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Chapter 40 third chapter

Green Mile 斯蒂芬·金 298Words 2018-03-21
Long after the others had left and I was getting dressed for work, she came over and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her, gazing firmly into my eyes. "For Melinda?" she asked. I nod. "Can you help her, Paul? For real, or just a dream from what you saw last night?" I thought of Coffey's eyes, and Coffey's hands, and the way I hypnotized walking toward him when he asked me to.I imagined him reaching out to catch Mr. Clank's crushed body.Before it's too late, he said.There is also the black substance that swirled out, turned white, and disappeared.

"I think we might be her only chance," I finally say. "Grab it then," she said, buttoning up the front row of my new fall uniform, which has been hanging in the closet since my birthday in September, and today is only my third or fourth time wearing it , "Grab it." She practically pushed me out the door.
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