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Chapter 2 Chapter One

Stanton Rogers was a charismatic politician who often mingled with his followers, backed by countless powerful friends, and who was one step away from the presidency of the United States.Unfortunately, his excessive libido almost ruined his reputation.As Washington's dignitaries remarked: "He got himself out of the presidency in his lust." Stanton Rogers didn't consider himself a playboy. On the contrary, he was a model husband until he coveted that one night in bed.This gentleman is dignified and rich, and he is steadily moving towards the highest throne in the world.Although he had countless opportunities to be unfaithful to his wife, he never made a move on any woman.

The second incident is perhaps even more absurd.Stanton Rogers' wife Elizabeth is beautiful, intelligent, and good at socializing. The two have almost the same hobbies.And Barbara, who had a one-night stand with Rogers, was five years older than Rogers, and the two couldn't talk about a romantic relationship.Although this woman's face was not ugly, she was by no means gorgeous. Therefore, Rogers and Elizabeth filed for divorce, which became the headline scandal of the newspaper for a while.In the end, Rogers got his wish and married Barbara.Stanton is a sports fan, but Barbara hates all sports. Stanton has a lot of friends, while Barbara would rather leave her widowhood with her husband and entertain a few friends when she can't hide.People who knew Rogers were even more surprised to find that the couple had different political views!Stanton was full of liberal ideas, while Barbara was raised in a hard-nosed conservative family!

Paul Ellison, Stanton's close friend, had advised Rogers before this: "Man, you must have lost your head. You and Lizzie were made for each other. They are actually a pair in the Guinness Book of World Records." ", why did you dump her for a call girl?" Stanton Rogers said emphatically: "Stop it, Paul! I love Barbara. As soon as I get divorced, I will marry her!" "Have you thought about the effect of this incident on your future?" Stanton Rogers replied: "Half the marriages in this country end in divorce, what does it matter?" It turns out his prediction was wrong.The news that he had gone through all the troubles for the divorce became a hot topic in the press.Boring tabloids play it up and confuse the audiovisual.For a while, photos of Rogers in Tender Township also appeared in the newspapers, and the rumors of romantic men and women having an affair in the middle of the night were widely known, and the newspapers brought this gaudy sex news to life.When the public's interest in the matter waned, the friends who had been Stanton Rogers' backing disappeared.It turned out that they had chosen a new white knight to compete for the presidency, this person is Paul Ellison.

Ellison deserves to be an ideal choice.He was plain, and had none of the charm of Stanton Rogers, but he was intelligent, likable, and from a decent family background.He was not tall, with a pair of regular, frank blue eyes in his face.His wife was the daughter of a steel tycoon, named Alice.Ten years of husband and wife, tenderness and affection, passed down as a good story in the world. Paul Ellison, like Stanton Rogers, both studied at Yale University and graduated from Harvard Law School.The two grew up together, and their summer homes in Southampton are separated by a wall.When they were young, they swam together and started and organized a baseball team together.Later, Shuangshuang went to meet his girlfriend.They sat in a classroom at Harvard.Paul Ellison excelled academically, but the star of his class was Stanton Rodgers.Rogers became the editor-in-chief of the "Harvard Law Weekly", so he arranged for Ellison to be the deputy editor.Stanton Rogers' father was a senior partner at a prestigious Wall Street law firm, and when Stanton worked part-time at the firm during his summer vacation, he also introduced Paul there to make money.Straight out of law school, Stanton Rogers was a rising political star.If you compare him to a comet, Paul is the tail of the comet.

Divorce changed things completely.Now, it's the turn of Stanton Rodgers to be Paul Ellison's subsidiary, and the real anti-guest is the main one.It took Ellison fifteen years to reach the top of the mountain. He ran for the Senate first, lost his name, and somehow won the second round.In the years that followed, he became a ubiquitous and vocal legislator.He criticized the government's extravagance and crusade against the bureaucracy in Washington. He promoted populist views and advocated relaxation of international relations.When he was invited to give a speech for the incumbent president's re-election campaign, he was full of talent and witty words, which surprised the audience and won the hearts of the people.Four years later, Paul Ellison was elected President of the United States.The first person he appointed was Stanton Rogers, with the official title of foreign policy adviser to the president.

Marshall McLuhan predicted that television would turn the globe into a small village, and it has come true.The inauguration ceremony of the 42nd President of the United States was broadcast live by satellite to more than 100 countries. The Black Rooster Café, a hangout for journalists in Washington, D.C. Veteran political current affairs reporter for The Washington Post, Ben Cohen, sat at a table with four of his colleagues, watching the inauguration on the television set above the bar. "Bastard, I lost fifty yuan!" A reporter cursed angrily. "I told you not to bet. Ellison is sure to win. Man, he has a lot of power, don't you believe it now?"

In January, the north wind is bitterly cold.The camera pans out to the multitude of people gathered on Pennsylvania Avenue, their necks tucked into their coats, listening to the sound from the speakers set up around the rostrum.As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Jason Merlin led the oath, the new president shook his hand warmly before approaching the microphone. "Look at all the idiots standing in the snow and freezing their asses off!" quipped Ben Cohen. "Why don't they just stay home and watch TV like everybody else?" "why?" "Because someone is making history! So, guys, someday these guys will brag to their sons and grandkids that Paul Ellison was President and I stood by his side and I could fish him."

"You're so sarcastic, Cohen!" "Brave. Politicians in the world are a bunch of dogs. They get into politics to make a lot of money. Let's face it, man. Our new president is a liberal and an idealist, and that's enough to make any A man with a semblance of sanity has a nightmare. My definition of a liberal is: He's got his ass firmly in the cotton pile." Actually, Ben Cohen is not as sarcastic as it sounds.He interviewed Paul Ellison from the beginning of his fortune, and he had a bad impression of him at the beginning.As Ellison climbed higher and higher on the political ladder, Ben Cohen began to change his mind.This statesman is not a man of modest orders, he is a towering oak among the willows.

Outside, the sky was suddenly woven into a dark gray curtain by the cold rain.Ben Cohen, hoping that the weather wasn't an ominous sign of the political climate for the next four years, turned his gaze back to the screen. "The presidency of the United States is a flaming torch lit by the American people. It is held every four years and passed on from generation to generation. The torch handed to me is the most powerful weapon in the world. It is powerful enough to burn down civilization as we know it. Can be a beacon of light for us and the rest of humanity. We will choose between the two. My speech today is not only to our allies, but also to the various political forces in the world. I appeal to them now: in As we prepare to step into the 21st century, there is no longer any market for confrontation in the world, and we must learn to bring 'One World' to life. Any other path will only lead to total destruction from which no nation will ever survive . I am well aware that there are huge gaps between us and the countries of the Iron Curtain, and it is imperative for this administration to build a strong bridge across those gaps."

His words were filled with deep, heartfelt sincerity.Ben Cohen thought to himself: He has good intentions, and I hope no one assassinates the bastard! Junction City, Kansas.The sky was low and the clouds were dark, the wind was bleak, and the snow was flying heavily.Visibility on Route 6 was next to zero.Mary Ashley steered her battered pickup truck carefully in the middle of the highway, with the snowplow leading the way.She was rushing to class, and the snowstorm made her late, and the car was already at a crawl, and she was still worried about the wheels spinning. The president's voice came from the car radio: "...Many people in the government and the opposition insist that the United States should dig deeper and build fewer bridges. My answer is: we can no longer allow our generation and our The future of future generations is threatened by global confrontation and nuclear war."

Mary Ashley thought: It was not wrong to vote for him.Paul Ellison was poised to be a great president. She gripped the steering wheel tighter.At this time, the vast snow covered the eyes. On St. Croix Island, the sky is clear, blue and clear, and the sun is shining. However, Harry Lanz is not in the mood to go out for a walk. The life in the house makes him so comfortable.He was lying naked on the bed, and the Dolly sisters sandwiched him between them like a sandwich.From experience, Lanz realized that they were not sisters.Annette has a slender figure and naturally dark skin; although Sally is also tall, her skin is like snow.Lanz didn't care whether they were related or not.The terrible thing is that these two women are master flirts, and their current actions make Lanz want to scream with joy! Across the motel room, the image of the president flickered on a television screen. "Because I believe that as long as both sides show sincerity, there will be no problems that cannot be solved. The concrete wall in East Berlin will also collapse." "Honey, do you want me to turn off the damn thing?" Sally asked, stopping. "Don't close it, I want to hear what kind of dog skin plaster he sells." Annette looked up: "Did you vote for him?" Harry Lantz yelled, "Hi! You two!" "As you know, three years ago, the president of country A changed hands, and country A broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. Let me tell you now that we have contacted the government of country A and its president, and he agreed to resume relations with our country. Diplomatic relations." There was a cheer from the Pennsylvania Avenue crowd. Lanz sat up abruptly, Annette's teeth hurting him. "God!" Lanz screamed in pain, "what are you doing?" "Why are you moving?" Lanz didn't hear what she said, his eyes seemed to be glued to the TV. "One of our formal actions," said the President, "is to send an ambassador to Country A. This is only the beginning..." It was dusk in the capital of country A, and the winter weather was surprisingly warm.The streets of the night market are bustling with crowds, and people line up to buy food in the warm climate that does not match the season. In the ancient office, the president of country A is listening to the short-wave radio broadcast.He was surrounded by six assistants. "...I have no intention of stopping here," the President of the United States enthused. "I intend to re-establish all diplomatic relations that have been severed with the United States. In addition, I also want to consolidate our relations with countries C, D and G." Cheers and thunderous applause came from the radio. "Sending an ambassador to country A is nothing more than the beginning of people-to-people exchanges around the world. Let us not forget: human beings have the same origin, are plagued by the same problems, and will lead to the same ultimate destiny. Let us keep in mind: We are more or less the same, and the differences between us are caused by ourselves!" On the outskirts of Paris, there is a heavily guarded villa in the town of Neuilly. The defected leader of Country A, Marin Grossa, is watching the inauguration of the President of the United States broadcast on Channel 2. "...I assure you that I will do my best to discover the strengths in others..." The applause lasted a full five minutes. Marin Grossa said thoughtfully: "The time has come. Lev, he is speaking from the bottom of his heart." His security chief, Leo Pasternak, answered the question: "Is this good for the president?" Marin Grossa shook his head in denial: "However, I must proceed carefully, past failures cannot be repeated." Peter Conners wasn't drunk, at least not as drunk as he'd hoped.When he had finished his fifth Scotch, Nancy, his live-in secretary, came out and said, "Peter, haven't you had enough yet?" He smiled and patted her. "Our president is boasting, you have to be polite." He turned his head to look at the image of the president, and yelled at the screen: "You are a leftist, this is my country, and the CIA will never allow you to sell your country for glory. Stinky shit , wait to get rid of you, I advise you not to gamble with your ass!"
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