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Chapter 13 Chapter Twelve

It's not just about packing, it's about moving as a whole.This is also a farewell to thirteen years of dreams, memories and love, and a final farewell to Edward.This has always been their home, and it's going to be an empty house to be taken over by mere strangers.Little did they know that there had been laughter and sorrow in this house. Only Florence and Douglas were happy, because Mary finally accepted the great trust of the country. "You're going to do a great job!" Florence encouraged Mary. "Doug and I won't forget you and the kids." "Remember, you must come to country A to visit us."

"Definitely come." Before leaving Pepsi, everything is unfamiliar, and she needs to worry about everything.She made a list: "I will definitely ask someone to take care of your graduate class, don't worry about it. However, your students are reluctant to leave you." The dean smiled. "You will not disappoint us. Good luck, Mrs. Ashley!" "thanks." Mary checked the children out of school.She also had to arrange travel schedules and book plane tickets.In the past, Mary didn't manage the family money at all, and Edward took care of it herself, but now she has to do it herself.

Mary is a little worried about Beth and Tim.At the beginning, they were eager to emigrate to a foreign country immediately, but when they really faced the reality, they were full of worries.The two talked to their mother in private. "Mother," said Beth, "I can't bear to leave my friends, and I'll never see Virgil again. Can I get this term over before I go?" Tim said, "I just joined the little baseball team, and when I left, the team was short of a third baseman. Mom, can I not go until the summer? Please, Mom." They were terrified, like their mom.Stanton Rogers actually convinced me.He is a lobbyist!Did he know that she would cry alone in the dead of night?I don't know how to be an ambassador, I'm just an ordinary woman in Kansas, and if I want to be a politician, everyone will think I'm a liar.I agreed to the commission and I was crazy.

Finally, things miraculously fell into place.The house was rented to a family who had just moved into Jiang Kexin City. Time to leave. "Douglas and I will take you to the airport," Florence insisted. The airport is in Manhattan, Kansas, where you can take a small six-passenger plane to Kansas City, Missouri, and then change to a large passenger plane to Washington, DC. "Wait a minute," said Mary.She went upstairs alone, into the bedroom where she and Edward had lived for many years.She stood there for a long time, unable to bear to leave. Dearest, I am leaving, goodbye.I think what I have done is exactly what you expected.I seem to have a premonition that I will never come back.It makes me so sad, I feel like I've left you alone.But no matter where I go, you are always by my side.I need you more now.Come near me, help me, I love you dearly.I can't live without you.Did you hear my heart?where are you dear...

Douglas Skirford helped her through the baggage checks.Mary saw the plane about to fly and her feet were heavy: "Oh my god!" "Is there something wrong?" Florence asked anxiously. "I, I was so busy that I forgot one thing." "What's up?" "Fly! Florence, I've never been on a plane, and I'm afraid to climb on that little thing." "Mary—there's only one in a million chances of the plane crashing." "I hate the one in a million," Mary confessed. "Take the train instead." "No, others are waiting for you in Washington, and you must arrive this afternoon."

"I have to live, what good is it to them if I die?" It took the Skippers fifteen minutes to persuade Mary to get on the plane.Half an hour later, she and the children fastened their seat belts and sat firmly in seats on Flight 826 of Midwest Airlines.The engine roared, and the small plane accelerated on the runway.Mary quickly closed her eyes, clasping the armrests of the seat with both hands.A few seconds later, the plane took to the sky. "Mom..." "Don't bark!" She was sitting upright, not looking out the window.It was as if she had just kept the plane in the air.The children have long forgotten their fear, pointing to the scenery on the ground, and cheering for joy.

Children are children after all.Mary thought.They don't worry about anything. At the Kansas City airport, they changed to a DC-10 for a direct flight to Washington, D.C.Beth and Tim sat on one side, and Mary sat on the other side of the aisle.An elderly woman is next to Mary. "To tell you the truth, I was a little nervous," she said. "I've never been on a plane." Mary patted her arm and smiled: "There is nothing to be nervous about. The chance of a plane crash is only one in a million."
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