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Chapter 18 Chapter Seventeen

"We have just received an official reply," said Stanton Rogers, "The government of country A has agreed to accept you as the new US ambassador to country A." It was the most emotional moment of Mary Ashley's life.Grandfather must be ecstatic to know that the spirit in heaven knows. "I also want to tell you another piece of good news, Mary. The President is going to receive you personally, and I will guide you to the White House." "I really don't know how to thank you." "Actually, I didn't do anything," Rogers said politely. "You were personally selected by the president," he smiled. "I must admit that he was right."

Mary thinks of Mike Slade: "Someone's not convinced by me." "They were wrong. I can't think of a single person who could have done more for the country there than you." "Thank you for your compliment." Mary suddenly became serious. "I will never disappoint your expectations." She wanted desperately to bring up the question of Mike Slade.Stanton Rodgers is powerful enough to possibly keep Mike Slade in Washington.No, Mary made up her mind.I can't make things difficult for Stan.He worked hard enough. "I suggest that your family not panic and fly directly to the capital of country A, and stay in Paris and Rome for a few days first. Alitalia has direct flights from Rome to the capital of country A."

She stared at Stanton Rogers for a long time before bursting out: "Oh, Stan...that's great. But do I have time?" He blinked: "I have some friends above, let me arrange for you." She hugged him impulsively.He became her close friend.The dream she and Edward have had for a long time is about to become a reality.It's a pity that Edward is gone.The thoughts are endless, how sweet and bitter. Mary and Stanton Rogers are ushered into the Green Room.President Ellison was there waiting. "First of all, I apologize for the slow progress of the matter. Stanton has informed you that the government of country A has agreed to your appointment as ambassador. Here is your letter of appointment."

He handed her a paperwork.Mary reads carefully: "Take this, too." The President handed Mary a passport.The cover of the passport is black instead of green like normal passports.The bronzing font on the title page is impressively printed: Diplomat Passport. Mary had dreamed of having it for weeks, and now that she had it she couldn't believe it. Paris! Rome! The capital of country A! Great!Too good to be true.Something her mother had told her had somehow returned: Mary, if things are too good to be true, good things must be coming. The evening paper briefly mentioned the death of Washington Post reporter Ben Cohen.Reports say he died from a gas explosion, where his gas stove leaked.

Mary did not see the news in the newspapers.Ben Cohen missed appointments, either because he was too busy or interested.Mary felt at ease and went back to the office to work. Mary struggles with her relationship with Mike Slade going from bad to worse.He's the wildest man I've ever met, you gotta sue him in front of Stan! The State Department limousine took Mary and her family to Dulles Airport, and Stanton saw them off.On the way, Stanton said: "I have notified the two embassies when you arrived in Paris and Rome, and they will take care of you, mother and child." "Stan, that's great of you, thank you."

"It is my great pleasure to serve you." "Can I visit the monuments in Rome?" Tim asked. "The Underworld is ugly, Tim." Stanton wanted to scare him. "That's why I went to see it." At the airport, Ian Villiers and a large group of photographers were waiting there.They surrounded Mary's family and asked a series of questions. It was Stanton Rodgers who finally came to the rescue: "I said, enough?" Two staff members of the State Department and representatives of the airline company led Mary's family into the VIP room.The children flock to the magazine racks.

Mary finally complained: "Stan, I didn't want to trouble you. But James Stickley told me that Mike Slade is my ambassador. Can I change it?" He stared at her in surprise: "You and Slade have a tight relationship?" "To be honest, I hate him, and I don't trust him. I can't tell the reason. In short, can someone replace him?" Stanton Rogers thought about it and said: "I don't know Mike Slade very well. I only know that he has a good work history. He has made achievements in various positions in the Middle East and Europe. He can provide you with professional help that you lack .”

Mary sighed. "Mr. Stickley said the same thing." "I can only agree with him, Mary. Slade is an expert on tough issues." wrong.Slade specializes in causing trouble.There is nothing to talk about. "If you have conflicts with him, you must tell me. No matter who you have conflicts with, please inform me. I will definitely help you." "There is no reward!" "One last thing. Did you know that all the letters and telegrams you send back have to be copied and distributed to various departments?" "Know." "If the telegram you send back is only for me to read, just add three 'X's to the head of the telegram, and outsiders will not be able to read the telegram."

"remember." Charles de Gaulle Airport resembles something out of a science fiction novel.The ever-changing stone pillars are like hundreds of automatic stairs going up and down.Everything is bizarre and dizzying.The airport was crowded with travelers in a hurry. "Stay close to me, children," Mary reminded. They walked down the escalator, looking around at strangers.A Frenchman passes by.Mary stopped him and asked in the few French she had learned, "Excuse me sir, where can I get my luggage?" The man replied in English with a very strong French accent: "I'm sorry madam, I never speak English."

Just when he was on the verge of despair, he saw a gorgeously dressed American young man walking quickly towards Mary's family. "Madam Ambassador, please forgive me! I was supposed to pick you up, but there was a car accident on the road, which blocked the road and missed a big deal. My name is Peter Karans and I work at the embassy." "I'm relieved now," said Mary comfortably. "I thought I lost it." She called the children and introduced them one by one.Then he asked, "Where do I pick up my luggage?" "I'll do it," Peter Karans promised, "I'll take care of it for you."

He means what he says.A quarter of an hour later, Mary's family walked out of the airport, while other passengers were still checking their passports. Henri Duran, inspector of the French intelligence service, saw Marie's family get into the car.After the car started, he got into a public phone booth, closed the door, stuffed a coin, and started dialing. The voice of the caller came.He immediately reported: "Tell Saul that they have arrived in Paris." When the car drove to the front of the US embassy, ​​the French journalists set up their positions to grab the news. Peter Karans looked out of the car and exclaimed, "God, isn't this a riot?" U.S. Ambassador to France Hugh Simon welcomed her family in the embassy compound.He was a Texan, with penetrating eyes on a round, middle-aged face, and wavy light red hair. "Everyone is eager to see you, Madam Ambassador. The reporters have followed my heels all morning." Mary's press conference lasted for more than an hour.By the time it was over, she was exhausted.Ambassador Simon invited her family to the office. "Okay," he said, "it's over anyway. When I took office, Le Monde only sent a newsletter on the back." He smiled and said, "Obviously, I'm not as beautiful as you." He suddenly remembered a thing. "Stanton Rogers called and said the White House ordered me to use my head to make sure your family had a good time in Paris." "Do you need to guarantee it with your head?" Tim was very surprised. Ambassador Simon nodded: "This is the original words. It seems that he loves you very much." "We like him very much, too," Mary said sincerely. "I have booked suites for you at the Ritz. The hotel is not far from the Place de la Concorde. It is very comfortable and convenient. You will enjoy your stay there." "Thank you." After a pause, Mary said, "The house price is quite expensive, isn't it?" "Yes. But you needn't worry about it. Stanton Rogers has the State Department reimburse you for all your expenses." "It's unbelievable," Mary said. "According to him, you are also an incredible person." The news that the first ambassador sent by the President of the United States in the name of people-to-people diplomacy came to Paris was enthusiastically reported in the afternoon and evening papers, and the TV program rebroadcasted the news that night, and even the morning papers of the next day took the trouble to reprint it. Detective Duran looked at the large pile of newspapers in front of him, and he felt elated. Everything went smoothly as planned.Both the breadth and depth of the publicity have greatly exceeded expectations, and the effect is particularly good.He had not yet had a foretaste of what the Ashleys' schedule would be for the next three days.They must be going to places that don't make any sense, that's what Yankees love to run to. Marie and the children had lunch at Jules Verne's restaurant in the Eiffel Tower before climbing to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. The next morning, they visited the Louvre.The rarities dazzled them and made them forget to return.Lunch is eaten near the Palace of Versailles, and finally supper at the Silver Tower. Enjoy every moment in Paris.Mary felt very sorry: How happy would it be if Edward traveled together? After lunch the next day, they were sent to the airport.Inspector Duran was still watching from a corner as he checked in for his flight to Rome. This girl is very attractive--extremely beautiful, a stunner with a lot of wit and beauty.Look, how beautiful the figure is!The thighs and buttocks are even more attractive, and I don't know what it's like to go to bed.The little ones were also surprisingly well mannered, by American standards. As soon as the plane left the ground, Inspector Duran went to the phone booth and reported: "Tell Saul that they have gone to Rome." At Rome Michelangelo Airport, journalists lined up again to pick them up.As Mary's family stepped off the plane, Tim exclaimed, "Look, they're with us in Rome." No wonder there is this realization that all these journalists differ from their Parisian counterparts is their tone of voice. The first question the reporter asked was: "Do you like Italy?" Ambassador Oscar Vaina, like Ambassador Xirong in Paris, was quite puzzled by the scene before him. "Even Frank Sinatra has not enjoyed such a grand welcome, Madam Ambassador, there is something about you that I cannot understand." "Let me explain," said Mary, "that the reporter is not partial to me, but is interested in the President's civilian foreign policy. Our representatives will soon be sent to all Eastern European countries. This is a great step towards peace, and the press is excited. extremely." Unexpectedly, after a while, Ambassador Viner said: "It seems that you cast a good lot, right?" Captain Caesar Bazzingeni, head of the Italian secret police, was also able to predict the itinerary of Marie's family visits, even though the family would not be in Rome for more than a few days. The captain ordered two agents to follow the Ashleys.Their daily reports almost agree with his estimate. "They ate ice cream at Doni's, walked along Via Veneto, visited the Colosseum." "They visit the Trevi Fountain and throw coins in it." "They visited the Caracalla Hot Springs and the Catacombs. The boy fell ill and was sent back to the hotel." "The subject of surveillance took a carriage ride in Borghese Park, and then walked to Lavona Square." See how happy you are.Bazzingeni thought with ulterior motives. Ambassador Viner accompanied Mary's family to the airport. "I want to send a package of diplomatic mail to the capital of country A, can it be checked with your luggage?" "No problem," Mary said. Bazzingeni hid at the airport and watched Mary's family get on the plane.After the plane took off, he went to make a phone call with confidence: "Tell Bald that everything is going well. The news coverage is especially good." As the plane soared into the sky, Mary Ashley awoke with a strong premonition of the extraordinary work she was about to do.She couldn't believe it was true.She couldn't help saying loudly: "Let's go to the capital of country A! Go to be the US ambassador!" Beth looked at her strangely: "Got it, Mom. Otherwise why are we here!" How do they understand their mother's mood at this moment?The closer the plane was to the capital of country A, the more excited Mary became uncontrollably.I want to be an excellent ambassador unmatched by the predecessors.During my tenure, the United States and Country A should become close allies. The "No Smoking" light flashed, and Mary's dream of becoming a great politician was instantly shattered. How did it land?She was terrified.Didn't we just take off?Why is the flight so short? Mary felt pressure on her eardrums as the plane dived below the clouds.The plane's wheels hit the runway a few minutes later.It's really here.Mary was timid.I'm not an ambassador, I'm a liar.I'm going to drag everyone into war.God bless.We shouldn't have left Kansas.
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