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Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Noelle

On Sunday, June 14, 1940, soldiers of the German Fifth Army marched straight into Paris.The Parisians were dumbfounded.The Maginot Line has become a great shame in the history of war. France has completely lost its defense ability in front of the most powerful military empire in the world. At dawn, a strange gray curtain shrouded the whole city, and no one knew where this terrible cloud came from.For the past forty-eight hours, the intermittent sound of gunfire has broken the unnatural, eerie silence of Paris.The rumble of cannons in the suburbs caused echoes in the center of Paris.All kinds of rumors spread everywhere through the radio, newspapers and word of mouth.The Germans are landing on the coast of France...London has been destroyed...Hitler has made a deal with the British government...The Germans are going to level Paris with a new weapon of destruction, and so on and on.At first, people believed every rumor and were terrified, but in the end the continuous emergency had the effect of numbing people's spirits, as if people's bodies and minds could no longer hold more fears, so they used indifference as a shell and put Protect yourself.Now the rumor mill is closed, the newspapers are out of print, and the radio stations are no longer on the air.What people now rely on is no longer those rumor-making machines, but their own instincts.They felt that this was a fateful day, and that the dark clouds were an ominous omen.

Immediately afterwards, the Germans swarmed in. In a blink of an eye, Paris seemed to be a city of foreigners, full of German devils in uniform.They spoke heavily in unfamiliar languages, speeding along wide boulevards in Mercedes sedans with swastikas flying in front of them; Now is the master here.They really deserve to be "higher races", as if they were born to conquer and rule the world. In a fortnight Paris was astonishingly transformed.German-language posters abound, statues of French heroes have been pulled down one after another, and swastika flags hang from all government buildings.The Germans are desperately trying to eradicate all signs of France, almost to the point of absurdity.Signs for hot and cold taps changed from French to German.Place Rogly in the city of Strasbourg became Place Adolf Hitler. , and the statues were blown up by the German bombing team.The inscription on the monument to the martyrs was also replaced.

The German occupying forces are enjoying everything Paris has to offer.Although the French cuisine is not rich and overly seasoned, it is a change of taste for Germans who are used to eating military rations, and it tastes very delicious.The soldiers had no idea that Paris was the city where Baudelaire, Alexandre Dumas, and Molière had lived and worked, and would have dismissed it even if they had.In their minds, Paris is nothing more than a whore, flamboyant and frivolous.They raped her in different ways.The commandos forced young French girls to have fun with them, sometimes submitting to the threat of bayonets.As for their leaders, like Goering and Himmler, it was the Louvre and the luxurious private residences that had been confiscated from the enemies of the German Reich they had just created.

If there was corruption and unexplained optimism in a moment of crisis, France also displayed heroism.One of the clandestine means of the underground resistance is the fire brigade, which in France is under the jurisdiction of the army.The Germans appropriated dozens of buildings for use by the army, the Gestapo, and various ministries of the puppet government, the locations of which were of course no secret.In the Saint-Rémy church, the underground resistance headquarters, resistance leaders pored over huge maps showing the location of each building.After research, they assigned the target to a demolition expert.The next day, someone drove past the building in a fast car or nonchalantly on a bicycle and threw a homemade bomb through a window.However, the damage was not serious.Only what happened after that can show how ingenious their scheme is.

As a result, the building caught fire, and the Germans called fire brigades to put out the fire.In all cities it is taken for granted that when a fire breaks out it is the sole responsibility of the firemen to put it out.Paris is no exception.Firemen rushed into the building while the Germans stood timidly aside, watching as they destroyed everything in sight with high-pressure hoses, axes and - if possible - their own Molotov cocktails.In this way, the underground resistance movement destroyed the extremely valuable documents locked by the Germans in the fortified army and Gestapo headquarters.It took almost six months for the German High Command to realize the mystery, but irreparable damage had already been done.The Gestapo could find no evidence of who did it.Even so, they captured all the firefighters and sent them to the Soviet front as cannon fodder.

At that time, everything from food to soap was scarce.No gasoline, no meat, no dairy.The Germans took it all away.The shops displaying luxury goods are still open, but the customers are all German soldiers, and what they pay is the mark printed by the occupying army, which is basically the same as the regular mark, but there is no white road on the side, and there is no bank guarantee. . "Who will change these notes?" lamented the French shopkeepers. The German grinned. "Bank of England." Not all French are suffering, however.The rich and well-connected can go to the black market at any time.

※※※ Noelle Page's life changed little when France fell to the Germans.She posed as a model for the Chanel boutique on Rue Capon.The fashion store is located in a gray stone building with a history of 150 years. Although the building looks ordinary from the outside, the decoration inside the building is very beautiful.In this one, as in all other wars, there were upstarts, and the fashion houses were not short of customers.Noelle was getting more invitations than ever; the only difference was that the vast majority of them were in German.After get off work, she often sits for a few hours in the small open-air cafes near the Elysée Garden Avenue or the Pont Neuf on the left bank.There were hundreds of soldiers in German uniforms, many of them accompanied by French girls.The average French man was either too old or crippled, and Noelle figured the younger men were sent to concentration camps or conscripted into the army.She recognized Germans at a glance, even when they were not in uniform.They all had the haughty look on their faces that has always been worn by conquerors since the days of Alexander and Hadrian.Noelle neither hated them nor liked them.They can only make her feel indifferent.

But her mind was constantly active, carefully planning every step.She knew in her heart exactly what her goals were, and knew that nothing could stop her.She has enough money to hire a private investigator.The private investigator once worked on a divorce case for a model who worked with Noelle. The detective's name was Christian Barbey, and the base of his activities was a small, shabby office in the rue Saint-Lassan.The sign in front of the door reads: The signboard is almost bigger than the office.Barbey was short and bald, with yellowed teeth that were missing, slit eyes that always looked sideways, and his fingers were stained with nicotine.

"What can I do for you?" he asked Noelle. "I want information on a man. He's in England." He blinked suspiciously. "What kind of information?" "Everything. Is he married, who does he see often. Anything. I'm going to have a scrapbook for him." He scratched his crotch cautiously, staring at her. "Is he British?" "American. He's a pilot with Eagle Squadron, RAF." Babe stroked his bald head uneasily. "I don't understand," he complained, "we're at war. If they find out I want to know about a pilot from England—"

He stopped here and shrugged meaningfully. "The Germans shot people before asking questions." "I don't want military information," Noelle assured him.She opened her purse and took out a wad of francs.Barbey eyed the money greedily. "I have connections in England," he said cautiously, "but at a great cost." So, the investigation began. ※※※ It was three months before the little detective called Noelle. When she walked into his office, the first thing she said was, "Is he still alive?" Babe nodded, and her whole body relaxed in relief.

Babe thought: It must be beautiful to be so loved. "Your boyfriend has been transferred," Barbey told her. "Where did you go?" He looked down at the notebook on the desk. "He was from No. 609 Squadron RAF and has been transferred to No. 121 Squadron, based in East Matthall, East Anglia. He flew the Hurricane—" "I don't care about that." "You paid for it," he said. "You still don't want to waste it in vain." He looked down at his notes again. "He's flying a Hurricane now. Before that, he was flying an American Bison." He turned a page and added: "Here's something about his private life." "Come on," Noelle said.Barbey shrugged. "He's got a whole bunch of girls he's been sleeping with. I don't know if you're going to—" "I told you—know everything." She spoke in a strange tone which puzzled him.This matter is a bit strange, there must be something hiding from him. Christian Barbey is a third-rate detective who receives third-rate customers, but he also develops a beast's unique instinct to distinguish the true from the false and the sense of smell to follow the traces.This beautiful girl standing in his office bewildered him.At first he thought she was asking him to engage in some kind of investigative activity, then he concluded that she was a deserted wife trying to gather evidence against her husband.He admitted that his conjectures were all wrong. What his client was doing and why she was doing this was beyond his comprehension. He handed Noelle a list of Larry Douglas's girlfriends.He secretly watched her facial expressions as she read the list.She seemed to be looking at a laundry list. She raised her eyes after reading it.Christian Barbey did not expect her to say the following words at all. "I'm glad," Noelle said. He looked at her, blinking. "If you have anything new to report, please call me." After Noelle left, Babe sat in the office for a long time, staring out the window, thinking hard, trying to guess what the motive of his client was. ※※※ The theaters in Paris are thriving again.The Germans came often, too, to celebrate their glorious victories, showing off as trophies the beautiful French women they had on their arms.The French go to the theater to forget for a moment that they are an unfortunate defeated people. Noelle went to the theater a few times in Marseilles, but it was always bad amateur plays, performed by mediocre actors for dull audiences.The theater in Paris is quite different.The drama here is full of life and energy, full of Molière, Racine and wit and grace.Peerless opened his own theater, and Noelle went to see his performances.When Büchner's "Death of Danton" was re-run, she also went to see it.She also watched Asmonde, written by François Mauriac, a promising young playwright.She went to the Comédie Française to see Pirandello's "Everyone Has His Own Truth" and "Cyrano de Bergerac."Noelle always went to the theater alone, so engrossed by what was on stage that she didn't even notice the admiring eyes of those around her.The magic displayed on the stage echoed in her heart.Like the actors on the stage, she is also acting, as if wearing a mask, playing a role different from her own. She was particularly moved by one play, Jean-Paul Sartre's "Secretary Confinement".The play stars Philippe Sorel, one of the most adored actors in Europe.Sorel was ugly, short and thick, with a missing piece of his nose and a boxer's face, but there was magic when he spoke.He turned into a sensitive and handsome man.It was like the Prince and the Frog, Noelle thought as she watched him perform.Sorel, though, is both prince and frog.She went to his shows again and again, always sitting in the front row studying his performance, trying to discover the mystery of his attractiveness. ※※※ One night, during intermission, an usher at the theater handed Noelle a note.The note read: "I see you sitting in the audience night after night. Please come backstage tonight and let's talk. Philip Sorrell." Noelle read the note again, savoring the joy it brought.She did not think much of Philip Sorrell, but she knew that this was the beginning, the opportunity she had been looking for. After the show, she went backstage.An old man guarding the entrance of the stage led her to Sorel's dressing room.He was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, wearing only a pair of shorts, removing his make-up.He studied Noelle carefully in the mirror. "It's unbelievable," he said at last, "you look even more beautiful up close." "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Sorel." "where are you from?" "Marseilles." Sorrell turned and looked at her more closely.His eyes moved to her feet, and then slowly to her head, without missing a single point.As he watched, Noelle stood where she was, motionless. "Looking for a job?" he asked. "No." "Yeah." Sorel seemed to understand. "However, I don't give any money except that I can go to the theater for free. If you want money, please find another customer." Noelle stood silent, watching him.Sorrell finally said, "What exactly are you looking for?" "I think it's you I'm looking for." They had dinner together and then went to Sorel's apartment. When Noelle left for work the next morning, Sorrel invited her to move in with him. ※※※ Noelle lived with Philippe Sorel for six months, and she was neither happy nor unhappy.She knew that Sorrel was ecstatic and ecstatic that she lived there, but Noelle didn't take it seriously.She sees herself as merely a schoolboy and is determined to learn something new every day.He was a school to her, she came here to study, it was part of her long-term plan.She's made a mistake twice on this question, and she doesn't want to make the same mistake again.There was only one person in her heart, and that was Larry Douglas.Noelle used to pass by places Larry had taken her to, Victory Square, a park, or a restaurant, and she would always feel filled with hatred, suffocating, breathing hard, and the hatred was still there. Mixed with another indescribable emotion. Two months after Noelle moved in with Sorrell, she got a call from Christian Barbey. "I have something to report to you again." The short little detective said. "How is he now?" Noelle asked immediately. Babe was feeling uneasy again. "Very good," he said. There was relief in Noelle's voice. "I'll be right there." ※※※ The report is divided into two parts.The first part is about Larry Douglas' experience in the military.He shot down five German planes and was the first American to become an ace pilot in the war.He has been promoted to captain.The second part of the report interested her more.He had become a popular figure in London's wartime social life and was engaged to the daughter of a British admiral.Then came a list of girls Larry had slept with, ranging not only from showgirls but also from the wife of the deputy secretary of defense. "Do you want me to continue the investigation?" Barbey asked. "Of course," Noelle replied.She drew an envelope from her purse and handed it to Barbey. "Call me if there's anything new." Then, she left. Babe sighed and looked up at the ceiling.Then he counted the francs in the envelope. "Crazy," he said to himself thoughtfully, "crazy." ※※※ Philip Sorrell would have been surprised if he had had the slightest idea of ​​what Noelle was planning.Noelle seemed to be devoted to him with all her heart and soul.She did everything for him: cook delicious meals, go shopping, pay the rent and electricity bills, and urge the maids to clean the house, but she asked nothing of him.Sorrell was secretly thankful to have found the perfect mistress.He takes her everywhere so she can meet all his friends.They were ecstatic about her, and considered Sorel a lucky one. One night after a performance, they were having dinner, and Noelle said to him, "Philip, I want to be an actor." He shook his head. "Noelle, you are absolutely beautiful. I've had countless actresses in my life and you're not like them. I want you to be what you are. I don't want you to be anything but me Man." He patted the back of her hand. "Didn't I give you everything you asked for?" "Yes, Philip," Noelle replied. ※※※ The Sunday following this evening was Noelle's birthday, and Philip gave her a dinner at Maxine's.He rented the private hall upstairs, richly decorated in red plush and dun panelling.Noelle had drawn up the guest list with him, including one name she had added on her own initiative without letting him know.Forty guests attended the banquet.They toasted Noelle's birthday and gave expensive gifts.When dinner was over, Sorrell stood up.He drank a lot of brandy and champagne, so he was a little wobbly and his speech was a little slurred. "My friends," he said, "just now, we all had a toast to the most beautiful girl in the world and a wonderful birthday present. But I have one more present for her that will delight you all. Surprised." Sorrell looked down at Noelle, couldn't help but smile, and then turned to everyone. "Noelle and I are getting married." Approving cheers erupted in the dining room, and the guests rushed over to pat Sorrel on the shoulder and wish the future bride well.Noelle sat there, smiling up at her guests and murmuring her thanks.One guest did not stand up.He sat at a table on the other side of the room, smoking a long cigarette, watching what was happening sarcastically.Noelle realized that he had been watching her throughout the dinner.The man was tall and slender, with an expression on his face that seemed to be in deep thought.Everything that happened around him seemed to interest him.He was not so much a guest at the dinner party as a bystander. Noelle caught his gaze and smiled. Armand Gautier, one of the most eminent directors in France, is in charge of the Théâtre de France, which is regularly repertoire by a troupe.The plays he directed were well received by the public.With Gautier as director, a play or film is a sure thing.He had a reputation for being particularly good at directing actresses, developing five or six major stars. Sorrell was beside Noelle, talking to her. "Are you surprised, honey?" he asked. "Philip, I'm surprised," she said. "I think we'll get married right away, at my villa." From behind his shoulder, Noelle could see Armand Gautier watching her with his inscrutable smile.Some friends came and called Sorel away.When Noelle turned, she found Gautier standing in front of her. "Congratulations," he said, sneering in his voice, "you caught a big fish." "yes?" "You have found Sorel, and you have gained a lot." "It might be to others," said Noelle dryly. Gautier looked at her in amazement. "Are you trying to tell me you're not interested?" "I have nothing to tell you." "Good luck." He turned and walked away. "Monsieur Gautier..." He stopped. "Can I see you tonight?" Noelle said quietly. "I want to talk to you alone." Armand Gautier studied her for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. "if you are willing to." "I'll go to your place. Is that all right?" "Okay, sure. The address is—" "I know the address. Twelve o'clock?" "Twelve o'clock." ※※※ Armand Gautier lived in a luxurious old apartment building on the Rue Marble.The doorman ushered Noelle into the hall, and the elevator operator took her to the fourth floor and showed her Gautier's apartment.Noelle rang the bell.After a while Gautier opened the door.He was wearing printed pajamas. "Come in," he said. Noelle went into his suite.Although her eyesight was not sophisticated, she felt that the furnishings in the room were very elegant and interesting, and those works of art were very precious. "Sorry, I'm not fully dressed," Gautier said apologetically, "I've been on the phone." Noelle stared into his eyes. "You don't need to get dressed." She went to the couch and sat down. Gautier couldn't help laughing: "Miss Paige, I feel the same way. But I'm a little curious, why did you choose me? You're already engaged to a wealthy celebrity. I can conclude that if you're looking for fun, You can find someone more attractive than me, and certainly richer and younger. What do you want from me?" "I want you to teach me acting," Noelle said. Armand Gautier looked her over and sighed. "You've failed me. What I'm looking for is someone who is unique." "Your job is to deal with actors." "With actors, but not amateurs. Have you ever acted?" "No, but you will teach me." She took off her hat and gloves. "Where's the bedroom?" she asked. Gautier hesitated.He has met too many beautiful women in his life, some for entering the theater world, some for big roles, some for lead roles in new plays, and some for a bigger dressing room .They all repelled him.He knew he'd be a fool if he got involved with a woman.Now a beautiful girl came to my door. "There." He pointed to a door. He watched her walk towards the bedroom.He wondered how Sorrel would feel if he knew his future bride was spending the night here. Gautier, who had planned to sleep with Noelle all night and send her away, now looked at Noelle while he ate breakfast, thinking of how to attract her to him, make her his mistress, until he was tired of it. At the same time, she was not encouraged to become an actor.He knew he had to show some kind of bait.He probed carefully. "You intend to marry Philippe Sorel?" he asked. "Of course not," Noelle said. "That's not what I meant." Now things are coming to light. "Then what do you mean?" asked Gautier. "I told you," Noelle said quietly, "I'm going to be an actress." Gautier pursed his mouth into a crescent to buy time. "Of course," he said.Then he went further: "There are plenty of good drama teachers, and I can send you there, Noelle. They'll..." "No!" Noelle looked at him warmly, filling him with joy.She seemed ready to go along with whatever he suggested.But Gautier felt that her heart was as hard as steel.She could have said "no" in many different ways, with anger, accusation, disappointment, or frustration, but the tone she used was so soft and so sure.This matter is much more difficult than he expected.The idea had crossed Armand Gautier's mind: to tell her to go, to tell her that he could not waste his time on her.Dozens of girls came to him every week, and he told them all that.But the joy he had had last night was too much for him to believe.As soon as he thought about it, he felt that it would be foolish of him to let her go like this, and it must be worth making a small concession for her. "Well," said Gautier, "I'll let you learn a play. When you have memorized the lines, read them to me, and see how much talent you have. Then we can decide what to do next." "Thank you, Arman," she said, without seeming complacent, and he couldn't even detect a trace of joy in her tone, she was just expressing gratitude for what was bound to happen.For the first time Gautier felt the pangs of doubt.But that's too ridiculous, he's an old hand with women after all. While Noelle was dressing, Armand Gautier entered the study.The study room was lined with well-worn books, which he was familiar with.He looked around, and finally took Euripides's from the shelf with a wry smile.This is one of the most difficult classical works to perform.He went back to the bedroom and handed the script to Noelle. "Here, honey," he said, "you recite this part first, and we'll check it out together." "Thank you, Armand. You won't regret it." The more Gautier thought about it, the more pleased he was with his ingenuity.It would take Noelle a week or two to memorize that part, and more likely, she would come to admit that she couldn't memorize it.In this way, he could sympathize with her, explain how difficult the art of acting was, and their relationship would not be affected by her ambition at all.After Gautier and Noelle agreed to go to a restaurant together for the evening, she said goodbye. ※※※ When Noelle returned to the room she shared with Sorrel, she found him waiting for her.He was very drunk. "You bitch," he cried, "where have you been all night?" He didn't care what she had to say.He knew he was going to hear her apology in a moment, that he was going to beat her up, put her to bed, and forgive her. But Noelle didn't apologize, she just said, "Philip, I was with another man. Now I'm back to pack my things." Sorrel stared at her dumbfounded, unable to believe what was happening before him.Noelle went straight into the bedroom and started packing. "Noelle, for God's sake," he begged, "don't do this! We love each other... we're going to be married soon." Then he argued, threatened, coaxed, and babbled for half an hour.By the time Noelle had packed up her things and left the room, Sorel hadn't understood how he'd lost her, because he didn't know the fact that he never really had her. ※※※ Armand Gautier was directing a new play that was due in two weeks, so he was in the theater all day rehearsing.Usually, when he's putting together plays, he doesn't have anything else on his mind.Part of his genius was his ability to focus so intensely on his work.He forgot about everything except the theater hall and the actors he rehearsed with.However, this day was different.Noelle was always on the mind of the famous director Armain Gautier.Whenever the actors stopped to wait for his opinion after rehearsing a scene, Gautier would always suddenly realize that he was not paying attention to their rehearsals. As Gautier was always analytical, he tried to find out why this girl had such an influence on him.Noelle was beautiful, but he had slept with some of the most beautiful women in the world.She seems bright, but not brilliant; her personality is likable, but not complicated.There is something else, something that the director can't grasp.At this time, he remembered the soft tone when she said "no", and he thought that maybe he could follow the clues from here and find out the reason.There was an irresistible force about her, a determination to get everything she needed.Inside her body and mind, there was something he hadn't touched yet.Like all men with whom Noelle had come in contact before, Armand Gautier felt that although Noelle had moved him so deeply that he dared not admit it himself, he had failed to move her at all.It was a challenge to him, and his manly pride did not allow him to shy away from it. On this day, Gautier was in a trance.He looked forward to the night with earnestness.He hoped that Noelle would disappoint him so much that he could cut her out of his life. That night, Noelle stopped talking about the script.Gautier hoped Noelle had forgotten about it, or couldn't recite the lines.When she left in the morning, she promised him that she would come and have dinner with him that evening. "Can you get away from Sorel?" asked Gautier. "I've broken up with him," Noelle said simply.She told Gautier her new address. He stared at her for a while. "I see." In fact, he didn't understand, not at all. ※※※ They spend another night together.Noelle seemed interested in him, and he couldn't help bringing up things he hadn't talked about in years, personal things he'd never told anyone before.Noelle made no mention of the script he had read to her, and Gautier was secretly glad that he had settled the matter so neatly. The next night, when they had finished supper and were going to bed, Gautier began to make his way to the bedroom. "Take it easy," Noelle said. He turned around in surprise. "You said you wanted me to read that play." "Well, when—of course," stammered Gautier, "as long as you're ready." "I am ready." He shook his head. "I don't want you to read the script, dear," he said, "I want you to memorize it by heart, so I can judge exactly how good an actor you are." "I've learned it by heart," Noelle said. He looked at her in disbelief.Memorizing all of her character's lines in three days is impossible. "Would you like to hear me recite my lines?" she asked. Armand Gautier had no choice. "Of course I would," he said.He pointed to the center of the room. "That's the stage. I'm the audience here." He sat down on a large and comfortable couch. Noelle started acting.Gautier felt the goosebumps on his body, his characteristic reaction whenever he spotted someone with real talent.Not because Noelle seemed skilled.Her kung fu is still far behind.Her every move betrays her childishness, but she has qualities far more important than skill: rare candor and a genius for giving new meaning and color to every line. After Noelle finished reciting her lines by herself, Gautier said enthusiastically, "I think you're going to be an important actor someday, Noelle. I really do. I'm going to send you to Go and study with Georges Farbe, the best drama teacher in France. Stay with him and you'll—" "No." He looked at her in surprise.The tone of her voice when she said "no" was just as soft, sure, and indisputable. "'No' what?" Gautier asked, puzzled. "Farb refuses to teach anyone but the most important actors, and he will accept you only if I tell him." "I want to take acting lessons from you," Noelle said. Gautier felt furious. "I never coach actors," he snapped. "I'm not a teacher. I'm a director for professional actors. When you're a professional actor, I'll be your director." He fought hard to keep his voice from showing his irritation. "do you understand?" Noelle nodded. "Arman, I understand." "That's fine." He calmed down and took Noelle into his arms, letting her kiss him passionately.He now knows that his worries were unnecessary.She, like any other woman, needs someone to dominate.He and she will never have trouble again. In the middle of the night he said to her, "Noelle, you're going to be a great actress. I'm going to be so proud of you." "Thank you, Arman," she whispered. In the morning Noelle prepared breakfast and Gautier went to the theater after eating.He called her during the day, but she didn't answer.When he got home that night, she wasn't there.Gautier waited for her return, but there was no sign of her.He lay on the bed all night without closing his eyes, worrying if she had an accident.He called Noelle's place, but no one answered.He sent a telegram, but it couldn't be delivered.He went to her place after the rehearsal, but no one answered the bell. After this, for a week, Gautier was almost insane.每次排练都被他搞得支离破碎。他对演员大叫大嚷,把他们一个个给气坏了,最后舞台监督只好建议他们停练一天,戈蒂埃同意了。演员们走后,他孤零零地坐在台上,想弄明白他到底怎么了。他对自己说,诺艾丽只不过是又一个普通的女人,一个没什么价值的金发女郎,野心勃勃,只有女售货员的心胸,却想当明星。他用尽心思来贬低她,但是最后还是意识到这是白费力气的。他离不开她。那天晚上,他在巴黎的大街上东游西逛,在一些他不会被人认出来的小酒吧间里喝得烂醉。他试图想出能找到诺艾丽的方法,但都无济于事。除了索雷尔以外,他甚至找不到什么人可以谈她的事,而和索雷尔谈这件事当然是不可能的。 诺艾丽失踪一星期之后,一天早上四点钟光景,阿尔曼·戈蒂埃醉醺醺地回到家里。他打开门,走进起居室。室内所有的灯都亮着。诺艾丽蜷缩在一张安乐椅内,身上穿着他的一件睡袍,正在看书。他走进来时,她抬起了头,嫣然一笑。 “你好,阿尔曼。” 戈蒂埃目不转睛地看着她,欣喜万分,一种无限宽慰和快活的感情流遍全身。他说:“我明天就开始教你学戏。”
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