Home Categories foreign novel The Adventures of the Jonathan

Chapter 12 Section 7 The Birth of a Nation

The next day, early in the morning, the frigate weighed anchor and gradually disappeared behind the headland, taking with it ten of the fifteen surviving sailors on board the Jonathan, five others: Kennedy among them, and Altleble, the boatswain. And Chef Ciri is willing to become an immigrant to stay on the island. Kennedy and Hired had basically the same motives, so they decided to settle down in this country, because the two were not favored by the captain, and it was difficult to get a job, so they hoped that life in a newly born society would be easier and less Unstable drifting, here at least for a long period of time, it is difficult to formulate relatively complete and strict laws and regulations.As for their fellows, more honest, serious, energetic, but now poor, homeless, and some unmarried, they would like to be able to live in this new country like Altleble. He became the master in the sea, and became an ordinary fisherman from a sailor in the ocean.

As for whether their dreams can come true or become Nanke Yimeng, it depends on the guidance and effective measures of the government on the island. When the government's administrative management is perfect, residents will have the opportunity and conditions to get rich through labor.On the contrary, if the main leaders of the government lack experience, will not develop the potential of these residents, and lack guidelines and policies in this regard, then it will be difficult to obtain the desired effect.Therefore, doing a good job in the organization of immigrants is a crucial issue.

For the time being, at least the Horsts (which is the name they have adopted by agreement) are indifferent to the solution of this matter of life and death, they only want to have fun, they are intoxicated by the magic word of liberty, and they are like children. Some people get carried away by it, and don't intend to understand the real deeper meaning.I also don't want to understand that freedom is actually a science. In order to be free, we should firstly learn how to live. There was such a rowdy crowd not so long ago when the ship was still in sight, and now these people began to celebrate and congratulate each other, as if at last they had accomplished a great and extraordinary feat, which, although it had only just begun, was deemed necessary. After the common people's festival, it is not a festival without delicious food, so we agreed with everyone's speech that there will be a big feast on this day. The reason for the cargo department of the Jonathan.Since the declaration of independence the cargo has been left unattended, and now that the sailors are gone, who will strengthen the guard?Those who have been coveting for a long time have already put their thoughts on this pile of goods, so they happily opened the barrel on the barrel to get the wine. In short, this wine belongs to everyone. From then on, why not drink it No wine left?Although the few reasonable people dared not protest decisively, the opinion was accepted, and an estimate was made, and a share was given to each grown-up man, half a share to women and children, and the head of the family was in the midst of gags and In a happy joke, he took the wine allocated to him.

In the evening, the celebration reached its climax, and all the resentment disappeared. People from different countries seemed to melt into one country, calling each other brothers. People played the accordion freely, organized dance parties, and some couples returned to the drinking circle. At the same time, in a dark corner, a man was half drunk, soaked in this terrible poison, trying to find inspiration from it, when suddenly a beautiful and melodious music sounded, interrupting the steps of the dancing people , during Fritz Gross's time, he improvised according to his inspiration for more than two hours... Many people came around him, with strange eyes wide open Mouth, confused by the music pouring like a storm, what everyone saw was this fascinating violin.

In the middle of Ferris Gross's audience, a child was listening intently and enraptured to his music, and this sound, from beautiful to strange, was a real revelation for Sander, who found He tremblingly entered this strange music kingdom. Standing in the crowd and facing the musicians, he saw and listened, his ears and eyes became alive, he felt the sublimation of his soul, and his whole body was filled with sorrow and joy. Excited and trembling. What words can be used to describe this vivid, unique and strange landscape?On the ground, a man's huge body looked very bulky, sitting on the ground, his head drooping on his chest, his eyes closed, playing the violin!Pulling non-stop, frantically under an unclear smoky light, in this deep night, his existence and vitality are revealed.Before him stood a child in ecstasy, and the crowd fell silent around this singular little group.With the fleeting breeze blowing, the light of the torches flickered and changed, and it was projected on the faces.The eyes, ears, nose, and mouth on this outline can all be displayed. At this time, the violin makes a strong and sharp sound, wave-like dreamlike floating above people's heads, and gradually disappears with the space in the vast night.

In the middle of the night, Fritz Gross was exhausted, sleeping loosely and snoring loudly, the immigrants were thinking, and staggered back to their houses. By the next day, this fleeting passion was gone, and the settlers were drawn to a greater joy.The festivities are on again, and that will mean, until the baijiu is gone. It was during this jubilant moment that the frigate returned to Khost Island two days after the frigate had left, and they seemed to have been away for half a month, and it received the same welcome that no one seemed to remember. It had left them before, but what Le Corgi saw puzzled him. He did not expect that the strange boat that had anchored by the beach seemed to bring good luck to the immigrants.

Ali Lordes and Altleble briefly told Le Corgis the ins and outs of the matter, and he was very excited to listen to their narration, so his heart was ups and downs, and his chest and lungs seemed to inhale a refreshing breath. Fresh air, joy, spontaneously born!Then, Magellan did not have a free and pure land. However, he didn't hear the secret, and he didn't reveal his secrets. He kept silent about the motive of leaving the island for half a month, so what is there to say!Cut off all relations with civilized society, so as soon as he saw the frigate representing the power of the Chilean government, he quietly left, hid in the Alte peninsula, and waited until the frigate left before returning to the camp, and finally he would let Ali Lordes understand for what.

His friends were so excited to see him that they forgot to ask why he left.Lords and Altleble were both encouraged and grateful to be with this calm, intelligent, and kind-hearted man, who, on the contrary, felt more trustworthy and respectful than those who were naive and ridiculous. rest assured. "These unfortunate people, when they heard the news of their independence, were very excited and could only be excited and happy." Ali Lords said after telling the story, "It doesn't seem to have occurred to them that any kind of government will be organized. .” "Ah!" Le Corgi retorted tolerantly, "It's understandable for them to be happy themselves. Up to now, they have had too few opportunities like this. This kind of obsession will pass, and then they will Take things seriously, and as for forming a government, I confess I see no use."

"But it has to be..." retorted Ali Lordes, "isn't it nice to have someone in charge, to keep everything in order?" "Leave it alone, then," replied Le Corgis, "order will get better automatically, I see." "However, judging by some past events..." "The past is different from the present!" Le Corgi interrupted him, "Yesterday, our partners thought they were Americans and Europeans, but now they are Khorstians. This is a completely different concept. .” "Well, what do you think..." "Let them live in peace on the Isle of Khost! Since it is theirs, they have the luck not to be accompanied by the law, and to avoid the making of the law, what is the use of the law? I am sure it is The root cause of the conflict between people is not understood by human nature. Without these prejudices, there is no slavery at the beginning of the century. People live freely and chaotically in nature, the land It has given people a lot of endowments, I hope they will dig and develop it with industrious hands, let them be equal and free, and live together like brothers and sisters, why do we need to formulate a set of rules and regulations!"

Ali Lordes was not persuaded by these optimistic truths, but he never responded again. Due to the concern of the immigration company, sixty rifles, barrels of gunpowder, bullets, buckshot and explosive cartridges were indeed included in the cargo of the Jonathan, so that the immigrants could deal with large animals and Every bay can defend itself when the enemy attacks. No one thought of these war items. They were given to Altlebull. No one took advantage of the chaos of the situation. He carefully hid them, Dick once told Passing him, through a series of caves in the mountains of the Cape to the east, he might have some trouble finding a suitable storage place for these guns, which, with the help of Ali Lordes and two teenage sailors, He divided it into several times, and on the first night of everyone's carnival, he transported these weapons and ammunition to the above-mentioned caves and buried them deeply. Since then, Altleble has felt much more relaxed mentally. .Le Corgi deeply admired his cautious spirit.

"You are quite right, Altleble," he declared, "better to allow time to settle the matter, and in this country the people use only firearms." "They didn't," said the bosun affirmatively. "At that time, the system on the Jonathan was very strict. The immigrants and their parcels were searched carefully, and all firearms were confiscated, except those in our collection. No one has weapons except weapons, and they can't find them, so..." Altleble broke off suddenly, as if worried. "My God! . . . " he exclaimed, "someone had guns, and we only found forty guns instead of sixty. I thought it was a mistake, but now that I think about it, the twenty guns were Taken away by Willy Lee, Ivanov Gemeri, and Galton, fortunately these are decent people, don't worry about them!" "There are other dangers besides weapons," Ali Lordes brought to his attention, "such as: people are like brothers now, but will this be the case forever? And Rachael Cerrone is back to his old ways, you I had to intervene in my absence, without Altleble and me, I think he would have swallowed his wife alive this time." "This man is a devil," Le Corgi said. "Like all drunks, neither good nor bad, and needless to say, it's a good thing for these two women that Algie's back... By the way, how's our Indian boy?" "In excellent spirits. It would be a lie to say that he and his father were unhappy with us. Since the family, like the rest, remained on Khost Island, it was easy, and I promised Not going. It's Rachael Cerrone's vice that's in trouble. Let's hope he's cured when the island's wine is gone." While people were talking about him with such concern, Algie left Ville-Tier in the care of his father, and was impatient to see Graziaina. How ecstatic they were to meet again, soon replaced joy with sorrow.Graziina recounted many things to the Indian youth: Cerrone beat his wife and daughter again, plus Paderson's flattering courtship and Shrek's savage, vile and unscrupulous molestation.Algie trembled with anger as he listened to her confession. In the corner of the tent, Rachael Cerrone was drunk unconscious, clenched his fists, snoring loudly, no need to have illusions, he will relapse when he wakes up, and join the carnival crowd to let go Binge drinking, this kind of festival seems impossible to end for a while. However, these seem to have changed people's character, but in fact they are not without potential dangers. Evil images have appeared on some people's faces. Alcohol is at work, and the depression and depression after drinking can only be relieved by greater drinking capacity. Stimulation, gradually people are slightly drunk and half drunk until they are very drunk, and the amount of alcohol increases, and finally they become drunk. Of course, some people felt that the crisis was imminent and restrained such actions, so rational people re-faced the reality and had to seriously consider how to survive on Khost Island. The problem is not insoluble. The land covers an area of ​​about 200 square kilometers. Most of it is arable, and there are forests and pastures. It can support a much larger population. Staying in Scoville Bay, you can disperse to a wider area. There is no shortage of planting methods, not to mention seeds, plants, and facilities that are indispensable for agricultural construction. In addition, most people have certain knowledge about agriculture. For them, to devote themselves to such a country is no different from that in their own country. At the beginning, the number of domestic animals was obviously insufficient. Later, due to the help of the Chilean government, they were transferred from Patagonia, The pampas grasslands of Argentina, the vast grasslands of Tierra del Fuego, and the Falklands where there are a large number of sheep are brought to them.As long as the settlers worked hard and devotedly, nothing could prevent them from succeeding in the colony. There is a small group of them who have realized the necessity of labor as soon as independence is declared. Among these people, the morality is Paderson. Among the piled goods, choose the tools you need, and make a plan according to your personal appetite, some for farming, some for breeding, and some for forest development, and then pull a temporary cart to set off To find a suitable land. But Paderson went in the opposite direction and stayed on the river bank. With the help of Mijie and Black, despite their painful experience in the past, they insisted on cooperating with him. They blocked this place first, As the first land he occupied, he firmly believed that this place belonged to him, so he firmly put up wooden stakes to make a fence, and surrounded three sides of a piece of land. , After plowing, vegetables can be sown, and Padson began to concentrate on planting vegetables. After two days of carnival, the immigrants thought that the celebration of independence was enough, and they began to regain their composure. Then they found that some of their partners had never been distracted by this happiness, and they had gone to When they arrive at the warehouse of the Jonathan, the goods are naturally abundant. Whether it is supplies or food, they can easily get them, and even some extra items. Once they choose the transportation tools, they can press The footsteps of the predecessors set off, and in the next few days, more and more people followed this method, so as time went by, the number of carnivals gradually decreased, and at the same time, many people went together to the hinterland of the island. Started to move, group after group of people, almost all the immigrants gradually left the beach of Scotchville Bay, some people pushed heavy carts, some people acted as donkeys and horses, some were alone, some The family with the mouth. As people tried their best to fill up their supplies with both hands, the supplies on the Jonathan gradually decreased, and the people who came last could choose very limited things, but those who came later found that there were still a lot of supplies, but they were limited The problem of transportation, the amount of things that each person can take away is limited, but the selection of agricultural materials is lacking. Even if there are some agricultural tools, they are just broken copper and iron left by the previous people.More than three hundred immigrants had to give up the idea of ​​raising poultry for animals. However, these people have no choice but to be satisfied with the existing materials, and are very jealous of the harvest of those who strike first, so they have no choice but to choose some available materials and set off to the strange land helplessly. These people lack tools, and they are also the kind of people who have to emigrate and have a hard time. They find that better places are occupied by those who are there first. There is really no way. In order to find a suitable place, they have to go to Du The Maas Peninsula, around the big fluffy jagged gap, is a hundred kilometers from Scotchville Bay, which is seen anyway as an important institutional seat of the colony, in a sense In other words, it is the capital. The frigate left for a month and a half, and more than half of the population of the capital has gone, and all the immigrants who can use shovels and hoes have left it. Now there are only 81 residents here, and their current living conditions are still as bad. The occupations I have engaged in in the past are very low-end.Except for a dozen farmers who temporarily stayed on the coast due to health reasons, one of them was accompanied by his wife and three children. John Ram, Ali Lordes, Beauvale Doric, Fred Gloth, five sailors, among whom were cooks Kennedy Shudson, Longer and Blake, and forty-three Workers and those who thought they were workers, who knew nothing about farm work, among them the Lachars, and finally Le Corgis and his two companions, Algie and Calori. The two people behind have never left the left bank of the river. At the entrance of the river, they moored Ver-Jier in the depths of a small bay sheltered from the wind. It is the same as in the past, and there is no change. The only thing is that they built a new one. I want a strong house to replace the original thatched hut, because that hut cannot withstand the cold wind here. Now that I have decided not to leave Khost Island, it is best to have a stronger house than before to settle down. Indeed, Le Corgi once talked to Calori about his desire not to return to the new island. Since there is a piece of free land here, he will live and work here in peace and enjoy his life. Algie is very happy with this decision. This coincides with his wishes. As for Calori, he is used to what he sees as his master's intentions, always obeying and never raising any objections. opportunity to make money.That didn't escape Le Corgi's attention, but let's face it, stay on Khost Island. Here, people can only live by fishing and hunting. If fishing and hunting are not enough for everyone to eat, they have to find their own way out. Anyway, he has made up his mind. He doesn't want to owe anyone anything, so he refuses his share of food . However, most of the people left, and the original assembled houses were vacated. One of the houses was dismantled and sent to the left bank of the river, and then reassembled. wall, strengthen it.A few workers helped Le Corgis with his work, and he accepted their help unceremoniously.These honest workers never asked him for wages when the work was done, and it never occurred to Le Corgis to pay them. The house was erected, and Algie and Calori got into the Veer-Jet and went to the new island. After three weeks, they brought back everything that could be moved from the old house, and Calori found the A piloting business took some time, and at the same time enabled the Indians to get enough food and ammunition for the coming winter. After returning, life continued as before, Calori and his son went fishing or fishing, and were responsible for making salt, salting the fish that could not be eaten every day.During this period, Le Corgi traveled to and from the island, occasionally hunting to survive. Using non-stop contacts, he maintained contact with immigrants. Almost all the families received his visits one after another. He can already confirm that from the very beginning, they showed obvious gaps, which all stemmed from people's The inherent inequality of guts, chance, and insight, or intelligence, so that some succeed and some do nothing or fail, is clearly shown in life. . . . The other four family pioneers, who started first, were obviously the best, and it's not surprising that they had the most seniority. Willy Lee's sawmill saw enough boards to fill two or three ships. A ship with a certain tonnage runs at full capacity for a while. Li Weili received Le Corgi's visit very friendly, took advantage of his arrival, asked about anecdotes and anecdotes in the town, and complained that he was not notified to participate in the colonial government election. What kind of organization did most people adopt?Who is chosen as leader? He was very disappointed to hear that absolutely nothing happened, the immigrants all left one after the other without even discussing what kind of government to have, and he was very sorry that this interlocutor whom he respected so much and was so grateful for , as if complicit in this unreasonable behavior, he pointed out to Le Corgis a large pile of wooden boards piled neatly and high along the river. "My pile of wood," he protested, "how can I sell it?" "Why sell?" Le Corgi retorted, "Those people are not profitable, will they help you sell things? Don't worry about whether you can sell them now, you will get something out of it." "Impossible," admits Willie Lee, "Nevertheless, if you're good and you charge a little tax and you can meet the needs of all the immigrants, then I'd spend less effort because of it, and if people don't work together, life will be fine." There would be no fun, and life would be easier and more enjoyable if people could serve each other." "So you need it very much?" Le Corgis asked with a smile. But Willy Lee was clearly worried and appeared anxious. "It's only natural," he said, "that people want something, and if Khost Island doesn't pay us, and the material resources are scarce, then I'm going to leave it, and I'm not alone, I'm going to Will leave the labor for what to live on in the lovelier country, only then, as you just said, I will be profitable, and other people will obviously solve these problems as I do, but those Those who can't solve the problem have to wait to die!" "You are very ambitious, Monsieur Li Chengli," cried Le Corgis. "If I hadn't been ambitious, I wouldn't have gotten myself into so much trouble," he said sharply. "Is this useful?" "It's so useful. Without our hard work for everyone, human beings will return to their innocence and drink their blood, and progress will become empty talk." "Progress!" Le Corgi sighed bitterly, "That is to let some people gain something." "The bravest and brightest." "It's the one who hurts the majority!" "The laziest and most cowardly of men, they are in every case losers, and if they are well managed they may live miserably, if they are left unchecked they will die of poverty and poverty." "However, life doesn't need these things." "It is much needed if there are impotent, diseased, and stupid people, who have always needed a master, who lack laws, and who, after a great deal of tolerance, must endure tyranny and tyranny." Le Corgi shook his head with an unconvinced expression. He knew these clichés very well, human shortcomings, natural advantages and disadvantages, which are all reasonable excuses for oppression and the legalization of suppression. He was at a loss, however, because the thought of Lewis, Doric, and entourage's behavior during the winter, the brazen blackmailing of some timid and feeble immigrants, prompted him to think about another deserving Those words spoken by the respected man produced extraordinary courage. At Willy Lee's neighbor's house, he got the same impression.Gemaili and Ivanrov have planted several hectares of wheat and rye. The fields have turned green and the young wheat seedlings are growing. There will be a bumper harvest in February.The Galtons, on the other hand, were making slow progress. The wide prairie, closed behind fences, was still almost devoid of livestock, but they were sure that the number of livestock could be increased very soon, and if that day came, there would be a large number. milk and butter, as if they had had many cows. While Le Corgi was hunting, Algie and Calori took time between fishing and planting the small gardens around their home so that they could fully guarantee their own way of subsistence without needing help from others. This is a vibrant life, just like theirs. Obviously, they can't accept and don't want to accept the comforts of those civilized and advanced areas. Le Corgi thinks of the price he has paid for it, and he doesn't miss it. An Yi, he is contented and happy, and he does not look at the height of this mountain. Needless to say, the same was true of his two companions, who, apart from Magellan, had no idea of ​​the sky, and Caloli had never dreamed of a sweet life, for Algie.The greatest happiness right now is to be around Graziaina all the time and not to work. The Cerrone family moved into the house that had been vacated by the original occupants, and his family gradually regained peace from the original disturbing and frightening environment.It is true that Rachael Cerrone no longer drank, because there was no longer a drop of alcohol to be found in the whole land of Khost Island, so he also had to keep his own life, but his health, because of these days An unrestrained binge of drunkenness, irreparably damaged.Almost every day he sat in the doorway basking in the sun, looking sullenly and despondently at the ground, shaking his hands incessantly, and Doria invariably, with all her tenderness and patience, tried in vain to awaken his insensitivity. All the hard work seems to be in vain!She had no choice but to let it go, gave up any hope, and got used to it slowly. Alji was completely different from her thoughts. What he thought of was life since the time of peace, which is endless joy. He dedicated everything to Graziaina, and it also had a good turn for Alji. Rachael Cerrone, long intimidated by him, has been ruled out, and his rival, the Irishman Paderson, has finally dropped out of contention from his formerly obnoxious entanglement with Graziaina.He was never seen again, for he understood his own situation, and his hopes for her were in vain. On the contrary, while the other was unwilling to lay down his arms, Schreck became more daring every day, he threatened Graziaina, became naked, and began to threaten Algie himself. One day, around the end of December, Al Gee bumps into Shrek, and Shrek yells at him, no doubt taking Aljie for it.A few days later, when Algie was returning to his home on the left bank of the river, a stone was suddenly thrown from the shelter of a house, but it missed his head by a few centimeters. Regarding this attack, Algier certainly knew the name of the perpetrator, but Algier's mind was full of his own ideas, and he did not intend to avenge that arrow. Endless provocations, but Schreck was not punished and became even more arrogant, forcing Algie to a dead end, so that he had to fight back in self-defense. Rachael Cerrone would not suffer from idleness if he were to be freed from the plight of dullness, those who know nothing but wasting their time, while the other colleagues and workers, among the group, were For the more intelligent people, they have begun to worry about the future. It is actually very good to stay on Khost Island, but they have to arrange their future life. It is best to cut their life in a planned way so that it can be seamless.Although there are still plenty of supplies and there is no shortage of anything, what will happen when these supplies are exhausted?Instead of being trapped and suffering in the future, it is better to find a way to get out of trouble now so as not to worry about the future.So people use their brains and think of ways. For a dreamy and good future, some people temporarily act as industrialists, try their best, hang signs on the door, and provide services for blacksmiths, masons, furniture carpenters, shoes and tailors. etc.Just for this reason, the business is not good, and almost no one is there.What's more, even if the business is booming, what's the use of making money?How to spend the money?The key issue is the food issue, so this issue bears the brunt above any other issue. After careful consideration, people gave up the trades they were familiar with, packed up their skills and tools, and went all out to find food. Due to the lack of shotguns, they could not hunt; Might not be able to beg either.Another method of fishing is advisable, and they follow the method taught by several immigrants. In addition to Le Corgui and his two companions, Altleble and the four sailors of the Jonathan, who were fishing from the beginning, the five of them, in the manner of the Fuegians, set out to build a A small boat about the size of Weier-Jie quickly let the light boat out to sea. Like Le Corgis, Altreble and his sailors salted and preserved as much fish as they could eat for the day, so they could at least guarantee that they would not starve. Their success attracted many workers and immigrants. With the help of carpenters, they successfully built two small boats, and it was their turn to go fishing. But fishing is a craft just like other trades. Whoever wants to gain something must go through a period of practice and learning, and gradually increase experience.Calori and his sons, Altleble and his sailors, whose rods were often bent under the weight of fish, did very well, while others often hauled up their rods more often than not, with nothing at all. Count on this method to get food.When fishing, occasionally fish may come to bite the hook, but they still cannot catch any fish and return empty-handed. One day, despite their best efforts, they were still unlucky. The boat of the fisherman Houde passed by Ver-Jier. More than 20 fish were lined up, including several very large fish. Seeing these fish, the immigrants were salivating with envy. "Alas! Indians! . . . " cried one of the workers. Calori let it follow. "What are you going to do?" Calori asked as their boat approached the Veer-Jet. "You have to catch so many fish yourself, the boat is full, but there are still many people who have to tighten their belts and starve, don't you feel shy?" The same worker said teasingly. Caloli began to laugh, he was a person who was completely caught up in the ideological principles of Le Corgilianism, so he replied without hesitation: "What belongs to me also belongs to others. It’s only natural that you should share it with others.” "Next..." he said. "You sent..." Half the fish were thrown into the boat. "Thanks! Dude! . . . " The workers shouted to them with one voice, and the boat gradually moved away. Although Algie recognized Shrek among the beggars, he performed an act of generosity, and Shrek was not alone, and he refused no one, not even an enemy, if he could do otherwise. , Le Corgi could see that he was trying to discredit the teacher. Some immigrants work hard to pass the time, while others pass the time idle. For them, there is nothing wrong with giving up on themselves. It is normal. What can Furniz Gross and Zorui do?The former has become a full-fledged dementia due to excessive alcoholism, while the latter is like a real-life urchin who knows nothing. Kennedy and Siridi had no excuses, but they didn't work too much either. Believe the experience of last winter, they stayed on Host Island, thinking that they mainly relied on others to support themselves, and they didn't feel any injustice. Not disappointed by not being satisfied.At present, he still hopes to develop according to his wishes, without higher requirements, let time pass by, and don't have to worry about the future. Similarly, Doric and Beauvale have nothing to do. The occupations they used to engage in cannot be used in this special living environment. They are on this uncultivated virgin island. In such an environment, the knowledge of lawyers and professors of history and literature is of no use at all. 他们这些芸芸众生中,谁也不能预料现在和未来将要发生的事情,大部分同伴都搬家离去,看起来好像合乎逻辑,而且一场灾难让他们很受惊吓,而且也打乱了他们原来就含糊不清的所谓计划。这样以来,多里克就失去了那些胆小怕事的听众,也使博瓦勒失去了拥护者和听众,也就是说失去了所谓的整体式被戏称为选举材料的、厚颜无耻的吹嘘对象了。 泄气了约两个月之后,博瓦勒开始又重整旗鼓了,如果他缺乏决断意识,事情不按他的指引,没有他的参与或通过,事情本身照样的解决了,这些对他来说,并不意味着失败或失去了一切,那些过去和将来都还不曾做的,霍斯特人都忘记给自己选个领袖,所以位子还空着,只要你去拿就行了。 缺少选民,并不是成功的障碍,恰恰相反,在这个人口稀少的地区,引导选举战是易如反掌的事,至于移民们,没必要去管他们的观点如何,他们分散在岛的四面八方,互相之间也没有联系,不可能集中起来一起行动,如果以后他们返回营地,那也只会是一小部分人,这些人势单力薄,发现这里有一个政府正在工作,将不得在既定事实面前折服。 这个计划一旦形成,博瓦勒急忙将其付诸实际行动,只几天时间,他已了解到这个潜在的政府有三个党派,除了中间派和漠不关心的人们,一个是他自认为是理所当然的领袖的一些人;第二个是对刘易斯·多里克的提议亦步亦趋的人们;第三个是受勒柯吉影响的人们,他经过反复地、深思熟虑地研究,认为这三个党派好像是势均力敌。 有了这个想法,博瓦勒便开始行动,用他那吸引人的口才,拉来了六十张选票,立刻举行了装模作样的选举。因为大部分人,不太了解这是件重大事情,于是有些人弃权,又必须来第二轮的投票,最后他的名下只剩了近三十张的选票。 通过这种避重就轻、变换手法的选举,他终于被选上了,他对选举看得很认真,这以来,博瓦勒对自己的前途不再担心,如果这头衔,没有赋予他的选民负担他的生活费用的权力,那么他就不必要来做这个领袖。 但是还是有烦恼困扰着他,最根本的常识告诉他,政府的首要任务是搞好管理,然而在实际进行工作中,对他来说,并不是一件容易的事,也不像他所想象的那么容易。 显然,刘易斯·多里克在这方面,却不会有什么烦恼,他所依仗的共产主义学校,就可以简化一些问题,是十分清楚的,他的箴言是:一切归公,人们对物质和精神的看法基本上可以容纳他的这种格言,因此他甚至可以轻而易举地实施,甚至可以不花太大的力气,就可以推行其严格的法律,或者是这些人温顺地听任安排,而且霍斯特人也许正在尝试这种方式也许做得不坏,这些人数量有限,而且不与外人交往,这就是他事情成功的最有利的条件,而且也许在这种特殊环境中,按照共产主义的格言,他们或者能够争取到各取所需的目的,并实行绝对的平等,以开展平均化为条件,目前还说不上是提高穷人的生活水平或是降低人的生活水平。 不幸的人,费尔丁南,博瓦勒,并没有公开主张共产主义,而是信奉集体主义,其组织机构,不是一般人为的力量就能以达到目的的,必须有一个更复杂、更重要的机制。 而且,这种学说可以实现吗?如果在十九世纪末所表现出的社会主义运动,没有什么作用的话,有必要提醒人们避免悲惨的失败,激起广大的同情,引导人们寻找减少灾乱的自救方法,激发他们更高的积极性,而产生较为全面的法律,其结果是只有从完善的社会秩序中得来,如果在批评中找到一个牢靠的阵地,看来,还是容易办到的! 费尔丁南·博瓦勒不好的一面,绝对是他没有什么好批评、好毁坏的,既然在霍斯特岛上一无所有,而且它处于建设中,就这点而言,也是无先例可循的。 确实社会主义并不是形成文学的科学,它并没有形成整套完整的学说,必须先破坏而后创造,因此博瓦勒不得不自己创造,看来,要彻头彻尾地创造一个随便什么样的社会秩序,还是件棘手的事情,并且还要知道,如果人们只满足于忍受相互交换生活,同时摸索着向永无休止的变化前进,那是因为他们别无任何选择,只能如此而已。 不管怎样,他的指导思想有连贯性,他并不是从那种,不要求通过生产方式的社会化而取消竞争的社会主义学校来的,对于所有的学派来说,这是共同的,最低的要求,尤其是集体主义者的信条,博瓦勒只能遵循服从。 不巧的是,这样一条原则,如果没有一个强大复杂的生产机构的旧社会,这是个表面道理,然而在霍斯特岛上,这样的表面道理也一无所有,除非将集体主义变成纯粹的共产主义,那时,人们愿意把农具、树林、田地和牧场,都看成是生产工具,其实,真正的生产工具是移民的双手和勇气。这就是博瓦勒为什么被这么多人痛苦、困惑所折磨的原因。 当他自我探讨这些严重的问题时,他的选举有了奇怪的结果,营地已是如此地人烟稀少,而且还常常有些人正在搬走。 第一个是阿里洛德士一家,率先做出了榜样,由于事情产生转折而不太让人放心,他过了河。就在那天,博瓦勒的雄心,得到满足。 洛德士的房子折成散件运走,他让几个工人在左岸将房子重建,他们就像帮勒柯吉建房子时一样,把房子搭建得更舒服、更牢固。阿里·洛德士在这方面与他的朋友不同,他公道地付给工人们工钱,而他们一方面非常非常地谢谢,接受了报酬,同时又觉得这样做有些局促不安。洛德士的情况马上有人效仿,斯密施·瑞格特,纳尔逊·弗克,再加上两个木匠胡具特和其瑞,另外还有两个工人,都先后过河,到左岸来定居,头一个村镇的竞争对手,就这样在勒柯吉周围产生了,阿尔特勒布尔,四个水手早已在这里安营扎寨,这个镇子在宣布独立的三个月后,已拥有二十一个居民,其中有两个孩子是迪克和桑德,两个女人是格拉瑞洛德士和她的女儿。 在这个还是雏形的村子,日子平平静静地流逝,没什么能破坏大家的和睦相处,除非是博瓦勒过河来制造事端。 有一天,阿尔吉正在和勒柯吉进行严肃的交谈,阿里·洛德士也在场,他对河对岸移民的牧民中一些人的行为向勒柯吉征求意见,他认为那些笨手笨脚的钓鱼人,他们头一次的乞求,两个火地岛人慷慨地送给了他们一些鱼,由于乞讨成功,他们便得寸进尺,胃口大开,要得越来越频繁,没有一天阿尔吉的鱼不流到他们的手中,他们毫不感到惭愧。从劳驾别人为他们干活时起,他们认为没有必要去花力气捕鱼,因此他们就留在陆地上,心安理得的等小艇返航,就去向他们要鱼,好像这些人欠他们的这些东西似的。 阿尔吉于是对这种放肆无礼的人感到愤怒,更何况他的敌人施瑞克也在这一群游手好闲人之中,但在拒绝他们之前,不管怎样,他还是想听听勒柯吉的意见和看法,作为他的一个听话的徒弟,他总是对老师的想法和作法,循规蹈矩的执行。 他的两个朋友和他,坐在海的沙滩上,对着一望无际的大海,他将这件事情的来龙去脉原原本本的告诉了他们。 勒柯吉的回答,让人一目了然。 “看看这巨大的空间,阿尔吉,”他从容不迫,而又温文尔雅地对他说,“他会给你一种最宽广的哲学思想,多么荒唐的想法,你在这无垠的宇宙中间,能不触摸到尘埃?为几条鱼就激动不安……,人生在世只有尽义务的责任,我的孩子,这是十分必要的,如果人们要战胜生活,坚持生活下去,就必须相敬相爱,互相帮助,你所说的那些人,一眼即可看出他们缺少这种义务,难道可以去学习吗?规律和道理也很简单,先得保证自己的供给,满足了自己的条件,再尽最大的可能保证同类的供给,他们这样的过分,对你有什么关系呢?可惜是他们,而不是你!” 阿尔吉毕恭毕敬地听着他阐述的这些大道理和原则。 他正准备回答,这时躺在他们三人脚下的狗——左勒低沉嗥叫着,几乎同时,离他们一箭之地的方向,传来了声音。 “勒柯吉!”有人叫。 勒柯吉回过头。 “博瓦勒先生!……”他说。 “是我……我有话要对您说,勒柯吉。” "I'm all ears." 但是博瓦勒没有马上开口,事实上他有些慌张和不安,他原准备的演说词,一旦和勒柯吉面对面,就被他庄重严肃的态度而感到惶恐不安,再也记不得他那华丽的词句了,只感到自己的语言有些荒诞不际,所采取的步骤也是愚不可及的。 由于不断地幻想社会主义学说的基本原则,博瓦勒最终发现霍斯特岛与存在着“生产工具”,这学说在必要时可以有的放矢了,诸如那些小船,尤其是维尔-捷小艇,这些不是“生产工具”吗?现在陈横在沙滩上勒柯吉的那支枪,难道不也是“生产工具”吗?这唯一的一支枪,竟使博瓦勒很有些垂涎三尺,它给其主人带来的一种高不可攀的形象,从现在起,将它以集体主义的名义收缴,是再自然不过的,也是再合法不过的,这种高人一等的感觉,应该他这个统治者来享受,那也就是属于集体主义化身的这个人。 “勒柯吉,”博瓦勒终于开口说话了,“您也许知道或者还不知道,在不久以前,我已经被选为霍斯特岛的最高长官,在我看来,”博瓦勒又说,“我的首要任务,在目前情况下,将某些成员中的一些人拥有的优势,用来服务于集体。” 博瓦勒停顿了一下,等待赞同者的答复,勒柯吉一声不吭的表示反对,他接着说:“关于您,勒柯吉,您有一支枪和一艘船,这枪是移民这里的唯一的火力武器,这艘船是唯一的可出海航行的一艘船……” “那么,您很想把这些归你所有!”勒柯吉回答说。 “我抗议用这样的语言,”博瓦勒作了一个大众常常作的一种手势,叫道,“我是以集体主义纲领获选的,我仅仅是把它付诸实施,我的步骤并不有助于掠夺类似的任何事情,这不是一种据为己有的行为,而是使生产工具社会化吗?” “来拿走好了!”勒柯吉镇静自若地说。 博瓦勒往后一退,左勒发生出一种凶相毕露的嗥叫声。 “我应该理解为您拒绝服从移民的合法政权的决定,”他说道。 勒柯吉实在有些怒火中烧,他拿起枪,站起来,然后将枪往地上一插,“够了,别演戏了,我说过,您拿走好了!” 被主人的态度挑动起来的狗——左勒,龇牙咧嘴,也表示愤怒和敌视。博瓦勒惊恐不安,他对这位宽阔胸肩、壮实有力的对手,心想还是不能固执己见,他小心谨慎地撤离,嘴里咕咕哝哝、含糊不清地说着些乱七八糟的话语,大意是要将这种情况提交议会讨论,来采取什么措施。 根本没有听他的唠叨,勒柯吉转过身,背对着他,目光又一次茫然的看着大海,这事故包含一次教训,然而这教训,阿里·洛德士已向他阐明过。 “您对博瓦勒的方法,有何见解?”洛德士问。 “您希望我有什么看法和想法?”勒柯吉反问。“这个傀儡的言行举止,他的所作所为,我能把他怎么样呢?” “傀儡,当然罗!”阿里·洛德士反驳说,“不过,同时他还是最高长官!” “那么!自己任命的,因为营地只有六十个移民,当没有人去争这位置,一票就足够了,”勒柯吉耸耸肩。 “我先请您原谅我将要对您说的话,”阿里·洛德士说,“不过,实际上,你不感到有点遗憾,甚至有点悔恨?” "I?……" “您,所有移民中唯一的一个,对这个地区有经验,您在这里生活了多年,您了解这里的资源,也了解这个地区安全和危险的地方,您拥有聪明才智,精明强于,乐于助人,在这一地区您树立了很高的威望,让这些无知可怜的人们对您崇拜和归心,但是您却又让他们分散在这个岛上,互相之间毫无联系,使他们孤立无援,不管您是愿意还是不愿意,对他们的灾难和面临的痛苦,您要负不可推卸的责任。” “负责?……”勒柯吉抗议,“我没有什么责可负,有什么责任要我负呢?” “强者对弱者的援助。” “我没有做吗?……我没有救过约纳丹号?从来没有人曾拒绝过我助他一臂之力,或拒绝我为之出谋划策吗?” “还应该做得更多!”阿里·洛德士竭力地肯定,“那胜过别人的人,要有责任心,应该去指导事物,而不是听之任之,让他们停滞不前或忍受痛苦,应放弃自我去保护这些无能为力的人,给他们指引航向……” “从他们身上偷去自由?”勒柯吉苦涩地来打断他的说话。 “为什么不?”阿里·洛德士反驳说。“如果对这些善良的人肯定有好处的话,那么就应该让这些服从这种约束;服从命令他们的法律;服从强迫他们的力量。” “决不!”勒柯吉坚决的回答,停了一会儿,他用一种更平静的语调说。 “应该综合一下,只此一次,我的朋友,我对一切政府,不管是什么形式的,我都认为是死敌,我用毕生的精力在考虑这个问题,我想不应该有这种情况,即人们有权侵犯他同类的自由的权力。任何法律,其观点都是以损害个人利益维护所谓的集体利益为依据而颁发的,是一种欺世盗名之举,但愿每个人在完全自由的范围下享受着因自由而带来的完全的快乐。我确信,这就是我生命信仰的基石,它是如此的巨大坚实,我无力在旧大陆那腐烂的旧社会去战胜它,我比许多人都付出的更多,他们许多人也不能去战胜它,于是我来到这里,到麦哲伦,为了在自由的土地上,自由自在地生存到死亡,从那时起,我的信仰一直没有变化,我知道自由也有它的不足之处,并非十全十美,但它在生活实践中,会自我调整,减少缺陷,不管怎样,它比那些想消灭它的法律缺陷要小得多。这里,近几个月发生的事,使我感到伤心,但也不能改变我的思想,我,过去是、现在是、将来是被收在侮辱性的名字里——'无政府主义者,'属于这类人,和他们一样,我的格言:是无上帝、无主人。但愿我们的询问、讨论到此为止,再也不谈论这个主题。” 尽管这样,即使经历曾让他信仰动摇过,勒柯吉不愿商量,更不要说去放弃它,它就像有些人一样,明明知道不完全可能,但还是沉醉于理想之中,紧紧抓住一根草,也不放弃自己的信仰。 阿里·洛德士专心致志地听他对自己信仰的阐述,勒柯吉用那种不允许反驳的、坚定不移的语调,作了有力的回答。他伤心地吸了口气。
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