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Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen

midnight memories 西德尼·谢尔顿 4101Words 2018-03-21
Sometimes even he himself couldn't control the stormy commotion that passed through his mind.No warm memory can melt his cold heart of stone.This change in his character began a year ago when he got revenge on Noelle.He thought that all this would be over since then, and everything in the past would be buried accordingly.He never imagined the consequences, until Catherine Alexander unexpectedly came back into his life.Thus Frederick Stavruth and Napoleon Chotes had to be removed.These two guys had tried to kill him, but he beat them.What surprised Constantin Demiris was how much he reveled in this adventure, this exhilarating feeling.Business is indeed fascinating, but it pales in comparison to this game of life and death.I am a murderer, thought Demiris, no—not a murderer, but an executioner.Instead of being shocked by it, he felt very excited.

Konstantin Demiris received weekly reports of Catherine Alexander's activities.So far so good.Her social interactions are limited to the people she works with.According to Evelyn, Catherine sometimes dated Kirk Reynolds.Since Reynolds was working for Demiris, there would be no problem.The poor woman must be desperate, Demiris thought.Reynolds was a dull man who couldn't talk about anything but the law.But it was even better.The more Catherine longed for company, the easier it was for him to do things.I have to thank Reynolds. ※※※ Catherine sees Kirk Reynolds often.She felt that she missed him more and more.He's not pretty, but he's attractive.I already know what it is to be beautiful with Larry, Catherine thought painfully, and the old saying is true: you are beautiful when you behave well.Kirk Reynolds is empathetic, believable and dependable.He's someone I can trust, Catherine thought, but I don't feel a bright spark of affection in me, as I probably never will.Larry is responsible for this.Now that I'm an adult, I need to find a partner who I respect and who respects me.I could live a happy and stable life with him, without worrying about being pushed off the top of a mountain or buried in a cave.

They went to the theater together to see Christopher Frey's She Shouldn't Burn.They also watched The September Tide starring Gertrude Lawrence one night.They also went to nightclubs.The band appears to be playing The Third Party Theme and A Rose Colored Life. ※※※ "I'm going to St. Moritz next week," Kirk Reynolds said to Catherine. "Have you thought about it?" Catherine has thought about it many times.She was sure Kirk Reynolds had fallen in love with her.I love him too, Catherine thought, but love and infatuation are two very different things, aren't they?Or maybe I'm a romantic fool?What kind of person am I looking for? —Another Larry? ——A person who occupied my emotional world, fell in love with another woman, and wanted to kill me?Kirk Reynolds would make a fantastic husband.Why should I hesitate?

Catherine and Kirk had dinner that night at the Miral Hotel.As they ate dessert, Kirk said, "Catherine, maybe you don't know it yet, but I'm in love with you. I want to marry you." She felt a sudden pang of fear. "Kirk..." She didn't know what to say.My next words, Catherine thought, will change my life forever.How easy it is to say yes.Why do I hesitate to speak?Is it afraid of the past?Am I going to live in fear for the rest of my life?I must not let this happen. "Kathy..." "Kirk—why don't we go to St. Moritz together?" Kirk's face lit up. "Does that mean..."

"Let's talk. Once you see me skiing, maybe you won't want to marry me." Kirk smiled. "Nothing in the world can stop me from wanting to marry you. You make me a happy man. We leave on November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day." "What is Guy Fawkes Day?" "This is a very interesting story. King James had a harsh policy against Catholicism and a gang of prominent Roman Catholics conspired to overthrow the government. A soldier named Guy Fawkes was called back from Spain to lead the operation He had a ton of explosives divided into 36 large barrels and hid in the basement of the House of Lords. But the morning they were about to blow up the House of Lords, an accomplice tipped off and they were all arrested. Guy I. Fawkes was tortured without uttering a word. All those who participated in this conspiracy were executed. Now, every year in England on this day, bonfires are lit and firecrackers are set off to celebrate, and little boys do Where's Guy's mock-up?"

Catherine shook her head. "It's a horrible holiday." He smiled at her and said softly, "I assure you our holiday will not scare you." ※※※ The night before their departure Catherine had washed her hair and packed and unpacked and unpacked and packed with excitement.In her life she had only two physical relationships with men, William Fraser and her husband.Do people still use words like "physically" these days?Catherine thought, God, I hope I haven't forgotten.People say it's like riding a bicycle, once you learn it you never forget it.Maybe in bed I'll disappoint him.Maybe in bed I'll disappoint myself.Maybe I shouldn't bother about it, go to sleep.

※※※ "Mr. Demiris?" "yes." "Catherine Alexander went to St. Moritz this morning." There was a silence. "St. Moritz?" "Yes, sir." "Did she go alone?" "No, sir. She's going with Kirk Reynolds." The silence was longer this time. "Thank you, Evelyn." Kirk Reynolds!impossible.What did she find in him?I've waited too long, I should have acted sooner.I have to act, I can't make her... His secretary rang and reported: "Mr. Demiris, there is a Mr. Anthony Rizzoli asking. He doesn't have an appointment..."

"Then why are you bothering me?" Demiris asked.He turned off the intercom. The bell rang again. "I'm sorry to disturb you. Mr. Rizzoli said he had a message from Mr. Branlow. He said it was very important." message?strangeness.Why didn't his brother-in-law speak for himself? "Let him in." "Yes, sir." Tony Rizzoli was ushered into the office of Constantin Demiris.He surveyed the office with admiring eyes.It's even more luxurious than Spiros Lambro's office. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Demiris." "I only give you two minutes."

"Spyros sent me. He thought you and I should talk." "Really? So what are we talking about?" "You don't mind if I sit down?" "I don't think you'll be here long." Tony Rizzoli sat down in the chair opposite Demiris. "I have a processing plant, Mr. Demiris. I ship products all over the world." "I see. You want to rent a boat from me." "Completely correct." "Why did Spiros let you come to me? Why don't you charter a boat with him? He happens to have two boats idle right now." Tony Rizzoli shrugged. "I guess he doesn't like what I'm packing."

"I don't understand. What are you shipping?" "Drugs," Tony Rizzoli said literally. "Heroin." Constantin Demiris stared at him in disbelief. "Are you counting on me...? Get out, or I'll call the police." Rizzoli nodded to the phone. "Go ahead." He watched Demiris reach for the phone. "I want to talk to them too. I want to tell them all about the trials of Noelle Page and Larry Douglas." Constantin Demiris froze. "what are you saying?" "I'm saying those two were executed for the murder of a woman who was still alive."

Constantin Demiris turned pale. "Do you think the police would be interested in the story, Mr. Demiris? If they weren't, the press would, eh? I can imagine the headlines in the newspapers right now, can't you?" Can I call you Costa? Spiros told me your friends call you Costa and I thought you and I would be good friends. Do you know why? Because good friends don't sell each other's secrets. Let We'll all keep your tricks a secret, shall we?" Constantin Demiris sat stiffly in his chair.When he spoke again, his voice had become very hoarse. "what do you want?" "I told you. I'd like to rent a boat—and, since you and I are such a good friend—I don't think you'll charge me for the charter, do you? It's called helping each other." Demiris took a deep breath. "I can't let you do that. If word gets out that I'm allowing my ship to smuggle drugs, I'll lose my entire fleet." "But it's not going to get out, is it? I'm in the business of not advertising. We're going to be very secretive." Constantin Demiris' tone hardened. "You made a big mistake. You can't blackmail me. Do you know who I am?" "Yes. You are my new partner. You and I will be doing business together for a long time, dear Costa, because if you don't agree, I will go straight to the police station and the newspaper and spread everything. Your reputation and your The whole fucking empire is going to die soon." There was a long, painful silence. "How... how did my brother-in-law find out?" Rizzoli grinned. "It's not important. What's important is that I got you. As soon as I tell you, you're finished. You can only practice tenor for the rest of your life, and you will practice in the classroom." Tony Rizzoli read He looked at his watch, "My God, my two minutes are up." He stood up, "I'll give you 60 seconds to decide: Do I get out of here as your partner—or just get out of here. " Constantin Demiris looked as if he had suddenly aged ten years, and his face had lost a trace of color.He couldn't imagine what would happen if the truth of the trial came to light.The press will eat him.He will be portrayed as a devil, a murderer.They might also start investigating the deaths of Stavruth and Chotus. "60 seconds is up." Constantin Demiris nodded slowly. "Okay," he whispered, "okay." Tony Rizzoli smiled at him. "You're a smart guy." Constantin Demiris rose slowly to his feet. "I'll only let you do it once," he said. "I don't want to know how or when you did it. I'll only allow one of your men aboard. That's all I can do." "Just do it," Tony Rizzoli said.He thought: Maybe you are not smart.You got caught smuggling heroin once, dear Costa.I will never let you go again.He repeated loudly: "Okay, it's a deal." On the way back to the hotel, Tony Rizzoli was in high spirits.I hit the jackpot.The Narcotics Squad never dreamed of searching Constantin Demiris' ship.God, I could load drugs on every one of his boats that leaves port from now on.Money will roll in.And horse racing and curios—sorry, Victor, he laughed out loud—and curios. Rizzoli made a couple of calls from the public phone booth on Stadiostrasse.The first call was to Peter Luca in Palermo. "You can send two of your men back, Pete, and send them back where they came from. Things are ready and we're going. By water." "Are you sure the ship is reliable?" Rizzoli smiled. "It's more reliable than the Bank of England. I'll tell you when we meet. I have some good news. From now on we can ship once a week." "That's great, Tony. I've always thought you could be relied on." The devil would believe it, you bastard. The second call was to Spiros Lambro. "It's going well. Your brother-in-law and I are going to go into business together." "Congratulations. I am very glad to hear that, Mr. Rizzoli." After Spiros Lambro hung up, Rizzoli smiled.People who are addicted to drugs will also be happy to hear it. ※※※ Constantin Demiris remained in the office until well past midnight.He sat at his desk, thinking about the new problems he had encountered.He had taken revenge on Noelle Page, and now she was coming out of the grave to haunt him.He reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a framed photograph of Noelle.hello bitch.God, she is so beautiful!So you're trying to destroy me.Well, we'll see.Let's see.
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