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Chapter 19 Chapter Eighteen

Otopeni Airport is twenty-five miles away from the capital of country A. It is a modern airport that handles tourists from Eastern European countries traveling north and south, and also accepts a small number of western tourists who visit country A every year. At the airport, soldiers in brown uniforms stood guard.Some carried rifles, others pistols.It's freezing cold, but the coldness displayed by the buildings is different from the climate.Subconsciously, Tim and Beth squeezed closer to Mary, and they also felt the chilling atmosphere.Mary wondered darkly. Two people came up to meet them.One of them has the physique of an athlete and looks like an American; the other is older and wears a poorly made suit that looks out of place.

The American introduced himself and said, "Welcome, Madam Ambassador. My name is Jerry Davis, and I am your Public Affairs Counselor. This is Tudor Costaci, Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Country A." " "We're delighted that you're here with your kids," Costaci said. "We warmly welcome you." This will be my country too, Mary thought.She replied: "Thank you gentlemen for your hospitality." She spoke the language of country A. "You can speak our language?" Costaci was very pleasantly surprised, "Great, great!"

Mary was deeply afraid that he would continue to speak in this language, so she hurriedly said modestly, "I only know a few words." Unexpectedly, Tim came up with a sentence: "Good morning!" Mary laughed, very proud of her son.She introduced them to Tim and Beth. Jerry Davis said, "The car is waiting, Madam Ambassador. Colonel McKinney is also in the car." Colonel McKinney?Colonel McKinney and Mike Slade are brothers and sisters!She was really worried that Slade was there, but she didn't ask. There were a lot of people queuing up to pass through the customs, but it only took a minute or two for Mary's family to leave the airport building.There were also a group of reporters and photographers outside the building, but they were not as chaotic as the previous few encounters. On the contrary, they were orderly and restrained in asking questions.After the interview, I thanked Mary and left together.

Colonel McKinney, in uniform, stood by the side of the road, reaching out to greet her. "Good morning, Madam Ambassador. Did you have a good trip?" "Yes, thank you for your concern." "Mike Slade originally planned to pick you up, but he couldn't get away." Is the redhead or the blonde obsessing him?Mary secretly guessed. The body of the car is long and wide, with a glossy black exterior and an American flag on the front.The driver with a cheerful smile opened the door for Mary. "He is Florian." The driver smiled at Mary, showing his white teeth. "Welcome, Madam Ambassador, and Mr. Tim, Miss Beth. I will do my best to serve your family."

"Thank you," Mary returned. "Florian is at your disposal twenty-four hours a day. We simply go directly to your residence so that you can pack up and have an early rest. After you settle down, go to see the city. Tomorrow morning, Florian will see you off Go to the embassy." "That's very thoughtful," Mary agreed happily. She was still guessing about the whereabouts of Mike Slade. Driving from the airport into the city, the scenery along the way is pleasing to the eye.Cars are running on the two-lane expressway, and there is a lot of traffic coming and going.Even more interesting, some gypsy wagons turn up every few miles.They move slowly in the middle of the road, blocking vehicles.The modern factories lined up on both sides of the road are side by side with the old dilapidated houses.One field after another passed by the window of the car, and women were busy working in the middle of the field, all wearing colorful turbans on their heads.

The car drove past the Baneasa domestic airport in the capital of country A. Behind the airport, away from the road, there was a low blue-gray brick two-story building, which looked hideous and terrifying. "What's that?" Mary asked. Florian made a grimace: "It's a prison for rebels." On the way, Colonel McKinney pointed to the red button on the car door and said, "This is the emergency switch," he explained. "If you are in danger—terrorist attack or something, you press this switch, and it starts immediately. The embassy-monitored transmitter in the car and the red light on the roof, we'll get your bearings right away."

Deeply shocked, Mary said, "I hope it doesn't come in handy." "I hope so, Madam Ambassador." The city center of the capital of country A is as beautiful as a fairyland.The green space is dotted with flower beds, towering monuments reach into the clouds, and fountains throw snow and jade.Mary remembered what her grandfather said: "A beautiful capital is like Paris, and it also has a fake Eiffel Tower."Mary returned to the hometown of her ancestors. The streets are bustling with people, and cars and trams pass by.Her car honked its horn and scrambled through the traffic.Passers-by dodged, and the car turned into a narrow tree-lined path.

"The official residence is just ahead," the colonel introduced. "This road is named after a Russian general. What is it called? Ilorik?" The ambassador's residence has three floors, elegant in style, spacious and magnificent, and is located in the center of a courtyard of flowers and plants.All the staff of the official residence lined up at the gate to welcome the new ambassador.As soon as Mary got out of the car, Jerry Davis introduced them to Mary in turn. "Madam Ambassador, this is Mihai, your butler; Sabina, your social secretary; Rosica, your housekeeper; Cosman, your cook; Delia and Kamen are your servants. people."

Mary passed them, busy nodding in return, thinking: Oh, God, what to do with them?Only one Lucinda used to come to the house, three times a week, to cook and clean. The social secretary took the lead in speaking: "Madam Ambassador, it is a great honor to meet you." They looked at her intently, wanting to hear a few words from her.She took a deep breath: "Hi everyone, I..." All the Chinese A dialects she had learned were wiped out at this moment.She had to watch the staff helplessly, desperate. The housekeeper Mihai stepped forward, bowed his waist and said: "Madam, we can all speak English. We welcome you warmly, and it is our greatest pleasure to meet all your needs."

Mary breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you everyone." In the room, chilled champagne and plates of fragrant and tempting dishes have been placed on the table. "Oh, it must be delicious." Mary exclaimed happily.They stared at her intently, and Mary suddenly became embarrassed. Should they be allowed to share?Do you want to eat at the table together?She didn't want to get out of the car and do something wrong in the first place.People will say, you know what stupid things that new ambassador did?She actually asked her servant to dine with her, which frightened the others, so that no one dared to eat.You heard what the new ambassador did?She devoured it voraciously in front of the hungry servants, and refused to let the servants taste it at all.

"But just now," said Mary, "I'm not hungry. I'll eat later." Jerry Davis said: "Well, I will show you around." Everyone flocked to her like stars. The official residence is indeed extraordinary.The style is simple, the furnishings are elegant and orderly.On the ground floor there is a hall, a library with many books and a piano room.What remains is the living room, large dining room and adjoining kitchen with pantry.All the furniture items in the rooms are properly arranged and beautiful.Outside the restaurant is a long terrace facing a flowery garden. Behind the house is an indoor swimming pool, as well as a matching sauna, steam room and changing room. "Huh, we've got our own pool!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "Can I swim?" "Wait, honey, we have to settle down first." The central part of the whole house is a dance hall, which is close to the garden and is spacious and bright.On the four walls of the ballroom, there are a series of high-end crystal glass lamps made in Baccarat, France, which are extraordinarily bright and clean.The walls of the ballroom are covered with fine line wallpaper. Jerry Davis said, "This is where the embassy usually holds their receptions. Look this way." He pressed a button on the wall, and there was a rattling sound, and a crack opened in the middle of the ceiling, and the gap gradually widened until it revealed the blue sky. "Hey, it's so ingenious!" Tim excitedly. "I see it as an 'ambassador crap,'" Jerry Davis said apologetically to Tim. "It's too hot to drive in the summer and too cold in the winter. Only in April and September." "It's still very delicate!" Tim's stubbornness came up again. The cold wind poured down from the ceiling, Jerry Davis pressed the button again, and the ceiling closed seamlessly. "Let's go upstairs and look at your bedrooms." They followed Jerry Davis upstairs into the spacious central atrium.Two bedrooms adjoin it with a bathroom in between.Going forward along the corridor, there is the main bedroom with living room, dressing room and bathroom, and a smaller bedroom with toilet.In addition, there is a room where utensils can be stacked, which doubles as a sewing room.There is an open-air balcony on the roof, and there are special stairs to go up and down. Jerry Davis said: "The third floor is the waiter's housing, laundry room and storage room. The basement has a wine cellar, and there is a place for the waiter to eat and rest." "The house is too big," mary exclaimed. The children played and played, chasing from room to room. "Which is my bedroom?" asked Beth. "You decide for yourself." "You use this one," Tim said, "it's a pretty one, and girls love pretty ones." The main bedroom is beautiful.There are goose down quilts stacked on the big bed, two sofas surround the fireplace, an easy chair, a dressing table inlaid with ancient mirrors, and a large cabinet with beautiful decoration against the wall, and the bathroom is luxuriously equipped.Looking out from the bedroom, the beautiful garden comes into view. At this moment, Delia and Carman had already opened Mary's luggage.There was a diplomatic pouch on the bed, which Ambassador Viner entrusted her to bring to Country A.Be sure to hand it over to the embassy tomorrow morning.Mary thought.She stepped forward to pick up the mailbag and took a closer look. The red tape had been torn, and the mailbag had been hastily glued and sealed.When was this done?She is confused.AIRPORT?here?Who did it? Sabina entered the bedroom and said, "Are you satisfied?" "Yes. I've never had a social secretary, though," she confessed. "I don't know what your job is exactly?" "My job is to arrange your life properly, Madam Ambassador. I record all your appointments, banquets and dances, and also supervise and manage the daily affairs of the residence, etc. Now, there are many servants in the official residence, and some question." "Oh, I see." Mary said casually. "Is there anything else you want me to do this afternoon?" You can tell me why the mail bag was opened privately.Mary thought so, but said, "Thank you, it's all right. I want to rest." She felt suddenly depressed. That night, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep, filled with unbearable deep loneliness.Thinking about starting a new job soon, I felt uncontrollable excitement again. Honey, it's just me now.I am helpless, I want you to be by my side, encourage me not to be afraid, encourage me to succeed.Yes, I must not fail. It took a long time for sleepiness to sneak up on me.Dimly, she seemed to hear Mike Slade cursing: I hate laymen, why don't you go back? The US embassy is located at No. 21, SK Sosiva Kicheev Avenue, the capital of country A. This is a two-story semi-Gothic white building.The iron gate is guarded by guards in gray uniforms and red hats.There is also a guard room inside the gate, where guards stand guard.Vehicles pass through the covered entrance and exit, and pedestrians step on rose-colored marble steps into the lobby. The interior of the hall is richly decorated.The marble floor is brightly lit, and on the table are two CCTV surveillance systems manned by Marines.There is a railing in front of the fireplace, on which is a dragon swallowing clouds and mist.There are portraits of the president hanging on the two walls of the corridor.From the spiral staircase to the second floor, there are conference halls and offices. A Marine was waiting for Mary. "Good morning, Madam Ambassador," he said, "I'm Sergeant Hughes, and I'm called Gunny." "Good morning, Gunny, then." "They're waiting for you in the office, I'll escort you there." "Thank you." Mary followed him upstairs into the drawing room.Behind a desk sat a middle-aged woman. The woman rose. "Good morning, Ambassador! My name is Dorothy Stone, your secretary." "Hello!" "There are quite a few people waiting for you inside," said Dorothy. Pushing open the office door, Mary entered the room.The nine people inside sat around a large conference table.Seeing Mary, they all stood up, their eyes resting on her, and Mary felt a rush of explicit hostility.She saw Mike Slade first, and the nightmare of last night came back to her mind. "You have finally arrived safely," Mike said. "Now, let me introduce the heads of departments. Lucas Jaklo, Administrative Counselor; Eddie Maltz, Political Counselor; Patricia Hart Field, Counselor for Economics; David Wallace, Chief of Administration; Ted Thompson, Counselor for Agriculture. You have met Jerry Davis, Counselor for Public Affairs: David Victor, Counselor for Commerce. As for the military attaché, Colonel William McKinney, I need not repeat myself." "Sit down, please," Mary said, walking to the chairman's seat.She glanced at the group of people in front of her, thinking in her heart: different ages, different shapes, different looks, but they all harbor evil intentions. Patricia Hatfield had a fat body and a tinge of color in her face.The youngest Lucas Jacques looked like a talented student from a prestigious university.The rest were older, gray-haired or bald; thin or fat.It will take some time to find out the details of these guys. Mike Slade added: "We are all at your command. You can replace any of us at any time." lie!Mary cursed in her heart, the one I want to withdraw is you! The meeting lasted for a quarter of an hour, and it was nothing more than a general talk.Mike Slade concluded: "Dorothy will be ordering your private conversations with the ambassador later in the afternoon. Thank you." Mary resented Mike Slade's distraction.When they were alone in the room, Mary asked, "Which one of them is a CIA agent at the embassy?" Mike looked at her for a moment, said, "Better come with me," and stepped out of the office.Mary hesitated, and finally followed.Walk down a long hallway, past offices that look like rabbit cages, and come to a door with Marines standing guard.The guard steps aside to allow Mike to push the door.Mike motioned for Mary to come in. She walked into the room and looked around, only to realize that the house was made of metal and glass.The floor, walls and ceiling are all one piece, built somehow. Mike Slade closed the heavy door before saying: "This is the 'bubble room'. Every embassy in an Eastern European country has such a room. It is the only room in the embassy that cannot be bugged." He saw the suspicious look on her face. "Madam Ambassador, not only the embassy is bugged, but your residence is also bugged. I can bet you. Even if you go to a restaurant, there are bugs under the table. You are on the territory of another country." Mary sat in a chair and asked, "How do you deal with wiretapping? So we can't all just talk?" "Early in the morning we checked with electronic scanners, found bugs, and took them down. They reinstalled them, and we unplugged them." "Why do you agree to allow people from country A to work in the embassy?" "This is someone else's stadium. They are the home team. We have to play according to their rules, otherwise we will not be able to play. Only this room cannot be bugged, because there are marines guarding the door 24 hours a day. .Now back to your question." "I just want to know who the CIA agents are." "Eddie Maltz, your Political Counselor." She tried to remember what Eddie Maltz looked like, silver-haired, broad and fat.wrong.That's the Agricultural Counselor.Eddie Maltz... ah, he's middle-aged, thin, with a fierce face.Was it because she knew he was an agent that she remembered this face? "Is he the only agent?" "yes." Why is his voice hesitant? Mike Slade looked at his watch: "Submit the credentials in half an hour. Submit the original to the President of Country A, and leave the copy in our safe." Mary gritted her teeth: "I understand, Mr. Slade." "President, please take your child, I have sent a car to pick it up." Take it upon yourself! "thanks." In the center of the capital city of country A stands the government building majestically.The building is made of sandstone bricks and has a majestic and awe-inspiring appearance.There is also a steel wall surrounding the building, and the guards are armed with live ammunition and guard the vital points.Enter the gate, cloth gang more.A page is leading Mary and the children upstairs. The president greeted them on the second floor.This is a spacious rectangular office. The president of country A has a dark complexion, jet-black hair, and curly waves.The high and protruding nose on the face, like the beak of an eagle, looks extraordinarily majestic.His eyes lit up when he saw Mary's family. The aide-de-camp said: "Your Excellency, please allow me to introduce you to the American ambassador." The president held Mary's hand, bowed and kissed her long, and praised: "You are more beautiful than the photo." "Thank you sir. This is my daughter Beth and my son Tim." "What a good boy," the President said, and then looked at Mary expectantly and asked, "You must have brought me something?" Mary almost forgot about etiquette, and hastily opened her purse to take out the credential entrusted by President Ellison. However, the President just glanced casually and said, "On behalf of my government, I accept this letter of credentials. Now, you are the official US ambassador to our country." He said with a smile. "I'm hosting a reception for you tonight. You will meet with some of our country's officials who will work with you in the future." "Thank you for your thoughtful arrangement." Mary replied respectfully. The President grabbed Mary's hand again and said: "We have a saying, 'The ambassador came with tears because he bid farewell to his old friends and lived in a foreign land; the ambassador returned with tears because he bid farewell to his new friends and that lovely country'. Madam Ambassador, I hope you fall in love with our country." He stroked the back of her hand. "I believe so." He only sees me as a beauty, and I have to impress him. Mary sent the children home and stayed alone at the embassy, ​​where she held meetings with department heads.Participants included the Political, Economic, Agricultural, Administrative and Commercial Counselors, as well as the Military Attaché, Colonel McKinney.They sat around a long table, while their subordinates had to lean against the wall. The first to speak was the Commercial Counselor.This person is short in stature, eloquent, and a series of data cases flow out of his mouth.Mary looked at all the participants and thought: I must remember all their names. Then the Agricultural Counselor Ted Thompson made a speech: "The great difficulties faced by the Minister of Agriculture of the Government of Country A exceeded his expectations. This year's harvest is worse than any other year. We cannot sit idly by and let it fall into ruin disaster." Economic Counselor Patricia Hatfield was very dissatisfied and retorted: "Ted, don't forget that we have given them a lot of economic assistance. The government of country A has already enjoyed the most-favored-nation treatment. It is a GSP country. ’ He looked up at Mary defiantly. Test me carefully.Mary thought.To make me look bad in public. Patricia Hatfield continues: "The meaning of the GSP country is..." "GSP country." Mary inserted suddenly. "We regard country A as a developing country, so it enjoys preferential treatment in import and export tariff S2." Hatfield's expression changed suddenly: "Yes, yes," he said hastily, "We have distributed supplies, and besides..." David Victor, the Commercial Counselor, interrupted: "We didn't give it away for free—we just opened the store doors to buy and sell. They need a lot of credit to buy corn. If we don't sell it, they will go to Argentina." And turned to Mary and said: "We may not be able to take advantage of the soybean transaction. Brazil is cutting prices to grab business. I hope you can talk to the Prime Minister of Country A as soon as possible to reach a package deal, so that we will not be swept out. If it succeeds, it will be great." All right." Mary noticed Mike Slade, who was sitting at the other end of the table, lounging in his chair, scribbling on a notepad, as if he had nothing to do with himself."I'm trying to figure it out," she said. She wrote a memorandum, planning to telegraph the Secretary of Commerce in Washington, requesting approval to provide a larger loan to the government of country A.The money will be paid by banks in the United States, subject to government approval. CIA Agent and Political Counselor Eddie Maltz spoke: "I have an urgent matter to report, Madam Ambassador. Last night, a nineteen-year-old American student was arrested on charges of drug possession. Consider it a serious crime." "What kind of drugs is he carrying?" "It's a woman, young girl. Marijuana, just a few ounces." "How is the girl?" "Very smart. A college student, and pretty." "What do you think they're going to do with her?" "Usually five years in prison." Oh my God.Mary thought in amazement.What will she look like when she is released after serving her sentence? "What can we do?" Mike Slade said listlessly: "Their Security Minister is named Estellas, and he has a lot of power. You can use your charm to persuade him to let him go." Eddie Maltz said: "Girl claims to be framed, she may have caught evidence. This girl is so stupid that she messed with a policeman in the capital of country A. The guy put her in bed and told she." Mary was very surprised: "How did he do that?" Mike Slade said blankly: "Ambassador, we are enemies here. Country A is playing pie with us, we are children. We shake hands and laugh across the ocean, and we let them dump their products in our country Let them buy things cheaply, the purpose is to coax them out of the Eastern European camp. In the end, people may not necessarily listen to us.” Mary made another note. "Okay, let me try that too." She turned to Public Affairs Counselor Jerry Davis. "What's your question?" "The problem with my department is that the dormitory renovation application for our embassy staff has not been approved. Their accommodation conditions are too poor." "Can I fix it myself?" "No. All repair work must be approved by the government of country A. Some houses have no heating, some toilets are broken, and some have no running water." "Have you made any comments?" "Yes, ma'am. Almost every day for the past three months." "Then why..." "It's called a harassment war." Mike Slade said again. "They love this kind of war of nerves with us." Mary made another note. "Ambassador, my question is urgent," said Jack Chancellor, director of the American Library. "Just yesterday, another batch of extremely valuable reference books was stolen." Ambassador Ashley started to have a headache. She spent a good portion of the afternoon listening to people vent their frustrations, and everyone was furious.Next is reading the file.The table is full of materials, some of which are English translations of newspaper articles in country A the day before. Most of the newspapers in country A report on the daily activities of the president. There are three or four photos on each page, which is an extreme cult of personality.Mary thought to herself. And there were other things to look at: such as summaries of domestic US news over the radio, full texts of speeches by key US officials, minutes of arms control negotiations, and the latest US economic intelligence.This is just the beginning of the business affairs that can't be finished all day long.Mary suddenly became troubled.It has been like this for many years, it seems that I can only get up early every day. What upset Mary most, however, was the hostility of the staff.This is an urgent matter that cannot be delayed for a moment. She sent for Harriet Kruger, the protocol officer. "How long have you worked at the embassy?" Mary asked her. "Before breaking off diplomatic relations with country A, I worked here for four years. Now I have worked honorably for three months." There was a hint of irony in her language. "Don't you like it here?" "I'm a Coney Islander and I work at a McDonald's. As the song goes: 'Show me the way home.'" "Can we have a private talk?" "No, ma'am." Mary almost forgot, and suggested, "Why don't you go to the 'foam room'?" Mary and Kruger sat down at the table in the "foam room" and fastened the door firmly.Mary asked again: "It suddenly occurred to me that the conversation in the conference room just now would also be wiretapped?" "Totally possible." Kruger said with a smile. "But it doesn't matter much. Mike Slade is not allowed to discuss anything that the government of country A doesn't know." It was Mike Slade again. "What do you think of Slade?" "He is a good man." Mary decided not to comment today. "I feel everyone's frustration, so I decided to talk to you. Everyone is full of complaints, and no one is happy. I want to find out if I am making everyone unhappy, or it has always been like this." Harriet Kruger looked at her for a while, and said: "You want me to tell you the truth?" "Speaking." "Both. The Americans who work here are all like being thrown into a pressure cooker. If they don't follow the rules, they will get burned. We dare not make friends with people from country A, because they may all be secret police. Therefore, Americans can only hang out together. The circle is so small, if you get tired of it for a long time, you will incest." She shrugged. "The wages are low, the food is bad, and the weather is bad." She looked at Mary again. "Of course, this is not your fault. Ma'am, you have two problems. First, you are a candidate for political needs. Second, the embassy under your jurisdiction is manipulated by professional diplomats," she stopped suddenly, "I Is it too presumptuous?" "No, please go on." "Before you came, most people were determined to oppose you. Professionals mostly don't want to make trouble, but those with political missions like to be unconventional. To them, you are an amateur, but you command the professionals and tell them how to behave. Also Yes, you are a woman, and on the flag of country A, there should be a symbol of strength: a machismo chauvin pig! The American men in the embassy hate taking orders from women. The people of country A are even worse in this respect.” "A conversation with you is better than ten years of reading." Harriet Kruger smiled: "It seems that the person who carried the sedan chair and played the trumpet for you worked very hard. So many magazines published your deeds, which is an eye-opener. Tell me, how did you do it?" Mary was speechless. Harriet Kruger looked at his watch and exclaimed: "Oh, you're going to be late. Florian is waiting to take you home to change." "Why change clothes?" "Didn't you see my schedule on my desk?" "I haven't had time to watch it in the future, so don't tell me what banquet I should go to tonight." "There are so many banquets, there are only three tonight. This week, you will attend a total of twenty-one banquets." Mary looked at her: "It can't be done, I'm too busy..." "This is arranged by country. There are 75 embassies in the capital of country A. Every night, there are always some embassies celebrating or something." "Can you not go?" "That means the United States is refusing, and they will make a big fuss." Mary sighed helplessly, "Looks like I'd better go home and change." The cocktail party that afternoon was held at the National Palace of Country A to welcome a visiting East German official. As soon as Mary arrived, the president of country A came up to her, held her hand and kissed her, and said, "I've been looking forward to seeing you again." "Thank you President, and so do I." Mary felt that he had drunk too much, and couldn't help recalling the information about him: he was married, his son was fourteen years old, and he was the inevitable successor.three daughters.like women.alcoholism.Good at calculating.Be likable when it suits you.Generosity to friends, cruelty to enemies.Mary is not on the alert: beware of this man. The president took Mary by his arms and came to a quiet corner. "You'll find a lot of fun in our people," he squeezed Mary's arm tighter, "we're all emotional." He looked up, expecting a response.Seeing that there was no movement, he said again: "We are the descendants of the Daxian people and their conquerors, the Romans in 106 BC. For centuries, we have been the floor mat for the gates of Europe, and the land is embezzled at any time. The Huns, Goths, Avars, Slavs, and Mongols have trampled on us, but our nation is still alive. Do you know why?" His body moved closer, and she smelled his breath. "It's that we have strong leadership. The people trust me and I lead them well." A series of pictures emerged in Mary's mind: the domestic situation in country A and the scenes of people's lives. The President talked on and on, and Mary looked over his shoulder and saw the dark crowds in the hall.There are at least two hundred guests.She will soon befriend these people.She read the appointment list that Harriet Kruger had put up, and one of her assignments was to make official visits to seventy-five embassies, which was interesting.In addition, there will be six cocktail parties and banquets per week. When will I be free to be an ambassador?Mary thought wildly, and as soon as this weird idea was born, she suddenly realized: Isn't this one of the ambassador's jobs? A man walked up to the president and whispered for a while.The president's face suddenly became stern.He spoke a few words in his native language, and the man nodded hastily and walked back.The president turned to face Mary, his face regained his brilliance: "I have to leave you. Hope to meet next time." he's gone.
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