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Chapter 17 Section 1 First Initiative

Le Corgis led fifteen volunteers on a run across the plain.Liberia is within a few minutes. People in the square are still fighting.But the momentum is not as strong as before.Now just after sweeping everything, clean the leftovers.And people no longer understand the purpose of doing so. The attackers were dumbfounded as heavily armed troops appeared before them.It was beyond their expectation that this kind of thing happened.No matter when and where, they dare not compete with a powerful force that can stop their killing games.The hand-to-hand combat immediately dissipated.The beaten person took the opportunity to run away, while the beaten person stayed where he was, motionless.Some people feel incomprehensible about their out-of-control behavior, with a dazed and ignorant look; others are delirious and short of breath.They realized that they had just lost their heads and did an embarrassing thing, and now they wake up, they also feel baffled.In short, there is no transitional stage, and the excessive emotions calm down immediately.

Le Corgis was the first to extinguish the burning fire.The fire was intensified by the southerly wind, and nearly filled the camp.Most of the former edifice in Beauval was burned, and now it only needs a little push, and the whole edifice will collapse.The house is gone, leaving only the charred wreckage that still billows with choking smoke. Once the fire was extinguished, Le Corgis left five guards to watch over the now well-behaved people, and set off with ten men across the plain, finding the fleeing settlers and calling them back one by one without difficulty. So the people returned to Liberia from all directions, the assailants, exhausted, exhausted, regaining their senses, were now leading the way, followed by the spectators who had been beaten for no reason.Still feeling frightened, they moved closer, cautiously keeping a certain distance.When they saw Le Keji, they immediately regained their confidence, quickened their pace, and returned to Liberia with those bad guys.

In less than an hour all the citizens were summoned to the square to see this dense crowd, and it was impossible to imagine how many factions they had ever been divided into.There were few wounded people lying on the ground.The troubles are over, and there will be no shadow left. Everyone seemed patient and curious.They were incomprehensible and surprised by the turmoil, madness, and killing just now.Everyone calmly looked at the fifteen people standing in front of them, fully armed and tightly united, waiting to decide their fate. Le Corgi came out and stood on the platform. He glanced at everyone, and they were watching him.He said aloud:

"From now on, I will be your leader." He had to do his best to say that.In this way, he not only agreed to the principle of authority, but, despite his own reluctance and hatred, he emerged as the leader.It's going from one extreme to the other, and what he's doing now is more than an absolute despot.He not only cast aside the ideal of liberty and trampled it underfoot, but, even without the consent of all, he made his own decisions, issued decrees, and established himself as king.This is not a revolution, this is a coup. An easy and stunning coup.After Le Corgi's succinct announcement, there was a moment of silence, and suddenly shouts, applause, applause, and cheers erupted, like a hurricane, and thousands of arrows were fired, resounding through the sky.People shook hands, hugged and congratulated each other, and mothers kissed their children passionately.Everyone was jumping for joy.

There was a glimmer of light for the poor souls who were already in despair.They were saved as soon as Le Corgis took charge of the government.He will surely rescue them from their misery.what to do? ...what measures to take? ... everyone has no opinion.This is no longer a problem.Since he is now in charge, there is no need for everyone to rack their brains and think hard. Some, however, were sullen.Although the believers of Beauvale and Lewis had been buried in the crowd, without applause or shouting, they just kept silent, not daring to deviate.What else can they do?Since the vast majority of people have their own leaders, these few lonely people have no choice but to mix in.From then on, all living beings have a very intelligent guide, who makes them change from timid and fearless to fearless.

Le Corgi waved his hand, and miraculously regained his composure. "Khorst people," he said, "we must change the status quo. However, I ask everyone to obey the arrangement. I don't want someone to oppose me and force me to use force to suppress it. Now everyone go back to their houses and wait, soon I will give you orders." Concise and concise, sonorous and restrained, so the effect is the best.We all know that now that we have a leader, there will be someone to guide us in the future.Nothing could lift the spirits of these ill-fated souls.Before, though they were free, they experienced terrible tragedies.Now lose your liberty for the certainty of a morsel of bread.Freedom is a great spiritual wealth, and only when people live in abundance and carefree, can they taste the joy of freedom.At present, the people here are living in difficulties and tribulations.

People obeyed his orders immediately and without complaint.The square has become empty.All, including Lewis Doric, were ordered to obey without exception.Everyone went into the house and waited obediently. Le Corgi watched the crowd disperse.He pursed his lips, revealing imperceptible, helpless sorrow.All his illusions were shattered.Apparently, humans are nothing like he imagined.They are full of hatred and have so many faults - almost vile! —This is the consequence of unlimited freedom. A hundred or so immigrants did not follow the example of their kind, but remained where they were.Le Corgi turned to the group of rebellious people, frowning.Immediately a person acted as a representative, stepped out of the crowd, and spoke.The reason they don't leave is because they have no home to return to.After they were driven out of their homes by the group of robbers who robbed their homes, they came to the camp... Some came for two days, and some only arrived yesterday.They had to spend the night in the open air.

Le Corgis began by assuring them that the future was bright and bright.Then let everyone go to the warehouse to pick up the tent.As soon as they started working, he would treat those injured in the riot. The wounded are everywhere.There are in the square and in the surrounding fields.The people sent out quickly found them and carried them back to the camp.After verification, twelve people were killed in the riot, including three who went to Li Weili's house to rob and were beaten to death.In short, people did not express much regret for the dead.Only one man deserves to be counted among the good men of Khost, and he returned from the hinterland because of the freezing weather.As for the others, they belonged either to Beauval's best friends or to Doric's confidantes.Their death is not a pity, but it will make the work here appear more vigorous and orderly.

In fact, the rioters themselves regret it the most.Both the attacking side and the defensive side are so tenacious.After burning government buildings, they began attacking unarmed centrists.Fortunately, apart from the immigrant who died, most of the people suffered only minor injuries: bruises, broken bones, and a few stab wounds. All Le Corgi had to do now was work.He won't be intimidated, and since he is responsible for the lives of a thousand people, he shouldn't stand by and watch.No matter how daunting his task, he is confident and fearless so that nothing will be a problem. He first checked the wounded, then dealt with them as necessary, and finally asked people to help them back.The small square was really empty, only five people were still watching there.Le Corgi led the other ten people back to New Town.There was one more thing that worried him: Algee was dying?Or passed away? ...

Algie's situation remained unchanged.He is lovingly cared for and cared for.Graziina and her mother also came to help, and they stayed at Algie's bedside with Carlos, so there was no need to worry, they would take care of them conscientiously and work selflessly.Girls live in difficult circumstances from an early age and learn how to control grief and pain.When Le Corgi saw her, she had a calm expression and a calm voice.She told him that Algie was still feverish and unconscious, groaning faintly now and then.Blood froth still flowed from the corners of his whitish mouth, but less than before, and not so bright red.This is a good symptom.

During this time, ten men, along with Le Corgi, were tasked with extracting food from Newtown warehouses.Without taking a break, they returned to Liberia immediately after.They distribute food from door to door.When the assignments were done, Le Corgis arranged for people to stand guard.Then go back to the house and sleep. However, although he felt extremely sleepy, it was difficult to fall asleep, and he was full of thoughts. Not far from here, the statues of the two night watchmen remained motionless.Everything was quiet, Le Corgi opened his eyes in the dark night and kept thinking. What's wrong? ...Why is he weak in consciousness, unable to keep his chastity, and becomes practical?It really hurt him...if he had been living wrong before, but at least this wrong life made him happy...happy!But now he bids farewell to it, and can only occasionally recall the past happiness.How to get happiness?Needing nothing, getting up, slipping away, forgetting the precarious situation here, picking up the wandering life again, and, for a long time, he talked about it with great happiness... well!Now, his dreams are shattered.Those mortal beings enshrined an illusory God as a god, but were still hit by the devastation. Facing this scene, he could only feel guilt and self-blame... What kind of changes will happen to his life in the future?Since he is in charge of all living beings, he will keep his words and act with resoluteness.He wants to bring them out of the sea of ​​suffering step by step, to the other side of happiness, and he means what he says. Of course I will!But which way to go? ... Is it too late to mend the dead?He has this ability?In fact, anyone will bring them back to happiness, but these people have too many faults and vices, their low intelligence and spiritual decadence, so they inevitably perish. Le Corgi thought calmly, weighed the responsibilities he shouldered, and made positive and negative assessments, trying to find the best solution.Don't let these people starve and freeze to death!Yes, that was the first issue, but it paled in comparison to the whole thing.Life is not just to satisfy the needs of a certain organ, but also to make everyone feel the dignity of being a human being. I am afraid that the latter will be more urgent than the former in the future.Then it just depends on everyone, on their self-respect, self-love, mutual respect, mutual love.What is needed now is to be rich, strong, and kind, to rescue these living people from misery and death, and then transform them into real human beings. Can these fallen, degenerate beings reach the heights of this ideal?Obviously, not everyone can achieve it.But there are always some who can succeed if they are taught to recognize the Big Dipper, if they are led toward their destination. Le Corgi thought in this way in the middle of the night; one by one objection was denied in this way; finally, he completely abandoned his stereotypes and forgot his restrained emotions.Gradually, he developed a management plan, and all future actions will be based on this. At dawn, he got up and went back to New Town first.He was glad to see Algie's condition improved.Returning to Liberia, he immediately entered the leadership role. Those around him were amazed at his first move.He selected twenty to twenty-five masons and carpenters, and then twenty among the peasants, assigned work to each of them, marked out specific locations, and had foundations dug for rebuilding the assembly here. houses.After the house is built, the outer wall is made of mud for reinforcement.And according to his impromptu sketch, he made another partition wall outside.After Le Corgi finished his instructions, he led ten guards and left.Hobard has been promoted to foreman, directing everyone to work. Not far from here is the largest house, in which five people live, the Moore brothers, Siriday, Kennedy and Lewis Doric.Le Corgi was walking straight here. When he entered, the five men were arguing fiercely, and when they saw him, they all stood up abruptly. "What are you doing here?" Lewis Doric asked roughly. After Le Corgi entered the room, he said in a cold voice: "The Khost colonial government wants to use this house." "Use this house! . . . " Lewis repeated.He could hardly believe his ears. "What is it for?" "Office. Please leave immediately." "What's the right way?..." Doric sarcastically said, "Where are we going?" "Go where you want to go. No one forbids you to build another house." "Really?... But what shall we do during this time?" "You can live in tents." "Then I'll go and live at your house," cried Doric, flushed with anger. Le Corgi turned and called to the guard standing outside the door. "In that case," he said calmly, "I shall enforce it by force." Lewis Doric understood at a glance that it was useless to resist, so he had to compromise. "Okay then," he muttered, "let's go...give us some time to pack up and take away. I think we're allowed to move things away..." "No," Le Corgi interrupted him, "After my inspection, the personal belongings will be returned to you, and the rest of the property will belong to the immigration government." It's really deceiving.Doric couldn't hold back, he became furious and jumped three feet high. "Wait and see!" he yelled, stretching his hands to his waist. The knife was not out of its sheath, but the Moore brothers rushed to help.Le Keji grabbed the boss by the neck and threw him to the ground.At this moment, the leader's guard entered the house.Before they could make a move, those five people immediately became obedient and obedient, and raised their hands in surrender.They resisted only a little, and were swept out of the house. The quarrel attracted some spectators.People stood at the door and saw these defeated people squeeze out a gap in the crowd and leave in desperation.They were so majestic in the past, and now the east wind prevails over the west wind, people boo them, laugh and ridicule freely. With the help of his companions, Le Corgi immediately began to count the houses that had just been requisitioned.As he promised just now, all personal property is put aside and can be returned to its original owner in the future.However, apart from these things, he really gained a lot.He found a real food warehouse in the back of the house.There are countless foods piled there, canned food, dried vegetables, corned beef, vegetables, coffee, all kinds and plentiful.How did Lewis and his party get these things?Whatever the means, they never went hungry when others didn't have enough to eat.Even so, they yelled louder than others, made more troubles, and created more chaos, all of which undoubtedly made the Beauval regime worse. Le Corgi had the food delivered to the square and pushed it there, guarded by armed guards.Then he appointed Lawson the locksmith as the foreman, and he led the recruited workers to start demolishing the house. Here, the house was demolished by hand, and there, Le Corgi and the guards searched from house to house, from the first row of houses to the last row of houses, without stopping for a while.All houses and tents were rigorously searched, and the quantity of food turned up was completely unexpected.Surplus food can be found in anyone who is more or less related to Lewis Doric or Ferdinand Beauvalle.In addition, there are some people who save by saving food and clothing.In short, they found out as much food as that found in Lewis's house. Those who hide a lot of food in their homes always rush to the front and scream the loudest in order to deceive others.Many of them, Le Corgi found, had received his largesse many times over, and yet they felt at ease, never ashamed, that the groceries in the Newtown depots were distributed to them.Now that the truth is out, they are very embarrassed.Although Le Corgi saw their greed and cunning clearly, he remained calm. But the incident made him think only of the need for a strict law to govern these people.In the face of poverty and poverty, the distressed cries of the hungry fellows fell on deaf ears.What's even worse is that they mixed in, hypocritically calling for poverty and hunger, and their purpose was obviously to eat the food for themselves, for fear of sharing it with others.This once again exposes the extremely selfish nature of human beings.They look out for themselves.They lose their minds, have no emotions, blindly pursue material interests, and blindly obey, just to satisfy their physical needs. Le Corgi no longer needs such evidence to overcome himself.Unfortunately, things like this still happen.The edifice of his fantasies is falling apart, leaving a terrible void in his mind, but he has no intention of reliving the old dream.The hard evidence is in front of him, which shows that he made a mistake.He already understood that he only set up a system from a philosophical point of view, while ignoring the scientific research methods, thus running counter to the spirit of science.Science has always been opposed to fluke opportunism, and fully advocates that everything proceed from objective reality.However, people's goodness, evilness, greatness, and insignificance, despite their various forms, should recognize the facts and distinguish right from wrong. However, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.No one is perfect, and leaders are no exception. They are not all perfect and invulnerable.Haven't they made mistakes in thinking and concept?He had shown a strong distaste for despots. Are they so different from their kind, aren't they human?Why do you have to blame them for everything?Shouldn't he draw the logical conclusion from this that they were human beings, like all human beings?Shouldn't he, therefore, admit that laws must be established, and those appointed to enforce them? His famous dictum has been reduced to ashes. "No God, no master," he had declared proudly, and was now obliged to admit publicly that there must be a master.Although he changed only the second half of the sentence, it both shook and destroyed the first half.Obviously, everything should not be negated.But at least, scientifically speaking, he struggled against insurmountable obstacles.When he couldn't judge, he had no choice but to hold back.When people's ideology runs counter to and contradicts the essence of science, without any scientific evidence, they will declare that only matter in the world is primary.Everything in the universe must obey this law.Therefore, he understands that when encountering such problems, he can be cautious and not act rashly.But the topics people discuss are often hypothetical, such as people expressing their opinions on the unsolved mysteries of the universe, and there is no taboo.But the result of all discussions is only a kind of speculation, and sometimes even a kind of fool. Of all the foodstuffs he found, the most notable was the hut where the Irishmen Padson and Longer lived.Long Jie is the only survivor of Padson's two partners.People search their houses just as a matter of routine, so as not to give anyone an excuse.The house was so low and small that it seemed impossible to hide much.But Paderson used his brains and came up with a clever plan, why not take advantage of the situation and use the narrowness of the house to make a trick.Dig a cellar at the back of the house and put a plank to cover the food. The food found inside was jaw-dropping.It is unbelievable that there is enough food to sustain the entire population of the island for eight days, and the treasure of food portends tragedy at the same time.Poor Blake starved to death amidst this abundance.Le Corgi shuddered at the thought of people being starved to death, while the filthy soul of Paderson was indifferent. The Irishman, however, did not feel at all guilty of the crime, and was therefore not at all remorseful.On the contrary, his arrogance was very arrogant. He shouted hysterically, claimed that he had been hurt, and protested against this robbery.Le Corgi tried hard to suppress his anger, but to no avail.He explained: Everyone has an obligation to contribute to the collective good, but talking is wasted.Paderson doesn't eat hard and soft, and doesn't listen to anything.Even threats to use force against him will not work.Lewis Doric was scared the shit out of him, but he didn't do anything.What could the leader's guard do to him?In order to protect his property, this man who cherishes money like his life has no fear of these guards.However, these things did belong to him, and were his personal property, which he had accumulated through hard work and frugality.This does not belong to the collective wealth, and he forced himself to save it only for himself.If you have to take these things away, you have to pay, and pay the same value. In the past, Le Corgi would have laughed at such a view.But today, he fell into deep thought.In any case, Paderson had a point. To cheer up the bewildered Khorst people and fill them with confidence, they should restore the rules and regulations that people have taken for granted, and the most important of all laws in the world: property rights. That's why Le Corgi listened tirelessly to Paderson's defense.Moreover, he assured him that expropriation is by no means plunder. Since the food expropriated is used for the collective, of course the collective should pay a reasonable remuneration.As soon as the miser heard this, he stopped protesting and began to complain.Luoyang paper is expensive, since food is so rare on Khost Island, it should be priceless! ...The price of these negligible food products has been raised to an astronomical figure, which is unbelievable! Le Corgi then had to spend a lot of time haggling over the price, and in the end, both parties settled down.Moreover, once an agreement was reached, Padson offered to help move things without saying a word. At about eight o'clock in the evening, all the food found was piled up in the square.It seems that the number is considerable.Le Corgi estimated that, plus the inventory in the new town, as long as strict preparations were implemented, it could last for two months. The first food distribution work started immediately.People filed in and took their share and their family's share.When they saw so much food, they were speechless.Just yesterday they thought they would starve to death for sure, and it was a miracle Le Corgis had performed a miracle. After finishing the assignment, Le Corgi and Ali Lordes walked towards the new town together, and they first came to Alji.They are happy now that Algie is on the mend from his injury.Dulia and Graziina have been taking good care of her. This relieved his hanging heart.He began to carry out his plan calmly and persistently.Last night, because of this problem, he was so troubled that he couldn't sleep all night.He turned to Ali Lordes and whispered: "I have something to tell you. Come with me, Mr. Lordes." He was serious, with a look of sadness on his face.Shocked by what he saw, Ali Lordes did as he was told without a word, and the two of them entered Le Corgi's room, and the door was shut tightly. It was an hour before the door was opened.This conversation is a secret.Le Corgi returned to normal, his expression seemed to be even colder.Ali Lordes, on the other hand, was uncharacteristically smiling.When Le Corgi sent him to the door, he enthusiastically took Le Corgi's extended hand, bowed respectfully, and left quietly. Before that, he said: "Leave the matter to me, please rest assured." "It's entirely up to you," replied Le Corgis, watching his friend go away in the dark. As soon as Ali Lordes disappeared, he called for Caloli. He didn't tell him the truth of the matter, but gave him some orders.The Indian listened respectfully, as usual, and walked across the field again in good spirits.At this time, Liberia was sleeping like every night. At dawn the next day, he ran to wake everyone up.The entire population soon assembled in the square. "Khorst people," he began to speak when everything was quiet, "you will receive your food for the last time. From now on, what you eat will be sold. I will set the price in the public interest. Since everyone has money, then there will be no starvation. Besides, we need labour, and all the people here will work without poverty. From now on, labor is the first law." Difficult to reach.Undoubtedly, these few words made some people gnash their teeth.On the other hand, it arouses the enthusiasm of most people.They held their heads high and raised their eyebrows, as if a new power had been generated in them, and they finally found themselves!They are at last useful and able to contribute; they are no longer doing nothing, not being able to do anything.They already have clear work goals and a clear life course. The cheers were deafening.They stretched out their arms, their muscles bulging, and they couldn't wait. At the same time, faint shouts from a distance seemed to echo each other. Le Corgi turned around and saw Calori driving Ville-Jet sailing on the sea.Ali Lordes was standing at the bow, waving goodbye.At this time, the boat has spread its sails and gradually disappeared in the sun.
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