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Chapter 8 CHAPTER VI How King Henry III Spent the Time After He Says Retirement and Before He Goes to Bed

Madame Monsolo 大仲马 5885Words 2018-03-21
After the performance of the scene which began in tragedy and ended in comedy, the sound spread outside, and spread like an echo of the Louvre Palace throughout the city of Paris.The angry king walked towards his own bedroom, followed by Shiko, and the clown asked for supper.The King said as he crossed the threshold of his chamber: "I'm not hungry." Xico said: "It's very possible, but I can't bear the hunger, and I can't wait to bite into something, even if it's a leg of lamb." The king pretended not to hear.He unbuttoned his cloak, put it on the bed, took off his cap fastened on his head with a long black pin, threw it on the easy chair, and went up the corridor leading to Saint-Luc's room, Saint Luc's room was separated from the king's room by only one wall.He said:

"Clown, wait for me here, I'll be right back." Chico said: "Don't be busy, my child, don't be busy;" He heard Henry's footsteps gradually receding, and then went on to say: "I even want you to give me a little time, so that you don't have to worry about it." It was a surprise." When the king's footsteps were no longer audible, he opened the door of the antechamber and called, "Come here!" A servant came running.He said to the servant: "The king has changed his mind. He wants to invite Saint-Luc to have a sumptuous and exquisite supper with him. He ordered that good wine must be sent. Go!"

The servant turned around to carry out Xiko's order, and he had no doubts that it was the king's order. As for Henry, as we have said, he went into Saint-Luc's apartment.Saint Luc was notified that His Majesty was about to visit, and he was already lying in bed, asking an old servant to read for him.The old servant entered the Louvre Palace with him and was imprisoned together.On a golden easy chair in the corner, the young attendant brought in by Bixi held his head in his hands and fell into a deep sleep. The king glanced at everything in the room. He asked Saint Luc anxiously: "Who is this young man?"

"Didn't His Majesty allow me to bring a young attendant when he left me in the palace?" Henry III replied: "Yes, there is such a thing." "Therefore, I did as His Majesty ordered." "oh oh!" Saint-Luc asked: "Does Your Majesty regret allowing me to entertain myself like this?" "No, my child, no, you have a good time, I have no regrets. What, are you in good health?" Saint Luc said: "Your Majesty, I am very hot." Said the King: "Indeed, you are blushing very much, my boy; let me take your pulse, for you know I know a little medicine."

St. Luc stretched out his hand, which clearly showed that he was very unhappy. The king said: "That's right! The pulse is intermittent, and the restlessness is agitated." Saint-Luc said: "Ah! Your Majesty, to be honest, I am very ill." Henry said, "Don't worry, I'll call the imperial doctor to treat you." "Thank you, Your Majesty, I hate Myron." "I will watch over you myself." "Your Majesty, I really dare not be..." "I asked someone to make me a bed in your room, Saint Luc, and we could talk all night long. I have a lot to say to you."

The frustrated Saint-Luc cried out: "Ah! You call yourself a doctor, you call yourself my friend, and you deliberately don't let me sleep. Damn! Doctor, your method of treating patients is too strange! My God! Your Majesty , the way you love a friend is so rare." "What! You are so sick, you still want to stay alone?" "Your Majesty, I have my attendants." "But he fell asleep." "I just want others to take care of me like this, at least they won't prevent me from sleeping." "Let me watch you with him, and if you wake I can talk to you."

"Your Majesty, I am very annoying when I wake up, and I often say curse words when I am not fully awake. Only people who know me very well will forgive me." "At the very least, you have to come to my bedtime interview." "Can I come back to sleep freely after the interview?" "of course can." "Very well, then. But I must assure you that I am a sad-faced courtier, and I will doze off." "Yawn any way you like." Saint-Luc said: "You are so despotic! You have many other friends, why should you choose me?" "Ah! Yes. They're in good shape. Bissie has had enough of them for me. Schonberg's thighs are blooming; Epernon cut his wrists like Spanish sleeves; Kay Luce's head still reeling from yesterday's blow and today's conciliatory hug, it's just O and Mogiron; O's killing me and Mogiron is mad at me. Forget it, wake up the big slob Servant, tell him to wait for you to put on a nightgown."

"Your Majesty, can you ask Your Majesty to avoid it for a while?" "why?" "I'm afraid of being rude in front of His Majesty." "forget it." "Your Majesty, within five minutes, I will definitely go to Your Majesty's bedroom." "Within five minutes, yes! But not more than five minutes. Do you hear me? In these five minutes, think of some nice stories for me, Saint Luc, and let us have a good time." After speaking, the king, who had obtained half of the harvest, walked out with a half-satisfied mood. As soon as the door was closed, the young attendant jumped up and jumped to the edge of the door curtain. After the footsteps disappeared, she said to Saint Luc:

"Ah! Saint-Luc, you are leaving me again. My God, what a pain! I am frightened to death here. If anyone finds out..." Saint-Luc said: "My dear Jeanne," he pointed to the old servant, "Gaspard is here, and he will protect you from any reckless person." The young woman blushed and said, "According to this, I might as well go back." Saint-Luc said with a sad face: "If you insist, Jeanne, I will have you taken back to the Montmorency mansion, because I am the only one they have forbidden to leave the palace. If your heart is as beautiful as your face, If you have any feeling for poor Saint-Luc, please wait here. I have a terrible headache, neuralgia and stomach pain, and the king will not like such a sad companion. put me back to sleep."

Jana looked down.She said: "Go, I'll wait for you; but I'll do what the king told you; don't keep me waiting." Saint-Luc said: "Jeanne, dear Jeanne, you are so lovely; please believe that I will return to you as soon as possible. Besides, I have thought of a way, and I will think about it further. When I come back I'll tell you again." "Will this method set you free?" "I wish." "Then you go." Saint-Luc said: "Gaspar, don't let anyone in. After a quarter of an hour, lock the door with the key, and take the key to the king and give it to me. Go back and tell the people in the mansion not to worry about the countess." , you come here again tomorrow."

Gaspar promised and followed suit while smiling, and the young woman blushed as she listened. Saint Luc took his wife's hand, kissed it tenderly, and then ran to Henry's room.Henry was getting impatient. Jeanne was left alone, shivering, huddled in the wide curtain hanging from the bed's curtain rod, brooding, worried and angry, thinking as she played with a blowpipe used to blow projectiles. Trying to find a way to get her out of the current embarrassing situation successfully. As soon as Saint Luc entered the king's room, a pungent and pleasant aroma from the room hit him.In fact, the floor of the room was strewn with flowers, on which Henry's feet were treading, the stems of which had been cut so as not to puncture the delicate skin of the Holy Majesty.Although it is still a severe cold season, roses, jasmine, violets, pansies, etc., still paved a soft and fragrant carpet for Henry III. The rooms have low ceilings and are decorated with many beautiful pictures.As we have said, there were two beds in the room, one of which was so wide that it took up almost a third of the room, even though its head was against the wall. The bed was hung with gold thread and silk curtains, embroidered with mythological figures, depicting the story of Thane or Senes, who is now male and then female, and this change, we may guess. Get, without the wildest imagination of the painter is unattainable.The canopy of the bed is made of silver cloth intertwined with gold threads, and patterns are woven with silk threads. Part of the canopy is luxuriously embroidered with the king's coat of arms, and this part clings to the wall to form the head of the bed. The windows were hung with the same curtains as the beds, and the settees and easy-chairs were of the same material as the beds and curtains.In the middle of the ceiling a gilt silver chandelier hung down by a gold chain, and the oil burning in it gave off a wonderful fragrance.On the right side of the bed, a gilded half-human half-beast god with horns and hoofs holds a school-shaped candelabrum in his hand, and four pink candles that emit fragrance are burning inside.These candles were about the size of large sacrificial candles, and the light they emitted, combined with the light, was enough to brighten the room very well. The King sat in his ebony and gold chair, his bare feet treading the flowers strewn across the floor; on his lap were seven or eight young spaniels, who were gently brushing their tender muzzles on his lap. Itchy hands.His hair was brushed up like a woman's, and two servants were combing it, combing his upturned mustache, and his scraggly whiskers, and curling them into scrunchies.The third servant smeared a thick layer of pink balm on the king's face, which had a special taste and an attractive fragrance. Henry closed his eyes and let them make up for him, so majestic and majestic like a Hindu Bodhisattva. The king asked: "Saint Luc, where is Saint Luc?" Saint Luc walked in.Shiko grabbed his hand and led him all the way to the king.Xiko said to the king: "Here he comes, here comes your friend Saint-Luc. Order him to wash his face, or better order him to wipe it with balm; for if you do not take this essential precaution, a trouble will happen: or Because your body is fragrant, you can smell his body; or because his body has no smell, he thinks your body is too fragrant." Xiko let go of his hands and feet on an easy chair opposite the king Sitting down, he added: "Grease and combs, I want to taste them too." Henry yelled: "Chico! Chico! Your skin is too dry, it will absorb too much balm, I don't have enough balm for me; your hair is too hard, it will break my comb .” "My skin is dry because I run around helping you control the battlefield, you ungrateful king! My hair is hard because you annoy me so much that I often rage. But if you won't put the balm on my cheeks, in other words, to adorn my appearance, that's all right, my boy, and I need say no more about the rest." Henry shrugged his shoulders, as if uninterested in his jester's joke.He said: "Please leave me alone, you talk upside down." He turned to Saint Luc and said: "What! My child, what's the matter with your headache?" Saint Luc covered his forehead with his hands and groaned. Henry went on: "Can you imagine, I saw Bussy de Amboise. Ouch! . . . " He turned to the barber and said, "Monsieur, you scald me." The barber knelt down. St. Luc trembled all over and said: "Your Majesty, have you seen Bussy de Amboise?" The King replied: "Yes. Can you imagine? Five of these fools beat him up and let him escape. I will kill them all. I say, Saint Luc, if you were there, eh?" " The young man replied, "My lord, it is probable that I am no more fortunate than my companions." "What! What did you say? I'll bet a thousand crowns that you can hit Bissi with ten swords, and Bissie can only hit you with six swords. Hell! We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if that's the case. You Chang Jianming, my child?" "Yes, Your Majesty." "I asked you, do you often practice fencing?" "When I'm well I exercise almost every day, but when I'm sick, Your Majesty, I can do nothing." "How many times have you hit me?" "We hit each other about equal times, Your Majesty." "Yes, but I'm better at the sword than Bissie. What the hell!" said Henry, turning to his barber. "Sir, you're plucking my mustache." The barber knelt down. Saint-Luc said: "Your Majesty, please tell me a good remedy for heartache." "It would be nice to have something to eat," said the king. "Ah! Your Majesty, I don't think you are right." "No mistake, I assure you." Xico said: "You're right, Valois, since I have severe heartache or stomachache right now, I don't know where the pain really is, I'm following your prescription." At this time, only a strange sound was heard, similar to the sound of monkeys frequently chewing with their jaws. The king turned his head and saw that Xiko had already finished the double supper he had sent up in the name of the king, and was now using his gums to loudly taste what was contained in a Japanese porcelain cup. Henry said: "What! What the hell, what are you doing, Mr. Chico?" Xiko replied: "Since you don't allow me to use the balm on the outside, I have to take it internally." The king swore, "Ah, the traitor!" and turned around, and the balsamic finger of his valet, by accident, was thrust into the king's mouth. Xico said solemnly: "Eat it, my child. I am not as authoritarian as you. I allow you to use it whether it is inside or outside." Henry said to his valet: "Sir, you are suffocating me." The valets knelt like barbers and barbers. Henry shouted: "Send someone to find my captain of the guard, and go find him immediately." Xiko asked, "Why do you want to find your captain of the guard?" He inserted a finger into the porcelain cup as he spoke, and then put the finger into his mouth to suck. "I want my guard captain to pierce his sword through Xiko's body. No matter how thin Xiko is, he can always make him a barbecue and feed it to my dog." Xiko stood up, tilted his hat on his head, and said: "What the hell! Use Hiko to feed the dogs, and use nobles to satisfy your four-legged beasts! Alright! Call him, my boy, call your captain of the guard, let's wait and see." After finishing speaking, Xiko pulled out his long sword, played with it, and attacked the barber, the shaving man, and the valet. His appearance was so humorous that the king couldn't help laughing.Then the king said in an angry voice: "I'm hungry now, but this hooligan has already eaten all the supper by himself." Xico said: "You are really a capricious person, Henry. I asked you to have supper just now, but you refused. Now anyway, there is still a portion of your broth left. As for me, I am not hungry anymore, I want Go to bed." At this moment Gaspard, Saint-Luc's old servant, came in to hand over the key to his master.Saint Luc said: "I'm going to bed too, because if I keep on standing, my nervous breakdown will explode in front of the king, and that would be disrespectful to the king. I'm already shaking." The king grabbed several puppies and handed them to Saint Luc, saying, "Hey, Saint Luc, take them away, take them away." Saint Luc asked, "Why take it away?" "It's to make them sleep with you; they'll take all your pain away, and you'll be cured." "Thank you, Your Majesty," said Saint-Luc, putting the puppy back in the basket, "I don't trust your prescriptions anymore." "I'll see you at midnight, Saint Luc," said the king. Saint-Luc said: "Ah! Don't come, Your Majesty, I beg you, you will wake me up from my dream. They say you will get epilepsy." When he had finished speaking, he saluted the king, and went out of the chamber, where Henry followed him with many friendly gestures, till he disappeared. Shiko had already left. The other two or three who had come to attend the king's bed also went out one by one. The king was left with only a few servants, and they put a muslin mask coated with balsam over the king's face, leaving only a few holes for the nose, eyes, and mouth.A nightcap of silver brocade pressed the mask over the forehead and ears. Then they fitted the king's arms into a short bodice of pink satin, lined with silk and cotton, which was very comfortable.Then he put gloves on the king, the leather of which was so soft that it might have been knitted.The glove is as high as the elbow, and a layer of sesame oil is smeared on the inside to make the glove elastic. It is impossible to find out the reason for such elasticity from the outside. When the mysteries of the king's make-up were over, the servants brought the broth into a golden goblet, and brought it to Henry to drink.Before Henry drank the soup, he asked someone to take another golden cup like his one, poured half of the soup, and asked someone to take it to Saint Luc to drink, and wish him a good night. At this time it was God's turn. That night, the king was very preoccupied, and he was a little careless about God.Henry read a passage from the scriptures, without even touching his consecrated rosary, had his bed, smoked with coriander, benzoin, and cinnamon, unrolled, and went to bed. When Henry was comfortably seated on his many pillows, he ordered that the scattered flowers be removed, for their scent had begun to thicken the air of the room.The windows were also opened for a few seconds to replace a carbon-laden air.Then a blazing fire of grape twigs was kindled in the marble fireplace, and after filling the whole apartment with warm heat, the fire died out as swiftly as a stream. So the valet closed all the doors, windows, door curtains, and curtains, and brought in the king's beloved big dog, whose name was Narcissus.Narcissus got on the king's bed as soon as she jumped, stepped on the bed, turned around for a while, and stretched her body horizontally at the king's feet. Finally, the servant blew out the pink candle held in the hand of the gilded half-human half-beast god, and replaced the wick of the ever-burning lamp with a smaller one to make the light darker. . The present king of France is quieter, more indolent, more inattentive than the idle monk hiding in a rich monastery, and he does not bother to think whether there is still a France. He fell asleep. The night watchmen in the corridor could see the window of Henry's room clearly from their respective posts.Half an hour later, they saw that the imperial lanterns inside the curtains had been completely extinguished, and the soft pink lights that used to hang on the glass were replaced by silver moonlight.They therefore thought that the Majesty was sleeping more and more deeply. At this time, all sounds inside and outside the room were silent, and the slightest sound of bats flying in the dark corridors of the Louvre Palace could be heard.
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