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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Noelle

Christian Barbey was sullen.The short, balding detective sat at his desk, biting a cigarette between his yellowed and missing teeth, and stared darkly at the folder in front of him.The information in the folder would cost him a client.He charged a lot for Noelle Page.The reason for his gloom today was not only that he would lose a huge amount of income, but also that he would not have access to Noelle in the future.He hated Noelle Page, and yet she was the most captivating woman he had ever met.Barbey fantasized and fabricated many frightening stories centering on Noelle, all of which ended with her being possessed by him.Now, his mission is coming to an end, and he will never see her again.He deliberately let her wait in the reception room, while he was trying to think of ways, how to handle her commission skillfully, so that the detective work would not be interrupted, not only for money, to squeeze more oil from her, but more importantly. In order to keep in touch with her.But things backfired, and he felt helpless.Barbey sighed, stubbed out his cigarette, and went to open the door.Noelle sat on the black leatherette couch.He looked at her carefully, and was immediately amazed that there would be such a beautiful woman in the world.This seems unfair to other women.

"Good afternoon, miss," he said, "come in." She walked into his office with the air of a model.Having a client of such renown as Noelle Page would do Barbey no small favor.He often mentions her name intentionally or unintentionally when speaking with others to attract other customers.Barbey was not the sort of man whose conscience kept him awake. "Sit down, please," he said, pointing to a chair. "Shall I pour you a brandy, or an aperitif?" He's kind of whimsical about getting Noelle drunk so that... "No," she replied, "I've come to hear your report."

She wouldn't even drink with him for the last time! "Okay," said Barbey, "I have several new messages." He reached out to his desk and pretended to be studying the material, although he had already got it all in his mind. "First," he told her, "your friend has been promoted to captain and transferred to No. 133 Squadron, where he is in command. The airfield is at Duxford, Cambridgeshire, in the Kirtisau. They used to fly--" He spoke slowly and unhurriedly, knowing she wasn't interested in the military stuff--" Hurricanes and Agni-2s, and then Mark 5. Then they fly—”

"None of that matters," Noelle interrupted impatiently. "Where is he now?" Barbey had been waiting for her to ask that question. "In America." Before she could control her emotions, Babe caught the reaction on her face, and he felt a surge of ecstasy. "In Washington," he went on. "take a vacation?" Babe shook his head. "No. He's retired from the RAF. He's a captain in the U.S. Army Air Corps now." He watched Noelle's reaction when she heard the news, but her expression prevented him from guessing how she felt.But Babe had something to talk to her about.He picked up a newspaper clipping between his long, yellowed fingers and handed it to her.

"I think this will interest you," he said. He noticed that Noelle tensed up. She seemed to know what she was about to read.The news was clipped from The Daily Telegraph in New York.The headline, "Ace Aviator Gets Married," featured a photo of Larry Douglas and his bride above the headline. Noelle looked at it for a moment, then reached for the rest of the material. Christian Barbey shrugged, stuffed all the other materials into a document bag made of brown paper, and handed it to her. He was about to say good-bye to her when Noelle said, "If you don't have a source in Washington, get one. I hope there are reports every week."

She was gone, leaving Christian Barbey alone.He stared at her leaving back in bewilderment. ※※※ Back at the residence, Noelle went into the bedroom, locked the door, and removed the newspaper clipping from the file.She spread the materials out on the bed in front of her and looked at them carefully. The Larry in the photo was exactly as she remembered it.If anything, Larry in her mind was clearer than in the papers, because Larry in her mind was more alive than Larry in real life. Not a single day passed without Noelle not thinking about the days she and Larry had spent together.She felt as if they had starred in a play together a long time ago, and she could recall the past scenes at will. Some days she recalled a few of them, leaving others to experience in later days, so that she could remember Everything in the world is always alive, as if it just happened.

Noelle turned her attention to Larry's bride.What she saw was a pretty, young, intelligent face with a smile on its lips. This is the face of the enemy.A face that would be destroyed like Larry's. Noelle studied the face all afternoon. Hours later, when Armand Gautier knocked on her bedroom door, Noelle told him to go away.He waited outside in the drawing room, but when Noelle finally came out, she seemed eerily cheerful, as if she had good news.She explained nothing to Gautier; he knew her temper and did not press. That night Noelle Page dreamed of Colonel Mueller.This bald "old man" Gestapo officer is torturing her with a branding iron, burning the mark of the swastika on her body.He kept questioning her, his voice so low that Noelle couldn't hear him.He kept cauterizing that hot piece of metal into her flesh.Suddenly, the person at the table was Larry, screaming in pain.Noelle woke up, in a cold sweat, her heart beating violently.She switched on the light by the bed and lit a cigarette, her fingers trembling as she lit it, but she managed to compose herself.She thought of Israel Katz.One of his legs had been chopped off with an axe.She hadn't seen him since that afternoon at the bakery.The building's janitor told her he was alive but weak.It was getting harder and harder to hide him well, and he couldn't act himself.The Gestapo intensified their hunt for him.Action must be taken now if he is to be sent out of Paris.Actually, Noelle hadn't done enough to get the Gestapo to arrest her, but that was just for now.Was the dream a portent, warning her not to help Israel Katz?She lay on the bed, recalling the past.He had helped her when she had an abortion.He helped her kill Larry's baby.He helped her and helped her find a job.There were dozens of people who helped her more than he did, but Noelle didn't appreciate them.Every one of them, including her father, wanted something from her, and she paid enough for everything she received.Israel Katz never asked her anything.She has to help him.

Noelle didn't underestimate the magnitude of the problem.Colonel Müller had long suspected her.She remembered the dream she had just had and shuddered.She had to make Mueller never catch her.Israel Katz must be smuggled out of Paris.But how to send it?Noelle decided that all exits were closely watched and they would guard the road and the river.The Nazis may have been dirty pigs, but they were efficient pigs.It would be challenging for her, and it might cost her her life, but she was determined to give it a try.The problem is she has no one to turn to.The Nazis had already shrunk Armand Gautier into a ball, trembling with fright.No, she will have to do it alone.She thought of Colonel Muller and General Scheider, and wondered which of them would be the victor if they clashed.

The night after Noelle's dream, she and Arman Gautier attended a dinner party.The owner was Leslie Rosa, a wealthy patron of the arts.The guests at the dinner were of all kinds—bankers, artists, political leaders, and a host of beautiful women.Noelle felt they were here mainly to keep company with the Germans at the dinner party.Gautier noticed Noelle brooding, but when he asked her what was wrong, she told him everything was fine. Fifteen minutes before dinner officially began, a newcomer walked through the door procrastinatingly.As soon as Noelle saw him, she knew her problem was solved.She went up to the hostess and said, "Honey, do a good job and set me up next to Albert Eyler."

※※※ Albert Eyler is the leading playwright in France.He was a tall, shambling, bear-like man in his sixties, with a mop of white hair and broad, sloping shoulders.He was unusually tall for a Frenchman, but he would stand out in a crowd anyway because of his ugly face.Those green eyes were so sharp that they never missed anything.His imagination is rich and creative.Eller has written more than two dozen plays and screenplays, all hits.He had been asking Noelle to star in a new play he had written and had given her the script. Noelle sat next to him at dinner.She said, "I've just finished reading your new book, Albert. I'm a big fan of the show."

He couldn't help but beam with joy. "Would you like to act?" Noelle put her hand on his. "I wish I could, dear. Armand has put me in another play." He frowned, then sighed resignedly. "Shit! Ah, forget it, we'll work together someday." "Then I'll be delighted," said Noelle. "I like your skill in writing your screenplay. Your approach fascinates me the way a writer creates an attractive plot. I don't understand how you write a screenplay." .” He shrugged. "Like you act. It's what we do, we make a living doing it." "No," she replied, "your ability to use your imagination is nothing short of a miracle to me." She smiled awkwardly. "A miracle, I know. I'm trying to write something, too." "Oh?" he said politely. "Yes, but I'm stumped." Noelle took a deep breath and glanced around the table.All the other guests were engrossed in conversation.She leaned closer to Albert Eyler, and lowered her voice. "I have a burning problem. My heroine is trying to smuggle her lover out of Paris. The Nazis are looking for him." "Ah." The tall playwright sat where he was, playing with a salad fork, banging it on his plate.Then he said: "Easy. Put him in a German uniform and let him slip out among the Germans." Noelle sighed and said, "It's complicated. He's injured and can't walk. He's missing a leg." The banging of plates suddenly stopped.After a long silence, Ella said, "Send it up the Seine by barge?" "Someone is guarding the Seine." "All vehicles and ships leaving Paris will be searched?" "right." "Then you'll have to try and get the Nazis to do it for you themselves." "Your heroine," he went on, without looking at Noelle. "Is she attractive?" "yes." "For example," he said, "your heroine befriends a German officer, a German of high standing. Is that possible?" Noelle turned to look at him, but he avoided her gaze. "possible." "All right then. Let her have a tryst with this officer. They drive somewhere outside Paris for the weekend. Friends can try to hide your leading man in the trunk of the car. The officer must be an important people so that his car would not be searched." "If the trunk is locked," Noelle asked, "will he suffocate?" Albert Eller took a sip of his wine, thinking quietly."It doesn't have to be that," he said finally, and he explained it to Noelle for five minutes, all the while quietly.When he was done he said, "Good luck." He still didn't look her in the eye. ※※※ The next morning, Noelle called General Shade.An operator answered her call at the switchboard, and a few minutes later Noelle was on the phone with an adjutant, and finally the call was passed on to the general's secretary. "May I ask who is calling General Shade?" "Noelle Page." She called her name a third time. "I'm sorry, the general is in a meeting. Can't disturb him." She hesitated. "Can I call him back later?" "He's going to be in meetings all day. I suggest you write a letter and set your case straight." Noelle sat there for a moment, considering the idea, a sarcastic smile on her lips. "It doesn't matter," she said. "Just tell him I called." An hour later, her phone rang. It was General Hans Scheider. "Excuse me," he said apologetically. "That stupid guy just told me what you said. I would have told them to put your call through to me, but it never occurred to me that you would call me." "I'm the one to apologize," Noelle said. "I know you're very busy." "Go ahead. What can I do for you?" Noelle hesitated, choosing the right words. "Do you remember what you said about us at dinner?" The other party was silent for a while, and then said, "I remember." "I've been thinking of you very much, Hans. I'd love to see you." "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" There was a sudden eagerness in his voice. "Don't meet in Paris," Noelle replied. "If we're going to stay together, I'd like it to be far away." "Where are you going?" General Shade asked. "I hope it's a special place. Do you know Etra Tower?" "have no idea." "It's a pretty little village, one hundred and fifty kilometers from Paris, near Le Havre. There's an old quiet inn there." "That seems fine, Noelle. It's not easy for me to walk away now," he said apologetically again. "I am--" "I see," Noelle interrupted him coldly, "I'll talk about it later when I have time." "Wait a minute!" There was a long silence. "When will you be free?" "After the play on Saturday night." "I'll arrange it," he said, "and we can fly to—" "Why don't you take a car?" Noelle asked. "Such a pleasure." "If you like. I'll meet you at the theater." Noelle thought quickly. "I have to go home and change first. Come and pick me up at my house?" "As you wish, dear. See you Saturday night." ※※※ Fifteen minutes later, Noelle reported the situation to the gatekeeper.As she spoke, he listened and shook his head vigorously, expressing his total disapproval. "No, no, no! But I'll tell our friend Katz, Miss, but he won't do it. He'd be a fool for it! You might as well tell him to get a job at Gestapo headquarters." "It won't fail," Noelle assured him. "The best brains in France have come up with this scheme." ※※※ That afternoon, when she walked out the door of the apartment, she saw a man leaning against the wall, pretending to be buried in a newspaper.Noelle walked out into the street, feeling the freshness of the winter air.At this time, the man straightened his body and began to follow behind her, carefully keeping a certain distance from her.Noelle strolled along the streets, stopping now and then to look at the shop windows. Five minutes after Noelle left the building, the doorman came out, looked around to see that no one was paying attention to him, hailed a taxi, and told the driver to drive to Montmartre. A sporting goods store. Two hours later, the janitor reported to Noelle: "They'll bring him to you on Saturday night." ※※※ On Saturday night, after Noelle finished her play, she found Colonel Kurt Müller of the Gestapo waiting for her backstage.Noelle shuddered with terror.The escape plan was calculated very accurately in terms of time, and there should be no errors in minutes and seconds, and no delays are allowed. "I saw you from the front of the stage, Miss Paige," said Colonel Mueller. "You're getting better at acting each time." He spoke softly, but his tone was sharp, which made her previous dreams come alive before her eyes. "Thank you, Colonel. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to change." Noelle walked toward her dressing room, and he walked beside her. "I'll go with you," said Colonel Muller. She walked into the dressing room, and the bald "old man" Colonel followed closely behind her.He sat comfortably in an easy chair.Noelle hesitated, then began to undress while he watched nonchalantly.She knows he's gay, which deprives her of a valuable weapon -- femininity. "A little sparrow whispered softly in my ear," said Colonel Muller, "and he's going to run away to-night." Noelle's heart seemed to stop beating for a moment, but the expression on her face remained the same.She began to wipe the makeup off her face.To buy time, she asked, "Who's going to run away tonight?" "Your friend, Israel Katz." Noelle turned around sharply, a movement that made her suddenly aware that she had taken her bra off. "I don't know of any—" She caught the instant smug gleam in his pink eyes, allowing her to see through his trap in time. "Wait a minute," she said, "are you talking about a young intern?" "Oh, so you remember him!" "Almost forgot. He treated me for pneumonia before." "And your own abortion," said Colonel Mueller softly in his high-pitched voice.She felt another pang of fear.If the Gestapo hadn't established her involvement, they wouldn't have expended so much energy on it.What a fool she was to get herself involved in this; but even as Noelle thought so, she knew it was too late to quit.The plan was being carried out, and Israel Katz was either free or killed a few hours later.What about her? Colonel Muller said, "You say you last saw Katz at the café a few weeks ago?" Noelle shook her head. "I never said that, Colonel." Colonel Müller stared intently into her eyes, then rudely shifted his gaze to her bare breasts, then her stomach to her panties.Then he looked up and looked her in the eyes again, and sighed. "I love beautiful things," he said softly. "It would be a pity to ruin a beauty like yourself, and for a man who means nothing to you. How is your friend going to get away, madam?" " He said it so quietly that it sent a shudder down her spine.She was almost like Annette in the play she starred in, the simple, lonely woman. "I really don't know what you're talking about, Colonel. I'd like to help you, but I don't know how." Colonel Muller studied Noelle for a long time, then stood up haughtily. "I'll show you how to do it, miss," he assured her in a low voice, "and I'll have fun doing it." He turned when he reached the door and added another word before leaving. "By the way, I have advised General Scheider not to spend the weekend with you." Noelle's heart sank.It was too late to get in touch with Israel Katz. "Are the colonels always in charge of the private lives of the generals?" "Not this time," Colonel Muller said regretfully, "General Scheider wants to go to this tryst." He turned and walked out. Noelle stared at his back, her heart beating wildly.She looked at the gold clock on the dressing table and hurriedly dressed. ※※※ At eleven forty-five the porter called to tell Noelle that General Scheider was coming upstairs to her room.His voice trembled. "Is his driver in the car?" Noelle asked. "Not in the carriage, miss," replied the porter cautiously. "He has gone upstairs with the general." "Thank you." Noelle put the microphone away, walked quickly into the bedroom, and checked her luggage again.There must be no mistake.The front doorbell rang, and Noelle walked into the living room and opened the door. General Scheider stood in the hallway, and behind him was his driver, a young captain. General Scheider was not wearing a military uniform, but a well-tailored dark gray suit with a light blue shirt and black tie inside, looking extraordinarily energetic. "Good evening," he said solemnly.At the same time, he stepped through the door and nodded to the driver. "My duffle bag is in the bedroom," Noelle said.She pointed to the door. "Okay, ma'am." The captain walked into the bedroom. General Shade came up to her and took her hand. "You know what I've been thinking about all day?" he asked. "I thought maybe you weren't here, maybe you changed your mind. I worry about it every time the phone rings." "I'll do what I say," Noelle said. She watched the captain come out of the bedroom with her toiletry case and excursion bag. "Anything else?" he asked. "Not anymore," Noelle said. "that's it." The captain came out of the room with her traveling supplies. "Ready?" General Shade asked. "Let's have a drink before we go," Noelle said immediately.She went to the liquor cabinet, where there was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. "Let me do it." He went to the ice bucket and opened the bottle of champagne. "Why are we toasting?" he asked. "For the village of Etrata." He looked at her for a moment, then said, "Etrata." They clinked glasses and toasted, then drank it down. Noelle glanced furtively at her watch as she put down her glass.Noelle was only half listening to what General Scheider was telling her, her thoughts focused on imagining what was happening downstairs at that moment.She has to be very careful.This can have deadly consequences if acted too quickly or too slowly.Everyone will be screwed. "What are you thinking?" General Shade asked. Noelle turned her head immediately. "I didn't think about anything." "You're not listening to me." "I'm sorry. I was thinking about the two of us." She turned to him, giving him a quick sweet smile. "You, I can't figure you out," he said. "Are all women mysterious?" "Not like you. I would never have thought you headstrong, yet—" he gestured, "at first you wouldn't see me at all, and now we're suddenly going to the country for weekends together again." "Do you regret it, Hans?" "Of course I don't regret it. But I wonder—why go to the country?" "I told you." "Oh, yes," said General Scheider. "It's very romantic. There's something else I don't understand. I believe you're a realist, not a very romantic one." "What exactly do you mean?" Noelle asked. "Nothing," the general replied casually. "I'm just speaking my mind. I like to solve problems with my brain, Noelle. I'll solve your problem when the time comes." She shrugged. "Once you figure out the answer, the question might not be so interesting." "We'll see." He put down his glass. "Can I go?" Noelle picked up the two empty champagne glasses. "I'll just put my glass in the sink," she said. General Scheider watched her enter the kitchen.Of all the women he had ever seen, Noelle was the preeminent beauty, and he was tempted to possess her.But that doesn't mean he's a fool, or blind to everything.Clearly, she wanted something from him.He was determined to find out what it was she was planning to get from him.Colonel Müller had warned him that it was quite possible that she was helping a dangerous enemy of the Empire; Colonel Müller's judgment was seldom erroneous.If his calculations were correct, then Noelle Page was probably using General Scheider to protect herself in some way.If so, she was too ignorant of, let alone understood, German military thinking.He would hand her over to the Gestapo without hesitation, but he would enjoy it first.He is looking forward to this fun weekend. Noelle came out of the kitchen with a worried look on her face. "How many suitcases did the driver take down?" she asked. "Two," he replied. "An excursion bag, a toiletry case." She made a face. "Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry, Hans. He forgot another suitcase. Does it matter?" He watched Noelle walk to the phone, pick up the receiver, and speak into it. "Would you please ask the general's driver to come up again?" she said. "There's one more suitcase to take down." She put the phone down. "I know we're only there for the weekend," she smiled, "but I wanted to make you happy." "If you're going to make me happy," General Scheider said, "you don't need so many clothes." He glanced at the photograph of Armand Gautier on the piano. "Does M. Gautier know that you are going out with me?" he asked. "Yes." Noelle lied.Arman was meeting with a producer in Nice about a film, and she didn't feel the need to frighten him by telling him her plans. The doorbell rang and Noelle went to the door and opened it. The captain stood there. "I heard there was a suitcase?" he asked. "Yes," Noelle said apologetically, "in the bedroom." The captain nodded and walked into the bedroom. "When are you going back to Paris?" General Scheider asked her. Noelle turned to look at him. "I want to stay there as long as I can. We can come back on Monday evening. That will give us two days." The captain came out of the bedroom. "Excuse me, miss. What's that suitcase like?" "It's a big round suitcase," Noelle said.She turned to the general. "There's a pajamas inside that I haven't worn yet. It's just for you." And now she started babbling, trying to hide her nervousness. The captain went into the bedroom again.After a while, he came out again. "Sorry," he said, "I can't find it." "I'll do it," Noelle said.She went into the bedroom and went from one wardrobe to another. "That silly maid must have kept it somewhere else," she said. The three of them searched all the wardrobes in the suite until the general found the suitcase in the living room wardrobe.He picked it up and said, "It seems to be empty." Noelle hurriedly opened the box and looked in. There was nothing inside. "Oh, the fool," she said. "She must have stuffed this beautiful new dress into the suitcase where the other clothes were. I hope she hasn't stuffed it out of the way." She sighed furiously. "Do your German maids cause trouble like this?" "I suppose it's the same everywhere," said General Scheider.He studied Noelle carefully.She was behaving strangely and talking too much.She noticed him looking at her. "You make me feel like a schoolgirl," Noelle said. "I don't remember ever being more nervous." General Shade smiled, it turned out to be the case.Or was she playing some trick with him?If so, he would soon see her through.He glanced at his watch. "If we don't start now, it will be too late to get there." "I'm ready," Noelle said. She prayed secretly that others were also prepared. When they came to the hall, the porter stood pale.Noelle was worried, wondering if something was wrong.She looked at the doorman, hoping to get some cue from him, some signal, but before he could respond, the general took Noelle's arm and pulled her toward the door. General Scheider's limousine was parked just in front of the gate, the rear trunk of the car was closed. There was no one on the street.The driver stepped forward quickly and opened the door of the car.Noelle turned and looked into the hall, hoping to see the doorman, but the general stepped in front of her and blocked her view.Did he do it on purpose?Noelle glanced at the closed trunk of the car, seeing nothing in particular.It would be hours before she would know whether her plan had succeeded, and this state of ignorance would be unbearable. "You're not feeling well, are you?" General Shade was staring at her.She felt something must be terribly wrong.She had to find an excuse to go back into the hall and be alone with the porter for a few seconds.A forced smile played on her lips. "I just remembered," Noelle said. "A friend wants to call me. I have to leave a message—" General Scheider grabbed her arm. "It's too late," he said with a smile. "From now on, I'm the only person you can think of." He helped her into the car.Then, they were on their way. ※※※ Five minutes after General Scheider's limousine left the apartment building, a black Mercedes screeched to a screeching halt in front of the building, and Colonel Muller and two other Gestapo agents got out of the car. out. Colonel Müller looked hurriedly up and down the street. "They're gone," he said. The men burst into the foyer of Noelle's apartment building and rang the concierge's bell. The door opened, and the porter stood in the doorway with a look of surprise on his face. "what--?" Colonel Müller shoved him into the cramped porter's room. "Miss Paige!" he snapped. "Where is she?" "She—she's gone," he said. "I know, you big fool! I ask you, where has she gone!" The janitor shook his head. "I don't know, sir. All I know is that she went with an officer." "Did she tell you where to find her?" "No--didn't tell me, sir, Miss Page never told me anything." Colonel Müller stared at him for a moment, then turned away. "They won't go very far," he said to his men. "Get in touch with all the sentries on the road as soon as possible, and tell them to stop General Scheider's car when it arrives, and to call me immediately. " ※※※ Due to the late hour, there were very few military vehicles on the road, in fact, there were hardly any vehicles.General Scheider's limousine took the Rue de West, which leads west of Paris, passing through Versailles.They passed Mount Virno and Geyron.Twenty-five minutes later they were approaching the main intersection of the main road, from which it turned to the roads to Vichy, Le Havre, and the Cote d'Azur. Noelle felt as if by a miracle they were about to drive out of Paris unimpeded.She should have known earlier: the Germans, for all their efficiency, were unable to block every road leading outside of Paris.Just as she was thinking this way, a roadblock loomed in the dark ahead. In the middle of the road, the red light is on and off.Behind the lights, a German army truck was parked, blocking the way.On one side of the road there were five or six German soldiers and two French police cars.A German lieutenant waved his hand to stop the car. After the car stopped, he walked towards the driver. "Come out and show your ID." General Scheider opened the car window, poked his head out, and said gruffly, "I'm General Scheider. What the hell is going on here?" The lieutenant snapped to attention. "I'm sorry, General. I didn't know it was your car." The general glanced at the barricade ahead. "How is this going?" "Monsieur General, we have orders to check every vehicle leaving Paris. There are barricades at every exit." The general turned to Noelle. "Damn the Gestapo. I'm sorry, honey." Noelle felt her face go pale, but it was pitch black inside the car.Her voice was quiet when she spoke. "It doesn't matter," she said. She thought about what was hidden in the trunk.If her plan worked, Israel Katz would stay inside, and he'd be caught in a moment.She can't get away either. The German lieutenant turned to the driver. "Please open the suitcase." "There's nothing in there but luggage," protested the captain. "I put the luggage in there myself." "Excuse me, Captain. Our order is clear: Every car leaving Paris must be inspected. Open." With a low grunt, the driver opened the door, ready to step out.Noelle's mind raced; she had to find a way to stop them without arousing their suspicion.The driver has already got out of the car.There is no time.诺艾丽偷偷瞥了一下谢德将军的脸色,看见他的眼睛眯了起来,嘴唇紧紧地抿着,很恼火。 她转脸向他,显得很天真地问:“我们是不是得出去,汉斯?他们会不会搜我们的身?”她感到他的全身因愤怒而变得很紧张。 “等一等!”将军的声音宛如一声鞭响。“回到车上去,”他命令他的司机。他转向中尉,讲话时声音里充满了愤懑。“不管是谁下的命令,告诉他,这些命令不适用于德国的将军。我不接受中尉的命令。把路障迅速清除。” 这个倒霉的中尉呆呆地看着将军怒气冲冲的脸,喀嚓一声立正后说:“是,谢德将军。”他向停在路中间的卡车司机挥了一下手,于是卡车隆隆地驶到了一边。 “开车!”谢德将军命令道。 小轿车飞驰着消失在黑夜之中。 诺艾丽让身体慢慢松弛下来,靠在坐椅上,感到紧张的心情已经消失了。危机已经过去了。她很想知道伊舍利尔·凯兹是否在小轿车的行李箱内,不知道他是否还活着。 谢德将军转身朝着诺艾丽,她可以感到他仍然怒气未消。 “我向你道歉,”他说,显得有些厌倦,“这是一场奇怪的战争。有时,必须提醒盖世太保,战争是由军队来进行的。” 诺艾丽抬头对他笑了笑,挽住了他的手。“而军队是由将军来指挥的。” “确实如此,”他表示同意,“军队是由将军来指挥的。我要让穆勒上校受到教训。” ※※※ 谢德将军的小汽车离开这一路障之后十分钟,盖世太保总部打来了电话,提醒他们要注意这辆车。 “这辆车早已通过了。”中尉报告说。一阵不祥之感猛然传遍他全身。紧接着和他对话的人换成了穆勒上校。 “走了多长时间?”这位盖世太保军官轻声问。 "ten minutes." “你们搜查了他的轿车吗?” 中尉感到一阵惊慌。“没有搜查,先生。将军不允许——” “狗屁!他朝哪条路走的?” 中尉竭力抑制自己的感情。当他再次开口时,他的声音带着一种绝望的语气,仿佛他知道他的前程已经断送了。 “我不能肯定,”他回答说,“这是一个四通八达的交叉路口。他可能往内地走,去鲁昂,或者朝海边去,到勒阿弗尔去。” “你明天早上九点钟到盖世太保办公室来报到,我的办公室。” “是,先生。”中尉回答道。 穆勒上校怒气冲冲地把电话挂断了,转向身旁的两个人说:“去勒阿弗尔。把我的车开来。快去捉蟑螂!” ※※※ 通往勒阿弗尔的道路沿着塞纳河蜿蜒向西穿过景色宜人的塞纳河谷。这里,树木茂密的山岗之间,散布着肥沃的农田。这一晚,天空万里无云,繁星闪耀,远处的农舍宛如一团团火焰,点缀着漆黑的夜色。 诺艾丽和谢德将军坐在小轿车舒适的后座上交谈着。他跟她谈起了他的妻子和孩子,并说,对一个军官来说,婚后的生活是很艰难的。诺艾丽同情地听着他的谈话,并且告诉他,浪漫的生活对一个女演员来说又是多么不容易。两人都意识到他们之间的谈话只是一场游戏,不过是浮在表面的泛泛之谈,彼此不愿露出内心深处的真实思想。诺艾丽一刻也没有低估坐在她身旁的男人的智力,充分了解她所从事的冒险活动是多么危险。她知道谢德将军非常聪明,他不会相信她会突然感到他具有不可抗拒的吸引力的,他一定在怀疑她别有用心。诺艾丽指望的是她能在他们玩的这场游戏中胜过他。将军只是简短地提到了这次战争,但是他说的有些话,她很久以后还记得。 “英国是一个坚强的民族,”他说,“在和平时期,他们很难管理,但是一旦发生了危机,他们就会表现得非常出色。英国水兵只有在他们的战船渐渐沉入大海时,才真正感到幸福。” ※※※ 在去埃特拉塔的路上,他们于凌晨到达了勒阿弗尔。 “我们是不是停下吃点东西?”诺艾丽说。“我饿了。” 谢德将军点点头。“当然可以,只要你愿意。”他提高了嗓门。“找一个通宵餐馆。” “肯定在码头边上有通宵餐馆。”诺艾丽提议说。上尉顺从地转过车头向岸边驶去。他把车停在岸边,水面上有几艘货船系在码头上。在一个远离街区的地方,挂着一块招牌,上面写着“酒店”。 上尉打开了车门,诺艾丽下了车,谢德将军跟在后面。 “这酒店大概为码头工人通宵营业。”诺艾丽说。 她听到了发动机的声音,于是转过了身。一辆运货的铲车驶了过来,停在小轿车附近。两个人跨下了铲车,他们身着工作服,头戴帽子,长长的帽舌把脸都遮掩住了。其中一个人使劲地看着诺艾丽,然后取出工具包,开始拧紧铲车上的螺丝。 诺艾丽感到心口的肌肉一阵痉挛。她握住谢德将军的手臂,一面随他朝餐馆走去,一面回头看了看坐在驾驶盘后的司机。 “他是不是要喝点咖啡?”诺艾丽问。 “他得待在车上。”将军说。 诺艾丽凝视着司机。他决不能待在车上,否则一切全完了。但是,诺艾丽不敢坚持要司机也去餐馆。 他们踏着高低不平的鹅卵石路继续朝餐馆走去。突然,当诺艾丽跨步的时候,她的脚踝一扭,人摔倒了,发出了一声痛苦的尖叫。谢德将军伸出了手,但他还没有来得及抓住她,她的身体就摔倒在鹅卵石路面上。 “不要紧吧?”他问。 看见诺艾丽跌倒了,司机离开了驾驶盘,急忙朝他们走去。 “真抱歉,”诺艾丽说,“我——我的脚踝扭了。我感到它好像断了。” 谢德将军老练地用手摸了摸她的脚踝。“没有肿。大概只不过扭伤了。你能站起来吗?” “我——我不知道。”诺艾丽说。 司机走到她身边。于是,两个男人扶着她站了起来。诺艾丽走了一步,但是她的脚踝怎么也支撑不住身子。 “对不起,”她呻吟道,“让我就坐着吧。” “帮我把她扶进去。”谢德将军指着餐馆向司机说。 两个男人一边一个扶着她,走进了餐馆。进门的时候,诺艾丽不顾危险匆匆回头看了轿车一眼。那两个码头工人正站在小轿车后部的行李箱旁。 “你是不是肯定不能去埃特拉塔了?”将军问。 “没关系,放心好了,我马上会好的。”诺艾丽回答说。 餐馆的老板把他们引到角落里的一张桌子旁,将军和司机小心地扶着诺艾丽坐到一张椅子上。 “你感到很痛吗?”谢德将军问。 “有一点痛,”诺艾丽回答说。她按着他的手。“别担心,汉斯。我不会因为这一点小伤把这次周末旅行毁了的。” ※※※ 诺艾丽和谢德将军坐在餐馆里的时候,穆勒上校和他手下的两名特务正风驰电掣地驾车驶进勒阿弗尔境内。 当地的警察局长被从梦中叫醒,在警察局门前等候盖世太保的人。“有一名警察已经找到了将军的小汽车,”他说,“车停在海岸边。” 穆勒上校的脸上露出了一丝满意的神色。“带我到那儿去。”他命令道。 五分钟之后,盖世太保的汽车载着穆勒上校、他手下的两名特务和警察局长,冲到了谢德将军的小轿车旁。他们下车后,立即把这辆车包围了起来。 正当此时,谢德将军、诺艾丽以及司机刚要离开餐馆。司机首先注意到了车旁的这些人。他朝他们匆匆走去。 “怎么回事?”诺艾丽问。说这话的时候,她已经认出了远处穆勒上校的身影,感到全身一阵寒战。 “我不知道。”谢德将军说。他大步朝小轿车走去,诺艾丽一瘸一拐地跟在他身后。 “你们在这里干什么?”当他赶到小汽车那儿时,谢德将军问穆勒上校。 “在你度假时打扰你,真抱歉,”穆勒上校简短地回答说。“将军,我想检查你的小汽车的行李箱。” “里面除了行李什么也没有。” 诺艾丽走到了人群那儿,并注意到那辆铲车已经开走了。将军和盖世太保的人正互相怒目而视。 “我必须坚持我的意见,将军。我有理由相信一个正在被追捕的第三帝国的敌人藏在你这辆车的行李箱里,而你的客人是他的帮凶。” 谢德将军盯着他看了许久,然后转过脸去察看诺艾丽的神色。 “我不知道他在讲些什么。”她坚定地说。 将军的目光移到了她的脚踝,然后他下了决心,转向司机。“把它打开。” “是,将军。”当司机伸手握紧把手转动时,所有的眼睛都盯着行李箱。诺艾丽突然感到晕眩。行李箱盖被慢慢地打开了。 It was empty. “有人偷了我们的行李!”司机惊叫道。 穆勒上校气得脸色发青。 "He escaped!" “谁逃走了?”将军质问道。 “蟑螂,”穆勒上校咆哮道,“一个叫伊舍利尔·凯兹的犹太人。他就是装在这辆小汽车的行李箱里被偷运出巴黎的。” “那不可能,”谢德将军反驳道。“那行李箱关得很严实。他会被闷死的。” 穆勒上校把行李箱打量了一会儿,然后转向他手下的一个特务。“爬进去。” “是,上校。” 那个特务顺从地爬进了行李箱。穆勒上校砰的一声把盖子紧紧地关上了,然后看着手表。四分钟过去了,他们都一声不响地站在那儿沉思着。 诺艾丽感到等了不知道多长时间,才看见穆勒上校终于打开了行李箱的盖子。里面的那个特务已经失去了知觉。 谢德将军转向穆勒上校,脸上带着蔑视的表情。“如果有谁藏在行李箱里搭车的话,”将军肯定地说,“那么他们搬走的是具尸体。上校,还有什么事要我替你效劳吗?” 这位盖世太保的军官摇摇头,显得既愤慨又沮丧。 谢德将军对司机说:“走吧。” 他扶着诺艾丽上了车。他们驾车朝埃特拉塔驶去,那一小撮人离他们越来越远,最后消失了。 ※※※ 科特·穆勒上校在岸边进行了搜查,但是直至第二天下午很晚才在一个废弃的仓库的角落里找到一个木桶,里面装着一个空的氧化罐。 在前一天晚上,有一艘非洲货轮驶离勒阿弗尔前往开普敦,但是现在船已经航行在公海上了。 丢失的行李几天之后出现在巴黎的北火车站的失物招领处。 至于诺艾丽和谢德将军,他们在埃特拉塔度过了周末,于星期一下午接近傍晚时回到了巴黎,使诺艾丽能及时地赶上夜晚的演出。
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