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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

fourth king 马里奥·普佐 2178Words 2018-03-21
In the Shah bin Sultanate, Yabri stands at the door of a hijacked airliner, pondering his next move. It was only at this time that his tense nerves relaxed, and he looked at the surrounding desert.Sudan has placed missiles and radars at key locations, and a team of armed soldiers has set up a cordon around the plane so that the TV vans can only be parked a hundred yards away recently, and a large crowd has gathered behind these vans .Yabri thought that tomorrow he should issue an order to bring those TV interview vehicles and crowds closer together, so that there would be no danger of sudden attack. Yabri knew that the plane was densely covered with Booby traps, he would eventually blow the plane to pieces, sending the bones and metal shards into the surrounding desert.

Finally he turned back from the cabin door and sat next to Teresa Kennedy. They stayed alone in the first-class cabin. All the other passengers and hostages were driven to the common cabin by the terrorists, and several other criminals were in the cockpit. Li guarded the crew. Yabri tried to make Teresa feel relaxed and calm, and he told her that the other hostages were well taken care of, and of course, like her, they didn't feel all that comfortable, to be honest, He wasn't quite as comfortable himself either, and said grimly, "You know, it's in our own interest that you won't get any harm."

Tereza believed in him, and in every way she found that dark, warm face to be sympathetic, and although she knew he was a dangerous man, she could not really hate him, and she naively believed that, because of the situation she was in, she could not really hate him. status, no one dared to do anything to her. Yabri said almost in a begging tone: "You can help us and these hostages. Our motives are righteous. You said this a few years ago, but the Jewish interest groups in the United States are too powerful. They Shut your mouth." Teresa shook her head, "I believe you have your legitimate motives, everyone does. The problem is that no one on this plane did any harm to you or your motives. suffer for the sins of their enemies."

Her courage and sagacity especially delighted him.His beautiful American face made him look like an American doll, which pleased his eyes. She is not afraid of him, and she is not afraid of what happened to her now.This surprised and shocked him again, it was all due to the arrogance of her being born in a famous family, her rich and superior life made her ignorant, of course, this was also caused by the nature of her family. "Miss Conedy," he seduced her politely, "we have long heard that you are not like those depraved American women, that you have great compassion for the oppressed poor of the world, and you even expressed Israel should not have any right to expel people from the occupied areas and bring the occupied areas into their own territory, I thought you might be willing to make a video and let the world hear your thoughts."

Teresa Kennedy looked at Yabri's face, his brown eyes were gentle and clear, and his dark and thin face smiled even childishly.She has been brought up to believe in the world, in others, and in her own intelligence and beliefs, and she can see that the man in front of her also sincerely believes in everything he does, and that he, in an inexplicable way, earned her respect. She politely declined, "You may be right, but I won't do anything to hurt my father," she paused, and then added, "I don't think your methods are very clever. Murder and Terror does not help at any time."

Hearing this, Yabri felt a strong contempt in his heart, but he politely shot back: "Israel was built on terror and American money. Did you learn this in American universities? We really know Israel. But not as hypocritical as you, our Arab oil princes have never been as generous to us as your Jewish philanthropists are to Israel." Teresa said: "I believe in the state of Israel and I believe that the Palestinians should have their own homeland. I have no influence over my father, we are always at odds with each other. But there is nothing that justifies what you are doing. .”

Yabri became a little impatient. "You have to understand that you are in my hands now," he said. "I have made a request to them. After the deadline, one hostage will be killed every hour. You will Be the first." Contrary to Yabri's expectation, there was still no sign of fear on her face, could it be that she was too stupid to react?How could such an apparently pampered woman have so much courage?He wanted very much to find out.So far they had been kind to her, she was held alone in the first-class cabin, the guards were respectful to her, she looked annoyed, but she calmed herself down with tea.

Now that she was staring at him, he noticed that her pretty face was framed all the more alluringly by her soft blond hair, her eyes were blue from fatigue, and her lips, though unpainted, had a fresh tinge. Fuchsia. Teresa said slowly and calmly: "My two poor grandfathers were killed by people like you. My family has always been under the shadow of death. After my father became president, he has been very worried about me. He warned me that there are people like you in the car, but I didn't listen to him, and now I wonder why you are acting like a rogue? Do you really think killing a girl can frighten the whole world? "

Probably not, Yabri thought, but I also killed the pope.For a moment he had the impulse to tell her all this, to tell her the grand scheme of things, how he was going to destroy the power that people feared, the authority of great nations and churches, and explain to her that only terror can drive people away from power. of fear. But he just reached out and patted her, reassuring her, "I won't hurt you, they will come to negotiate, life itself is a negotiation, and we are talking now, and we are also negotiating, every act of terror, every sentence Words of insult or praise are negotiations. Don't take what I just said seriously."

She laughed heartily. She found him witty, which flattered him, she reminded him of Romeo, and she shared his instinctive enthusiasm for every little pleasure in life, even a simple joke, once He said to Romeo: "God is the most fundamental terrorist." At that time, Romeo was so excited that he clapped his hands and applauded. Yet Yabri felt faint, sick, ashamed of himself for trying to curry favor with Teresa Kennedy, and he believed it was time in his life to move beyond such a weak individuality.If he could convince her to make a video, he wouldn't have to kill her.
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