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Chapter 5 Chapter Four

midnight memories 西德尼·谢尔顿 9352Words 2018-03-21
"Why did you let her leave the house?" Constantine Demiris demanded. "Excuse me, sir," replied the footman, "you didn't say you wouldn't let her go, so..." Demiris exerted composure. "It's okay, maybe she'll be back soon." "Anything else to order, sir?" "there is none left." Watching the servant leave the house, Demiris walked to the window, his eyes resting on the carefully manicured garden.It was dangerous for Catherine to show up on the streets of Athens, where she might be recognized.It's a pity not to let her live, but—revenge is the most important thing.I will keep her alive before I take revenge.I want to enjoy this woman well.I'm taking her out of here, to a place where no one knows her.London would be safe and still be able to watch her.I can arrange a job for her in the office there.

※※※ When Catherine returned an hour later, Demiris noticed a change in her.As if the shady scene had been uncovered, Catherine suddenly became a living person again.She is wearing a striking white silk suit with a white shirt.Demiris was taken aback by the drastic change in her appearance.So sexy, he thought. "Mr. Demiris..." "Costa." "I... I know who I am, and—and the past." There was no expression on his face. "Really? Sit down, honey, and tell me." Catherine was so excited that she could not sit still, and staggered up and down on the carpet, eagerly pouring out what was on her mind. "My husband and his—his mistress Noelle tried to kill me." She stopped and looked at him eagerly. "Is that unreasonable? I—I don't know. Maybe."

"Go on, dear," he reassured. "The nuns at the convent saved me. My husband worked for you before, didn't he?" she asked suddenly. Demiris hesitated, carefully considering how to answer. "Yes." How much to tell her? "He's one of my pilots. So I feel responsible to you. It's just..." She turned to Demiris and said, "But, you know who I am. Why didn't you tell me in the morning?" "I'm afraid you'll be startled," said Demiris, eloquently. "I think it's best for you to find out." "Do you know what happened to my husband and that—that woman? Where are they?"

Demiris looked into Catherine's eyes and said, "They were executed." He saw Catherine's face turn pale.Catherine let out a soft cry, and suddenly felt like she was exhausted, and slumped in a chair. "I do not……" "Catherine, they were executed by the government." "but why?" Be careful.Danger. "Because they tried to murder you." Catherine frowned puzzled. "I'm confused. Why is the government executing them? I'm not dead..." He took up the conversation. "Catherine, the laws in Greece are tough. Justice is served quickly here. They had a public trial and several witnesses testified that your husband and Noelle Page attempted to kill you. They were both declared guilty and sentenced to death .”

"I can't believe it." Sitting on a chair, Catherine said blankly, "That trial..." Constantin Demiris came up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "You should get rid of the entanglement of the past. It is their sin that they wanted to kill you, and they paid the price for it." His tone became brisk, "I think it's time for you and me to discuss the future. You What do you plan to do?" She didn't hear what Demiris said, and she was thinking: Larry, Larry's handsome face, and his laugh.Larry's arms, his voice... "Catherine..."

She raised her eyelids. "Sorry, what did you say?" "Haven't you thought about what to do in the future?" "No, I... I don't know what to do in the future, I will probably stay in Athens..." "No," said Demiris firmly, "this is not a good idea. It will only bring you many painful memories. I suggest you leave Greece." "But I have nowhere to go." "I've thought about it," Demiris told her. "I have an office in London. You worked for a man named William Fraser in Washington. Do you remember?" "William...?" Then, she suddenly remembered this incident, which was the happiest period of her life.

"I remember you as his administrative assistant." "yes, I……" "You can do the same job for me in London." She hesitated. "I don't know if it will work. I'm not a person who doesn't reciprocate gratitude, but..." "I understand you, I know so much has happened to you at once," Demiris said sympathetically, "You need some time to think about it. You can have dinner alone in your room, and we will continue tomorrow morning .” Having her eat dinner in her room was a last-minute idea.It would be difficult for his wife to touch her.

"How thoughtful you are," said Catherine, "and so generous. Those clothes..." He patted Catherine's hand and held it for as long as it didn't have to. "I'd love to do that." ※※※ She sat on the bed and watched the sunset outside the window.The dazzling sunset reflects the blue Aegean Sea colorfully.There is no point in reliving the shadows of the past.Think about what to do in the future.Thank God for Constantine Demiris.He had become the pillar of Catherine's life.Catherine had no one to turn to but him.He also offered Catherine a job in London.Can I take this job?As she was thinking, she heard someone knock on the door. "We've brought you supper, miss."

After Catherine left, Constantin Demiris sat for a long time in his study, thinking about his conversation with Catherine.Noelle.Only once in his life has Demiris lost control of his feelings.He fell deeply in love with Noelle Page, who became his mistress.He had never seen a woman like Noelle.With her vast knowledge of art, music, and business, she became an integral part of Demiris' life.Everything about Noelle was so familiar to him and so amazing to him.He was infatuated with Noelle, and thought she was the most beautiful and sexiest woman he had ever known.Noelle had even given up her stardom to give herself to him, igniting the greatest passions of his life.She is his lover, confidant and close friend.Demiris trusted her in every possible way, and she betrayed him along with Larry Douglas.For this, Noelle has paid the price with her life.Konstantin Demiris later intervened with the authorities to have Noelle's body buried in a cemetery on the private island of Psala in the Aegean Sea.People applauded him for this beautiful, sentimental gesture.In fact, Demiris' real intention in arranging the cemetery at this location is to be able to step on this bitch's grave and enjoy the wonderful taste.There was a photo by Demiris' bedroom bedside of Noelle's lovely face, smiling at him, frozen forever.

Even today, more than a year later, Demiris still thinks of her from time to time.She left wounds that no doctor could heal. Why, Noelle, why?I gave you everything, I loved you, you bitch, I loved you, I still love you. The second person to be retaliated against was Larry Douglas.He also lost his life.But Demiris was still not satisfied, and came up with another revenge plan.A perfect plan.He was going to have as much fun with Douglas's wife as Douglas had with Noelle, and then let her see Douglas. ※※※ "Costa..." It was his wife's voice. His wife, Melina, had already entered the study.

※※※ The wife of Constantine Demiris, Melina Lambro, came from an ancient noble family in Greece. She was a charming woman, tall, graceful and dignified. "Costa, who is that woman I saw in the living room?" she asked with a pause. The question caught him off guard. "What? Oh, she's a business friend," Demiris said. "She's going to work for me in London." "Whenever I see her, I think of someone." "real?" "Really," Melina hesitated, "she reminds me of the pilot's wife who once worked for you. However, this is impossible. They have already murdered her." "Yes," agreed Constantin Demiris, "they murdered her." He watched Melina leave.Be careful, Melina is not stupid, he thought, I shouldn't have married her at all, I have made a big mistake... ※※※ Ten years ago news of the wedding of Melina Lambro and Constantin Demiris shook the business world and other social classes, from Athens to Rivera to Newport.The main reason for the conspicuousness was that the bride had become engaged to another person a month before the wedding. ※※※ Melina Lambro had troubled her family with her stubbornness as a child.When she was 10 years old, she decided to become a sailor.It was the family driver who found her at the port and took her home.She was sneaking into a boat at the time. At the age of 12, she wanted to escape with the wandering circus again. It was only at seventeen that Melina learned to resign herself to being the beautiful, extraordinarily wealthy daughter of Michalis Lambro.Newspapers love to make a fuss about her.She became almost a mythical figure, mixed with princes and princesses, and miraculously not spoiled.Melina has a brother named Spiros, who is 10 years older than her, and they have a close relationship and mutual respect.Melina was 13 when her parents died boating and was raised by Spiros. Spiros tries to protect her, which Melina thinks is going too far.As Melina approached 20, Spyros was even more selective about her suitors, always scouting everyone for his sister, and none of them were a good fit. "You have to be careful," he used to advise Melina, "you are the target of every rich man in the world. You are young and beautiful, rich in money, and have a very famous name." "Well, my dear brother, it will be a great consolation to me that I will die a virgin at the age of eighty." "Don't worry, Melina, there will be someone suitable." ※※※ The right man was Count Vasilis Manos.He was in his mid-forties, a successful merchant of an ancient and distinguished family in Greece.He fell in love with the young and beautiful Melina at first sight, and within a few weeks they proposed. "He's a perfect fit," Spiros said cheerfully. "Manos is already established and madly in love with you." Melina was not so excited. "There's nothing exciting about him, Spiros. When we're together, he knows it's business, and business, business. I wish he was a little more — a little more romantic." Her brother puts it firmly: "Marriage is not just about romance. What you need is a rich, steady husband, someone who will give everything to you." Melina couldn't beat Spiros and accepted Earl Manos' proposal.The Count trembled with excitement. "You've made me the happiest man in the world," he announced aloud. "I've just started a new company. I'm going to call it Melina International." She wished the Count would send her a dozen roses.A date was fixed for the wedding, a thousand invitations were sent out, and a whole series of plans were carefully drawn up. ※※※ Just then, Constantin Demiris entered Melina Lambro's life.The two of them met at one of Melina's engagement parties held more than a dozen times.The hostess introduced them both. "This is Melina Lambro—this is Constantin Demiris." Demiris stared at Melina thoughtfully, his black eyes wide open. "How long will they keep you?" he asked. "Sorry, what did you say?" "You must have been sent by heaven to show us mortals how beautiful you are." Melina laughed. "You are too flattering, Mr. Demiris." He shook his head. "I can't compliment you on your beauty, and I can't praise you too much." Just as they were talking, Count Manos came over and interrupted their conversation. That night Melina thought of Demiris before she fell asleep.Of course she had heard of this man before, and knew that he was a rich man, his wife had passed away, he was famous for his hard heart in business, and he was also famous for his lust.I'm glad I have nothing to do with him, Melina thought. Yet the gods were laughing. ※※※ The morning after the party, Melina's valet came to the breakfast table and said, "Here's your package, Miss Lambro, from Mr. Demiris' chauffeur." "Bring it in, please." Constantin Demiris actually thought he could impress me with money.Well, he was very disappointed.No matter what he gives... expensive jewelry, priceless antiques... I will return it in its original form immediately. The package is a small rectangular box, beautifully packaged.Out of curiosity, Melina opened it.The text on the card was simple: "I think you'll like it. Constantine." It turned out to be a hardcover copy of Toda Raba, by her favorite author, Nikos Kazantzakis.How would he know? Melina sent back a very polite thank you note, thinking that was the end of it. Another package arrived the next morning.This time it was a cassette of her favorite composer, Darius.The card reads: "Perhaps, while reading Toda Raba, you will enjoy listening to this tape." Since then, gifts have been delivered every day.There are her favorite flowers, perfume, music, and books.Constantin Demiris took pains to understand Melina's hobbies, and his concern made Melina's heart happy. When Melina called to thank Demiris, he said, "There's nothing I can give you that you deserve." How many women has he said that to before? "Can you have lunch with me, Melina?" She was about to say no, but then she thought again: there's no harm in having lunch with this man.Besides, he is quite considerate. She met with resistance when she proposed to Count Manos to have lunch with Constantine Demiris. "What is it for, dear? You have nothing in common with that dreadful man, why are you going to see him?" "Vassilis, he gives me small gifts every day. I'm going to stop him." When Melina said this, she was still thinking: Actually, I can also tell him on the phone. ※※※ Melina came to the famous restaurant Floca in Pampistimio Street.Constantin Demiris had reserved a table at this restaurant and was waiting there at the moment. He stood up and said, "Here you are. I'm afraid you'll change your mind." "I always walk the talk." He looked at Melina and said solemnly: "I will do what I say. I want to marry you." Melina didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed, she shook her head and said, "Mr. Demiris, I'm already engaged and I'm going to marry someone else." "Manos?" He waved his hand disdainfully, "He is not good enough for you." "Really? Why?" "I've looked into him. There's a history of insanity in his family, he has hemophilia himself, the police are looking for him for a rape in Brussels, and he's a bad tennis player." Melina couldn't help laughing out loud. "how about you?" "I don't play tennis." "So, is that why I should marry you?" "No, you marry me and I will make you the happiest woman ever." "Mr. Demiris..." He put his hand on Melina's palm. "Call me Costa." She withdrew her hand and said, "Mr. Demiris, the reason I'm here today is because I want to persuade you not to send me any more presents. I plan to never see you again." He looked at Melina silently, and spoke for a long time. "I'm sure you're not a heartless person." "I hope not." he laughed. "Very well, then, you won't make me sad." "I wonder if your heart is really that weak. You have a reputation." "Oh, that was before I met you. Actually, I dreamed of you a long time ago." Melina laughed. "It's true what I say. When I was young, I read about the Lambro family. You were rich, and I was a pauper, with nothing to live by. My father was a longshoreman in Working in the port of Piraeus. I have 14 brothers and sisters and everything is a struggle.” She was moved unconsciously. "But you're rich now." "Yes, but I shall be richer." "How did you get rich?" "On a hunger pang. I've always been hungry. I still am." She could see it in his eyes. "How... how did you get started?" "Do you really want to know?" Melina couldn't help saying, "I really want to know." "When I was 17, I went to work for a small oil company in the Middle East. I didn't do very well. I had dinner one night with a young geologist who was working for a large company. I asked for a steak and he only wanted I asked him why he didn't eat steak, and he said he didn't have teeth, and he couldn't pay for them. So I gave him fifty dollars for new teeth. A month later, he called in the middle of the night and said A new oil storage area has just been discovered and has not been reported to the employer. The next morning, I managed to borrow money, and by the evening, I had bought the right to use the land, and it turned out that it was the world's largest oil storage area. One of the largest oil fields." Melina listened to every word he said, fascinated. "That was just the beginning. I needed tankers to get that oil, and then I had a fleet of tankers, and then I had refineries, airlines." He shrugged. "It just kept going." It was long after their marriage that Melina learned that the story about the steak was a myth. Melina Lambro planned not to meet Constantin Demiris again, but Demiris planned it carefully and always "accidentally" met Melina again and again at parties, theaters or charity events.Each time she was strongly attracted to Demiris.Beside Demiris, Vassilis Manos was overshadowed.Melina really didn't want to admit it. Melina is very fond of Flemish painters. Bruegel's "Hunter in the Snow" just appeared on the market. Before she had time to buy it, Constantin Demiris gave her this painting as a gift up. Melina is fascinated, and I don't know what mysterious method Constantine used to learn about her hobby. "I can't accept such an expensive gift from you." She objected. "Oh, it's not a gift, you have to pay for it. Have dinner with me tonight." She finally agreed.This man is irresistible. A week later, Melina called off her engagement to Count Manos. ※※※ When Melina broke the news, her brother was stunned. "What's going on? My God!" Spiros asked. "Why?" "Because I'm going to marry Constantine Demiris." He said in amazement: "You're crazy. You can't marry Demiris. He's a devil. He'll destroy you. If..." "You're wrong about him, Spiros. He's very nice, and we're in love. It's..." "You're in love!" he interrupted Melina angrily. "I don't know what he's up to, but he doesn't love you at all. You know, he's famous for his handling of women! He... ..." "That's all in the past, Spiros. I'm going to be his wife." No matter what he said, he couldn't stop his sister from holding the wedding. A month later, Melina Lambro and Constantin Demiris married. ※※※ At first, the marriage seemed perfect.Constantine was very fond of her and cared deeply for her.He was an exciting, passionate lover who continued to bring Melina unexpected joys in life, bought her lavish gifts, and traveled frequently in search of exotic places. On the first night of their honeymoon, he said: "My first wife failed to bear me a baby. Now we're going to have a bunch of sons." "Don't want a daughter?" Melina joked. "You can give birth if you want, but you have to give birth to a son." The day Melina found out she was pregnant, Konstantin was ecstatic. "He will inherit my empire," he declared joyfully. Three months later, Melina miscarried.At the time, Constantin Demiris was abroad.When he came back, he became like a madman when he heard the news. "What have you done?" he screamed. "How did this happen?" "Costa, I..." "You were careless!" "No, I swear..." He took a deep breath. "Okay. What has happened can't be helped. We're going to have another son." "I...I can't do it anymore." She didn't dare to look him in the eyes. "What did you say?" "They did the surgery out of desperation. I can't have any more children." He stood there blankly for a while, then turned around and strode out without a word. Since then, Melina seems to have fallen into hell.Constantin Demiris ignored her as if she had killed her son on purpose; besides, he started looking for other women. Naturally, Melina couldn't bear it.However, what made her feel even more humiliated was that Constantine Demiris was openly joking around with his mistress.He openly associated with movie stars, opera singers, and the wives of friends, taking them to Pusala Island, taking them on yachts, and taking them to public rallies.This time, the press was overjoyed and reported the secrets of Constantine Demiris's affair. ※※※ The couple were invited to a party with a famous banker.When the banker invited them, he said: "You and Melina must come. I have hired a new oriental chef, and his Chinese food is absolutely outstanding." The visitors are all celebrities, including the elite of artists, politicians and business people.The dinner was indeed very sumptuous. The chef made shark fin soup, shrimp rolls, moo shu pork, Peking duck, pork ribs, Cantonese fried noodles, and more than a dozen other dishes. Melina sat next to the host at the top of the table, while her husband sat next to the hostess at the other end.To Demiris' right is a pretty, young movie star.He kept talking to the star, leaving everyone else alone.Melina could hear him in fits and starts. "When you're done filming, be sure to come on board my yacht. You're going to have a wonderful holiday. We can sail along the Dalmatian coast..." Melina didn't want to hear these conversations, but couldn't.Demiris didn't care about this at all, and said in a high voice: "You haven't been to Pusala Island, have you? It's a lovely island, like a paradise. You will like it." Melina can't wait to have A hole to get in.Their words and deeds are even more unsightly. After eating the ribs, the footman brought up the silver bowl for washing hands. When the silver bowl was placed in front of the movie star, Demiris said, "You don't need that." He held the female star's hands with a smile, and slowly sucked the rib sauce on her fingers one by one.The other guests turned their heads away. Melina stood up and said to her host, "Excuse me, I—I have a headache." The guests watched her rush out of the room.Demiris didn't come home that night, and never came back. ※※※ Spiros turned blue when he heard about it. "One word from you," said Melina's brother furiously, "and I'll kill the son of a bitch." "He's involuntary, too." Melina defended Constantine, "That's in his nature." "Nature? He's a beast! If you want to dump him, why don't you divorce him?" Melina Demiris often asks herself this question as she spends long, lonely nights alone in her spare room.And the final answer is always one: I love him. ※※※ At 5:30 in the morning, a maid with an apologetic face woke Catherine. "Good morning, miss..." Catherine opened her eyes and looked around, feeling a little confused.She was not in a small room in the monastery, but in a beautiful bedroom... The memory came flooding back.Journey to Athens..you are Catherine Alexander..they were executed by the government.. "Miss……" "What's up?" "Mr. Demiris would like to invite you to have breakfast with him on the balcony." Catherine looked sleepily at the maid.She was still awake at 4:00 a.m., and her mind was in a mess. "Thanks, and tell Mr. Demiris I'll be right there." Twenty minutes later, led by the servant, Catherine came to the large balcony facing the sea.A low wall shields the garden 20 feet below.Constantin Demiris sat at a table and waited.He looked carefully at Catherine, who was walking towards him, and there was a touching innocence about her.He wants to grab it, have it, keep it for himself.He pictured Catherine lying naked on his bed, helping him punish Noelle and Larry again.Demiris stood up. "Good morning. Forgive me for waking you up so early, but I'm leaving for the office in a few minutes. I hope we'll have a chance to have a few words." "Of course," said Catherine. She sat down across the marble table, facing the sea.The sun has just risen, and the sun is shining on the sea, sparkling. "What's for breakfast?" She shook her head. "I'm not hungry." "How's the coffee?" "thanks." A servant poured hot coffee into billik cups. "Come on, Catherine," Demiris began, "have you considered our conversation?" Catherine thought of nothing else all night.There was nothing left of her to miss in Athens, and she had nowhere else to go.I don't want to go back to the Abbey again, she swore to herself.Constantin Demiris' invitation to work in London was alluring.Catherine had to admit to herself: This idea actually excites me, this could be the beginning of a new life. "I have considered it," said Catherine, "I have considered it." "how to think?" "I—I think, I'd love to try." Constantin Demiris' heart was broken, but he didn't show it. "I'm glad. Have you ever been to London?" "No. I mean—I think so." Why am I not sure?There were still terrible gaps in her memory.How many more things am I going to know? "It's one of the last civilized cities in the world. I'm sure you'll like it very much." Catherine said hesitantly: "Mr. Demiris, why do you take the trouble to do all this for me?" "Well, I feel responsible," he added after a pause, "for introducing your husband to Noelle Page." "Hmm," Catherine said slowly.Noelle Page.The name made her shudder.They both died for each other.Larry must have fallen deeply in love with that woman. Catherine summoned up the courage to confide the question that had been tormenting her all night. "They...how were they executed?" There was a short silence. "Murdered at gunpoint by a team." "Oh." She could feel the bullet tearing through Larry's flesh. The body of the man she once loved was shattered just like that.She regretted asking the question. "I would like to advise you, don't think about the past. It will only make you sad. You must put everything in the past behind you." Catherine said slowly: "You are right, let me try." "Very well. I have a flight to London just this morning. Catherine, in a moment, can you go?" Catherine thought of many trips with Larry.Preparations for the trip, including the excitement when packing up, and the longing and anticipation before the trip, came to my mind together. This time, there is no one to go with, nothing to tidy up, nothing to prepare. "Okay, I'll be ready." "Great. Also," Demiris added casually, "now that you've remembered the past, maybe there's someone you'd like to contact and tell him you've recovered." One name immediately came to mind: William Fraser.This was the only person she retained in her memory of the past.But she felt that she could not meet him yet.I'll try to get in touch with him when I'm settled, Catherine thought, and when I'm back at work. Constantine Demiris watched her, waiting for an answer. "No." Catherine finally spoke, "There is no one." Little did she know that she had saved William Fraser's life by saying so. "I'll get you a passport." He handed over an envelope. "This is your salary in advance. Don't worry about having no place to live. The company has an apartment in London. You can live there." It's embarrassing. "You are so generous." He took Catherine's hand. "You'll know I'm..." He stopped what he was about to say.You have to be careful with her, he thought, and take your time.You can't startle the snake. "...I can be your good friend." "You are indeed a very good friend." Demiris smiled.Just wait and see. ※※※ Two hours later, Konstantin Demiris helped Catherine into the back of a Rolls-Royce to take her to the airport. "Have a nice time in London," he said. "I'll be in touch." Five minutes after the car left, Demiris called London. "She's on her way."
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