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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Six

Marie called Louise Desfergus to tell him what she had found, but the line was busy.In fact, Disfergus was on the phone with Mike Slade at the time.He wanted to report the poisoning and murder of Mike Slade, but he was not sure whether Slade had really done something, so he decided to call directly and talk to Slade. "I have just returned from your ambassador's visit," said Luis Desforges. "She's alive again." "Ah, the news is reassuring. Doctor, how could it be her who..." Louis spoke cautiously: "Someone tried to poison her." "What are you talking about?" Mike asked.

"I think you know it very well." "Shut up! You mean, I'm killing you? You're wrong. I think we'd better talk alone, somewhere where no one can overhear. Can you come tonight?" "What time?" "I can't get out before nine o'clock. After nine o'clock to the forest area outside the city? I'll wait for you by the fountain and explain clearly to you." Luis Desfergus could not decide whether to go or not to go.He thought to himself: Mike Slade couldn't possibly do such a thing.Finally, he made up his mind: "Okay, I'll go find you."

Mary called again and again, but Louis could not be found, and no one knew where he had gone. Mary and the children dined at the mansion. "You look better, mother," said Beth. "We're in a hurry." "I'm well," Mary reassured her, and she was telling the truth.Thank God I have Luis. Mike Slade was on Mary's mind all the time, and she couldn't get rid of it.He seemed to keep saying in her ear: This is your coffee, which I blended by myself.Chronic poisoning!She couldn't help shivering. "Are you cold?" Tim asked. "Honey, I'm not cold."

Children must not be dragged into this nightmare.Maybe, I should send them back home for a while?Mary thought blankly.They could live with Florence and Doug.As soon as she changes her mind, I can also go back with them.However, this is typical cowardly behavior, Mike Slade and they happened to be celebrating each other.Who is this man acting as a pawn for?After much deliberation, the one who has the ability to rescue and save her from danger is none other than him: Stanton Rogers.Stanton had a way to deal with Mike. I have to seize the real evidence to charge him.What evidence do I have?Is it the coffee he brews for me every morning?

Tim was saying to her, "...can we go out with them?" "what are you saying?" "I'm saying, Nicola asked me if I'd like to go camping with the family?" "No!" She reprimanded loudly and decisively, "The two of you stay in the mansion, and you are not allowed to leave!" "Not even going to school?" asked Beth. Mary was troubled.She is unwilling to keep the children as prisoners, let alone tell the truth, so as not to frighten the children. "I'm going to school. Only Florian is allowed to pick me up and drop me off, and I'm not allowed to deal with outsiders."

Beth seemed to sense something strange, and asked, "What's the matter?" "It's all right," Mary quickly prevaricated, "Why are you asking this?" "I don't know, I just feel a little abnormal." "Let mom rest," Tim said, "Mommy has the regional flu." That's a good word, Mary amused, arsenic poisoning regional flu. "Can I watch the video tonight?" "Can I watch the video tonight?" Mary corrected him. "Can it just be 'OK'?" It hadn't occurred to Mary to show a movie, and since she had been so little with the children lately, she decided to make up for it. "yes."

"Thanks for the ambassador's care." Tim shouted happily. "I'm going to get the video." "Take it easy. Go get the one you saw last time, the Graffiti Pollution in America." "Graffiti Pollution in America".Mary suddenly realized.That's the proof shown to Stanton Rogers. At midnight, Mary suddenly asked Carman to find a taxi. "Why don't you ask Florian to drive you?" Carman asked. "He's just..." "No need to." This must be done in secret, so that no one can figure it out. The taxi came quickly, and Mary got in: "Please drive to the American embassy."

The driver replied: "The embassy is closed. No one..." He recognized the passenger at once, "Ah, Mrs. Ambassador, I am so honored." He immediately started the car. "I know your face from newspaper photographs. You are as famous as our great leader." Other staff at the embassy also used such words to comment on the propaganda of her by the press in this country. The driver babbled: "I like Americans. They have good hearts. I sincerely hope that your president's people-to-people foreign policy will succeed. People in our country support this idea. The world deserves peace."

She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at all. When they arrived at the embassy, ​​Mary pointed to a marked place and said, "Stop here and pick me up to the mansion in an hour." "No problem, Mrs. Ambassador." A Marine Corps guard walked towards the car quickly, "Go away, this is the envoy..." He recognized Mary at once, leaning on his heels to salute! "Excuse me, good evening, Ambassador." "Good evening!" Mary replied casually. Guards escort Mary to the gate.After opening the door, he said, "What's your order?" "I'll go to the office for a few minutes, it's none of your business."

"Yes, ma'am." He watched her across the hall. Mary turned on the lights in the office and looked at the walls.The place where the slogan was originally painted has been wiped clean.She entered Mike Slade's room through the door connecting the two offices.It was dark inside, and I couldn't see my fingers.She turned on the light and looked around. His desk was clean and tidy.She checked the drawer, except for a few hotel advertising pamphlets and news bulletins, there was only a traffic timetable, which was worthless, and even petty cleaning ladies were dismissive.Mary's eyes searched the office again, something should be somewhere.He can't take it with him.

She flipped through the drawers again, checking one by one.When she opened the bottom drawer, she felt that there was a hard thing covered by the mess of papers, and she couldn't help being stunned when she pulled it out.A can of red spray paint! At a few minutes after nine, Dr. Louis Desfergus was at the fountain, regretting whether he had made a great mistake by not charging Mike Slade with his illegal conduct.Don't be busy, he changed his mind and listened to his statement first.If I make a false report, it will ruin him. Mike Slade flashed out of the darkness. "You came just in time to get this over with. You said on the phone that someone was trying to poison Mary Ashley." "I have evidence that someone did poison her." "You think I did it?" "You risk poisoning her coffee little by little." "Have you talked to anyone else about this?" "Not yet, I want to talk to you first." "I'm glad you did," Mike said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a . 475 Mangram revolver in an instant. Louis was so terrified that he stared at the pistol in a daze: "What are you doing? Listen to me! You can't!" Mike Slade pulled the trigger, and the Frenchman's chest exploded.
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