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Chapter 14 The Majestic Disappearance of the Final Chapter

deep ocean current 松本清张 11140Words 2018-03-21
Nakakubo Kyosuke and Sakane Shigetake are estranged. It is said that they are estranged, but it is not because of Nakakubo Kyosuke's initiative, but because Sakane Shigetake somehow did not come to ask Nakakubo. Nakakubo Kyosuke is not an official confidant of Sakane Shigetake.He is just a deputy director of the business department of Nichirin Broadcasting Co., Ltd., where Sakane is the chairman.However, Sakane and Nakakubo had contacts beyond the scope of their authority.In the past, Sakane had sent Nakakubo on a business trip to the local area, and he had also been entrusted with the task of collecting intelligence.Sakane also often asked him to go to second- and third-rate restaurants that no one knew about.

However, Sakane has not dated Nakakubo at all recently. Shigetake Sakane is the vice-chairman of the Economic Federation.Since Nakakubo Kyosuke is not a member of the General Affairs Bureau, unless Sakane invites him to go, he cannot go by himself.Although Sakane Shigetake is said to be the chairman of Nichirin Broadcasting Company, he rarely shows up in the company.He handed over all business in the company to the current manager—one of his confidantes—to handle. At first, Nakakubo Kyosuke didn't think that Shigetake Sakane was consciously alienating him.Sakane is a busy man, and also uses secretaries like Nakakubo Kyosuke.Nakakubo thought that Sakane was busy with other things, and he was not needed right now.

But Shigetake Sakane didn't invite Nakakubo to attend the party, and Nakakubo realized something was wrong.This kind of gathering is held in public, and Mr. Sakane uses this name to invite those "secretaries" who are usually under his command to have a meal.In the past, Nakakubo Kyosuke never failed to receive an invitation. Kyosuke Nakakubo held out hope at first, thinking that his name might have been omitted due to some relationship.But this happened two or three times in succession.In this way, even Nakakubo felt that Shigetake Sakane was deliberately alienating him. He thought to himself: This is strange.

Why did Sakane Shigetake cut off contact with him? He also guessed the reason: Is it because he showed more curiosity than Shigetake Sakane needed?But I think maybe not. Since Arime Shinzo, Nakakubo Kyosuke has met various people and asked them about things.Is it because Shigetake Sakane hated Nakakubo because he heard that Nakakubo often met with this group of people, asked them this and that, and showed "curiosity beyond need"? Nakakubo Kyosuke felt very depressed. Because this kind of conjecture is not impossible.Sakane Shigetake has all kinds of ear gods.Did someone notice Nakakubo Kyosuke's actions and report to Sakane?

Shigetake Sakane probably has several private secretaries like Kyosuke Nakakubo under him.They are all secretaries who don't appear in public at all.Just as he installed Kyosuke Nakakubo in the Nichiren Broadcasting Corporation, he seems to have secretly installed people like Kyosuke Nakakubo in everything related to his personal interests.It's just that Kyosuke Nakakubo couldn't figure out what kind of people they were.Horizontal connections are completely isolated.He only knows the direct and simple line "Kyosuke Nakakubo-Shigetake Sakane". Since he is the vice-chairman of the Economic and Economic Association, he must know the inside story of all aspects.Some are public institutions—for example, intelligence institutions such as the Institute of Political Economy that charge a huge monthly "membership fee" and provide printed materials.In addition, I will definitely need the organization directly under Shigetake Sakane.

The institution appears to have staffed itself politically, economically and socially.It can be imagined that they are all politicians, journalists, government officials, industrialists, and general company executives. Nakakubo Kyosuke did not see through the truth of these people, but when he thought of his relationship with Sakane Shigetake, countless phantoms of people like himself appeared in front of his eyes. No, I can think of a few more.At the other end of the thread, he felt, were leftists who were completely opposed to the government.The intelligence network laid down by Shigetake Sakane seems to be spread across all levels of Japan in this way.

They have a religious charter: everyone only concentrates on the tasks assigned to them, and is not allowed to be curious about anything else, which is beyond their own scope, and it is also the most dangerous thing. Nakakubo Kyosuke heard all kinds of things, but he was not able to report to Sakane-on the one hand, he was worried because he "heard too much information".What Nakakubo Kyosuke did was against Sakane Shigetake's will and beyond his own scope. But Nakakubo Kyosuke has not yet deeply felt that Sakane Shigetake suddenly alienated him.People always look at problems in the direction that is beneficial to them, so they are slow to understand the situation.This is what Nakakubo Kyosuke is doing right now.He thought that Shigetake Sakane must have had no time to call him due to some relationship, and there was nothing to worry about.

Nakakubo couldn't ask Sakane Shigetake what his real intention was. However, it's not that Sakane Shigetake's intention cannot be understood by other methods. There is an indirect way to inquire. The opportunity finally came. Shigetake Sakane decided to go to the United States, and he will leave in the next few days. A delegation to the United States composed of several key members of the General Association—managers of companies that constitute Japan's basic industries—represented the Japanese business community and was scheduled to go to the United States to discuss economic issues.Shigetake Sakane's ostensible mission is to serve as the head of the delegation.

Nakakubo Kyosuke proposed to hold a farewell party for Shigetake Sakane who left Japan temporarily.In his capacity as the deputy director of the business department of Nichiren Broadcasting Corporation, he proposed to employees of the same level as himself in other companies.These companies have a close relationship with the Economic and General Association on weekdays, and Nakakubo Kyosuke believes that it is not good for them to refuse the invitation to prepare for the farewell party even out of face. If they do not respond to Nakakubo Kyousuke's proposal, then Sakane Shigetake's intentions will be clearly seen.

Here again: the chances of getting rejected are slim.Nakakubo Kyosuke believes that his proposal will not be rejected.However, the doubts and fears with a probability of only a few percent have finally become reality. Only three or four people responded to Nakakubo Kyousuke's proposal to hold a farewell party.He sent a total of nearly fifty letters soliciting opinions, and most of them expressed that they were not prepared to participate. From this incident, Nakakubo Kyosuke could clearly see the change in Sakane Shigetake's impression of himself.It was precisely because it was proposed by Nakakubo Kyousuke that everyone refused to participate.In other words, it was for the same reason that Sakane Shigetake suddenly did not ask Nakakubo Kyosuke to come to him.They refused after clearly understanding what Sakane Shigetake meant.

Regarding Sakane's trip to the United States, the newspaper did not add any eye-catching headlines, but simply reported it. But Kyosuke Nakakubo can roughly guess what the real purpose of the delegation headed by Sakane is. It is not difficult to infer that Shigetake Sakane was aware of the new situation and thought about the next move early, so he thought of going to the United States.His senses are twice as sharp as the average person's. In fact, Sakane does not deal with the US embassy in Japan.He doesn't even notice it.This means that Sakane has a direct connection with the American financial industry.Sakane's secretary did tell Nakakubo that Sakane wrote a personal letter directly to the President of the United States.It is said that the imprint of typing at that time was accidentally left on the carbon paper. Nakakubo Kyosuke knew that Sakane Shigetake had completely severed his relationship with him.Things probably won't just go so smoothly.What method will Sakane take against himself?Nakakubo Kyosuke lived day by day with a clouded mood. One day, Kyosuke Nakakubo came out of the business department of Nichirin Broadcasting Corporation and met a gentleman with a dashing attitude in the corridor.He knows this man.This is the general affairs director of the steel company, and his gray hair is neatly combed.His name is Naoyuki Hatakeyama, he graduated from Boston University, and he used to be the chairman of the Mining Union. Nakakubo Kyosuke has not seen this person for a year, and his impression of Nakakubo is completely different from a year ago.Nakakubo's smiling face couldn't help but froze for an instant-everyone would do this when encountering this kind of situation. "Hey," Hatakeyama smiled at Nakakubo first. "long time no see." Hatakeyama always wore well-cut, fashionable suits.His feigned geniality was also reminiscent of American upbringing. "Long time no see... Where are you going today?" Nakakubo Kyosuke casually exchanged greetings. Hatakeyama raised his face slightly and said: "Oh, I see that your manager is here. I'm here to do business nearby, so I'll come to greet him by the way." "Oh, let's take a step." That's all they said.From the sidelines, it was just a very ordinary greeting. After Nakakubo Kyosuke and Hatakeyama Naoyuki broke up, they immediately had a premonition of ominous signs. If he didn't know anything yet, he wouldn't feel anything.But about Hatakeyama, Shibayama Otome once told him some strange legends.This Naoyuki Hatakeyama, who just broke up with him and greeted him every time he met, is a character who appears in modern mythology. "Osumi (pseudonym), who has been the long-term president of the Japanese Overseas Chinese Comrade Association in the United States, is a prominent figure among the Japanese overseas Chinese in New York. This Osumi's daughter is married to someone like Naoyuki Hatakeyama, the general affairs director of a large steel company. This is Mr. Hatakeyama graduated from Boston University, and he can be regarded as the second generation. Mrs. Hatakeyama is a leading figure in the social world. It is said that even senior officials and senior military officers stationed in Japan are happy to attend the banquet held by her. This person Hatakeyama was once a director of the Mining Alliance Long. After the war, Japan's largest steel company was disbanded and began to be divided into the so-called three major systems to operate. He was deeply trusted by the Economic and Science Bureau, the Intelligence Department, and the Civil Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Army General Command, and carried out activities behind the scenes. In short, This Mr. Hatakeyama and his father-in-law, Mr. Osumi, were important figures in Japan behind the scenes in implementing the Japan-US economic strategy. Eki-kun, who went to the US as an economic inspector, died so tragically, presumably because he was also headed by Mr. Osumi. The powerful figures of the Japanese overseas Chinese group in the United States spy on the essence of the secret economic funds between Japan and the United States when they come and go, so they suffered.” Nakakubo Kyosuke sat across from his desk, looking at the floating clouds.His desk was right next to the window, and when he tilted his head, he could see the gray and white slowly moving clouds reflected in the square glass window.The white place turned out to be the cloud illuminated by the sun. Nakakubo thought: This is the kind of cloud painted on the painting.He couldn't quite remember who the artist who painted these clouds was.Anyway, that painter is good at painting light.At that time, Nakakubo didn't quite understand why his mind was full of pictures of clouds. On the second day after watching Floating Clouds, Nakakubo Kyosuke was called to the manager's office. The manager, Komai Shozo, is the confidant of the chairman Shigetake Sakane.Therefore, Sakane placed him as the manager of the Japanese broadcasting company where he was the chairman. "Ah, how are you?" The manager raised his sparse eyebrows and received Nakakubo Kyousuke kindly. "I have something to discuss with you." The manager stood up and dragged a chair with one hand for Nakakubo to sit on. They chatted about irrelevant things for a while, and finally Manager Komai said this to Nakakubo: "How about it, can you go to another county for a walk?" Nakakubo was stunned. "Well, it's from another prefecture, so I don't want to invite you to a remote place where you can get bears. It's Kyushu. The Fukuoka Headquarters... For future development, you should also have a little understanding of the situation in other prefectures at this time. Otherwise, If you become a person in charge, you will suffer if you don’t understand the affairs of other counties. It’s not bad to go to the countryside and live leisurely for two or three years.” Manager Komai stood up and paced the floor. "Well, I've been tired recently. If the situation permits, I'd like to go to another county myself. The doctor said that I have symptoms of arteriosclerosis and told me to rest." The manager was talking about his own affairs, and it seemed that he didn't think about how the other party would answer.The manager continued to say something, standing with his hands behind his back, facing a large window.For some reason, Nakakubo Kyosuke could only see the shining clouds reflected on the glass and the ruddy fingers on the broad back of the manager. The face of Hatakeyama Naoyuki who had just come out of the manager's office that he met in the corridor a few days ago appeared before Nakakubo Kyosuke's eyes. The following is a letter from Takano Juro to Nakakubo Kyosuke: "Mr. Kyosuke Nakakubo: "I read your order to be transferred to the Fukuoka Headquarters of Nichirin Broadcasting Corporation in a peer publication called "Broadcasting Business Information Newsletter". "I don't know much about the transfer of personnel in other companies. But according to the general view, to put it bluntly, if you are transferred from the central government to other counties, I think it is a kind of leftward transfer. Of course, in some companies, this This kind of personnel transfer will bring me a chance to make a fortune in the future. I am taking a very ordinary view now, so I must be in a bad mood to think of you. "What does this transfer mean? Here is my personal conjecture: You expressed unusual concern for funds, met with various people, and wanted to know the inside story. Could these actions of yours have formed this result in a certain sense? If I'm wrong, that's fine; if I'm right, Shigetake Sakane has definitely severed ties with you. "Shigetake Sakane's information is much better than you can imagine. Mr. Sakane will probably know the time of day, who you talked to, and where you were for how long. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine , you have annoyed Mr. Sakane by showing an unusual enthusiasm to learn about various things. "Forgive me for my lack of respect, but out of sympathy for your situation, I am writing to tell you what I did not say to your face last time. I was unable to say it last time. Because it takes courage, partly because I don't think it is necessary. So much to say. But in this personnel transfer, you are leaving the central government. As long as you do not submit your resignation, you will probably do so. It seems that no matter what you know, as long as you stay in the local area, you I will never be able to use my insights. I write here what I have not been able to say before, and you can only take this as my parting message. Although the content is extremely poor, I have done the best I can. "I want to write it in the form of a Memorandum. And I tell you, that's all I know. "First of all, you are particularly interested in the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office. Therefore, my memorandum will start here. "memorandum" "When Mr. Kawakami Kyuichiro, the first director of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office, served as the investigation director in the name of the first deputy director of the Police Bureau, on the one hand, he was entrusted with a particularly important position because he had served as my Prime Minister's private secretary for a long time. Confidential work. Mr. Kawakami has fully considered the special relationship between Japan and the United States, and because he is afraid of public opinion, it is inconvenient to have open contact with the former super high and military secret agencies. Therefore, he spent a lot of money on the organization of the investigation department, recruiting talents, and management. A lot of hard work. "Former Army Colonel Yamada Shigezo is the head of the Secret Service. Before he served as the base camp staff officer, he was the Army Minister of the Military Ministry in Shanghai. His influence spread throughout the Manchurian Railway Investigation Department, the Consulate Police, the Military Secret Service and the Shanghai Ministry of Industry Bureau Wait. Mr. Kawakami respects this veteran spy who is engaged in intelligence work very much. Kawakami has also begun to adopt the same method as the military secret service agency in the past. The notorious "Sakioka Agency" Sakioka Shinjiro was promoted by Colonel Yamada. It was widely rumored among well-informed people that Sakioka must appear in the major economic events after the war. These people once had such a big backer as the military department, with all kinds of power and financial resources. "Nowadays, although there is no military department, they still have a big backer guaranteed by the special relationship between Japan and the United States. The power can be said to be as great as the military department as a backer during the war. They only lack funds. During the war, the military Confidential fees are never disclosed, but the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister’s Office is different. When it was first established, the funds were very small. Mr. Kawakami has great ambitions, and he recruits some top-notch talents and think tanks behind the scenes, but he is at a loss in terms of budget. status. "At this time, Colonel Yamada gave Minister Kawakami an idea, persuading him to use organizations like Sakioka to set up an intelligence collection station with additional funds. A well-known person in Japan said in a recent issue of a comprehensive magazine Published an article on narcotics. In the article, he said that Lieutenant Colonel Kabia of the Kabia agency was poisoned by narcotics. This is probably close to the truth. This statement vaguely tells us that Kabia borrowed Narcotics are smuggled to raise part of the funds for the agency’s strategic activities. Smuggling trade is just a common means to obtain funds for intelligence work and strategic activities. Mr. Kawakami’s character is combined with the background of special powers of both Japan and the United States. His activities It is particularly prominent, and this has formed the main cause of all kinds of problems. Take the conspiracy of Joyo Hiwaki as an example, it is hard to imagine that it was planned without Kawakami's understanding at all, because these two people are in the same camp as Prime Minister Hisaga Connected. “For example, in order to carry out activities in South Vietnam, a so-called F organization was set up. This is the Fujita organization headed by former major Fujita, and local personnel affiliated with this organization actually infiltrated the left-wing forces such as Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao in Laos. , as a member of it. In this way, they organized a very thorough intelligence and secret service organization. It is not difficult to imagine how huge funds these tasks require. The manager of a large steel company in Japan is a member of this organization. Therefore, even if Japan only If a chicken in Vietnam is damaged, compensation to Vietnam will probably be resolutely implemented. "Ito Mitsuru (a native of T County) who owns a building in the city center and is apparently engaged in business is obviously also connected with the V fund. In the enterprise company he presides over, no employee is allowed to return to Japan, and they all work hard in the local area. work. Their work is to manufacture items related to the so-called 'arms dealers'. These local works are carried out extremely secretly by the secret agencies of both Japan and the United States. In this sense, the war was no less Minister Kawakami, who carried out the work on the scale of the bold military strategy at the time, is also a person who can promote the work. "As for the Japanese secret service, in order to promote such a large-scale work, carry out strategic activities against the Soviet Union and China, collect intelligence, and collude with the counterintelligence team and the Central Intelligence Agency, I have no time to discuss it here. One enumeration. "But I didn't expect Minister Kawakami to collapse so soon. Although Japan has independent power, it does not have the nature of a big country. It is a country manipulated by foreign countries. This is its destined fate and it is also unavoidable for the pioneering spirit of post-war intelligence agencies. An important reason for his downfall was that the Ministry of Intelligence engaged in special work in order to barely raise funds. In addition, the struggle for power, mainly with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was also launched on an international scale. "In terms of special work, there are examples such as the 'narcotics incident' of a well-known monosodium glutamate company, the 'gold ingot smuggling incident', etc. In the 'Mikasa Maru incident', it was also shown that the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs official and the president of the Intelligence Bureau were actually cards. The person in charge of the representative of the Japanese side of the Biya agency. Especially the "Mikasa Maru incident" should be carried out as a work of the Kabia agency. Why did it take a big turn halfway? Just look at the special investigation department of the Prime Minister's Office The confrontation between the officials of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can probably guess this mystery. "Therefore, as long as we point out where the news about Minister Kawakami's smuggling of US dollars to London leaked, we can point out who exactly caused Minister Kawakami's downfall. The most vivid thing that comes to our attention is the account of a certain official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Image. He himself did not come to the branch of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office, but sent his subordinates in as eyeliners. "Minister Kawakami's initial work was to work with Deputy Prime Minister Munakata to formulate a plan for the so-called Central Intelligence Agency, and intend to expand and strengthen it, but first of all, he was opposed by the opposition party on the point of restoring the Special High Police. Except for this setback In addition, there are other reasons for Minister Kawakami's failure. First, although Kawakami is a close friend of Prime Minister Kuga, he cannot get close to Prime Minister Kuga every day due to his position. Therefore, there is a gap between him and the golf group around Kuga. We can't get along with each other. What's more unfortunate is that the relationship between Kawakami and the head of the special investigation department of the Prime Minister's Office, the chief cabinet secretary at the time, is not good. It is very difficult for Kawakami to provide important information. What's more unfortunate is that Munakata It was originally planned to recruit a group of outstanding personnel from the major news agencies, but due to the mutual confrontation between the major news agencies, this plan could not be realized; therefore, it had to be recruited from the lower-level current situation news agency or the World Situation Survey Committee, and it was completed. Very incomplete. All these reasons formed the remote cause of the downfall of Kawakami who was connected with Munakata. "But another important factor that caused this failure was the instability of the investigation department's funds. Therefore, after Kawakami left, the investigation department often talked about the lack of budget and persuaded the staff in the department to help each other. For example, here is a 'very secret' document It is called "About the Weaknesses of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office and the Current Countermeasures", and I am excerpting a paragraph here. This is the second minister's speech to the personnel of the Ministry, which deeply expresses the power struggle within the Ministry and the lack of an open budget. Pity. "Currently, more than half of the senior staff in the investigation department are part-timers. This is a big weakness. That is to say, there are fifty-seven employees working in the investigation department, including servants, handymen and other service personnel. There are only 27 full-time personnel in the Ministry of Investigation, but in fact there are 30 part-time personnel sent to the Investigation Department from various provinces to work regularly; and among the senior investigators, only four are full-time personnel, and the number of part-time personnel is 12. There are too many people. The reality of the intelligence department is also the same. More than half of the staff—that is, 14 people—are part-time personnel sent by the provinces. In this way, the inevitable result is: people from each province are self-centered towards their own province, and the people from each province There is suspicion between each other, so we must pay close attention to maintaining discipline and keeping secrets, etc., and strictly control, otherwise the work will be hindered, and the task of being a comprehensive investigation agency directly under the government central department will not be completed. It is generally believed that the investigation department The budget is quite generous, which seems to have attracted the attention of the provinces and the people, but this is a misunderstanding due to ignorance of the internal truth of the Investigation Department. In fact, the funds that the Investigation Department can use flexibly and effectively to collect intelligence and conduct investigations are extremely Not much. For example, of the approximately 52 million yen in the investigation commission fee in Showa 29, 45.38 million yen has been specified for use, including listening to and translating overseas broadcasts The cost of the investigation is about 22.63 million yen, the cost of the secret communication investigation is about 11.43 million yen, and the cost of the comprehensive investigation of the withdrawal of the U.S. General Command is about 11.13 million. 120,000 yen. In this way, nearly 90% of the investigation commission fee of the investigation department has been determined, and the funds for the investigation work for one year are only the remaining 6.62 million yen. Furthermore, the budget for the same year Among them, the remuneration for collecting intelligence is about 23 million yen, but because the investigation department itself is very short of manpower, it often hires more than 20 temporary workers for intelligence gathering and even investigation work on weekdays. It has to be paid out of this remuneration. In this way, the actual remuneration for intelligence collection is only about 1.6 million yen per month. Therefore, the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister’s Office is conducting in-depth intelligence collection with the current budget. The function of completing a comprehensive survey is obviously not enough. "The struggle for power among officials within the Ministry has finally weakened the power of the Investigation Department. As a result, the old military forces have infiltrated today. No wonder this result. This exposes the essential weakness of Japanese government agencies: insufficient budget, If you want to do something at all, you have to do some spy activities secretly. Besides, the personnel in the department are sent from various provinces, and none of them intends to work for the investigation department wholeheartedly. If this goes on like this, how can we achieve the original dream? What about the 'new CIA plan'? “Therefore, in terms of capabilities, it cannot catch up with intelligence agencies set up by private companies that can freely invest inexhaustible funds. "Finally, let's talk about the V Fund you want to know. The V Fund is complex and bizarre, composed of various factors. In addition to what you already know, I think the V Fund also contains Such an important factor of trade profit. "I quote a passage from the book "Development of Japanese Trade" edited by the International Trade Bureau of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry to briefly explain the actual situation of Japanese trade during the occupation period: "'Trade under the management of the Allied Forces is handled by the headquarters for import and export transactions, and foreign currency is managed and used by the headquarters. In Japan, the government buys export materials from domestic business owners and exports them overseas in accordance with the instructions of the headquarters. Imported materials are Imported by the headquarters, and then the Japanese government picks up and transports the items into Japanese ports, and resells them to domestic business owners. At this time, the price is not calculated according to foreign currency conversion, but is based on the domestic control price. The funds do not use foreign currency, but by In this way, in terms of the legal system, as a decree after accepting the Potsdam Declaration, in June 1946, an order for temporary measures such as trade was announced and implemented, and the state-run trading system under the management of the allies was rectified. ' "It can also be seen from the above that the trade at that time was conducted under the management of the US General Command; to put it bluntly, it was the US General Command that was doing business. There are different opinions on the nature of V's funds. Basically speaking In short, it probably includes a lot of profits made by the U.S. General Command through trade. For example, whether it is food or oil, it seems that no matter how high the price is, the U.S. military will relentlessly insist on Japan’s It doesn’t matter if you buy it, it doesn’t matter what the market is. The U.S. General Command bought the materials at the highest price, stuffed them with the Japanese side, and then settled the settlement with the Japanese side based on the documents—it went into the pockets of those dignitaries of the U.S. General Command. It must be quite considerable. Whether it is cash or goods, all rebates were taken on the spot, and there must be no evidence left. This has been done in the past few years, so the amount is probably very large. Even if it is 50 billion US dollars One-tenth of it, and the rebates would have reached 500 million U.S. dollars. Of course, there may have been a lot of personal misappropriation. But the Bureau of Economic Sciences at that time had a semi-official nature, and if the money was saved, it would probably be sufficient. Turnover as a secret fund. "How could the soldiers of the U.S. General Command engage in this kind of business? It turns out that the U.S. General Command is full of so-called so-called MacArthurs. They used to pursue a colonial policy in the Philippines for many years. That is to say, the U.S. General The senior generals in the command had always been very familiar with running the colonies. Their headquarters can be said to be full of veterans who are dedicated to making money from the colonies. Just considering this, it can be inferred that they learned from the Japanese economy under occupation. How much oil and water has been squeezed out of the chaos. “For example, let’s take the Relief Fund for Occupied Areas and the Economic Rehabilitation Fund for Occupied Areas that caused problems. There is no way to know how reliable the amount proposed by the United States is. There was no Ministry of International Trade and Industry at that time, and the Ministry of Munitions during the war was only used. The name of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was changed to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. So emergency measures were taken, and the foreign agency of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry-the Trade Department was established. The temporary business bureau of the department acted as an agency representing Japan temporarily. But it was tantamount to being completely excluded from the sidelines. At that time, it was only one-sided trade, or blind trade, that is to say, but the United States unilaterally said how much material it bought for Japan and how much it cost. The United States counts as much as it says, and Japan is not allowed to make irresponsible remarks The Japanese government said that the amount of materials actually received did not match the amount paid, and the U.S. General Command, which purchased the materials, was asked to lend them the ledger; Confidential', the Japanese side will no longer be able to pursue it. "The Japanese government had to be completely at the mercy of the other party. The head of the Trade Agency at that time was promoted from the civilians; but in any case, the previous heads with strength were all close friends of Prime Minister Kuga. The U.S. military headquarters absolutely believed in this head at that time. His relationship with Prime Minister Kuga is also very good. When the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was dissolved and reorganized as the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, it can be said that almost all of them were presided over by this person under the order of Prime Minister Kuga. The connection between V funds and Japanese political circles—in a nutshell In short, the method of separately managing this fund can be said to be determined in this way. "As I have mentioned several times, the funds consisted of concealed materials and precious metals uncovered by the US General Command during the occupation. In addition, it presumably included the backlog of fines collected by the US General Command's Legal Affairs Bureau during the occupation Jin. It can be considered that when the occupation situation is lifted and the U.S. General Command is withdrawn, the above materials will be handed over to the Japanese side. This can also be interpreted as following international practice: once the occupation situation is lifted, the occupying army should transfer the collected property Handed over to the occupied country. But this is only a superficial observation. There are political conditions attached to the transfer of such a large sum of accumulated funds to the Japanese side. Regarding how to dispose of this fund, the parties involved in Japan and the United States are in dispute. I am afraid that every time it has been negotiated and used under the mutual understanding. The purpose of the funds is what I told you last time. The sphere of influence of this secret group is now not limited to New York and Tokyo. Huge amounts of money can be poured anywhere in the form of currency. For example, trade liberalization is being aggressively carried out today. What is its real goal? It can also be seen from the fact that the first trade liberalization measures included precious metals and diamonds. Part of the truth. "During the occupation, although Japan had an intelligence agency, it could not carry out international activities. In the past, only a large steel company set up a foreign office in Bonn, West Germany, and opened accounts in banks in Switzerland and London through there. The turnover was small. A small amount of foreign exchange was used as a fund for intelligence agencies. Compared with that era, the current situation is: due to the liberalization of foreign exchange, secret funds between Japan and the United States have been able to openly circulate, and intelligence and espionage activities have also been greatly developed. The actual situation You only need to look at the situation in Southeast Asia, and you can probably understand it. "It's a long write-up. In the end, I would like to say that the manager of Nichirin Broadcasting Company who transferred you to Kyushu is probably also one of the international managers of V funds. He is in the intelligence system directly under Prime Minister Kuga. He used to be a certain The head of the political department of the newspaper, wearing the mask of a member of a government economic committee, is also connected with the top think tank of Kuga's confidant. You may not know that this system also uses the international short-wave communication network to collect information and conduct analysis secretly On the surface it is a private broadcasting company, but in fact it is a first-class intelligence agency. It turns out that in Mr. Kawakami's time, this person also secretly had contact with government intelligence agencies. "In the shipbuilding embezzlement case, the truth about V's funds was almost leaked. In a sense, this is the real reason why the Minister of Justice exercised his power to destroy evidence. Regarding this matter, foreign legends go like this : "'Recently, the chairman of a certain political party's investigation committee and the president of the Bank of Japan held a secret meeting somewhere. The content of the meeting is strictly confidential. According to reliable sources, it was to discuss countermeasures related to the shipbuilding corruption case that is currently a big problem. In order to prevent the huge amount of secret credit funds that existed behind it from being exposed by making this corruption case public—V Funding System. At the meeting of the Japanese National Assembly Committee, special loans for shipbuilding and kickbacks from shipbuilding companies to the ruling party became The focus of attention, and some people who knew that the truth of V’s secret funds might be revealed expressed extremely subtle concerns about the prosecution’s investigation. Relevant parties know that the V funds left over from the US occupation of Japan, It has penetrated quite deeply into the Japanese economic circles. Banks in the city also deposit funds of unknown origin, which are treated as loans with political conditions. Therefore, everyone is afraid that the development of the situation will cause serious consequences. His political party leaders What measures will be taken after the meeting with the Bank of Japan governor cannot be ignored. "A certain organization that is investigating the real situation in Japan's financial circles said that among the foreign financial institutions in Japan, the secret financial institutions of the American system have the overwhelming power; The most active funds in the Japanese Yen are the most noteworthy and must be given the most attention. According to a part of the investigation report of a certain agency, this financial institution belongs to a group centered on Major General Marquette, the former director of the Economic and Science Bureau of the US Army General Command The so-called M institution system is a political and profit-making financial institution maintained by a secret yen fund deposited by Americans who had privileges in Japan during the occupation period. The objects of the loan are important Japanese companies, and the daily interest rate is 2/3厘到二分五厘,不象一般黑市金融那样索取高息。举个实例来说,曾假借以D公司(世界上首屈一指的化学公司)为背景的前美军总司令部经济科学局主管贸易的官员埃德加·列伊的名义,贷给某钢铁公司二十五亿日元资金,日息即为二分三厘,期限一年;第二年,合同是否继续实行,任凭自便。这笔资金向外贷出条件优厚,因此,想利用它或正在利用它的公司相当多。日本屈指可数的一家运输公司曾于昭和二十八年表示希望贷款十几亿日元,M机构方面的代表也有意贷给;但是刚要签订合同时,该公司发生了罢工,于是没有成约。已经接受这一资金的有G钢铁公司、东京的T电气铁道公司、R制作所、Q不动产公司等。 ' “再者,正如我以前曾详细地告诉过您的那样,环绕这项国际资金以外活动的一个方面,即从各占领地区撤运回来的旧军部的隐匿物资,实业界产生了一批新财神。他们说是战后搞股票投机发了财,在矿山上捞了一把,或是买卖废铁赚的钱,其实这些经历都是虚构的。 “那末,V资金真正的经营管理者究竟是谁呢?美国方面大概是少数财团的领导人。例如,洛克菲勒财团的理事长约翰·里德——他出任下届美国政府财政部长的呼声很高。据说福特财团的人也将出任下届国防部长。福特财团的远东部长是雷蒙德·莫耶,曾任援外事务管理署(共同安全署的后身,国际合作署的前身)的远东负责人,这似乎也能说明我的推测是对的。同时,还应该联想到,与这些财团有联系的美国大使馆参赞韦斯特曼(负责经济工作)是怎样统治日本金融实业界的。 “最后该谈到谁是V资金的最高管理人了。把我以前告诉您的情况综合起来,想必您也已经知道这个人物是谁了。日本的政治家一旦离开最高当权者的地位,就失去了神通力;唯独他在政界还拥有与当权时一样的支配力。您谅必知道这种种神通力的根源了吧。据说财源是政治家的生命,而此人又是与国际的财源有联系的。 “但是,即便您钻得再深一些,大概也决不可能了解其全部情况;不钻到极深的内部,是无法了解的。这个机构极其诡秘,很复杂,有着曲折而又隐蔽的安排,除了当事者,不容许任何人窥见。如果想干,就得豁出命去,这可不是开玩笑的,因为V资金与国际的谋略也有联系。 “祝您幸福 高野十郎”
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