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Chapter 22 Chapter 21

No matter what time Mary went to work early in the morning, Mike Slade was always ahead.Mary rarely saw him at embassy parties, so she assumed he must be having fun by herself every night. His actions are often unexpected.One afternoon Mary had promised Florian to take Beth and Tim to the park to skate, and she left the embassy early to join the children.Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the skating rink, Mike Slade was already skating hotly with the children.He also patiently and meticulously taught children how to slip 8 figures.I have to sound the alarm for the kids.Mary figured.But what alarm bells?She was not sure.

The next morning, as soon as Mary entered the office, Mike came in to report: "In two hours, the 'National Delegation' will arrive. I think..." "National delegation?" "Oh, this is the abbreviation of the diplomatic staff for the congressional delegation. There are four senators in the delegation, accompanied by their wives and assistants. They want to meet with you. As for the meeting with the president of country A, I will be in charge of arranging it. In the meantime, I'd like to ask Harriet to plan their shopping and sightseeing." "Thank you for arranging."

"Would you like some of my coffee?" "it is good." He entered his office through the connecting door.Mary thought about it for a long time, but she still couldn't figure out this strange man.He was usually rough and rude, but he was so patient, meticulous, and enthusiastic with Beth and Tim. When he came in with two cups of coffee, Mary suddenly asked, "Do you have any children?" The question caught Mike Slade off guard: "Me? Have two kids." "where?" "Stopped by my ex-wife." He hastily changed the subject. "Consider whether I can make the president of country A receive the delegation."

The coffee smells great.It was only later that Mary realized that from that day on, drinking coffee with Mike Slade early in the morning had become a constant. In the evening, Angel caught her in a La Poca nightclub.La Poca was right next to the waterfront, where she and the other prostitutes stood and teased their customers.The girls wore tights and jeans, the pants were cut at the thighs, leaving the asses exposed.It looks like this prostitute is only fifteen years old.Angel didn't dislike her for being unbeautiful. "We entertain each other." The girl lived nearby in a tenement building with no elevator.A room contains only a bed, two chairs, a lamp and a washbasin.The house was messy and dirty.

"Take off your clothes, I just love to see nudes." The girl hesitated again and again, but Angel's vicious look made her terrified.However, the business was not good that day, and she had to pay the money to go home, otherwise she would suffer flesh and blood.She had to undress slowly. Angel stood on the side admiring it.She took off her blouse first, then her trousers, and finally she was completely naked.She was pale and bony. "Don't take off your shoes, kneel here." The girl obeyed without saying a word. "listen!" She raised her head and looked at Angel pitifully: "I never..."

Angel flew up and kicked her on the head.She fell to the ground, moaning loudly.Angel grabbed her by the hair and threw her on the bed.The girl started screaming, and Angel slapped her hard across the face, and the girl moaned again. "Great," Angel said, "I just like hearing you call." Angel punched the girl on the nose, blood gurgling.Half an hour later, Angel finished her work, and the girl was lying on the bed, already unconscious. Angel smiled, looked at the bruised girl's body, and said, "It's so beautiful." He dropped a few pesos. Whenever Mary had free time, she spent time with the children.They have visited many places, but there are still many museums and ancient churches that they have not visited.The most exciting thing for the children is to visit the ancient and majestic castle, which is hundreds of miles away from the beautiful capital of country A.

"The count is really a prince." Florian drove up the mountain road. "Prince Vlad Taps is a great hero, he fought against the alien invasion." "I've heard he sucks blood and kills without batting an eyelid," Tim said. Florian nodded. "It's very unfortunate. After the war, all power was concentrated in his hands, and he became a dictator. Those who resisted him were crucified on the gallows, so stories about him sucking blood spread. A man called And Bram Stoker's Irish compiled these legends into a book, so poorly written that tourists came here for it."

The old castle stands on top of the hill like a giant stone monument.The stone ladder is steep, one step at a time, and I am already exhausted after climbing to the top of the mountain.They entered a low-ceilinged house arrayed with guns and antiques. "This is the place where the cruel earl killed innocent people and sucked human blood." The tour guide introduced in a gloomy tone. The room is dark and damp, which makes people tremble.A spider crawls across Tim's face. "I'm not afraid of anything," Tim said to Mary, "but let's go out." Every six weeks, a C-130 U.S. Air Force plane lands at the airport on the outskirts of the capital of country A.The plane is fully loaded with food and daily necessities that cannot be bought in the capital of country A.These things were ordered by embassy personnel through the military supply station in Frankfurt.

When Mary and Mike Slade were having coffee one morning, Mike said, "Our feeding machine arrived today, why don't you come with me to see it?" The invitation was meaningless, and Mary was going to decline it because she was busy with work.Besides, it would be a shame to waste time on Mike Slade.However, curiosity eventually got the upper hand. "OK." They drove to the airport, studying various issues that the embassy had to deal with along the way.The tone of the conversation was cold and impersonal. At the airport, a Marine opened the gate to let cars through.Ten minutes later, they witnessed the C-130 landing.

Outside the fence on the edge of the airport, a large group of people from country A surrounded them.They watched intently as the crew unloaded. "What are these people doing?" "Spiritual dinner, they're scrutinizing things they'll never get. They know there's a lot of meat, soap, and perfume on board. As soon as the plane lands, there's crowds watching, as if there's a mysterious underground telegraph system here. " Mary looked at the longing faces behind the fence: "It's hard to believe." "This plane is a symbol, not just of a large shipment, but of how free nations care about their citizens."

Mary turned to Mike: "Why did you bring me here?" "Because I'm worried that you will be intoxicated by all kinds of sweet words, and you will not be able to figure out the real reality of country A." In the past, when Mary went to work by car every day, she would find a long queue in front of the embassy, ​​and people were eager to enter the consular office.She always thought that it was not worth making a fuss about these people asking the consul to solve some minor problems.But this morning, she subconsciously approached the window to observe people's expressions carefully.She knew that she had to go to Mike Slade to find out. "Who are the people lining up outside?" Mike and she approached the window. "Mostly Jewish, waiting to apply for visas." "There's an Israeli embassy here, why not go there?" "Two reasons," Mike explained, "first, they thought the U.S. government would do a better job of helping them move to Israel than the Israeli government. And second, they felt they were less likely to be detected by the secret police when they came here. This is wishful thinking." Mike pointed out the window: "There is a building opposite the embassy, ​​and there are many policemen in the building who use extended lenses to shoot everyone entering and leaving the embassy." "too terrifying!" "That's how they play tricks. Whenever a Jewish family applies for a visa to immigrate, they lose their green work card and are kicked out of their apartment. Neighbors are also ordered not to accept them. It usually takes three or four years before the government answers whether they can emigrate. , the promise is usually: 'No!'” "Is there a way to help them?" "We've been trying, but the country is always playing 'hide and seek' with the Jews, and very few are allowed to leave the country." Seeing the despair on people's faces, Mary felt pity, "I have to find a way!" she said. "Don't break your heart!" Mike warned her. Jet lag wears on, and the day in Washington is the night here.At three or four in the morning, Mary was often woken up.It was always late at night when Washington called. The Marines on duty at the embassy would notify the officer on duty, and he would send someone to the ambassador's residence to wake Mary up.By the time it was over, Mary had cleared her mind and could no longer sleep. Edward, the work here is exciting and I really feel like I can make a difference.All in all I'm working hard.I can't stand failure, people pin their expectations on me.How I wish you could stand beside me and say, "Old woman, you can do it." Edward, I miss you day and night, do you hear me?Are you right here, hiding from me?Not being able to find an answer drives me crazy sometimes... They are drinking their morning coffee again. "We have a problem," Mike Slade began. "yes?" "A church delegation from country A wants to see you. A sect in Utah invited them to visit, but their government does not issue exit visas." "Why not send it?" "Very few people in the country are allowed to go abroad." "I'll talk to the foreign minister to see if there's anything we can do." Mike stood up: "Do you like folk dancing?" "What are you asking for?" "Tonight, the capital dance troupe of country A will perform a play for the first time. It is said that the troupe has superb acting skills. Would you like to watch it?" Mary paled in astonishment.It never occurred to her that Mike would ask her out for a hangout.What made her even more unimaginable was that she actually replied: "Okay." "Great." Mike handed her an envelope. "There are three admission tickets inside. Take Beth and Tim with you. The government of country A is very kind, and usually gives away tickets for the first performance." Mary's face turned red, and she felt so foolish that she sat still and said stiffly, "Thank you." "I told Florian to pick you up at eight o'clock." Neither Beth nor Tim liked the theater very much, and Beth invited a classmate to dinner. "May I have this Italian friend?" asked Beth. "Honestly, I have no interest in folk dancing," Tim added. Mary laughed loudly: "Okay, this time, let the two of you make arrangements freely." She knew the children were just as lonely.She began to think who to ask to go to the theater, Colonel McKinney?Jerry Davis?Harriet Kruger?Names were rejected one by one in my mind.Better go it alone, she decided. When Mary walked out the front door, Florian's car was waiting. "Good evening." He bowed and opened the car door. "Florian, what are you happy about?" He grinned. "I'm always happy, ma'am." He closed the door and sat behind the wheel. "There is an idiom here: 'If you smile three-pointed at everyone, you won't be bitten by a dog.'" Mary took the opportunity to test him: "Do you feel happy living here?" He looked at her in the mirror: "Ambassador, do you want me to reveal my true thoughts, or tell lies?" "Please tell the truth." "Telling the truth will bring bad luck. To be honest, we are not happy in life, only foreigners are happy, because you are free to come and go." Florian stopped suddenly, probably remembering that the trouble came out of his mouth. "You mustn't say that's what I said." "I will keep it a secret for you." "Thank you. I don't want my wife to be a widow. She's young and Jewish. There's a lot of anti-Semitism here." Of course Mary knew this. "There is a joke about a store that promises to sell fresh eggs. At five o'clock in the morning, customers line up in the cold wind. At eight o'clock, the eggs have not yet arrived, but the queue continues unabated. The owner said:' There are too few eggs, tell the Jews to go away.” At two o’clock in the afternoon, the eggs still did not show up, so the shopkeeper said: “The non-core members can go.” Until midnight, except for the cold wind, there were still no eggs, so the shopkeeper had to close the shop Lock the door. 'The jewish bastards are taking advantage again,' he said angrily.'" Mary couldn't laugh or cry.I must do something nice for them.she swore. The Folk Dance Theater is located on Las Sodia Romana Avenue.The bustling street is full of stalls selling everything from flowers to plastic slippers and bodysuits.The theater is small and richly decorated, like a relic of a peaceful and prosperous age.However, the dance was unappetizing, the actors' costumes were gaudy, the acting skills were clumsy, and the program was procrastinated and uncomplicated.It was not easy to get to the curtain call.Mary stepped out of the theater gratefully, breathing in the fresh evening air.Florian leaned against the car and waited quietly at the gate of the theater. "Miss Ambassador, I'm sorry I've delayed you. The tire has a flat tire and the thieves have stolen the spare. I've sent for a new tire, and it won't arrive in about an hour. Get in your car and wait, all right. ?" Mary looked up, only to see the full moon in the sky and silver flowers all over the ground.What a clear night!Since she took office, she had never walked in such a lively street, and she suddenly had an idea. "I want to walk back to the mansion." He nodded: "It's a good time for a walk." So Mary turned and walked towards the central square.This city is full of exotic and fascinating.At the corner of the street, a rather mysterious signboard comes into view: Duton... Gosh Bodina... Fantastic Myth... She took Via Mosile and entered Via Piita Rossetti.Red and tan trolleybuses come and go, packed with passengers.Even late at night, most shops are still open and crowded with people.The coffee shop sells delicious donuts.Sidewalk night shoppers thronged each other with bags on their shoulders.But it seemed to Mary that people were strangely silent and kept looking at her.The eyes of the women fell on her clothes, showing envy.She quickened her pace. At the corner of Callia Victoria Street, Mary hesitated, not knowing which direction to go.A passerby approached, and Mary asked in English, "Excuse me, may I go..." The man looked at her in horror and hurried away. Mary suddenly realized that they could not talk to foreigners casually. How to go home?She tried to make out the way Florian had taken her, and seemed to remember that the mansion was somewhere to the east.She decided to head east and soon found herself in a dimly lit alley.At the end of the alley, there is a wide tree-lined road.This is down, I can take a taxi there.A stone fell to her heart. As she walked, heavy and hasty footsteps sounded behind her. Mary turned her head subconsciously, and saw a burly man in a coat walking quickly.Mary felt restless, and her steps quickened. "I'm sorry," the man shouted in English with a very strong Chinese accent, "are you lost?" She was quickly relieved.This person was likely to be a policeman, and his purpose of following him was nothing more than to determine whether Mary had lost her way and to protect her safety. "Yes," Mary replied gratefully, "I want to go back to..." Suddenly the roar of the engine sounded, and a car seemed to fall from the sky.With a sharp and ear-piercing howl, the car stopped firmly.The man in the overcoat grabbed Mary with lightning speed, hot bad breath came out, and his thick fingers stretched towards her waist.He dragged Mary towards the open car door, and Mary struggled desperately... "Get in!" the man growled. "No!" Mary resisted loudly, and shouted loudly, "Help—" Suddenly there was shouting from the other side of the street, and a figure galloped out of the darkness.The person who kidnapped Mary was taken aback, not knowing what to do. Someone yelled, "Let her go!" He grabbed the kidnapper's coat and shoved the criminal away, and Mary escaped.At this moment, the guy who was driving jumped out, intending to help his accomplice. There was a shrill siren in the distance, and the criminal panicked, got into the car and fled in a hurry.A police car with blue and white stripes drove at a high speed, with the words "Security" printed on the body impressively.The blue light on the roof flickered.The door opened and two uniformed officers jumped out. A police officer first asked in Mandarin A: "Aren't you hurt?" Then he switched to English and stammered: "What's going on?" Marie tried to stay calm: "Two guys...they...try to...drag me into the car. If, if it wasn't for this gentleman, I'd just..." She turned to someone. The person who rescued her has disappeared.
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