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Chapter 6 chapter Five

midnight memories 西德尼·谢尔顿 10484Words 2018-03-21
The plane was scheduled to leave the airport at 9 am.It was a Hawker Sidley, and Catherine found herself, unexpectedly, the only passenger.The pilot, a kindly middle-aged Greek named Pantelis, carefully seated Catherine and buckled her seatbelt. "We're leaving in a few minutes," he informed Catherine. "thanks." Catherine watched him walk into the cockpit and sit next to the co-pilot, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.This is the plane that Larry used to fly.Has Noelle Page ever sat in my seat?Catherine suddenly felt as if she was going to faint, and the bulkheads seemed to press down on her.She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.That was over, she thought, and Demiris was right.Everything in the past has passed and cannot be changed.

She heard the roar of the engine and opened her eyes.The plane soared into the sky and flew towards London in the northwest direction.How many times has Larry flown this route?larry.The name brought mixed emotions to her and made her uneasy.And memories of the past.Those good, terrible memories... ※※※ It was the summer of 1940, and the United States was not yet at war.At the time, Catherine had just graduated from Northwestern University and had come to Washington from Chicago to find a job. Her roommate said to her, "Well, I hear there's an opening you might be interested in. There was a girl at the party who said she was leaving and going back to Texas. She was working for William Fraser. Fraser is the head of the Department of Public Relations at the State Department. I just heard about the opening last night, so if you get there right away, you'll beat all the girls out there trying to get the job."

Catherine hurried over, only to find that Fraser's reception room was bustling with dozens of girls.Catherine thought: I have no chance.The door to the inner office opened and William Fraser stepped out.He was a tall, attractive man, with curly blond hair that was graying at the temples, bright blue eyes, and a strong, stern line of jaw. He said to the receptionist: "I want a copy of Life magazine, which came out three or four weeks ago. It has a picture of Stalin on the cover." "I'll order one, Mr. Fraser," said the receptionist. "Sally, Senator Barra is still waiting for me on the phone. I have to read him a passage from this magazine. Find it for me in two minutes." After finishing speaking, he walked into the office and closed the door close.

The girls who came to apply for the job looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. Catherine stood among them, thought hard for a while, then turned and rushed out of the reception room.She heard a girl behind her say, "That's all right, one person has been scared away." Three minutes later, Catherine was back in the office, holding the old Life magazine with Stalin's picture on the cover.She handed it to the receptionist.Five minutes later, Catherine found herself sitting in William Fraser's office. "Sally told me it was you who got the Life magazine just now."

"Yes, sir." "I wondered if you happened to have this magazine in your purse, which came out three weeks ago." "No, sir." "Then how did you find it so quickly?" "I went to the barbershop. Barbershops and dental offices often have old magazines." "Are you so clever in all respects?" "No, sir." "We'll find out," said William Fraser.She was hired. Catherine was excited to work for Fraser and loved the job.He was a single man, wealthy, gregarious, and seemed to know everyone in Washington. Time magazine called him "Bachelor of the Year."

Six months after Catherine worked for William Fraser, they fell in love. In his bedroom, Catherine said to him: "I've got to tell you, I'm still a virgin." Fraser shook his head in surprise. "It's unbelievable, how did the only virgin in Washington get me?" ※※※ One day, William Fraser said to Catherine: "They want our office to oversee a film about Air Force recruits, to be made by MGM in Hollywood. I hope you can take care of the film while I'm in London." thing." "Me? Bill, I can't even load a Browning pistol. What do I know about a boot camp movie like this?"

Fraser grinned. "Don't worry, you know as much as anyone else. They have a director named Alan Benjamin. The army is going to use actors to make this movie." "why?" "I think they were afraid that the soldiers wouldn't be good enough to be the fighters in the film." "It sounds like you're talking about the current state of the army." So, Catherine took a plane and came to Hollywood to supervise the film of the military training of recruits. ※※※ The studio was packed with extras, mostly in ill-fitting military uniforms. "Excuse me," Catherine asked a passing man, "is Mr. Ellen Benjamin here?"

"Short corporal?" He pointed, "Over there." Catherine turned to see a short, thin man in a uniform with corporal armbands screaming at a man wearing a general's star. "To hell with the casting guy. What a fucking bullshit! I've had enough of these generals! I want soldiers." He waved his hands in despair. Play a supporting role." "Excuse me," said Catherine, "I am Catherine Alexander." "Thank goodness!" said the little man, "you take it. I don't know what to do here. I got a $3,500-a-year job as editor of a furniture magazine in Dearborn. What signal corps went to write a movie about the military training of recruits. How do I know what to produce and direct? This is all under your command." He hurriedly turned and walked towards the exit, leaving Catherine standing there alone.

A thin, gray-haired man in a sweater stepped forward with a charming smile on his face and said, "Need help?" "I'm going to work a miracle," said Catherine. "I'm in charge here, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do." He grinned at her. "Welcome to Hollywood, my name is Tom O'Brien, the assistant director here." "Can you direct the film?" Catherine saw the corner of his mouth twitch. "I can try it, I've done six films with Willie Wheeler. It's not as bad as it looks, just needs to be organized. The script is written and the sets are built."

Catherine scanned the studio with her eyes. "Some uniforms are really ugly. Let's see if we can make them better." O'Brien nodded in agreement. "good." Catherine and O'Brien came before the group of extras.The loud voices on the huge stage were deafening. "Guys, stop talking." O'Brien shouted loudly. "This is Miss Alexander. She will be in charge here." Catherine said, "Please line up and let me take a good look at you." O'Brien lined up the men in a jagged row.Catherine turned away annoyed at hearing laughter and uproar nearby.I saw a man in military uniform standing in the corner, ignoring her orders and talking and laughing with a few girls.They giggled every time he said a word.The man's attitude made Catherine angry.

"Excuse me, can you stand in the line?" The man turned around lazily and asked, "Are you talking to me?" "Yes, we're going to get to work." He was unusually handsome, tall, thin, and solidly built, with black hair and dark eyes.The uniform fit him perfectly.He carried the badge of an Air Force captain on his shoulders, and a brightly colored medal ribbon was pinned across his chest.Catherine looked at the tape and said, "Those medals...?" "How is it? Is it delicious, boss?" His voice was low, haughty and funny. "Pick them off." "Why? I thought it would add a little color to the film." "But you just forgot one little thing. America isn't at war yet. You don't get these medals until you beat the Carnival." "That's right," he admitted with some embarrassment, "I didn't expect that, I'll take a few off." "Take it all off," snapped Catherine. ※※※ After filming in the morning, Catherine had lunch in the cafeteria.At this time, he walked to Catherine's dining table and said, "I want to ask you how I am doing? Can people believe it?" His attitude annoys Catherine. "You love to put on your military uniform and show off in front of girls, but have you ever thought about being drafted?" There was a look of surprise on his face. "So that the bullet can kill you? A fool would do that." Catherine's anger could hardly be contained. "I think you're shameful." "why?" "Since I don't even understand this, I can't explain it to you." "Why don't you give it a try? I'll see you at dinner tonight, at your place. Can you cook?" "You don't have to worry about going back to the studio," Catherine said angrily. "I'll have Mr. O'Brien send you a check for your morning wages. What's your name?" "Douglas. Larry Douglas." ※※※ The encounter with the rude young actor left Catherine bitter.She made up her mind to forget about it.But for some reason, she couldn't forget this person. When Catherine returned to Washington, William Fraser said to her, "I miss you. I miss you. Do you love me?" "Lovely, Bill." "I love you too. Why don't you go out and celebrate tonight?" Catherine knew that Fraser was going to propose to her that night. ※※※ They went to the Jefferson Club, which was closed to the public.In the middle of dinner, Larry Douglas walked in, still wearing his decorated Air Force uniform.He went straight to their table and greeted Fraser, not her.Catherine couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes. Bill Fraser got up and said, "Cathy, this is Air Force Captain Lawrence Douglas. Larry, this is Miss Alexander—Katherine. Larry has been flying with the RAF. He's with the American squadron stationed there. Sir. They talked him into running the fighter base in Virginia and training our boys for battle." Like showing an old movie, Catherine remembered how she ordered him to take off his epaulets and medals, and how he happily obeyed the order.She had been so smug, so haughty and bossy--and thought him a coward!She really wanted to hide under the table. ※※※ The next day, Larry Douglas called Catherine's office, but she refused to answer.When she got off work, she found Larry waiting for her outside the door.He took off the medals and ribbons and put on the second lieutenant's epaulettes. He smiled and walked up to her. "Isn't this better?" Catherine stared at him blankly. "Isn't it—isn't it a violation of discipline to wear a badge indiscriminately?" "I don't know. I thought everything was under your command." She met Larry's gaze, and her heart was already in a mess.There was something irresistible about Larry like a magnet. "What do you want from me?" "Everything. I want you." They came to Larry's apartment and made love.This kind of extreme happiness, Catherine never imagined in her dreams, the two entered the Elysium at the same time, and the whole room and the whole universe trembled... She was exhausted and lay numb on the bed, hugging Larry tightly, and then I don't want him to leave either, I don't want to lose that wonderful feeling. Five hours later, they were married in Maryland. ※※※ At this moment, Catherine is sitting on the plane to start a new life in London, and she is very disturbed.We are very happy together.What went wrong?Romantic movies and love songs trick us into believing that there are happy endings, that the samurai in shining armor and his love live forever.We actually believed that James Stewart and Donna Reed lived "It's an Amazing Life"; that Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert would live together forever after "It Happened One Night"; In Our Golden Years, we cry together when Fredric March returns to Merna Loy; in Rebecca, we think Jane Fonda is in Laurence Olivier I found happiness in my arms.But all this is a lie.It's all lies.And those love songs. "I'll Love You, Forever, Forever".How do men measure this "forever"?Use an egg timer? How Deep is the Ocean?How did Irving Berlin measure it?a foot?two feet?And... It's Always a Day.I'm leaving, I'm getting a divorce. "Fantasy Night".We're going to climb a mountain... "You, Night, Music".The hotel manager told me about the caves around here... "I love you because my feelings belong to you".No one would...now, before she woke up. "Be My Lover".We listened to these songs together, watched these movies together, and really thought life would be like that.I trust my husband deeply.Will I trust anyone else?What have I done that he should murder me? "Miss Alexander..." Catherine looked up, startled, her vision blurred. The pilot was standing in front of her. "We've landed. Welcome to London." ※※※ There is a car waiting for Catherine at the airport.The driver said, "I'll handle the luggage, Miss Alexander. My name is Alfred. Would you like to go straight to your apartment?" my apartment. "Okay, it couldn't be better." Catherine leaned back in the seat.Incredible.Konstantin Demiris not only arranged for her a private jet, but also gave her an apartment.He was either the most generous man in the world, or...she couldn't think of him being anything else.No, he really is the most generous man in the world.I have to find an appropriate way to say thank you. ※※※ This extremely luxurious apartment is located on Elizabeth Street not far from Eaton Square.At the entrance there is a vast hall with an extremely richly decorated drawing room with chandeliers hanging from it; a paneled study with a stocked kitchen, three pleasingly furnished bedrooms and servants' quarters. Room. Catherine was greeted at the door by a woman in her forties in a black dress. "Good afternoon, Miss Alexander, I'm Anna, your housekeeper." Oh, of course, my butler.Catherine gradually got used to her current status.She replied, "Hello!" The driver moved Catherine's luggage into the door and put them all in the bedroom. "The car is at your command at any time." He said to Catherine, "When you are ready to go to the office, just tell Anna, and I will pick you up right away." The car is at my command.Of course it should. "Thank you." Anna said, "I'll pack your luggage for you. If you need anything else, just let me know." "I can't think of what else I need at the moment." Catherine said from the bottom of her heart. ※※※ After Anna finished packing her luggage, Catherine took a look around the apartment.She went back to her bedroom, looked at the beautiful new clothes Demiris had bought her, and thought: This is all a dream.She felt that everything seemed like a castle in the air.And 48 hours ago, she was watering flowers in the monastery.Now she has lived the life of a duchess.I don't know what kind of work she was asked to do.I will work hard.I will not live up to his hopes.He is such a nice guy.She felt suddenly very tired, so she lay down on the soft, comfortable bed.I'll just rest for a while, she thought, closing her eyes. She was about to drown, and she desperately called for help.Larry swam up and pushed her under the water as soon as he touched her.Then she was in the dark cave, and the bat flew towards her, tearing her hair, and slapping her face with its greasy wings.Catherine woke up with a start, and sat up suddenly from the bed, her body trembling uncontrollably. She continued to take deep breaths before gradually calming down.Enough, she thought, it's over.That was yesterday, now is a new day.No one will hurt you anymore, no one, never again. Outside Catherine's bedroom, housekeeper Anna has been eavesdropping on her screams in her dreams.When the room fell silent, she went downstairs to the living room and picked up the microphone to report to Constantine Demiris. ※※※ The Greek Trading Company is located at No. 217 Bond Street, not far from Piccadilly Circus in the West End of London. Its office building was originally a government office building, but it was remodeled into its current appearance a few years ago.The shape of the building is elegant and gorgeous, which is indeed the crystallization of exquisite architectural art. When Catherine came to the front of the building, she found that the office staff was waiting for her, and there were six or seven people standing in front of the door to welcome her. "Welcome, Miss Alexander. My name is Evelyn Kay. This is Carl... Tucker... Matthew... Jenny..." The names and their faces confused Catherine. "Hello!" "Your office is ready for you. I will lead the way." "Thank you." The reception room was very elegantly furnished with a Chesterfield sofa flanked by Chippendale chairs and a tapestry on the floor.They walked down a long, carpeted corridor, and as they passed a conference room, Catherine saw that the walls were paneled with pine, and that a clean table was surrounded by leather chairs. Catherine was ushered into a cozy office, with very comfortable old furniture and a leather sofa. "It's all yours." "It's so cute," she murmured. There are flowers on the table. "Mr. Demiris sent it." He was so thoughtful. She was shown in by Evelyn Kay, a stout, middle-aged woman with a lovely face who was easy to get along with. "It takes a few days for you to get used to this place, but the work here is actually not complicated. We are a nerve center of the Demiris Empire, responsible for processing reports from overseas subsidiaries, and then forwarding them to the headquarters in Athens. I It's the office manager, and you'll be my assistant." "Oh." So I'm the office manager's assistant.Catherine had no idea what to do with her.She seemed to be led into a wonderful world, with private jets, cars, beautiful apartments, and servants... "Wim Fanding is the math genius in our office. All the report data is calculated by him and made into business analysis charts. He can do mental calculations faster than most calculators. Come with me to meet him in his office .” They came to an office at the end of the corridor.Evelyn pushed the door open without knocking. "Wim, this is my new assistant." Catherine entered the office and stood there, her eyes drawn to her.Wim Fandin looked to be in his thirties, thin, with a wide mouth and a glazed expression.He is looking out the window. "Wim, Wim! This is Miss Catherine Alexander." He turned around. "Ekaterina I's real name is Marta Skoronka, she is a lady. She was born in 1684 and was captured by the Russians to marry Peter I the Great. She became the Russian Empress from 1725 to 1727. Ekaterina II The world is the daughter of a German prince born in 1729. Married Peter. Peter became emperor in 1762 as Peter III, and she came to the throne after murdering Peter III in the same year. During her reign, she divided Poland three times and fought with Turkey twice . . . " His words were monotonous, but the events poured forth like a fountain. Catherine listened, bewildered. "This... This is so interesting." She finally squeezed out such a sentence. Wim Fanting looked away again.Evelyn said: "Wim is a little reserved when he meets new people." cautious?Catherine murmured in her heart, this person is really weird, or some kind of genius?what will my job be ※※※ Konstantin Demiris' office is located on St. Geronda Street in Athens.At the moment, he is listening to the phone report from Alfred in London. "I drove Miss Alexander directly from the airport to the apartment, Mr. Demiris. According to your instructions, I asked her if she was going somewhere else, but she said no." "Does she have any contact with the outside world?" "No, unless she calls someone from the apartment." For this, Constantine Demiris had already made arrangements.Anna, the housekeeper, will report everything to him.He put down the receiver with satisfaction.Catherine will not pose a threat to him yet, as long as she is closely monitored.She was alone now, and could not rely on anyone but her benefactor, Constantine Demiris.I've got to arrange a trip to London quickly, Demiris thought with relief, and I'm going right away. ※※※ Catherine Alexander finds new work interesting.There are daily reports from subsidiaries all over Constantine Demiris' empire.There is a bill of lading from a steel factory in Indiana, a bill check from an Italian car manufacturing plant, an order from an Australian newspaper group, and reports from gold mines and insurance companies.Catherine carefully checked the reports and ensured that they were sent directly to Wim Fanding.And Wim Fandin only needs to browse it once, and use his computer-like head to calculate it at an incredible speed, and he can calculate the percentage of a certain company's profit or loss almost at the same time. Catherine enjoyed meeting new colleagues and fell in love with the beautiful office building where she worked. Once in the presence of Wim, she mentioned the office building to Evelyn Kay, and she heard Wim say: "This is the government customs house designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1721. After the Great Fire of London, Christopher Wren He redesigned 50 churches, including St. Paul's, St. Michael's and St. Bride's. He also designed the Royal Financial Exchange and Buckingham Palace. He died in 1723 and was buried in St. Paul's. The building was built in 1907 It was converted into an office building in 1999. When the Germans launched an air raid in World War II, the government declared this building to be an official air-raid shelter.” The air-raid shelter is a bomb-proof large room, and an iron door connected to the basement serves as the entrance and exit of the room.Catherine looked at the solidly constructed room and thought that it was here that Britain's brave men, women and children escaped the indiscriminate bombing of Hitler's Luftwaffe. The basement is spacious, the size of the entire building.Inside is a large boiler for heating the building, and all kinds of electronic equipment and telephone lines are concentrated here.The boiler always had problems. Catherine accompanied the repairman to repair it several times. The repairman only repaired it every time and said it was repaired. "This boiler is dangerous," Catherine said. "Is there any possibility of it exploding?" "God bless you, miss. It will never explode. See this safety valve? If the boiler overheats, the safety valve will release excess steam. It's as simple as that, no problem." ※※※ After a week of work, weekends are spent visiting London.London concentrates on theatre, ballet and concerts.There are many interesting second-hand bookstores, such as Hachard and Foyle, and there are dozens of museums.There are also countless antique shops and restaurants.Catherine visits the print shop in Cecil Lane.Shop at Harrods, Fortnum and great stores like Masons, Marks and Spencer and enjoy Sunday tea at the Savoy. Memories of the past seemed uncontrollable and harassed Catherine from time to time.Everything brought her emotions, thinking of Larry, a voice... a word... a bottle of cologne... a song.No, the past is over.The future is what matters.She is getting stronger day by day. ※※※ Catherine and Evelyn Kay became friends and occasionally went out together.One Sunday, the two of them went to an open-air art exhibition on the banks of the Thames.The painters on display ranged from young to old, but they all had one thing in common: they were all losers whose work wouldn't make it into any museum.Those pieces were drawn horribly.But out of sympathy, Catherine bought a painting anyway. "Where are you going to hang it?" Evelyn asked her. "The boiler room," Catherine said. Walking the streets of London, they also encountered street artists, who painted with pastels on the pavement.Some paintings are surprisingly good.Pedestrians stopped to take a look and tossed them a few coins.One afternoon, on her way back from lunch, Catherine stopped to watch an elderly man making a beautiful chalk landscape.Just as I was about to finish painting, it started to rain.The old man stood blankly on the street, watching the work being washed away by the rain.It's like my old life, Catherine thought. ※※※ Evelyn takes Catherine to Sheppard Mall. "It's a fun place," Evelyn promised her. The mall is indeed colorful.There was a three-hundred-year-old restaurant called Teddy Doles, magazine stands, a small market, a beauty parlor, a bakery, an antique store, and several two- and three-story homes. The sign on the letterbox was odd.One said "Helen" and underneath it said "French Lessons".Another has "Rosie" written on it, with "here the Greeks teach" written underneath. "Is this the teaching area?" Catherine asked. Evelyn laughed loudly and said, "I think it's a teaching area in a sense. However, the lessons taught by these girls cannot be moved to the school." Seeing Catherine blushing, Evelyn laughed even harder. ※※※ Catherine was alone most of the time, but she kept busy to avoid loneliness.She plunged headfirst into her day job, as if trying to make up for the precious moments that had been stolen from her life.She doesn't like to think about the past, and she doesn't want to worry about the future.She visited Windsor Castle and the beautiful churches of Canterbury, and Hampton Court.On weekends, she would go to the quaint little inn in the countryside and stay in the countryside for a long time. I'm born again, she thought. No one is born happy.Everyone has to rely on their own struggle to obtain happiness.I am a survivor.I am young and healthy, and all good things will come. She was back at work on Monday.Go back and meet Evelyn, the other female staff, and Wim Fanding. Wim Fanting is such a mysterious figure. Catherine had never seen anyone like him.There are 20 clerks in the office, and without a calculator, Wim Fanding can remember each clerk's salary, Social Security number, and tax due.Although there are files and records, he still keeps all kinds of company information in his mind.He knows the monthly flow of funds in each branch, as well as the difference from the previous months, and even remembers the situation when he first started recording these data five years ago. ※※※ Wim Fandin has a photographic eye for everything.His depth of knowledge is astonishing.The simplest question can elicit a stream of information.However, he doesn't like socializing. Catherine and Evelyn talked about him. "Wim is simply incomprehensible." "Wim's a paranoid," Evelyn said. "You don't have to mind. He's only interested in numbers. I don't think he even likes humans." "Does he have friends?" "No." "Hasn't he dated anybody else? I mean—going out with girls?" "No." Catherine felt that Wim was a reclusive and lonely person, and she couldn't help feeling sympathetic. ※※※ Catherine was amazed by Wim's profound knowledge.One morning, her ears hurt a little. Wim said stiffly, "Maybe it's the weather. You'd better see a doctor." "Thanks, Wim, I..." "In the ear there are the auricle, ear canal, tympanic membrane, ear bone piece—the earlobe, incus, stapes—tympanum, semicircular canal, oval gate, Eustachian tube, auditory nerve, and earwax tube." After finishing speaking, he said gone. Another day, Catherine and Evelyn took Wim to lunch at a local tavern.Some people in the back room were playing darts. "Do you like sports, Wim?" Catherine asked. "Have you ever seen a baseball game?" "Baseball," Wim said, "is 9.25 inches in circumference and is made of yarn wrapped around a cone-shaped hard plastic ball covered with white leather. The bat is usually made of ash wood and has a diameter of up to 0.5 to 0.75 inches over and up to 42 inches in total length." He knows all the statistics, Catherine thought, but has he ever had the pleasure of playing baseball? "Have you ever played any sports? Like basketball?" "Basketball is an activity played on a wooden or concrete field. Basketball is a spherical skin with a circumference of 31 inches. After the bladder is inflated, the pressure reaches 13 pounds. The ball weighs 20 to 22 ounces. Basketball was invented by James Naismith in 1891. Invented in the year." That was the answer Catherine got. ※※※ In public, Wim can sometimes be awkward.Catherine and Evelyn took him to Maidenhead-on-Thames one Sunday.They stopped at a restaurant for lunch.The waiter came to their table and said, "There are fresh clams today." Catherine turned to Wim. "How do you like it?" Wim said: "There are long clams, curtain clams, also called round clams, razor clams, clams, single shell clams, and blood cockles." The waiter stared at him puzzled. "Which one would you like, sir?" "I don't like clams," replied Wim curtly. Catherine is fond of her colleagues, but has a special affection for Wim.In Catherine's view, he is extremely intelligent, but at the same time he is a withdrawn and socially awkward person. One day Catherine said to Evelyn: "Is there a day when Wim can live a normal life? With love and marriage?" Evelyn lamented: "I tell you, he's a cold-blooded animal, and he won't have any emotional ties to anyone." Catherine, however, disagreed.Once or twice, she had seen interest, affection, joy in Wim's eyes, and she wanted to give him a hand.Maybe, that's just her wishful thinking? ※※※ Once, a colleague in the office received an invitation to a charity ball in the Savoy. Catherine came to Wim's office and asked, "Are you dancing, Wim?" He looked at her. "In foxtrot, one syllable plus half of the dance in 4/4 time makes a complete dance syllable. The man starts with the left foot and takes two steps forward. The woman starts with the right foot and takes two steps back. Two slow After the step, take a quick step to the right, and then return to a slow step. When leaning forward, the man takes a step forward with his left foot, then leans forward—a slow step—and then steps up his right foot—also a slow step. Then , take a step with the left foot to the left—a quick step, and then follow with the left foot—also a quick step.” Catherine froze there, not knowing what to say.He can only speak, but does not understand the meaning of the words. ※※※ Constantin Demiris called.It was late at night, and Catherine was getting ready for bed. "Didn't bother you? I'm Costa." "Of course not." Catherine was delighted to hear his voice.She looked forward to talking to him and hearing his advice.Anyway, he is the only person in this world who knows about her past.She counts Constantin Demiris as an old friend. "I've been thinking of you, Catherine. I'm afraid you'll be lonely in London. You've got no friends there, after all." "Sometimes I do feel lonely," Catherine said bluntly, "but I'm okay. I've never forgotten your words. Forget the past and look forward to the future." "That's right. Speaking of the future, I'm going to London tomorrow. I'd love to take you to dinner." "I am honored," said Catherine enthusiastically.She looked forward to this opportunity to express her gratitude to him. Konstantin Demiris smiled to himself as he put the receiver down: hooked. ※※※ They had dinner at the Ritz.The interior of the restaurant was very elegantly furnished and the dishes were delicious, but Catherine didn't realize all of this, she only paid attention to the man sitting opposite.She has a lot to say to him. "You have a wonderful staff here," Catherine said, "Wim is incredible, I've never seen anyone who..." But Demiris wasn't listening.He looked at Catherine, how beautiful she was, and how fragile she was.But I can't be too hasty with her, and Demiris secretly made up his mind: I have to take it easy, and then taste the taste of victory.It's because of you, Noelle, and your lover. "Have you been in London long?" Catherine asked. "It's just a day or two. I have business to do." It is business.But he also knew that all he needed to do was make a phone call.No, his real purpose in coming to London was to be close to Catherine, to make her completely dependent on him emotionally.He leaned forward. "Catherine, have I ever told you about my time in the oil fields in Saudi Arabia...?" ※※※ The next night, Demiris took Catherine to dinner again. "Evelyn told me you've done a great job in the office. I want to give you a raise." "You have been generous to me," Catherine declined, "I..." Demiris stared into her eyes. "You don't know how generous I really am." Catherine was embarrassed.He was just being nice, she thought, and I shouldn't be thinking too much. ※※※ The next day, Demiris was ready to leave. "Can you drive me to the airport, Catherine?" "Can." Catherine found that he seemed to have a magical charm.He was lovely, intelligent, and his concern pleased her. At the airport, Demiris kissed her lightly on the cheek. "I'm so glad to be with you, Catherine." "Me too. Thank you, Costa." She stood at the airport, watching the plane take off.He's different, Catherine thought, and I'll trust him.
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