Home Categories foreign novel Night City 08 Unnatural Inquirer

Chapter 2 Chapter 1 The Wrath of Loya

One of the many troubles that comes with being a private eye, aside from all kinds of people who want to kill you for good reasons, is having to wait for the job to come to you.I refuse to sit in my office and wait for business to come, since my secretary, Kathy, has installed so many high-tech gadgets in my office that I feel intimidated.I seem to spend most of my time in the tavern, waiting for something interesting to happen.Seriously, it's not a bad way to spend your life.But in the final analysis, a case is like waiting for a bus; after waiting for a long time, there are several buses.

I am a traditional private detective, wearing a traditional white trench coat, with an ordinary and handsome appearance, exuding a mysterious atmosphere that takes a lot of effort to maintain.Always keep others guessing.A great—or, more correctly, terrible—reputation can provide more protection than body armor.I specialize in spooky and mysterious cases, crimes and troubles that are dark and scary even by Nightside standards.I don't do divorces and I don't carry guns.I never had a need to carry a gun. I had just finished a simple case, and the trouble was already at my door.I was approached by the manager of the largest library in Nightside, the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Library.This library has a proud advertising slogan: the place with the largest collection of forbidden books.I had browsed their collection before and was not impressed.They had the Book of the Dead, of course, and it was in forty-eight languages, including Braille, and an uncut copy of the Gospel of Pontino Pilate.They even treasured a copy of "Satan's Last Words", which was first stabbed in the womb of a fallen nun in Lourdes.However, most of the books here are things for tourists, such as "The Book of Cults That Can't Be Speak", "Demon Worship of Fools", and "Fishing on the River Styx".There are no tomes here that expand horizons or threaten souls.

They came to me because a total of twenty-seven guests were found in the library, shuttling between the bookcases with dull eyes, their hearts completely wiped out, and there was no trace of their own personality and consciousness left.It was an unusual occurrence on a Monday morning, even at the H. P. Lovecraft Memorial Library.I turned on my talent and soon figured out it was a treatise they had recently acquired that was reading the minds of readers... I persuaded that treatise to put people's minds back in their place, most of them right in their bodies, and to It introduces the wonders that the Internet has enabled.That should keep it busy for a while, until the library finds a way to get it elsewhere.

So, I wandered among the smiles of everyone, my purse was full (I don’t accept checks or credit cards, and I don’t let people credit me, anyone who dares to renege on their debts will give me a slap in the face first), all in all, I was in a good mood...until I came out of the library to find Walker and Suzy Huett waiting for me at the bottom of the steps.These two guys were probably the two most dangerous characters in the whole night city. Suzy Huett, nicknamed Suzy the Shotgun, aka Oh My God She Runs, is Nightside's chief bounty hunter with a shotgun and grenades and willing to travel.She is a slender blonde female warrior, wearing a black motorcycle leather jacket, with two bullet belts hanging on her majestic chest, her boots are covered with iron toes, and she has the most ruthless gaze in the world on her face.The left side of her face is covered with raised scars, one eye is tightly closed, and the corner of her mouth is raised, always wearing a sarcastic smile.She could easily revert her features back to normal, but she chooses not to, saying the look is good for business and gives her a grim, crippled allure.

Suzy and I are a couple, neither of us expected to be with each other, and now we love each other as much as we can. Walker was more dangerous than Suzie, but the danger he posed was subtler and less immediate.He looked like an ordinary gentleman; pinstriped suit, bowler hat, calm and authoritative.An important member of the city government, you might think he is some undersecretary of a department you've never heard of, but Walker's order in Night City is, by all accounts, in charge.In a place where everything is allowed, where sin and temptation are part of everyday life, there are certain boundaries that cannot be crossed.Cross these lines and you'll find Walker waiting for you on the other side.

He used to be a representative of those in power, a group of behind-the-scenes promoters who hid behind the scenes and controlled everything in Night City and profited from it.Walker acted in their name, had the "voice" they gave him, a power that no one could violate, and he also had the power to call in troops from the army and church to support him when necessary.But since all those in power died and were devoured in the Lilith War, many people wonder where Walker's power comes from today.He still had his "voice" and the military to back him up, so he was left to run the house.

But there are also plenty of people waiting to see his downfall. He smiled and nodded politely, but I ignored him principledly and focused on Susie. "Hello, honey. I haven't seen you in days." "I'm at work." She said in her usual icy tone. "Hunting a bounty." "Doing something for Walker?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She shrugged casually, the handle of the shotgun behind her raised slightly. "His money is as good as anyone else's. And you know I can't be idle. I only feel alive in the moments of death or glory. Your case solved?"

"Yes," I said, turning reluctantly to Walker. "Then come with me, John," he said. "I need your assistance on an urgent matter." I walked down the steps in a leisurely manner and came to his side.I occasionally collaborate with Walker, but rarely on a voluntary basis.He offered good money, but only for cases where he would not risk the lives of his men, cases where I could be completely denied my identity and didn't care whether I lived or died.We walked side by side on the streets of Night City, Walker on my left, Suzie on my right, and everyone along the road gave us plenty of room to pass.

"I hired Suzie because an important person went missing," Walker said casually. "And I had to find him as soon as possible. There was nothing unusual about it, but unfortunately, Susie couldn't find him at all." "It's not my fault." Suzy said immediately. "I've looked for all the informants, but no one can provide any leads, whether I use bribes or violence. The man disappeared out of thin air, jumped into a deep hole, and buried himself alive. I can't even Sure he's still in Nightside." "Oh, he's still there," Walker said. "If he leaves, I will know for sure."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked. "Max Maxwell." Walker said. "Ah, from the look on your face, you must have heard of him." "Who hasn't heard of it?" I said. "Max Maxwell, so great you have to say his name twice. Nightclub owner, mob boss, bootleg dealer, and bookmaker. He's nicknamed the Voodoo Traitor, but I don't know why." "That's him." Walker said. "He's powerful and well-connected. He's tried to assassinate me twice, but I'm not one to hold grudges. All in all, Max seems to have gotten his hands on a very special item, something he should know very well not to get his hands on .To be more specific, the key of the Aquarius Palace."

"I've heard of this thing." I said, frowning. "A magic weapon from the 1960s, isn't it? All powerful people in those days had to have a powerful magic weapon to be taken seriously. I never trusted this kind of thing, because you never know when the cosmic battery will Run out, and then you'll be a fool with a stupid ornament." "You're right," Walker said. "Nevertheless, the Key of Aquarius is still a very useful tool. A fusion of technology and magic, it is a key specially used to open and close the door of space. This is to prevent the recurrence of events such as the Babelun ceremony, you know .” "Why...is it called Aquarius Palace?" I asked. Walker shrugged. "Represents that era. Legend has it that a collector once held this key, and it was through this key that he started his career in collecting rare items. Then he lost the key to Blind Pio in a game, after that , the key changed hands several times, causing a lot of loss of life and property, and finally fell into the hands of Max Maxwell. Obviously, he figured out how to use this key to improve his social status .” "Is this how he became a voodoo traitor?" I asked. "Unfortunately, yes," Walker said. "Voodoo is a very unique religion. Voodoo believers worship many gods of the pantheon, or loa: Regba, Sir Samdi, Erzli, and Dambara. These gods can be summoned or Invitations and other means to enter our world, and possessed the believers who were willing to be possessed by them. The reason why Max became a voodoo traitor was because he ignored their wishes and used the power of the key of Aquarius to make Los Angeles Ya forcibly pulled them into our world, and then stuffed them into the bodies of his men. In this way, he can control them to do anything. They have inhuman strength, almost impossible to kill, become An impressive group of commandos." I was slightly taken aback. "Fucking with God is never a good idea." "It's always been like this," Walker said. "Max used his commandos to expand his territory through massacre and terror; that's what got my attention. Inevitably, Max became greedy and overextended, leading to fragmentation, and Roja finally broke away. His control. Max didn't wait for them to come to the door. He ran away with the key of the Aquarius Palace, and none of my men could track his whereabouts. So I went to Susie because she had a way to find out Lots of people who don't want to be found." Susie cursed inarticulately.When she finds Max Maxwell, I definitely don't want to change places with him. Any prey that tries to escape her pursuit is regarded as a personal insult to her. "How can this matter be so urgent that you need to find me?" I asked. "Susie will find him sooner or later." "Loya has entered Night City." Walker said. "And they are obviously in a bad mood. They possessed a group of top bounty hunters, rampaging in Night City, frantically chasing Max Maxwell's whereabouts." "Let them take him away," I said. "That guy is a piece of trash, a pompous rogue. Use voodoo for protection, pay the money, or he'll turn you or your family into zombies. Scumbag, let Loya tear him to pieces .Without him, the whole Nightside would be better." "That's right," Suzie said. "Wait a minute, if Loya is attached to all the top bounty hunters...why didn't I choose me? I am the top player in the industry, and anyone who doesn't agree with this will be shot through the knee by me. Why didn't Loya attach to me?" "They dare not." I flattered. "Well, that's a reason, yes." Susie said. "And I'm different from others. I always update my defensive magic at any time. Girls should always be careful." I feel sorry for any man or monster stupid enough to venture into Suzy's trap-filled heart, but I'm not stupid enough to say so.Besides, I suddenly remembered something, so I turned my eyes to Walker. "Max still holds the key to Aquarius, so you want me to retrieve it for you." "I knew you would think of this sooner or later," Walker said. "I want you to find Max, take the key from him and bring it back to me, then I will hide the key in a safe place and lock Max into the Abyss of Shadows." I almost couldn't help shaking, but it's never wise to show weakness to Walker.The Shadowdeeps is the most terrifying prison in the world, located in the rock formations beneath the Nightside.That's where we imprison the most heinous; or at least the ones who, for whatever reason, can't be put to death.It's in eternal darkness, with no light at all, and once they've locked you up in a cell, you never want to leave.You just have to stay in your cell until the day you die—however long that may be. "It might be kinder to let Loya take it away." I said. "We can retrieve the key from his wreckage." "No." Walker said immediately. "One reason is that Loya will cause disaster in the process of finding him. Just like most gods, they will be desperate when they want revenge. Obviously, they don't care about the rules of bounty hunters , I don’t want to be left alive after the online person reveals the clues. But the main reason I want to capture Max alive is that the problem of Night City should be handled by Night City itself, and we can’t let outsiders think that they can do whatever they want in Night City .” He stopped suddenly, and Suzie and I stopped with them.He took out a traditional gold watch from his coat pocket, looked at the time, put away the gold watch, and looked at me with a serious face. "Don't mess it up, John. I'm under a lot of pressure to resolve this matter satisfactorily and as quickly as possible. That's why I'm turning this case over to you instead of sending my men to search the night City. If you can't find Max and the Key to Aquarius within three hours, I'll have no choice but to send an army into Nightside, and doing so will severely lower my popularity. Don't let me Disappointment, John, or I shall blame you for everything." Susie stared at him coldly, and then couldn't help showing admiration, because Walker showed no sign of flinching. "Provoke him," Susie said coldly. "It's like messing with me." "I'm going to mess with everybody sooner or later," Walker said. "Under pressure?" I asked wistfully, and he turned his gaze back to me.I smiled into his calm and collected face. "Who is the pressure from? Those in power are dead, who are you doing for?" But he just nodded and smiled, then tapped his round cap towards Susie, then turned and left, disappearing into the night without haste.
Suzy Huett and I headed to The Spider's Web, a decent cocktail bar that's been turned into Maxwell's since the previous owner was murdered and taxidermied for display It's mine; it's well known that this is where he does business with the unfortunates who come to him.When we got there, the entire store had been completely smashed up, and some of it was still smoldering.Suzie pulled out her shotgun after herself and led the way through the door that had been kicked open. The reception hall was dilapidated, with corpses everywhere, and the death conditions were all extremely ugly.Blood seeped into the carpet, splattered the walls, and even the ceiling was stained with blood.One corner was piled high with severed hands, all of which had lost their faces.Suzy and I cautiously stepped across the pile of corpses, but saw nothing.All the furniture looked like it was blown up. Max Maxwell's office at the back of the club wasn't much better, though there was no blood or corpses, suggesting Max escaped in time.A deck of tarot cards lay on a large mahogany desk, which itself had been split in two.The walls were covered with thick vines, obviously a part of Max's defense system; but at this moment all the vines were dead, as if they had withered under a strong frost.Claw marks can be seen everywhere, cutting through the vines and digging into the wooden wall behind.The floor is covered with symbols of Jewish mystical sects, forming a layered defense system. Very strong defense system. "This person must be worried all day long, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bless so many defensive spells in one place." Susie said. "He has good reasons," I said. "The gods dislike ungrateful worshipers." I activate my talent, and the world around me changes instantly.I have no way to use my talents to find out where Max is currently, I need a specific question to ask a specific answer.But there's more than one way to find someone who doesn't want to be found.I open my mind's eye, my third eye, to see the world for what it is.There are a lot of things in the world that most people simply don't even notice, and maybe it's better that if they knew who or what we're sharing the world with, a lot of people would probably snap their heads off on the spot. There are other things in this office, floating in a current unseen by mortals, filling all space like microbes in drops, and they are as ugly as microbes in water.I focused my attention, focused the power of my genius on Max Maxwell, and the image of his past—his image imprinted in time—appeared before my eyes. Max's figure is as tall as in the legend, like a giant, although he still looks huge and gloomy under the translucent situation in front of him.Eight feet tall, with an unusually thick chest and shoulders, he wore a perfectly tailored cream suit, probably tailored to accentuate his stern, dark features.He looked like a stone statue, a tall gargoyle in a tailored suit.He frowned deeply, and clenched his huge palm into a fist. He paced silently in the office, as if looking for something.He didn't look scared, or even worried, he was just very angry.He opened a locked drawer and took out something wrapped in a blood-red cloth.He made a series of gestures, and then spread the red cloth, revealing a large, boxy novelty machine with many parts that exuded a dull metallic luster, assembled in a way that made my eyes hurt just by looking at it. .This is probably the key to the Aquarius Palace.It looks like a prototype, a work in progress that hasn't been debugged yet. Max put the key in a big hand and weighed it, then turned his head suddenly, as if he heard something he didn't like.He made a few gestures with his free hand, and the Jewish runes on the floor glowed brightly.The vines on the wall began to twist and twist, as if they were in great pain, one after another, the lines on the floor quickly went out.Max walked towards the door. I moved with him, Suzie close behind.She couldn't see what I saw, but she believed in me. But she trusts me just as she trusts anyone else.
We follow Max Maxwell through Nightside.I have to spend a lot of effort to maintain the image of his past.When the eyes of my mind are fully opened, I can see all the scenes in the Nightside, and many of them are beyond the capacity of human minds.The endless full moon hangs high in the starry night sky, twenty times larger than the moon in the normal world.Something with huge wings flew across the surface of the moon, almost obscuring it completely.The nearby buildings glowed with defensive magic, and curses floated in front of the store like flying graffiti.Thousands of ghosts paced around me, silently howling in anger.They are like insects in amber, memories trapped in time loops. Space travelers jump in and out of reality, passing through our world on their way to more interesting locations.The demon rode behind the ignorant soul, its claws digging deep into the muscles of the host's back and shoulders, whispering softly in their ears.You can always tell which ones are really listening to the demons, because the demons in them are always fatter than others.The goblins with a pair of small wings, pulsating light flowing on their bodies, sprint up and down in the street, dazzling like fireworks, interweaving with each other complex patterns that cannot be recognized by human eyes.And the people of awe, ancient and gigantic, roam our streets and buildings as if nothing existed, hurrying to do deeds that no one knows. I kept a low profile and focused on following Max Maxwell while Suzie made sure no one bothered me or blocked our way.With her shotgun held high, no one doubted she would shoot.Suzie likes to use a scorched-earth strategy with all problems, big and small. Max led us through the center of Night City, and then continued towards the other end. I felt ominous in my heart, and I could almost guess his destination.Even though Night City itself is a very bad place, there are a few places in it that are so bad that any reasonable person would want to visit.One of them was called Funland, and this place was supposed to be the first adult-only amusement park in Nightside, someone's idea.In short, it has never been popular here.People who come to Nightside definitely don't come for artificial thrills; there are plenty of real thrills to explore on every street corner.Joyland was closed several years ago, and the only reason why it has not been demolished is that many creditors are still arguing about what belongs to whom.Today, all that remains of it is a pile of rusted rides, rotting alone in the cold nights that don't care. I heard that they invited fourteen first-class exorcists to exorcise demons, just to maintain the tranquility of the environment here. The reason why Max chose Joy Paradise as his hiding place is because too many tragedies have happened here.Too much pain and death, too much joyful carnage and purgatory resentment, transformed the joy paradise into a large psychic forbidden place.Because the aura here is too turbid, full of blood and fear, no one has the ability to see through this place, which also makes this place an excellent place to hide, as long as you can bear it. Suzy and I stopped at the entrance to the park, stood where we were, and looked inside.The image of Max's past disappears as soon as he enters the gate.I turn off talent.Huge, brightly colored arches towered over us, chipped with paint and covered in rust.The neon signboards of Joy Paradise, once shining brightly in front of people's eyes, are now dusty and lifeless.Someone painted graffiti on the sign, saying "enterers please give up all hope first."This is graveyard humor, but I have to admire the guts of the graffiti.It was dark behind the arch, full of deep shadows, and the tracks of the roller coaster cast icy silhouettes against the night sky.There is no light at all in the entire joy park, only the blue and white full moon light strangely illuminates the aisles between the amusement facilities, forming a maze of silver light, and the monsters in it are no longer trapped in the center of the maze.A breeze came through the archway, and it was as cold as the grave upon my face. Many tragedies have happened here, and perhaps in some ways, tragedies are still being played out today.When so many people died in a place, so much blood was spilled, and so much pain and massacre were experienced, it is absolutely impossible not to leave traces in time. At the beginning, everything was fine, and Joyland did attract many tourists with its unusual extreme adventure and excitement.Maybe it's awakening the tired palates of Nightside residents; maybe it's because even people like us need a brief relive of old childhood dreams.So here's a doomsday bumper car with a top speed of Mach 2 and a heavy machine gun.The aircraft on the tilt-wheel aircraft are all equipped with heat-seeking missiles and jumping escape chairs.The ghost train is driven by real ghosts, and the channel of love is run by a female demon.The roller coaster promises to take you through five different spaces, or you will get your money back.A hundred and one different psychotropic drugs are mixed into the marshmallow. But it didn't take long for people to start discovering that despite the large number of people entering the park, a high percentage of visitors never came out. Then everything went completely out of tune. No one is sure exactly what caused it.It is generally believed that someone cursed the place for unknown reasons.The first abnormal situation is that the wooden horse in the merry-go-round is possessed by a demon and begins to devour the rider on its back.The tilt-wheel planes revved up, throwing the dummy planes on the runners into space—none of them got very far.The roller coaster will disappear into another dimension, and none of the passengers on it will return to the human world.Distorted images emerge from the distorting mirror, frantically killing anyone who can. The screams came from the ghost train, and the screams came from the passage of love.The weighing machine reports people's deepest privacy.The always laughing clown jumped out of the clown booth, shuttled through the joyful paradise, twisted off people's heads, hung them on his belt, and still had a smile on his face.Tourists rushed to the exit, and only a few escaped. Those in power sealed off Joyland, preventing anything from leaving, and before long, the entire park was plunged into darkness and dead silence.No one volunteered to search for survivors, or to bring back the bodies of the dead.Nightside is not a place to be helpful. Then, the owners and creditors of the paradise turned to priests and exorcists for help, and even used aerial firepower and powerful explosives, but none of them had any effect.Funland has become a terrible place, and most people know not to approach it.But this is the Nightside, and there are always brave and foolish people using it as a hiding place, because they think only the most fearless will dare to enter Paradise to find them. I look at Suzie. "Want to go for a walk? Enjoy the rides in the park?" "Of course." Suzy said. We walked through the arches side by side, and then we felt a strong wind blowing in our faces, and the joyland was bitterly cold, and there was a dull oppressive feeling in the dead silence.Our footsteps made no echo.Rollercoasters and other structures towered around us, forming tall, dark skeletons, and what appeared to be tattered silhouettes of tents and kiosks.We walked along the middle of the moonlit road, and from time to time we would see something moving in the corner of our eyes.Perhaps driven by the cold wind, the surrounding wind seemed to be gradually increasing. Susie looked around, ready to shoot at any time.Maybe it was the repressive nature of Paradise that made her nervous, or maybe it wasn't the case at all, and Suzie always liked to preempt things before they happened. When passing by a traditional weighing machine, I stopped and looked at the machine carefully. "I know a guy who likes to collect stuff like that," I said with mock relief. "He's going to teach them the chorus 'Hallelujah.'" "Why?" Suzy asked. "I guess he didn't think that much about it," I admitted. Then we shut up at the same time, seeing the weighing machine running slowly, regaining our vitality.The parts in the machine turned and grinded against each other, although neither of us stood on it.A low moan came from the speaker, as if he was in great pain.The big painted face was lit up and flickered continuously.Then the machine started talking to us in a voice that was completely devoid of humanity or any emotion. "John Taylor. No father, no mother, no family, no friends, no future. All spurned, all feared, no love, no appreciation. Why don't you hurry up and die and end your life?" "It's far away." I said coldly. "You probably can't even guess my weight." "Susie Huett," said the voice. "Eternally celibate, never married. No one can touch you, ever. Not your breasts, or your heart. You miss your brother, even though he raped you as a child. Sometimes you dream that the sight of it, the pleasure when he caresses you. There will be no love in your life, Susan, love of any kind, ever." Susie raised the muzzle of her gun and smashed the big painted face with one shot.The weighing machine screamed loudly, and then fell into silence.Suzy fired another shot at the machine. "A machine should play its part," she said. "Don't believe anything you hear in Pleasureland," I said cautiously. "The devil lies all the time." "Unless the truth hurts more than a lie." "He doesn't know you as well as I do," I said. "I love you, Suzy." "why?" "Someone has to love you. Every woman has a Mr. Right, and every man has a Mr. Right. You should be glad we found each other." "I'm very glad." Susie said.This is the limit of her emotional expression. She turned suddenly, aiming her gun at a shadow. "Come out. Step into the moonlight and let me see your figure clearly." Cautiously stepping out of the shadows, Max Maxwell was even taller than he seemed in past images.He held up his huge hands to show that he was unarmed, and smiled slowly, his gray lips lifted and his gray teeth showing. "You're amazing, Suzie." His voice was so deep that it sounded like stones rubbing against each other. "It is impossible for others to know that I am hiding here." "No one can sneak up on me." Susie said, aiming the shotgun firmly at his chest.His milky white suit had discolored in the moonlight, making it look like spoiled milk. "I should have known they were going to send you two," he said, completely unmoved by the shotgun threat. "But I'm afraid you're too late. I didn't come here to hide; this whole place is a big tank of energies from other dimensions, and the Key of Aquarius has been absorbing energies here for hours. In a little while, This key has the power to open a portal to the world of loa, and then I will enter that world... The energy stored in the key will make me their master. God of gods, king of loa. " "Bad idea, Max," I said. "Challenge them in the place of the gods, and they will devour your soul one bite at a time. What are you thinking? How dare you forcefully summon them and humiliate them?" "We shouldn't be begging for them at all, and we'll be there whenever we want," says voodoo renegade Max Maxwell. "My people have worshiped them for centuries, but the best they've ever expected is that they possess us, use us as mounts. This is the Nightside, and we have a street full of gods, and we let those Supernatural powers keep their duty. I will also let these Loyas know how powerful they are." He stretched out his hand towards me, and the key of the Aquarius Palace appeared in his palm immediately.In his big pale hand, the machine looked like a toy. The metal parts on it moved slowly, overlapping layers, and sliding continuously. I wanted to look away, but found that I couldn't.The Key of the Aquarius Palace has become something that makes people feel uncomfortable at first glance, as if it is turning itself, passing through strange alien spaces, looking for a portal to the world of Loya.It opened suddenly, blooming like metal petals, tearing a gap in the space, like a wound in reality. There came a sudden loud noise, echoing through the dead silence of Pleasureland, like a howl of rage.A strong ray of light pierced through the gap in mid-air, so dazzling that I had to turn my head away, the spell of the key of the Aquarius Palace was so easily deciphered. I took a step back and raised my arms to block the glare in front of my eyes.Gaps in the night sky widened relentlessly, sucking in the surrounding air.It sucked for me, and it sucked for Suzie.I grabbed her wrist, on the one hand to help her resist the suction, and on the other hand to stabilize my footsteps, she was as motionless as usual.The suction builds up, Suzy grabs the rails beside me, and I cling to her.Max Maxwell was protected by the Key of Aquarius that could not be shaken in his hand, and Wenfeng stood still.The strong wind whizzed by, rushing with all the loose objects into the widening crack.All kinds of rubbish are flying in the air, flipping up and down constantly.I squeezed Suzie's wrist so hard it must have hurt her, but she never said a word, and the white knuckles that gripped the track didn't loosen at all.She raised her other hand, turned the muzzle of the gun smoothly, and shot the Key of Aquarius in Max's hand. He let out an angry and painful cry, and his palm exploded into a cloud of blood mist and flying fingers.The Key of Aquarius flew into the air unscathed, crashed to the ground, and rolled into the shadows.The crack in the air suddenly closed, and just like that, the rushing wind disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.Regardless of the blood coming out of the severed hand, Max rushed into the shadows to find the key.I let go of Suzie's wrist and walked forward at the same time.苏西忙着装填弹药,但是麦克斯已经自地上爬起,以胜利者的姿态将宝瓶宫之钥举在没有受伤的手掌中。他对我大吼大叫,我则向前一凑,在他脸上洒了一把黑胡椒。 我绝对不会不带调味料就出门的。 黑胡椒洒入麦克斯的双眼跟鼻孔,他立刻后退,猛打喷嚏,全身不住颤抖,双眼紧闭,眼泪直流。他根本拿不稳宝瓶宫之钥,更别提要使用它了。金属盒掉落地面,我弯下腰去捡了起来。苏西佩服地对我点头。 “你总是知道使用最好的方法去打下流的架。” 她以金属鞋尖踢在麦克斯的肋骨之间,当场让他失去所有反击能力。他哼了一声,然后抬头瞪我们,强迫自己睁开泪水汪汪的双眼。他以完好的手掌按住断手的伤口,几乎已经止住失血。他阴沉的脸上完全没有痛苦、软弱甚或是挫败的神情;只有一股实实在在的怨恨,默默地等待着反击的机会。苏西将枪口抵在他的脸上。 “不管你是死是活,我的酬劳都是一样的。”她的语气一如往常冷静沉着。“基本上,我比较喜欢死的猎物。可以省略不少文书作业。” “我可不要抬具这么高大的尸体离开这里。”我坚决地道。“除非我没有其他选择。所以我们还是客气一点,大家一起走出去比较好。” 但是麦克斯根本没在听我们说话,他凝视着我的身后。就在他开口说话之前,我已经感觉到背后的寒毛根根竖起。 “啊,妈的,”麦克斯·麦斯威尔道。“正当我以为事情不可能变得更糟的时候……” 苏西和我立刻转头,只见我们身后站着好几排夜城顶尖的赏金猎人。这些人全副武装,不自然地僵立原地,脸上全部挂着难看的笑容,双眼绽放的金光就像来自地狱深处的烛火。他们微笑的嘴角露出牙齿,仿佛猎犬将猎物逼入死路的模样。 洛亚已经找到我们了。 麦克斯突然狂笑,笑声里带有浓厚的喘息声。“如果你们还想领取赏金的话,保护我,苏西、泰勒。” 我看向苏西。“我们真的那么需要这笔钱吗?” “随时都需要钱。”苏西道。“这跟原则无关,跟钱有关。没有人可以抢走我的赏金。” “或许我们可以把他切成两半跟大家分。”我道。 “很诱人,但是太恶心,而且我不喜欢分享。” I sigh. “当我需要扮演理性之声时,就表示事情已经真的非常糟糕了。” 我向前一步,大剌剌地站在洛亚跟祂们的猎物之间,祂们立刻将闪闪发光的目光集中在我身上。 “我们认得你,约翰·泰勒。”我分辨不出这个声音从何而来。或许是他们其中之一所发,或许是所有人同时说话,总之声音听起来很……有趣。“我们知道你是什么人,或是什么东西,可能比你自己更清楚。但是不要以为这样你就可以阻止我们取得属于我们的东西。” “我也认得你们,各位洛亚。”我尽量保持礼貌与尊敬的语气。“但是这里是我的世界,不是你们的,而麦克斯是我的。他将会获得应有的惩罚,我向各位保证。” “这样不够好。”对方说道,接着附身军团同时一拥而上。 麦克斯趁我不注意,突然翻身而起,自我手中夺走宝瓶宫之钥,猛力扭动,同时高声念诵力量咒语。所有的赏金猎人同声尖叫,附身的洛亚瞬间离体。数十名男男女女倒落一地,不断扭曲颤抖,因为遭受释放而热泪盈眶。有那么一瞬间,我真的以为威胁已经解除。我早该知道没有这么简单的事。 所有游乐设施与机器通通开始恢复生机,轮子转动,机械运作,旋转木马缓缓转头看向我们。洛亚已经找到全新的宿主。一股缓慢而又恐怖的生气袭卷欢乐乐园,在冰冷的金属与上漆的木材中猛烈燃烧,随即又自巨大的小丑以及爱之通道跟恐惧通道的口中传出洛亚的怒吼。 麦克斯蹲在地上,神色慌忙地单手操作宝瓶宫之钥,试图开启一道逃生门。苏西举起枪托击中他的脑侧,但是他根本没有感觉。她再度攻击,趁他分心时,我一步上前抢走他的钥匙。麦克斯瞪着我,灰色的嘴唇扬起,露出灰色的牙齿。 “我会为此要你付出性命,泰勒。我要先把你打趴在地上;然后再把她打趴。我要让你亲眼看着我侵犯你的女人,一干再干,干到她血流如注、喉咙破裂为止。我会把她撕成碎片,身心无存。我会把她送入地狱……然后再来料理你。” 我看向苏西。“膝盖。” 她一枪击碎他的左腿膝盖。他的小腿爆裂,鲜血狂喷,整个人瘫倒在地,抱着小腿发出痛苦的尖叫。我低头看他。 “不该威胁苏西的,麦克斯。没有人可以对我和我的女人出言不逊。” 我将注意力转回欢乐乐园上,只见乐园有如一头自沉睡中缓缓苏醒的巨兽。四面八方的灯光一盏接着一盏亮起,在黑暗中增添蓝色、绿色,以及粉红色的色彩。巨大的设施吱吱作响,锈蚀的金属重新运转。苏西走到我身旁,来回移动她的枪口,迫切地寻找射击目标。 “约翰,出了什么事?” “洛亚附身在整座乐园上。”我道。“一定是那些驱魔仪式没有收尾干净……” “我们不能让麦克斯再度驱逐祂们吗?” “或许可以,”我道。“如果他没有忙着抱脚颤抖的话。” “那可是你的主意。” "I know I know!" 首先发难的是碰碰车。它们撞开场地四周的强化围墙,以难以想象的速度往我们直奔而来。它们在阴影间穿梭,木制外壳因为难以承受控制它们的强大能量而出现裂缝。苏西站在原地,直到碰碰车冲到面前才开枪击烂第一辆车。第一辆碰碰车炸成一堆木头碎片,其中有几片溅在苏西的机车夹克上。其他的碰碰车这时已经冲到我们身边,于是苏西和我朝向相反的方向飞奔而出。碰碰车急忙转弯,彼此错身而过,对着我们直追而来,车头上的彩绘大脸露出跟之前遭受附身的赏金猎人脸上一模一样的笑容。众洛亚十分享受这一切,祂们在玩弄我们。 我在两旁所有摊贩亭不停摇摆的道路上狂奔,碰碰车尾随而来,发出恐怖的叫骂声。我听见苏西奔跑的声音,就在离我不远处,于是我高声叫她在下一个十字路口跟我会合。我们同时抵达下个十字路口,接着我抓起苏西的手掌,拉着她一同趴在地上。追逐我们的碰碰车来不及煞车,当场飞过我们的头顶,对撞个正着。一阵爆炸声响传来,外带一阵奇异的能量冲击,当我和苏西爬起身时,四周已经不见碰碰车,只剩下一堆五颜六色的残骸。 “我们必须回去找麦克斯,”苏西道,我们才刚脱离险境,她就已经将手抽离我的掌心。她没办法忍受他人的触摸,就算当我在拯救她的性命时也不行。 “以那只脚的状况来看,麦克斯哪里也去不了。”我道。 “他可以用爬的。”苏西道。 于是我们回头,再度面对洛亚。有时候我怀疑我们两个到底谁比较疯狂——是会提议干这些事情的苏西,还是会赞同她的想法的我。 她没有料错。我们在一条很长的血迹尽头找到麦克斯,他正拖着自己残破的小腿朝向出口爬去。我们刚找到他,一群平头飞机就已经从斜轮飞机那边朝向我们飞来。它们扭断固定机身的支柱,以那短胖的木头机翼对着我们疾飞而来。我只希望有人记得把飞机上的热导飞弹拆掉就好。苏西一架接一架击落它们,仿佛在练习射击鸽子。(夜城里没有鸽子,而像苏西这种人就是造成这种现象的主因。有时候临时想要找只鸽子来献祭都没有办法。)最后一架飞机坠毁在距离我们五尺不到的地方。苏西一边装填弹药,一边对我看来。 “如何?我赢了什么奖品吗?” “看情况,”我道。“你也射马,对不对?” 苏西顺着我的目光看去,然后加快装填弹药的速度。一群旋转木马此刻已经跳下底座,朝向我们奔来。它们体型巨大、相貌凶狠,腐败的木头上还没掉漆的部位显露出鲜艳的色彩。它们露齿而笑、满嘴烂牙,活动的下巴不停饥渴地咬合。它们的眼中绽放金光,就和赏金猎人一样,而且每踏出一步都深深陷入地面中。尽管所有关节的绞链都已腐锈不堪,然而在洛亚之怒的驱使下,它们的四肢依然和活生生的马儿一样灵动自如。 传说这些木马曾经吞噬骑士,此刻我对此深信不疑。 “这才是我心目中的欢乐乐园。”苏西说完开始射击。 她一发又一发地开枪,枪声震耳欲聋,但是尽管枪枪命中,在木马身上击落无数碎片,却始终无法阻止对方前进。苏西在一分钟内射光枪中的弹药,低声咒骂几句,自胸口的弹带上取下子弹重新装填。这时木马已经近在眼前,但是她依然不愿退却。第一颗木马头扑了上来,锈蚀的牙齿狠狠地咬在她的皮衣衣袖上。 这表示得要靠我来想办法了。我开启天赋,找出最早用来操作欢乐乐园的那道魔法,当它还是一座单纯的游乐园那时候。古老纯真的魔法依然残留一点魔力,没有被所有祷告和驱魔仪式、邪恶与恐惧所污染。我找出这点魔力,将它放回所有木马体内。 它们一个接着一个停止奔跑,古老的魔法固执地唤回原始契约。马匹一头接着一头被拖回到旋转木马台上。它们沿路不断挣扎,猛力甩头,用力踏步,但是终究还是只能向后移动。当它们后退回到平台上时,古老的铁柱再度降下,穿透它们的木头躯体,无情地将它们固定在原位。 我转头看向苏西。这时她已经装完弹药,一脚踏在麦克斯的背上,确保他不会乱跑。我对她点头,她随即将脚移开。我蹲在麦克斯的身旁,帮助他翻身平躺。他呼吸凝重,脸上满是斗大的汗滴,但是依然神色坚定地凝视着我。我将宝瓶宫之钥拿到他眼前。 “你会使用这个东西,而我不会。”我小心说道。“用它来将洛亚逐出欢乐乐园。如果你有其他不轨的企图,苏西就会把你的脑袋变得跟你的膝盖一样。” 他沉默地瞪着我,不过还是伸出手来接过宝瓶宫之钥。我扶着他坐起,然后将金属盒子交给他。苏西立刻凑上前来,将枪管顶在他的后脑勺上。尽管疼痛无比、鲜血直流,他还是必须用到血肉模糊的那只手,不过最后终于达成目的,在一阵恐怖的吼叫声中将所有洛亚逐出欢乐乐园。我立刻取回宝瓶宫之钥。 “约翰……”苏西道。“你有预期到这种情况吗?” 我顺着她的目光看去。只见所有赏金猎人再度站起身来,脸上挂着难看的笑容,眼中绽放诡异金光。I sigh.有时候就算贿赂圣彼得也没有办法保证事情不出差错。我迎上前去,站在赏金猎人面前,举起手臂,让他们通通可以看见我手中的宝瓶宫之钥。他们站在原地动也不动,金色的目光全部集中在我身上。 “当你们被逐出乐园的时候,就应该看懂暗示,回去属于自己的世界。”我责备道。 “我们绝不离开。”祂们同声说道。“除非满足我们的需求,不然我们不能回去。如果你执意插手这件事情,我们就跟你耗上一辈子。” 我考虑着眼前的处境。我应该可以再让麦克斯利用钥匙将洛亚送回祂们的世界;但是祂们会一而再再而三地回来,直到达成目的为止。麦克斯伤了祂们的自尊,藐视祂们的身分,并且对祂们的宗教构成威胁,我根本没有立场和祂们争辩。情况陷入胶着,如果不是渥克及时赶到的话,我真不知道会搞成什么样子。就像往常一样,他就这么凭空出现,神态自若地走出阴影,好像刚好路过,顺道停下来聊天一样。他来到我的身边站定,苏西立刻移动到我的另外一边。渥克朝眼前众多被附身的赏金猎人露出轻松的微笑。 “好哇,好哇,全都到齐了。不过我认为今天晚上大家都玩够了。麦克斯·麦斯威尔已经被我收押,也就是说在我的保护之下。我向各位保证他一定会获得应有的惩罚。我已经在暗影深渊准备好一个牢房等着他了,你们也知道我们在那里是如何对待犯人的。” “不够好。”其中一名赏金猎人走到渥克面前。“复仇是非常私人的事情。我们一定要亲自动手。” “这次不行。”渥克道。“这里是夜城,我们不会让外人处理我们的问题。回家吧。” 他运起他的“声音”。无法违逆、无法反抗的声音。他的话冲击着四周的空气,力道猛烈到连我都不禁皱眉。但是洛亚完全不加理会,直到我也抬高音量。 “回家,”我道。“不然我就不客气了。” 或许我是在虚张声势,或许我不是,我从来不会告诉别人。总之我的话动摇了祂们的意志。祂们或许不怕个别面对权势滔天的渥克或是恶名昭彰的约翰·泰勒,但是祂们不敢同时与我们两个为敌。赏金猎人再度瘫倒,洛亚离开了,终于回归祂们的世界。然后……一切就结束了。暂时而言。 我望向渥克。“你应该知道祂们总有一天会回来的。我们伤了祂们的自尊。” “就让祂们回来。”渥克道。“祂们早该接受我的提议,在诸神之街落脚。这年头独立运作的家伙已经没有生存空间了。” “像我这样的家伙?”我问。 "Exactly." 我严肃地打量着他。“你的'声音'就像往常一样强大;但是我老是会想到声音是当权者赐给你的礼物,而当权者全都已经死了,现在到底是谁在加持你的声音?” 渥克微微一笑。“我肯定你会发现的,约翰。迟早的事。”他看向麦克斯·麦斯威尔。 "Come with me." 尽管一脚残废,麦克斯·麦斯威尔还是站起身来,一拐一拐地随着渥克离开欢乐乐园。赏金猎人跟随他们一起离去,所有人都一头雾水。最后只剩下我和苏西留在原地,她以那惯有的酷酷神情看着我。 “你救了我的命,约翰。又一次。” “你也救了我一命。”我无所谓地道。“这也没什么好说的,身为情侣本该如此。” “我知道这……对你来说并不容易。”她道。“虽然我们如此亲密,但始终无法……当真亲热。你对我真的很有耐心。” 她伸出手指,轻轻触摸我的脸。我站在原地,任由她摸。我可以感受出这一切对她有多困难。她将指尖移动到我的嘴唇上——这就是我们最接近接吻的举动了。苏西·休特,霰弹苏西,一个不会向我、向诸神,或是向夜城中任何人低头的人,在面对自己的心魔时也是绝望无助。 我真想出手杀了她哥哥,只可惜早在几年之前她就已经亲自取走了他的性命。 “我爱你,苏西。”我道。“就算你什么都不肯相信,也请相信我爱你。” “我爱你,约翰。尽我所能地爱你。” “这才是最重要的。这样就够了。” “不,这样不够!” 她强迫自己拥抱我,紧紧拥抱着我。她身前的两条弹带紧紧贴在我的胸口,她呼吸凝重,因为这样做令她筋疲力竭。她浑身僵硬、紧张异常,我不知道该不该出手抱她,但是最后我还是以最温柔的力道将她拥入怀中。 “爱你,约翰。”她说着下巴靠上我的肩膀。我看不见她的脸。“我愿意为你而死。愿意为你杀人。我会爱你直到世界末日。” “我知道。”我道。“没关系。真的。” 但是我们都知道不会没关系的。
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