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Chapter 19 Explosion in the third quarter

"It can't go on like this!" roared Lewis Doric, and his accomplices gave a sharp gesture of agreement. At the end of the day's work, Doric, Brother Moore, and Siriday took a walk on the southern slope of the nearest hill to Goliberia.This mountain is connected with the central mountain range of the Alti Peninsula, going eastward, forming a cape, and finally submerged in the sea. "No! It can't go on like this!" repeated Lewis Doric, furiously. "This fellow imposes laws on us, and he'll be a man if he doesn't obey him!" "He treats you like a dog." Ciri Dai added fuel to the fire, "We're better at...doing this...doing that, and he doesn't even look at you when he talks. Why, he's sick of us, the Indian!"

"Why does he dictate and give orders to us?" Doric asked angrily. "Who appointed him governor?" "Not me," Siriden said. "Nor me," said Fred Moore. "Nor me," said brother William. "Not you, nor anyone." Doric concluded, "This guy is not stupid! He snatched away the others before he abdicated." "It's not legal," Brother Moore said seriously. "Legal!...Damn it! He doesn't care about the law!" Doric sarcastically said, "Since everyone is obedient and dare not say a word, then why should he have any scruples?...If the land is redistributed, he Did you ask for our opinion? In the past, everyone was equal, but now there is a gap between the rich and the poor."

"We have all become poor." Siridai confirmed with a sad face, and then added furiously: "Just three days ago, he announced to me that my daily wages would be reduced to three cents..." "How could it be like this?...and don't explain the reason?..." "By the way, why am I being lazy at work... I don't do less work than him. He hangs around with his hands in his pockets from morning to night... Originally, the wages for a day were less, but now they have been reduced to only three triangles! ...If you want me to help him build the bridge, there are no doors!..."

"You will starve to death." Doric asked coldly. "It's hunger and cold!..." Xi Ridai clenched her fists and said. William Moore took up the topic, "He didn't bother me half a month ago. He said that I was rude to his accountant, John Ram, as if I was in his way... If you saw that scene If you don’t say that?...It’s like an emperor...Why, you have to say thank you for spending money on their poor-quality food!” It was Fred Moore's turn to speak: "I did too last week... He made an excuse that I got into a fight with a buddy... so now I don't even have the right to take a few friendly pats on my friend?... But, his police put I caught it... What's even more annoying is that I was locked up for a few days!"

"Why, we've all become slaves!" Siriden said. "A slave," muttered William Moore. They discussed this matter upside down no less than a hundred times that night, and it became a topic they would talk about every day from now on. Le Corgis enacted and promulgated labor laws.This is bound to hurt the interests of some people, especially lazy people who expect to get something for nothing.From then on, they really felt angry. Doric's coterie complained that the rabble was as perverse as he himself, always looking to get something for nothing, and to squeeze the blood of others.They want to repeat the old tricks, but the victims who were so submissive now know their rights and responsibilities, and someone will come forward to uphold justice when necessary, so these submissive people become fearless.Those who once lived by preying and threatening others are now forced to fend for themselves like everyone else.

They had no choice but to vent their dissatisfaction, spread rumors, and make groundless accusations.Only in this way can they feel satisfied and can suppress the growing resentment. To tell the truth, up to now, what they have done is talk but not hand.But one night, things changed qualitatively.Complaining and complaining are no longer of much use, you have to act.Overwhelmed anger can lead to desperation. Doric heard his accomplices talking loudly, but did not interrupt them.Finally, they turned around and asked him for advice, and let him decide. "Everything is just on paper now." He said in a mean tone. "You are willing to be slaves. You asked for it. If you had worked harder, you would have been free. You are so Many people have to endure a single tyrant!"

"What do you want us to do?" Siriden asked helplessly, "He is the most powerful." "Okay!" Doric made an in-depth analysis, "He is the strongest because he is surrounded by cowardly and vulnerable people." Although Fred Moore nodded, he somewhat didn't believe Doric's words. "That's possible! . . . " he said, "but there are plenty of people on his side, and there are only four of us . . . " "Stupid!..." Doric interrupted him shamelessly, "it's not because he's Le Corgis that they're on his side, because he's the governor. If he's overthrown, people will treat him He dismissed it, and if I were in his position, everyone would nod and bow to me like they see him now."

"I didn't say otherwise," said William Moore, slightly sarcastic, "but that's the point of the matter. He's the governor, not you." "I don't think you understand at all," said Doric, his face pale with anger. "It is true that this is the crux of the problem, but there is only one problem. Those pugs following Le Corgi, even for his The successor will shake his head and ears, but we only see that the leader is not pleasing to the eye...then, kill him!" There was no sound, and Doric's three companions looked at each other, feeling cold sweat.

"Get rid of him!" Siriday finally spoke, "How to do it!...Don't count me in doing this kind of thing." Lewis Doric shrugged. "It's easy to handle, you get out of the way." He said dismissively. "Don't count me in," added William Moore. "I, I will do it," said his brother sternly. Le Corgi had humiliated him, and he brooded. "However, how should I put it... I think it's very difficult to do..." "On the contrary, it's easy." Doric objected. "yes?" "Indeed..." Siriday cut in on their conversation.

"You, you, you...you...you...after Le Corgi is...as Doric said, what will you do?" "what should we do?" "Yeah, what to do? Kill a man, just lose one man, nothing else, everyone else is alive. Doric is not on point, they will listen to us, I don't care about that." Feel optimistic." "They will be at our mercy." Doric insisted. "Hmm!" Siriden said still with doubts, "No matter what, it will only be some people." "Why are there only a few people?... It is common to have a lonely family yesterday, but the next day there are millions of troops... Moreover, it is not necessary for all the people. As long as there are a few people in the lead, the others will be Will follow."

"Where do these people come from?" "We are here." "Oh!..." Siriday sighed. "First of all, there are four of us." Doric had long been angry with him for asking questions like this. "There are only four people." Xi Ridai still said calmly. "And Kennedy? . . . can he count? . . . " "Of course," Xi Ridai nodded sincerely, "five people." "And Jackson," said Doric, "Schmirnoff, Rhett, Brummond Field, Lowry." "Ten." "There are still people, you have to count them." "Then let's count them." Siriden suggested. "Okay!" Doric agreed, and took out a pen and notebook from his pocket. The four of them sat down and lowered their heads to see how many supporters there would be after getting rid of Le Corgi.And Doric believes that only Le Corgis can gather a plate of loose sand into a force that everyone fears.As long as someone announces a name, everyone has to debate fiercely before it is recorded in the notebook. From their position, they can overlook the panorama.The river flowing from the west passed under their eyes, suddenly turned sharply, turned back, and rushed northwest.This creates two parallel rivers that join the sea at New Town, where the city of Liberia lies just around the corner.Looking further into the distance, there is a large swamp that separates the city from the river. On February 225, 1884, Le Corgis had been in power for a year and a half.Time flies, and the progress of the project is surprising. The new workers completely filled the gap in Liberia's lack of labor and took on heavy responsibilities.Liberia's population has soared to more than a thousand.Most people live in houses with wooden structures, and there are many buildings, so it is not a problem to settle these people.The rivers in the northwest constrained the growth of the city, so expansion work proceeded rapidly to the south. It is no longer a barracks, but a real city.All kinds of facilities are available.Of course, it is daily needs: bakeries, grocery stores, butcher shops can meet the supply.Most of the goods sold are provided by Khost Rural and are mainly consumer goods.In the next few years, the island will be self-sufficient in wheat, vegetables, and pork, and it can also be exported. The children no longer wandered about, a school was established, and the Lordes took turns as teachers. Ali Lordes returned in October, after a year of separation, with an innumerable cargo.As soon as he came back, he had a long conversation with Le Corgi, and then he devoted himself to running his own business, and kept silent about being out for so long. Although the Lordes couple spent a lot of energy and time educating their children, they did not delay their business at all.With the help of Edward and Kenali, as well as Dulia and Graziina, the business is booming and the business is getting bigger and bigger. A doctor named Samuel Arvidson and a pharmacist settled in Liberia from Valparaíso, Chile, and practiced medicine for money.A clothing store and a shoe store also opened, doing well.Those people have opened once before, and this time they are making a comeback, and the business is booming.Liberia had several bosses with many employees: masons, carpenters, furniture makers, turners, locksmiths.There is a locksmith whose skills are so perfect that he can make locks by himself. At the southern end of the city, not far from the home of Lewis Doric and his gang, a factory started to operate, producing bricks of first-rate quality.At Dongtou, behind the mountains, abundant raw materials were found: sulfate and lime carbonate.Therefore, there is no shortage of gypsum and lime in production. Some people have even made bold attempts to produce cement through primitive methods. These things can just meet the needs of port construction. At this time.The four disaffected people were walking on the wide road below the mountain. They were leaving the road and heading up the mountain.This road will continue to be extended and further repaired, and everyone knows the plan.Two months ago, the road was repaired in front of Li Weili Manor, and since then, many fork roads have diverged to other farms, but the main road continues to go north. A road across a solid stone bridge connecting the capital to Newtown has been opened. But little has changed in the small town.The dam built on the beach is extending towards the sea bit by bit. Now it can block the east wind that blows into the small bay of the new town. If this continues, a large harbor will gradually be formed. The weir frame is built, and the wharf is built. One day, the ship can sail into the wharf and dock. The dam has only just been built and the pier is not yet complete, and Khost Island has received three boats in the last year.They were used to deliver goods and labor for Le Corgi, and this year seven ships came, two of which were rented by the government, and the other five ships were rented by private parties for private affairs. There is now a galleon at Newtown, half loaded with a shipment from Lee Willy's Sawmill; and just a few hours ago another ship, laden with planks, weighed anchor behind the headland to the east. disappear. In spite of the prosperity and prosperity here, in spite of the picturesque beauty here, Lewis Doric and his party turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear.They see this situation every day, they are used to it, and it is not surprising that it has become worthless.They have become numb now.Things are changing with each passing day, and even though it has been nearly three years since the Jonathan sank, they still feel like it was yesterday.How would they appreciate the progress Kojima was making?They didn't feel that there was anything unusual. The changes on the island were commonplace, so they were natural phenomena, and things should be like this. But now, what they think of is another thing, which is to count the residents of Liberia, and write down one name after reading it. "Can't find any more," said Siriden at last. "How many are there?" Doric tapped the names on the notebook. "One hundred and seventeen," he said. "But the total number is 1,000 people!..." Xi Ridai reminded. "So what?..." Doric explained, "One hundred and seventeen people, that's a lot. Do you think there are so many people in Le Corgi? Does anyone boast of sacrificing everything for him? They are just some Gentle sheep." Siriday didn't sing a different tune again, but he was obviously not persuaded. "We've said enough," Doric interrupted the others roughly, "let's vote, four of us." "I," cried Fred, fists held high, "I've had enough of it, and there's no escape from it. I'm in favor of doing it." "I agree too," said his brother. "Including me, three votes...then you, Siriden?..." "I'm going with the flow," said the former chef listlessly, "but..." Doric interrupted him: "There's nothing but, don't change what's agreed." "But it really should be," Siriday said stubbornly, but tried not to make him angry. "Find a good way to kill Le Corgi. Saying it, doing it is another thing." "Oh! . . . if only we had guns . . . a gun . . . a revolver . . . even a gun! . . . " exclaimed Fred Moore. "It just so happens that we don't." Siriden remained indifferent. "How about a knife?..." William suggested. "It's okay to kill yourself with a knife, brother." Siriday retorted, "You don't know that there are guards everywhere around Le Cogi... and he himself is tall and powerful, you will not be an opponent. The four of us will take advantage of it together." Not cheap." With a bitter face, Fred Moore gritted his teeth and made a fierce movement.Siriday was right. He had repaid Le Corgi's fists, and he still remembered the scene where he lifted himself up like a chicken. After Xi Ruidai's repeated objections, everyone remained silent.Suddenly, Doric blurted out: "I have something good for you." The accomplice turned to him and cast a questioning look. "gunpowder." "Gunpowder?..." the three men asked in bewilderment. One of them then asked: "What do you use gunpowder for?" "To make a bomb... Huh! Le Corgis is a rebellious anarchist, so let's use anarchist weapons against him." But his associates don't seem to appreciate his approach. "Who's going to plant the bomb?" Fred Moore grumbled in a low voice. "I'm not going to be called." "I'll do it myself," said Doric. If the heavens help, it won’t be just Le Corgi who will die, and his colleagues will die with him... In one day, we will lose so many deadly enemies.” The three looked at Doric with great admiration, and Siridei was completely convinced. "Just do it like this..." He changed his tone and didn't do it right anymore. But immediately he changed his mind. "Damn it!" he yelled uncontrollably, "we're talking here like we really have dynamite." "It's in the warehouse," Doric retorted, "just go get it." "You can say it lightly!..." Siriday retorted, he obviously went to the opposite side. "Easy to say! . . . Who's going to get the explosives?" "I can't," Doric said. "Of course." Siriday agreed with a sarcastic tone. "That's not what it means," explained Doric. "I'm small and weak; you can't either, you're timid. Fred Moore and William can't, they're too reckless and clumsy." "Then who to send?" "Kennedy." No more objections.Yes, Chef Kennedy, he is quick-witted, light-moving, nimble, omnipotent and omniscient.A job that others cannot do, as long as he steps forward, he will be able to succeed immediately.Doric had a good eye. Doric interrupted their thoughts one last time. "It's getting late now," he said. "If you don't object, I'll see you tomorrow at the same time and at the same place. Kennedy will come too. Let's plan carefully." When they came near the first row of houses, they all thought it best to be careful, so they separated from each other.The next day, they were equally cautious, and went out of the city separately to the meeting place.When others can't see them, they get together again. That night, there were five people.Kennedy was notified by Doric and also joined the small gang. "He's one of us." Doric patted the chef on the shoulder and said. They shook hands, exchanged pleasantries, and immediately went to work.They checked yesterday's plans and talked for a long time.It was already dark, and the five of them went down the mountain to the city.The hero sees it and takes action that night. Although it was late at night and they could not see anything, they walked apart as they had done yesterday, a few minutes away from each other.They left the road, walked across the fields, skirted the houses to the south, walked to the river, and followed Paderson's fence back to the city.Without making a sound, they tiptoed to the gate of the government.Le Corgis, Altreble, and two teenage sailors were sleeping.They met again at the back of a room, where they didn't dare to move, their ears pricked up, their eyes searching the night... The front is facing the court, and the back of the court is the police station.There were faint voices.There are guards over there, but no one here.The streets were quiet. Why stand guard at the gate of the court?There was only a table, a large chair, and some benches nailed to the floor. When they were sure that no one was in the street, Doric and Kennedy came out of their hiding place, crossed the square quickly, and in a few moments came to the gate of the courthouse.Doric stood guard, Kennedy pried open the door, and the Moore brothers told Siriday to stay where they were, and then, one turned left and the other turned right, and stopped not far away.From here, to the left is a wall with no open door, and inside is the prison.This wall separates a street from the other houses.It can be said that Kennedy is absolutely safe.As long as there is movement, he will be notified and escape in time. nothing happened.This yesteryear cook can do it with confidence.He did it with ease, because the lock of the courthouse was not strong, and it opened with a few light pryings.After entering the door, the inside was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. Kennedy was inside, and Doric remained outside on sentry. Unable to see anything, Kennedy struck a match and lit a candle, knowing the purpose of his trip.Doric had also explained it to him carefully.The first room he entered had walls on three sides. The right wall separated the court from the prison, and the left wall connected to the government office. In fact, Le Corgi lived in it, and behind the opposite wall was a warehouse. Kennedy walked softly across the house to the wall behind the warehouse.There are no prisoners in the prison, so if you make a noise, no one will hear it.He took a breath, shone light on the wall with wax light, and was thinking about how to get down. He laughed happily, punching through the wall was just like playing a game.After Le Corgi came to power, in order to save time and get everything on the right track, the house was built in a hurry. There is really no obstacle to breaking through the wall, because it is nailed with wooden boards from top to bottom, and the seams in between are made of wood. Loose mortar was added together with stones.It didn't take long for the mortar to flake off.Kennedy easily scraped the mortar off with a knife, poking the gravel out of the crevices.You don't have to worry about them rattling on the ground because once Kennedy pokes them loose, he plucks them out piece by piece and lowers them gently to the ground. In an hour a hole was made in the wall, just the right height and width for him to pass through, and the few horizontal sticks in the hole had to be cut out of the way, a most difficult and time-consuming task. It took him nearly an hour. Kennedy put down his work from time to time and raised his ears to listen to the movement outside.It was quiet outside, and the watchman didn't call him, so everything was fine. When the hole was dug, he went through it, and here came the trouble.The warehouse is full of boxes and all kinds of goods. Walking here will inevitably cause collisions. It is a bit difficult not to make noise, so you must be extremely careful. Where are the powder kegs? ...he searched, but couldn't find...it might be over there, but... He began to search again, but slowly and gently, for there were so many boxes in front of him that he sometimes had to move them out of the way to find a place to set down. After another two hours, the people outside had no idea why the people inside were so procrastinated and calm.In fact, he himself felt annoyed and hopeless.It's late at night, and it won't be long before dawn, so he has to leave!I had to give up, but the door was pried and the wall was dug, but these traces remained and could not be erased, so I am afraid there will be no second chance. He was already bored, and it seemed that he had to leave.And at this moment, he finally found what he was looking for.Tons of explosives, five barrels in all, lay neatly by the door leading to the police station.Kennedy held his breath as he heard the stranger talking.He heard the conversation clearly, so he had better be careful. Kennedy picked up a barrel of dynamite, but immediately put it on the ground.It was so heavy that it was impossible to expect one person to remove it silently in a room full of goods.He went through the box again, went back to the same room, and stuck his head out to call Doric.The night was not as dark as before, so he could be seen. Doric came over in response. "Why so long." He lowered his voice and asked, "What happened?" "It's all right," Kennedy answered in a low voice, too. "It's too difficult to walk inside." "Have you got the gunpowder?" "No, it's too heavy...it takes two people to carry it...come on!" Doric got in too, followed Kennedy through the warehouse, lifted the keg of gunpowder, and moved it into the courthouse.Then Doric returned immediately. "Where are you going?" Kennedy asked quietly. "One more keg of gunpowder," replied Doric. "Hurry up, it's almost dawn." "Another bucket?" Kennedy said in amazement, "This one bucket can blow up Liberia." "There's another bucket to move," Doric said. "What is it for?" "I am useful... once Le Corgi is killed, we will be leaders, and gunpowder will be useful." "Where did you hide it during this time?" "There is a very hidden place, don't worry." Kennedy reluctantly agreed.A quarter of an hour later, a second barrel of explosives was brought up and put together with the first barrel. One of them came to the left side of the wall, drilled a hole under it, and poured gunpowder into it little by little. At the same time, Doric took out a rope wound casually with cotton and linen, which had been soaked in the gunpowder for a few times, then picked it up with a sharp knife, and set it on fire for experimentation.After the fire is lit, it keeps burning forward and finally goes out. "Excellent," said Doric, "five centimeters per minute, and the fuse will burn for twenty minutes, which is plenty of time." He came to the powder keg... At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Doric was stunned for a moment. He and Kennedy looked at each other, their faces pale... But the fear disappeared immediately, and Doric regained his composure and smiled knowingly. "It's raining," he said with a shrug. Walking to the door and looking outside, it was indeed pouring rain.The sound that scared them half to death was the rain beating on the roof.It's really a beautiful day, the rain will wash away the clues, even if someone doubts them, they can't produce evidence.And the sound of rain drowned out the crackling of the fuse as it burned. Time waits for me, the east has been dyed red.It won't be long before the sky will be bright.Doric was well aware of Le Corgi's habits. After a while, Le Corgi would get up and go for a walk. "Come on!" he said. The fuse was rolled up and one end was stuffed into the barrel. Doric immediately struck a match and lit the other end, and the two hurried out the door.Kennedy walked ahead, holding another barrel of dynamite, and Doric followed, slamming the door shut. Brother Moore and Siriday are still in place, really loyal to their duties. Doric whistled to them and made a triumphant gesture.They evacuated quickly.At this time, the square was empty.It was raining heavily.
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