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Chapter 29 Chapter Twenty Eight

The groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion project of the new American library is scheduled to be held at 4:00 p.m. in the square of the capital of country A. The venue is the open space next to the main building of the American library.It was only three o'clock, and a large crowd of spectators had already gathered in the venue.Colonel McKinney has consulted with Security Minister Estellas about the security measures. "We will definitely take all necessary measures to protect your country's ambassador." Estellas was very firm. Estellas fulfilled his promise and ordered all cars to leave the square to rule out the danger of car bombs, and the entire square was densely covered with military police.On the roof of the main library building, snipers were ambushing.

At a few minutes to four, everything was ready for the ceremony.Electronic experts also scanned the entire square and found no signs of explosives.After all the inspections, Estellas said to McKinney, "How is it?" "Great." Colonel McKinney turned around and ordered his assistant: "Notify the ambassador to come out." Four Marines escorted Mary to the sedan.The fighters sandwiched her between them as she got into the car. Florian was overjoyed: "Good afternoon, Ambassador, I heard that the library is magnificent and beautiful after it is completed."

"right." Florian drove all the way and bragged all the way, but Mary couldn't listen to a word.The smile in Louise's eyes, and all the amorous feelings when making love to her, occupied all her thoughts.She pinched her wrists with her nails, trying to replace the sadness in her heart with physical pain.Don't cry.She told herself.I can do anything but cry.There is no more sentimental and lingering love, only unforgettable hatred.What the hell is going on in this world? When the car arrived at the scene, two soldiers walked up to the car and looked around before opening the door. "Good afternoon, Madam Ambassador!"

Mary walked to the celebration venue, two security guards opened the way in front, and two guards behind, built a wall of flesh, sandwiching Mary in the middle.On the roof of the building, snipers scanned the crowd vigilantly. The audience burst into applause as Mary entered the little space reserved for her.Among the crowd were people from country A, Americans and representatives from various embassies.There are not many acquaintances, and nine out of ten people have never met. Mary looked around the crowd and thought: I can't even speak.Colonel McKinney was right.I shouldn't have come, I was ill-fated, I was terrified.

Colonel McKinney opened: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you the Ambassador of the United States..." The crowd applauded again. Mary took a deep breath, collected herself, and spoke: "First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone..." There have been many disasters and turmoil in the past week. How can she write a speech with peace of mind?But now, she only feels her emotions bursting out, and her words are like a spring: "The thing we are doing today is trivial, but it is a bridge between our country and Eastern European countries, so it is of far-reaching significance. The book we are starting to build now The museum will be a treasure trove of information about the United States of America, through which you can learn about the history of the United States, its light and dark. You will have photographs of our country's cities, villages and factories..."

Colonel McKinney led his troops slowly through the crowd.The threatening letter says today is the end.When did the Assassin's doomsday begin?six o'clock?nine o'clock?Twelve in the middle of the night? "...However, it is more important than a glimpse of the United States. When this building rises, you will have a sense of America. We are happy to show you the spirit of this country." On the side of the main square, a small car rushed across the cordon like lightning, rushed to the side of the road and screeched to a stop.When the panic-stricken policeman came back to his senses and surrounded it, the driver jumped out of the car door and ran for the road. At the same time, the man took out a device from his pocket, pressed his finger, and the car exploded, raining debris on the audience.Since Mary was standing far away, the shrapnel could not fly.The crowd panicked and circled around, desperately avoiding.The sniper on the roof raised his rifle and shot at the fleeing criminal, piercing his heart.To prevent accidents, he fired two shots in a row before he felt relieved.

It took the police more than an hour to evacuate the crowd in the square.The body of the attempted assassin was also carried away, and the fire brigade extinguished the blazing car.When Mary returned to the embassy, ​​she still had lingering fears. "You really don't plan to go back to the mansion to rest? You just experienced a terrible incident..." "Don't go back!" Mary ignored the suggestion, "It's at the embassy!" she said stubbornly. Only here can she safely speak to Stanton Rogers.He must be informed immediately, or I will be torn to pieces.

The events before her eyes weighed so heavily upon her that she could hardly bear it.She had thought that by transferring Mike Slade, she would be out of danger, but someone still wanted to murder her.Mike is by no means alone. How Mary longed for Stanton Rogers to call! At six o'clock Mike Slade stepped into Mary's office. "I put Corina Sokoli upstairs," he said angrily. "Damn, why haven't I heard what you asked me to pick up! You made a big mistake, she is a national treasure, the government of country A will never allow her to escape, we must return her, otherwise... "

At this moment, Colonel McKinney came in and stopped when he saw Mike. "The identity of the deceased has been identified. His name is Angel. In this way, his real name is HR de Mendoza." Mike looked at him puzzled: "What are you talking about?" "Oh, I forgot," said Colonel McKinney, "there was another catastrophe in your absence. Didn't the ambassador tell you that someone tried to kill her again today?" Mike turned to look at Mary: "She didn't tell." "That Angel sent her a letter, threatening to kill her. This afternoon, the ambassador attended the opening ceremony of the library, and Angel really took the risk, but was killed by the sniper from Estellas."

Mike stood there, silent for a while, staring at Mary intently. Colonel McKinney felt strange: "Why is this Angel wanted everywhere?" "Where's his body?" Mike asked. "Police headquarters morgue." The corpse lay flat on the stone strip, naked.The deceased was ordinary in appearance and had no outstanding features.An iron anchor was tattooed on one arm, a thin nose close to the lips, small feet, thinning hair, and average weight. Clothes and personal belongings piled on the side table. "Can I have a look?" The officer shrugged. "Look, I bet he wouldn't mind." He smugly laughed at the quip.

Mike picked up the jacket, checked the label.The clothes are made in a store in Buenos Aires, and the shoes are also Argentinian.There is also a stack of banknotes on the side of the pile of clothes, including banknotes issued by country A, a few francs, and a few pounds.There were also at least 10,000 Argentine pesos, some of which were new ten-peso bills.All that's left is the devalued million-peso bills. Mike asked the officer, "What do you know?" "He flew in from London two days ago and is staying at the Intercontinental Hotel under the name of de Mendoza. The home address on the passport is Buenos Aires, and the passport is forged." The police officer looked closely at the corpse, "Is he worthy of being an international assassin?" "He's definitely not Angel," Mike agreed. "Definitely not." Angel passed the gate of the mansion and walked forward for about two blocks.He walked lightly so as not to attract the attention of the four armed marines guarding the gate, but he observed the gate's defense in great detail.The photos sent to him are already detailed, but Angel still believes that only by visiting in person can he truly be familiar with every detail.Near the gate was a fifth sentry, in plain clothes, with two Dobermans on leashes. Thinking of the farce created in the square, Angel couldn't help laughing.It's like child's play to hire a junkie for a little bit of cocaine, which is too little to put between your teeth.But they were still horrified to the point of losing their souls, and they were sweating from shock.The good show has not yet sounded the gongs and drums.Can a five million dollar bounty be done without putting on a show they'll never forget?What does a TV network show call this?Spectacular spectacle.They will enjoy a good show with flesh and blood and sound. There will be a National Day reception in the mansion.The person informed that he bought balloons, invited the Marine Corps band, and many distinguished guests.Angel grinned triumphantly, and thought evilly: Five million dollars bought a spectacular spectacle. Dorothy Stone hurried into Mary's office: "Ambassador, Stanton Rogers has a long-distance call from Washington, hurry to the 'bubble room' to answer!" "Mary—I can't make out a word. Slow down, keep your head down, take it easy." God!Mary thought, How did I become a crazy woman?Thoughts were turbulent, and her heart was blazing, which made her speechless.Suddenly, fear, relief, and anger rushed together, intertwined and stagnant, blocking the throat. She took a deep breath and shuddered for a moment. "I'm sorry, Stan—you didn't get my telegram?" "No, I have just come back, and there is no telegram from you. What's the matter with you?" Mary finally calmed down, which one should I say first?She took another breath. "Mike Slade has been trying to kill me!" There was obviously a big surprise over there.After a long silence, there was another voice on the phone: "Mary—are you right?" "Absolutely. I know what happened. I made the acquaintance of the doctor at the French embassy, ​​Louis Desforgues. Then I fell seriously ill, and he diagnosed arsenic poisoning, which was poisoned by Mike." This time, Stanton Rogers' voice became harsh: "Why do you think so?" "Dr. Louis Desfergus found out. Mike made my coffee every morning and secretly put arsenic in it. I have already caught evidence of his use of arsenic. Last night, Louis was killed for no reason. Slade was complicit in my murder." This time the silence was longer. Stanton Rogers spoke again, his voice becoming extremely urgent: "Mary, what I'm asking you now is very important, and you should answer it after you think about it. Besides Mike Slade, is there anyone else plotting something wrong?" "He's the only one. From the very beginning, he deliberately drove me out of country A." Stanton Rogers cut the mess quickly: "Enough, I will report to the President immediately, and Slade will be dealt with by us. At the same time, I will arrange special protection for you." "Stan—I'm giving a National Day reception at the mansion on Sunday night. The invitations have been sent out. Do you want to cancel?" This time the silence was meaningful. "Actually, it's a very good idea to have a party and get people around you. Mary—I don't mean to frighten you, you've had your fair share of trouble. But I think you must keep the children close to you, always side. Otherwise, Slade will use the child against you." She had a cold war. "What the hell are they plotting? Why would he do it?" "I don't know either. This man is incomprehensible. But I must find out. Also, you must avoid him, as far away as possible." Mary turned to comfort him: "Don't worry, I will." "I'll be in touch with you anytime." Mary put down the phone, a heavy weight seemed to be lifted from her shoulders, and she felt relieved that things would get better.she told herself.My baby and I will be fine. As soon as the phone rang, Eddie Maltz held the receiver.The conversation lasted ten minutes. "I promise to put everything in the designated place," Eddie Maltz said. Angel put down the phone. Eddie Maltz wonders: What does Angel the son of a bitch want with those?He looked up at his watch: forty-eight hours. No sooner had Stanton Rogers finished talking with Mary than he made an urgent call to Colonel McKinney. "Bill, this is Stanton Rogers." "What are your instructions, sir?" "I order you to arrest Mike Slade when you see him! Lock him up! At my disposal." Colonel McKinney seemed afraid of misinterpreting the meaning: "Get Mike Slade?" "Catch him and keep him alone. This guy may be armed and dangerous. After you catch him, don't let anyone talk to him." "yes!" "I'm at the White House, report him as soon as you catch him." "yes!" Two hours later, Stanton Rogers' phone rang suddenly, and he grabbed the receiver: "Hello!" "Mr. Rogers, this is Colonel McKinney." "Have you got Slade?" "No. Something happened." "What's up?" "Mike Slade is on the run in fear of crime."
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