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midnight memories 西德尼·谢尔顿 7077Words 2018-03-21
Trizis & Trizis is arguably the most prestigious law firm in Greece.Its founder has long since retired and today belongs to Napoleon Chotes.With six partners, Chotus is a genius at its core. When a rich man is accused of murder, Napoleon Choates is invariably the first thing that comes to mind.His track record is extraordinary.In his murder defense career, he has won one victory after another.The Anastasia case has been big news in the world recently.Chotus defends a client in what everyone thinks is an irreversible murder, and fights a brilliant victory.He took a great risk for this, but he knew that it was the only way to save his client's life.

He smiled as he recalled the shock on the faces of the jurors when he drank the poisonous syrup.He carefully planned to delay his debate summary until the last moment, so that he was interrupted at 12 o'clock sharp.This is the key.If the judge changed his routine and extended the time... He shuddered at the thought of what would happen next. Not only that, a small episode almost killed him.As Choetes hurried through the hallway after the adjournment, a group of reporters blocked his way. "Mr Chotes, how do you know that bottle of syrup is non-toxic?" "Can you explain how...?"

"Do you think someone swapped the bottle...?" "Has Anastasia...?" "Sorry, gentlemen, I have to go to the bathroom first. I'll be happy to get back to you and answer your questions." He hurried to the men's restroom at the end of the corridor, where a sign was posted on the door: The toilet is out of order. "I think you'll have to find another toilet," one reporter said. Napoleon Chotes grinned. "I'm afraid I can't wait." He pushed open the door and went in, then locked it behind him. The accomplices inside were waiting for him.The doctor complained, "I'm so worried, Antimony's reaction is fast." He yelled at the assistant, "Get the enema machine ready."

"Yes, doctor." The doctor turned to Napoleon Chotes and said, "Lie down on the floor. I'm afraid it won't feel good." "Think of the consequences of not doing it," Chotus said with a grin. "I don't think I'll mind the pain." ※※※ Napoleon Chotes' fee for saving Anastasia's life was deposited in a Swiss bank.Chotus had a palatial house in the beautiful residential area of ​​Kalauri in Athens, a villa on the Isle of Couverts, and an apartment on Avenue Fauci in Paris. Either way, Chotus has every reason to be content with his life.There was only a small dark cloud over his head.

The man's name was Frederick Stavruth, and he was a new employee of Trizis & Trizis.The other lawyers in the firm complained endlessly about this man. "He's a second-rate guy, Chotus, and he doesn't deserve to work in a firm like ours." "Stavruth nearly blew up my case. He's an idiot . . . " "Did you hear what Stavruth did in court yesterday? The judge almost threw him out." "What the hell! Why don't you fire that guy? He's a liability. We don't need him, he's ruining our reputation." Napoleon Chotes knew this very well, and he almost blurted out: I can't fire him.He always said, "Give him a chance. Stavruth will do well."

His colleagues always hear him say that. ※※※ A philosopher once said: "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart." Frederick Stavruth got his wish and became a member of the Trizis & Trizis firm. Lower lawyer, but the position turned him into the most miserable man in the world.He doesn't think about food and drink, can't sleep at night, and is getting thinner and thinner day by day. "You must go to the doctor, Frederick," his wife kept urging him. "You look terrible." "No, it's useless for me... to see a doctor." He knew in his heart that his illness could not be cured by a miracle doctor, and it was a heart disease.Frederick Stavruth was an enthusiastic, almost neurotic young man, impatient, ambitious, and idealistic.For years, he worked in a shabby office in Monastiraki, a poor district of Athens. Most of his customers were poor, so he often provided free services.His life changed overnight when he met Napoleon Chotes.

A year earlier, Stavruth had defended Larry in the murder of Larry's wife Catherine by Larry Douglas and Noelle Page, while Chotus had been arrested by the powerful Constantine Demiris. hired to defend his mistress.At the outset, Stavruth signaled to Choetus to make the case for the two defendants, because he had the utmost respect for this great lawyer. "If only you could see Choatez's defense," he told his wife. "This guy is incredible. I hope to join his law firm one day." As the interrogation drew to a close, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.A beaming Chotus called Noelle, Larry, and Stavruth into a private meeting room.

"I just had a meeting with the judges," Choeters told Stavruth. "The judges have agreed that if the defendants are willing to drop their pleas and plead guilty, they will each be sentenced to five years in prison, suspended for four years, and The actual time served will not exceed six months." He turned to Larry and said, "Since you are an American, your penalty is deportation from the country, never to return to Greece." Noelle and Larry eagerly agree to drop the plea. Fifteen minutes later, facing the defendants and defense lawyers standing in front of the trial bench, the chief judge said: "The death penalty has never been used in a Greek court in history. I am very surprised at the move of giving up the defense and pleading guilty...I announce the sentence as follows, the two defendants, Noelle and Larry, are sentenced to death and executed within 90 days from today."

Now Stavruth understood that Napoleon Chotes had played them all.Chotes didn't come to an agreement with the judge at all.He was hired by Demiris not to defend Noelle, but to make sure she was convicted.This is Demiris' revenge on the woman who betrayed him.Stavruth acted as an accomplice in the bloody plot in a daze. I can't let this happen, Stavrou thought, I'm going to the chief judge and tell Chotus what he's done and overturn the court's decision. At this moment, Napoleon Chotes came to him and said to him: "If you are free tomorrow, please give me the honor to have lunch with me. I want you to meet my partner..."

※※※ Four weeks later, Stavruth became a full member of the prestigious Trizis & Trizis law firm.He has a very spacious office, and his salary is quite good.He sold his soul to the devil.But he also gradually realized that this deal is very scary and difficult to maintain.I can't live like this. He couldn't get rid of the guilt deep in his heart.I'm a murderer, he always thought so. Frederick Stavruth, torn and tormented, made his final decision.Early one morning he went straight to the office of Napoleon Chotes. "Leon—" "My God! You look awful, man," said Napoleon Chotes. "How about a short vacation, Frederick? It will do you good."

However, Stavruth knew that was not the answer. "Leon, I am very grateful for everything you have done for me, but I... I, can't stay here any longer." Chotus watched him with wonder. "What are you talking about? You did a good job." "No, I—I can't stand this torture." "Torment? What bothers you?" Frederick Stavruth stared at him puzzled. "It's...that's what you and I did to Noelle and Larry...don't you feel guilty?" Chotus narrowed his eyes.Be careful. "Frederick, justice sometimes goes unscrupulous." Then Chotes smiled. "Believe me, we are not ashamed. They are guilty." "We condemned them. We lied to them. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry. I'm telling you now. I'm here until the end of the month." "I'm not going to let you resign," said Chotes forcefully. "Why don't you take my advice—go on vacation and—" "No, I know how I feel. I will never be happy here. I'm so sorry." Napoleon Chotes pondered his thoughts, his eyes hardened. "Do you know what you're doing? You're ruining a promising position...your life." "No, I'm saving my life." "So you've made up your mind?" "Yes, I'm really sorry, Leon. But you don't have to worry, I'll never tell—what happened." He turned and walked out of the office. Napoleon Chotes sat at his desk and brooded for a long time.Finally, he had an idea.He picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Please tell Mr. Demiris that I must see him this afternoon, will you? Tell him it's urgent." ※※※ At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Napoleon Chotes sat in the office of Constantine Demiris. "What's the matter, Leon?" Demiris asked. "Perhaps all right," replied Chotes cautiously. "But I thought I should tell you. Frederick Stavruth came to see me this morning. He has decided to quit our law firm." "Stavruth? Larry Douglas' lawyer? What's the matter?" "It seems to have been condemned by conscience." There was a suffocating silence. "I understand." "He promised not to talk about that ... what happened that day in court." "Do you believe it?" "I believe it, really, I really believe it, Costa." Constantin Demiris laughed. "That's good, we don't have to worry about it, do we?" Chotes stood up and said with relief, "I guess it's all right, just wanted to let you know about it." "Tell me exactly right. Are you free for dinner next week?" "Of course I'm free." "I'll call you and we have some arrangements to make." "Thank you, Costa." ※※※ On Friday evening, the ancient Capnicari church in central Athens was peacefully silent.In a corner by the altar Frederick Stavruth knelt before Father Constantino.The priest put a holy cloth over his head. "I have sinned, Father, I have sinned so deeply that I cannot extricate myself." "The greatest trouble with human beings, child, is that they think they are mere mortals. What is your sin?" "I'm a murderer." "You killed people?" "Yes, Father, I do not know how to atone." "God knows, let's ask him." "I was led astray by fame and greed. That was a year ago. I was defense attorney for a man accused of murder. The trial was going well. But then Napoleon Chotes..." ※※※ Half an hour later Frederick Stavruth came out of the church.He felt he had been reborn.It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.This centuries-old ritual of penitence purified his soul.He told the priest everything without concealment.For the first time since that terrible day, he felt like a normal person again. I'm going to start over, move to another city, start a new life.I will try to atone for my sins.Thank you, Father, for giving me a chance. Night has enveloped the land, and there are no pedestrians in Ammos Square.Frederick Stavruth walked quickly to the corner when the traffic light turned green and he began to cross the road.Just when he reached the center of the fork, a large black car turned off its headlights and went downhill, roaring towards him like a huge, out-of-control monster.He stared at the car with wide eyes and was stunned.It was too late to hide.With a roar, Stavruth felt that he was hit hard, his body seemed to be torn apart, and then there was darkness. Napoleon Chotes got up early.He likes to enjoy a moment of peace before the stress of the day's busy schedule overwhelms him.He always ate alone, reading the morning paper while eating.Several pieces of news in the morning paper caught his attention.Prime Minister Themistocles Sofulis has formed a new five-party coalition cabinet.I must send a letter of congratulations.According to reports, Chinese Communist forces have advanced to the north bank of the Yangtze River.Harry Truman and Alben Buckley were sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States, respectively.Napoleon Chotes turned to the second edition and his blood coagulated.He stared at a piece of news that read: Napoleon Chotes couldn't read.He sat stiff in his chair, forgetting his breakfast.An accident, is it really an accident?Constantin Demiris had told him there was nothing to worry about, but many people had made a big mistake judging Demiris from his appearance. Chotes picked up the phone, and the secretary put him through to Constantine Demiris. "Have you read the morning paper?" Chotes asked. "no, what happened?" "Frederic Stavruth is dead." "What?" The voice was full of surprise, "What did you say?" "He was hit by a car last night and died." "My God, I'm so sorry, Leon, have you caught the driver?" "No, not yet." "Maybe I can put a little pressure on the police department. Everyone doesn't feel safe these days. Also, how about having dinner with you on Thursday?" "Okay." "Then it's settled." Napoleon Chotes was good at reading between the lines.Chotus concluded that Demiris was genuinely taken aback, and that he had nothing to do with Stavruth's death. ※※※ The next morning, Napoleon Chotes drove to the office building and parked his car in the private parking lot.As he was walking toward the elevator, a young man stepped out of the shadows. "Do you have any matches?" Joate suddenly became alert.He had never seen this man before, so he didn't know what he was doing in this garage. "Of course." Chotus picked up the briefcase and threw it at the man's face without thinking. The stranger screamed in pain. "You son of a bitch!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a suppressed pistol. "Hi! What's the matter?" With the shout, a uniformed guard ran over. The stranger hesitated, then ran toward the open gate. The guard came to Chotus. "Are you all right, Mr. Chotus?" "Ah...no." Chotus panted, "I'm fine." "What does that man want to do?" Chotes said slowly, "I don't know." ※※※ It might be a coincidence, Chotus consoled himself as he sat down in his office.That man might want to rob, but you don't need a suppressed pistol to rob.No, he wants to kill me.Demiris may again be as phony as shocked at what happened to me as he was at Stavruth's death. I should know, Chotus thought, Demiris is not a man who would take any chances.He dared not leave any loopholes.This time, Deremis was really taken aback. Chotes' secretary's voice came over the intercom. "Mr Chotes, you appear in court in thirty minutes." Today Chotus is going to conclude his argument for a serial murder case, but Chotus's mood at the moment does not allow him to appear in court. "Call the judge and tell him I'm sick. Have my colleagues stand in for me. I don't answer any calls." He took out a tape recorder from a drawer, thought for a while, and then began to speak. ※※※ That afternoon Napoleon Chotes came to the office of public prosecutor Pete Dimonides with a cardboard envelope.The receptionist recognized him immediately. "Good afternoon, Mr. Chotus. What can I do for you?" "I want to see Mr. Dimonides." "He's in a meeting. Do you have an appointment?" "No, please tell him it's me and I'm in a hurry." "Okay, of course." A quarter of an hour later, Napoleon Chotes was ushered into Dimonides' office. "Ah," said Dimonides, "what brings you here? Can I be of service to you? A little bargain for this afternoon's business?" "No, it's a private matter, Pete." "Please sit down and talk, Leon." When they were seated, Chotes said, "I want to leave an envelope with you. It's sealed and can only be opened if I die in an accident." Pete Dimonides looked a little curious as he pondered his purpose. "Do you think something will happen to you?" "possible." "I see. One of the ungrateful fellows in your client?" "It doesn't matter who it is, you're the only one I can trust. Can you put it in a safe where no one can get to it?" "Of course," he leaned forward, "I can tell you're scared." "yes." "Do you want us to send someone to protect you? I can send a policeman to follow you." Chotus tapped the envelope. "That's the protection I need." "Well, since you're so sure." "I'm sure." Chotus stood up and held out his hand. "I don't know how to thank you." Dimonides laughed. "You owe me a favor." ※※※ An hour later, a uniformed courier appeared at the Greek Trading Company.He came up to a secretary. "I have a package to deliver to Mr. Demiris." "I'll take it for him." "I was ordered to deliver it to Mr. Demiris himself." "Sorry, I can't bother him. Whose package is it?" "Napoleon Chotes's." "Are you sure you can't give it to me?" "Yes, ma'am." "I'll see if Demiris accepts it." She turns on the intercom. "I'm sorry, Mr. Demiris, Chotus sent a courier with a package to be delivered to you." Demiris' voice came over the intercom. "Bring it in, Irene." "He said he would deliver it to you himself." There was a silence. "Bring him in." Irene and the messenger entered the office. "Are you Mr. Constantin Demiris?" "yes." "Would you please sign it?" Demiris signed the receipt.The courier put the package on his desk. "thanks." Demiris watched Irene and the messenger leave the office.He looked at the package carefully, with a thoughtful look on his face, and opened it.Inside was a tape recorder, with a tape in it.He pressed the button curiously, and the recorder started spinning. Napoleon Chotes' voice rang through the office. "My dear Mr. Costa: if you believed that Stavruth did not intend to reveal our secret, everything would be very simple. I am all the more sorry that you also do not believe that I will respond to that misfortune. I have every reason to believe that you were responsible for the Stavruth tragedy, and now you have turned your butcher knife on me. Since my life is as precious as yours, I must solemnly decline. Your kindness in asking me to be your victim... To prevent this from happening, I have written in detail your and my roles in the case of Noelle and Larry and have placed the record in a The sealed envelope was handed over to the public prosecutor for safekeeping, and it will not be opened until I die unexpectedly. So now, for your own benefit, my friend, you should try your best to ensure that I live safely." The recording ended. Demiris sat there, dazed. ※※※ When Napoleon Chotes returned to his office that afternoon, he felt much more at ease.Constantin Demiris is dangerous, but he is by no means a fool.He will not put all his eggs in one basket and risk his life to hurt others.He's made a move, Chotus thought, and I've checked him.He couldn't help but laugh.It looks like I'll have to make other arrangements for Thursday's dinner. ※※※ For the next few days Chotus was busy with a case involving a woman who had murdered two of her husband's mistresses.Chotus worked day and night, preparing his questions.His instinct told him that despite all the odds, he would win again. On Wednesday, he worked in the office until midnight; it was 1 a.m. when he drove back to the villa. The butler greeted him at the door. "Would you like something to eat, Mr. Chotus? I'll make you something if you're hungry, or—" "No, thank you, I'm fine, go to sleep with you." Chotes went upstairs to the bedroom and spent another hour going over the case.At two o'clock he went to bed.He had many dreams. He dreamed that when a witness was being cross-examined in court, the man suddenly tore off his clothes. "What are you doing?" Chotes shouted. "I'm hot as hell." Chotus looked around. All the audience in the packed courtroom were undressing. He turned to the judge and said, "Your Honor, I object to..." Judges are also taking off their robes. "It's too hot in here," he said. It's really hot in here, and it's noisy. Napoleon Chotes opened his eyes, the tongue of fire was licking the bedroom door, and thick smoke was pouring into the room. Chotus suddenly woke up from his sleep and sat up. Why didn't the alarm go off when the house was on fire? The door began to deform in the flames.Chotus rushed to the window, coughing heavily from the smoke.He tried to push the window open, but it was stuck.The smoke was getting thicker and thicker, he felt more and more difficult to breathe, and there was no way to escape. The burning ceiling fell down.One wall also collapsed.The flames engulfed him.he screamed.Hair and dressing gowns were all on fire.He closed his eyes and jumped out of the window.The burning body crashed 16 feet to the ground. ※※※ Early the next morning, Public Prosecutor Peter Dimonides was led into Demiris's study by a maid. "Good morning, Pete," Demiris said, "thanks for coming. Did you bring that thing?" "Here." He then handed Demiris the sealed envelope of Napoleon Chotes, "I thought you might like to keep this with you." "You're very thoughtful, Pete. Would you like breakfast?" "Oh, thank you very much for your kindness, Mr. Demiris." "Don't call me Mr. Costa. I've had my eye on you for a long time, Pete. You have a bright future. I'd like to find a suitable job for you in my agency. Are you interested?" " Dimonides laughed. "Of course, I'm very interested." "That's great, let's talk while we eat."
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