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Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen: Noelle and Catherine

Great men make cities, and cities make great men.Athens is an anvil that has been hammered for countless centuries.In history, the Saracens, British and Turks have captured Athens and sacked the city, but Athens has survived each catastrophe with great endurance. Athens is located at the southern end of the central plain of Attica, the southwest of the city extends toward the Saronic Gulf with a gentle slope, and the majestic Himetes Mountain stands on the east side of the city. On the ground in Athens, the sun is shining, and the world is constantly changing.Below the surface, one can still find villages inhabited by ancient ghosts.These villages are buried in the dazzling deeds of the past.The inhabitants of Athens underground were almost as numerous as the inhabitants of Athens above the surface today.Here, amazing new discoveries are made from time to time, but they are always included in the column to be verified later.

※※※ Larry waited for Catherine's plane to land at the Elenekon Airport in Athens.She saw him through the porthole hurrying towards the ladder of the airliner, his face showing eagerness and excitement.He looked thinner and more tanned than the last time she had seen him, and he looked wilder. "I miss you so much, Cathy," he said, pulling her into his arms. "I miss you too," she said, knowing how much it had cost her. "How's Bill Fraser reacting to the news?" Larry asked, helping her with the customs formalities. "He's had a good attitude about it."

"He doesn't have a choice, does he?" Larry sarcastically said. ※※※ Catherine recalls the time she went to see Bill Fraser. He looked at her, horrified. "You're leaving for Greece, and living there? Why, for God's sake?" "It's clearly written on my marriage certificate. Husbands and wives do what they want," she replied indifferently. "I mean, why can't Larry get a job here, Catherine?" "I don't know why, Bill. Maybe things don't always go as they should. Now that he's got a job in Greece, he looks confident he'll do a lot."

Aside from an initial impulsive resistance, Fraser has since been very cooperative and helpful.He made everything run smoothly for her and insisted that she not be cut off from the agency. "You're not going to stay abroad for the rest of your life." He kept saying that. ※※※ Catherine considered Fraser's words in her head, watching as Larry arranged for a porter to carry her luggage into the car. He spoke to the porters in Greek.Catherine was amazed at Larry's ability to learn foreign languages. "You'll see Constantin Demiris in a little while," said Larry. "He's like an overlord. All the powerful people in Europe are trying to figure out how to please him."

"I'm glad you take a liking to him." "He also has a crush on me." She had never heard him speak so happily and so enthusiastically.This is an auspicious omen. During the drive to the hotel, Larry described the ins and outs of his first meeting with Demiris.A chauffeur of a private car in a special uniform was sent to meet him at the airport.Larry asked to see Demiris' fleet of planes, and the driver took him to a large hangar in a far corner of the airport.There were three planes there, and Larry went through them one by one with a critical eye. "Hawk Shettley" is such a beauty, and he looks forward to being behind the wheel and flying in the blue sky soon.The second was a small six-seat monoplane of first-rate quality.He reckoned that in such a plane he could easily reach a speed of three hundred miles an hour.The third was a two-seat converted L-5 fitted with a Lycomin engine, ideal for short distances.Such a private flying team is very impressive.When Larry finished his inspection, he walked back to the driver who was standing by and watching.

"Good," said Larry. "Let's go." The driver drove him to a villa in Wakiza.Wakiza is a large area in the suburbs, twenty-five kilometers away from the city, dedicated to Demiris. "You can't imagine what it's like where Demiris lives," Larry said to Catherine. "How is it?" Catherine asked eagerly. "It's hard to describe in words. It's about ten acres, with electrified gates, sentries, watchdogs, and whatnot. The villa is huge. It looks like a palace on the outside, but it's a museum on the inside. The villa There’s also an indoor swimming pool, a huge stage and a screening room. You’ll see it someday.”

"Is he nice to people?" Catherine asked. "Okay, that's for sure." Larry laughed. "I was greeted by the red carpet. I guess I didn't show up. My reputation has already been known here." ※※※ What actually happened was that Larry had been in a small reception room for three full hours, waiting for Constantin Demiris to receive him.As usual, Larry had already lost his temper, but he knew that this meeting was of great importance, and he was too nervous to get angry.He had told Catherine that the position was very important to him, but he did not say that he was desperate for it.His special skill is the plane, and there is no point in living without it.It was as if his life had fallen into some unexplored emotional abyss, and the pressure from all directions was too great for him to bear.Everything depends on whether he can get this position.

Three hours passed before a butler came in to announce that Mr. Demiris was available for him.The butler led the way, and they passed a large reception room.From the inside it looked like Versailles, the walls were painted in delicate soft golds, greens, and blues, and the walls were hung with tapestries from Beauvais, surrounded by frames of dragonwood.The floor is covered with an ornate oval Savannelli rug.From the ceiling hung a huge chandelier of crystal stone and gilt bronze. The doorway to the study has a pair of green onyx columns topped with capitals of gilt bronze.The inside of the study is very elegant, designed by a famous craftsman, and the walls are inlaid with carvings of various noble fruit trees.In the center of the wall on one side, there is a mantelpiece made of white marble, with a gilded decorative structure on the edge of the platform, and two exquisite bronze firewood stands on the platform.

From the upper end of the mantelpiece to the ceiling stood a beautifully carved column-mirror, painted by .Through an open French window, Larry caught a glimpse of a large terrace furnished with tables and chairs, apparently a place for dining.The terrace overlooks a secluded garden with statues and fountains. In another corner of the study, there is a huge writing desk that looks like a government department.A chair at the back had a high, imposing back, covered with tapestry from Aubusson.In front of the desk stood two French-style easy chairs, with feather upholstery and backs, with tapestries from the Gobelin factory in Paris on the arms.

Demiris was standing by the desk, carefully observing a large Mercator-style map on the wall.Dozens of colored pegs are dotted across the map.He turned when Larry walked in and held out a hand. "I'm Constantin Demiris," he said, with an unrecognizable accent.Larry had seen his picture many times in various newspapers and magazines in recent years, but he was not fully prepared to meet such a man of great power in person. "I know," said Larry, shaking his hand. "My name is Larry Douglas." Demiris caught Larry's eyes on the map on the wall. "That's my kingdom," he said. "Sit down, please."

Larry sat down in the chair opposite the desk. "I hear you were a pilot in the RAF with Ian Whitestone?" "Yes." Demiris leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at Larry: "Ian thinks highly of you." Larry smiled. "I don't think too bad of him. He's a damn good pilot." "That's what he said about you, but he used the word 'excellent.'" Larry felt again the unusual taste that Whitestone had introduced him to the job.Clearly, Whitestone was flattering him in front of Demiris, which was far out of proportion to his relationship with Whitestone. "I'm not fooling around," Larry said. "That's my job." Demiris nodded: "I like to be carefree about work. Do you know that most people in this world are so carefree?" "I haven't given that much thought," Larry confessed. "I've thought about it." He gave Larry a sneer. "That's my job—people, and the vast majority of people are disgusted with what they're doing, Mr. Douglas. They're not trying to get what they like." but spend their whole life in a trap like a mindless insect. It's not easy to find a man who loves what he does. If you find such a man, he's almost certain to be a success." "I suppose so," said Larry modestly. "You're not a success." Larry glanced at Demiris, suddenly cautious. "It depends on what you mean by success, Mr. Demiris," he said cautiously. "I mean," Demiris said bluntly, "you've done a great job in war, but not so much in peace." Larry felt the muscles in his jaw tense.He realized that he had slipped into a trap without knowing it, but he did his best not to lose his temper. His mind was racing violently, trying to figure out what to say to salvage the job he so desperately wanted. Demiris was watching him, his dark olive eyes scrutinizing him silently, studying him, nothing escaping them. "What happened to your job when you were at Pan Am, Mr. Douglas?" Larry grinned, but he didn't want to. "I wasn't prepared to wait fifteen years to be a co-pilot." "So you beat up your immediate boss." Larry looked terrified: "Who told you?" "Oh, don't panic, Mr. Douglas," said Demiris impatiently, "if you're going to work for me, I'm putting my life in your hands every time you fly me. I Your life is of great value to me. Do you really think that I will hire you without knowing your details?" "You were fired from Pan Am and then fired from two pilot jobs," Demiris went on. "That's not a good resume." "It has nothing to do with my abilities," Larry pleaded, the anger slowly rising inside him again. "One airline was doing poorly, another couldn't get credit from the bank and went bankrupt. I'm a pilot and there's nothing wrong with that." Demiris studied him for a moment, then smiled. "I know you're a good pilot," he said. "You're not disciplined enough, are you?" "I don't want to be led by the nose by idiots who know less than I do." "I don't believe I'm one of those people," Demiris said dryly. "It counts if you tell me how to fly your plane, Mr. Demiris." "No. It's your job to fly the plane. It's your job to get me where I'm going efficiently, comfortably and safely." Larry nodded: "I will do my best, Mr. Demiris." "I believe," said Demiris, "that you have seen my fleet." Larry tried not to look surprised on his face. "Yes, sir." "what do you think?" Larry couldn't hide his excitement at this moment: "It's all excellent." Demiris touched Larry's mind and asked, "Have you ever flown a 'Hawk Shettley'?" Larry hesitated, tempted to tell a lie, but finally he told the truth: "No, no, sir." Demiris nodded: "Do you think you can learn it?" Larry smiled: "As long as you can spare ten minutes for someone else to demonstrate to me." Demiris leaned forward, bringing his long, thin fingers together. "I could have picked a pilot who was familiar with each of my aircraft." "But you don't do that," Larry said. "Because you're constantly updating the plane, and you buy the new model as soon as it comes out. You want someone who can adapt to whatever model you buy." Demiris nodded in agreement. "You're right," he said. "I'm looking for a pilot—a pure pilot, that is, a man whose happiest moments are in the air." The two of them talked about this, and Larry knew he could win. Unbeknownst to Larry, however, his employment had been in jeopardy, and Demiris had almost given up on him. ※※※ The most important factor in the success of Constantin Demiris was his highly sensitive instinct for immediate awareness of troubles.This instinct has benefited him many times, and he has been able to turn the corner, or to a higher level.Therefore, he seldom realizes the danger and puts it aside.A few days ago, when Ian Whitestone told him that he was resigning, a thread of doubt and surprise rose unexpectedly in Demiris' mind.This was caused in part by Whitestone's gesture.His manner was unnatural and restrained.It's not about the salary, he told Demiris.He had an opportunity to start a business of his own, with his brother-in-law in Sydney, and he had to try his luck.He then recommended another pilot. "He's an American, and we used to fly together in the RAF. He's not only competent, he's doing a great job, Mr. Demiris. I don't know of a better pilot. ’ Demiris listened quietly as Ian Whitestone continued to flatter his friend while trying to find the off-key note that had thrown his speech into dissonance.Finally, he finally found out.Whites has exaggerated, boasted too much.However, that may have been due to his embarrassment at quitting so abruptly. Because Demiris is a person who will never let go of the smallest problem, after Whitestone left, he made international long-distance calls to the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. By evening, Demiris had learned with certainty that someone had provided funds to financially support Whitestone's small electronic instrument business in Australia with his brother-in-law. He spoke on the phone to a friend in the Air Ministry, and two hours later he had a verbal report about Larry Douglas. "On the ground he's a little eccentric and erratic," said his friend. "In the air, he's a great pilot." Demiris was on the phone with Washington and New York and quickly learned everything about Larry Douglas. At this point in Douglas's succession to Whitestone, everything seemed normal on the surface.However, Constantin Demiris still had a vague apprehension, a premonition that trouble was about to happen.He discussed the matter with Noelle, thinking that perhaps with an increase in Ian Whitestone's salary he would stay. Noelle listened carefully, then said, "No. Let him go, Constance. If he holds this American pilot in such high regard, I must try him." That's how the matter was finally decided. ※※※ Since Noelle knew that Larry Douglas was on his way to Athens, she couldn't think of anything else.She thought of the years that had passed, the careful and patient planning, the slow but determined closing of the net.She was sure that if Constantin Demiris knew the truth, he would be proud of her.It was a strange arrangement of fate, Noelle reflected.If she had never met Larry, she would be happy with Demiris.They learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, so they are more perfect for each other.Both worship power and both know how to use it.They are more than ordinary people; they are gods, and gods will rule and govern others.They are not the ones who lose in the end, no matter what, because of their enormous, almost mystical endurance.They can wait, even for a lifetime.Now, for Noelle, the years of waiting were over. ※※※ That afternoon, Noelle lay in a hammock in the garden, reviewing her plans.By the time the sun slowly went down, she was quite satisfied.During the past six years, she spent most of the time completing her revenge plan.In a way, she felt, it was a pity.Thoughts of vengeance drove her every waking moment, giving her life vigor, energy, and excitement.Now, in just a few short weeks, the protracted pursuit is coming to an end. At this moment, the pre-evening breeze blew slowly, cooling the quiet and green garden.Lying in the Greek sun that was about to sink into the horizon, Noelle had no idea that things had only just begun. ※※※ The night before Larry was supposed to arrive, Noelle stayed up all night, thinking about Paris six years ago, thinking about the man who had given her a smile as a gift and then taken it away...and she thought about Larry The feeling of the child in her abdomen, the fetus slowly growing in her body, just like the father of the fetus slowly growing in her mind and finally occupying her mind.She also recalled that afternoon in a gloomy Parisian hotel: the sharp pain caused by the sharp metal coat hook gouging into her lower body... These memories are still vivid.Because she has been reviewing continuously in the past six years, the pain, mental torture and hatred... are still fresh in her memory. ※※※ At five o'clock in the morning, Noelle got up, dressed, and watched the huge fireball rise from the Aegean Sea outside the window.It brought back a memory of another morning in her.It was in Paris, and she too was up early in the morning, dressed, and waiting for Larry to come—and this time he was coming.After six years of careful planning by her, he couldn't help but appear in front of her at this moment.Larry needed her now as much as Noelle had needed him before, though he still didn't realize it. Demiris sent a message upstairs to Noelle's room saying he wanted to have breakfast with her.For her part, she was so excited this morning that she was afraid that her emotions would arouse Demiris' curiosity.She had known long ago that Demiris felt like a cat, very responsive.Noelle reminded herself again that she had to be careful.She wanted to manipulate everything about Larry herself, in her own way.She had thought long and hard about using Constantine Demiris as a tool without knowing it.If he finds out by any chance, he won't forgive anyone. For breakfast, Noelle drank a small cup of Greek espresso and ate half a freshly baked roll.She had no appetite, and her thoughts were feverishly focused on the upcoming meeting in a few hours.She dressed up very carefully today and chose a suit of clothes specially.She knows, she is beautiful. Just after seven o'clock, Noelle heard the sound of a limousine pulling up to the gate of the villa.She took a deep breath to control her restlessness, and then she walked slowly to the window.Larry Douglas is getting out of the car.Noelle watched him make his way toward the gate when it seemed like six years had rolled away and the two of them were back in Paris.Larry was a little older, and his military career and the course of his life had put new lines on his face, but it made him even more handsome than ever.Noelle watched him from the window ten yards away, still feeling an attraction, but mingled and intertwined with strands of hate.This trace of hatred gradually expanded and swelled, which made her feel excited.Taking a last hasty look at herself in the mirror, she went downstairs to meet the man she was about to destroy. As Noelle walked down the stairs, she wondered how Larry would react when he saw her.Did he ever show off to his friends, even to his wife, that Noelle Page had been in love with him at one point?She wondered if he had ever relived those magical days and nights they had spent together in Paris, or if he had ever regretted the way he had treated her.She has experienced such inner activities many times.Today, Noelle is famous all over the world, but his life has been marked by a series of setbacks.He should feel deeply guilty!Noelle hoped that when she met him face-to-face for the first time after more than six years, she could find answers in his eyes. When Noelle reached the reception hall, the front door opened and the butler ushered Larry in. Larry surveyed the large and luxurious reception hall with awe first, then saw Noelle.He stared at her for a long time, and his face smiled appreciatively because he saw a beautiful woman. "Hello," he said politely, "I'm Larry Douglas. I'm here to see Mr. Demiris as promised." There was no sign of recognition on his face. Not at all. ※※※ Catherine and Larry drove through the streets of Athens to the hotel.There were ruins and various relics flashing past the car window on both sides of the street, making Catherine dizzy. Ahead of the car, she saw an astonishing feat—the Parthenon, a white marble temple towering high above the ancient Acropolis.There were great hotels and office buildings here and there, but, strangely, these new buildings seemed impermanent to Catherine, whereas the Parthenon was immortal and eternal in the clear sky. "It's touching, isn't it?" said Larry, grinning. "The whole city of Athens is like this. A huge beautiful ruin." Their car passed a large park in the center of the city, and the mist of the fountain in the center of the park was flying in the air.There were many tables in the park, with sky-blue awnings supported on green and orange pillars. "Here it is," said Larry. "what?" "The real name is Syntagma Square. People sit at these tables all day, drinking Greek coffee and watching the world go by." There are outdoor cafes on almost every block.On the corners of many streets, vendors are selling freshly picked sponges.People are selling flowers everywhere, and the covered stalls of the flower sellers are full of colorful flowers. "The city is so white," said Catherine, "that it dazzles the eye." The suites in the hotel were spacious and pleasingly furnished, with windows overlooking Plaza Syntagma, the great square in the center of the city.There were also beautiful flowers and a large plate of fresh fruit in the room. "I like this room, dear," Catherine said, looking around the apartment. The hotel clerk unloaded some of Catherine's luggage, and Larry gave a small tip. "Is there anything missing?" asked the hotel clerk. "No shortage," Larry replied. The hotel attendant left and closed the door behind him. Larry walked over and picked Catherine up. "Welcome to Greece." He kissed her.Catherine was glad to see him like this.Larry carried her into the bedroom. There was a small paper package on the dresser. "You open it," Larry told her. She opened the paper package, and in a small box was a bird carved from green jade.Catherine was touched, and despite his busy schedule, he kept her in his mind.In a way, the bird was a talisman, a sign that everything was going well.All the troubles of the past are gone. In the evening, Catherine said a word of grateful blessing, lying in the arms of her beloved husband with great relief, and began a new life in one of the most exciting cities in the world.Beside her was still the old Larry.The twists and turns of life made their bond stronger. Now, nothing can hurt them. ※※※ The next morning, Larry contacted a real estate agent and asked him to show Catherine some apartments for rent.The agent was a short, bearded black man named Dimitropoulos who spoke very quickly.He solemnly thought he was speaking perfect English, but it was just Greek with an occasional unidentifiable English phrase interspersed with it. By appealing to his pity--a tactic Catherine used frequently during the next few months--she was able to persuade him to speak as slowly as possible.In this way, she could finally filter out some English words and rack her brains to guess what he was going to say. The fourth place he took her to see was a bright, sunny four-bedroom apartment.Later she learned that it was the Kolonaki district, a suburb where the upper class of Athens lived, with quiet streets lined with beautiful houses and high-end shops. When Larry got back to the hotel that night, Catherine told him about the apartment.After two days, they moved over. ※※※ Larry was away during the day, but he made every effort to come back to have dinner with Catherine. The Athenian's supper, according to the general custom, is any time between nine o'clock and twelve o'clock in the evening.Between two and five in the afternoon, everyone takes a nap.After a nap, the store reopened and remained open until midnight. Catherine found herself completely drawn to the city.On the third night of her settlement in Athens Larry came home with a friend named Count George Paps. Papus was a pleasant Greek, about forty-five, slender, with black hair, but graying at the temples, on closer inspection.There was a strange, old-fashioned dignity in his manner and bearing which suited Catherine very well.He invited the two of them to dinner at a small hotel in Praga, the old part of Athens. Praga is composed of several sloping lands, which seem to be thrown carelessly and land together in the center of downtown Athens.In Praga, there are winding alleys and alleys, broken and decayed steps leading to small houses.These small houses were built under the Turks when Athens was just a village.Today, the various buildings in Praga, although haphazard, have been painted with limewash.Here, there are stalls selling fresh fruits and flowers everywhere.The aroma of roasted coffee can be smelled everywhere, and street fights can be seen everywhere.The overall effect is attractive.Catherine thought, in other cities, such a district would probably be a slum.But, in Athens, here are the historical sites. The tavern to which Earl Pappus took them was open-air, on a roof, with a view of the whole city.The waiters in the store are dressed in colorful national costumes. "What would you like to eat?" the count asked Catherine. She looked at the foreign menu as if in Sanskrit. "Please order. I'm afraid I'll have to order from the owner." Earl Paps ordered a sumptuous feast, and chose a variety of dishes, and let Catherine taste each of them. They had meatballs wrapped in grape leaves, eggplant ragout with gravy, and rabbit with onions—Catherine didn't know it was wild rabbit until she ate half of it, and never dared to take another bite—and Greek caviar salad with olives and lemon slices.The count also ordered a bottle of turpentine. "It's our home wine," he explained.He watched Catherine taste the wine with a smile.The wine had a pine, rich taste, and Catherine drank it with manly reluctance. "Whatever I ate," she gasped, "this sip of wine will cancel it out." While they were eating, three musicians played bozzocas.The melody of the music is lively, cheerful and very infectious.Many customers in the store stood up one by one, stepped onto the dance floor, and danced to the beat of the music.To Catherine's surprise, the dancers were all men, and their dances were graceful and exotic.She had a great evening. They didn't leave the small hotel until three o'clock in the morning.The Count drove them back to their new home in Kolonaki. "Have you ever been out and about?" he asked Catherine. "Not yet," she confessed. "I'll go when Larry is free." The count turned to Larry: "Maybe I can take Catherine to see some places of interest in Athens first, and the three of us will go together when you are free." "That's great," Larry said. "I just hope I don't cause you too much trouble." "Never mind," replied the Count.He said to Catherine again, "I'll be your guide, will you?" Watching him, she thought of Dimitropoulos, the thick, dark real estate agent who spoke fluent incomprehensible speech. "It's my good fortune," she replied sincerely. ※※※ The weeks that followed this night were wonderful.Catherine tidied things up at home in the morning, and in the afternoon, if Larry wasn't around, the count would come to her and take her on a tour. They drove to Olympia. "This is where the first Olympic games were held," the count told her. "Regardless of wars, plagues and famines, the games have been held here every year for more than a thousand years." Catherine stood looking with awe at the ruins of the great amphitheater, imagining the splendor of the contests that had been held here through the centuries, the exultation of the victors and the dismay of the losers. "People talk of the sports ground at Eton, England," said Catherine. "That's where the sportsman's moral spirit really begins, isn't it?" The count laughed. "I'm afraid not," he said. "It's a little embarrassing to tell the truth." Catherine looked at him, interested in what he had to say. "why?" "For the first chariot race in history held here, the outcome is predetermined." "Is it settled?" "I am afraid so," said the Earl of Papus. "It happened as follows: Once upon a time there was a rich and powerful prince called Pelobons, who had been at odds with a rival for a long time. They decided to hold a war here. Chariot races to see who is the winner. One night before the race, Pelobons did something tricky on the wheels of his opponent's chariot. When the race started, the local people came to cheer their respective admirers and applause. Before the lap was complete, the wheels of the prince's opponent's chariot were thrown off their axles, and the chariot was overturned. Thus, the opponent of the Pelobans was caught in the bridle, and dragged to death. , and he kept running and won the race." "Scary!" said Catherine. "What did they do to him afterwards?" "That is the disgrace of the incident," replied the count. "Well now, everyone knows what the Pelobons were up to. But then he was considered a great hero, and a gable in human form was built in the temple of Zeus, the chief god of Olympus, to commemorate him forever. The gable is still there." He smiled wryly for a while. "From now on, I reckon, it is because of this that there are many villains, and there is no shame. And," he added, "the whole area south of the Gulf of Corinth is still called the Peloponnese after him. " "Who says there will be no retribution for sin?" Catherine asked in amazement. Whenever Larry was free, he and Catherine walked around the city.They found strange shops and spent hours picking and choosing, haggling endlessly with the shopkeepers.They also went to small alleys to find some small restaurants and taste various snacks.Larry was jovial and a delightful companion.Catherine thought that there was nothing unworthy of giving up her domestic job and coming to this ancient country in the Balkans to accompany her husband. ※※※ Larry Douglas had never been happier in his life.The job he did for Demiris was something he had dreamed of all his life. The salary was satisfactory, but he didn't mind it.He's only interested in the quality machines he drives.It took him exactly one hour to learn to fly the "Hawk Shettley", and he flew it five times before he was able to control the aircraft proficiently.Most of the time, Larry flew with his co-pilot, Paul Mitaxas, a carefree little fellow from Greece.Ian Whitestone's sudden departure took Mitaxas by surprise.Who will succeed Whitestone, this question has been making him very worried.He'd heard all about Larry Douglas, but he wasn't sure if he'd be happy with what he'd heard.Nevertheless, from the looks of Douglas, it seemed that he fell in love with his new job at first sight and was very enthusiastic.米塔克萨斯同他做了首次飞行后,就知道道格拉斯是一个技术高超的飞行员。 慢慢地,米塔克萨斯的谨慎和警惕消退了,两人交上了朋友。 随便什么时候,只要不是上天飞,拉里就把时间花在熟悉德米里斯的机群里的每一架飞机的特性上。没有到他全部掌握这些特性的时候,他的操纵技能就已娴熟,比以往任何人都驾驶得更好。 工作的多样性使拉里欣喜若狂。他经常送德米里斯手下的一些人因公出差到布林迪西、科孚和罗马去,或者接客人到德米里斯的小岛上参加宴会,或者接他们到瑞士的山庄去滑雪。他已经习惯于为一些头面人物开飞机,这些人的照片他经常在报纸或杂志的第一版上看到。回家后,他常把这些人的故事向凯瑟琳兴高采烈地讲述一番,使她也欢欣一场。坐过他驾驶的飞机的人中间有:一个巴尔干半岛国家的总统、一个英国首相、一个阿拉伯石油巨头和他的全部妻妾。坐过他的飞机的还有:歌剧演员、芭蕾舞剧团和为祝贺德米里斯生日在伦敦作专场演出的某一百老汇戏剧的全体演员。他接送过美国的最高法院法官、国会议员和一位前任总统。在这些飞行中,拉里的大多数时间是待在驾驶舱内,但是他也常常到后面的座舱内,看看乘客是不是都坐得很舒服。偶尔,他听到实业界和政界的巨头们讨论即将发生的某些企业的合并和关于股票交易的片言只语。拉里完全可以用他搜集到的商业情报发一大笔财,但是他对此根本没有兴趣。他关心的是他驾驶的飞机,务必使飞机马力输出充足,各零部件和仪表运转灵活,要百分之一百在他的掌握之中。 隔了两个月之后,拉里为德米里斯本人开飞机了。 ※※※ 他们乘的是一架小型单翼飞机,拉里把他的雇主由雅典送往。 这一天,空中阴云密布,气象预报说沿途有暴风雨,还夹有冰雹。拉里仔细地在航图上标绘出暴风雨可能性最小的航线,但是空气中充满了涡流,要避开也不可能。 飞出雅典一小时以后,他发出“系好安全带”的信号,并对米塔克萨斯说:“掌握好,保罗。这一次搞得不好我们两人的饭碗可都要砸了。” 突然,德米里斯出现在驾驶舱内,使拉里吃了一惊。“我可以坐过来吗?”他说。 “随你便,”拉里说,“马上要颠簸得厉害了。” 米塔克萨斯把他的座位让给德米里斯。德米里斯坐好后,把安全带束紧了。拉里宁可让副驾驶员坐在旁边,万一出了什么故障,可以随时配合,然而这是德米里斯的私人飞机,得由他支配。 暴风雨大约持续了两个小时。在飞机的前方,一大片云海像连绵的山脉,层峦叠嶂,云海里,波涛翻滚,并且不断地在扩大。面前的这些云山云海,白得可爱,也白得可怕。拉里把飞机绕着开。 “真美啊。”德米里斯评论说。 “它们要致人死命的。”拉里说,“在气象学上这叫'积云'。为什么它们这么好看,像白棉絮似的,因为云层里有风在吹卷。如果闯入这种云里,不到十秒钟飞机就会被撕成碎片。万一没有撕碎,也可在一分钟里让你升降的幅度达到三千英尺,根本无法控制飞机。” “我肯定,你不会让这种事情发生的。”德米里斯平静地说。 风猛烈地刮到飞机上,好像要把飞机掷到天空的另一边去,但是拉里使尽浑身解数把飞机牢牢控制在手里。他忘了德米里斯就在旁边;他的注意力完全集中在他驾驶的飞机上,把学到的每一项技能都用上了。最后,他们终于脱离了危险区域。拉里筋疲力尽了。他转身一看,德米里斯已经离开了驾驶舱,现在是米塔克萨斯坐在那里。 “第一次给他开飞机就这么糟糕,保罗,”拉里说,“我恐怕要倒霉了。” 杜布罗夫尼克的机场很小,从空中看,只有桌面般大小,四周群山环绕。 拉里让飞机滑翔着向机场降落时,德米里斯又出现在驾驶舱的门口。 “你标的航线是正确的。”德米里斯对拉里说,“你干得非常好,我很高兴。” 说完,他就走了。 ※※※ 有一天上午,正当拉里在准备行装飞往摩洛哥的时候,帕普斯伯爵打电话来,说他想开汽车带凯瑟琳去逛希腊的农村。拉里一定要她去。 “你不吃醋吗?”她问道。 “因为伯爵?”拉里大笑。 突然,凯瑟琳明白了。她和伯爵一起度过的所有时间内,他从来没有过非礼的企图,甚至含有猥亵意味的瞟一眼也没有。 “他对男女关系不感兴趣?”她问道。 拉里点点头:“所以我放心让他好好陪着你。” 伯爵一早就来找凯瑟琳。这一次他们向南驶,朝塞萨利的广阔平原而去。穿着黑衣服的农妇,背上驮着沉重的木柴,弯着腰在路边走。 “这么累的活为什么不让男的干?”凯瑟琳问。 伯爵含笑地瞥了她一眼。接近黄昏时刻,他们驶近平都斯山脉,山势威峻险恶,陡峭的岩崖映着夕阳高高耸立在蓝天之中。这时,道路给一个牧羊人和一只骨瘦如柴的护羊狗赶着的羊群堵住了。帕普斯伯爵停了汽车,等羊群走过去。护羊狗咬着离群的羊的脚后跟,迫使它们朝大伙走的方向跟上去。 “那狗几乎像人一样。”凯瑟琳赞叹地说。 伯爵飞快地朝她看了看,显出深不可测的样子。 "What's wrong?" she asked. 伯爵迟疑了一下才说:“这是一件令人相当不愉快的事情。” “我又不是小孩,你怕什么。” 伯爵说:“这一带地方比较荒凉,地上岩石多,种不出什么东西来。最好的年份,粮食还不够吃。碰上坏天气,一点收成也没有,饥荒就严重了。”他说着,声调逐渐低了下去。 “说啊!”凯瑟琳催他。 “几年以前,这里下了一场大暴雨,庄稼都给毁了。每人只有一点儿少得可怜的粮食。这一地区内的护羊狗都造反了,它们从农家逃出来,聚成一大群。”他一面说着,一面设法压住声音中的恐惧。“成群的护羊狗袭击农家。” “还咬死羊!”凯瑟琳插入说。 沉寂了片刻之后他才回答:“不!它们咬死主人,还把主人吃了。” 凯瑟琳瞠目结舌地看着他,十分吃惊。 “后来,从雅典派来了军队,才恢复了这里人类的统治。差不多花了一个月。” "Terrible." “有了饥饿,各种可怕的事情都会发生。”帕普斯伯爵轻轻地说。 这时,羊群已经全部离开了路面。凯瑟琳看了看护羊狗,不禁又是一怔。 ※※※ 随着时间的流逝,凯瑟琳原来感到陌生的、充满异国情调的事物,现在对她来说变得熟悉了。她发现这里的人们很开朗、很友好。她知道上哪儿去买蔬菜和吃的东西,也知道在沃库累斯蒂渥街上哪一家店里可以买到衣服。 希腊的一切都是低效率的,但却是有组织的,真是奇迹。你得放松放松,随着一起享受一番。没有一个人是匆匆忙忙的,大家都很悠然自得。如果你问某个地方该怎么走,他很可能亲自把你带到你要去的地方。或者,你问还有多远了,他也许会说:“抽一支烟的工夫就到了。” 凯瑟琳常在大街小巷无目的地转悠,到处闲逛,累了就喝些希腊夏天才上市的不冷冻的深色的酒。 凯瑟琳和拉里去玩了,对那里的五颜六色的风车兴趣十足。 他们还去了,维纳斯雕像就是在这里发现的。但是,凯瑟琳最喜欢的地方是。这是一个青葱翠绿的岛屿,岛屿中央有座山,山上鲜花盛开。他们的船靠岸时,有一个向导站在码头边。他问他们,要不要骑着骡子让他带着上山。就这样,他们坐上骡子,开始登山了。 凯瑟琳戴着宽边的草帽,以遮住炎炎的烈日。她和拉里沿着通向山巅的小路缓缓而上时,穿黑衣服的年轻妇女大声招呼她,送给她用鲜嫩的绿叶做的礼物,让她插在草帽顶边的带子里。大约走了两个小时,他们到了一块平整的台地。这里,树木茂盛,数不清的花怒放争妍,景色美极了。向导让骡子停下来,他们对着这么多奇花异卉,惊叹不已。 “这儿叫蝴蝶谷。”向导一词一顿的用英语说。 凯瑟琳环视四周,看看有没有蝴蝶,但是一只也看不见。“为什么叫这个名字?”她问道。 向导笑了,好像他早已在等她发问了:“我给你看。”他说着跨下骡子,从地上拾了一根大树枝,然后跑到一棵树的旁边,用大树枝对着树干拼命敲打。一会儿工夫,树上的许多“花朵”突然散落到空中,纷纷飞舞起来,而原来的树上都变得光秃秃的。再看空中,到处是欢乐的五彩缤纷的蝴蝶在阳光下飞舞,数目多得不计其数。 凯瑟琳和拉里惊奇得发愣了。向导站在那里瞧着他们,脸上流露出十分自傲的样子,好像是说,你们看到的美丽的奇迹全得归功于我。 这一天是凯瑟琳一生中最美好的日子之一。她想,如果她要选一个愉快的日子加以回味的话,那该是她和拉里在帕罗斯岛上度过的这一天。 ※※※ “喂,今天上午我们要送一个重要人物。”保罗·米塔克萨斯高兴地笑着说,“等着吧,待一会儿你就会看到的。” "Who?" “诺艾丽·佩琪,老板的相好。你只可以看,不能碰一点儿。” 拉里·道格拉斯想起了他到达雅典的那个上午,在德米里斯家里跟这个女人照过一次面。她真是一个绝代佳人,而且看上去颇为面熟。当然,这是因为他在银幕上见过她,就是在凯瑟琳有一次拖着他去看的一部法国电影里。不必要有人提醒拉里,即使这世上不是充塞着迫不及待的女人的话,他也不会去接近康斯坦丁·德米里斯的女朋友的。拉里太热衷于他的工作了,不会做那种傻事使他的工作去经受风险的。不过,也许他会为凯瑟琳去请她留下一个亲笔签名。 ※※※ 送诺艾丽上机场的高级轿车给修路工人拦住了几次,时间给耽搁了。不过,她倒挺欢迎这种延宕。自从在德米里斯家里见他一面之后,这是她第一次去同拉里·道格拉斯碰头。过去发生的一切,曾经使她深为战栗不安,或者说得确切一些,是还没有发生的一切使她十分震惊。 在以往的六年多时间里,诺艾丽设想过许多种他们邂逅相遇的方式。她在脑子里一遍又一遍地放映过见面的情景。她万万没有想到,拉里居然不记得她了。她一生中这么重大的一件事对他来说像水上浮萍,给生活的流水一冲,早不见影儿了。好吧,不用等到她的宿怨了结,他就会记起她的。 ※※※ 拉里手里拿着飞行记事簿大步跨过机场时,一辆高级轿车停在“霍克·雪特莱”前面,诺艾丽·佩琪钻了出来。拉里走到汽车跟前,赔着笑脸说:“早上好,佩琪小姐。我是拉里·道格拉斯,是我开飞机送你和你的客人们去戛纳。” 诺艾丽转过身,旁若无人地从他身边走过去,拉里站着,看着她的背影,窘住了。 隔了半个小时,其他的一些乘客——大约十二三人——都登上了飞机。拉里和保罗·米塔克萨斯驾机起飞了。他们要把这批人送往,在那里有汽车来接,然后再送到德米里斯的游艇上。 这次飞行除了法国南海岸有正常的夏季空气涡流外,总的来说比较轻松。拉里平稳地把飞机降落了,朝几辆在等候机上乘客的汽车的方向滑行。 正当拉里和矮胖的副驾驶员离开飞机时,诺艾丽走到米塔克萨斯面前,理都不理拉里。她带着十分轻蔑的口气对米塔克萨斯说:“那个新来的飞行员像门外汉,保罗。你要好好给他上几堂飞行课。”说完,诺艾丽钻进了汽车,一溜烟似的驶远了。 拉里呆呆地站着,好像给当头打了一棍。他自言自语道:她是个婊子,一条母狗,今天他碰上的日子有霉气。 但是,一周以后发生的事使他确信,他正面临着一个非常严重的问题。 ※※※ 根据德米里斯的命令,拉里到奥斯陆接诺艾丽,把她送往伦敦。 由于前几天发生的事情,拉里特别仔细地复核飞行计划。北方有一个高压区,东边可能有雷雨前常见的雷暴云砧形成。拉里标绘了一条绕过这些区域的航线,结果证明飞行非常平稳。降落时他完成了无懈可击的三点着陆。下机前,他和保罗·米塔克萨斯走到座舱里,看见诺艾丽·佩琪正在涂唇膏。 “我想你这次飞行过得愉快吧,佩琪小姐。”拉里很有礼貌地说。 诺艾丽粗略地向他扫视了一下,脸上冷若冰霜,然后她朝米塔克萨斯说:“我坐生手开的飞机总有些提心吊胆的。” 拉里感到脸上刷地红了。他正想说话,诺艾丽对米塔克萨斯吩咐说:“请你转告他,以后除非我找他说话,他不要先开口。” 米塔克萨斯为了压抑感情咽了一口气,然后含糊地说:“是,小姐。” 拉里目不转睛地看着诺艾丽站起来,走下了飞机,他的一对眸子中充满了愤恨。照他这时的冲动,已经一记耳光打上她了。不过他知道,如果这样做的话,他也就完蛋了。他极其喜爱目前的工作,其程度超过他对以往任何工作的态度,他不想为了随便一点儿事就把这份差事丢了。他心中明白,如果他被解雇,就不可能再找到飞行员的工作。不,这不行,他今后得特别小心。 ※※※ 拉里到家后,他把这几次发生的事情一一讲给凯瑟琳听。 “她总是对着我干。”拉里说。 “她说话真不近人情。”凯瑟琳回答说,“你有没有在某一方面得罪了她,拉里?” “我还没有跟她说满三句话呢。” 凯瑟琳握住他的手。“别担心。”她宽慰他说,“只要把工作做好,你会讨她喜欢的。等着看好了。” ※※※ 第二天,拉里驾机送康斯坦丁·德米里斯去土耳其,为业务上的事作一次短期旅行。 在航途中,德米里斯走到驾驶舱内,坐在米塔克萨斯的座位上。他挥挥手,叫副驾驶员暂时离开。这样,只有拉里和德米里斯坐在一起。两人都没有说话,看着小片的层云把机翼分割成轮廓蓬松的各种几何图形。 “佩琪小姐对你印象不好。”德米里斯终于打破沉寂说。 拉里感觉到操纵器上的一双手有些紧张,随后他有意识地迫使自己的手处在放松状态。他尽力使自己的声音保持平静:“她——她有没有说为什么?” “她说你对她态度粗暴无礼。” 拉里正要张口申辩,但是他转念一想还是不讲为妙。他得自行设法,按照他个人的方式来解决这件冤枉事。 “我真对不起。以后我会特别留意的,德米里斯先生。”他心平气和地说。 德米里斯站了起来:“是要留意些。我愿意提醒你,你可再不能得罪佩琪小姐了。”他说完就离开了驾驶舱。 再不能!拉里绞尽脑汁想,他究竟做了什么把她得罪了。也许她只是不喜欢他这一类型的人。也许因为德米里斯喜欢他、信任他,她产生了妒忌之心。可是,这在道理上又说不通。拉里一点也想不出,在哪一点上是可以解释得通的。而目前的情况是,诺艾丽·佩琪正在一步步地迫使他落到被解雇的下场。 拉里回想起失业的种种滋味。要像他妈的学生一样填写求职申请书时遭受耻辱,还要面试,那样焦虑的等待。为了消磨时间,不得不泡在酒价低廉的酒吧间里和混在低等妓女中间。他又想起了凯瑟琳的忍耐和不关痛痒的态度,他曾经为此而恨过她。不,他再也不能过这样的生活了。再来一次失业,他怎么也受不了了。 ※※※ 几天以后,拉里中途停留在贝鲁特的时候,他路过一家电影院,发现那里放映的一部影片是由诺艾丽·佩琪主演的。由于一时的冲动,他怀着憎恨和嫌恶的心情,走进去看这部影片,目的只在于暗地里诅咒影片中的主角。但是诺艾丽才华横溢,艺术成就很高,他完全被她的演技迷住了。在这里,他再一次感到奇异的熟悉的内在意识。 星期一那天,拉里送诺艾丽·佩琪和德米里斯的几个业务上的合伙人去苏黎世。到达目的地后,拉里等别的人都走完只剩下诺艾丽·佩琪还在机舱内时,他向她走去。 因为记得她上一次的告诫,他接受前车之鉴,对首先跟她讲话一直犹豫不决。但是他又断定,要冲破她的敌视态度的唯一方法是靠自己,要看自己怎样来讨好她。凡是女演员,都比较自高自大,喜欢听奉承话。所以,现在他走到她跟前,谦恭而又殷勤地说:“耽搁你一下,佩琪小姐,我只是要告诉你,前两天的一个晚上我在电影里看见你了。是《第三面貌》。我想你是我所看到过的最了不起的女演员中的一个。” 诺艾丽对他盯着看了一会,然后回答说:“我有点儿觉得你当批评家倒比当飞行员更称职些。但是,你是不是有才智和鉴赏能力我表示十分怀疑。”她说完就走了。 拉里站着,脚像生了根似的,又像给打蒙了,好久说不出话来“……这个臭婊子。”大约有片刻的工夫他真想追上去,告诉她,他对她是怎么想的。不过,他晓得这样是自投罗网,到头来还是对她有利。不行,决不行。从今以后,他决心自扫门前雪,把本分的工作做好,离得她远些,越远越好。 ※※※ 在此以后的几个星期里,诺艾丽乘了几趟他开的飞机。拉里没有跟她讲一句话,而且动足脑筋安排得让她看不见他。他不到客舱去,凡是有必要通知乘客什么的,他都让米塔克萨斯去处理。这样,听不到诺艾丽·佩琪有什么评头论足的话了,拉里暗自庆幸把一个难题解决了。 但是,后来的事情证明,他高兴得太早了。 ※※※ 有一天上午,德米里斯把拉里召到别墅来。“佩琪小姐要飞往巴黎,代我处理一桩机密业务。我要你一直待在她身边。” “是,德米里斯先生。” 德米里斯朝他打量了一会,正要准备说些别的什么,转眼间改变了主意:“就是这件事。” 当时,只有诺艾丽一个人要到巴黎去,拉里决定用小型单翼飞机。他安排保罗·米塔克萨斯去使诺艾丽坐得舒服些,自己一直没有出驾驶舱,整个航程中他同诺艾丽没有照过面。 飞机着陆后,拉里往机后走到她座位前,说:“打扰你了,佩琪小姐。德米里斯先生要我在你逗留巴黎期间一直陪着你。” 她轻蔑地对他看了一眼,带着傲慢的口气说:“好。不过不要让我知道你跟在后面。” 他默不作声地点点头。 他们乘着私人汽车从奥利进入巴黎市区。拉里坐在前面,同司机在一起,诺艾丽·佩琪坐在后面。在驱入市区的路程中,她没有跟他讲话。 他们第一次把车子停下来的地方是巴黎银行。拉里跟在诺艾丽后面走进银行的大厅,在那里等着,而她则被引进行长办公室,然后她又去了存放信托保险箱的地下室。诺艾丽大约离开了半个小时,后来她回到大厅时,一言不发地高傲地径直从拉里身边走过。他朝她身后看了一会,就转身跟了出去。 他们第二次停歇的地方是圣奥诺雷郊区街。诺艾丽把汽车打发走了。拉里跟着她走进一家百货公司,站在她身后,看她选购物品。诺艾丽等售货员把东西包扎好,一一交给拉里拿着。她在六七家店铺里买了东西:在赫耳墨斯皮革店买了钱包和皮带,上盖赫莱恩化妆用品商店买了香水,又到赛里纳皮鞋店买了双女皮鞋。大包小包把拉里压得走路都很困难,有的包已经夹到他的腋下去了。如果说她觉察到拉里的不自在的话,她故意毫无任何表示。拉里好像一只被她牵着到处跑的小狗或者小猫。 他们走出赛里纳皮鞋店的时候,天下起雨来了。行人四方窜奔,找躲雨的地方。 “待在这里等我。”诺艾丽命令说。 拉里站在雨中,看着她穿过马路走进了一家餐厅。拉里在瓢泼大雨中等了两个小时,手中和手臂上全是包,一点儿动弹不得。他咒骂她,也咒骂自己不得不听任她摆布。他已经上了钩,可是不知道如何脱钩。他有一种可怕的预感:情况会变得更糟。 ※※※ 凯瑟琳第一次见到康斯坦丁·德米里斯是在他的别墅里。那一次,拉里把他飞往哥本哈根取回的一只包裹送去,凯瑟琳跟着他一起去了。 她站在巨大的接待厅里正欣赏一幅画的时候,有一扇门开了,德米里斯走了出来。他看了她一会儿,然后说:“你喜欢马奈吗,道格拉斯太太?” 凯瑟琳转过身来,发现自己正面对着久闻其名的富翁。她立即产生了两个印象:一是康斯坦丁·德米里斯比她想象的要高,另一个是在他身上有一股不可抗拒的力量,几乎有点儿吓人。凯瑟琳非常惊奇,他居然知道她的名字和她是谁。他似乎不厌其烦地要使她不受拘束。他问凯瑟琳喜欢不喜欢希腊,家里是不是舒适,还对她说,如果他能帮忙让她日子过得更好些,尽管向他说好了。他还知道——恐怕只有上帝才晓得他是怎么知道的——她收集小鸟艺术品。 “我见过一只很可爱的。”他对她说,“我把它送给你。” 拉里来了,带着凯瑟琳一起走了。 “你对德米里斯的看法怎么样?”拉里问道。 “他待人和气。”她说,“怪不得你为他干活挺高兴的。” “我想一直干下去。”他说话时口气中带着一股凯瑟琳没有理解的倔劲和冷酷。 第二天,凯瑟琳收到了一只美丽的瓷做的鸟。这次以后,凯瑟琳又见过两次康斯坦丁·德米里斯。一次是她跟拉里去看赛马会,另一次是德米里斯在他别墅举行的圣诞节宴会上。每一次他都煞费苦心地对她客气,使她愉快。总之——凯瑟琳想——康斯坦丁·德米里斯是一个相当好的人。 ※※※ 八月,雅典的艺术节开始了。连续两个月上演了各种戏剧、芭蕾舞剧和歌剧,还举办各种音乐会——都是在卫城遗址脚下古老的露天剧场上演的。凯瑟琳与拉里一起去看了几场戏;拉里不在的话,她就同帕普斯伯爵一起去。观看这些创作年代久远的剧本在它们原先的环境(即背景)中演出真太有意思了,而且就是由创造这些背景的民族在演出。 有一天夜里,凯瑟琳和帕普斯伯爵看完了的演出之后,谈起了拉里。 “他是个有趣的人。”帕普斯伯爵说,“Polymechanos。” "what does that mean?" “这是希腊文,很难翻译。”伯爵思考了一会儿,“它的意思是'意志方面很丰富'。” “你是指'富于机智'吗?” “对,不过还不止于此。是指一个人,这人总是随时会想出新的念头、新的计谋。” “Polymechanos,”凯瑟琳说,“那就是我的拉里。” 在他们的头顶上空,挂着一轮皎洁的、接近满月的月亮。在温和的、令人感到慰藉的夜色中,他们由普拉加大街朝协和广场走去。正当他们要穿过大街的时候,一辆汽车从拐角处冲着他们急驶而来。伯爵眼快,急急拉着凯瑟琳躲开了。 “白痴!”他对着逐渐消失的汽车叫道。 “这里每一个人开起汽车来都像这个样。”凯瑟琳说。 帕普斯伯爵苦笑着说:“你知道这是什么原因?希腊人还没有完成到火车时代的过渡。在他们的心中,好像仍旧在鞭赶驴子。” “你在开玩笑了。” “使人遗憾的是我不是在开玩笑。如果你想了解希腊人的内心世界,凯瑟琳,不要读旅游指南一类的书,要读古代的希腊悲剧。事实真相是,我们依然属于已经过去了的世纪。在思想感情上来说,我们是很原始的,喜怒哀乐,反复无常,全部流露出来;我们还没有学会用文明的表饰把这些感情掩盖起来。” “我不敢说这是一件坏事。”凯瑟琳回答说。 “也许如此。可是把现实歪曲了。外面的人看我们时,他们不是在看想看的东西。这好像看一颗遥远的星星。实际上你不是在看那颗星星,而是在看过去的反射光。” 这时,他们已经走到协和广场。路边有一排小店铺,窗上贴着招牌,上面写的是“占卜”。 “这儿算命的人很多,是不是?”凯瑟琳问道。 “我们希腊是一个非常迷信的民族。” 凯瑟琳摇摇头:“我不相信。” 说着,他们走到了一家小酒店。窗玻璃上的招牌用手写体写着:“皮里斯夫人,铁嘴算命。” “你相信巫术吗?”帕普斯伯爵问道。 凯瑟琳向他瞥了一眼,看他是不是在说着玩,是不是在逗她。他的脸色是一本正经的。“只在才有点相信。” “我说的巫术不是指魔法故事中的扫帚柄、黑帽子和沸滚的水壶。” “那你指什么?” 他朝那招牌点点头:“皮里斯夫人是一个懂巫术的女人,或者叫巫婆。她能推测过去,预知将来。” 他注意到了她脸上的怀疑神色。“我跟你讲一个故事,”帕普斯伯爵说。“许多年以前,雅典的警察局长是一个名字叫索福克雷斯·瓦西利的人。他是我的一个朋友,我利用我的影响帮他当上了警察局长。瓦西利是一个非常诚实的人。有人想贿赂他,碰了壁,他们
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