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Chapter 30 Section 14 Give way

Le Corgi cried... sad tears!This is a way to let go of the pain! He ordered: "Fire!..." It was he!It was his order.Bullets flew across and blood flowed like rivers.Because of him they died, and he had blood on his hands, like those despotic tyrants.He used to hate it. The task is not finished, this is just the beginning. Le Corgi was able to face the reality. He had forgotten his sorrow and began to cheer up. He ordered the women and the old to bury the dead, carried away the wounded, and then led a large army to pursue the victory.The enemy was frightened and ran away, not daring to resist at all.The army was in hot pursuit of them.

On the way, I met the reinforcements who were late, and it was easy to clean them up.They were driven north, and the army searched the island thoroughly and found many dead bodies.Unable to bear the hunger, these people had to come out to find food in cold weather, and once they fell to the ground, they could never get up again.Due to the freezing weather, its body remained perfectly fine.Once the ice and snow melted, his body began to decompose, turning into mud, and returning to nature. Within three weeks, more than 18,000 people were driven to the Dumas Peninsula, and Le Corgi sent people to guard the mouth.

The Franco-British Gold Mining Company sent three hundred soldiers as reinforcements.Despite the strengthening of troops, the situation is still not optimistic.Although the gold diggers were suppressed, they are now gathered together, and now there are many people, as long as they are united, they have a chance to fight back. The Franco-British firm intends to hire workers to save the day.The two managers of the company suggested to Le Corgi that the gold diggers should be strictly screened, and that 1,000 people should be allowed to stay on Host Island and be hired by the gold mining company.

Le Corgis readily accepted this as an opportunity to dismantle the opponent's power.The two managers entered the Dumas peninsula fearlessly, and a week later they brought back a thousand men. The situation turned around, the enemy's strength was weakened, and the Horst people had the upper hand. They were well-disciplined and well-armed.The repatriation work was completed within a few days, and all the perpetrators have been driven away. They ruined the island into a mess, the land was barren, the grains were not harvested, and many livestock died.In short, life has taken a big step back, and everything has to start from scratch, just like when the country was founded.Residents of Khost face the threat of starvation.

The danger exists, but don't be intimidated by him, the important thing is to hurry up. 'He knew that, in this way.He had to act his own way. As last time, collect all the food first, and then distribute it according to needs.Despite complaints, the measures were enforced and any protests were ignored. The food crisis is temporary. While food preparation is being carried out, the government has ordered large quantities of food in South America.When the first shipments arrived in Newtown a month later, things immediately improved. Thanks to his dictatorship, Liberia and Newtown are restored to their former prosperity.The port was as busy as ever, the fishing was good and American and Norwegian ships were coming in to do business.Oil mills and canneries are back in operation.Those who stayed on Tierra del Fuego could not bear the rules and regulations of the Argentine government, so they moved their families to Khost Island to settle down.

Around December 15, people's life basically returned to normal.At this time, the government purchased three large ships of 600 tons, named Yagana, which sailed regularly between islands and villages and towns. In addition, they also had to undertake the shipping work for the newly built Cape Orle lights. In 1893, at the end of the year, Le Corgis was told: the lighthouse was built.Iron towers, warehouses, bedrooms, and mechanical and electrical rooms have all been repaired.And Dick invented a device that generates electricity through ocean waves, so the machine can run forever without fuel.

To celebrate the inauguration ceremony, Le Corgi chose January 10, 1894, and Jagana sent two or three hundred people to Orles Island. The plan is set, and nothing will disturb this good day.Suddenly, another strange thing happened, and he had to change course. On January 6, four days before the inauguration, a warship sailed into Newtown, flying the Chilean flag.Le Corgi saw the ship in the Governor's Palace and kept watching it with binoculars.As soon as the boat touched the shore, the people on the boat hurriedly moved things down.Because of the distance, he couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

He watched for an hour, when a man from Newtown delivered Caloli's message to him. "What's the matter?" Le Corgi asked as soon as he entered the door. "A Chilean warship has entered Newtown," he said, out of breath as he was running so fast. "It stopped at the port, and heavily armed soldiers went ashore." "Soldiers! . . . " cried Le Corgis. "Yes, the Chilean soldiers...have guns...one hundred...two hundred...three hundred...Caloli didn't say anything, he asked me to report to you." Things are strange, no wonder Calori is nervous.When was it ever heard that armed soldiers would enter another country's territory in peacetime?Even from Chile, Le Corgi still felt out of order, so be careful.Precautions must be taken just in case.

"They're coming!..." The man suddenly called out. It was an army, it was true, and the guns glistened in the sun, but there were no more than a hundred and fifty of them. Surprised Le Corgi immediately gave the order, and the signalmen set off immediately.Then he waited calmly. Within a quarter of an hour, the Chilean army arrived in the square and lined up in front of the government gate, under the surprised eyes of the Khost people.An officer in full dress came out and knocked on the door with his saber.After the door opened, he asked to see the governor. He was taken to Le Corgi's office and the door closed behind him.Another minute later, a dull voice indicated that the outer door was also closed.He has become a prisoner without knowing it.

He didn't seem worried about his situation, he stopped after taking a few steps forward, took off his hat, and watched Le Corgi standing motionless by the window. Le Corgi spoke first. "Please explain, sir," he said curtly, "what is the purpose of an armed soldier coming to Khost Island? As far as I know, we are not at war with your country." The official handed him a large envelope. "Mr. Governor, I am entrusted by the government. Please allow me to deliver this letter to you personally." Le Corgi opened the envelope and read the letter carefully with a blank expression.

After reading the letter, Le Corgi said: "Sir, you must know. The Chilean government asked you to obey my orders and restore order on the island." The official only bowed in acquiescence. "However, the Chilean government received inaccurate information," Le Corgi said. "Host Island has indeed experienced turmoil. Its people have solved their problems and established a new order." The official looked very embarrassed and didn't answer. "Therefore," continued Le Corgi, "we sincerely thank the Republic of Chile for its selfless assistance, and we decline this proposal. I hope you will consider yourself to have accomplished your task." The official looked even more embarrassed. "Mr. Governor, I will convey to my government the exact words you have said," he said, "but you should understand that, as long as the government does not give me clear instructions, I must continue to carry out my task." "What mission?..." "Garrison in Khost, under your guidance and under my command, the army will restore order and maintain stability." "Very well!" said Le Corgis. "Suppose I object to this form of garrison? . . . Does your government anticipate this?" "Yes, Mr. Governor." "What is it?" "Ignore objections." "Use force?" "When necessary, yes! But I hope you will not drive me to extremes." "Understood," said Le Corgis calmly. "To tell you the truth, I've expected it. . Give me time to think about it." "Monsieur Governor," he said, "I await your decision." He gave a military salute and walked towards the door.The door was locked and could not be opened, and he turned towards Le Corgi. "Am I ambushed?" he asked. "I think of a joke," Le Corgi teased. "Who are the criminals? Aren't they the troops who broke into friendly countries with guns in peacetime?" The officer blushed. "You know, Mr. Governor," he said awkwardly, "that the invasion you speak of has absolutely nothing to do with my government or myself." "Are you sure?" Le Corgi retorted calmly. "You can vouch for your personality that the Chilean government has no other purpose than the officially stated point of view? An army can both protect and suppress people. If the Chilean government If you regret giving us independence, then your presence here will not help the Chilean government." He flushed again. "I'm not here," he said, "to discuss orders from my government. My only mission is to carry them out." "Indeed." Le Corgi admitted, "I also want to fulfill my mission, which is to protect the interests of the people." "If I object?" the official retorted. "Mr. Governor, you understand that I have time for your reply." "I'm afraid it's not enough," said Le Corgis. "We'll have to wait here." "Here? . . . Then you take me as a prisoner?" "Exactly," said Le Corgis. The Chilean officer shrugged. "You forgot," he took a step towards the window, "I just have to shout..." "Try it!..." Le Corgi stopped his way. "Who will stop me?" "I!" They looked at each other, as if they were about to make a move. After a stalemate for a while, the Chilean officer took a step back.He knew that although he was young, he was not his opponent.And his majestic demeanor also made him have to retreat. "That's right," said Le Corgis. "We all return to our original positions. If you wait a little longer, I will definitely give you an answer." The officer stood at the door, pretending to be relaxed despite his worries, and Le Corgi stood by the opposite window.Is lost in thought.He considered the issues ahead with great foresight. The first is the motives of the Chilean government, which is clear: it has forcibly stationed troops under the guise of helping to quell the riots, with the aim of annexing the country.Why should it break its promise?The key issue is profit-driven, and while Khost Island thrives, Chile has no regrets about its generosity, and it has benefited immensely.Now that a gold mine has been discovered, things have changed.It begins to regret, regretting that it has no vision. The Chilean government has issued an ultimatum, the most important thing is how to solve the problem reasonably. resistance? ……Why not?The one hundred and fifty soldiers and the warship could not intimidate Le Keji at all, and they would definitely not take advantage of any fight against Horst's army. However, to resist is to fight, to shed blood, and then this land must be made to flow into rivers of blood.resist what?Khorst is independent, the people are free, but he, the leader, guides them to fight.Why fight?These mortal beings have been ruined just to sing praises to him.Since he's in power, what's the difference with a despotic tyrant?Has he not tossed enough? However, compared with other leaders, he is neither good nor bad, but he cannot help himself. Although he is upright and selfless, as a leader, he always makes a lot of mistakes.What a contradictory person he is: he admires absolute liberalism, but gives orders to others; he loves peace, but brings wars many times. In fact, his behavior does not contradict his theory.First of all, human beings have flaws, and Si descended to him, and he had to lead them.All the tragedies he experienced did not show the legitimacy of force, and he had three strong evidences: First, the Patagonian invasion, and like all leaders in the world, he had no choice but to fight.This time, Paderson exposes human brazenness to the extreme.No matter how tolerant he was, he had to use force to judge and expel him, which he adopted was the behavior of a tyrant. Second, when the gold mine was discovered, Khost Island was suddenly invaded by thousands of people, and the people naturally wanted to unite and share a common hatred.In the face of disaster, there is no choice but to fight with force, only violence and death.When he gave an order, blood flowed everywhere. Third, there is no doubt that the Chilean government issued an ultimatum. He ordered resistance again?People will pay more with their lives just to defend a leader.He would never have resorted to such extreme measures unless circumstances forced him to do so. What should I do now? He is tired!He ordered massacres, diabolical killings.The horrible sight haunted him all the time.The pain has been pressing on my heart.How can not forget.The back is bent, the eyes dim, the mind slows down, and ambition turns to cowardice.He is completely dead.enough. What should I do? ...is it okay to die? ... This is a way of relief, and he is not afraid of death.A strong-willed person takes life and death lightly.But again, a sane person would never use suicide methods. Can this contradiction be reconciled? ... Le Corgi finally remembered the existence of the officer.The man appeared impatient, but in control. "Sir, you threatened to use force just now, but have you seen my army?" "Your army?..." The officer was surprised. "Look for yourselves, a hundred and fifty soldiers are standing in battle, for they are surrounded by more than five hundred Khosts armed with ammunition." "We have five hundred guns now," said Le Corgis coldly, "a thousand tomorrow, and more the day after tomorrow." The officer's face paled.What a trap he had fallen into!The mission got him bad luck, but he managed to maintain his composure nonetheless. "The warship..." he said in a firm tone. "We are not afraid," Le Corgier interrupted, "we are not afraid of your guns and we have them." "Chile..." He was still struggling. "Yes," Le Corgi interrupted him again, "Chile still has warships and troops. If it really takes extreme actions, it will be wrong. We now have more than six thousand people, and you and One hundred and fifty people happened to be hostages." The officer said nothing, and Le Corgis said solemnly: "Do you know who I am?" The Chilean looked his formidable opponent up and down, feeling uncomfortable. "Why do you ask me that?" He stammered, "Twelve or thirteen years ago, the captain of the Ribalto recognized you. There was indeed a lot of discussion at that time, but you have already refuted the rumors, so there shouldn't be such a thing. sort of thing." "It's true. I'm trying my best to forget who I am, but I think you'll remember who I am. Then I have a way to bring in reinforcements that the Chilean government won't dare to act rashly." The officer was at a loss for words, with a distressed expression on his face. "However, I will approach the question fairly and not flatly say no." The officer raised his head, "Treat?..." Did he hear clearly? ... He was in a desperate situation just now, and now there is a turning point. "If possible," Le Hegu continued, "I would like to know what kind of power you have." "The greatest power." The Chilean officer affirmed. "Is there any written proof?" "Have." "Well, please show me." He took another envelope from his inside pocket. "Here you are." If Le Corgi had obeyed from the beginning, he would never have read the second letter. "It's completely legal, your signature has legal effect." Le Corgi paused for a moment, then continued. "We are frank and honest. Chile wants to take back its sovereignty. I will do my best to oppose it. I will say one thing. But I will give you a suggestion." "I'm all ears." "First of all, the Chilean government can only collect gold mine taxes on Host Island, and nothing else. Even if the gold mines are exhausted, it should keep its promise and keep the policy unchanged. As for the gold mines, it has the right to own Decide on various taxes." The Chilean officer couldn't believe his ears. Without any haggling, he solved the key problem, and everything else was trivial. Le Corgi continued: "Chile has only taxation rights for gold mines. In other respects, Khost Island is completely independent. It can send a permanent diplomatic representative, who can only be a consultant and has no right to participate in politics. I will appoint a governor to exercise government power." "You must be the governor?" "No!" Le Corgi retorted. "What I want is freedom, and I'm sick of running the government. So I'm going to step aside, but I retain the right to choose my successor." This statement was unexpected.He really saw through the world of mortals? "The heir's name is Dick. He only has this name. He is a young man of twenty-two years old. I have educated and trained him. I will entrust the government to him... This is one of my conditions." "I totally agree." He was so excited that he agreed without thinking. "Very good," Le Corgi was also satisfied, "we will write the agreement." He got to work, signed by both parties, in triplicate. "One is for your government, one is for my successor, and I keep the third. If someone breaks the contract, I will enforce it... However, the matter is not over yet." He handed another document to Opponent, "I still have to make some personal decisions. Please look at another treaty." The officer obeyed, looking on with surprise. "What! You are not joking!" "No, this is an additional condition, are you going to accept it?" "Sign it now." They sign again. "We have nothing more to say. Take your troops and leave. Tomorrow a new regime will begin, and until then I demand absolute secrecy." When he was left alone, he sent for Caroli.During this time, he wrote a letter, put in an agreement signed with the Chilean government, and sealed it.After a while, the Indians came. "Move these things to Ville-Tier," said Le Corgis, handing him a list; food, powder guns, seeds. Although he has always been obedient, he couldn't help asking a few questions.He is going on a trip?Why not use this old ship?Le Corgi said only one word. "Go do it!" After Calori left, he called Dick again. "Son," he handed him the envelope, "I have a document for you to open at sunrise tomorrow." "Okay." He replied bluntly. It's amazing, even if he feels confused, he will never reveal it. A strict teacher makes a good student. "Now, you go. Strictly follow my orders!" He leaned close to the window and looked out for a long time, Liberia, the new town was in front of him.As night fell, the lights were brilliant.It was his masterpiece, and he was both tired and proud.It was a relief that he would be away from them.He didn't say goodbye to anyone, didn't leave any words, and disappeared silently. It was late at night, and the lights went out one by one.People have fallen asleep. Le Corgi hit the road.He went straight to Newtown without meeting a soul. Ville-jet stopped at the pier, and he boarded the ship and hoisted the sails.The skiff had sailed out of the harbor and started to accelerate.The waves crashed against the shore, and Le Corgi was lost in thought. By the time he turned around to take one last look, it was too late.Newtown, Liberia, and Khost Island have disappeared into the night.
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