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Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty

embassy.From his office, Colonel McKinney gave orders to more than two dozen Marine Guard soldiers. "I order you to guard the ambassador's mansion as you guard Fort Knox," Colonel McKinney said sternly. "The military and police of country A will fully cooperate with our actions. The president of this country has ordered his soldiers to set up a cordon in the square, and no one is allowed to pass without a pass. We will set up checkpoints at every gate of the embassy, ​​and people entering and leaving must pass through Metal detector inspection. The main building and courtyard of the official residence are guarded, and snipers are ambushed on the roof. Are you clear?"

"Understood, sir." "Disband!" Auspicious and festive, with a festive atmosphere.The mansion is brightly lit, illuminating the sky as bright as day.A team of US military police and country A security police stood solemnly on both sides, allowing the crowd to move forward slowly.Plainclothes personnel mixed in, searching for all suspicious persons.Some policemen led police dogs and sniffed bombs. Journalists join in the fun.Photographers and journalists from more than a dozen countries flocked here.They have all been strictly inspected, and all kinds of equipment used have been carefully detected before being put into the official residence.

"Not even a single cockroach can get in there tonight," boasted the Marine Corps officer in charge of security. In the storage room, the security squad leader has been watching the man in the military uniform inflating the balloon, feeling bored early.He took out a cigarette and lit it, and began to puff leisurely. Angel yelled in panic: "Quickly destroy it." This roar startled the guard squad leader: "Why do you want to destroy it? Aren't you filling helium? Helium doesn't burn!" "Turn it out! Colonel McKinney's order is no smoking here."

The guard squad leader muttered, "Fuck it, nonsense." He threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with the heel of his shoe. Angel stared at him intently, convinced that there were no more sparks, then turned around and continued to inflate the balloon with different steel cans. It is true that helium does not burn, but none of these steel tanks are filled with helium.The first contained propane, the second contained white phosphorus, and the third contained a mixture of oxygen and acetylene.Angel just left in each steel tank the night before just enough helium to lift the balloon.

Angel filled the white balloon with propane, the red balloon with a mixture of oxygen and acetylene, and the blue balloon with white phosphorus.When the balloon exploded, the white phosphorus acted as an incendiary agent for the first gas released, thereby suffocating the oxygen within fifty yards and making it impossible to breathe.In an instant, the white phosphorous turned into a scorching hot liquid, falling on everyone in the room.People's lungs and throats would be scorched by the hyperthermic reaction, while the force of the explosion could level entire neighborhoods.This is magnificent.Angel straightened his waist, looked at the erratic colorful balloons under the ceiling of the storage room, and said, "The work is done."

"Okay," said the captain of the guard, "now, let's get these things into the ballroom, and let the guests have fun." Then he called four guards. "Help me get the balloon out," he ordered. A guard opened the door to the ballroom.The American flag and the red, white, and blue tricolor flag hung in the hall, and a bandstand was erected at the far end.The hall was already full of guests, and they all took various snacks as needed from the long tables on both sides. "The ballroom is so beautiful." Angel praised.Within an hour, there will be charred corpses here. "Can I take a picture?"

The squad leader shrugged: "Why not? Guys, let's go!" The guards pushed Angel away and herded the inflated balloon into the ballroom.Balloons floated here and there, and flew under the ceiling. "Take it easy," Angel reminded, "Take it easy." "Don't worry," one soldier called jokingly, "we won't break your baby ball." Angel stood in the foyer, watching unblinkingly as a rainbow of tricolor balloons floated higher, with an evil grin on his face: a thousand deadly little beauties swarmed under the ceiling.Angel took out the camera from his pocket and walked into the ballroom.

"Cough! You are not allowed to come in!" The squad leader shouted. "I just took a picture and took it back to show my daughter." Dare to say that her daughter is also extremely ugly.The squad leader thought sarcastically: "Okay, hurry up!" Angel looked across the hall to the entrance and saw Ambassador Ashley leading the two children into the ballroom.Angel grinned grimly: It's the right time. As soon as the squad leader turned around, Angel quickly stuffed the camera under the tablecloth.The place is so hidden that no one can see it.Inside the camera, an electric automatic timer has set the explosion time to one hour later.It's really foolproof, and the chances of winning are sure.

The guard squad leader walked towards Angel. "I'm done." Angel said hastily. "I'll escort you out." "Thank you so much." Five minutes later, Angel left the mansion smoothly and strolled on the spacious streets of the capital of Country A. It was a muggy and hot night, but there was a lot of people outside the American ambassador's residence.Curious residents wanted to have a sneak peek, and they came in one after another, and it was crowded.The police tried their best to push people backwards, and they were not allowed to approach the mansion.Against the backdrop of the vast night, the embassy is brightly lit and even more dazzling.

Before the party started, Mary had called the children upstairs. "We had to have a family meeting," she said, feeling compelled to tell her children the truth. Mary first told what had happened, and then said that the catastrophe was about to happen.Listening, the children's eyes widened. "I can't let anything happen to you," said Mary, "so you must be taken to a place of safety." "What will you do?" Beth asked anxiously. "The bad guys are trying to kill you. Can't you come with us?" "I can't go, dear, or I won't catch the bad guys."

Tim fought back tears. "How do you know they can catch the bad guys?" Mary thought for a moment, then said, "Because Mike Slade said so. Come on, boys?" Beth and Tim looked at each other speechlessly, their faces pale with horror.Mary's heart constricted.How could they stand up to such a dire situation?Who dares to say that they can save themselves from danger in such a situation? She adorned herself with elaborate adornment, probably beautifying herself for the last time in her life.She picked out a full-length red silk evening dress and put on red high-heeled sandals.She admired her own beauty in the mirror, but her peach cheeks were colorless, her jade face was like gray, and her cold eyebrows were tightly knit with hatred.Do you know Der Spiegel, do you know Der Spiegel—Is it auspicious tonight? Fifteen minutes later, Mary's family walked into the ballroom, greeting the guests while trying to control their tension.Walking to the other side of the ballroom, Mary turned her head and said to the children: "You have homework," she deliberately amplified her voice, "Go back to the house and do it." She watched the children leave the scene affectionately, feeling sad and choked for a moment.God!Mike Slade must not make a mistake! There was a crisp sound behind her, and Mary jumped when she heard the sound, her pulse speeding up immediately.Turning around and looking, I knew it was a false alarm.It turned out that a waiter accidentally knocked a plate and was bending over to pick up the pieces. It took Mary a long time to restore her heartbeat to normal.How on earth did Angel kill her?She looked around the festive ballroom, but could see no signs of it. As soon as the children were out of the ballroom, Colonel McKinney led them to the side entrance of the mansion.The colonel said to the two armed guards at the door: "Take them to the ambassador's office and don't let them leave." Beth stubbornly refused to listen: "Is there really nothing wrong with my mother?" "It must be fine." McKinney assured, but in fact, he was also in a state of confusion and couldn't figure out the bottom line.Mike Slade watched the children walk away before deciding to go in and find Mary. "The boys are on their way. I'm going to go round and round, and I'll be right back," he said to Mary. "Don't leave me," said Mary, almost without thinking, "I'm going with you." "What's the matter with you?" She stared at Mike frankly, and said what she really thought in her heart: "I feel safe with you." Mike laughed: "It's really a sudden change, and the world is reversed. Come on!" Mary followed, not pulling an inch. The band started to play and the crowd danced to the rhythm of the dance music.Broadway hits filled the hall: "Oklahoma," "South Pacific," "Annie, Take Your Gun," "My Pretty Girl."The guests are happy and satisfied.Those who do not dance will enjoy drinking and tasting delicacies at the table. The ballroom is luxuriously furnished.Looking up, you can see thousands of balloons floating under the pink ceiling, colorful and beautiful.If it does not imply the shadow of death, this place can be called a fairyland on earth.Mary thought silently. Her nerves were stretched to the brink of breaking, and she would cry out at any moment.A guest accidentally touched her, and she immediately thought of a deadly poisonous needle piercing the skin.Angel is going to shoot her in front of so many people?Or stab her with a dagger?The apprehension that precedes bad luck is unbearable.She felt herself in the midst of laughing and conversing guests, completely naked, ready for a fatal blow to any part of her body at any moment.Angel was hiding in a certain corner, watching her intently, waiting for an opportunity to strike. "Do you think Angel is here now?" Mary asked. "I can't guarantee it." Mike replied.This is the most terrifying thing, the expression on her face clearly conveys the great worry in her heart. "Listen, if you're going to leave..." "No! You said I must be the bait. Without the bait, he wouldn't take the bait." He nodded and pinched her arm at the same time: "That's the thing." Colonel McKinney came over. "We searched thoroughly and found nothing. Mike, this is not right." "Check again." Mike gestured to the four Marines standing around, surrounding Mary."I'll be right back," he said to Mary. Mary managed to get one word out: "Please." Colonel Mike and McKinney, leading two guards and two police dogs, searched the rooms upstairs of the mansion one by one. "Nothing," Mike said disappointedly.They questioned the guard guarding the back door. "Did you notice the stranger coming in?" "No, sir. As usual on a Sunday night, calm and without incident." It's not calm, but a war is imminent.Mike thought gloomily. They walked to the guest room.A Marine with a gun stood to attention and saluted the colonel, then stepped aside to let the group in.Corina Sokoli was sleeping on the bed, reading a book carefree.This national treasure of country A looks young, beautiful and talented. Could she be Angel's minion?Could she help Angel? Corina looked up and said, "I'm sorry I can't make it to the party. How fun is the party? Oh, I'll stay here and read the book, which has its own fun." "Read it," Mike said gravely, closing the door. "Let's go downstairs and have a look." They step into the kitchen. "Poison?" Colonel McKinney asked suspiciously. "Can he do poison?" Mike shook his head: "The scene is too small. Angel pays attention to vigor." "Mike, trying to get a bomb in is wishful thinking. Our experts have combed the place and the dogs have sniffed every corner and found nothing suspicious. He can't shoot us down from the roof, we're up there Firepower deployed." "He definitely has other tricks." McKinney squinted at Mike: "Tell me about it." "I can't tell, but Angel is scheming." They searched the libraries and offices again, but found nothing.They came to the storage room.The captain of the guard and his men were driving the last balloons to the ballroom. "It's nice, isn't it?" said the squad leader. "good." Just as he was about to move forward, Mike seemed to realize something: "Squad leader, where did you get these balloons?" "From the United States Air Force Base in Frankfurt." Mike pointed to the ammonia tank: "Where are these things?" "A damsel. We put them in the pantry at your direction." Mike didn't feel anything wrong, so he said to Colonel McKinney: "Go upstairs again." They turned and left.The squad leader suddenly shouted: "Ah, Colonel... the short-term laborer you hired forgot to leave the time slip. Is his salary written on the soldier's payroll or the staff payroll?" Colonel McKinney was puzzled, frowned and asked, "When did I find someone?" "It's the guy who inflated the ball." Colonel McKinney shook his head like a rattle: "No such thing, I didn't ask anyone to inflate the ball." "Eddie Maltz said you..." Colonel McKinney felt even more wrong: "Eddie Maltz? Didn't I send him to Frankfurt?" Knowing that he was cheating, Mike hurriedly asked the monitor: "What does that man look like?" "Ha, that's not a man, it's a woman. Hey, that looks too weird, fat and ugly, and speaks in a different way. There is also a face with pockmarks, and the pile of flesh on the face always wants to fall off." Mike excitedly said to McKinney: "That's Nusha Monez. Harry Lantz described her ugly appearance to the committee!" As soon as the words fell, the two suddenly woke up. Mike paused every word: "Oh, my God! Newsha Muniz turned out to be Angel!" He immediately pointed to the steel tank on the ground: "She used the air inside to inflate the ball?" "Yes, sir. Oddly enough, I was lighting a cigarette and she wanted me to snuff it out in a fit of rage. I said, 'Ammonia doesn't burn.' She said..." Mike has looked up: "Balloon! The explosive is in the balloon!" They all raised their heads to look at the high suspended ceiling, surrounded by red, white, and blue balloons, and covered the bottom of the ceiling, which was really beautiful. "She must have used some kind of remote control device to detonate the balloon!" Mike turned sharply and asked the guard monitor: "How long has she been gone?" "About an hour!" Under the table, the timing device that no one saw, only six minutes left to trigger a bloody disaster. Mike was spinning around the ballroom like crazy. "She must have hidden the detonator somewhere, it could go off at any moment, we won't be able to find it in time!" Mary came over.Mike said to her: "You order the guests to evacuate immediately! Hurry up! Announce it immediately! It's better for you to announce, everyone must get out!" Mary didn't know that the matter was imminent, so she stared at him blankly: "What happened?" "We found out about Angel's trick," Mike said anxiously. "These balloons," he pointed to the ceiling, "will kill people." Mary looked at the balloons, fear crept into her face, "Can you take them off?" Mike's voice was stern: "How did this happen? Hundreds of them! Before you took them off, one by one—" She felt that her throat was dry, and she managed to squeeze out the words: "Mike——I have a way!" The eyes of the two were focused on her. "'Ambassador's Fool', the roof! The roof can be opened!" Mike tried his best to stay calm: "How to open it?" "There is a switch, you can..." "No!" Mike stopped. "Never use an electric switch. A single spark will blow them all up. Is there a manual switch?" "Yes!" Mary stammered nervously. "The roof, in two halves. On each side, there is a crank. Can..." She finally said to herself. Mike and McKinney rushed up the stairs at a frantic pace.When I ran to the top floor, I saw the stairs leading directly to the attic, so I hurried in.A wooden ladder connects to the narrow overpass.People stand on this bridge when they clean the ceiling of the ballroom.The crank is fixed to the wall. "There must be another crank on the wall over there," Mike judged.He began to wobble up the bridge, keeping his balance as he flicked aside the deadly balloons floating around him.He didn't dare to look down at the singing and dancing crowd at the bottom, a stream of air agitated a bunch of balloons and hit him, his body swayed, one foot fell to the ground, and he fell down.Falling into the air, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the board, with his arms hanging and his body dangling in the air.He finally climbed onto the bridge again, sweating profusely all over his body.Inch by inch, he moved across the overpass.The other crank is fixed to the wall. "I'm ready," Mike called to the Colonel, "be careful, don't move too hard!" "OK." Mike began to crank the crank slowly.The timed detonation device under the table is only two minutes away from being activated. The balloon blocked the view, and Mike couldn't see the colonel, but he could hear the crank of the other crank.A crack gradually appeared on the roof, and the gap slowly widened.A string of helium-filled balloons rose through the cracks into the dark night sky.As the roof opened wider and wider, swarms of balloons scrambled to escape.In an instant, under the starry night, colorful balloons flew up.The crowd inside and outside the ballroom, attracted by this unexpected program, gave out "ah, ah" in admiration. Under the table in the ballroom, there are only forty-five seconds left for the remote-controlled timing detonation device.Then a string of balloons got caught on the edge of the ceiling.Mike's hands were not long enough, so he had to stand on tiptoes and lean forward, but he still couldn't get rid of the hanging balloon.He had to step on the bridge again, push it away hard, and the balloon flew out of the roof.Success! Mike stood on the flyover, watching the last set of balloons take off.The balloon flew higher and higher.The purple sky was dyed colorful, and suddenly these balloons exploded in the sky. Like a giant thunder shaking the sky, bright red and bright flames burst out and radiate each other.This is the Fourth of July fireworks spectacle that people have never seen before.The people on the ground couldn't help but thunderous applause. Mike stared at the wonders of the night, exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to move.But the danger was over after all. All over the world, a comprehensive hunt for criminals is underway simultaneously. Secretary of State Floyd Baker, sleeping in bed with his mistress.The door was knocked open suddenly, and four people broke in. "What the hell are you doing?" A man took out his ID: "FBI. Mr. Secretary of State, you are under arrest." Floyd Baker didn't seem to believe it. He stared and asked, "You guys are fucking crazy. What crime have I committed?" "Mr. 'Saul', you are treasonous!" General Woodin Oliver Brooks is having breakfast at the club.Two FBI agents approached his desk.The general was captured without a fight. Sir Alex Hyde White, reveling in the toasts of others at a council dinner.An usher approached him and said: "Excuse me, Sir Alex, there are some gentlemen outside who would like to speak to you..." In the Assembly Hall of the French Republic in Paris, Congressman Baldur was asked to step down from the podium, and the French External Security Bureau arrested him and brought him to justice. In the parliament hall of Calcutta, India, the spokesperson of Roc Shabaha, Weseylo, was bundled up and stuffed into a car and sent to prison. In Rome, National Assembly member Thiel was seized inside a hammam. Sweeping up the remnants is like breaking a bamboo: In Mexico, Japan, West Germany, and Australia, senior officials involved in the case were all caught up. Also arrested was the president of a major shipping company; a powerful union leader; a televangelist; even the head of an oil cartel. Eddie Wultz absconded in fear of crime and was shot dead on the spot. FBI agents shot Peter Conners himself before breaking down his door. Mary and Mike sit in the "bubble room" listening to reports from around the world.Mike confirmed the identity of a prisoner on the phone: "Villiland is a member of Congress of the South African government." He put down the phone and told Mary: "Most of the criminals have been captured, and only the director and Newsha Mon Nitz, it's Angel." "Nobody knows Angel is a woman?" Mary asked in amazement. "Nobody knows. She fooled us all. Only Lanz reported her looks to the Patriot Freedom League committee, saying she was fat and ugly and stupid." "Where's the director?" Mary asked again. "No one has seen his face. He has always given orders by telephone, and is a wily organizer. He divides the committee into groups, and the groups have no communication with each other." Angel was dejected.Rather, she was a beast enraged by defeat.Unexpectedly, the execution of the contract would fall short.She made up her mind to make a comeback and avenge her shame. She called the secret number in Washington.She said: "Angel, please don't worry, there is a small problem this time, he will definitely do well. Next time, none of them will escape..." Her tone was still pretending to be lifeless. "How can there be a next time?" The other side was furious, "Angel broke the big deal! He is a waste, worse than a layman!" "Angel told me..." "Whatever the fuck I told you! He's gone! There's no way he'll get any money. Tell that bastard to get the hell out of here, I'm going to hire someone else!" He hung up the phone with a bang. bastard!Who in the world has the guts to treat me like this, Angel?Whoever scolds Angel, I will call him to perish.The reputation cannot be damaged, the guy has to give the money.Ha, what is he cashing in for? The secret call to the "bubble room" rang.Mary took the receiver and heard the voice of Stanton Rogers. "Mary, I didn't expect you to be safe! How are the children?" "Stan, we're all safe." "Thank God the danger is over. Tell me exactly how it happened." "Angel is the culprit. She wanted to blow up the mansion, and..." "You said Angel is a man?" "No. Angel is a woman. Her name is Newsha Monez." The conversation was suddenly interrupted, and the other side was obviously taken aback, and couldn't think of an answer for a long time. "Nusha Muniz, after a long time of trouble, Angel turned out to be that fat, ugly, stupid woman!" Mary suddenly felt a chill rise from her heels to the top of her head.She said slowly, "Stan, you're right, that's what it is." "Mary, is there anything I can do for you?" "It's okay. I'm going to see the child, and we'll talk later when I have time." She pressed the phone and sat where she was, feeling like a thunderbolt, with thoughts rolling in her mind.Dazed and frightened, with stars in his eyes. Mike felt strange, and quickly asked: "What's the matter with you?" Mary said, "You said that Harry Lantz only described Nusha Monez's face to a few members of the committee?" "yes." "Stanton Rogers just said what she looks like!" As soon as Angel's plane landed at Dulles, she ran to a phone booth and dialed the director's secret number. The familiar voice said, "I'm Stanton Rogers." Two days later, Mike, Colonel McKinney, and Mary sat down in the embassy conference room.Electronic reconnaissance experts have just finished anti-eavesdropping detection. "It's out now," Mike said, "that the director is Stanton Rogers, and we've all been hoodwinked by him." Mary still found it hard to understand: "Why did he want to kill me? At first, he objected to appointing me as an ambassador, and he told me frankly in front of me, without hiding anything." Mike explained: "As soon as he recognized what you and your children symbolized, all his thoughts fell into one place. After that, he moved around for your nomination, and he was in all directions, and it paralyzed us. He manipulates you behind your back and directs the press to blow you up and make you famous. He also introduces you into high society and makes you acquainted with powerful people." Mary shuddered. "Why should he get involved?" "Stanton Rodgers has always had a grudge against Paul Ellison as president and he feels he's been played. He started off as a mere liberal and then married a right-wing reactionary. I guess he was led by his wife .” "Did they catch him?" "No. He is missing. However, the Skynet is fully restored, so he can't escape." Two days later, the head of Stanton Rogers was found in a dumpster in Washington.His eyes were gouged out.
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