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Chapter 22 Chapter 21 Noelle and Catherine

The next morning Larry went into town to see the morning market.He said he would go first and that Catherine would come later, but she hesitated and said she wanted to sleep longer. As soon as Larry left, Catherine got up, dressed hastily, and went to the hotel gym, which she had secretly inspected the day before.A female trainer—asks her to undress, then critically examines her body. "You've been very lazy these past few years, very lazy." She kept scolding Catherine. "You're in good shape. If you work hard—if the situation allows—you can regain your former graceful shape."

"I will try," Catherine said, "and see what God has made of me." Under the careful guidance of the Amazonian female warrior, Catherine was exhausted every day, suffering from body contouring massages, strict adherence to specific diets and intense physical exercise. She kept all this from Larry, but by the evening of the fourth day the change in her was obvious enough for Larry to notice.He commented: "The climate of the place suits you quite well. You seem to be another young woman." "I'm just a different young woman," replied Catherine, feeling suddenly shy.

※※※ Catherine went to church on Sunday morning.She had never seen a Greek Orthodox Mass. In a town as small as Ioannina, she estimated there was only a small country church.But what astonished her was the size of the church in the town, richly decorated, with exquisite carvings on the walls and ceiling, and a marble floor.There are eleven or twelve huge silver candle holders in front of the altar, and there are murals telling the story of the "Bible" on the walls around the church.The priest was rather thin, with a black beard that made his whole face swarthy.He was dressed in a finely crafted gold silk red robe and a tall black hat, standing majestically on the high platform.

There are wooden benches against the wall, and a row of wooden chairs beside the benches.Men attending Mass sit at the front of the church, women at the back.Maybe men go to heaven earlier than women, Catherine thought. The chanting of the hymns begins, and is sung in Greek.The pastor stepped down from the high platform and walked towards the altar.The red curtain was parted, and behind him sat an archbishop wearing several sets of robes, with gray hair and fluttering silver beard.On the table in front of him, there is a symbolic diamond hat and a gold cross.The old man lit three bundled candles, representing—Catherine reckoned—the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and he handed the candles to the priest.

Mass was celebrated for an hour, and Catherine sat, taking in the sights and sounds, and feeling lucky.So she bowed her head and said a prayer of thanksgiving. The next morning Catherine and Larry had breakfast on the veranda of the bungalow overlooking Lake Pampouldes.The weather couldn't have been better.The sun is warm and the breeze is blowing.Breakfast was brought by a young smiling waiter.Catherine was in her nightgown, and when the waiter came in, Larry put his arms around Catherine and kissed the nape of her neck. "Last night was great," Larry whispered. The waiter secretly smiled and tiptoed out.

Catherine was a little embarrassed.Larry's behavior was uncharacteristic. He had never hugged and kissed in front of strangers before.Catherine thought, he has really changed.Whenever the maids came to make the bedding and the boys to sweep, Larry put his arm around Catherine's waist, as if he wanted the world to know that he was deeply in love with her.This struck a deep chord in Catherine's heart. "I have a big plan for today," Larry said.He pointed to the east with his finger, where a majestic mountain peak pierced into the blue sky. "We are going to climb Mount Everest today."

"I have a habit," Catherine claimed, "that I don't try hard climbing." "Go, they say, the view from the top is marvelous." Catherine listened to Larry very seriously.She glanced at the mountain again, which seemed to be rising straight and steeply. "I'm no good at climbing mountains, my dear," she said. "It's an easy hike, and there are roads along the way." He hesitated, and then said, "If you don't want to go with me, I can go by myself." There was great disappointment in his voice. It would have been easy to say no, it would have been nice just to sit on the verandah and take in the view, but now it was Larry who wanted her to go.That was enough for Catherine.

"Okay, go ahead. I'll see if I can find a mountain hat," she said. Immediately, the unhappiness on Larry's face disappeared, and Catherine was very happy because she finally decided to go.Also, maybe climbing is fun. They drove the car to a meadow on the edge of the town, where the mountain road started.They parked their car and saw a small food kiosk on the side of the road.Larry bought some sandwiches, fruit, lollipops and a large kettle of coffee. "If the view from the top of the hill is nice," he said to the kiosk owner, "the bride and I will spend the night on it." He hugged Catherine tightly, and the kiosk owner smiled.

※※※ Catherine and Larry walked to the start of the trail.There are actually two mountain roads that go in opposite directions to each other.Catherine had to admit that climbing the mountain seemed easy.The path on the mountain is fairly wide and the slope is not too steep.However, when she looked up at the top of the mountain, her face was so hideous that it was daunting.Maybe they won't be able to climb that high; wouldn't it be nice to climb a little bit and have a picnic? "This way," Larry said.He led Catherine down the path to the left. The Greek kiosk owner watched them with great concern as they began their upward climb.Do you want to catch up and tell them that you are going the wrong way?The mountain road they are going to climb now is very dangerous, and only professional mountain climbers take it from the left.At this time, several customers came to the kiosk to buy something. The boss was busy greeting the customers and forgot about the two Americans.

They walked up in the sun for a while, and it was a little hot, but the wind blowing cooler as they climbed higher.The sun and the cool wind were a good combination, Catherine thought.The weather is fine today, and she is with her sweetheart again, so she is in a very happy mood.Catherine stopped and walked, looked down, and was surprised to see how high she had climbed.The air—perhaps psychologically—seemed to be thinner, and it was harder to breathe.At this time, the road became narrow, and the two of them could not walk side by side, so she had to follow Larry and climb up step by step.She didn't know when she could stop climbing and rest and eat.

Larry realized that Catherine had been left behind for some distance, and stopped to wait for her. "I can't keep up with you," gasped Catherine. "The height of the mountain has an effect on me." She looked down. "I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to go down the mountain." "No, it won't," Larry replied.He began to walk up the narrow mountain road again. Catherine looked at his back, sighed helplessly, and followed him tenaciously. "I'd just marry a chess player," she called after him, but Larry didn't answer. The path on the mountain suddenly turned a sharp turn, and a small wooden bridge appeared in front of Larry. A rope was pulled over the bridge as a handrail, and a deep valley lay below the bridge.This place happened to be the wind again, the small wooden bridge was always wobbling, it looked very weak, and I am afraid that it could not bear the weight of one person. Larry put a foot on a rotten plank of the bridge, which sagged under his weight and finally stopped.He looked down. The valley was about a thousand feet deep.Larry shook himself, took courage, took a step at a time, and started to cross the bridge.He heard Catherine calling after him, "Larry!" He turned and saw that she had also come to the bridge. "Let's not cross the bridge! How about it?" asked Catherine. "The bridge is not strong enough for a cat!" "Go, unless you can fly." "It doesn't look solid." "People walk on the bridge every day." Larry walked on, leaving Catherine on the other side of the bridge. Catherine had to go up the bridge too.The bridge began to shake.She looked into the ravine and couldn't help being frightened.This is no longer a joke, but a dangerous move.Catherine looked ahead. Larry was on the other side soon.So, she gritted her teeth, grabbed the rope, and started to cross the bridge.With every step, the bridge swayed underfoot.She moved forward slowly and carefully, holding the rope tightly with one hand, trying not to look into the abyss below.Larry looked at her from the opposite side and noticed that her face had changed.She was shaking as she came up to Larry, perhaps from fear, or perhaps from the cold wind blowing from the snow-capped mountaintop. Catherine stood dumbfounded for a while, then said, "I'm not a mountain climber. Shall we go back, dear?" Larry turned to her in surprise. "We haven't seen what we want to see, Cathy." "I've seen enough to last a lifetime." He took her arm. "Let me tell you," he laughed, "there's a nice secluded spot not far ahead, ideal for a picnic. We'll stop there. How about it?" Catherine nodded reluctantly: "Okay." "This is like my lover." Larry smiled at her, turned, and resumed his climb up the rough, staccato path. Catherine followed silently.She had to admit that the scenery below the mountain was so beautiful that the villages, small towns, deep valleys, etc., looked exciting, like a peaceful and vivid painting, more beautiful than the landscape postcards printed by Currier and Ives Publishing Company. attractive.She hadn't seen Larry so ecstatic in a long, long time.He seems to have taken a stimulant, and the higher he climbs, the more excited he gets.He had a happy face and talked a lot. He talked endlessly about trivial matters, and it seemed that talking non-stop could release some spiritual energy.Everything seemed to excite him: the climb, the scenery, the wildflowers...everything seemed to him to be particularly interesting, as if his sense organs had been stimulated more than normal.He climbed effortlessly, without any rush, and the thinning air left Catherine panting and sweat breaking out on her back. Her legs became heavy as lead, and she breathed heavily with her mouth open.Exactly how long it had been climbing, she had no idea.Looking down, Ioanna is pitifully small, and the lake has shrunk into a small mirror.In Catherine's view, the mountain road became steeper and narrower.Here, the mountain road spirals up the cliff, and Catherine clings tightly to the cliff, feeling her way up.Larry had said climbing was an easy hike—thought Catherine—and it was easy for goats.There are almost no trails on the mountain here, and no one can see that anyone has walked here.The wildflowers were becoming scarcer, and the main vegetation was moss, and a brown grass that seemed to grow out of the stone, and Catherine guessed that she was going to be overwhelmed.After they turned a large protruding rock wall, the so-called mountain road, which was already full of uneven rocks, suddenly disappeared, and a dizzying abyss appeared at her feet. "Larry!" was a shrill cry. He immediately rushed to her side, grabbed her, dragged her back a step, and led her to a safe place. Catherine's heart was pounding.She wondered: I must have been bewitched; I am too old to do mountain climbing.She was exhausted, dizzy, and sick, and Catherine looked at Larry to tell him how she felt.Over his head, round a bend, she saw a flat spot on top of the hill.It's finally here. ※※※ Catherine lay stretched out on the hilltop flat, recovering, feeling the cold wind in her hair.The inner fear slowly receded, and now there was nothing to worry about.Larry said it was easier to go down than up.Meanwhile, Larry was sitting beside her, also resting. "Feeling better?" he asked. She nodded: "It's better." Her heart stopped beating rapidly, and her breathing returned to normal.She took a long breath and smiled at Larry. ※※※ "The hard part is over, isn't it?" asked Catherine. Larry looked at her for a long time, then said, "Yes. It's over, Cathy." Catherine propped her arms on the elbows and lifted her upper body up.On this small flat land on the top of the mountain, a wooden gazebo was built. There are old railings on the four sides of the gazebo. Standing on the platform, you can enjoy the scenery below from all sides.This beauty cannot be seen until the top of the mountain.A dozen feet away from Catherine, there was another mountain road that descended to the other side of the mountain. "Oh, Larry, it's so pretty," Catherine said. "I look like Magellan." She smiled at him again.But Larry was looking away, not listening to what she had to say.He seemed to be thinking—a nervous look, as if he was worried about something.Catherine glanced up and said, "Look!" A fluffy white cloud, blown by the brisk mountain wind, was drifting towards them. "Come here. I've never been inside a cloud before. I think it must be like being in a heaven surrounded by clouds and smoke." Larry watched Catherine scramble to her feet and run towards the edge of the cliff, where she stood by the rickety wooden railing.Larry propped himself up on his elbows and watched thoughtfully as the clouds rushed toward her.The cloud was about to touch her and was about to envelop her. "I'm going to stand in the clouds," she cried, "and let the clouds float by over my head and by my sides!" It was too late, but soon, Catherine had disappeared in the rolling gray-white mist. Larry stood up softly.He stood there for a while without moving, then walked towards her silently.Soon he was also shrouded in clouds and mist, confused, unable to tell where she was standing.Just then he heard her voice in front of him: "Oh, Larry, that's great! Come on!" He walked slowly in the direction of the sound, hazy and unable to see anything clearly. "Like a drizzle," she said aloud, "do you feel it?" Her voice was closer now, only a few feet away from his.He took another step forward and reached out to touch her. "Larry! Where are you?" At this moment, he could make out her figure, like the apparition ghost in the superstitious legend shortly after death, looming in the mist, and right in front of him, not far from her feet was the ghostly ghost. cliffs. Both his hands were stretched out towards her, and at that very moment the cloud drifted past them all. Catherine turned, and the two looked at each other, less than three feet apart.She was startled, and took a step back, half of her right foot had stepped on the edge of the cliff. "Oh! You scared the hell out of me," she exclaimed. Larry took another step forward, smiling reassuringly as his hands were about to reach her chest. ※※※ Suddenly, unexpectedly, a human voice yelled, "Oops! Our mountain in Denver is much bigger than this mountain!" Larry turned in horror, pale. A group of tourists walked up a mountain road on the other side of the mountain led by a Greek guide.The guide stopped when he saw Catherine and Larry. "Good morning," said the guide, looking surprised. "You must have climbed up from the east slope." "Yes." Larry said nervously. The guide shook his head: "Damn them, why didn't they tell you that the mountain road is dangerous. It's much easier to go on the other mountain road." "I'll know next time I climb," said Larry, his voice hoarse. The excitement Catherine had noticed had receded from him, as if a switch had been snapped off. "Let's get the hell out of here," Larry said. "What—we just came up. Any questions?" "No," he said quickly, "I don't like crowds." They took another mountain road down the mountain, and all the way Larry was silent, as if the cold had frozen his mouth.Catherine could not understand this at all.Of one thing she was sure, she had neither said nor done anything to offend him.His attitude suddenly changed when a group of people came up from the top of the mountain.She understood in an instant, guessed the reason for his unhappiness, and couldn't help laughing.He wanted to hug her and kiss her in the clouds!Isn't this obvious?Otherwise, why would he have stretched out his hands towards her?His will was upset by a group of unexpected guests.Thinking of this, she almost laughed out loud with joy.Now Larry was ahead of her, striding down the mountain road.She looked at him, and her heart was filled with infinite warmth.After returning to the hotel, try to make up for it, she said in her heart. But when they returned to the bungalow, Catherine put her arms around his neck and tried to kiss him, but he said he was tired. At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Catherine was lying on the bed, too excited to fall asleep for a long time. This day is a long day, a thrilling day. She recalled the rugged mountain roads, rickety small wooden bridges and crawling against cliffs.After a long time, she fell asleep. ※※※ The next morning, Larry went to chat with the desk clerk. "That hole you mentioned the other day..." Larry started. "Ah, that's right." The clerk interjected, "Perama Cave. It's very colorful and interesting. It's a pity not to see it." "We're going to see it," Larry said casually. "I'm not too interested in that kind of lava cave, but my wife heard that there are caves here, and she kept pestering me to take her there. She just I like this kind of thing that you don't usually see." "I'm sure you two will have a good time, Mr. Douglas. But don't forget to hire a guide." "Do I have to get a guide?" Larry asked. The clerk nodded: "It's better like this. There have been several accidents and people have disappeared." He lowered his voice and said, "There is a young couple who have not been found to this day." "If it's so dangerous," Larry asked, "why do they let people in?" "Only the new area is not safe," the employee explained. "It hasn't been fully explored yet, and there are no lights installed in it. However, with a guide, you don't have to worry about it." "When will the hole be closed?" "six o'clock." ※※※ At this moment, Larry saw Catherine outside, leaning against a huge Greek oak tree and reading. "How's your book?" he asked. "Not very interesting." He arched his back and stayed beside her: "The people in the hotel told me that there is a cave nearby." Catherine looked up at him, not quite understanding what he meant: "Cave?" "It's said to be a must-visit place. All honeymooners go there. You make a wish in the cave, and it will come true when you walk outside the cave." He spoke like a child, and looked impatient, "How about it?" Catherine hesitated, thinking what a little boy Larry was. "If you want to go, go," she said. He smiled. "Great. We'll go after lunch. Now, go ahead and read. I'm going to drive into town to do some shopping." "Let me go with you?" "No," he blurted out, "I'll be right back. Don't worry." She nodded: "Okay." He turned and left. ※※※ In town, Larry found a haberdashery and bought a flashlight, some dry batteries, and a coil of string. "You live in that hotel, don't you?" the shopkeeper asked Larry, giving him the change. "No," said Larry, "just passing by here, on my way to Athens." "If I were you, I'd be careful," the shopkeeper advised him. Larry stared at him hard: "Watch out for what?" "There's a storm coming, and you can hear the sheep bleating." Larry didn't get back to the hotel until three o'clock in the afternoon. About four o'clock Larry and Catherine set out for Perama Cave. At this time, there was already a worrying wind.To the north, the thunder anvil that is common before thunderstorms is forming, blocking the Sun in the sky. ※※※ Perama Cave is 30 kilometers east of Ioannina.For many, many years, countless stalactites and stalagmites have been formed in the cave, with various shapes, some like various sports, some like palaces, gems... The whole cave has been repaired and has become an important tourist attraction. It was five o'clock in the afternoon when Catherine and Larry reached Perama Cave, and there was only an hour left before closing time.Larry bought two cave tickets and a booklet at the ticket booth. A ragged guide steps up to solicit business. "As long as 50," he said in a tone unique to guides, "I will guide you, and every fascinating place in the cave will not be missed." "We don't need a guide," said Larry, rather rudely. Catherine looked at Larry, surprised at his stern tone.Larry grabbed Catherine's arm. "Let's go." "Are you sure we can do without a guide?" "What do you want a guide to do? It's all a scam. Our purpose is to enter the cave and look around. Everything we need to know is written in the pamphlet." "All right," Catherine agreed. The entrance to the cave, much larger than she had estimated, was floodlit and thronged with tourists.The walls and ceiling of the cave are filled with images that nature has carved out of the rock: birds, giants, flowers and crowns, all in a variety of forms and admiration. "It's amazing," Catherine exclaimed.She looks at the pamphlet. "Nobody knows how many years ago the hole was formed." There was a hollowness in her voice, echoing from the cave walls. ※※※ Stalactites of different sizes hang upside down from the roof of the cave.Through a tunnel cut out of the rock wall they reached a second chamber. This cavern is smaller, and a short wire hangs from the ceiling without a lampshade to light the inside of the cave.The various images here are even more bizarre, showing unparalleled masterpieces of nature.In one corner of the hole, hung a sign that read: "DANGER: DO NOT ENTER." Next to the sign, there was another cave entrance, with a black rumbling mouth.Larry walked to the entrance of the cave pretending to be casual, and looked around carefully.Catherine was at the other end of the cave, intently examining the natural sculptures on the walls of the surrounding caves.Larry quickly and gently removed the sign and threw it into the shadows.So he walked back behind Catherine. "It's too humid here," she said, "shall we go?" "No." Larry's voice was firm. She looked at him in surprise. "There are even more wonderful things to see," Larry explained. "The clerk at the hotel told me the most interesting part was the new section. He said we mustn't miss it." "Where is it?" Catherine asked. "Over there." Larry took her arm and walked to the back of the cave, standing in front of the dark chasm. "We can't go in," said Catherine, "it's dark inside." Larry patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry. The staff at the service desk told me to bring a flashlight." After he finished speaking, he took the flashlight out of his pocket. "Hey——with the blink of an eye, the old hen turns into a duck—look!" He turned on the flashlight, and the long and narrow beam of light illuminated a dark corridor in the ancient rock. Catherine stood where she was, peering into the cave. "It looks very big." She said doubtfully, "Are you sure there will be no problems?" "Of course," Larry replied, "they're bringing school kids up here, too." Catherine is still hesitant, preferring to stay with other tourists rather than go alone.The hole always looked a little dangerous to her. "Go in and try it out," she said at last. They had only gone a dozen or so steps, when the electric lights in the cave behind them were completely swallowed up by the darkness.They walked for a while by the light of the flashlight, and the passage suddenly turned to the left and then to the right.Now, only the two of them are in this cold, timeless, ancient primitive world.In the reflection of the beam of the flashlight, Catherine caught a glimpse of the same excitement on Larry's face as he had seen on the mountain.Catherine gripped his arm hard. Ahead of them, the tunnel forked.Where the rock had cleft, Catherine saw strange rock formations on the low-slung roof.She thought of Theseus and the half-man, half-bull monster, and wondered if she would meet them in this cave. She was about to suggest that they should go back, but before the words came out, Larry said, "We'll take the left." She looked at him, and said in as easy a tone as possible: "My dear, do you think it's time for us to go back? It's getting late, and the gate of the cave is about to close." "It doesn't close until nine o'clock," Larry replied. "There's a special hole, and I'm going to find it. They've only recently developed it, and they say it's a special hole." He walked on.Catherine hesitated, and looked about her, seeking an excuse not to go any further.But then again, why can't they do some research?Isn't Larry interested, if it pleases him, she's going to be the greatest in the world—what's the word? ——Female caving fan. Larry didn't go, he waited for her. "Are you coming?" he asked eagerly. She tried to sound enthusiastic about what she said. "Okay. Don't lose me," she said. Larry didn't answer.They took the fork on the left and walked slowly, paying careful attention to the small stones that rolled under their feet. Larry reached into his pocket.After a while, Catherine heard the sound of something falling to the ground.He kept walking. "Did you drop anything?" Catherine asked. "I thought I heard—" "I kicked a pebble," he said. "Let's go faster." Therefore, their speed increased.Catherine did not notice that behind them a string was constantly being undone from a tether ball.As they walked, the roof became lower and the walls became wetter.Catherine was amused at the idea that there was nothing good or bad about it.In this area, it seems that there is no road ahead. It seems that danger is approaching, and death is beckoning. "I think this place hates us," said Catherine. "No kidding, Cathy. It's just a cave." "Why do you think it's just you and me here?" Larry hesitated: "Not many people know about this area." They went on until Catherine lost consciousness of time and place. The passage narrowed again, and the sharp protrusions on the rocks on both sides suddenly scratched or scratched their bodies here and there from time to time. "How far do you think the hole you're looking for is?" Catherine asked. "We must be almost at China." "Not far away." Their voices seemed muffled, empty, like a series of diminishing echoes. The surrounding air had grown colder, but the humidity was still high, so there was a clammy feeling of coldness and dampness.Catherine was shivering with cold.Ahead of them, the beam of the flashlight illuminated another fork in the passage.They came to this fork and stopped.The channel inserted to the right is smaller than the channel branched to the left. "They should put neon signposts here," Catherine said. "Maybe we've gone too far." "No," said Larry, "the cave I'm sure I'm looking for is by the right passage." "I'm shivering, dear," said Catherine. "Let's go back." He turned to face her: "We'll be right there, Cathy." He grabbed her arm, "When we get back to the hotel, we'll keep warm." He saw the hesitant expression on her face, " Well, if we don't find the hole we're looking for in two minutes, we'll go back. Shall we?" Catherine felt a little lighter. "Okay." She said with relief. "Let's go then." They walked into the fork on the right, and the beam of the flashlight swayed on the gray rock wall in front of them, illuminating strange and weird patterns.Catherine looked back, but there was darkness behind her.A small beam of flashlight light seems to open up light in the gloomy.Larry suddenly stopped going. "Damn it!" he said. "what happened?" "I think we went the wrong way just now." Catherine turned around: "Okay. Let's go back." "I'll feel the situation and see if it's the case. You stay here." She looked at him in surprise: "where are you going?" "Go back to the fork just now and check." His voice was a little nervous and unnatural. "I will go with you." "I'll be quicker by myself, Catherine. I'll just go to the beginning of this passage and check it out, and I'll be back in half a minute." His tone sounded impatient. "Okay," she said, feeling uneasy. Catherine stood watching Larry move away from her, into the darkness where they had come.Larry's body was surrounded by a halo, like an angel moving under the earth's crust.In an instant, the light disappeared, and she was buried in a darkness that she had never known before.She didn't dare to move, her body trembled slightly, and she counted the passage of time second by second in her mind. ※※※ It's half a minute.Larry didn't come back. Catherine waited patiently.The cave was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.Terrible darkness hit her from all sides like invisible waves with malicious intentions.She called out, "Larry!" Her voice was hoarse and hesitant.She moistened her throat and yelled a little louder: "Larry!" The sound waves were swallowed up a few steps away from her, strangled by the darkness.In this isolated place, nothing living seems to be able to exist. Catherine felt the first tendrils of fear touch her.Of course Larry would be right back, she encouraged herself, and as long as I stayed where I was and kept a cool head, I'd be fine. As the dark hours crept by, the fact flashed across her mind: Something was wrong. Perhaps Larry had had an accident, slipped on a loose sharp stone, and hit his head on the stone of the cave wall. Perhaps at this moment he was lying just a few feet away from her, bleeding and dying. Maybe he got lost. It was also possible that his flashlight had run out of power, and he had been forced to remain somewhere deep in the hole, unable to move, just as she was now imprisoned in the darkness. Gradually, Catherine was troubled by a sense of suffocation, and a subconscious panic emerged spontaneously.Deciding she couldn't stay where she was, she moved slowly and fumbled in the direction she had come from.The passage was narrow; if Larry were injured and there was nothing he could do to save himself, she could find him easily. She walked for a short distance in the dark, and it is estimated that she has reached the fork in the passage.Catherine moved cautiously, loose pebbles rolling under her feet.Suddenly, she noticed a voice reaching her ears from a distance, so she stopped and listened carefully.is it larryThe sound died away, and she continued to move.After walking a few steps, the sound came again. It was a whizzing sound, as if a recording tape was spinning around.There must be someone here!Catherine shouted aloud, and listened.Her voice was slowly drowned out by the silence. After a while, the voice came again!The sound of swishing and swirling.This time, it came from the other direction. The voice grew louder and came towards her like a sharp wind, and it was getting closer and closer.Suddenly, the voice came to her.Cold and greasy skin touched her cheek and touched her lips.She felt something crawling on her head, with sharp claws digging into her hair.What's more, some nameless thing that sneaked up on her in the dark covered her face with its desperately flapping wings. She passed out. She was lying on the uneven stones, and the sharp edges and corners made her uncomfortable and woke up.Her cheeks felt a little warm and sticky, and her hands were bloody.She thought of the wings and claws that had attacked her in the dark, and she shuddered. There are bats in the cave. She struggled to remember what she knew about bats.She remembered reading in some book that bats are flying squirrels, and they often gather together in hundreds or thousands.The only other knowledge she could extract from the information stored in her brain was that some bats suck blood.However, she quickly dismissed such thoughts.Reluctantly, she sat up, her palms resting on the sharp corners of the stone, feeling tingling pain. You can't just sit here - she warned herself - you have to get up and do something. She endured the pain and struggled to stand up. One shoe fell off somehow and her clothes were torn.But that was all right, Larry would buy her a new one tomorrow.She pictured the two of them going to the department store in the small town, talking and laughing and having a good time.Larry bought her a white summer dress, but somehow the new dress became a shroud.这时,她脑中又充满了恐怖。她决定必须继续想着明天,而不是现在吞没她的噩梦。 她得继续走。但是向哪儿?她转了个身。倘若走错了路,在洞里就会愈走愈深。不过,她清楚,不能留在原地。 凯瑟琳估算着,从他们进洞以后,究竟过去了多长时间。至少一个钟头了,很可能两个钟头了。至于她失去知觉的时间有多长,根本就无法估算。毫无疑问,外面的人会找拉里和她的。然而,要是没有人惦念他们呢?谁进洞了,哪些人已经出洞了,是没有办法可以核对的。也许她得永远待在这里了。 她把另一只鞋子也脱下,一步一步小心地缓慢地走了起来,两只火辣辣的手张开着,避免再撞上粗糙的洞壁。万里长征第一步——凯瑟琳自言自语道——中国人就是这样说的,这句话真妙,太机智了。中国人发明了爆竹和炒杂烩,他们真聪明,不会像我这样被闷在谁也找不到的地底下的黑洞里。如果我不停地走,我会碰上拉里的,或者别的游客,那就好了。我们回到饭店,痛痛快快喝一杯,对洞中的一番遭遇哈哈大笑。现在,我要做的是,不停地走。走,才能得救;走,才有活路。 她突然不走了。她又听到在远处有嗖嗖的旋转声音,仿佛有鬼怪或高速列车自远而近地向她奔驰而来。她的身体又不由自主地哆嗦起来,“啊!”她尖厉地叫了一声。原来有几百只蝙蝠同时涌集到她身上,密密麻麻的,用它们那冷湿的、滑腻的翅膀扑打着她。处在这暗无天日的恐惧之中,她被毛茸茸的蝙蝠的身躯压得气都透不过来了。 她记得在失去知觉之前做的最后一件事是呼唤着拉里的名字。 ※※※ 凯瑟琳躺在洞穴内寒冷而潮湿的地上,眼睛微闭着,但是她的头脑突然清醒了。她认为,拉里要谋害她。一连串的现象和往事像走马灯似的从她脑际闪过。 拉里曾经说过:“我已经跟另外一个人相爱了……我要离婚……”;在山顶上的云雾里面,拉里向她走来,朝她伸开着双手;她记得曾经向陡峭的山下望了望说:“下山恐怕要花不少时间”,而他说:“不,不会的……”;还有,在洞口他说过:“我们不需要向导……我想刚才我们走错道了。你留在这里……半分钟内我就会回来……” 最后,她脑海中的电影终止在令人胆战心惊的徐徐降落的黑幕上。 拉里根本就不想回来找她,是有意骗她到这洞里来的。重新和好、蜜月……这一切都是假的,是谋害计划的一部分。她倒老实,一直在天真地感谢上帝给了她一个新生的机会,而他够狠毒的了,不露声色地在策划杀死她。现在,他的目的达到了;凯瑟琳知道她怎么也出不去了。她已经给活活地埋葬在这可怖的黑色坟墓里了。 蝙蝠都飞走了。但她仍可感觉到和闻得出蝙蝠在她脸上和身上留下来的污秽的黏液。她心里明白,蝙蝠还会回来的。但是她不知道,再经受一次袭击后,是不是能够保持神志清醒。一想到蝙蝠,她又哆嗦起来。为了控制自己,凯瑟琳迫使自己做缓慢的深呼吸。 不久,凯瑟琳又听到了蝙蝠的声音,知道这一次怎么也挨不过去了。开始时只是微弱的嗡嗡声,后来愈来愈响,朝她而来。一阵突发的,痛苦的尖叫声在空漠的黑暗中回荡,而另一种声音更响了,更近了。在黑天暗地的通道上,出现了一缕飘忽不定的光线。同时,她听到了叫喊的声音,感到有人用手托着她,把她抬了起来。她想警告他们有蝙蝠,但是他们仍然不停地尖叫着,无法控制自己。
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