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Chapter 22 Chapter Twenty Two

bare face 西德尼·谢尔顿 6656Words 2018-03-21
From a few meters away, Jed felt DiMarco's charisma. He dominated the room, his unique personality hit Jed like a strong shock.When Anne said that her husband was handsome, she was not exaggerating. DiMarco has an ancient Roman face, like a statue, with clear outlines; black eyes, and a few silver threads shining in the black hair are very conspicuous. He is about forty-five or sixteen; tall, Athlete's body and quick movements remind people of leopards and other animals; his voice is deep and powerful, full of appeal. "Doctor, would you like something to drink?" Jed shook his head, completely taken in by him.Everyone would think that DiMarco is a 100% normal person, he is personable, chic and refined, and he is very good at entertaining guests.

There were five people in the ornately paneled study: Jed, DiMarco, Angeli, and the Vaccaro brothers, the last two of whom had broken into Jed's apartment and tried to kill him.Surrounded by them, Jed was extremely jealous when his enemies met.Now that he has fallen into the trap set by Angeli, it is really exasperating to say that he called Angeli himself. Isn't this equivalent to throwing himself into a trap?Angeli is really a Judas. DiMarco looked at Jed, his dark eyes pricking like needles. "I have heard of your name for a long time, and it is like thunder." DiMarco said.

Jed said nothing. "You come to my humble house, I have a few questions to ask." He apologized with a smile on his face. Jed knew what he was going to say next, his mind turned quickly, and he had already rushed to the front. "Dr. Stevens, what did you and my wife talk about?" Jed looked surprised on purpose. "Your wife? I don't know your wife." DiMarco shook his head disapprovingly. "In the past three weeks, she has been going to your clinic twice a week." Jed frowned, as if in thought, "I don't have a patient named DiMarco..."

At this moment DiMarco nodded. "Maybe she used an alias, maybe she used her maiden name—Black, Anne Black." Jed carefully looked surprised: "Anne Black?" The Vaccaro brothers approach Jed. "Go away," DiMarco snarled, and turned to Jed, his original kindness and humility gone. "Doctor, if you don't tell the truth and play tricks to coax me, then I want you to taste my strength." Jed looked into his eyes, believed that he could do what he said, and his life was on the line. He immediately pretended to be extremely angry and said, "Do whatever you like! Before that, I didn't know that Anne Black is your wife."

"That's possible," Angeli interjected, "he..." DiMarco interrupted Angeli: "What have you and my wife talked about in the past three weeks?" Finally got to the point. From the moment he saw the bronze wind vane on the roof, Jed's doubts seemed to be answered. Anne didn't want to harm him. Like him, she was also a victim.She married DiMarco, and only knew that he was the boss of a big company, but she didn't know his true face.Something must have happened to make her suspect that her husband was not what he appeared to be, and that he must be secretly engaged in ulterior motives.With no one to confide in, she had to turn to a psychoanalyst.

Confidentiality is fine with a stranger, but at Jade's clinic, her minimal devotion to her husband prevents her from sharing her fears. "We didn't talk about anything," Jed said calmly. "Your wife won't tell the truth." DiMarco's dark eyes stared at him, trying to detect what he was thinking. "Be clear, or don't blame me for being rude." When DiMarco learned that Annie went to Jade, he must have been very shocked. You must know that he is the leader of the black organization. What is this like?No wonder he went on a killing spree, trying to get Anne's medical records.

"She just told me that something unpleasant happened to her, but we didn't talk about it." "That little thing can be talked about in ten seconds," DiMarco said. "I've documented every minute she's been in your office. What else did she tell you? She must have told you." What kind of person am I?" "She said you were the owner of a construction company." DiMarco looked at him coldly, and Jed felt beads of sweat on his brow. "I've been reading a lot on psychoanalysis lately, doctor. The patient tells the doctor what's on his mind."

"It's part of the healing process," Jed said matter-of-factly. "Your wife hasn't told me anything. The treatment is going nowhere. I'm going to send her away." "No, you didn't intend to do that." "I don't have to do that anymore, she came to see me on Friday and said she was going to Europe." "Annie changed her mind. She doesn't want to go with me. Do you know why?" Jed looked at him and said inexplicably, "I don't know." "Because of you, my doctor." Jed's heart trembled involuntarily, and he tried his best not to let his emotions show in his voice. "I do not understand!"

"You fully understand. Anne talked to me for a long time last night. She thinks our combination is a mistake. She has no fun with me anymore, because she is devoted to you." When DiMarco said this The voice was extremely small, as if whispering under the influence of hypnotism. "I want you to say: what did you both do while she was on your treatment bed in the clinic when you were both in the clinic." Thousands of thoughts flooded into Jed's mind like a tide, and he hardened his heart, trying to get rid of it.She was indeed drawn to him, but what good did it do them both?DiMarco watched him and waited for his answer. "It's nothing, if you really read psychoanalysis or something, you'll understand that every female patient goes through the transference stage, and they sometimes think they're in love with their doctor, and that's just a transitional stage, very It will be over soon."

DiMarco listened intently, his eyes seeming to pierce Jed's heart. "How did you know she was coming into my clinic?" Jed asked, sounding casual. DiMarco stared at Jed for a while, then walked to a large table and picked up a sharp dagger-like letter opener, "My people saw her enter your building, and there is a pediatric department in this building." , OB/GYN, doctor, my people guessed that Anne was hiding from me to surprise me that she was pregnant. But my people found her walking into your clinic." He turned turned to Jed. "Yes, it was a surprise to me that Mrs. DiMarco should have disclosed my private affairs to a psychiatrist."

"I told you she didn't..." DiMarco's voice softened. "The committee has decided that I will execute her, as they have executed other rebels before." He walked around, and Jed saw him like a caged animal. "But they can't order me as they order the common people. Who am I? I'm Anthony DiMarco--the famous chief. I assure them that if Anne does tell us about us, I'll take her from the house." The guy from my wife who found out the truth is slaughtered." He raised his fists and held the letter-opening dagger in one hand. "This guy is just you, doctor." DiMarco circled Jed as he spoke.Jed couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness whenever DiMarco stepped behind him. "You're mistaken, if..." Jed began. "It's not that I'm wrong, you know who's wrong? Annie!" DiMarco looked Jed up and down, and what he said really confused Jed: "Why does she think you are better than me?" The Vaccaro brothers burst out laughing. "How old are you, Jed? What a fool, how much do you make every day at work? Thirty thousand a year? "Unable to withstand the emotional impulse, his true face was fully exposed, and he began to shout in a short, excited voice, with a hideous appearance, his delicate eyes and nose were crooked.Anne had only seen his imposing mask before, and Jed was seeing the face of a murderous paranoid under that mask. "You and that little bitch had a hot fight!" "There is nothing shameful between us." DiMarco studied him, eyes blazing with anger. "You are indifferent to her?" "As I said, she is my patient." "Well," DiMarco said finally, "you tell her." "Tell her what?" "Tell her that you don't care about her and don't care about her at all. I'll call her down and let you talk to her alone." Jed's heart was pounding, and it was a good chance to save Annie and himself. With a wave of DiMarco's hand, his men retreated into the hallway.DiMarco turned to Jed, his dark eyes staring intently.He smiled and said, "As long as she doesn't know anything, she can live, but you want to persuade her to go to Europe with me?" Jed suddenly felt his lips dry, and a triumphant smile flashed in DiMarco's eyes, Jed understood He underestimated the opponent's intentions before. The moment of destiny has come. DiMarco can't play chess, but he is good at it. He knows that as long as he holds Annie as a hostage, Jed will be helpless and helpless.No matter what Jed did, Annie was always in his hands.If she was allowed to go to Europe with DiMarco, he decided that there would be many dangers, and even her life would be in danger.He thought that DiMarco would never let Annie go easily, and even if he moved his heart, the gang brothers would not agree.When she arrived in Europe, DiMarco was even more reckless, causing a car accident without any effort, and sent her to the west without anyone noticing.But to persuade her to forego the European trip--and she had seen Jed's danger, she was a fiery woman who would stand up and speak out, and this step would have been worse--would have killed her immediately.It was really a dilemma, and it was difficult to escape. Let’s talk about Annie again. She was standing at the window of the bedroom on the second floor and looking out. She happened to see Jed and Angelie get off the car. Threatening Jade to enter the house, she woke up like a dream, and it was just a joy in vain. Annie had only seen DiMarco's true face clearly two days ago; before, she had only vaguely and vaguely suspected that a man would not do shady things, and hoped that the groundless suspicion would disappear.However, one day a few months ago, she went to see a play in Manhattan, New York. Because the actors were drunk, halfway through the second act, the curtain fell straight and ended hastily. She went home early.Anthony had previously said that there would be a business meeting at home, and that it would be over before she went home from the show, however, the meeting was still in progress when she got home.Her sudden appearance took her husband by surprise and bewilderment.After a while of shock, he closed the door of the study room. At this juncture, she heard someone shouting in the room: "I said to attack that factory tonight and clean up those bastards!" All this made Anne full of doubts and worries.Afterwards, DiMarco slandered and prevaricated.Annie only hoped that nothing would happen, so she believed her husband's explanation and did not pursue further.In the six months after marriage, he has been a gentle and considerate husband. Of course, he lost his temper occasionally, but each time he quickly controlled his emotions and returned to a calm and serene demeanor. One wave is not flat, and another wave rises again.Three weeks after coming home from a show in Manhattan and encountering that "scene", she heard a phone call by chance, and heard her husband's voice on the extension saying: "Pick up a shipment from Toronto tonight, send against that guard, he's not one of us." She hung up the phone tremblingly, her husband's voice still ringing in her ears: "Take... a shipment... deal with... the guards..." There was something ominous in the words, but they could have been legitimate jargon .Afterwards, she carefully pretended to be indifferent, trying to find out about her husband's business activities.If you don't ask, you're done, and if you ask, you will collapse. Di Marco immediately sullenly told her to take care of the house and not to interfere with his business.They had had a big quarrel, and the next night he gave her a very expensive necklace and apologized graciously. A month later, a third incident occurred. At four o'clock in the morning, Annie woke up from her sleep with a slamming door. She put on her clothes and went downstairs to check. She heard a sound in the study, as if someone was arguing. She tiptoed to the door, but didn't dare to go in. I saw Anthony talking to a few people, afraid that he would blame me for being nosy, so I quietly retreated upstairs to sleep.At breakfast the next morning she asked Anthony how he had slept. "Slept very well! I went to bed at ten and slept till dawn." So Annie felt that something was wrong, but what was it?She didn't know how serious it was, but she only knew that her husband lied to her, and there must be a reason for it, but it was a pity that she had no way of knowing it.Who do you talk to when you are full of doubts?What kind of business has to be done behind someone's back in the middle of the night?Those people seem to be mean-spirited, dubious, and not like serious people.She was terrified, but she dared not mention that night in front of Anthony. A few nights later, she went to the country club for dinner. During the dinner, someone mentioned Dr. Jed Stevens, a psychoanalyst, and really praised him, saying that he was proficient in medicine and healed heartache. "He is really amazing, he can be called a doctor of medicine, and he looks talented. It's a pity that he devoted himself to medicine, and his appearance is in vain." The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Anne secretly wrote down the name, and she came to ask for advice a week later. Meeting Jade for the first time disturbed her heart, and she felt that she was sucked into a powerful vortex and could not get out.At that time, she was so confused that she couldn't even speak. Like a schoolboy, she secretly made up her mind not to look for him again.But she still went to him later, hoping to prove that the psychological reaction when they first met was purely coincidental.In fact, the second time she saw Jed, the reaction was even stronger.She has always prided herself on being reasonable and realistic, but now she is as mesmerized and fascinated as a girl in first love.She went to Jed again and again, but she couldn't talk to him about her husband, so they had to talk about other things.After each session, Annie found herself even more drawn to this warm and sensitive stranger. She knew that going on like this was not an option, and she couldn't divorce Anthony.Sometimes she suspected a serious weakness in herself, had just been married to one man for six months, and now fell in love with another.She made up her mind not to go to Jed again; out of sight, out of mind, and perhaps slowly forgetting. However, a series of strange things happened afterwards: Hansen was assassinated, Caroline was killed, Jed was in a car accident, and Moody died tragically in the "Five Star" warehouse.She had seen the name before, remembered it on the letterhead of an invoice, and the invoice was on Anthony's desk. These events formed a great mystery in her mind.It seemed inconceivable that Anthony would be involved, yet she felt that she was living a nightmare, caught in a trap with no way out.Unable to share her fears with Jed, and afraid to talk to Anthony, she consoled herself that those doubts were unfounded, and Anthony had no idea that Jed existed in the world. Forty-eight hours ago, things had taken a turn for the worse when Anthony came into her bedroom and questioned her about Jed's appointment.At first she was outraged that her husband was watching her actions, and then the terrors that had plagued her for a long time came over her.When she saw Anthony's distorted face, she knew he was capable of anything, even murder. During the cross-examination process, she made a big mistake by being negligent for a while, letting the other party know that she had a good impression of Jed, Anthony's eyes immediately darkened, and his head kept shaking, as if he was avoiding someone's fist. It was only when she was alone that she realized that Jed was in a tiger's den and was in danger, and that she could not leave Jed alone, so she told Anthony that she did not want to go to Europe with him. Jed was here now, in this house, in danger, all because of her. The door opened, Anleni walked in and stared at her for a while. "You have a guest!" She was wearing a yellow dress, her black hair was draped over her shoulders, her face was pale and haggard, but her expression was calm.She stepped into the study, and Jed was alone in it. "Dr. Jed, hello. Anthony said you're here." Jed understood that they were playing charades, and that they were playing for others; someone was spying and eavesdropping, and he had to judge the situation and act according to circumstances.Intuitively, he knew that Anne had realized the seriousness of the situation, and was entrusting herself to him. She would cooperate with him to play whatever cards he played. He really didn't know what to do, he just wanted to save her life, even if it lasted a little longer.If Annie insisted on not going to Europe, DiMarco would kill her on the spot as soon as she said this. He didn't speak immediately, he was hesitating, and he was carefully considering his words, every word was like the bomb in his car, which was in danger of detonating at any time. "Mrs. DiMarco, your husband is morose and restless because you have changed your mind about going to Europe with him." Anne listened attentively, weighing his words. "I'm disturbed, too. I think you should go," Jed said, raising his voice. Annie watched his face, trying to read his intentions from his eyes. "What if I don't want to go, what if I go away now?" Jed couldn't help but panic. "It's absolutely impossible." How could she get out alive, "Mrs. DiMarco," he said calmly, "your husband has the illusion that you are in love with me." Her lips parted slightly, and she was about to speak when Jed hurried on: "I explained to him that it was just a normal phenomenon in the process of psychoanalytic treatment, the so-called transference stage, which every patient goes through. " She is a smart person, so she naturally understands his hints. "I understand. It was not wise to seek your doctor in the first place, and you should try to solve the problem yourself." Her eyes told him that she meant what she said, and contained deep apologies. "It's something I've been thinking over and over. Maybe it would do me good to go on holiday in Europe." Jade breathed a sigh of relief, knowing what she was up to.But he couldn't remind her of the current dangerous situation, maybe she already understood?Even if she understood the current situation, what could she do?He looked past Anne at the window of the study, and there were tall trees outside the window, these trees bordered a forest, she had told him that she used to walk far and far in this forest, maybe she knew how to get out of this forest As long as the two of them enter the woods... So he lowered his voice and called eagerly: "Annie..." "Are you finished?" Jed turned around sharply, and saw DiMarco, this guy sneaked into the house at some point, behind him were Angeli and the Vaccaro brothers. Annie said to her husband: "Finally, Dr. Stevens thinks I should go to Europe with you, and I accept his suggestion." DiMarco laughed.He looked at Jed and said, "I knew you were a trustworthy man, Doctor." He had the smug smile that only comes when a man is victorious in the end.It was as if an inconceivable magical power flowed through DiMarco's body, turning him from vicious to kind. No wonder Anne was deceived at the beginning. A perverted killer. DiMarco turned to Anne and said, "Honey, we have to leave early in the morning, let's go upstairs and pack our things." Annie couldn't make up her mind. She didn't want to leave Jed alone. "I..." She looked at Jed with a helpless look in her eyes.He nodded slightly, undetectable to others, only Anne noticed. "Okay," Anne held out her hand, "Doctor Stevens, goodbye." Jed shook her hand: "Goodbye." This farewell, the end of the world, the water is far away, the mountains are far away.Farewell, never to meet again.what else can we do? !Jed watched as she turned away, nodded to the others, and walked out of the room. DiMarco looked at her back, "She's so beautiful, isn't she?" There was a strange expression on his face, was it affection?Is it possessive?regret?Regretting what he was about to do to Annie?Or something else? "She doesn't know any of these things," Jed said. "Don't bring her in, let her go!" DeMarco suddenly changed his face, his charming and cuteness suddenly disappeared, and the room was full of hatred, which directly hit Jed. Jed looked around for the possibility of escape, of course DiMarco would not kill him in his own home.If you don't run now, when will you wait?The Vaccaro brothers stared at him like hungry tigers, and would pounce on him whenever he moved; Angeli was guarding the window, with his hands on the holster of his gun. "I'm not going to do what you say," DiMarco said gently. "You're dead—but you're going to die my way." DiMarco pushed Jed hard, and Jed staggered a few steps towards the door. The others pressed on Jed, and then entered the hall. Seeing this scene in the foyer on the landing, Annie drew back and ran into the bedroom, looked out the window, and saw those guys pushing Jed into Angeli's car. Annie grabbed the phone and dialed immediately, she was so anxious that the flow of time seemed to freeze. "Switchboard, I want the police station, there is an emergency!" Anytime later, at that time, a man's hand reached out and held down the phone, and Annie turned around with a scream.Nick was standing behind her, grinning grimly.
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