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Chapter 18 Chapter Seventeen Noelle and Catherine

As time had become Catherine's enemy, so, for Larry, time had become his friend.One night in Amsterdam was a complete miracle.Larry intentionally provokes the devil who caused the disaster, only to find a blessing in disguise, and finds in disbelief that all problems are solved.It was Douglas-like luck, he thought with satisfaction. However, he knew that this was more than just luck.It was some vague, perverted instinct in him that challenged fate, interfered with the realm of death and perdition.It was a test, a wrestling with his fate over matters of life and death. Larry recalled a morning over the Truk Islands in World War II.

※※※ At that time, a squadron of Japanese Zero fighters suddenly emerged from the clouds and made a steep ascent.He took the lead, flying in front of his own squadron.The Japanese planes concentrated on attacking him.Three Zero fighters pulled him out of the group alone and shot him hard.Now he was in that preternatural clarity that comes with every dangerous moment, and he could see dimly the islands below, dozens of ships bobbing on the rolling sea, roaring planes Chasing each other in the bright blue sky.It was one of the most beautiful moments in Larry's life--life was coming to an end, death was calling.

Using his quick wits, he swung the plane upwards and reached the same level as the tail of a Zero fighter.After he pulled the machine gun and fired, he watched the enemy plane explode.As a result, the other two enemy planes outflanked from both wings.Larry watched the two Zeros sprinting down on him, and at the crucial last moment, he performed an acrobatic maneuver and saw the two Japanese planes collide in midair. ※※※ It was a memorable moment that Larry often harkened back to in his mind. For some reason, that night in Amsterdam, the scene of the air battle came back to his mind. He finally subdued her and made her submit.

That night, Noelle lay in Larry's arms, talking about their activities together in Paris before the war.Suddenly, Larry had a vague memory of an eager young girl, but, my God, Larry had fucked dozens of girls since then.Noelle was but an elusive, half-remembered smoke in his past memories. How lucky, Larry thought, that the paths of their different lives intersected by chance, after all these years! "You belong to me," Noelle said. "Now you are mine." There was something in her tone that made Larry uneasy.He asked himself: Whatever it is, what have I got to lose?

With Noelle under his control, he could stay with Demiris.He can stay as long as he wants.She watched him carefully, as if guessing his thoughts.There was a strange look in her eyes, and Larry didn't know what it meant. That's okay too. ※※※ One day, after returning from a flight from Morocco, Larry took Helena out to dinner and slept in her room for the night. In the morning, he drove to the airport to overhaul the plane and had lunch with Paul Mitaxas. "You seem to have won a lot of money at cards," said Mitaxas. "Can you give me a card?" "Man," said Larry, laughing, "you can't do it. You gotta be an old hand."

They had a good lunch this time.After dinner, Larry drove back into the city to pick up Helena.This time she was flying with him. He knocked on her door, and it took a long time before Helena opened it slowly.She is naked.Larry stared at her, barely recognizing her.Her face and body were bruised and purple.Many places were still swollen, and the eyes were so swollen that only two thin slits remained.Apparently, she was beaten by a professional beater. "God!" Larry exclaimed, "what happened?" Helena opened her mouth to speak, and Larry saw that her top three teeth had also been knocked out. "T-two men," she said with chattering teeth, "as soon as you . . . leave and they come."

"Did you call the police?" Larry pressed, looking terrified. "He--they said if I told anybody they'd kill me. They would, La--Larry." She stood, still in shock, one hand on the door for support. "Did they take anything?" "No—no. They forced—forced their way in, first raped me, and later, he—they beat me to death." "Put on your clothes," he ordered, "and I'll take you to the hospital." "I can't get--out with the look on my face," she said. Needless to say, how could she go out?Larry called a doctor who was a friend of his.On the phone, Larry made an appointment with him to come over for treatment.

"I'm sorry I can't accompany you," Larry said to Helena. "I'm flying Demiris to Athens in half an hour. I'll see you when I get back." ※※※ However, he never saw her again afterward. When Larry returned two days later, Helena's room was empty, and the landlady said she had moved out without leaving an address. Even at this moment, Larry had no doubts about the truth.It wasn't until a few nights later, when he and Noelle were sharing the same bed, that he realized a little of how it had happened. "You're a queer fellow," he said. "I've never known anyone like you."

"I'll give you everything you want, right?" she asked. "yes." Noelle pinched him. "But you can't sleep with another woman." She said softly, "Next time I'll kill her." Larry remembered what she had said: You belong to me.Suddenly, the phrase took on a new, ominous meaning.For the first time, he had a premonition: what she said was not casual, and it was not something he could ignore.He became aware of the cold, deadly, and inscrutable inner world of Noelle Page.He shivered, a little frightened.Several times that night he wanted to bring up Helena.Every time the words came to his lips, he retracted them because he was afraid of knowing the truth, afraid of telling the story in words, as if words were more powerful than actions themselves.If Noelle could really...

At breakfast the next morning, Larry took advantage of the moments when Noelle wasn't looking and scouted Noelle, looking for signs of cruelty and sexual abuse, but what he saw was a bewitching beauty who told him something funny His every need was anticipated and served to his satisfaction.I must be wrong about her, he thought.However, from then on, he acted cautiously and did not dare to have a tryst with other women again.A few weeks later, because Noelle had completely smitten him, he didn't want to find another love either. Noelle had reminded Larry from the very beginning that Constantine Demiris must not let Constantine Demiris know about their affairs, otherwise the consequences would be dire.

"Let's not get the slightest bit of news about us," Noelle warned. "Why can't we rent a suite?" Larry suggested. "Find a place, we..." Noelle shook her head. "Not in Athens. Someone will recognize me. I'll think about it." ※※※ Two days later, Demiris summoned Larry.At first Larry wondered if the Greek giant had heard something about Noelle and him.However, Demiris happily received him and talked for a while before discussing his plans to buy a new plane. "It's a converted B-25," Demiris told him. "I want you to go and see it first." Larry beamed with joy. "It's a fantastic plane," he said. "For its weight and size, it's the most ideal piece of air transportation you can buy." "How many people can it seat?" Larry thought for a while. "Nine people can sit comfortably, plus a pilot, a navigator, and an on-board engineer. It can fly 480 miles per hour." "Sounds very interesting. Can you examine it for me and give me a report?" "You can go right away," said Larry with a smile. Demiris stood up: "One more thing, Douglas, Miss Paige is going to Berlin tomorrow morning. I want you to send her there." "Yes, sir," said Larry.Then he added, as if simple-minded: "Did Miss Paige tell you that we are getting on better?" Demiris looked at him. "No," he said, looking puzzled. "In fact, she complained to me this morning that you were rude to her." Larry stared at him for a moment in amazement.Then he came to his senses at once--he had to try to cover up his rashness, his blunder of pleasure, quickly. "I've been trying to make things better between her and me, Mr. Demiris," he said with an air of sincerity. "I'll try harder in the future." Demiris nodded. "It should be. You're one of the best pilots I've ever had, Douglas. It would be a shame if..." He didn't go on, dragging out the word "if" Slowly down, but its meaning is obvious. On the drive home, Larry cursed himself for talking like a fool today.He should remember that now he was in a collusion unparalleled in the world.Noelle was smart, better than he was, and knew that a sudden change in her attitude toward Larry would arouse Demiris' suspicions.Their old relationship in the past is the best cover for their current affair.Demiris is bringing them together.Larry laughed out loud at the thought.What one of the most powerful men in the world thought was his was now his.This made Larry feel happy for a while. ※※※ During the flight to Berlin, Larry handed Paul Mitaxas the steering wheel and told him he was going to talk to Noelle Page in the back cockpit. "Aren't you afraid of getting caught?" Mitaxus asked. Larry hesitated, feeling itchy to boast.But he resisted the urge. "She's a good bitch," said Larry, shrugging his shoulders. "I couldn't sit still if I didn't try to soften her up with compliments." "I wish you success." Mitaxus said calmly. "thanks." ※※※ Larry carefully closed the cockpit door and walked over to the recliner where Noelle was sitting.In the back of the plane were two female flight attendants.Larry sat across from Noelle. "Be careful," she warned softly. "Anyone who works for Constantine will inform him." Larry glanced at the two stewardesses and thought of Helena. "I found us a place," Noelle said, with joy and excitement in her voice. "A suite?" "A house. Do you know where Rafina is?" Larry shook his head and said, "I don't know." "This is a small village by the sea, 150 kilometers north of Athens. We have an isolated villa there." He nodded, expressing his satisfaction: "Whose name did you rent?" "I bought it," Noelle said. "Of course with someone else's name." Larry asked himself what it would be like to be able to afford a villa just for the occasional private meeting with another human being. "Excellent," he said. "I really want to see it right away." She looked at him for a moment: "Would you have any trouble leaving Catherine?" Larry looked at Noelle in surprise.It was the first time she mentioned his wife.Although he didn't hide from her that he was married, he still had a strange feeling when she heard Catherine's name.Obviously, she has done some research and knows a lot about Catherine's situation.She was waiting for his answer. "No trouble," Larry replied, "come and go as I please." Noelle nodded in satisfaction: "Very well. Constantine is going to Dubrovnik for a business inspection. I've already told him that I can't go with him. We can have a good time together. Ten days. Now you'd better go back to the front." Larry turned and walked back to the cockpit. ※※※ "How?" Mitaxas asked, "Have you softened her a bit?" "Not much," Larry replied cautiously. "It will take time." ※※※ Larry owned a car, a Citroen convertible, but at Noelle's insistence, Larry rented a car from a small taxi company in Athens.Noelle had gone to Rafina alone, and Larry went to find her alone. High above sea level, a dusty road twists and turns on the hillside and stretches into the distance.It's a joy to drive on this road.Two and a half hours after driving out of Athens, Larry came to a small village.The village, half-hidden in a cove by the sea, was delightful.Noelle had given him directions and routes to the village in detail beforehand, so he didn't stop and found it without asking.The car drove to the edge of the village, turned left, and climbed a dirt road leading to the sea.Several villas appeared in front of my eyes, all of which were isolated from the outside world by high stone walls.At the end of the dirt road there is a large rock whose front juts out into the sea, forming a headland overlooking the sea.A large looking luxurious villa stands on this rock. Larry drove the car to the gate of the villa and rang the bell.Soon, the electric door opened to both sides by itself.After Larry drove the car through the gate, the gate shut itself again.Inside is a large yard with a fountain in it.Surrounding the courtyard, strange flowers and plants are competing for beauty, and bursts of fragrance are tangy and refreshing.The villa itself is a typical Mediterranean building with a very strong structure, standing still like a fortress. The front door of the house opened and Noelle came out, wearing a snow-white cotton dress.The two stood there and smiled knowingly, and then she fell into his arms. "Come in and take a look at your new house." She finished speaking eagerly, and then took his hand and entered. The halls inside the villa are cave-like, very spacious, with domes above.Downstairs there was a very large living-room, with a study, a neat and solemn dining-room, and an ancient kitchen with a ring-shaped stove in the centre.The bedrooms are all upstairs. "Where's the servant?" Larry asked. "Far in the sky, close in sight." Larry stared at her in surprise. "You cook and clean yourself?" She nodded: "Two people will come to clean up after we leave. We can't let them see. I've made all the arrangements through an agent." Larry smiled sarcastically. "Don't underestimate Constantine Demiris," Noelle said, warning in her voice, "or you'll make a big mistake. Once he finds out about our activities, he'll take both of you and me." Killed." Larry laughed. "You're exaggerating," he said. "The old guy might hate us being together, but..." Her violet blue eyes were fixed on him. "He'll kill you and me both." There was something in the way she said it that made Larry feel a pang of apprehension. "Are you serious, or joking?" "I've never been more serious in my life, he was brutal." "But you said he'd kill us," Larry argued. "He can't..." "Of course he won't use knives or bullets," Noelle said quietly. "He'll find intricate and ingenious ways to get his way, and he'll never get punished." Her voice softened. "But he can't find us, dear. Come, I'll show you the bedroom." She took his hand and walked up the empty stairs. "We have four guest bedrooms," she said.Then he added with a smile: "We can sleep in these rooms for a night or two." Finally, she takes him to their own bedroom. It's a set of large suites on the corner of the house overlooking the rough ocean.From the window Larry could see a large field and a path leading to the sea.There is a pier by the sea, where a large sailboat and a motorboat are moored. "Whose boats are these?" "Your," she said, "this is a gift to welcome you back." ※※※ Ten days passed like a shuttle. During these ten days, Noelle changed rapidly like a lantern: at one moment she was a fairy, at another moment she was a monster in Arabic mythology, and at another moment she was a beautiful maid in charge of different duties, serving Larry attentively.Even he didn't know what he wanted next, she was already ready. He found that there were all kinds of books he loved to read hidden in the study.Noelle cooks his favorite dishes to perfection.She also sailed the sea with him, swam and played in the mild blue waters, slept in the same pillow at night, and gave him massages until he fell asleep. In part, they lived like prisoners there because they were afraid to see other people. Every day, Larry discovered something new and unique about Noelle.She fascinated him by telling him anecdotes about famous people she knew.She also wanted to discuss business and some political issues with him, but Larry wasn't interested in either. They played poker and various card games.Larry was ashamed and annoyed that he couldn't win.Noelle taught him chess and hand fifteen, but Larry was always her loser. On the first Sunday they spent at the cottage, she prepared a delicious picnic.The two sat on the beach, enjoying the sunshine. As they ate, Noelle stumbled across two men in the distance.They were strolling along the beach toward Noelle and Larry. "Let's go back inside," Noelle said. Larry looked up and saw the two men too. "God, don't be so jumpy. They're just two country folks out for a walk." "Come in," she said commandingly. "Okay," he said gruffly, annoyed at the unexpectedness and the way she spoke. "Help me pack my things." "Isn't it good to stay here for a while?" he asked, unwilling to be as timid and cautious as she was. "No, it will arouse suspicion." The two of them stuffed everything hastily into the picnic basket and hurried to the house. When they got home, Larry sat silent and preoccupied in his study, while Noelle was busy in the kitchen. At dusk, she walked into the study and sat beside him.Noelle has an uncanny knack for reading into the inner workings of others. "Don't think about those two anymore," she said. "They're just two peasants," snapped Larry. "I hate sneaking around like a criminal." He looked down at her, and his voice softened. "I don't want to hide from people. See. I love you." ※※※ Now Noelle knew that he meant it. Her mind was filled with images of the years when she had carefully planned Larry's destruction, and the terrible pleasure of imagining Larry's demise.But, from the moment she saw Larry again, she realized immediately that what was buried deep in the hatred hadn't been completely extinguished.When she pushed him to the brink of death, forcing him to risk both of their lives to fly to Amsterdam in the fog, she seemed desperate to put fate to the test of his love for her.She was so close to Larry in the cockpit, in the same plane, sharing his fears, and she knew that if he was going to die, they would die together.In the end he saved both himself and her.In their hotel in Amsterdam in the middle of the night, her hate and love were mingled.Somehow, the time had passed and gone backwards, and they seemed to be back in the little room of that cheap hotel in Paris.Larry's voice was still ringing in his ears: "Let's get married; we'll go to the country and find a mayor to marry us." These two periods of time, the present and the past, are entangled and merged into one.Noelle knew they were eternal, timeless, and that nothing really changed.Her gnashing of teeth for Larry stemmed from a heightened love for him.deep love.Once lost, it becomes a deep hatred.If she destroyed Larry, she destroyed herself, because she had given him everything she had, and nothing could change it. From Noelle's point of view, everything she's gained in life has been due to hatred.Her father's betrayal cast her into shape, and her abandonment by Larry quenched her fire. Facing the cold reality, she became harder and more stubborn.Her breast was filled with a burning desire for vengeance that could only be satisfied by a kingdom of her own.In this kingdom, she has the power to control everything, and can ensure that she will never be betrayed by others again, and will never be harmed.In the end, she finally got the kingdom.Now, she is ready to give up the kingdom.Because the fundamental purpose of her owning a kingdom is to use the power of the kingdom to make Larry need her and love her.At last, her goal had been achieved, and Larry really needed her and loved her.In a deeper sense, the kingdom she wants to occupy includes Larry.
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