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Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Four

At 8:45 the next morning, Mary was presiding over the meeting, and Dorothy Stone rushed in like a gust of wind to report: "Your child has been kidnapped!" Mary jumped high: "My God!" "The siren of your special car has just sounded. The police car is chasing, and there is no way to get away." Mary trotted down the corridor and into the communications room.About six or seven people stood around the console.Colonel McKinney spoke into the microphone. "Roger, I heard, I told the ambassador." "What's the matter?" asked Mary, out of breath. "Where is my baby?"

The colonel explained: "Ma'am, they are all right. A child accidentally touched the siren switch of the special car. As a result, the car's police lights also came on and an SOS short-wave distress signal was sent. The driver had not driven two blocks away. The police car blocked their way. Now, the police car is still screaming." The colonel's words relieved Mary, and she leaned limply against the wall.She simply didn't realize how tense every moment of her life was.Now I understand, she thought, why foreigners end up doing drugs, drinking...or lusting. That night, Mary kept watch over the baby.She looked at the children carefully and thought silently: Are they also in danger?Is our family in danger?Who wants to harm us?She couldn't find an answer.

Three nights later, Marie dined again with Louise Desfergus.During this meeting, he seemed extraordinarily chic and at ease.However, Mary can still feel that his inner sadness has not changed, but that he has turned pain into consideration for others and extracted joy from it.Mary wondered what was going on in his mind. Was he aware that he was equally attracted to me?What I gave him was not just a silver bowl, but an affectionate gift.She thought silently in her heart. Ms. Ambassador is too formal a title. Call me Mary.God!Is she really after him?Also, I owe him a lot - he saved my life.Well, I'm so prim, Mary thought, what does it have to do with that if I see whoever I like?

They had a quick dinner at the rooftop restaurant of the InterContinental Hotel.Louise Desfergus escorted Mary to the door of the mansion.Mary asked, "Would you like to come in and play for a while?" "Thanks," he said, "I would." The children were downstairs doing their homework and Mary introduced them to Louis. He bowed before Beth. "Can you?" He put his arms around Beth, straightened up, and said, "One of my daughters is two years younger than you, and the other is the same age as you. How I wish they would grow up to be like you, Beth." Just as pretty."

Beth was amused: "Thank you, your child is..." Mary quickly turned away: "How about some hot chocolate, you all?" They sat together in the big kitchen drinking hot chocolate and chatting.The children were fascinated by Louis's erudition.Mary watched from the sidelines. She had never seen such a deep love for a child in the eyes of any man.He almost forgot about her, and put all his attention on the children, telling interesting stories about his daughter, telling jokes and anecdotes, which made the children laugh and be overwhelmed with joy. Time slipped away unconsciously, and Mary looked at her watch, it was past midnight. "Ah, enough, children, you should go to bed long ago, go!"

Tim walked up to Louis: "Are you still here?" "I'm fine. Tim. It's up to your mother to say yes or not." Tim turned to Mary and asked, "Mom, do you agree?" Mary stared at Louis: "Of course." Mary showed Louise to the door, and he stroked her hand and said, "Mary, I cannot tell you what this night has meant to me, words cannot express it." "I'm very happy." She stared tenderly into his eyes, and his body slowly moved closer.Mary's lips moved together. "Good night, Mary!" he's gone. When Mary entered the office the next morning, she found that another wall had just been painted.Mike Slade came in with two cups of coffee.

"Good morning!" He put the coffee on her desk. "Someone wrote a sign on the wall again?" "yes." "What did you write this time?" "Nothing special." "This matter is very important!" She was angry and said sharply, "My life is at stake. Where is the security guard of this embassy hiding? I will never allow bad guys to sneak into my office and threaten my life. What is written what?!" "Do you want to hear the original story?" "yes!" "The sign reads: Get out now or beheaded!" Mary sat down on the pedestal, furious: "Please explain, who is so daring, sneaked into the embassy without anyone knowing, and wrote slogans in my office?"

"I wish I could explain," Mike replied. "We're doing our best to track it down." "Hmph, it's not enough to do your best!" she reprimanded, "I want you to immediately send troops on night duty at the door of my office. Do you understand?" "Understood, Madam Ambassador. I'll make sure to convey it to Colonel McKinney." "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to him myself!" Mike Slade exits her office.Mary looked at him, and a thought flashed through her mind: He must know who did it. Maybe it was Mike Slade himself.

Colonel McKinney was busy with company. "Trust me, Ambassador. I'm as angry as you are about this. I must be at the double post in the hallway. Your office door is manned twenty-four hours a day." Mary was furious.This matter is definitely caused by people inside the embassy. Colonel McKinney lived in the embassy. Marie invited Louise Desfergus to a small dinner at the residence, accompanied by several others.When the dinner was over and the guests were leaving, Louis asked, "Can you go upstairs and see the children?" "They may have fallen asleep, Louis."

"I'm not going to wake them," he promised, "I just want to see them." Mary accompanied him upstairs.He stood at the door of Tim's bedroom, quietly looking at the sleeping child. After a while, Mary whispered, "Beth's bedroom is this way." Mary led him across the hall to the door of Beth's bedroom.Mary pushed the door open gently.Beth slept soundly, curled up in a ball with her pillows, her sheets thrown aside.Louis tiptoed in and tucked the sheet around Beth.He stood in front of the bed silently, with his eyes closed tightly, motionless, and it took a long time before he withdrew.

"What a lovely child." Louis was full of emotion, his voice hoarse. They faced each other in silence.The air between the two seemed to be endowed with emotion at once.His desires are forthright. It was bound to happen, Mary thought, and neither of us could stop it.So, their arms were tightly wrapped around each other.His lips pressed hard against her cherry mouth. He flinched like lightning: "I shouldn't come up. You realize what I'm doing? I'm reminiscing about the past," he said silently, "Maybe I'm also looking forward to the future, who knows?" Mary said affectionately, softly: "I know." Commercial Counselor David Victor rushed into Mary's office in a hurry: "The big thing is not good. I was told that the president of country A is about to approve several contracts. They plan to buy 1.5 million tons of corn from Argentina. Brazil ordered 500,000 tons of soybeans. These transactions have a great impact on our country's interests." "What stage are the negotiations at?" "It's almost officially signed, and we are excluded. I am going to make a call to Washington. Of course, I must first ask for your approval." He added hastily. "Don't be impatient," Mary stopped, "let me think about it." "It's going to be hard for you to get this tough president to change his mind, trust me. You have a thousand words, he has a set of rules, and I'm exhausted." "I'll try again. Even if I fail, I won't lose anything." She informed the secretary, "Dorothy, please make an appointment with the President of Country A immediately." The president invited Mary to the palace for lunch.It was the president's fourteen-year-old son who greeted her at the palace gate. "Good afternoon, Ambassador," he greeted warmly. "My name is Niku. Welcome." "thanks." The boy was handsome and a little tall for his age.A pair of beautiful black eyes were full of energy, and her fair skin was as smooth as porcelain.His demeanor is even more dignified and prudent, young and mature. Niku added: "I am familiar with people's compliments on you." "Nikku, I'd love to hear what people say about me." "I'll go and tell my father that you're coming." Mary and the president of country A are sitting opposite each other.There was only the two of them in a huge formal banquet hall.Why doesn't the president's wife show up?She even rarely attends large events. The president sipped incessantly, in a lighthearted mood.He lit a cigarette and exhaled a choking mist. "As far as I know, you and the children go out a lot for sightseeing." "Yes, Your Excellency. This is a beautiful country, and the beautiful rivers and mountains make people linger and forget to return." He smiled back, implying frivolity. "Choose a time and let me take you on a tour. I want you to have a good look at my country." His smile was meant to be courteous, but it turned out to be self-defeating. "I am a first-rate tour guide, and I can feast your eyes." "I have no doubt," said Mary solemnly, "Mr. President, the reason why I have come to see you so eagerly is that I want to discuss some important matters with you personally." The President almost laughed. He knew exactly what Mary was visiting for.The Yankees tried to sell me corn and soybeans, sorry, it's too late!This time the American ambassador will return empty-handed, alas, it is too cruel to disappoint this beauty. "Really?" He replied pretending to know nothing. "I want to talk to you about establishing sister cities." "Sister cities? I didn't catch that," the president said vaguely. "It's sister cities. You know, like San Francisco and Osaka, Los Angeles and Athens, Washington and Beijing, there's sisterhood." "I, I'm confused, this has nothing to do with..." "Mr. President, if you twin your capital city with a city in the United States, I think the press of every country will applaud and make a lot of noise. Needless to say, the whole world will be ecstatic. Nations will share this feat with President Ellison's program of people-to-people diplomacy is on par, and it will be a major step toward global peace. Build a bridge of mutual friendship between our two countries, and I think you will deserve the Nobel Peace Prize." The president adjusted his thinking and said tentatively: "Find a sister city in the United States? This idea is quite new. What kind of impact will it have?" "The press will create public opinion for you, and the people will respect you as a hero and think of your grand plan. You will personally lead a delegation to visit the sister cities, and Kansas City will be grateful for the favor and send a delegation to return." "Kansas City?" "This is just a casual example. I think you don't like big cities like New York or Chicago, which are too commercial. I mentioned Los Angeles just now. Kansas City is located in the middle of the United States, and most of its residents are farmers, just like the farmers in your country. Same, very pragmatic. Mr. President, the establishment of sister cities will be a great debt of great statesmen, and will be remembered forever. No one in Europe has thought of doing this, Mr. President.” The warm words made the president fascinated: "I will definitely consider this proposal seriously." "It's inevitable." "The beautiful capital of country A," he moaned, "our city is much bigger." "It's enough to be a sister in the capital of your country." "I must admit, this is an attractive insight." The more the president thinks about it, the more he enjoys it.It will last forever, and everyone will praise it. In this way, Russia will have to give me three points. "Will there be any disagreement from the US side?" "Absolutely not, I can assure you." He weighed it carefully, and then asked: "When can this matter be handled?" "As long as you announce it, I will be in charge of the United States. Mr. President, you are already a great politician. When you complete this feat, you will be worth a hundred times more." The president had a whim: "Our sister cities can establish trade relations with each other, and our country can sell many commodities. Tell me-what does Kansas produce?" "In addition to other kinds of grain," Mary casually introduced, "it is rich in corn and soybeans." "Did you really make a deal? Did you really charm him?" David Victor was in admiration. "I have him firmly in my hand," Mary told him. "The President knows what I am going for. However, he is interested in the unexpected gift in my package. You can go and close the deal. The president is already rehearsing his televised address." When Stanton Rogers heard the news, he immediately called Mary: "You have performed a miracle." He laughed. "We thought the deal was lost. How on earth did you save it?" "Egoism," said Mary simply, "gave a loophole in his egoism." "Mary, the President asked me to tell you how pleased he is with what you've accomplished." "Stan, thank him for me." "Definitely. By the way, the president and I are about to leave for China. If you need me, you can contact me through my office." "Have a nice trip." The sun and the moon alternate, time flies. After the spring breeze in March, it ushered in the scorching sun of summer.People take off their thick winter clothes and put on light and elegant gauze clothes.The trees are thick, the flowers are in full bloom, and the earth is green.In the blink of an eye, June is gone. Buenos Aires is imprisoned for winter.It was midnight when Nusha Muniz slipped back to the apartment.The phone was ringing loudly, she picked up the receiver: "Who?" "Are you Miss Moniz?" It was the Yankee who was annoying again. "yes." "Can I speak to Angel?" "Angel's not here. What are you doing?" The director consciously felt angry.The man who fools around with this kind of woman really doesn't know what it is.Before Harry Lantz was murdered, she was described to the Superintendent.Not only is she as stupid as a cow, but she is also extremely ugly. "I want you to send a message to Angel." "etc." He heard her put down the earphones, so he had to let her dawdle. She finally had a voice: "Okay." "Tell Angel, I want him to go to the capital of country A to execute a contract." "Where?" Damn bitch!She can bring people to death. "It's the capital of country A. Tell him, the reward for this contract is five million dollars. From now on, it will be completed within three weeks. Do you understand?" "Slow down, I'm writing..." He had no choice but to wait. "Okay, how many people does Angel have to kill to earn the five million dollars?" "Many, many people..." The long queue of applicants in front of the embassy has always been a heart problem for Mary.She discusses this issue again with Mike Slade. "We have to help these people emigrate and there must be a way." "We've racked our brains," Mike told her, "and we've put pressure and offered money, but they've been ignored. The government of Country A doesn't want to do a deal, it's very stubborn. They have no intention of letting these people go. .The Iron Curtain is not just a net around the country, but hangs everywhere within the country as well." "I'll talk to the president of this country again." "Good luck." Mary asks Dorothy Stone to arrange her appointment with the president of the country. A few minutes later, the secretary came into the office to report: "Sorry, Madam Ambassador, the appointment cannot be made." Mary looked up at her in surprise, "What's going on?" "I don't know either. There seems to be something strange in the palace. The president of country A refuses to meet anyone. In fact, no one can enter the palace." Mary pondered silently, speculating on why. The president of country A is preparing to announce some kind of major event?Or was there a coup?Something extraordinary must have happened.Whatever it was, she had to find out. "Dorothy," she said, "are you not connected with the President's circle?" Dorothy smiled. "You mean the 'Old Girls Network'? We exchange news." "I want you to find out what happened there." An hour later Dorothy reported: "I've found out what you wanted to know," she said. "They've been keeping it a secret." "What's worth keeping secret like this?" "The son of the president of country A is dying." Mary was stunned! "Is it Niku? Why?" "He's suffering from 'botulism.'" Mary hurriedly asked: "You mean that the disease is prevalent in the capital of country A?" "No, ma'am. Do you remember? There was an outbreak of this in East Germany recently. Niku visited East Germany and he was given some canned goods as presents. He ate some of them yesterday and apparently got infected." "Only antiserum is the specific medicine." Mary said excitedly. "Last month, the plague was prevalent, and all the antiserum drugs in Europe were used up." "Oh God!" Dorothy left the office, and Mary sat alone in a chair thinking: Maybe it's too late, but it's still worth it... Niku is so young, so happy, he is only fourteen years old, only one year older than Beth. She pressed the intercom switch and said, "Dorothy, get through to Atlanta, Georgia, Outbreak Control Center immediately!" Five minutes later, she was on the phone with the director of the center. "Yes, Madam Ambassador, the Center has a large stockpile of antiserum, but we have not had a single case of botulism reported." "I'm not in the United States," Mary said, "I'm in the capital of country A, and I need this medicine urgently." The director of the center pondered for a moment and said, "I am willing to provide medicines, but the condition of botulism is deteriorating very fast. I am worried that the medicine has not been delivered, and the person is dying." "I will arrange the delivery," said Mary, "but you must have it ready at once. Thank you very much." Ten minutes later, she was on the phone with Air Force General Ralph Zucker in Washington. "Good morning! Madam Ambassador. I didn't expect it to be you. I'm so happy. My wife and I admire you very much. How can you..." "General, I need your assistance." "No problem, just tell me." "I'm going to fly one of the fastest jets." "Can you say that again?" "I need the fastest jet to send some antiserum to the capital of country A." "Understood." "Can you help?" "How should I say it? All right. Please do it this way. You get approval from the Minister of Defense first, and then you fill out some requisition forms. Send me one, and send another to the Ministry of Defense for filing. I'll send the other..." Mary was already getting impatient, "General—let me tell you what to do. You shut up and get the damned plane into the sky. What if..." "It can't be done!" "There's a kid who's seriously ill and who just so happens to be the son of the president of this country." "I'm very embarrassed, I have no right to..." "General, if you ask me to fill out the form, which wastes precious time and causes the child's life to be irretrievable, please remember that I will hold a large-scale press conference rarely seen in the world. I will ask you to publicly confess that you are How did you kill the son of the president of country A!" "Such an action must be approved by the White House. I have no right to order the plane to take off! Otherwise..." Mary scolded: "Go to the White House! The antiserum drug is waiting to be shipped at the Atlanta airport. General, let me remind you, time is life!" She hung up the phone and sat in a chair to pray silently. General Ralph Zucker's assistant asked, "What's the matter?" General Zhu Keer replied: "The ambassador asked me to send an SR-71 plane to send antiserum medicine to country A immediately." The assistant smiled: "I dare say she has no idea how extensive this matter is." "Needless to say? We've got to guard against her, though. Get me Stanton Rogers!" Five minutes later, the general reported the situation to the president's diplomatic adviser: "I would like you to note that she made an application, which I rejected as a matter of course. If..." Stanton Rogers cut in flatly: "General, how much time do you have for the plane to take off?" "Ten minutes. But..." "Then do it!" Niku's nervous system is infected.He was lying on the bed, unconscious, sweating profusely, his face was ashen, and he relied on a ventilator to maintain his life.Three doctors stood by the bedside for rescue. The worried president stepped into the ward and asked anxiously, "How is the situation now?" "Your Excellency, we have contacted our colleagues in Eastern and Western Europe, there is no antiserum." "Why don't you find the United States?" The doctor shrugged: "Even if we get the medicine and bring it here," he paused meaningfully, "I'm afraid it will be too late." The president walked to the bed, held his son's hand, and couldn't help crying.Niku's hands were dripping with sweat, and there was no heat at all. "You're not going to die, no," he cried. The jet lands at Atlanta International Airport.An Air Force limousine is already waiting.Frozen 'botulism' antiserum was on board.Three minutes later, the plane roared into the blue sky and disappeared in the northeast direction. The SR-71 is the Air Force's fastest supersonic jet, traveling at three times the speed of sound.Although it slowed down once over the mid-Atlantic for mid-Atlantic refueling, the 4,000-mile flight to the capital of country A only took more than two hours. Colonel McKinney was waiting at the airport.Military vehicles opened the way, and the life-saving medicine was sent directly to the presidential palace. That night, Mary stayed in the office without daring to close her eyes, keeping an eye on the progress of the matter.At six o'clock in the morning, the last report arrived. This is what Colonel McKinney told her over the phone: "The doctor injected the sick child with antiserum. The doctor said the child was saved!" "Ah, thank God!" Two days later, a necklace studded with diamonds and emeralds arrived at Mary's office, along with a thank you note. "My God!" cried Dorothy when she saw the necklace. "It's worth half a million dollars!" "At least," said Mary flatly, "back off!" The next morning, the president sent someone to invite Mary into the palace. "The President is waiting for you in his office," said an aide. "May I visit Nikku first?" "Of course." He led her upstairs. Niku was lying on the bed reading a book, and when he saw Mary coming in, he greeted warmly: "Madam Ambassador, good morning!" "Good morning, Niku!" "My dad said you saved me. Thank you." Mary said, "I can't let you die. I saved you for Beth's day." Niku laughed happily: "Please call her, let's have a good talk." The smiling president saw Mary and said bluntly: "You returned the gift I gave you?" "Yes, sir." He motioned Mary to sit down, looked at her for a while, and asked, "What do you want?" Mary said seriously, "I don't trade the lives of children." "You saved my child's life and I must repay you." "Your Excellency, you do not owe me anything." The president of country A slammed his fist on the table: "I will never owe you anything, let's make an offer!" Mary said calmly: "Your Excellency, this is something that cannot be measured by money. I have two children, and there are no parents in the world who do not love their own flesh and blood!" He couldn't help but close his eyes tightly, and said after a long while: "Niku is my only son, if something happens to him..." He couldn't continue. "I went upstairs to visit him just now, and he is in good spirits." Mary stood up. "Your Excellency, if it's okay, I'm going back to the embassy to deal with some urgent matters." After saying that, she walked out. "Wait!" Mary turned around. "You really don't accept gifts?" "No. I have explained." The President raised his arms: "Okay, okay." He thought for a while, then said, "If you could express a certain wish... what is this wish?" "Nothing." "No! You must express a wish, anything!" Mary stood still, stared at him for a while, and finally said, "I hope that there will be no more restrictions on the Jews who are about to leave your country." The president listened quietly to Mary, and kept tapping his fingers on the table. "I understand." He didn't say anything.After a moment of silence, he looked up at Mary: "It can be done. Of course, not all people will be allowed to leave the country. However, I will relax the restrictions a little bit." Two days later, the government of country A announced its decision to relax restrictions.President Ellison personally called Mary to express his heartfelt thanks. "Because of God's revelation," he said, "I finally understood that I sent not just diplomatic envoys, but miracle workers." "It's hit and miss, Mr. President." "This kind of luck is not common. I hope that every diplomat will be lucky enough to meet it. Mary, you made a surprising victory over there and won consecutive victories. Congratulations!" "Thank you, Mr. President." She hung up the phone, feeling warm in her heart. "July is just around the corner," Harriet Kruger reminded Mary. "In the old days, ambassadors used to hold a Fourth of July reception for all the Americans in the capital of Country A. If you don't want to..." "No, that's a great idea." "Okay, I'll arrange the reception. Lots of bunting, balloons, a band, all kinds of art." "Exactly as you suggest. Thank you, Harriet." Expenses will be charged to the residence accounts, but worth it.In fact, Mary thought, I am homesick and sick. Mary had never expected the sudden visit of Florence and Douglas Skirford. "We have arrived in Rome." Florence shouted on the phone. "Can I come and see you?" Mary was very excited: "How long will it take for you to arrive?" "How about seeing you tomorrow?" The next day, the Schieffords arrived at the capital airport of country A by plane. Mary drove the embassy car to the airport, where she had been waiting for a long time. When they met, they hugged and kissed each other, very excited. "You're still pretty," Florence said, "and being an ambassador hasn't aged you." What surprises you is yet to come.thought Mary. On the way to the official residence, Mary kept pointing and introducing scenic spots, just like a competent guide.In fact, she had only known these places for four months.Why only four months?It's been a year since I've lived here! "You live here?" Florence asked in surprise as the car drove into the gate of the mansion.There are guards at the gate. "It's really a fairy cave." Mary led the Schiffords to visit the mansion. "My God!" Florence was full of praise, "Swimming pool, big theater, a lot of houses, and their own garden." They had lunch together in the big restaurant, talking about the neighbors in Jiang Kexin City with great interest. Douglas asked, "Do you miss that place?" "Yes." Mary replied.Life here is full of fear and tension.Even red threatening slogans appeared on the walls of the office.Red - a symbol of violence.Therefore, the quiet and peaceful life in Jiang Kexin City is even more nostalgic. "What are you thinking?" Florence wondered. "What? Oh, I didn't think of anything. I was only dreaming. What brought you two lovely people to Europe?" "I went to Rome to attend a medical conference," Douglas said. "Tell me, bring out the rest and let her listen," Florence urged. "The real situation is that I didn't make a special trip to visit, but I was worried about you, and the result came." "I'm so happy." "Who knows, our friend is actually a big star." Florence said discouragedly. Mary laughed: "Florence, I'm an ambassador, not a big star." "Oh, I didn't mean that." "Then what are you talking about?" "Are you really still in the dark?" "I don't know anything." "Well, Mary, there was a long article about you in last week's Time Magazine, with pictures of you and your children, and all the newspapers and magazines in the country were blazing about your exploits. Stan Don Rodgers even held you up as a shining example when it came to diplomacy at a press conference, and even the President praised you at all times. Take my word for it, you are a household name and a word of mouth." "I really don't know anything," said Mary sincerely.She remembered Stanton's words: the president decided to create public opinion for you. "How long can you stay?" Mary asked. "My intention is to live permanently, but objectively we can only live for three days." Douglas asked again: "Mary, what's your life like? I mean, you know—since Edward..." "I think too much," said Mary slowly. "I talk to him every night. Do you think it's funny?" "Is not funny." "Of course, this is not something that can be dispatched in a short time. However, I am trying my best, trying my best..." "Have you, uh, not met the right person?" Florence asked evasively. Mary smiled slightly: "Maybe I met him. You will see him in the evening." The Schieforts hit it off with Dr. Louis Desforgus at first sight.It is said that the French are the most snobbish and especially cold towards others, but Louis is the complete opposite: he is warm and generous, open and friendly.He and Douglas expressed their opinions on medical issues, and they had a lot of regrets when they met each other.This night was the happiest time Mary had ever been in country A. She forgot the danger for a moment and felt relaxed and happy. At eleven o'clock in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Schieford retired due to fatigue and went upstairs to rest.Mary stays downstairs to say goodbye to Louis. He said: "I like your friends very much, and I very much hope to meet and chat with them again." "They like you too. They're going back to Kansas in a day or two." He looked into her face: "Mary—you don't think about leaving?" "No," said Mary, "I must stay." He smiled. "Okay." He seemed to have something to say, and finally whispered out: "I'm going to spend the weekend in the mountains. If you can go with me, I will be very satisfied." "Ok." It turned out so simple. That night, she lay in bed and talked with Edward Xuxu again.Darling, I love you always, always, but I don't need you anymore.I'm starting a new life, and you're going to be a part of it, but Louis is going to be a part of it too.Luis is not you, he is him.He is strong, brave and kind-hearted.Being close to him is like leaning on you.Edward, please understand me, understand me... She sat up, turned on the bedside lamp, stared at the wedding ring on her finger for a long time, and slowly took it off. A ring is a ring that not only symbolizes the past, but also heralds the future. Mary arranged the Schiefort couple's schedule very tightly, and led them to visit the capital of country A like a whirlwind.Three days passed in a flash, and the Schiffords said goodbye in tears.Loneliness came back suddenly, and she felt that her hometown had completely abandoned her, leaving her wandering in a foreign country and suffering in disasters. As the day begins, Mary and Mike Slade grab their morning cups of coffee and discuss their agenda for the day. When it was over, Mike said, "I've heard some rumors." Mary misunderstood and said, "Did you also hear the new rumor about the president of country A?" "No, it's a rumor about you." Mary was startled: "Really? What are you talking about?" "It appears that you have had a close association with Dr. Louis Desfergus." Mary suddenly became angry: "Who am I going to hang out with, and what's in the way of others?" "I'm sorry, Madam Ambassador, I don't have the same opinion as you. Every staff member in the embassy has the right to care about this matter. The rules and regulations are strict, and you can't easily fight with foreigners. Doctors are foreigners. Besides, Still the enemy." Mary was so annoyed that she couldn't speak for a while: "Ridiculous!" She cursed, "Do you know Dr. Desfergus?" "Recall how you met him." Mike Slade said still unhurriedly. "Beauties are in trouble, but heroes save them. This is an old trick in the world. I have played it too." "What tricks you play and what tricks you don't have nothing to do with me," Mary retorted. "He is ten times more personal than you. He fought terrorists in Algeria, and the bad guys killed his wife and children!" Mike's tone was gentle and calm: "That's interesting. I checked his file. The hero you admire doesn't have a wife at all. How can he have children?"
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