Anjou, and this Anjou Duke, when you are lying in bed with fever and chills, he is like a Spaniard who has had good luck in love, wandering under Madame Monsolo's window, you can recognize it from his follower O'Leary He's coming. You should be courting the titular husband now, just don't ask his wife, because you know, it's no use. Then he'll go around saying you're the only one with ancient Rome A man of the two virtues of the statesman Scipio: abstinence from wine and sex, and cleanliness."

Bissy said: "I think you are right. Now that I am not jealous of the bear, I am going to tame it, which is really ridiculous! Ah! Remi, now I will do whatever you want me to do, because I'm very happy and there's nothing I can't do." At this time, someone knocked on the door, and the two stopped talking. Bixi asked, "Who?" An attendant replied: "Your Excellency, there is a nobleman downstairs asking for an audience." "To see me so early, who is he?" "He was a tall gentleman in green velvet and pink stockings. He looked a little funny, but he looked like a decent man." Bissi said to himself: "Could it be Schonberg?" "The waiter said he was a tall gentleman." "Yes, so is Monsolo?" "The valet says he looks like a decent man." "You're right, Rémi, and maybe it's not them both, asking him to come in." After a while, guests appeared at the door. When Bissi saw the visitor, he stood up hastily and shouted, "Ah! My God!" Remy walked out through the door of a small room very sensibly. Bixi shouted: "Mr. Chico!" The Gascon replied: "Yes, it is I, Monsieur the Count." Bixi stared at the visitor with amazed eyes, and said clearly in his eyes without the help of his mouth: "Sir, what is your business here?" Therefore, without waiting for him to ask, Xiko said in a very serious tone: "Sir, I have come today to make a small transaction with you." Bixi replied in great surprise: "Please tell me, sir." "If I have done you a great favor, what will you say about me?" Bixi replied with a look of disdain: "That depends on what kind of service you are helping, sir." The Gascons pretended not to notice Bussy's arrogance.He sat down on a chair, flung his long legs from side to side, and said: "Sir, I noticed that you did not politely ask me to sit down." Bixi's face flushed red. Xico said: "After I help you, this will be counted together with your thank you to me." Bixi didn't answer. Hiko continued to ask indifferently: "Sir, do you know what the Holy Alliance is?" Bixi began to pay attention to Xiko's words, and he replied: "I have heard people talk about it many times." Shiko said: "Then, sir, you should know that this is an organization of upright Christians, whose purpose is to kill their brothers in a religious way—the Huguenots. Sir, have you joined this organization? ...I am an ally of this organization." "Sir, what does this mean?" "You just have to answer yes or no." Bissy said: "I'm sorry, I was very surprised." "I am honored to ask you, are you a member of the Holy Alliance, have you heard what I said?" Bisi said: "Mr. Chico, I don't like people asking me questions that I don't understand the meaning of. Please change the subject. Out of courtesy, I can wait a few minutes. I want to use this time to tell you , since I don’t like asking questions, of course I don’t like people who ask questions.” "Very well, this is exactly what Mr. Monsolo said when he was in a good mood: this kind of courtesy is too ceremonial." When the Gasconians mentioned Monsolo's name, they didn't seem to have any special meaning, but it caught Bissi's attention, and he thought: "Well, did he guess something? Did he send Xiko to spy on me?..." Then Bixi said loudly: "Please note, Mr. Chico, you know we only have a few minutes to talk." Hiko said: "Very well, a few minutes is already a lot, and many things can be talked about in a few minutes. I want to tell you, in fact, I didn't have to ask you questions, because even if you are not a member of the Holy League, you Sooner or later, I will definitely join this organization, since Mr. Anru has already joined." "Monsieur Anjou! Who told you?" "'He said it to me himself,' is a phrase that lawyers often say or write, and it is appropriate here. For example, the dear Mr. Nicolas David, who is called Paris The torch of the court is often written like this, but unfortunately this torch has been blown out by someone. You know very well that if M. Anjou joins the alliance, you must join. Because you are his right and left arm, What the hell! The Holy Alliance knows very well what it means to accept as its leader a man who has no left and right arms." Bisi said, "Mr. Hiko, please go on." His tone became very polite. Xiko went on to say: "If you become an alliance member, or as long as people think you are an alliance member, and people will definitely think you are an alliance member, then you will suffer the same fate as His Royal Highness." Bixi called out, "What happened to His Royal Highness?" Xiko stood up and imitated Bixi's arrogance just now and said: "Sir, I don't like people asking questions. If you agree to let me tell the truth, I don't like people who ask questions. So I really want you to get The same happened to your master last night." Bissi smiled, and this smile included all the apologies a nobleman could express, and said, "Mr. Chico, I beg you to go on, where is Mr. Duke now?" "He's in jail." "Where is it locked?" "In his own bedroom. Four good friends of mine are watching him personally. One is Mr. Schonberger. He was dyed blue last night. You knew it, because you were from there when he was dyed." Passed: one M. Epernon, who was yellow with fright; one M. Caylus, who was flushed with anger; With the duke, who was blue with fear, it was like a rainbow in the sky, full of colors, very beautiful; only those of us who enjoy the privilege of living in the Louvre can enjoy such a spectacle." Bisi said: "So, sir, you think I'm in danger of losing my liberty?" "Dangerous? Wait a minute, sir. I don't think it's a question of whether it's dangerous or not. I believe that the person who came to arrest you at this time should be...already...on his way." Bixi was shocked all over. "Do you like the Bastille, Monsieur Bissy? It's a good place to meditate, and the warden, Mr. Laurent Testy, often prepares some delicious meals for his little pigeons." Bissie cried: "Put me in the Bastille?" To tell you the truth, I have in my pocket an order to send you to the Bastille, Monsieur Bussy.Would you like to take a look? " Xiko was wearing a pair of trousers that were wide enough to accommodate his three thighs, and there were many pockets on it. From one of the pockets, Xico really took out a well-documented imperial decree, ordering that wherever Louis M. de Clermont, lord of Bussy de Amboise, was immediately arrested. Xiko said: "This is Mr. Kailus's masterpiece, it's really well written." Bissi was moved by Xiko's behavior, and said loudly: "Then, sir, you really did me a big favor." The Gascon replied, "I believe so, sir, do you agree with me?" Bisi said: "Sir, I beg you to treat me as a noble person. If you come to save me today, do you want to kill me on other occasions in the future, because you love the king, and the king does not love me." Hiko stood up from his chair, saluted, and said, "Mr. Earl, I saved you to save you; now please think about whether my actions please you." "I beg you to tell me why I am so well-meaningly looked after?" "Have you forgotten that I asked you to thank me?" "I haven't forgotten." "Then what shall we do?" "Ah, sir, I thank you with all my heart!" "One day in the future, I will ask you to help me, are you willing to draw your sword to help?" "I swear, as long as I can do it, I will do it." Xico stood up and said, "I'm satisfied when you say that. Now, get on your horse and run away. I'll give this order to the person who was ordered to arrest you." "Aren't you the one who ordered me to be arrested?" "Bah! What do you think I am? I am a nobleman, sir." "But then I betray my master." "Don't feel guilty because he turned his back on you first." Bissi said to the Gascons: "Mr. Chico, you are really a heroic nobleman." Xiko replied: "I knew that a long time ago." Bissi yelled for fellow Alduin. To tell the truth, Remy had been hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, and he came in at the sound. Bissy yelled: "Remy! Remy! Get your horses ready!" Remi replied calmly: "The saddles for the two horses are ready." Hiko said, "Sir, this young man is very smart." Remi replied, "I already knew that." Hiko saluted him, and he saluted Hiko back.It looked exactly like what Guillaume Gran did to Gortier Galgier fifty years later. Bissi grabbed a few handfuls of ecu and put them in his and Remy's pockets. Then, he saluted Hiko, thanked him for the last time, and was ready to leave. Hiko said: "I'm sorry, sir; please allow me to watch you leave." So Xiko followed Bixi and Alduin to a small courtyard of the stables, where there were indeed two saddled horses, pulled by a small attendant, waiting for them. "Where are we going?" asked Remy, pulling the rein carelessly. Bixi looked hesitant and said, "But..." Xiko, who was watching them, looked at the two horses with expert eyes, and said, "Go to Normandy, sir, what do you think?" Bissi replied: "No, that place is too close." Hiko asked again: "How about Flanders?" "That place is too far away." Remy said: "I think you'd better make up your mind to go to Anjou. This place is not far or near, is it not, Monsieur Count?" Bixi blushed and said, "Yes, let's go to Anjou." Xiko said: "Sir, since you have chosen the location, you are about to leave..." "Let's go now." "I just wish you a safe journey; when you pray don't forget to pray for me." So the venerable nobleman went away, as solemn and majestic as he had come, smashing the corner of the house with his long sword. Remi said: "Fate is a trick, sir." Bixi shouted: "Go quickly, maybe we can still catch up with her." Fellow Alduin said, "Ah! Sir, fate is not so valuable if you do it a favor." They are gone.
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