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Chapter 17 Chapter Sixteen

Mary read the invitation and thought: The last time I went to someone else's embassy, ​​there was a big joke.This time, I can't make a fool of myself.Learn from a fall, and remember that you are part of the Washington circle. She put on the new clothes she had just bought—a black velvet long-sleeved evening dress, black silk high-heeled shoes, and a string of pearl necklaces around her neck. Beth commented, "You're prettier than Madonna." Mary hugged her: "I'm so happy. You two are having dinner in the restaurant downstairs and watching TV after dinner. I must go home early. Tomorrow we will visit the former residence of President Washington in Mount Vernon."

"Have a nice day, mother." The phone rang, it was from the front desk. "Ms. Ambassador, Mr. Stickley is waiting for you in the lobby." How nice to go alone, Mary thought, I don't need him, and I don't want anyone to help me with my troubles. The embassy of country A is in a festive atmosphere.The deserted scene Mary had seen last time was gone.Deputy Minister Gabriel Stoika greeted them at the door. "Good evening, Mr. Stickley. Nice to see you." James Stickley nodded towards Mary: "Please allow me to introduce, this is our new ambassador to your country."

There was no acquaintance expression on Stoika's face at all: "Madam Ambassador, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please follow me." They step into the hall.Mary noticed that all the rooms were brightly lit and pleasantly warm.The music accompanied by the band floated down from upstairs.There are vases everywhere, filled with flowers. Ambassador Kobiscu was talking to a group of guests.As soon as they saw Mary coming in, they rushed forward to meet her. "Ha, Mr. Stickley, good evening!" "Good evening, Ambassador. This is the new American ambassador to your country."

Kobiscu looked at Mary and said flatly, "It was a pleasure meeting you." Mary wished there was some light in his eyes.No. There were more than one hundred guests at the banquet.The men are in evening gowns, and the women are in the most outlandish pieces, all made by tailors such as Luis Estevez and Oscar Renta.The long conference table I saw upstairs last time was surrounded by six small tables.Waiters in uniform stood in a circle holding trays of champagne. "Want some wine?" Stickley asked. "No, thank you," Mary replied. "I don't drink." "Really? What a pity."

She looked at him, puzzled in her heart: "What does this mean?" "Drinking is also a job. Whenever you attend a diplomatic banquet, there is a toast. If you don't drink, the host will be angry. So, you have to take a sip from time to time." "Got it," said Mary. She looked across the hall and saw Mike Slade.Mary had to admit that he looked very handsome in evening dress.He put his arm on the shoulders of a seductive and coquettish woman. Judging from the situation, the woman was about to take off her clothes.Bitch!Mary cursed inwardly, just to his liking.In the capital of country A, I don't know how many such sluts are waiting for him!

She remembered Mike mocking her viciously: "Mrs. Ashley, you don't know anything. If anyone pays you to go, you will have to send you to Iceland as an ambassador." Bastard! Mary saw Colonel McKinney, in full uniform, approaching Mike.Mike left the woman and slipped into the corner with the Colonel.Both are badass, I have to watch out.Mary thought. A waiter passed by with champagne. Mary called him and said, "Give me a glass, please." James Stickley watched her finish her drink in one gulp, and said, "Well, it's time to take advantage of the occasion."

"Using the occasion?" "Yes, the purpose of the reception is to talk about things, otherwise why would the embassy pay for it?" Mary spent an hour meeting with ambassadors to the United States, senators and governors of her own country.In addition, I also met a group of dignitaries in Washington. The market in country A is bullish, and every important official has tried his best to get an invitation to attend the banquet.Mike Slade walked this way, shoulder to shoulder with the woman. "Good evening!" said Mike politely. "I'd like to invite you to meet Debbie Dennis. This is James Stickley and this is Mary Ashley."

This is intentional hurt.Mary corrected coldly: "It should be Ambassador Ashley." Mike slapped his forehead: "Ah, I'm sorry, Ambassador Ashley. Miss Dennis's father also happens to be an ambassador, a career diplomat. He has been stationed in several countries in the past twenty-five years." Debbie Dennis shows off: "I just grew up abroad. It's amazing outside." Mike took the opportunity to flatter: "Miss Dennis has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot." Still coldly, Mary said: "I believe she is well-informed." Mary prayed to herself that she would never sit with Mike.Sure enough, he got his wish, and he was placed at another table, mixed up with that half-naked woman.Mary has a sense of deja vu to the people at the same table.The faces of these princes have all appeared on the covers of magazines and on TV screens.James Stickley sat across from Mary.The man on Mary's left spoke a foreign language that Mary couldn't understand.On her right is a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and an alert expression.

"It is a great honor to be your company at the banquet," he said to Mary. "I'm your big admirer," he said with a Scandinavian accent. "Thanks. What do you admire about me?" Mary amused. "I've accomplished nothing." "My name is Olaf Pedersen, Cultural Counselor of the Swedish Embassy." "It is an honor to meet you." "Have you ever been to Sweden?" "No. To tell you the truth, I have never traveled far." Olaf Petersen smiled slightly: "There are many places in our country worth visiting."

"Then, maybe one day, my whole family will come to your country for sightseeing." "Oh, you have a child? How old is it?" "Tim is ten and Beth is twelve. I'll show you the pictures." Mary opened her purse and took out pictures of the children.James Stickley, sitting opposite, shook his head vigorously. Olaf Pedersen examines the photo: "The children are so beautiful, they look just like their mother." "Eyes like father." During Edward's lifetime, the couple had often amusing arguments about who the child was like. Beth will grow up to be a beauty just like you.Edward said.I don't know who Tim looks like, can you guarantee that he is my son?

Their playful arguments always ended in sweet lovemaking. Olaf Petersen was talking in her ear, but she couldn't catch the content. "I'm sorry, please say it again." "I mean, I read from the newspaper that your husband was unfortunately in a car accident. It's heartbreaking. It's hard for a woman to lose her husband in middle age." His words were full of compassion. Mary took the glass in front of her and drank it down.An ice-cold drink is stimulating and instantly perks up the spirits.The wine glass is just right, and the white-gloved waiter fills it up immediately.The waiters surround the guests. "When will you take office in country A?" Peterson asked. "In a few weeks," said Mary, raising her glass again. "Cheers to going to country A sooner!" She drank it all in one gulp.Fruit wine is full-bodied and has a very low alcohol content. The waiter filled her glass again, and she was quite pleased with it.Looking up and looking around, there are a lot of distinguished guests and distinguished guests, dressed in luxurious and fashionable clothes, with different local accents, full of pride, full of wine and ears, and talkatively.Mary couldn't help thinking: In our Jiang Kexin, there is no such banquet.No sir.Kansas is as dry as a gnawed bare bone, and Washington is fat... how fat? ...She frowned, and racked her brains but couldn't think of a suitable word. "Are you unwell?" Peterson asked with concern. She patted his arm: "It's okay, I have a lot of people. Olaf, I still have a drink." "please." He smacked at the waiter, and Mary's glass was filled again. "I'm at home," Mary said mysteriously, "but I never drink alcohol." Unclear, "Of course, water, I want to drink." Olaf Petersen looked at her and smiled. Kobiscu, the ambassador of country A at the host table, stood up: "Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, I propose a toast." So began a series of toasts.Cheers to the health of the President of Country A and his wife, the longevity of the President and Vice President of the United States, and the flags of Country A and the United States.Mary came and refused, and she drank too many glasses.I'm an ambassador, cheers, it's my duty. During the meeting, the ambassador of country A said: "I propose to invite the beautiful female ambassador of the United States to our country to give a speech." Mary was in the middle of a downpour when she realized that the host and guest were waiting for her to speak.She sat blankly for a while before standing up with the support of the table, the figure in front of her was shaking, her face was swaying.Here's what she said: "Hi! Everyone! Are you enjoying your drink?" She had never been so happy, and the guests at the party were so friendly, all laughing at her, some laughing out loud.She turned her face to James Stickley and could not help smiling too. "Best feast," she said wildly, "you've all caught up with it. Wonderful! Wonderful!" She sat down and said to Olaf Pedersen: "They're in my There is sweat medicine in the wine." He pressed her hand: "you need some fresh air, it's too stuffy here." "Yeah, boring. I tell you, I'm feeling dizzy." "Let me help you outside." He picked up Mary, who was struggling to move.James Stickley was busy talking with his tablemate, pretending not to see it.Mary and Olaf Petersen passed Mike Slade's desk, and Slade frowned disapprovingly. He's jealous, Mary thought, they didn't let him speak. She said to Petersen, "You know what that guy was thinking? He didn't get the ambassador, but I got it. He was pissed off about it." "Who are you talking about?" Olaf Petersen asked in surprise. "No...it doesn't matter. Who is he?" They come outside.The night wind pierces the bones.Mary was grateful for his arms supporting her body, and everything was blurry. "I have a car nearby," Mary murmured. "Let it go back," suggested Olaf Petersen. "Come over to my house and have something to drink." "No more fruit wine." "No, no. Just a little brandy, lest you be sick." Brandy.The book says that all elegant people drink brandy.Brandy and soda, Cary Grant's specialty. "With soda?" "Of course." Olaf Petersen helped Mary into a taxi and gave the driver the address.The car quickly drove to the door of a large apartment building.Mary raised her eyes in confusion and asked Peterson, "Where is this?" "Home," said Olaf Petersen.He helped Mary out of the car.Mary staggered suddenly.Peterson quickly hugged her. "Am I drunk?" Mary asked drowsily. "Not drunk." He reassured. "I am amused." Peterson led her into the hall and pressed the elevator switch: "Drink some brandy and you'll be fine." They entered the elevator, and Petersen pressed the door-closing button. "You don't know that I drink tea, don't I just drink tea?" "Gee, I don't know." "real?" Peterson fondled her bare arm. The elevator doors opened and Peterson helped Mary out. "Nobody told you the ground was uneven?" "I'll have someone smooth the ground," Olaf promised. He hugged her with one arm, took out the key with the other hand, and opened the door.They entered the room, which was dimly lit. "It's so dark," said Mary. Peterson took her into his arms, "I like darkness, how about you?" Does she like the dark?She couldn't tell the truth. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" "Thank you. You're a handsome man, too." He helped her to the couch, and she just felt dizzy.He leaned forward to kiss her lips, one hand reaching for her thigh. "What are you doing?" "Take it easy honey, it feels so good." It feels really good.The movements of his hands were light, like Edward's. "He's a wonderful doctor," said Mary. "Sure." He leaned on top of her. "Ah, yes. As long as anyone has an operation, it's Edward." She lay on her back on the sofa, a soft hand opened the skirt of her dress, reached in and touched her body, Edward's hand, Mary closed her eyes.His lips kissed down his body.Soft lips, soft tongue.Edward's tongue is also so soft and soft, so comfortable.Don't stop. "It's so comfortable, dear," she said, "come on, come on." "Right away, right away." His voice was sharp and hoarse, and suddenly became harsh.Not Edward's voice at all. Mary opened her eyes suddenly, and there was a strange face in front of her.She exclaimed, "No! Stop it!" She rolled out from under him, onto the floor, and struggled to her feet. Olaf Petersen was dumbfounded: "Why..." "No!" She scanned the room with wide eyes: "I'm sorry," she said in a panic, "I made a mistake, don't you think I..." She turned and ran towards the door. "Wait! At least let me take you home." she ran away. The street was deserted, and Mary staggered along.The cold wind blows in front of you.Her heart was occupied by a great shame.She could not explain her absurd behavior, nor could she forgive herself.She lowered her status, and in such a stupid way.She got drunk in full view of more than half the diplomatic community in Washington, ran into a stranger's house, and was nearly seduced and raped.As soon as the day breaks, she will be the target of every Washington tabloid. Three people who attended the banquet at the embassy of country A told Ben Cohen the joke.Cohen scanned all the newspapers in Washington and New York to see how the story was played out.But he was so disappointed that the newspaper didn't mention it, and someone shot the news.The person who shot this news is by no means an idle person. Cohen sat in the small room the newspaper called his office, pondered for a long time, and decided to call Ian Villiers. "Hello, is Mr. Villiers in?" "Yes. Who are you?" "Ben Cohen." "Please wait." The woman who answered the phone came back quickly and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Cohen. Mr. Villiers seems to be out for a while." "When can we find him?" "He seems to have dates all day long." "Okay." He hung up the phone and dialed another newspaper to find a gossip columnist.This woman writer has many eyes and ears, and no matter what strange things happen in Washington, she knows it in detail. "Linda," Cohen said, "how are you doing?" "You are a country that is easy to change, but your nature is hard to change." "Is there any good show in the social world outside of gold and jade?" "No. It's as quiet as stagnant water." He said casually: "It is said that a strange thing happened in the embassy of country A last night." "Really?" The female writer's voice immediately became cautious. "Huh? Didn't you hear about the flirtatious behavior of our new ambassador to country A?" "No. I have to go. Urge me to take a long call." The phone hangs up. Ben Cohn decided to ask his friend at the State Department for help, and the secretary put the call through. "Hello Alfred?" "Ben, what's delicious?" "Long time no see, let's have lunch together." "Okay. What are you up to?" "I'll tell you when I meet." "Fair and reasonable. My schedule is very loose, how about a meeting at Watergate?" Ben Cohn hesitated: "It's better to go to the Mama Regina Hotel in Silver Spring." "That place is a little farther away." "It's better to stay far away." "Understood." "One o'clock?" "Row." Ben Cohen had just sat down at a table in the corner of the restaurant when his guest, Alfred Shuttleworth, arrived. "Gentlemen, what would you like to drink?" the restaurant waiter asked courteously. Shuttleworth ordered a martini. "I don't want it," said Ben Cohn. This Alfred Shuttleworth was with the European Bureau of the State Department.A middle-aged man with a sallow face, he was punished for drunk driving a few years ago.Ben Cohen interviews the incident, and Shuttleworth's future is at stake.Cohen rescued him by resolutely withdrawing the manuscript.In gratitude, Shuttleworth often revealed the inside story to Cohen. "Al (Alfred's nickname), please do me a favor." "Speak, I will do my best." "I want to know the inside story of our new ambassador to country A." Alfred Shuttleworth frowned: "Why?" "Three people told me that the female ambassador was drunk last night at the reception of the country A's embassy, ​​and made a fool of herself under the eyes of the celebrities in Washington. You read this news in today's morning paper, afternoon paper No?" "I read the papers. They only reported the embassy banquet and didn't say a word about Mary Ashley." "It's just a piece of "Silver Horse." "What did you say?" "A novel written by Sherlock Holmes. The dog is so utterly silenced that the newspaper is as silent as the dog. Why don't the gossip columnist gnaw on this oily bone? Someone must stop it, this person It’s not a small background. According to the usual situation, if a certain important person makes a fool of himself in public, it’s no wonder that the press will not be happy!” "Ben, I'm afraid the matter is not so absolute?" "Al, this Cindelina was a nobody who was enchanted by our President's wand and turned into a holy trinity of Grace Kelly, Prince Tee and Jacqueline Kennedy. I admit the lady is beautiful, But not so pretty; and I admit the lady is smart, but not so smart. To be honest, teaching political science at Kansas State University doesn't qualify you to be an ambassador, let alone to the most troublesome place in the world I’m going to the place where you want to go. Let me tell you another thing that is unreasonable, I flew to Jiang Kexin City and met with the head of the local police station.” Alfred Shuttleworth drank the rest of the martini in his glass in one gulp: "I'll have another one, you make my hair stand on end." "Then join me." Ben Cohen ordered a martini. "Speak," urged Shuttleworth. "Mrs. Ashley initially refused to comply with the President's request, citing her husband's inability to leave the hospital. So, her husband got into a car accident and died. This lady came to Washington, and she was going to take office in Country A. This is Everything seems to be carefully planned by someone." "Someone? Who?" "This is a mysterious question." "Ben you are implying?" "I didn't hint at anything. Let me tell you about the hint of the Sheriff Munster of Junction City. He thought the car accident happened strangely. In the middle of the night when the water was freezing, nearly half a dozen witnesses emerged from various places in time. They all witnessed the car accident. What's even more strange is that all these witnesses are now missing, and there is not one left." "Speak!" "I went to Fort Riley again to talk to the driver of the army truck who ran over Dr. Ashley." "What did he say?" "He can't say a word. Dead! Heart attack. God, he's only twenty-seven!" Shuttleworth played with his wine glass: "There should be someone." "Yes, there are others. I'm going to find Colonel Jenkins, who is the head of the Army Criminal Investigation Service and a witness to the car accident. The colonel has also been transferred. I heard that he was promoted to a major general, but he was sent overseas. Where exactly is he? , no one can tell me." Alfred Shuttleworth shook his head: "Ben, I know you are a very accurate reporter, but this time you missed the shot. You have pulled several unrelated incidents together to form a A Hitchcockian suspense movie script. People do die in car accidents, people do get heart attacks, and officers get promoted. I say you're looking in vain for a conspiracy that doesn't exist." "Al, have you ever heard of an organization called the Patriot Freedom League?" "No, is it another group like 'Daughters of the American Revolution'?" Ben Cohen lowered his voice. "It's a world of difference. I hear it from time to time, but I can't figure it out." "What did you hear?" "It is said that this is a secret small group composed of high-level people. The members are left-wing fanatics from many countries in Eastern and Western Europe. Their ideology was originally opposite, and the root cause of their entanglement is a sense of fear. Extreme leftists They think that President Ellison's plan is a big capitalist conspiracy to destroy the Eastern bloc, and the far right thinks that the president is going to open the door and let Eastern European forces destroy us. So they formed this unholy alliance." "My God, I can't believe that there is such a thing!" "There are more powerful ones. In addition to powerful figures, splinter factions of intelligence agencies in various countries have also been involved. Can you check for me?" "I dare not guarantee it, let's try it." "You have to be careful. If there is such an organization, they don't want people to smell it." "I'll come to you, Ben." "Thank you. Let's have lunch now." The spaghetti was delicious. Alfred Shuttleworth took Ben Cohen's account with a grain of salt.Journalists are destined to seek out the shocking.Shuttleworth liked Ben Cohen, but he had no idea how to find this mysterious organization.If it does exist, it may be found on government agencies' computers.He didn't have access to the computer himself, but he knew who to call, and he remembered that person.I call him. Peter Connors stepped through the bar door as Alfred Shuttleworth drank his second martini. "Sorry for being late," Connors said. "'Sauerkraut Factory' has a little trouble, and people are entangled." Peter Connors wanted straight Scotch.Shuttleworth ordered another martini. Connors' girlfriend worked in the same company as Shuttleworth's wife, so they knew each other well and became good friends.The two had very different jobs: Connors specialized in the lethal espionage game, while Shuttleworth was a desk-bound bureaucrat who never left his office.It is precisely because of this difference that they often stay together and exchange a little internal information from time to time.At the beginning of our acquaintance.Connors was still lively and likable.Now he has changed his character and turned into a vicious reactionary. Shuttleworth took a sip of his drink and said, "Peter, please do me a favor. Can you find something in the CIA computer? It may not be possible, but I promised a friend of mine that Be sure to check for him." Connors chuckled inwardly: That poor guy must be trying to figure out who is fucking his wife. "No problem, I owe you several favors. Who do you want to check?" "We don't check people, we check things. It's very likely that this thing doesn't exist. There's an organization called the Patriot Freedom League. Have you heard of it?" Peter Connors gently put down his glass: "I've never heard of it. What's your friend's last name?" "Ben Cohn. Washington Post reporter." The next morning, Ben Cohn made up his mind.He said to Qiuzi: "What I'm doing now, once found out, will shake the world. If it can't be found out, it will be a joy, so I must find out." "Thank God!" cried Qiuzi. "Arthur will be very happy." Ben Cohen's call went to Mary Ashley's office. "Good morning! Ms. Ambassador. This is Ben Cohen. Remember me?" "Remember. Mr. Cohen, is your interview written yet?" "I went to Jiang Kexin City and got some materials. I think you must be interested in it." "What kind of material?" "It's not appropriate to talk in detail on the phone. Shall we find a place to talk?" "My schedule is inexplicably tight today. Let me see... How about I have half an hour to spare on a Friday morning?" "That is to say, we have to wait for three more days. That's all we have to do." "Will you come to my office?" "Downstairs to you, there is a coffee shop, why not meet there." "Okay. See you Friday!" They exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.After a while, the phone rang again. It is difficult to meet the director.He founded and financed the Patriot Freedom League, never attended committee meetings, and remained completely anonymous.He gave a phone number, but couldn't find where it was located (Connors tried himself).There is a tape recorder in the phone, and when you make a call, the tape recorder says: "Sixty seconds to finish speaking." And, the phone is only allowed in emergencies, Connors parked in front of a public phone booth, Report the situation to the tape recorder.At six o'clock in the afternoon, his speech was recorded.In Buenos Aires, it was exactly eight o'clock at night. The director listened to the recording twice, and then dialed a phone number.He waited for a full three minutes before the voice of Nusha Muniz appeared "duringly". "Who is it?" The director replied: "The last time someone asked you to arrange a connection with Angel, that person was me. Now there is another contract, can you find Angel immediately?" "Don't dare to say." She was drunk again. The director tried not to lose his temper: "When will you find him?" "Don't dare to say." Damn stupid bitch. "Listen," the superintendent said slowly, as if speaking to a child, "tell Angel that this must be done immediately. I need him..." "Wait, I have to go to the bathroom." The director heard her drop the receiver.The director could only sit still, so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.After three minutes, she came back to answer the phone again: "Drinking too much beer, I just want to squat in the toilet." She explained. The director gritted his teeth: "This matter is very important." He was worried that the drunk woman would forget everything, so he demanded: "Go get a pen and paper and record what I said, I will read it slowly." That night, Mary was invited to a banquet at the Canadian Embassy.As she left the office to go home and change, James Stickley reminded her: "This time, when someone else is toasting, you're only going to have a sip." He and Mike Slade are simply two generals. After dinner, Mary's thoughts were still on going home to be with Tim and Beth.The people at the table with her were all unfamiliar faces, with a Greek ship king on the right and a British diplomat on the left. A well-dressed Philadelphia lady came up to Mary and said, "Madam Ambassador, do you love Washington?" "I love it very much, thank you for your concern." "You must be very happy to escape Kansas?" Mary looked at her, wondering: "Escape from Kansas?" The girl continued: "I have never been to the middle of the United States. I guess it must be horrific there. Apart from the farmers, there are fields full of corn and wheat. How boring? It's hard for you to stay there for so long .” A surge of anger rose from the bottom of her heart, and Mary tried her best not to let it explode: "The corn and wheat you despise," she retorted politely, "just feed the belly of the world!" The woman sounded benefactor: "Gasoline keeps the cars running, but I don't live in the oil fields because of it. Culturally, I think everyone should live in the Eastern United States. Don't you? Honestly, in Kansas, Is there any other fun besides walking across the mountains with the sun in the fields every day?" The debate attracted the attention of all at the banquet. Is there any other fun to be had?As Mary chewed the words, her mind turned to picture after picture: hay carts running back and forth during the harvest; a bustling country fair; a classic play on a university stage; a Sunday picnic in Milford Park; Fishing alone in spring water by the lake: orchestra playing in unison: city hall party, full of laughter; block banquet, barn dance, harvest passion... winter sleigh flies to the silver sea; Independence Day fireworks rise, setting up seats in the night sky of Kansas The colorful Hongqiao... how much fun, how much joy! ... She also squinted at the woman and said, "You haven't been to the central region, which proves that you don't even know what you're talking about. The United States is by no means equal to Washington, Los Angeles, or New York. You haven't seen countless, Towns and villages unheard of make this country great and strong. Miners, farmers and blue collar workers make this country great. In Kansas we have ballet, symphony and theater. To be honest, We not only produce corn and wheat, but we also produce people who are faithful to God!" The next morning, James Stickley said to Mary: "You know what? You insulted a leading Senator's sister in public last night." "It deserves it!" Mary said contemptuously, "It's not cruel enough!" On Thursday morning, Angel was pissed off.A flight from Buenos Aires to Washington was delayed after a phone call threatened that a bomb was on board.This world is too unsafe, Angel thought angrily. Washington's hotel rooms are too modern - how to put it?too monotonous.But in Buenos Aires, everything has a personality. Finish the contract and go home.The work is too simple, and it is a blasphemy of my ability.But the money is generous, and it must be done tonight.I don't understand, I get excited when I think about killing people. Angel goes first to the electrical store, then to the paint store, and finally to the supermarket.He bought six light bulbs, and the rest of the tools were in two boxes in the hotel room.The box reads: Fragile, handle with care.In the first box, there are four military grenades, and in the second box are welding tools. Angel's movements were extremely careful.It is therefore also extremely slow.He had to cut off the top of the first grenade and paint the bottom the color of a light bulb.Then the explosive in the body is taken out and replaced with a shock explosive.After the grenade is fastened, it is wrapped with lead and iron shards.Angel smashed the bulb on the table, leaving only the filament and threaded cap.Soldering the filament to the electric detonator took less than a minute.The last process is to insert the filament into the gel and fix it into the painted body.After all this work, the bomb looks like a normal light bulb. According to these procedures, Angel finished processing all the remaining light bulbs, and all that was left was to wait for the phone call. The call came at eight o'clock in the evening.Angel picked up the earphones and just listened, not talking.After a while, a voice said, "He's gone." Angel put down the earphones and gently packed the light bulb into a container stuffed with fine wood shavings and put it in the suitcase, stuffing all the scraps into it as well.It takes seventeen minutes for a taxi to reach the apartment complex. There are no guards in the hall.Even if there is, Angel is ready to deal with him.The victim of the murder lived in the room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor.The lock was an old-fashioned Slaki, a child could break it.A few seconds later, Angel entered the room. He held his breath, but there was no one in the room. In just a few minutes, he replaced all six light bulbs in the apartment's living room.Afterwards, Angel went straight to Dulles Airport to board a late-night flight to Buenos Aires. Ben Cohen has been busy all day.In the morning, he covered the Secretary of State's press conference, followed by the Secretary of the Interior's retirement lunch, and then picked up a little secret from a friend in the Defense Department.He went home once, showered and changed, and went to dinner with a senior editor at The Washington Post.It was already midnight when we returned to the apartment.I have to get my notes together and I have a meeting with Ambassador Ashley tomorrow.thought Ben Cohen. Qiuzi is not in the city and will come back tomorrow.It doesn't matter, you can find another woman to join in.God, he laughed at the thought, that woman must know how to make me happy. He put the key in the lock.The room was pitch black. He fumbled for the light switch, and when he pressed his finger, the light flickered and the room exploded violently like an atomic bomb.His body was instantly shattered into pieces, blood and minced flesh splattered all over the walls. The next day, Alfred Shuttleworth's wife reported her husband missing.He has not been heard from since.
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