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Chapter 25 end

A man and a woman are walking on the path of the cemetery. The path is lined with towering ancient cypresses, elegant and solemn.The sun shines through the shade, casting spots of light on their faces.They walked slowly out into the scorching midday sun. Sister Teresa said, "I want to tell you once again that we are infinitely grateful for your generosity. I don't know what we would do without you." Constantine Demiris waved his hand in disapproval of what she said. "Don't say that," he said, "it's nothing, Mammy." However, Sister Teresa knew very well that without the benefactor's help, the convent would have closed down many years ago.That incident must have been an apparition of God, enabling her to return some of his kindness.She thanked the Holy Father again and again for giving the nuns a revelation and rescued Demiris' American friend from the lake on a terrible stormy night.That's right, there's something wrong with the woman's brain, like a child's.But that's okay, someone will take care of her.Mr. Demiris had asked Sister Teresa to keep the woman inside the high walls of the convent, to take her in and protect her from the outside world for the rest of her life.He was so nice, such a kind hearted man.

They came to the end of the cemetery.Here, a winding path leads to a headland jutting into the sea.A woman stood on the headland, gazing down at the calm, emerald lake below. "There she is," said Sister Teresa. "I'm going. See you later." After watching Sister Teresa walk back to the stone house, Demiris walked towards the woman standing on the headland. "Good morning," he said, softly. She turned slowly and looked at him.Her pair of eyes were dull and indifferent, and there was no recognizable expression on her face. "I have brought you something," said Constantin Demiris.

He took out a small jewelry box from his pocket and held out his hand to her.She stared blankly at the box like a child. "Take it, it's for you." Slowly, timidly, she reached out and took the jewel box.She lifted the lid, and inside—perched in a nest of cotton stuffing—was a small, very delicate bird, made of gold, with eyes set in rubies, and its wings outstretched, about to fly. posture.Demiris watched as the childlike woman took the bird out of the box and held it in her hand to enjoy.The little golden bird shone in the bright sunlight, its ruby ​​eyes glowing with vivid color, casting a tiny rainbow in the sky.She turned the little golden bird from side to side and looked at the magnificent light that flashed and danced around her head.

"I won't come to see you anymore," Demiris said. "You don't need to worry anymore. No one will hurt you now, the bad guy is dead." As he spoke, her face happened to turn towards him.For a frozen moment, he seemed to see a flash of intelligence and a happy mood in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and there was still only an empty, unconscious, dull and dazed expression.Maybe it was an illusion just now, the reflection of the little golden bird's light in her eyes. As Demiris walked out of the nunnery, she kept reminiscing about the change in her eyes.Outside the thick gates, a limousine was waiting to take him back to Athens.

(End of the book)
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