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Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Noelle

She was born a princess of a royal family.After she came to this world, the first impression left in her mind was a white cradle with a canopy on top.The canopy is trimmed with lace all around and decorated with pink ribbons.The cradle is filled with a variety of silky imitation animals, beautiful dolls, and an assortment of golden rattles.She soon realized that as long as she opened her mouth and wailed loudly, someone would rush to hug her, coax her, tease her, and obey her.When she was six months old, her father used to put her in a baby carriage and wheel it into the garden where she could touch the flowers.He used to say, "Princess, these flowers are beautiful. But you are more beautiful than these flowers."

At home, her father often holds her in his chest with his strong and thick arms, and when she walks to the window, she can look at the roofs of tall buildings.At this moment, she behaved obediently and seemed very happy.He said: "Princess, outside is your kingdom." Outside the window, there are huge ships moored in the harbor.He pointed to the gently shaking tall masts: "See those big ships? They will all be under your command in the future." Guests often come to the castle to see her, but only a few special people are allowed to hug her; Her figure, her lovely flaxen hair, and her skin as soft as honey were admirable.Her father often said proudly: "Strangers know she is a princess at a glance!" And he often bent over the small bed and whispered: "One day a handsome prince will come and make you fall in love at first sight. "He used to gently tuck her in the warm pink blanket, and she fell into a deep sleep contentedly without knowing it.Her entire external world is a rose-colored beauty: ships, tall masts, castles... It wasn't until she was five years old that she realized that she was the daughter of a fishmonger in Marseilles.The castle she saw from the window of the squat turret was nothing more than a warehouse around a smelly fish market.Her father buys and sells fish at this fish market every day.Her sea fleet is nothing more than some old fishing boats.Every day, before the sun came out, these fishing boats sailed out of the port of Marseille; they returned in the afternoon, pouring all kinds of sea fish on the seaside pier.

This is Noelle Page's kingdom. Noelle's father's friends often warned him to be careful about what he did. "You can't put those outlandish fantasies in her head, Jean. Otherwise, she'll think she's superior." Their prophecy came true. On the surface, Marseille is a violent city.The city was full of hungry sailors, but there was money in the bag.Of course, there are also cunning predators to relieve their troubles of having money and having nowhere to spend.However, Marseilles, unlike the rest of France, has a sense of solidarity born of a common struggle for survival, because the city's lifeblood comes from the sea, and because its fishermen are part of the same family as fishermen all over the world.No matter in a storm or a sunny day; no matter a sudden disaster or a pleasing harvest of fishing, they share weal and woe and are closely related.

Therefore, in Jean Ke Peggy's neighborhood, everyone was happy to see his luck in having such a little angelic daughter.They also knew that it was a miracle that a real princess emerged in the city of Marseilles, which was as dirty as a dunghill. Noelle's parents were amazed that they had such a beautiful daughter.Noelle's mother was a hulking housewife, a squat, round waist and thick legs.Noelle's father was also short, broad-shouldered, with small, suspicious eyes.His hair was the color of wet sand on a Normandy beach.At first, he thought that God had made a small mistake, such a graceful blond, white and fat little goddess could not belong to him and his wife.He believes that when she grows up, she will eventually become an ordinary girl who is not very attractive, just like the daughters of his friends.But the miracles were getting more and more strange, and Noelle was growing more beautiful every day.

Noelle's mother wasn't as surprised by the addition of a blond beauty as her husband was.Nine months before Noelle's birth, her mother met a tall, burly Norwegian sailor who had just come off a freighter.This is a Scandinavian handsome man with blond hair and a warm, seductive grin.Jank was working in the fish market, and the Norwegian sailors spent a quarter of an hour in her bed in their small cabin. Noelle's mother was horrified when such a beautiful blond baby was born.Wherever she went, she was restless, waiting for her husband to scold her with angry eyes and demand that she explain who the real father of the child was.But, strange to say, some egoistic desire in him made him accept the fact that she was his own child.

He used to boast to his mates: "She must be a throwback to the Scandinavian blood in our family. But, you see, she looks a lot like me!" His wife listened, nodding in agreement, thinking men were fools. Noelle loved being with her father.She liked his clumsy, funny look and his strange smell.At the same time, she was terrified by his rudeness and brutality.Her eyes widened as her father snapped at her mother, slapping her across the face.At this time, her father was very aggressive, and the veins on his neck were protruding, while her mother screamed in pain. There was something not in pain in the cry, and only she knew it.

Noelle's father, however, was kind to his daughter.He liked to take her out on the docks and show her off to the rough men who worked with him.Everyone on the pier calls her a princess, and she takes pride in being her father and herself. She wants to please her father.Because he loved to eat, Noelle made him his favorite dishes.Slowly she took Mother's place in the kitchen. When Noelle was seventeen, that early beauty was all the more remarkable.She had become a pretty girl: slender, with lovely purple eyes and soft blond hair.Her skin is white and delicate, as if soaked in honey; her breasts are full and firm, and all other parts are also very well-proportioned; her speech is crisp and sweet, and anyone who sees her will be tempted.But more importantly, what exudes from her is the temperament of innocence.The perfect body and the innocence of the girl make her attract countless surprised eyes no matter where she goes on the street: some belong to admiration, and some belong to obscenity.

Noelle's father had long noticed her physical beauty and her attraction to the opposite sex.He and his wife had talked about their daughter, but he was convinced that she was still a virgin—a woman's little capital.His self-interested peasantry made him think long and hard about how best to invest the windfall that God had given him.It was his mission to get the most handsome reward for his daughter's beauty, both for Noelle and for himself.After all, he bore her, fed her, clothed her, sent her to school—everything about her belonged to him.Now, it's time for him to be rewarded.If he could marry her to a rich man as his concubine, it would be the best policy for her, and he would be able to benefit from it for the rest of his life.Nowadays, the world is going from bad to worse, and it is becoming more and more difficult for honest people to find a livelihood.The shadow of war has enveloped every corner of Europe.Germany's Nazi troops marched into Austria with lightning speed, shocking the whole of Europe.A few months later, Nazi troops took the region; soon after, they occupied Slovakia.Despite Hitler's reassurances that he had no ambitions for other regions, the omens of a major war grew day by day.

The influence of Hitler's military operations during this period was particularly evident in France.The supply is insufficient, the market is depressed, and the goods are in short supply.The French government has begun to make various adjustments in preparation for a large-scale defensive war.Jeank worries that soon they may even be forced to stop fishing, and what will he do then?Have!His solution to this problem was to find a suitable husband for his daughter.The trouble was that he didn't know any rich people.His co-workers were all paupers like himself, and he didn't allow anyone who couldn't pay the asking price to approach her.

Jean-Claude Paige was caught between a rock and a hard place, but Noelle unwittingly solved it for him.In recent months, Noelle had become agitated, and while her work was good, her studies were starting to bother her.She told her father that she wanted to find a job.He looked her over without saying a word, weighing the possibilities shrewdly. "What kind of work?" he asked. "I don't know," Noelle replied. "I guess it's okay to be a fashion model, Dad." It's that simple. Every afternoon during the second week, when Jean-Claude Paige came home from get off work, she washed and scrubbed carefully, trying to get the fishy smell out of her hands and hair.Then he put on his best clothes and walked up the Rue Canapier, the main street that leads from the old port of Marseilles to the bustling district.He wandered up and down the Rue Cannapier, inspecting the boutiques.What a bumpkin had gone to town, dropped into a world of silk brocades, he didn't realize at all, and even if he did, he didn't mind at all how out of place he was in such surroundings.He came here with no other purpose, but one goal.When he came to "appropriate", he finally found this goal. "Fair" is one of the best boutiques in Marseilles.However, this was not the reason why he went to this shop, but because the owner was Mr. August Lachaux.Rashaw was in his fifties, ugly, bald, short-legged, with a greedy mouth that twitched a lot.His wife, a short, thin woman in profile, was in charge of the fitting room, always gesticulating and yelling at the master tailor.Jean-Claude Peggy glanced at M. Lachaux and his wife and thought that his problem could be solved.

Rashaw watched in disgust as the ragged stranger entered his shop door and said gruffly, "Hi? What can I do for you?" Jean Ke Peggy blinked, touched Rachaux's chest with one of his thick fingers, and said with a smirk: "Sir, what should I do for you? I'm going to let my daughter come to work with you. " Auguste Lachaux gazed at the stupid man standing before him with a bewildered expression on his face. "Do you want to—" "She'll be here at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." "However, I haven't—" Jean C. Page was gone.After a few minutes, August forgot all about it.About nine o'clock the next morning, Rachaux looked up and saw Jean-Claude Peggy entering the shop again.Rashaw was about to call a clerk to throw him out when he spotted Noelle behind the bumpkin.They came towards him, an old man and his unbelievably beautiful daughter. The old man grinned and said, "She's here, she can work right away." August stared at the girl intently and licked his lips. "Good morning, sir," Noelle greeted with a smile, "my father said you could give me a job." "Yes." Rashaw nodded, barely believing his own voice. "I—I think we can arrange it," he stammered. Jean Ke Peggy said, "Well, you two get to know each other." He patted Rashaw affectionately on the shoulder and winked again, which may have meant many different things, but Rashaw was not interested in his intentions. confused. For the first few weeks, Noelle felt as if she had entered another world.The women who come to the store are all dressed in fashionable clothes and have elegant manners.The men who came with them were a thousand miles away from the rough and violent fishermen among whom she had grown up.It seemed to Noelle as if for the first time in her life she could not smell fish.In the past, she never noticed the fishy smell, because the fishy smell had already merged into her body and mind.Now, everything has changed, and it's all thanks to her father.She was very proud to see her father with Mr. Lachaux.Her father came in two or three times a week, and slipped out with Mr. Lashaw for brandy or beer.When they returned from the hotel, there was a close friendship between them.At first Noelle hated Mr. Lashaw, and he behaved cautiously with her.Noelle had heard from a girl who worked in the store that once Rashaw's wife caught her husband fooling around with a model in the storeroom and nearly killed him by grabbing a pair of scissors. .Noelle knew that no matter where she went, Rashaw's thief eyes were always behind her.However, in contact, he is very cautious and very polite.She thought happily alone: ​​"Perhaps he is afraid of my father." Back home, the whole atmosphere suddenly became very cheerful.Noelle's father stopped beating her mother, and the endless arguments were no more heard.Steaks and roasts are on the table during meals.After dinner, Noelle's father took out a new pipe, stuffed with tobacco from a shredded pouch made of animal hides, which carried a rich aroma.He bought himself a new set of clothes for the holidays.The international situation was going from bad to worse, and Noelle often listened to her father discuss the situation with his fellow workers.They were anxious about the impending crises of everyday life, and only Jean-Claude Paige seemed indifferent to them. On September 1, 1939, Hitler's army invaded Poland.Two days later, Britain and France simultaneously declared war on Germany. Wartime conscription began.Overnight, the streets were filled with people in military uniforms.Regarding what is happening here, everyone has a look of helplessness, and it seems that the scenes of the old movies they have seen in the past have reappeared in front of them.However, there is no psychology of fear.Other nations may have reason to tremble before the might of the German army, but France is invincible.France has the Maginot Line, which is impenetrable, a masterpiece of fortification, capable of keeping France for a thousand years, and strong enough to defend against any foreign enemy.Soon, a curfew was imposed and rationing began.But none of this mattered to Jean Ke Peggy.He wasn't bothered at all.He seemed to have changed, became calmer.Only once did Noelle see him lose his temper and fly into a rage. It was one night, she was having a secret conversation with a young man whom she dated occasionally in the kitchen.Suddenly the light came on, and Jean Kee Page stood in the doorway, furious.He shouted at the terrified boy, "Get out! Don't touch my daughter, you dirty little piggy!" The young man slipped away in a panic. Noelle tried to explain to her father that they had done nothing wrong, but he was too angry to listen.He said aloud: "I hope you will not give up on yourself. What is he? He is not worthy of my princess." ※※※ That night, Noelle lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time.Her father's doting on her made her extremely surprised, and she vowed that she would never do anything to make him unhappy from now on. One evening, when it was almost closing time, a customer came to the store.Rashaw asked Noelle to show some dresses.After the customers left, everyone in the store got off work, only Rashaw and his wife.Rashaw's wife is checking out the room.Noelle went into the empty dressing room to change when Rashaw burst in and grabbed her.Noelle twitched all over, and her skin was covered with goosebumps.She pushed hard, but couldn't push it away.Just as he was about to call, the voice of Rashaw's wife came.Rashaw was forced to let her go and hurried out of the dressing room. On the way home, Noelle wondered if she should tell her father about it.He would most likely kill Rashaw.She hated Rashaw, loathed him, and dared not approach him, but she couldn't lose the job.Also, if she quit her job, my father might be disappointed.She decided not to talk about it for the time being, but to find an appropriate way to deal with this matter by herself.On Friday of that week, Mrs. Lashaw received a long-distance call saying that Jae's mother was ill.After Rashaw drove her to the station and sent her away, he rushed back like a race.He called Noelle into his office and told her he was taking her for the weekend.Noelle gave him a momentary bewildered look, thinking it was a joke; but it didn't look like a joke, for he went on to give details of the lodgings and the theatre. "Let's go to Vienna, where there is the most luxurious hotel in the world - the Pyramid Hotel. It's expensive, but that's all right. I'm very generous to people who are nice to me. You can be ready to come with me as long as you have to wait." ?” She stared at him. "Never go" were the only words that came to her mind.She said "No", then turned and ran back to the shop.Mr. Rashaw looked at her back for a while, with uncontrollable anger showing on his face, and then grabbed the phone on the table.Within an hour, Noelle's father walked into the store.He walked straight up to Noelle.She was overjoyed, and a stone fell from her heart: it was he who had a premonition that something was going to go wrong and came to save her.Rashaw stood at the door of his office, watching Rangke's actions.Noelle's father grabbed her by the arm and herded her into Rashaw's office.He turned to face her. "I'm so glad you're here, Dad," said Noelle. "I—" "Mr. Rashaw told me he was going to give you a big favor, but you don't want it." She stared at him, all bewildered. "Benefits? He wants me to go with him for the weekend!" "You refused?" Before Noelle could answer, her father withdrew his hand and slapped her on the cheek.She stood there dumbfounded, in disbelief.Her ears were ringing, and she vaguely heard her father say, "Idiot! An idiot! It's time for you to think of others besides yourself, you selfish little bastard!" He hit her again. Half an hour later, her father was standing by the side of the road watching Noelle and M. Lachaux ride together for Vienna. In the hotel room, there is a large double bed, some simple furniture, and a washbasin stand in the corner with a washbasin on it.Mr. Lashaw is not a spendthrift dandy.He gave the waiter a little tip, and the waiter left the room immediately.Rashaw lunged at Noelle... ※※※ At dawn, Noelle was lying on the bed in a trance, her whole body numb, and her father's yelling could still be heard in her ears: "It's too late to be grateful to have such a kind-hearted master like Mr. Lashaw taking care of you! What you have to do The thing is to try to follow him. It's for me, and it's for yourself!" It's been a nightmare.At first, she was sure her father had misunderstood.However, the more she tried to explain, the more he beat her hard, and he scolded her sharply: "Do what you want, and do it obediently. No other girl can look forward to an opportunity like you!" her chance!She glanced at the sleepy Rachaux, a squat, ugly old man with a twitching animal face and half-opened greedy pig eyes.This is her prince.what!Her father sold her to such a prince!what!Her father, the one who regarded her as a treasure and couldn't bear to let her be wasted on someone who wasn't worth it.She thought of the sudden appearance of the steak on the dinner table, his new pipe, his new clothes, and felt sick. It seemed to Noelle that she had passed away hours ago.A princess died and was reincarnated.Slowly, she became aware of everything around her and became aware of what had happened.Her heart was filled with hatred and loathing that she had never imagined.She will never forgive her father who betrayed her.She thought of her mother again.In this chaotic world, what is a woman?Like a chick caught by an eagle's claws, besides the fate of being torn and eaten, what else is waiting for you?Is this how heaven and earth are?I wish I was a chick soaked in venom, and let the ferocious eagle fall headlong due to the attack of poison in mid-air, and die together.At this moment, strange to say, she did not hate Rashaw, she knew him.All men have a common weakness, and she wants to turn this weakness into her strength, her unique skill.It takes preparation and time.She learned so much in one night, but this was just the beginning. ※※※ Three days later, on his way back to Marseilles, Lachaux blushed and considered himself the happiest man in France.He found himself becoming very generous: "Noelle, I'll find you another suite. Can you cook and cook?" "Yes," Noelle replied. "Good. Every day at noon I come to lunch. In the evening, I come two or three times a week, and I will have supper with you." He patted her knee. "How about it?" "Not bad," Noelle said. "I'll also give you a stipend, but of course it won't be large," he added hastily. "But it's enough for you to go out and buy something you love. All I ask is that you have no other lovers. Now you belong to me." "It's all up to you, August," she said. Rashaw hissed contentedly.When he opened his mouth to speak again, his voice was much softer: "I've never been in the mood like this. Do you know why?" "I don't know, August." "Because you make me feel young. You can live very well with me." ※※※ During the latter part of the journey, the sun was setting and everyone was silent.Rashaw was dreaming, dreaming his sweet dreams.Noelle was also thinking about her own business.When they arrived in Marseille, it was already full of lights. "Come to the store at nine o'clock tomorrow morning," Rashaw said, thinking for a moment. "If you feel tired in the morning, you can sleep a little longer. You can come at half past nine." "thanks." He took out a handful of francs and opened his hands. "This is for you. You can find a suite tomorrow afternoon. This is the deposit, and I will pay the rest later." She stared at the franc in his hand and had no intention of taking it. "Is something wrong?" Rashaw asked. "I think we'll have to get a real decent place to live," Noelle said, "and we'll have a good time." "I'm not a rich man," he explained. Noelle gave him a knowing smile.Rashaw stared at her for a long time, nodded and said, "You are right." He reached into the wallet tied around his waist and pulled out the bills one by one, watching her face.When she seemed satisfied, he quit, beaming at his generosity.Anyway, what does it matter?Rashaw was a very shrewd businessman, and he knew that this would keep Noelle from leaving him. ※※※ After Noelle watched him drive away from the door, she went upstairs, packed her luggage, and took out her private savings hidden in the dark.At ten o'clock in the evening she was already on the train to Paris. The next morning, when the train pulled into the Paris station, the platform was crowded with people rushing to Paris, and people eager to leave Paris.The uproar was deafening, with loud greetings and tearful farewells mingling.Everyone pushed and squeezed violently.Noelle didn't mind any of this.She stepped out of the carriage and had not had time to take a look at the city of Paris, but she felt like she was home.At this moment, the city that seemed strange to her was not Paris, but Marseilles.She belongs to Paris, is a constituent cell of Paris.It's a strange, exciting feeling.Noelle reveled in the feeling, intoxicated by the noise, the crowd, and the excitement.It was all hers, all she had to do was ask for it.She picked up her suitcase and headed for the exit. Under the bright sunshine outside the station, there was a lot of traffic, and all kinds of vehicles were rampaging like crazy.At this moment, Noelle hesitated, suddenly realizing that she had nowhere to go.There were six or seven taxis lined up at the gate of the station.She got into the first car. "Where are you going?" She paused. "Please introduce a better and cheaper hotel." The driver turned to look at her, and studied her. "Is this your first time in Paris?" "Yes." She nodded. "I take it you're looking for a job?" "yes." "You're lucky," he said. "Have you ever been a fashion model?" Noelle's heart nearly jumped out."Honestly, that's what I'm in," she said. "My sister works in a big fashion store," the driver confided, "and it just so happened this morning that she said a girl had gone away. Would you like to know if the position is still vacant?" "OK!" "Ten francs if I send you there." She frowned. "It's worth it!" He said firmly. "Okay." Noelle leaned back in her seat. The driver started the car, joined the rush of cars, and sped toward the city center.While driving, the driver babbled.But Noelle wasn't listening to a word; she was engrossed in scanning the sights of the city.Paris was darker than usual, she supposed, because of the blackout, but it was still an attractive place to her.Paris has its unique elegance and scenery, and it can even be said to have a unique charm.They drove past Notre-Dame, crossed the Pont Neuf, and turned into the Avenue Marshal Foch.In the distance, the Eiffel Tower loomed in front of Noelle, towering high above the city.The driver saw the expression on her face through the mirror. "Not bad, huh?" "That's great," Noelle said softly, still in disbelief that she was in Paris.This is the kingdom fit for a princess... for her grand ambitions. The car drove to Provence Street and stopped in front of a building made of gray stone. "Here we are," said the driver. "Two francs for the mileage, and I charge ten francs for job placement." "How do I know this job hasn't been done yet?" Noelle asked.The driver shrugged. "As I said, the girl just left this morning. If you don't want to go in, I can take you back to the station." "No," Noelle said quickly.She opened her purse, took out twelve francs and gave it to the driver.The driver stared at the money, then at her.Embarrassed by him, she soon understood, reached into her purse, and gave him another franc. He nodded, as if to express his gratitude, but without a smile on his face, watching her carry the suitcase out of the car. As he started the car to drive away, Noelle asked, "What's your sister's name?" "Janet." ※※※ Noelle inspected the building after she stood by the road and watched the cars drive away.There is no signboard at the door.She thought that a boutique might not need a sign; everyone knew which street and where there was a boutique.She took her suitcase, went to the door, and rang the bell.After a while, a maid in a black dress opened the door, looking at Noelle indifferently. "Who are you looking for?" "Excuse me," Noelle said, "I hear you're looking for a fashion model here?" The other party looked at her for a while and blinked. "Who sent you here?" "Janet's brother." "Come in." The maid opened the door wider, and Noelle walked into the living room, which was full of eighteenth-century decorations, quaint and solemn.A large Baccarat chandelier hangs from the ceiling, surrounded by smaller ones.Through an open door, Noelle glimpsed a living room, furnished with antique furniture, and a staircase.On a fine table in the drawing room were Le Figaro and Echo de Paris. "Wait here a moment, and I'll see if Mrs. Terray is free to see you at the moment." "Thank you," Noelle said.She put down her suitcase and walked over to a large mirror hanging on the wall.Crowded on the train, her clothes were wrinkled.Suddenly, she regretted being in such a hurry to come here that she should have washed and groomed first, which is very important to make a good impression.Nevertheless, looking at herself, she felt beautiful at the same time.She understood that there was no doubt about it, and it was by no means exaggerated.She regarded her beauty as a property, like any other property at her disposal.Noelle turned around when she saw in the mirror a slim girl going down the stairs.The girl had a good figure and a pretty face, and she wore a long brown dress with a very low neckline.Obviously, the requirements for fashion models here are very strict.The girl smiled at Noelle and walked into the living room.Presently Mrs. Taylor came.She is about forty years old, not tall, already fat, with cold eyes, she looks very shrewd.She was wearing a long dress that Noelle estimated to be worth at least two thousand francs. "Regina told me you wanted a job," she said first. "Yes, ma'am," Noelle replied. "where are you from?" "Marseilles." "It's a drunken sailor's paradise," said Mrs. Terray, snorting contemptuously. Noelle looked down.Mrs. Taylor patted her on the shoulder: "That's all right, dear. How old are you?" "eighteen." Mrs. Taylor nodded her approval. "That's good. I think the guests will like you. Got a home in Paris?" "No." "Excellent. Are you going to work right away?" "Ah, yes." Noelle was eager to get the position. There were bursts of laughter from upstairs.Not long after, a red-haired girl came down the stairs in the arms of a fat middle-aged man. She was only wearing thin pajamas. "Finished?" asked Mrs. Terray. "Ariella is tired," the man grinned.He saw Noelle. "What's the name of this little beauty?" "Her name is Juvet, the newcomer." After Madam Terley finished speaking, she added without hesitation: "She is a human being, the daughter of a prince." "I've never touched a princess!" exclaimed the man. "How much?" "Fifty francs." "You can be kidding. Thirty." "Forty. Trust me, it won't be in vain." "Okay." They turned to Noelle.She is gone. ※※※ Noelle walked aimlessly through the streets of Paris for hours and hours.She wandered carelessly along the Rue des Elysées, running from one side of the street to the other, and then back again.When you arrive at the Lido Arcade, you will be amazed by the colorful shops on both sides.She stopped at every window, dazzled by the sheer amount of jewellery, high-quality clothing, furs, and cosmetics.She thought, what kind of world would Paris be if it were not for the shortage of goods.Here and now, although she was a rustic and unsophisticated girl, she had a vague feeling that someday she would have all these things.She kept walking until she was tired and hungry.She was eager to escape from Mrs. Taylor, and she forgot her purse and suitcase. She didn't want to go back to get them, and wanted to find someone to fetch them for her later. Noelle was neither surprised nor annoyed by what had happened on her way out of the station.The law of the jungle preys on the strong, why not blame it!Take care of yourself.The current problem is that I have no money, and I have to find a way to survive until I find a job tomorrow.As twilight deepens, shopkeepers and hotel janitors are busy hanging up black curtains in case of a possible air raid.Now, the most important thing is to solve the stomach problem.She needs to find someone who can buy her something hot and tasty.She asked a policeman for directions and headed straight for it.Outside, the windows were screened by forbidding iron shutters; inside, the vestibule was extraordinarily elegant.Noelle walked in as if nothing had happened, as if she were a resident of the hotel.She sat down at a table facing the elevator.She had never done this before, so she was a little nervous.Yet she remembered how easily she had dealt with August Lashaw.It's not that hard to deal with men.Just remember this secret: do it when he needs you; don't mess with him when he doesn't.So you should make him feel needed all the time until you get everything you want.Noelle looked around the restaurant and decided to find a man without a woman.It is not difficult to attract him: drinking alone is not as good as talking and laughing. "I'm sorry, miss." Noelle turned her head to see a tall man in a dark suit.She had heard of the big restaurants hiring private detectives, but had never seen one.Now this person is undoubtedly this number. "Miss, are you waiting for someone?" "Yes," Noelle replied, keeping her voice as calm as possible. "I'm expecting a friend." She was suddenly horrified to realize that her clothes were wrinkled and she didn't bring her wallet. "Is your friend a resident of the store?" "He—well—didn't know," she said, looking very alarmed. 他观察了诺艾丽一会儿,口气严厉地说:“请把身份证给我看一下。” “我——我忘记带了。”她结结巴巴地说,“我把它弄丢了。” 便衣侦探说:“也许小姐愿意跟我走一趟。”他那结实的手抓住了她的胳臂。 诺艾丽站了起来。 正在这时,有人抓住了她的另一只胳臂说:“对不起,我来迟了,亲爱的。不过,你知道那些讨厌的鸡尾酒会是什么样的,得用炸药炸开条路才冲得出来。你等久了?” 诺艾丽扭转身子吃惊地、莫名其妙地看着讲话的人。这是一个高个子男人,身材瘦长,一本正经,身穿一套古里古怪的军装。深灰色的头发呈“菁”形伸展到额前。一双深沉的眼睛像狂卷的海洋,眼睫毛又浓又长,那相貌像一枚古老的佛罗伦萨钱币。脸部不协调,两侧不够匀称,好像铸币工的一只手曾经滑脱了一会儿。这脸孔特别富于表情,你似乎感觉到它随时会微笑,会哈哈大笑,会皱眉蹙额。要是没有那个强健的、肌肉饱满的下巴,以及下巴上的那个深陷的凹槽,人们准会错把这张脸孔看作是属于一个美丽的女性的。 他指着便衣侦探说:“这位先生打扰了你吗?”他的声音很深沉,讲的法语微微带一点特殊的口音。 “不。”诺艾丽说,一时不知所措。 “先生,请原谅。”饭店雇用的便衣侦探说着。“这是误会。近来我们这里有一个问题,关系到……”他转向诺艾丽说,“小姐,请允许我向你道歉。” 陌生人对诺艾丽说:“嗯,我不知道该怎么说。你看怎么样?” 诺艾丽不大相信地迅速点了点头。 那个人朝侦探说:“今天小姐宽宏大量。今后留神点儿。”他抓着诺艾丽的胳膊,朝大门走去。 到了街上,诺艾丽说:“先生,我——我真不知道该怎么谢你。” “我一向讨厌警察。”陌生人笑着说。“给你叫一辆出租汽车,怎么样?” 诺艾丽看着他,想到自己目前的处境,心中不觉又恐慌起来。 "No." “好吧!再见。”他走到出租汽车的停车处,准备钻进一辆车里,回头看见她像扎了根似的还站在那里,一双眼睛凝视着他。在饭店大门口,那个侦探仍在盯着他们。 陌生人迟疑了一下,随即又返回诺艾丽身边。“你最好离开这里,”他劝她说,“看来我们的朋友仍想注意着你。” “我没有地方可去。”她答道。 他同情地点了点头,把手伸进衣袋。“我不要你的钱。”她立即说。 他十分吃惊地看看她。“那你要什么?”他问。 “跟你一起吃晚饭。” 他笑了笑说:“很抱歉。我有一个约会,已经晚了。” “那你走吧,”她说,“我没关系。” 他把几张钞票又塞回口袋。“随你吧,好姑娘。”他说。“再见。”他重新走向出租汽车。 诺艾丽望着他的背影,捉摸不透自己究竟有什么不对头。她知道自己今晚的举止是笨拙的,但是她也知道自己不能再干什么事。从她发现他起,就有一种从来没有经受过的反应,也就是一种感情波,波的强度非常大,似乎一伸出手就可摸到它。可是,她还不知道他的名字,也许永远见不到他了。诺艾丽的目光扫过饭店,瞥见便衣侦探朝她走来,显然是有目的的。这都是自己行动不谨慎吧。这一次再捞不到救命稻草了。她突然感觉到有一只手搭在她肩上,正当她转身瞧是谁的时候,那个陌生人拉着她的手臂把她推向出租汽车。他敏捷地打开车门,两人钻了进去。他跟司机说了一个地址,汽车驶走了。侦探留在路边,茫然若失。 “那你的约会?”诺艾丽问道。 “一个舞会,”他耸耸肩说,好像不感兴趣,“多一个人碍不了事。我叫拉里·道格拉斯。你叫什么名字?” “诺艾丽·佩琪。” “你是哪儿人,诺艾丽?” 她转过头来,注视着他那明亮的、深蓝色的眼睛说:“昂蒂布,我是亲王的女儿。” 他大笑不已,露出了整齐的白牙齿。 “那很好,公主。”他说。 “你是英国人吗?” "American." 她看了看他的制服。“美国没有参战。” “我在英国皇家空军里,”他解释说,“刚刚组成了一个美国飞行员中队,叫雄鹰中队。” “那你为什么要为英国打仗?” “因为英国正在为我们作战,”他说,“不过我们还不明白而已。” 诺艾丽摇摇头:“我不相信。希特勒是德国佬中的小丑。” “也许。不过他这个小丑知道德国要的是:统治全世界。” 诺艾丽像着了迷似的听他滔滔不绝地讲希特勒的战略步骤:突然退出国际联盟,与日本和意大利订立共同防御条约……诺艾丽完全给迷住了,不是因为她对他讲的内容感兴趣,而是她被他讲话时脸部的表情吸引住了。他热情洋溢,两眼放射着青春的火花和不可抗拒的活力。 诺艾丽以前从没有见到过像他这样一个非常独特的人。他的谈吐举止使人一眼见底,性格开朗,待人热情,精力充沛,不吝啬自己,对生活充满美好的向往,对他周围的每一个人他都设法使之快活。他像一块磁铁一样,把每一个向他接近的人吸引过去了。 他们赶到了舞会现场,这是在切芒弗街上的一座楼房的一个小套间里举行的。几间房里有不少又说又笑的人,大多数是年纪轻的。拉里把诺艾丽介绍给了女主人——一个善于捕捉异性的金发女郎。不久,他就淹没在人群里了。诺艾丽无意间瞥见道格拉斯被一群年轻姑娘团团围住。她们都想招引他的注意。而他呢,似乎一点也不觉得他自己在姑娘们中间的作用力,诺艾丽是这样想的。有人请诺艾丽喝一杯酒,又有人从食柜里给她拿来一碟子吃的东西,可她突然不饿了。她想跟那个美国人待在一起,要他远远离开围着他的那些姑娘们。有几个小伙子来找她,设法与她攀谈,但是诺艾丽心神不宁,答非所问。她和拉里一到这里,他就把她全不放在心上,话也没有讲一句,好像她就根本不存在似的。诺艾丽独自思索着:为什么要理她呢?在舞会上他可以随意找一个中意的姑娘,那又何必要理会她呢?这时,两个男青年又设法找话跟她聊,可是她注意力集中不起来。房间里太闷热了。她张望四周,想瞅个空子溜出去。 她的耳际忽然响着一个人的声音:“咱们走吧。” 几分钟以后,她和那个美国人走在寒夜的街上。整个巴黎城黑沉沉的,静悄悄的,生怕空中的德国人窥见或听到。汽车在街上悄悄闪过,好像不会言语的鱼在黑色的海洋里游过。 因为找不到出租汽车,他们就步行着到一家小酒店去吃晚饭。这时,诺艾丽发觉肚子早已受尽委屈。他们俩面对面坐着,她仔细端详这个美国人,不知道自己究竟怎么才好。好像在她内心深处的、从前根本就不知道的泉眼给触动了,幸福的泉水在涌溢出来。他们什么都谈。她讲了身世;他告诉她,他是南波士顿人,说具体些,是住在波士顿的爱尔兰人。他母亲出生在克里郡。 “你的法语讲得这样好,是在哪儿学的?”诺艾丽问道。 “我小时候常在昂蒂布角过暑假。我父亲是证券市场的头儿,后来给'空头'吃了。” "?" 拉里知道她误会了,于是就把美国证券市场上种种秘密狡诈的赚钱方法告诉她。诺艾丽对他讲话的内容无所谓,只要他不停地讲就行。 "where do you live?" “五湖四海。”她把出租汽车司机和苔莱夫人的事一一讲给他听,还说了一个胖子真的以为她是公主,愿意付四十法郎的价钱。拉里听了哈哈大笑。 “你还记得那座房子的位置吗?” "Remember." “走,公主。” ※※※ 他们找到那座在普罗旺斯街上的房子,来开门的仍是那个穿着黑裙子的侍女。她一看见是一个漂亮的年轻美国人,脸上就露出笑容,可是,当她发现跟来的是谁的时候,她的脸色又变得阴沉了。 “我们想见见苔莱夫人。”拉里说。 侍女把他和诺艾丽引进客厅就走了。对面的房子里有几个年轻女子。不久,苔莱夫人姗姗走了进来。 “晚上好,先生。”她向拉里问了好,又转向诺艾丽说:“啊,我希望你已经改变了主意。” “她没有改变,”拉里心平气和地说。“您这里恐怕有点儿东西该是公主的。” 苔莱夫人用探测的眼光看了他一下。 “喔,对了。她的手提箱和钱包。”说完,她犹豫了一会儿,随即走出了客厅。几分钟以后,侍女拿着诺艾丽的钱包和手提箱来了。 “谢谢,”拉里说。他转身向诺艾丽:“公主,咱们走吧。” ※※※ 那天夜里他们在拉斐特街找了个干净的小旅馆过夜。这没有什么可议论的,因为对于她和他来说,这都是无法避免的。 第二天上午,他们高高兴兴地在巴黎逛了个够。拉里是一个出色的向导,为了讨诺艾丽的欢心,他让巴黎像一个逗人的玩具出现在她面前。中午他们在吃饭,下午泡在,后来又到巴黎圣母院东端的孚日广场玩,这儿是巴黎的老区,由路易十三建造。他带她去逛旅游者不曾涉足的地方:到处是五光十色的货摊的莫贝尔广场,有鸟兽市场的细皮革码头……他们穿过比西市场,听着小贩絮絮不休的叫喊声,竭力推销新鲜的土豆、用海藻养殖的牡蛎……晚上,他们仍在外面吃晚饭,在中央菜市场跟一群屠夫和卡车司机混到半夜。等到晚饭吃完,拉里已经交了许多朋友。诺艾丽明白这是因为他有善于笑的天赋。他教她笑,她到现在才知道自己身上也蕴藏着笑。这好像是上帝的恩赐。她非常感谢拉里,深深地爱着他。他们回到旅馆时,东方已呈现出鱼肚白色了。诺艾丽精疲力竭,而拉里却毫无倦意,站在窗口,看着太阳爬上巴黎的许多屋顶。 “我爱巴黎,”他说,这像装饰在人类创造的最好的东西上面的一颗明珠,这是一个美丽的城市,有好吃的东西,有可爱的人。“他回过头来对她说:当然可以不按这个次序排列。” 她躺在床上,回想起她的父亲,以及他怎样出卖她的。她曾经拿父亲和拉肖来判断过一切男人。她现在知道这是不对的,因为还有像拉里·道格拉斯这样的男人。她也清楚地知道,除了他,她不会再得到别人的爱情了。 “你知道世界上哪两个人最伟大,公主?”拉里突然问道。 “你。”她说。 “和,他们把真正的自由带给了人类。你在天空中飞过吗?”她摇摇头。“我们在蒙托克——它在长岛的一端——有一座避暑的别墅。我小的时候,喜欢看海鸥在海滩上空中盘旋,翱翔在波涛之上。那时我真想把我的心灵和海鸥联在一起。我还不会走路时,就知道将来要当一个飞行员。九岁光景,家里的一个朋友把我带到一架老式的双翼飞机上,在空中飞了一阵。十四岁,我上了第一节飞行课。我最精神抖擞的时候是在空中。” 隔了一会儿,他继续说:“马上要发生世界大战了。德国想占有一切。” “德国胜不了法国,拉里。没有人能跨过马其诺防线。” 他轻蔑地说:“我跨过一百多次了。”她看着他,疑惑不解。“那是在空中,公主。这将是一场空中的较量……属于我的战争。” 沉默片刻后,他突然认真地说:“我们结婚吧!怎么样?” 这是诺艾丽一生中最幸福的时刻。 ※※※ 星期天大家都懒洋洋地提不起劲来。他们在蒙马特的一家露天咖啡馆吃了早点,后来又回了旅馆。她只要听他讲话,看着他在室内不安地走动的样子就心满意足了。从小时候起,她一直是在父亲叫她“公主”声中长大的;现在,尽管是开玩笑,拉里仍称呼她“公主”。她恢复了对男人的信念。他就是她的一切。诺艾丽知道,别的东西她都可以不要,但不能没有他。她居然有这么好的运气,真是难以相信,她觉得他也是处在同样的心情之中。 “我本来想在战争结束后再结婚,”他对她说,“去它的吧!计划是可以改变的,是吗,公主?” 她点头表示同意,心中充满巨大的幸福。 “我们到乡下去结婚,”拉里说,“难道你想使婚礼隆重些吗?” 诺艾丽摇摇头:“乡下很好。” 他点点头:“一言为定。我今晚要回中队去。下星期五在这里见面,怎么样?” “我——我不知道离开你这么久是不是受得了。”诺艾丽的声音有些颤抖。 拉里抱着她。“爱我吗?”他问。 “大于我自己的生命。”诺艾丽毫不掩饰地说。 两小时之后,拉里已经在返回英国的途中了。他没有让她乘车把他送到飞机场。“我不喜欢告别的场面。”他说。他给了她一大把法郎,“去买件结婚礼服,公主。下星期我见到你时,你已穿上了。”就这样,他走了。 ※※※ 过了星期日,她异常兴奋和快乐,重访她和拉里一起去过的许多地方,花费不少时间计划着他们未来的共同生活。时间好像凝住了,钟上的分针固执地不肯移动,但愿星期五快快来到。 她跑了十多家服装店,想找一件合适的结婚礼服。最后,终于找到了一件美观的白色透明的轻薄的硬纱做的礼服,有高领的紧身胸衣。袖子很长,上面有六粒珍珠纽扣,排成一列。礼服下面有三套支撑的衬裙。价钱比诺艾丽预料的要贵得多,可是她一点也不犹豫。她花掉了拉里给她的全部的钱,还加上差不多自己的全部积蓄。她现在以拉里为中心,来支配自己的一切。她想着可以使他高兴的方法,绞尽脑汁回忆可以使他开心的种种情景,思索让他愉快的种种往事。她发觉自己简直像一个小学生了。诺艾丽就这样等着星期五快快来临,同时受着焦虑和急躁的折磨。终于,日历撕到了星期五。天刚蒙蒙亮她就起床,花了两个钟点洗澡和梳妆打扮。衣服换了又换,猜测着哪一件衣裳最讨拉里喜欢。她穿上了结婚礼服,但怕招来不幸,又马上脱了下来。整个早晨,她兴奋极了。 上午十点,诺艾丽站在卧室内的穿衣镜前,心中明白自己还是头一次打扮得这么漂亮。这样的自我评价不是为了自己,而是为拉里高兴,因为这是她给拉里的礼物——一身漂亮的打扮。中午时刻,拉里还没有到,诺艾丽后悔没有问清他是在上午还是下午,或者到来的更具体的时刻。她不断地给服务台打电话,探询消息,每隔十分钟就打一次;还不断地拿起话筒,以确信没有失灵。晚上六点钟了,仍然没有消息。到了半夜,还是没有人影。诺艾丽蜷缩在椅子里,凝视着电话机,时刻希望它丁铃铃响起来。she fell asleep.醒来时,天已大亮,星期六了。她发觉自己仍在椅子里,四肢麻木,没有一点热气。她挑了又挑的衣服皱成一团,长袜子有一处地方也抽丝了。 诺艾丽换了衣服,整天没有出房门。她待在打开的窗户前,自言自语地说:“如果我待在这儿,拉里就会来;如果我不这样,他就会遭到灾难了。”从星期六的早上直等到下午,还不见拉里来,她确信出事了。拉里的飞机坠毁了,他正躺在田野里或者医院的病床上,受了伤,或许死了。诺艾丽的脑际尽是种种可怕的幻象。星期六晚上,她整夜没有睡,担心着,挂念着,作着各种猜测。但是她又不敢离开房间,不知道如何跟他联系。 星期日中午,诺艾丽依然听不到任何一点儿关于拉里的消息,她再也忍受不住了。她得打电话给他。how to spell?战事正酣,国际电话很难打通,何况她根本不知道拉里此时此刻究竟在什么地方。她只知道他在英国皇家空军的一个美国飞行中队里。她拿起话筒,对电话局的接线员讲了自己想找到拉里的想法。 “这不可能。”接线员回答得很干脆。 诺艾丽把情况作了说明。不知是她的解释起了作用,还是她那伤心透了的绝望声调感动了接线员,反正两个小时以后她跟在伦敦的英国国防部通了话。他们爱莫能助,把电话转到了在的空军部,对方又转接到作战指挥部。到这里,电话断了,没有什么消息。隔了四个多钟点,电话又接上了。这时,她几乎要疯了。空军地面指挥部无法告诉她任何情况,建议她探问国防部。 “我同他们说过了!”诺艾丽对着话筒尖叫。she cried.从电话那头传来一个男性英国人的声音,窘迫地说:“别难过,小姐,事情不见得这么糟。等会儿,别挂上。” 诺艾丽把话筒拿在手中,知道没有希望了。毫无疑问,拉里遇难了。她将永远不知道他是怎么死,在哪里死的。 她正要把话筒挂上的时候,耳旁又响起了刚才那个英国人欣喜的声音:“小姐,你要找的是鹰中队,都是美国人,驻扎在约克郡,有点儿不怎么正规。我把你的电话接到丘吉芬顿,他们的飞机场。他们那伙人会帮你忙的。”说完,电话断了。 诺艾丽接到挂来的电话已经是晚上十一点了。对方传来像游魂似的声音:“丘吉芬顿空军基地。”对方的声音好像是从海底传出来的,诺艾丽几乎听不出来。显然对方也听不清楚。 “请大声点。”一个男的说。此时,诺艾丽的神经十分紧张,她简直难以控制自己的声音。 “我要找——”她甚至不知道他的军衔是中尉?Captain?还是少校? “请找拉里·道格拉斯。我是他的未婚妻。” “听不清楚,小姐。请你声音再高一些?” 诺艾丽处在极度的恐惧和紧张之中,又把刚才的话大声重复了一遍。很明显,对方在竭力掩盖拉里已阵亡的事实。突然,出现了神话般的奇迹,电话声音清楚了,对方好像在隔壁房间内讲话,“找中尉拉里·道格拉斯吗?” “是的。”她答道,紧紧握住话筒,极力控制住自己的感情。 “请稍等一会儿。”诺艾丽等了很长一段时间,好像进入了时间的永恒状态。后来,线路上来了回话:“道格拉斯中尉正在度周末假。如果有要紧事,可以打电话到伦敦的萨沃伊饭店的舞厅找他,是戴维斯将军主办的舞会。”至此,线路断了。 ※※※ 第二天上午,旅馆的女服务员进入诺艾丽的房间打扫时,发现她躺在地板上,人事不省。女服务员盯着她看了一会儿,想不管闲事一走了之。可是,她心里又不由在想,为什么这类事总是发生在她管的房间里?她走过去摸了摸诺艾丽的前额,发觉烧得烫手。她咕哝着摇摇摆摆地穿过了门厅,请搬行李的服务员去叫经理。一小时之后,一辆救护车在旅馆外停下,两个实习医生抬着担架,被引进了诺艾丽的房间。诺艾丽仍然昏迷不醒。负责的实习医生翻开她的眼皮,把听诊器放在她的胸口上,听到了她呼吸时有水泡音。 “肺炎,”他对同来的实习医生说。“让我们把她抬出去。” 他们把诺艾丽放在担架上,五分钟后救护车就向医院急驰而去。她被立即送进急救室输氧,过了四天才恢复知觉。 ※※※ 她十分不情愿地从不省人事的深渊中爬了出来,下意识地感到发生了可怕的事情,却又拼命不愿记起到底发生了什么。那令人心寒的往事在她脑海中变得越来越清晰,但她拼命不去想它。突然,整个事情清清楚楚呈现在她眼前。拉里·道格拉斯。诺艾丽哭了起来,她痛苦地抽噎着,直到最后迷迷糊糊地又睡着了。她感到有一只手轻轻地抓住了她的手,她以为拉里回到了她身边,一切都称心如意。 诺艾丽睁开眼睛,看见一个穿着白大褂的陌生人在给她搭脉。 “啊!你醒了,太好了。”他高兴地说。 “我在哪儿?”诺艾丽问。 “上帝大厦,也就是市医院。” “我在这儿做什么?” “医病。你得了两侧性肺炎。我叫伊舍利尔·凯兹。”他很年轻,脸上显出坚强和智慧,他那凹陷的眼睛是棕色的。 “你是给我看病的医生吗?” “实习医生。”他说。“是我把你送进医院的。”他望着她笑了。“你能恢复知觉我太高兴了。我们一直很担心。” “我在这儿待了几天了?” "Four days." “能不能帮个忙?”她虚弱地问。 “只要我能办到。” “给拉斐特旅馆挂个电话。问他们——”她犹豫了一下。“问他们是不是有给我的口信。” “嗯,我忙得很——” 诺艾丽使劲地捏着他的手。“请帮帮忙。我有要紧的事。我的未婚夫要和我取得联系。” He grinned. “我不责怪他。好吧,我帮你这个忙。”他答应了。 “现在你睡一会儿。” “我要先得到你的回音。”她说。 他走了,诺艾丽躺在那儿等着。拉里肯定一直在设法和她取得联系。一定是有严重的误会。他会把一切向她解释清楚,一切都会十分圆满的。 伊舍利尔·凯兹两小时后才回来。他走到床前,放下一只手提箱。“我把你的衣服带来了。我到旅馆走了一趟。”他说。 She looked up at him.他可以看出她的脸部表情很紧张。 “真遗憾,”他显得有点不安地说,“没有消息。” 诺艾丽呆呆地看了他好一会儿,然后把脸转向墙壁。She didn't cry. ※※※ 两天之后,诺艾丽出院了。 伊舍利尔·凯兹来和她告别。“你有什么地方可以去吗?”他问道。“能找到工作吗?” She shook her head. “你干的是哪一行?” “我是模特儿。” “我也许能帮你的忙。” 她记起了那位出租汽车司机和苔莱夫人。“我不需要帮助。”她说。 伊舍利尔·凯兹在一张纸上写了个名字。“如果你改变了主意的话,可以上这儿去。这是一家小时装店,是我婶婶开的,我会把你的情况告诉她。你身上有钱吗?” She didn't answer. “拿去。”他从口袋里抽出了几法郎的钞票,交给了她。“很抱歉,我只有这点钱。实习医生赚不了多少钱。” “谢谢你。”诺艾丽说。 ※※※ 她坐在一个坐落在一条小街上的咖啡馆里,呷着咖啡,考虑如何重新安排她那已经破碎了的生活。她知道她得活下去,因为她现在有理由要活着。拉里·道格拉斯扼杀了她的感情,她是一只从感情的灰烬中飞出来的复仇的不死鸟。不把他毁灭她决不罢休。她不知道以什么方式或在什么时候复仇,但是她明白她总有一天会采取行动的。 现在她得找个工作,还得有睡觉的地方。诺艾丽打开钱包,拿出那位年轻的实习医生给她的那张纸。她仔细看了一下后,就下了决心。那天下午她去见了伊舍利尔·凯兹的婶婶。她让她在布合苏街上的一家二流时装店当模特儿。 伊舍利尔·凯兹的婶婶是一位头发灰白的中年妇女,她虽然相貌凶恶,可心地善良。她像母亲一样照顾着所有的模特儿。她们都很喜欢她。她的名字叫罗斯夫人。她给诺艾丽预支了工资,还替她在时装店附近找了一个小套间。打开行李后,诺艾丽做的第一件事,就是把结婚礼服挂起来。她把它放在衣柜的前面,这样,她早上起来看见的第一样东西就是它,而晚上脱衣服时看见的最后一样东西还是它。 ※※※ 诺艾丽知道自己怀孕了。尽管还没有什么明显的征兆,尽管还没有做试验,尽管还没有发觉到时候月经会不来,但是她意识到体内发生了变化。她能感觉到在她子宫里形成的新生命。晚上,她躺在床上盯着天花板,心里想着她的孩子,露出野兽般狂喜的神色。 第一个休假日诺艾丽就打电话给伊舍利尔·凯兹,约他去吃午饭。 “我怀孕了。”她告诉他。 “你怎么知道?你化验了吗?” “我不用化验就知道。” He shook his head. “诺艾丽,许多妇女自认为她们要生孩子,其实她们并没有怀孕。你几次没有来月经了?” 她不耐烦地把他的问题搁在一边。 "I need your help." He stared blankly at her. “想打掉孩子?你和你丈夫商量过了吗?” “他不在这里。” “你知道堕胎是非法的。我也可能会倒霉。” 诺艾丽把他端详了一会儿。“你要什么代价?” 他愤怒地绷起了脸。“你认为每一件事都有价钱,诺艾丽?” “当然,”她简单地说,“任何事都是买卖。” “你也包括在内吗?” “是的,但
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