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Chapter 24 Chapter 23 Trial

Noelle Page and Larry Douglas will stand a public trial on charges of manslaughter in Courtroom 33, Asakeon Court House, Athens.Four hours before the trial began, the courthouse was packed with spectators. The Asakion Courthouse is a huge gray building that occupies an entire block between University Street and Stendhal Road.Of the thirty courtrooms in the building, only three are used for criminal trials, courtrooms 21, 30 and 33.Because Hall 33 has the largest area, this trial was chosen to be held here. The corridor outside the hall was crowded with people, and policemen in gray uniforms stood at the two entrances to maintain order.The sandwich bread stalls in the corridor were all sold out in less than five minutes.People lined up in front of the phone booth, waiting to make a call.

Police Chief Georgios Scully is personally in charge of security measures.Photojournalists were everywhere, and Scully happily asked them to take his picture.The actual price of the auditorium ticket exceeds the face value.For weeks, the Greek justice system has been overwhelmed with demands for tickets from relatives and friends.People with long arms on the inside exchange the audit tickets with others for other benefits, or sell them to ticket dealers.These ticket dealers resold it at a high price of five hundred drachmas. There was nothing special about the actual circumstances of this murder trial. Judgment Hall 33, on the second floor of the courthouse, is dilapidated, musty, and has been the stage for thousands of battles before the law over the years.The hall is about 12 meters wide and 60-70 meters long.The auditorium is divided into three rows, with a two-meter-wide aisle between each row.There are more than ten wooden benches in each row.

In the front of the trial hall, there is a high platform with three high-backed leather chairs for the judges.Behind the dais was a two-foot-high screen of gleamingly painted mahogany.The high-backed leather chair in the middle is for the presiding judge to sit on. A dirty square mirror hangs directly above this leather chair, reflecting a corner of the courtroom. In front of the platform is the witness stand, a platform slightly raised above the floor, on which is mounted a small stand for reading the relevant case files.On the pedestal there is a gilded crucifix with two disciples of Jesus next to it.On one side of the high platform where the judges are sitting, against the wall is the jury box, and all ten jurors have already taken their seats.On the opposite side of the jury box, that is, to the left of the high platform, is the dock.The defense counsel's desk is placed just in front of the dock.

The surrounding walls of the courtroom are painted with brushed cement, and the floor is covered with carpet, which is in stark contrast to the worn wooden floor in the courtroom on the first floor.A dozen or so electric lamps hung from the ceiling, all covered with spherical glass shades.In one corner of the hall, the ventilation ducts of an old-fashioned heater rose to the ceiling.An area was set up in the hall for journalists to sit.Correspondents from Reuters, United Press, Inter Press, Tass and other news agencies were already there. The atmosphere of the murder trial itself was sensational enough, but the people who came to attend and make appearances were even more remarkable.Many spectators didn't know which direction to look first, and they were so excited that they seemed to be watching a strange acrobatic performance.

On the bench in the front row sat the famous movie star Philip Sorrell.It was rumored that he was Noelle Page's former lover.Sorrell smashed a video camera pointed at him as he entered, and refused to speak a word to the news reporter.Now he sat alone in his seat, silent, as if an invisible wall had been built around him. In the row behind Sorel was Armand Gautier, the slender, sullen film director who kept looking around, as if preparing for his next film. Near Gautier sat the famous French surgeon and Resistance hero, Israel Katz. Two seats away from Israel Katz is William Fraser, Special Assistant to the President of the United States.

A seat next to Fraser was vacant, and rumors spread like wildfire through the courtroom that Constantine Demiris would also appear. ※※※ No matter which direction the spectators look, they are all familiar faces: politicians, famous singers, prestigious sculptors, famous writers all over the world... Although many of the audience participating in this public trial Celebrities, everyone's attention is still focused on the middle. At one end of the dock sat Noelle Paige, delicate and delicate, with honey-like skin a little paler than usual, and dressed as if she had just stepped out of a Chanel boutique.Noelle exudes a queenly air, her noble demeanor and posture accentuate the dramatic changes that are about to befall her, and tug at the heartstrings.A wonderful show is about to begin.

The scene and atmosphere at that time were just as reported by an American newsweekly: From the crowd who came to see Noelle Paige's trial with their own eyes, the eyes cast on her were so strong that they almost became visible in the courtroom. The obtained material exists.This look does not express sympathy, nor does it imply hostility, but just a wait-and-see mood.The woman who was to be tried for manslaughter was, so to speak, a transwoman, a goddess on a golden pedestal, high above the crowd.The purpose of people coming here is to watch this idol be pulled down, just like them.Although she seems detached, she is still a pile of dung in the end.At this moment, the mood of the people in the courtroom is exactly the same as that of the French peasants nearly two hundred years ago.The French peasants had witnessed the convoy of death row prisoners heading to the guillotine.

Noelle Paige isn't the only character in this good drama before the law.At the other end of the dock sat Larry Douglas, angry and angry.His handsome face had grown paler and thinner, but it accentuated his sculptural features.There were not a few women in the courtroom who felt a desire to embrace him, to comfort him in one way or another.Since Larry's arrest, he has received hundreds of letters from women all over the world, as well as dozens of gifts, some offering to marry him. The third character in this wonderful performance is that of Napoleon Chotes, who is as famous in Greece as Noelle Page.The public considers Napoleon Chotes to be one of the greatest criminal lawyers in the world.Among the clients who entrusted him as a defense lawyer were heads of government who were caught stealing state funds, and murderers who were caught by the police on the spot.He has never lost any major case.Chotus, a thinner man with a haggard face, sat in the courtroom, watching the onlookers with his large, mournful eyes like a hound.In court, when he spoke to the jury, he spoke slowly and hesitantly, struggling to express his thoughts.Sometimes he was so embarrassed that one of the jurors could not help coming out to help him, blurting out words that Choates had searched so hard for.On this occasion, Chotus was so relieved, and his face was filled with indescribable gratitude, that all the jurors could not help but feel good about him.Outside the courtroom, Chotus is full of energy and articulate.He is analytical and fluent in seven languages.Whenever there is time in his busy work schedule, he regularly lectures to jurists around the world.

About a meter away from Chotus, also sitting on the defense attorney's table was Frederick Stavruth, who was commissioned by Larry Douglas to defend.Experts agree that while Stavruth is more than capable of handling ordinary criminal cases, he would appear helpless in a case like today's. Noelle Page and Larry Douglas have been judged by public opinion in the newspapers.The facts of their crimes were so well established in the public mind that no one had the slightest doubt of their guilt.The professional gamblers had wagered thirty to one that Noelle would be found guilty, meaning only one in 30 believed she would be acquitted.Watching Europe's greatest criminal lawyer juggle the odds against many odds added to the allure of this public trial.

When it was announced that Chotus was Noelle Page—the woman who had the audacity to dismiss Constantine Demiris and find another outsider, and expose Demiris to public ridicule— There was an uproar when his defense lawyers.Although Chotus is talented and capable, it is still many times inferior to Constantine Demiris' Gold Dollar Kingdom.No one could fathom what prompted Chotes to confront Demiris.The real reason for this is more interesting than the unbelievable gossip.Attorney Choates acted for defendant Noelle Page at the personal request of Demiris. ※※※ Three months before the public trial, the director of St. Nicodemus Street Prison personally came to Noelle's cell and told her that Constantin Demiris had asked to see her.Before this, Noelle had been guessing when Demiris would contact her.Noelle was horrified that he had sent no message since her arrest.

Noelle had lived with Demiris long enough to know exactly how strong his ego was, and how ruthless his revenge was on anyone who slighted him.Noelle had humiliated him like no one had ever done before, and he was well within his power to exact a heinous vengeance.The only question is: what method will the ruthless Demiris take to achieve his goal?Noelle was sure that something as simple as buying a jury and trying a judge was out of Demiris' eyes, and he didn't bother to do it.He can only be satisfied with revenge by means of intrigue beyond Machiavellian complexity.Lying on the cot in the cell, unable to sleep, Noelle spent night after night thinking, putting herself in Demiris' shoes, putting herself in the shoes, devising a scheme and then overturning it in the blink of an eye up.She kept thinking hard like this, trying to find the best solution.That's what Demiris would do.It's like playing chess with Demiris, the difference is that she and Larry are small soldiers, and the bet is life and death. It was quite possible that Demiris wanted both her and Larry dead, but Noelle knew better than anyone the insidiousness of Demiris's mind, so it was also possible that he planned to have only one of them dead, and that Let another suffer alive.If Demiris had arranged for them both to be executed, of course he would have had his revenge, but it would have been over too soon, and there would be nothing left for him to savor.Noelle carefully considered every possibility, every possible outcome of this gamble.It seemed to Noelle that Constantine Demiris might let Larry die while she herself lived imprisoned for life, or under his complete control.In this case, it is the best way for him to prolong the effect of revenge indefinitely.First, Noelle will suffer for the loss of her sweetheart.Secondly, she had to silently endure all kinds of extreme spiritual distress and depression that Demiris planned for her future, which made her want to die.Noelle thought that part of the pleasure Demiris derived from achieving his revenge was to tell her his intentions in advance, so that she would have had all the experience of being in despair. With all these considerations in mind, Noelle was not surprised when the warden came to her cell and informed her of Constantine Demiris' visit. It was Noelle who arrived at the meeting place first.After the jailer brought her into the warden's private office, he saw a cosmetic box from her maid on the table, so he left her out of the room and asked her to dress up for the meeting with Demiris. Without looking at the cosmetics, comb, and hairbrush on the table, Noelle went to the window and looked out.It was the first time in three months that she had seen the outside world, save for a cursory glance as she was being taken from San Nicodemus Prison to the Asakeon Courthouse.That day was the day of her interrogation. She was taken to the court building in a prison van, escorted to the ground floor, and then the narrow cage elevator took her and the jailer who escorted her to the corridor on the second floor.The first trial was held on the second floor. After the trial, she was escorted back to the prison to await a public trial. Now, Noelle was looking out the window, gazing at the traffic and people on University Street below.Men, women, old and young, all hurried home to be reunited with their families.For the first time in her life, Noelle felt a wave of dread run through her body.She has no illusions about a verdict of innocence.She had read the newspapers and knew the seriousness of her matter far beyond the general concept of a public trial.This will become a bloody tragedy, and she and Larry will be sacrificed to satisfy the moral conscience and people's righteous indignation in society.The Greeks hated her because she dared to desecrate and insult the sanctity of marriage; envied her because she was young, beautiful, and rich; despised her because she treated their thoughts and feelings with indifference. In the past, Noelle had taken life lightly, wasting time recklessly, as if time lasted forever.But now her inner world has changed.The impending death made Noelle realize for the first time how much she wanted to be alive.The horror inside her spread like a developing cancer.She was willing to make a deal for her survival if she could, even if Demiris had a way of making her live a hell on earth.If that happens, she's ready to take it head on.At a certain point, she could always find a way to outwit him. Now, in order to survive, she needs his help.She has a favorable factor, that is, she has always held an indifferent attitude towards death, so Demiris doesn't know how much weight life has on her.If he knew that she didn't want to die, then he would definitely want her to die.Noelle wondered over and over what kind of web he had woven for her these past few months.While she was thinking about these questions, she heard the office door open, turned around, and saw Constantine Demiris standing in the doorway.After she glanced at him in surprise, she immediately understood that there was no need to be frightened. Constantin Demiris had aged ten years in the few short months since Noelle had last seen him.He had a haggard face, sunken cheeks, and baggy clothes.However, it was not his appearance that caught her attention, but his eyes.These are the eyes of a man who has experienced hardship.The substantive sense of power in Demiris' eyes before, the core that manipulated the power of life and death and ruled everything no longer existed, as if a lamp had been extinguished, leaving only a faint afterglow, which could only Evoke people's memories of the glorious past.He stood where he was, staring at her with pain in his eyes. For a moment Noelle wondered if this was a trick he was playing, part of a trick, but then she thought, there was no one in the world who could perform it so well and so realistically.It was Noelle who was the first to break the long silence. "I'm very sad, Constance," she said. Demiris nodded slowly, as if the nod was an effort. "I was going to kill you," he said wearily, in a voice that sounded exactly like an old man's. "I know everything you do." "Then why don't you kill me?" He replied softly, "Because you killed me first. I never needed anybody before. I don't think I ever really felt pain before." "Constance—" "Slow on, let me finish. I'm not a merciful man. If I could live without you, believe me, I'd kill you. But I can't live without you. I can't take it any longer. I want you back , Noelle." She tried her best to control herself and not let the true thoughts in her heart leak out: "This is beyond what I can do, is it?" "If I could set you free, would you come back to me? Never leave again?" Never leave again.Many images of characters flashed through her mind.She would never see Larry again, never touch him again.Noelle didn't have a choice, and even if she had a choice, it was better to be alive than to be dead.As long as he can survive, He Chou has no chance to stand up.She looked up at Demiris. "Okay, Constance." Demiris stared at her intently, with a very touched expression on his face.When he spoke again, his voice was hoarse. "Thank you," he said. "We leave everything in the past behind us. The past is gone and can never be changed." His voice brightened. "I'm interested in the future. I'm going to find you a lawyer." "Who?" "Napoleon Chotes." At this moment, Noelle knew with certainty that she had won the game.It's coming!And checkmate! ※※※ Now Napoleon Chotes sits at the defense attorney's long wooden table, contemplating a battle ahead.Chotus preferred that the public trial be held in Ioannina rather than in Athens, but this was impossible because under Greek law a public trial could not take place in the area where the crime had been committed.Chotus had no doubts about Noelle Page's crimes, but that didn't matter to him.Like all criminal lawyers, he considered a client's guilt or innocence to be a purely spiritual matter.Everyone has the right to a fair trial. The public trial is about to begin, but it is a bit unusual.For the first time in his career as a lawyer, Napoleon Choates had an emotional entanglement with a client: he fell in love with Noelle Page.Several days before the trial, at the request of Constantine Demiris, he went to see her in prison.Although Chotus knew Noelle Page well from the newspapers, magazines and movies, he was not at all prepared to meet her in person.She received him as a guest on a social courtesy call.Noelle looked neither nervous nor frightened.Initially Choeters thought she lacked due understanding of the magnitude and ambiguity of the problem, but it turned out that the opposite was true.Noelle was the most intelligent, most attractive, and certainly the most beautiful woman he had ever met.This Chotus, in spite of his sanctimonious appearance, was a connoisseur of women.He recognized something special about Noelle.It was a great pleasure for Chotes just to sit and talk with her.They discussed law, art, crime, and history, and her conversation never ceased to amaze him.He understood perfectly well that a woman like Noelle got involved with a man like Constantine Demiris, but her involvement with Larry Douglas baffled him.Chotes believes that she is far above Douglas. However, he also believes that there must be some kind of unexplainable mysterious process in the world, and the marriage of thousands of miles will make an unlikely pair fall in love with each other.Brilliant scientist with empty blond; great writer with goofy actress; witty politician with sloppy wife. Chotes recalls meeting Demiris.They've had a lot of contact at social events over the years, but Choatez's law firm hasn't done anything for Demiris.On that occasion, Demiris invited Chotes to his home in Vakiza.Demiris cut to the chase: "As you know, I am very concerned about the public trial of this case. Miss Paige is the only woman in my life who has really fallen in love with me." They talked for six months. For hours, every aspect of the case and various possible strategies were discussed.In the end, it was decided that Noelle's plea was not guilty.By the time Chotes stood up to leave, a deal had been struck.Napoleon Chotes, who was paid double the usual fee to defend Noelle, his firm would henceforth be the main counsel to Constantin Demiris's globe-spanning Gold Dollar kingdom , the value of this aspect is immeasurable. "I don't care how you complete the task." Demiris finally said viciously, "as long as you guarantee that there will be no problems." Chotes accepted the deal.But then, ironically, he fell in love with Noelle Page.Chotes, who has several mistresses in his address book, is still a bachelor.Now he has found a woman he wants to marry, but is out of reach. Now he watched Noelle sitting in the dock, beautiful and graceful, with a calm demeanor.She was dressed in plain black tweed and a large white blouse with a simple pattern and a high collar. She looked like a princess in a fairy tale. Noelle looked back and saw Chotus staring at her, and she smiled sweetly.He smiled at her too, but his thoughts were already on the daunting task before him. ※※※ At this time, the butler of the court asked all to be silent. All the observers stood up and watched as two judges wearing judge robes walked up to the high platform and sat down on the bench.Later, the presiding judge also came and sat in the leather chair in the middle."I declare the trial open," he said in a melodious tone. ※※※ Special prosecutor Peter Demenidis rose nervously to read the indictment to the jury.Demenides was a proficient and talented prosecutor, but he had always been the enemy of Napoleon Chotes in the past, but after a lawsuit, the result was always the same.That old bastard can never be beaten.Generally speaking, in criminal trials, almost all defense lawyers are cold-hearted about each hostile witness, but Chotus loves the witness, cares about the witness, takes care of the witness, and softens the witness.While he wasn't done with it, the witnesses contradicted themselves and even helped him.He had a knack for turning hard evidence into speculation, and speculation into wild fantasy.Chotus has a brilliant legal mind and a wide range of legal knowledge, and Demenides has never met a lawyer who exceeds him.But that's not where Chotus' strength lies.His strength lies in his understanding of people.A journalist once asked Choetus how he had come to master human nature so deeply. "I know nothing of human nature," replied Chotus. "I only know people who have to eat and dress." Later, his words were widely quoted. In addition, today's public trial in this case seems to be specially designed for Choetus, and it is very suitable for his appetite, so that he can show his skills in front of the jury.Moreover, the case itself is full of charm, passion and murder.One thing Demenides is certain of: Napoleon Chotes will stop at nothing to win his case.But why not Demenides?He knew very well in his heart that what he was dealing with was an intentional murder case with strong evidence, which was definitely not good for the defendant.Even though you, Chotus, have a great ability to confuse the jury and make them doubt the evidence, you can't fool the three judges sitting on the bench, and you can't shake them.And so, with firmness and certainty, the Special Prosecutor began to speak. ※※※ In skillful, resolutely concise language, Demenides outlines the facts of the indictment against the two defendants.According to the law, the chief juror of a ten-member jury should be a lawyer, so Demenides told the chief juror the key points related to judicial business in his speech, and the general points to the other members of the jury. members speak. "Before this public trial is over," said Demenidis, "the State Attorney can prove that these two men in the dock conspired together to brutally kill Katherine Douglas because she In the middle, hindering the plans of these two people. Catherine's only crime was loving her husband and for that reason she was killed. The two defendants were identified at the scene of the murder and only they had the motive and killing opportunity. We will clearly and unequivocally demonstrate that..." Demenides' speech was short and to the point.Next, it's time for defense attorneys to speak. ※※※ All the spectators in the courtroom focused their attention on Napoleon Chotes, seeing him clumsily gathering the documents around him, standing up and preparing to speak.He approached the jury slowly, with hesitation and slow movements, as if he were not used to his surroundings. William Fraser looked at Chotes and could not help marveling at his skill.Fraser would have been blinded by his behavior if he had not spent the evening with him at a banquet at the British embassy.Fraser clearly saw several jurors step forward in a cooperative manner to catch the words whispering from the lips of Napoleon Chotes. ※※※ "The woman on trial here now," Chotes said to the jurors, "is not being tried for manslaughter. In fact, no murder was committed. If there was a murder, I am sure, because My good colleague at the State Prosecution Service would have been more than happy to show us the body of the deceased. However, he did not, so we can only assume that there was no body. Therefore, there was no murder ’” He stopped talking, scratched his scalp, and looked down at the floor, as if remembering where he had parked.Then, nodding himself, and looking up at the jury, "No, gentlemen, that's not what this trial is about. My client is being tried in this court because she's broken another law, The unwritten law that there should be no adultery with a married man. The newspapers have revealed her guilt on this point, and the public has found her guilty. Now, the public demands that she must be punished." Chotes took a breath, took out a large white handkerchief, looked at it for a while, as if he didn't understand why the handkerchief was in his hand.He blew his nose on the handkerchief and put the handkerchief back in his pocket. "Very well. If she breaks the law, we're going to punish her, but not for murder, gentlemen. Not for a murder that didn't actually exist. Noelle Page's crime was a—" He tried cautiously. After a long pause, "—became the mistress of a certain person. This is a very important person. I can't tell you his name, but if you really want to know, you can find it on the first page of many newspapers. Find his name." Laughter burst out from the crowd, realizing the humor in the words. ※※※ August Lashaw, twisting in his seat, stared at the crowd, his little pig-like eyes blazing with rage.How dare they laugh at his Noelle!Demiris was worth nothing to her, not a penny.A woman cherishes forever in her heart only the man who gave her virginity to him.The dumpy shopkeeper from Marseilles hadn't had the chance to speak to Noelle, but it had cost him four hundred hard-won drachmas to get into the courtroom.That way, he could see his beloved Noelle every day.When she was acquitted, Lachaux went up and took her back to Marseilles.After thinking sweetly for a while, he turned his attention to the defense lawyer. ※※※ "According to the prosecutorial authorities, the two defendants sitting here, Miss Page and Mr. Laurence Douglas, murdered Mr. Douglas' wife for the purpose of getting married. Please look at them!" Chotes turned to look at Noelle Page and Larry Douglas.Every pair of eyes in the courtroom followed them. "Are they in love with each other? Possibly. But does that make them conspirators and murderers just because they love each other? No. If there are victims in this trial, that's what you're looking at. My respect to all The evidence has been reviewed very carefully, and I am convinced, as I will assure you, that these two men are innocent. Allow me to state to the jury that I do not speak for Lawrence Douglas. He has his The defender is a very capable lawyer. However, the State Prosecutor’s Office stated in the indictment that the two people sitting together here are conspirators, that is to say, they committed the murder after planning together. Therefore, If one is guilty, both are guilty. Now I tell you, both are innocent. I will not change my opinion until the facts of the crime can be shown. Sadly, there is no crime." Chotus's voice grew more and more angry: "This is pure fiction. My client has no idea, and neither do you, whether Katherine Douglas is dead or alive. How can my client know? She Never met Catherine, let alone hurt Catherine. Please imagine, there is a person you have never met, but you are accused of killing this person. Is there such a thing in the world? As for what happened to Mrs. Douglas There are various theories about the matter. Her murder was one of them, but only one of them. The more likely speculation is that under certain circumstances Catherine Douglas found that her husband and Miss Paige had a relationship. Affair, emotionally aroused—not fear, gentlemen, but agitation—so she went away. It was as simple as that, I think, and you wouldn't put an innocent woman and a Innocent man." ※※※ Larry Douglas' defense attorney Frederick Stavruth breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Choates' speech. A stone in his heart can be put down.It turned out that the constant tormenting nightmare was Noelle's acquittal and his client's conviction.Should that happen, he would be the laughing stock of the legal profession.Stavruth had been looking for some way of harnessing the power of Napoleon Chotus for his own use, and now Chotas himself had done so on his own initiative.Since Choates had just linked the two defendants, Noelle's defense became that of his own client.Winning this lawsuit would change Frederick Stavruth's entire prospects, allowing him to get everything he wanted.His heart was filled with heartfelt thanks for the old hand of the court. Stavruth noted with great satisfaction that the jury listened carefully to every word of Choetus, and seemed confused. ※※※ "Here is a woman who has no interest in material possessions," said Chotes, with admiration and admiration, "who would not hesitate to give up everything for the one she loves. No doubt, my dear friend. This is not the quality of a scheming, colluding female murderer." Chotes continued.There was a shift in the minds and feelings of the jurors, and a visible tide of sympathy, growing every moment, flowed toward Noelle Page.Slowly, the eloquent Chotes skillfully outlined the image of a beautiful, noble-minded woman.This woman is the mistress of one of the richest and most powerful people in the world. She can enjoy all the luxury and wealth bestowed on her, but she loves above all and is ready to sacrifice all wealth and glory to marry a woman she has just met and has no money. Penny young pilots combine. Chotus plucked the thoughts and emotions of the jurors like a master musician, made them laugh, poured tears into their eyes, and kept them listening intently.They were happy for a while, sad for a while, and they all changed with the change of his topic. After finishing his speech, Chotus shuffled awkwardly back to the long table and sat down awkwardly. The people listening couldn't help bursting into bursts of warm applause, which lasted for a long time. ※※※ Larry Douglas sat in the dock, listening to Choates' defense of him, burning with rage.He doesn't need anyone to defend him.He had done nothing wrong, the whole trial had been a stupid mistake, and if there was anything to blame it was Noelle's fault.It was all her idea.Larry looked at her, and she sat beside her quietly, beautiful, elegant, and collected.At this moment, he didn't have the slightest evil thoughts, he just wondered how he could obey this woman in disregard of the law.Larry's eyes flicked to the press box.A beautiful female reporter in her twenties was staring at him.He smiled at her and saw her face light up too. ※※※ Peter Demenidis examines a witness. "Please tell this court your name." "Alexis Minos." "Your Job?" "I'm a lawyer." “迈诺斯先生,请你看看坐在被告席里的两位被告,然后告诉本法庭你以前见过其中一个没有?” “是的,见过的,先生。见过两人中的一个。” "which one?" “那个男的。” “劳伦斯·道格拉斯先生吗?” "Not bad." “那么请你告诉我们,你在什么情况下见过道格拉斯先生的?” “六个月以前他到我办公室来过。” “他来找你是为了咨询有关业务问题吗?” "yes." “换句话说,他要求你提供某种法律上的服务?” "yes." “那么请你告诉我们,他要求你为他做的是什么事情?” “他要求我为他办离婚手续。” “后来他有没有聘请你办这件事?” “没有。他把情况对我说清楚后,我告诉他,像他那种情况在希腊是离不了婚的。” “他说的情况是什么?” “首先,他说离婚不能公开,不登报。其次,他说他妻子不同意离婚。” “换句话说,他要求他的妻子同他离婚,但是他妻子拒绝了?” “他就是这样跟我说的。” “你向他解释了,说你帮不了他一点忙?如果他妻子坚持自己的立场,不同意离婚,那他要离婚是非常困难的,或者说是不可能的,并且,不登报也是非常不合适的,是吗?” “完全是这样。” “所以,如果不采取极端措施,那个男的被告就没有什么能——” “有异议!”乔特斯在座位上大声说。 “准予异议。”审判长说。 “请向证人发问。”德莫尼迪斯说。 ※※※ 拿破仑·乔特斯发出一声叹息从椅子上站起身来,慢慢地走到证人跟前。彼得·德莫尼迪斯并不担心。迈诺斯是当律师的,诉讼经验丰富,不会为乔特斯的狡辩所迷惑。 “你是一位律师,迈诺斯先生?” "yes." “而且是一位有才干的律师,这一点我可以肯定。在我们共同的职业道路上,我们过去未能有所接触,真是相见恨晚。我工作的那个事务所受理许多方面的法律问题。也许你在某一法人诉讼中碰见过我的合伙律师?” “没有。我不从事法人诉讼。” “请原谅。也许在某一税务案件中,是吗?” “不。我不是税务律师。” “噢。”乔特斯好像陷入了困境,神态显得很不安的样子,似乎意识到自己出丑了。 “那么,是保险业方面的?” “也不是。”迈诺斯看到被告的辩护律师在大庭广众下蒙受耻辱,不禁暗暗得意起来,脸上露出了沾沾自喜的神色。 这时,彼得·德莫尼迪斯倒担忧起来了。他已经许多次看见过证人脸上的这种神色,到后来这些证人都被拿破仑·乔特斯送去给宰了! 乔特斯搔搔头皮,仿佛给挫败了。“我认输,”他坦率地说,“那么你擅长哪一方面的法律问题?” “离婚案件。”这一回答像有倒钩的箭,被嗖地射了出来。 乔特斯的面容上流露出悔恨的神情,并且摇了摇头:“真遗憾,我没有早知道我的好朋友德莫尼迪斯先生请了一位专家在这里。” “谢谢你,先生。过奖了。”此刻,亚历克西斯·迈诺斯已经不再掩藏得意的神色了。在法庭上,只有偶尔有证人会得到机会占乔特斯的便宜。迈诺斯这时在脑海里已经在把这事添加细节,准备当天晚上到俱乐部渲染一番。 “我从来也没有受理过离婚案件,”乔特斯吐露真情说,语句中夹杂着窘迫的味儿,“所以我得听从你的专业意见。” 这个包打官司的律师完全投降了。这比迈诺斯预见的结果更为令人满意,他仿佛看到自己成了当晚俱乐部的英雄了。 “我敢打赌,你工作一定很忙。”乔特斯说。 “我手头的案件多得很,勉强才能处理得了。” “案件多得很,勉强才能处理得了!”在拿破仑·乔特斯的语气中流露着明显的钦佩和羡慕。 “有时候离婚案件还要多,恨不得一天二十四小时都能工作。” 彼得·德莫尼迪斯低着头看地板,不敢目睹正在发生的事情。 乔特斯怯生生地说:“我不想打听你私人的业务情况,迈诺斯先生,不过,由于职业上的好奇心,能否请你说一说每年找上门来的人有多少?” “嗯,这很难说。” “说吧,迈诺斯先生。不必客气。大致上有多少?” “噢,我估计有二百个。这是个大约数目,你不要搞错。” “每年二百起离婚案,光是案卷工作就够你受的了。” “嗯,实际上没有二百起离婚案。” 乔特斯摸摸下巴,显得困惑不解:“什么?” “二百起并不都是真的离婚案。” 疑惑的神态出现在乔特斯的脸上:“难道你刚才不是说你只受理离婚案件吗?” “是只受理离婚案件,不过——”迈诺斯的声音颤抖了。 “不过什么?”乔特斯问道,似乎给弄糊涂了。 “嗯,我的意思是说,来找我的人并不都是想离婚就能离得了。” “可是,他们不就是为了要离婚才来找你的吗?” “是的,然而他们中有的人——唉——由于这样那样的原因,后来改变了想法。” 乔特斯点点头,突然有所领悟:“啊!你的意思是说他们有的和解了,或者诸如此类的事?” “完全正确。”迈诺斯说。 “那么,你是说那个——什么来着?——大约百分之十的人不想自找麻烦去离婚了。” 迈诺斯在椅子里不安地移动了一下:“这个百分比比你说的要高一些。” “那有多少?百分之十五?二十?” “接近百分之四十。” 拿破仑·乔特斯惊异地望着他:“迈诺斯先生,你是不是在对我们说,来找你的人中间大约有一半决定不离婚了?” "yes." 细小的汗珠从迈诺斯前额上冒了出来。他转身看彼得·德莫尼迪斯,但德莫尼迪斯正故意地把注意力集中在地板上的一条裂缝上。 “唉,我肯定这并不是由于你对自己的能力缺乏把握吧?”乔特斯说。 “当然不是。”迈诺斯被动了,采取了守势,“他们常常因为一时愚蠢的冲动来找我。丈夫和妻子发生了口角,吵了架,觉得彼此合不来,没有共同的基础,认为离婚才是办法。但是,你一本正经把它当作一件事对待时,在大多数离婚案中他们又改变了主意。” 他突然停住了,因为他充分意识到他的话在目前这次公开审判中的重要性。 “谢谢你。”乔特斯客气地说,“你帮了一个大忙。” ※※※ 彼得·德莫尼迪斯正在讯问一个证人。 “请把你的名字告诉本庭。” “卡斯泰,艾琳·卡斯泰。” “结了婚没有?” “结婚了。现在我是寡妇。” “你的职业是什么,卡斯泰太太?” “做女管家。” “你在哪儿工作?” “在拉菲那的一个有钱人家里。” “拉菲那是海边的一个村庄,是不是?在雅典北面100公里的地方?” "yes." “请你看看坐在桌边的那两个被告人。以前你见过他们没有?” “肯定见过。见过多次了。” “你能不能告诉我们是在什么情况下见到他们的?” “他们住在我工作的那个别墅的隔壁房子里。我看见他们在海滩上,常常看到。他们一丝不挂的。” 人群中发出了叹气声和嘘嘘声,有的在窃窃私语。 彼得·德莫尼迪斯向乔特斯扫了一眼,看他是不是有要提异议的动静,但那个诉讼老手纹丝不动坐在桌旁,脸上堆着隐隐约约的微笑。那种笑的样子使德莫尼迪斯感到比以往任何时候更加心神不安。他转过脸又问证人:“你肯定他们就是你看到的那两个人吗?要知道,你是立了誓的。” “就是他们俩,错不了。” “他们一起在海滩上的时候,看上去很要好吗?” “喔,他们的举动不像是同胞兄妹。” 人群中发出了一阵笑声。 “谢谢你,卡斯泰太太。”德莫尼迪斯说完后,转向乔特斯,“请向证人发问。” 拿破仑·乔特斯点点头,一副和气相。他站起身来,从容轻松地走向这个坐在证人席里的看样子难对付的女人。 “你在那个别墅里工作了多长时间了,卡斯泰太太?” "Seven years." “七年!想来你工作一定干得很好。” “当然我要好好干。” “也许你可以给我推荐一个忠诚老实的女管家。我正在考虑到拉菲那海滩附近买一座房子。我的要求是,我需要幽静,那样我工作起来就可不受打扰。据我所知,那些别墅,鳞次栉比都挤在一起。” “噢,不,先生。每座别墅都给又高又大的墙隔了开来。” “是吗,那很好。那些房子不是一个挨一个紧靠在一起的吧?” “是的,先生,根本不靠在一起。那些别墅每一幢之间至少有100码的距离。我知道有一座别墅要出售。你要的隐密僻静都有,我可以介绍我的妹妹来给你管理家务。她做人老实,衣着整洁,还能做点饭菜。” “噢,谢谢你,卡斯泰太太,太好了。是不是今天下午我可以见见她?” “她白天有点工作,晚上六点钟回家。” "what time is it now?" “我不戴表。” “喔。那边墙上有座大钟。钟上是几点了?” “嗯,虽然从这里看过去顺顺当当,但钟面上的字看不太清楚。” “你看这里离开钟有多远?” “大约——呃——50英尺。” “23英尺,卡斯泰太太。没有问题了。” ※※※ 公开审判已到第五天了。 伊舍利尔·凯兹医生那一条断腿又使他疼痛难忍了。凯兹在手术台旁的时候,可以一连几个小时靠假腿支撑不会有一点儿麻烦。但坐在这里,没有紧张的工作来分散他的注意力,所以神经细胞不断地把往事的回忆信息传到肢体的残端。凯兹在座位上不安地移动着,一下又一下,想减轻些压在臀部的压力。 自从他到达雅典以后,每天都想争取见见诺艾丽,但至今没有达到目的。他向拿破仑·乔特斯说过自己的要求,可是她的这个辩护律师解释说,诺艾丽情绪不佳,不能接见老朋友,最好等审判结束后再见她。 伊舍利尔·凯兹要求他转告诺艾丽,他已到雅典,随时准备尽他所能助她一臂之力。但是,凯兹不敢肯定,她收到了这个口信没有。 他一天接一天地坐在法庭上,希望诺艾丽会朝他坐的方向看看,然而她根本就不向旁听的人瞧一眼。 伊舍利尔·凯兹受过她救命之恩,找不到机会来报答使他十分苦恼。公开审判会怎样发展下去,诺艾丽是会被定罪还是宣判无罪,他一点也不清楚。乔特斯很有才干。如果说世上有人能使诺艾丽获得自由,那就是他了。 然而,不知道什么缘故,伊舍利尔·凯兹内心充满了忧虑。审判还远没有结束,前面仍有发生意外情况的可能。 ※※※ 由起诉一方申请而到庭的一个新的证人在接受宣誓。 "your name?" “克里斯琴·巴贝。” “巴贝先生,你是法国公民,是吗?” "yes." “你的住所在哪里?” “在巴黎。” “请告诉本庭你的职业是什么?” “我是一家私人人事征询所的业主。” “这家人事征询所设在哪里?” “总办事处在巴黎。” “你们受理哪些工作?” “有许多种……商业上的偷窃、下落不明的人,还有为妒忌猜疑的丈夫或妻子监视对方……” “巴贝先生,能否请你在这个审判厅内四下看看,告诉我们这里有没有人曾经是你的顾客?” 巴贝的目光在审判厅里扫来扫去,看了好长一阵。 "Yes, sir." “请你告诉本庭这个人是谁?” “坐在那儿的那位女士。诺艾丽·佩琪小姐。” 旁听者们交头接耳,感兴趣地纷纷议论着。 “你是不是告诉我们,佩琪小姐雇用你为她做某种调查工作?” "Yes, sir." “请你具体地告诉我们,这一工作的内容是什么?” “好,先生。她对一个名字叫拉里·道格拉斯的人很关切。她要我探出我所能探到的关于他的一切情况。” “这个人是否就是在本审判厅内受审的拉里·道格拉斯?” "Yes, sir." “为了这件工作,佩琪小姐支付给你一切费用?” "Yes, sir." “请你看一下我手中的这些东西,都是支付给你的费用的证据吗?” "right." “请告诉我们,巴贝先生,你是怎样获得有关道格拉斯先生的一切情况的?” “这工作不容易,先生。要知道,当时我是在法国,道格拉斯先生在英国,后来又到了美国,而法国又被德国人占领——” “请你说清楚一些。” “我说的是,法国被占领在——” “且慢。我要明确一下:你所说的我理解上没问题,巴贝先生。佩琪小姐的辩护人告诉我们,她和拉里·道格拉斯是在短短几个月前才认识的,认识后就彼此热恋着。现在,我向本法庭说,他们的爱情早就有了——几年以前开始的?” “至少六年以前。” 举座哗然,审判厅内一片混乱声。 德莫尼迪斯向乔特斯投以得胜的一瞥:“请向证人发问。” 拿破仑·乔特斯揉揉眼睛,从长桌子旁站起来,走到证人席前。 “我不想多耽搁你,巴贝先生。我知道你急于要回法国去,回家去。” “你可以慢慢问,先生。”巴贝自命不凡。 “谢谢。巴贝先生,请允许我先谈一个与案件无关的事。你穿的一套衣服显然做工很讲究。” "Thank you, sir." “在巴黎做的,是吗?” "Not bad, sir." “非常合身。而我在衣着问题上运气总是不好。你有没有请英国裁缝做过衣服?据说他们的技艺也很好。” "No, sir." “我有把握说,你曾经到过英国多次?” “嗯——没有。” “从来没去过?” "Yes, sir." “你有没有去过美国?” “没有去过。” “从来没去过?” "Yes, sir." “那你有没有游历过南太平洋诸岛屿?” "No, sir." “这么说,你真是一个富于幻想的侦探,巴贝先生。我该向你致敬。你的这些报告都是关于拉里·道格拉斯在英国、美国和南太平洋诸岛屿的活动,而你刚才跟我们讲你根本没有到这些地方去过。所以,我只能认为你是超乎自然的。” “请允许我对你的假定作一些修正,先生。我并没有必要要亲自到这些地方中的任何一个地方去。在英国和美国我们雇用通讯代理人。” “啊,请原谅我的愚蠢。当然喽!照这样说,实际上是那些人探得道格拉斯先生的活动情况的?” "Not bad." “那么,事实是,你本人并没有直接掌握拉里·道格拉斯的一切活动和变化。” “嗯……可以这么说,先生。” “实际上,你的一切情报全是第二手的。” “我认为……在某种意义上来看,可以这么说。” 乔特斯转向审判员席:“我提议把这个证人的证词全部勾销,阁下,理由是他的证词都是传闻。” 彼得·德莫尼迪斯跳了出来:“我有异议,阁下!诺艾丽·佩琪雇用了巴贝先生调查拉里·道格拉斯的情况,不能说是传闻——” “我这位学识渊博的同行把调查报告作为证据递交了出来。”乔特斯温文尔雅地说,“如果他准备把具体执行监视道格拉斯先生的人带到庭上来,我是非常乐意把这些调查报告作为证据接受下来的。否则的话,我得请求庭上认为根本不存在这种监视,并且不接受这一证人的证词。” 审判长对德莫尼迪斯说:“你是否准备把证人带来?” “这是不可能的,”彼得·德莫尼迪斯气急败坏、唾沫飞溅地说,“乔特斯先生也知道,要把他们找到得花几个星期!” 审判长转向乔特斯:“同意你的提议。” ※※※ 彼得·德莫尼迪斯又在讯问一个证人。“请说出你的名字。” “乔治·穆松。” "What's your job?" “我是爱奥阿尼那王宫饭店服务台的职员。” “请你看看那里坐在桌旁的两位被告。你以前见过他们没有?” “那个男的,我见过。今年八月份他在王宫饭店住过。” “该是劳伦斯·道格拉斯先生吧?” "Yes, sir." “他到饭店办理住宿登记时是一个人吗?” “不是一个人,先生。” “请你告诉我们他同谁在一起。” “他的妻子。” “凯瑟琳·道格拉斯吗?” "Yes, sir." “他们登记的名字是道格拉斯先生和道格拉斯太太吗?” "Yes, sir." “你同道格拉斯先生谈论过佩拉马洞吗?” “是的,先生,我们谈论过。” “是你先提到那岩洞的还是道格拉斯先生先提到的?” “根据我的记忆,是他先提出的。他问我关于那洞的情况,还说妻子缠着他,要他带她到那洞里去。她喜欢游洞穴。我觉得情况有点不正常。” “噢?为什么不正常?” “嗯,妇女对探险和诸如此类的事不感兴趣。” “你无论在什么时候都没有同道格拉斯太太谈过佩拉马洞,是吗?” “是的,先生。只跟道格拉斯先生谈过。” “你向他说了什么?” “嗯,我记得跟他说过,那洞有危险。” “有没有讲起过向导的事?” 王宫饭店的职员点点头:“有的。我清清楚楚记得我建议他雇一个向导。凡是住在我们饭店的旅客,去游佩拉马洞时,我都向他们介绍一个向导。” “没有问题了。请你向证人发问,乔特斯先生。” ※※※ “你在旅馆业工作有多少年了,穆松先生?”乔特斯问。 “二十多年了。” “在此以前你是精神病医生?” “我?不,不是,先生。” “也许是一个心理学家?” “也不是,先生。” “噢。那么说你不是研究妇女性情脾气的专家?” “我虽然不是精神病医生,但是在旅馆业干长了,可以掌握不少妇女的特点。” “你知道奥莎·约翰逊是谁吗?” “奥莎——?不知道。” “她是全世界有名的女探险家。你有没有听说过?” "No, sir." "?" "No, sir." “你结婚了吗?穆松先生?” “现在没有。不过我结过三次婚,所以我可以说是妇女专家。” “正好相反,穆松先生。我认为,倘若你真的是妇女专家,你会处理好婚姻的。没有问题了。” ※※※ “请说出你的名字。” “克里斯托弗·科赛伊奈斯。” "What's your job?" “我是佩拉马洞的一名向导。” “你在那洞当向导有多长时间了?” "ten years." "Is business good?" “非常好。每年有五六千名游客来游佩拉马洞。” “请你看看坐在被告庭里的那个男的。你以前见过道格拉斯先生吗?” “见过,先生。八月份他到洞里来玩过。” "Are you sure?" "affim." “那好,这就使得我们都弄不明白了,科赛伊奈斯先生。在数千名到洞里来观光的人中间,你能记得某一个人。” “我不见得会忘了他的。” “那为什么,科赛伊奈斯先生?” “首先,他不要雇向导。” “到洞里来游览的人是不是都雇向导?” “德国人和法国人有的太吝啬,但美国人都雇向导。” There was a burst of laughter. “我明白了。你所以能记得道格拉斯先生是不是还有别的原因?” “当然有。要是仅仅为了导游的事,我也不会特别记得他。他说不要向导的时候,跟他在一起的那个女的看上去有点儿为难。后来,大约隔了一个小时,我看见他匆匆忙忙从洞口走出来,只有一个人,神态非常慌张。我估计可能那女的碰到了意外,或别的什么事,我就走上去问,那女士是不是没有出问题。他盯着我看,表情有点古怪。他说:'什么女士?'我说:'就是你带进洞去的女士。'这时,他脸上刷地白了,我还以为他要揍我了。随后,他开始大声叫喊:'我同她走散了,找不到她了。我需要协助。'就那样,他像疯了一样,大叫大喊。” “那是你问他那走失的女的在什么地方后他才要求协助寻找?” "Exactly." "What about the future?" “嗯,我组织了另外几个向导,一起搜索了。不知哪个该死的家伙把新开辟区写有'危险'的牌子移走了。那地方对公众是不开放的。大约隔了三个小时,我们终于在那地方找到了她。她身上一塌糊涂,衣服破了,血迹斑斑。” “最后一个问题,你要好好回答,道格拉斯先生一走出洞口时,他有没有四面张望找人帮忙?或者说,你是不是觉得他自顾走了?” “他是自顾走了。” “请你向证人发问。” ※※※ 拿破仑·乔特斯的声音听上去很温柔:“科赛伊奈斯先生,你是精神病医生吗?” “不,先生。我是向导。” “你也不是通灵的人吧?” “当然不是,先生。” “我所以问这个问题,是因为在上个星期里我们碰到了精通妇女心理学的饭店职员,还碰到了近视的见证人。现在,你跟我们说,有一个人因为看样子心神不安,就引起了你的注意,你把他内心看透了,知道他在想什么。当你走到他跟前同他讲话时,你怎么会知道他不是在找人帮忙?” “他看上去不像。” “你居然能把他的神态和举动记得那么清楚?” "Not bad." “显然你的记忆力是强得惊人。我请你在这个审判厅内四周看看,这里有没有在今天以前你见过的人?” “那个被告。” “好,除了他,还有别人吗?别急,仔细看。” "there is none left." “如果你见过,你记得住的喽?” "no problem." “那在今天以前你见过我没有?” "No, sir." “请你看看这张东西。你能告诉我这是什么吗?” “一张票。” “什么票?” “佩拉马洞的游览券。” “券上的日期?” “星期一。三个星期以前的。” “是的。这张游览券是我买了到洞内去游览的,科赛伊奈斯先生。跟我一起去的还有另外五个人,你是我们的向导。没有别的问题了。” ※※※ "What's your job?" “我是爱奥阿尼那王宫饭店的服务员。” “请你看着坐在被告席里的那个女的,你以前见过她没有?” “见过,先生。在电影里。” “在今天以前你有没有当面见过她?” “是的,先生。她到饭店来过,问我道格拉斯先生住哪一个房间。我跟她说,最好去问服务台。她说,她不想去打扰他们。所以,我把道格拉斯先生住的小平房的房号告诉了她。” “这一件事发生在什么时候?” “八月一日。就是刮米尔蒂密的日子。” “你能肯定坐在被告席里的就是那个女人吗?” “我怎么会忘了她?她给了我二百德拉克马的小费。” ※※※ 公开审判已经进行到第四个星期了。 大家都一致认为,拿破仑·乔特斯进行了他们从未见过的最出色的辩护。但是,即使如此,法网却越编越紧了。 起诉人彼得·德莫尼迪斯经过与辩护人一番辩论和对证人进行调查、了解后,案情逐步明朗了。有两个恋人,急于一起过日子,急于要结婚,而凯瑟琳·道格拉斯绊住了他们的手脚。慢慢地,一天接一天地,德莫尼迪斯详细揭露了他们阴谋杀害凯瑟琳的过程。 拉里·道格拉斯的辩护律师弗雷德里克·斯塔夫鲁思原先高高兴兴地放弃自己的辩护职责,固守阵地,把命运寄托在拿破仑·乔特斯身上。但是,现在甚至连斯塔夫鲁思也开始觉得,除非出现奇迹,诺艾丽难逃法网。 斯塔夫鲁思凝视着人头济济的审判厅内一张空着的座位,捉摸不透康斯坦丁·德米里斯是否真的要露面。如果诺艾丽·佩琪定了罪,判了刑,这个希腊的企业界巨头很可能不会到场,这是因为诺艾丽被定罪就意味着他被击败了。另一方面,如果这个企业巨头知道诺艾丽会被宣判无罪,那他很有可能会出来。一张空着的座位变成了审判朝哪个方向发展的象征。 ※※※ 星期五下午,案情发生了爆炸性的变化。 “请说出你的姓名。” “卡佐米迪斯医生。约翰·卡佐米迪斯。”
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