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Chapter 62 Chapter 61

north sea shipwreck 克莱夫·卡斯勒 2018Words 2018-03-21
During the break between storms, the Russians boarded the Titanic.At this time, Spencer and some of his assistants in charge of the water pump stayed in the engine and boiler room on the bottom floor. They were caught off guard and had no chance of fighting back.This was completely beyond their expectations.It can be seen that Prevlov took great pains to formulate a detailed plan and execute the plan. The battle that took place above—the Holocaust is perhaps closer to the truth—was over almost before it even started.The five Russian marines, who accounted for half of the boarders, all pulled their sailor caps low, and covered their mouths with masks, almost covering their entire faces.As soon as they stepped into the gym, they aimed automatic pistols at everyone who didn't even know what was going on.

The first to respond was Woodson.He jumped up from the wireless telegraph, his eyes wide open as if he recognized someone.A look of rage suddenly appeared on his usually dull and indifferent face. "You bastard!" he blurted out, and lunged at a nearby intruder. But a knife in the man's hand did the trick, and he deftly stabbed Woodson in the chest, nearly splitting the photographer's heart in two.Woodson grabbed the murderer, and then fell slowly, his eyes showing panic at first, followed by confusion, severe pain, and finally a dazed death. Dana screamed in her hammock.The other salvage team members were finally inspired by the cry and joined the battle.Drummer punched Woodson's killer in the face, and the man hit him in the face with the barrel of a gun.Sturgis lunged at his opponent, but a little too late.Just as he was holding his opponent down, the butt of the rifle hit him just above the temple, and they both rolled on the deck.But the attacker quickly stood up, and Sturgis lay there as if dead.

Giordino was hitting another Russian on the head with a plank when there was a deafening shot, a bullet pierced his upraised hand, and the wrench fell with a clang to the other side of the deck. All actions seemed to be stopped by this gunshot.Sandek, Gunn, Sergeant Bascom, and his men all stopped in the middle of the brawl.They suddenly realized that it was hopeless to defend the ship with bare hands in the face of highly trained murderers with guns and live ammunition. Just then a man strode in, his sharp gray eyes seeing every detail of the whole scene.It took Andrei Prevlov only three seconds, at most three seconds, for him to pass judgment on any given scene.He stared at Dana, who was still screaming, and smiled gently. "Don't you scream, my dear lady," he said in perfect English. "I don't think it's necessary for a woman to damage her vocal cords by being too frightened."

Her wide eyes were full of fear.Mouth tightly shut, he huddled on the cot, staring at the pool of blood that piled up under Omar Woodson, trembling involuntarily. "Okay, that's much better." Prevlov followed her gaze to Woodson, then to Drummer, who was sitting on the deck with a tooth spit out, and then to Giordino, who Hold the bleeding hand with one hand and look at him too. "Your resistance is foolish," said Kurevlov. "One dead, three wounded, useless." "Who are you?" Sandek asked, "Why do you board this ship and kill my sailors?"

"Alas! What a pity we had to meet in such distant and unpleasant circumstances," said Prevlov apologetically. "Of course you are Admiral James Sandecker, aren't you?" "You answer my question." Sandek spat angrily. "My name is irrelevant," replied Prevlov. "The answer to your other question is self-evident. I take over the ship in the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." "My government will never stand by and let you get your way," "No," Prevlov muttered. "Your government will certainly do nothing."

"You underestimated us." Preflo shook his head. "It's not that I'm underestimating, Admiral. I know full well what your countrymen can do. I also know that they won't start a war because we legally boarded an abandoned ship. " "Legally boarded?" Sandek repeated. "The Salvage Civil Code defines waiver as: the crew of the ship has abandoned it at sea and has no intention of returning to and recovering the ship. There are still sailors on the ship, so you His presence, sir, constitutes blatant piracy on the high seas." "You don't have to explain the law of the sea to me." Prevlov raised a hand in protest. "At the moment, of course you are right."

The meaning of this sentence is clear. "You wouldn't dare send us adrift at sea during a hurricane." "Not to be so vulgar, Admiral. Besides, I'm well aware that the Titanic is getting flooded, and I need your salvage engineer, Spencer, I think, and his men. Sailors pump water until the storm dies down. After this, a life raft will be given to you and your crew. As soon as you leave, we are guaranteed the right to salvage." "You're not going to let us live as witnesses," Sandek said. "Your government will never allow that. You and I understand that."

Prevlov looked at him calmly and impassively.Then he turned casually, almost grimly, away from Sandek.He spoke to a marine in Russian.The man nodded and kicked the radio over, smashing it with the butt of his gun into shards of metal, glass, and broken wires. "Your telegraph room is no longer useful." Prevlov walked up and down the gym. "I've installed my communications equipment in the great dining room on D-deck. If you and a few others will come with me, I can keep you comfortably until the weather clears." "One more question." Sandek said without moving. "You have to answer me."

"Of course, Admiral, of course." "Where's Dirk Pete?" "I regret to inform you," said Prevlov, with ironic sympathy, "that Mr. Pete was in the helicopter when it slid out of the boat into the sea. He must have died soon." gone."
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