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windmill of the gods

windmill of the gods


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 163388

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Chapter 1 prologue

Two hundred miles away from Helsinki, deep in the jungle, there is a comfortably furnished wooden house that is weatherproof.The meeting will be held here.The dignitaries from the western chapters of the committee from eight countries arrived on time according to the well-designed time interval.Their visit was arranged by a senior Minister of the State Council of Finland, so there was no entry record in their passports.Once they arrived, they were escorted by armed guards into their hut in the dense forest.As soon as the last visitor showed up, the cabin was sold.Guards stood guard in the bitter January wind, vigilantly guarding against any intrusion.

The participants sit straight along the wide rectangular table.They were all powerful men, holding high positions in their respective governments.Prior to this, they had met on less confidential occasions.They are all close friends.They all have pseudonyms for the sake of confidentiality.The meeting lasted five hours and the debate was intense. Finally, the chairman decided to vote.He stood up, straightened his back, and asked the opinion of the person on the right: "Sigurd?" "agree." "Wodin?" "agree." "Bald?" "We are too impatient. If we are exposed, our lives will be endangered..."

"Agree or disagree, please express your opinion!" "disagree!" "Freer?" "agree!" "Sigmund?" "No. The danger is..." "Sol?" "agree." "Tell?" "agree!" "I also voted in favor. Resolution passed. I will inform the Superintendent of the results. At the next regular meeting, I will report to you on his recommendation for the best person to carry out this task. Gentlemen, leave the meeting in accordance with the usual safety regulations , that is, each person is separated by twenty minutes. Thank you."

Two hours and forty-five minutes later, the cabin was empty.A team of workers poured kerosene inside and outside the cabin and set it on fire.The wind was raging, and red flames rose.By the time the Paihe fire brigade arrived at the scene of the fire, there was nothing left of the cabin.The wind roars, the snow falls heavily, and the lingering smoke is lingering. It is vaguely discernible that there used to be a house here. The deputy chief of the fire brigade bent down to sniff the ashes. "Kerosene!" he cried aloud. "Arson!" The fire chief stared at the ruins, bewildered. "Strange!" he murmured to himself.

"what did you say?" "I was hunting in this forest last week, how can I have any house!"
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