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Chapter 8 Chapter 5 Unspeakable Words

deep ocean current 松本清张 16374Words 2018-03-21
"At that time, Kinoshita Kunisuke was sued by someone." Arime Shinzo continued to say to Nakakubo Kyosuke.Kinoshita Kunisuke is the current vice chairman of the ruling party's policy review committee. "The plaintiff was a partner who used to work with him. He once borrowed 8 million yen from that person. Later, the person repeatedly asked Kinoshita for debts, but Kinoshita Kunisuke was a bit incompetent. Although he also thought about it He tried to repay the loan, but he procrastinated—he was born with such a character. He always took a tyrannical attitude towards people who were inferior to him. Later, the other party probably got impatient and proposed Litigation."

Arime Jinzo licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, and continued. ... Kinoshita Kunisuke has done this several times in the past.Every time he suffered, he thought he would not do it in the future.However, it can be said that because it is too easy to collect money, I can't help but make old mistakes again.Especially since he didn't like to borrow money openly, he had no choice but to use usury or something. For Kunisuke Kinoshita, the lawsuit is a big blow.He was a man of exceptional dignity, and once the lawsuit got out, it would of course become news material, embarrassing him.

He wanted to try to calm down the opponent before the incident developed to this point, but at that time he had nowhere to raise the 8 million yen.Sometimes politicians get the money with little effort, and sometimes they can't, no matter how hard they try. Kunisuke Kinoshita is at the worst time of his life. He was very embarrassed. At this juncture, one day, Kinoshita Kunsuke stopped by the home of Manjiro Yoshida, chairman of the prefectural assembly, who lives in a city in T County in the electoral district.Not only did Yoshida serve as the chairman of the county council for two terms, but he was also a person with implicit influence in the local political circles of T county.

Kinoshita dropped by his house when he was attending a meeting of the county federation of the ruling party. Kinoshita Kunisuke was accompanied by a person in charge of intelligence work.He is the person in charge of a news agency in the American system stationed in the Far East, and his name is Kosaburo Yamagata.He once served as the editorial director of a major Japanese newspaper.When Kinoshita left for T County from his Tokyo apartment, Yamagata also went with him. The T County Federation meeting is one big gathering. Among those who attended, some later served as the chairman of the National Assembly Countermeasures Committee of the ruling party, and some became the chairman of the Security Countermeasures Committee.

Kazuhiko Sasao, general manager of T Bank, which has its head office in the county government of T County, also attended the meeting. After the meeting, when the group stopped by the home of the chairman of the county assembly, a short, young man in his mid-thirties handed Kunsuke Kinoshita a business card through the introduction of the host.Kinoshita Kunsuke glanced at the title inadvertently, and it was printed on it: "The director of the Chiyoda Institute of Economic Research is Isao Kore". Kinoshita knew that institutions called economic research institutes had sprung up everywhere after the war.

But he didn't know there was such an institution as the Chiyoda Economic Research Institute.He thought that Zhi was just a person who went to companies or banks to collect advertising fees or donations. Mrs. Zhixun is articulate, very good at talking, has a likable place, and seems to have a wealth of knowledge.He is probably good at socializing, and he can chat with people tactfully in a flattering tone. Kinoshita Kunisuke originally went to the speaker's house to ask the speaker of the county assembly to introduce the speaker's in-laws to him. The chairman's in-laws are nearly seventy years old, and he is a figure without any title.

But this old man has incredible power. (About this character, I hope readers recall the old man who appeared in the prologue of this book—that is, the first special investigation minister of the Prime Minister’s Office, Kawakami Kyuichiro, who greeted him on the train bound for Hakata. Kyosuke Nakakubo, private secretary of Shigetake Nagakane, also saw him with his own eyes. At that time, the old man got off the bus in Kyoto accompanied by several entourages, and was greeted graciously by many people who went to meet him.) At that time, the old man was traveling in the United States.Kinoshita Kunisuke met with the chairman of the county council and asked him to introduce the old man as soon as he returned home.The speaker of the county council readily agreed.

The reason why Kinoshita Kunsuke wanted to get close to the old man was because the person in charge of the above-mentioned news agency stationed in the Far East suggested to Kinoshita based on some kind of information. The visit is done. Kinoshita Kunisuke was in a relaxed mood. No matter who you are, as long as you leave Tokyo and go to the nearby prefectures, you will feel relaxed, like traveling. As soon as the chairman of the county assembly left his seat, Kunisuke Kinoshita breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but confide his recent thoughts in front of Yamagata and Shiede.

This remark was originally brought up by Chiyoda Institute of Economic Research's Xunfu Zhieda.Shizhi looked at Kinoshita's face and asked: "Mr. Kinoshita, your complexion is not very good, is it lack of exercise?" Kinoshita Kunisuke touched his cheek and smiled wryly: "It's neither lack of exercise nor poor health. If there is anything lacking, it is lack of money." It was Zhi Xunfu who heard this and asked: "You are joking. You have a high status in the ruling party, and I don't think you will worry about money." Zhi Xunfu smiled and expressed disbelief when he said this, but with spying eyes.

Kinoshita smiled and replied: "Hey, you may think so, but money is easy to get but hard to get. Now I need money. Although I have the status you said, I don't know that I still Embarrassed by money. It’s embarrassing to talk about it like this: because I can’t repay the eight million yen I borrowed temporarily from others, the creditor wants to kill me.” From outside came the clamor of county council members and city council members returning from their errands. There are only three people left here, centered on Kinoshita Kunisuke. The director of the Chiyoda Institute of Economic Research, Isao Kore, laughed loudly after hearing Kinoshita's words, "I'm just joking. How can someone like you complain about a sum of less than 10 million yen? How can you be serious about such a small amount of money?" Raise it, it took less than an hour to raise it... don't you think so?"

The last sentence was to seek the approval of Kosaburo Yamagata, the person in charge of a news agency stationed in the Far East who was listening silently. Yamagata and Isao Kore have not yet been introduced to each other.Although they were strangers to each other, in the room with ten mats, with Kunisuke Kinoshita as the center, there were only three people present, forming a cordial atmosphere, and Shiede started talking. Kosaburo Yamagata smiled while tilting his fat body. "No, the matter is exactly as Mr. Kinoshita said, it can't be seen from the outside." It was Isao Kore who looked at Kunisuke Kinoshita for a while with a very surprised expression, then sat upright, and said directly to Kinoshita: "Mr. Kinoshita, if it is true, then it is not acceptable. As the saying goes, a penny kills a hero. It is said that the amount of 8 million yen is the most dangerous. If the other party really files a lawsuit, once the press finds out, But it's too bad. The newspapers will make a lot of publicity. In this way, the reputation of Mr. Kinoshita, who is about to make a fortune, will be damaged. "The ruling party is pinning its hopes on you. Everyone knows about Kunisuke Kinoshita of the Policy Review Committee, and once this fact gets out, it will provide good fodder for opponents in the constituency." Kinoshita Kunsuke threw the cigarette he was holding into the ashes of the brazier, and pressed it with his hand. "Anyway, there is always a way." Kinoshita wanted to end the topic because Kore had said something that was meant to be admonishing. Again, he heard the phrase "constituency opponents" harsh.Although he belongs to the same political party, Yosuke Ono, who is in the same constituency as him, has an incompatible relationship with him. "I thought eight million yen was nothing at first, but when I was short of money, this amount of money was not small. To be honest, I even considered borrowing usury from the side to meet the urgent needs. Because other than borrowing Apart from usury, there is no other good way now." Kinoshita laughed when he finished speaking. Kinoshita Kunisuke, the vice chairman of the ruling party's policy review committee, complained to an unknown director of an economic research institute in the city because he felt relaxed during the trip.Of course, talking to such a person is useless. Afterwards, even Zhi Xunfu did not speak.Yamagata also smoked in silence.Everyone present fell silent unexpectedly. Kinoshita Kunsuke suddenly looked at his watch. "Others seem to have left, and it's time for us to retire slowly." The three of them stood up. At this time, the chairman of the county council came out in a hurry to see off the guests. The host and guest bid farewell in front of the foyer.Kinoshita Kunisuke put on his shoes calmly and went out first.The secretary, the people from the news agency, and finally the director of the economic research institute followed suit. Kosaburo Yamagata, the head of the news agency in the Far East, is actually a member of the US intelligence organization.It's just that Kinoshita Kunsuke himself didn't notice this. Kinoshita Kunisuke spoke highly of Kosaburo Yamagata. That is because Kosaburo Yamagata provided Kinoshita with extremely valuable and reliable information.Could it be that a news agency personnel can simply collect such valuable information?Just because Yamagata had worked in a major newspaper in the past, and had the experience and title of the person in charge of the Far East of a foreign news agency, Kunisuke Kinoshita was confused.Considering the structure and power of the news agency itself, that is impossible.However, the established concept of "a news agency of a foreign system" made Kinoshita think that it was not surprising that Yamagata had obtained extremely valuable information.This can also be said to be an illusion caused by the concept. The three of them waited for the car to come on the front steps of the hall, with Kinoshita standing at the front. At this moment, Kore-eda suddenly came to Kunsuke Kinoshita and said quietly: "Mr. Kinoshita, I'm going back to Tokyo too, can I take your car?" Kinoshita Kunsuke agreed.He thought to himself: the director of such a third-rate economic research institute would not have a car for his own use anyway.Although it was just a casual acquaintance who had just met at the home of the chairman of the county council, he still wanted to give him a favor and give him a ride. Shizhi saluted, thanked him and said: "It's really frightening." As he spoke, he hurried to the car waiting outside the door.Is that branch is saying something to the driver. Kinoshita looked from a distance, and casually asked Yamagata standing beside him: "Whose car is that?" Before Yamagata could reply, Shiede came back in a hurry.He seemed to have heard Kinoshita's question, and said: "It's my car." A surprised expression appeared on Kinoshita Kunisuke's face. Because he saw clearly that Shizhi's car was a new Chrysler car.Kinoshita owns an old Chevrolet. Only then did Kunisuke Kinoshita realize that it was Hoe Hoe who asked to take his car, not just to go to Tokyo by car, but with ulterior motives. The car set off from the private residence of the prefectural council speaker. There is a flat road between T City and Tokyo.When the car is driving, you can see the scenery of Tokyo Bay from time to time through the window. The secretary was sitting at the driver's seat, and Kunsuke Kinoshita was sitting next to Kore.Next to it is Yamagata.Shizhi asked from the side: "Mr. Kinoshita, are you going directly to the residence?" "No," Kunisuke Kinoshita replied casually, "I have to attend a meeting tonight, so I won't go home yet." Shizhi thought for a moment and said: "Well, if it's still early, how about going to Tsukiji by the way? Maybe it will be good for you." Since it is said to be Tsukiji, it is probably going to a restaurant for dinner.But the latter sentence is meaningful. But Kunisuke Kinoshita pretended to ignore this, hesitated for a moment and said: "Forget it, I won't trouble you." Kosaburo Yamagata, who was sitting next to Kunisuke Kinoshita, suddenly interjected: "Mr. Kinoshita, it's better to go. There is still time." Yamagata probably had his own intentions before interrupting. In fact, Kosaburo Yamagata didn't know that it was Isao Kore who suddenly appeared in front of Kinoshita.To be precise, this person was not on his secret list.He intends to find out the true face of this person. Kinoshita Kunisuke suddenly took advantage of this remark and said: "Then let's do that." He said and looked at his watch. "Sure enough, I'm still in a hurry." Shizhi persuaded: "Please do this by all means." However, Kinoshita Kunisuke was thinking about the last words that Koree revealed just now. "What did you mean when you said, 'It might be good for you,'?" Shizhi laughed loudly: "In the car it's a bit..." He smiled and faltered. Yamagata immediately understood that Kore was wary of him.At the same time, it can be said that he paid more and more attention to Shi Zhi. Perhaps Zhi Xunfu thought that it had been discussed, so he turned to the driver's back and said: "Mr. Driver, please drive the car behind the Xinqiao Theater." When Yamagata heard about the destination, he thought it was interesting.There are many restaurants next to the theater, but there are also special houses. The car drove into Tokyo, and when it was approaching Tsukiji, Kazue carefully showed the driver the way.The car finally stopped in front of a house with an exquisite facade behind the theatre—not a big restaurant. When I got out of the car, I saw a small signboard of a certain genre of dance hanging under the eaves. Shizhi pressed the bell.A maid came out, looked at Shi Zhi and bowed, as if she knew him very well. "Please come in." Koshie greeted Kinoshita and Yamagata who were following behind him.Kinoshita asked the secretary to wait in the car. As soon as Zhi Xunfu entered the house, he seemed to be familiar with it, and walked straight in along the polished corridor.He walked into a room with about eight mats, and beckoned the two people behind to go in too.The room was elegant both in structure and furniture.Just like the common appearance of restaurants in this area, there are gorgeous screens hanging on the bottom. Kinoshita Kunisuke showed an understanding expression when he saw Kore's behavior. As soon as the maid left, he immediately said to Shizhi: "It's Mr. Zhi, is this your residence?" Yes branch did not answer. The maid brought the tea.It was Isao Korea who drank his tea and immediately said to Kunisuke Kinoshita: "Mr. Kinoshita, I'm sorry for talking too much. It's the same thing as before. I want you to get rid of that unnecessary trouble completely. Therefore, please come here at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning and leave it to you. Eight million yen, please pay off this debt; for I have long been your ardent supporter." I don't know what kind of expression Yamagata showed when he heard these words.Kunisuke Kinoshita froze for a moment. Kore, who he always thought was just a third-rate director of the economic research institute, actually said such things to him.He felt the ground under his feet suddenly float. Kunisuke Kinoshita has a problem. Whenever he is frightened or anxious, he stutters.This time, he pouted and said: "It's Mr. Zhi, then... thank you for that. However, I don't know if it will be returned soon." These words are not like a joke.When Kinoshita Kunisuke said this, he cast a look at Yamagata beside him, as if he wanted to discuss with him. The obese Kosaburo Yamagata probably felt Kore's mood, so he chimed in and said: "Since Mr. Zhi said so, I think it's quite good." Kinoshita turned his face again to see that it was Kee. "You said you would lend me eight million yen, what would you use as collateral, and what are the conditions?" Zhi Xunfu laughed out loud. "Mr. Kinoshita, there is no troublesome procedure. Just issue a bill in your name. Other than that, there are no mortgages or conditions." Kinoshita didn't make a sound.He was surprised that the conditions were so generous. "So, Mr. Kinoshita, how are you doing?" "Hmm," Kinoshita opened his mouth. "A loan of eight million yen is inconceivable based on common sense. Generally speaking, it seems that there are conditions for named bills, which confuses me." "Mr. Kinoshita," said Kore. "Of course, interest is still required, and there is a time limit. This is also the rule of making money." "Isn't it? It would be strange not to do so. It's a short note in lieu of a loan. Then, what about the interest and term?" Kinoshita asked. "Two cents a day, how about a one-year period?" When Kore answered, Kinoshita Kunsuke frankly showed surprise again. "I didn't expect that. That is to say, if the principal doesn't change within a year, all you need to do is pay two cents of the daily interest?" "Yes," replied Kore, "I won't say anything about the deadline. Anyway, if you are really in trouble, please come here at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. Someone will explain the deadline then. You sign The receipt should be issued with that person's name on it." "I see." Kinoshita said. "That is to say, through your introduction, someone is willing to lend me this money?" "Of course. Because I won't have such a large sum of money." "Understood, it doesn't matter if I borrowed eight million yen from someone, but it's a bit embarrassing for such a thing to leak out." "No, Mr. Kinoshita. You don't have to worry. The man actually knows you." "That would be worse. Then I would be ashamed." "That's not the case. He's a man who can be fully trusted." "what should I do!" Kinoshita Kunisuke asked repeatedly like this.He faces the problem of being sued and needs money. Kinoshita Kunisuke and Yamagata got out of that house and sat side by side in the car on the way home. Kinoshita Kunisuke said in the car: "Oops. What the hell do you think is going to happen? Is that man a liar? If the secret gets out, that's bad. Who is the other man that Ie said?" Kinoshita Kunisuke asked Yamagata all of these questions. "I'm also a mutual bank and entrepreneur, but I didn't expect that there are low-interest loans that are opposite to usury in the world." Yamagata, who had been silent all this time, asked back: "Mr. Kinoshita, what are you going to do? Should I borrow it, or not?" "yes." Kinoshita Kunisuke is still thinking about it. At this time, the car drove to the restaurant in Akasaka.Kinoshita Kunsuke opened the door and got out of the car alone. "Thank you very much for today." He said to Yamagata. "You can use this car...and..." He put his face close and smiled. "Let me tell you, I've decided to borrow the money. However, I have to attend the party's key meeting at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning, and I may not have time. I'm sorry, but you have met Shizhi before, so please lend me the money." Can you take the receipt? I'm sorry, but I'll leave it to you." "Yes. I will go as your agent, shall I?" "Yes. Then, please come to my house at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I will pre-write the bill for the other party." "As ordered." Kinoshita Kunisuke turned his face away, moved his body that had started to gain weight recently, and walked into the restaurant. At eleven o'clock the next morning, Kosaburo Yamagata, acting as Kunisuke Kinoshita's agent, took his ticket to the residence behind the Shimbashi Theater that he had visited the previous day.This seems to be Zhi Xunfu's private residence. It was still the maid from the previous day who came out. "I am Yamagata, who came with Kinoshita-san yesterday." No sooner had he said this than the maid retreated in. Then she came out again, and bowed him in.He was ushered into the same room he had been in yesterday with Kore and Kinoshita. The person who claims to lend a huge sum of 8 million yen is about to show up.Who on earth is it?It was Zhi Xunfu who once said that it was "another person". According to Shieda, if the lender knew Kunisuke Kinoshita, it must be someone he also knew.Yamagata waited wholeheartedly, just wanting to see his true colors quickly. After a while, light footsteps came from behind the screen. The person who walked in was not a man, but a woman. "Hey, Mr. Kinoshita didn't come?" the woman said looking at Yamagata's face. Only then did Yamagata realize that the "other person" that Koree mentioned was actually this woman.This is a woman with a surprising amount of make-up... At this point, the conversation stopped. This was not because Yusuke Jinzo deliberately stopped talking to make Nakakubo anxious; Yusuke himself still wanted to talk, but the time for the meeting that Nakakubo Kyosuke had to attend was approaching. "This seems interesting." Nakakubo Kyosuke apologized to Shinzo Arisue, saying that he had to go to the meeting, and then said: "In any case, please tell me as soon as possible." "Ok." Even Yumo Jinzo himself showed a look of regret. When you stood up, you said: "Mr. Nakakubo, T county is a very special place. It can be said that it is the epitome of Japanese conspiracy. There are many things that I don't even know. It turns out that an incredible amount of money is circulating in this county." Nakakubo Kyosuke interpreted the term "incredible money" as an exaggeration made by Sue Jin. "Well." However, for the sake of politeness, he looked at the other person with great interest. "What kind of money is it?" "I haven't figured this out yet. I think there is a huge amount of secret money circulating in the county that we don't know about." Shinzo Arimes put the cigarette case in his pocket. "It seems that something is going to happen in the prefecture soon. And I think that Kinoshita Kunsuke, who I just told you about, knows the secret." "That's very interesting." Nakakubo Kyosuke and Arisue Shinzo walked down the stairs on the second floor of the restaurant side by side, and asked in a low voice, "Who is that amazing beauty you mentioned?" "I'm sorry, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!" Arima Jinzao smiled jokingly.No, although it was due to the time of the meeting, Kyosuke Nakakubo himself interrupted the other party's conversation.Nakakubo Kyosuke also laughed with Yumo. Youmo Jinzao walked to the door of the restaurant, said "Then I'll go first", and walked out alone.He was a man who had always guarded his actions with extreme caution. Nakakubo Kyosuke felt his mood, deliberately slowed down, and walked onto the street after a while.The weak sunlight in winter shines on the street.He looked up, and saw the thin figure of Youmo Jinzao turning the corner over there. ——This was the last time Nakakubo Kyosuke saw Shinzo Arisue. Nakakubo Kyosuke attended the planning meeting of his own company.The meeting was about discussing pressing issues, but the atmosphere was relaxed.Chairman Shigetake Sakane was of course not present.The managing director and the director kept talking obscene words, and the meeting was delayed to get to the point. Nakakubo Kyosuke regretted it.If I had known this, I might as well have stayed there a little longer with Mo Jinzao and listened to him continue talking.This is how employees can't help themselves. The meeting finally started to discuss the topic, but Nakakubo Kyosuke didn't pay much attention to it.Arime Jinzo once licked his lips and said, "This place in T county is not a small place"-the words lingered in Nakakubo's mind. V funds—— He remembered the sentence and wondered blankly what it meant. After that, Youmo Jinzao never contacted him again. Nakakubo Kyousuke waited eagerly for him to appear.However, Yu who had been whispering to him on the public phone never heard from him again. Nakakubo Kyosuke wanted to hear what he had to say.That was also Sakane Shigetake's order. Sakane wanted to know about Kinoshita Kunisuke's background.The conversation just started a few days ago.I don't know where Youmo Jinzao heard about it, no matter what you ask him, he knows it in detail.Those words a few days ago were like the beginning of a novel. When he was about to talk about the key points, Kyosuke Nakakubo had no choice but to break up with him.Nakakubo hoped that he would show up sooner. But after that, there was no contact with Mo Jin Zao.In the past, I called once in about ten days or so, but now it seems that the line has been disconnected, and there is no news at all. Nakakubo Kyousuke tried to avoid making contact in this regard.In order to keep his actions a secret, Arime Jinzo didn't want Nakakubo to call him.Therefore, it has been a regular contact three times a month. It turned out that Nakakubo Kyosuke paid Arimo a considerable amount of remuneration.Of course Nakakubo said it was paid for by himself, but in fact, Yumo also knew that it was paid by Sakane. For this reason, whether it is Yumo or Nakakubo, both parties need to be more cautious when communicating.If it leaks out, it will cause a big mess.Jinzao Arimese betrayed the secrets he learned from his position, and Kyosuke Nakakubo bought it with money.It is precisely because behind him there is Sakane Shigetake of the General Association, this will cause very troublesome problems. A month has passed, and you still haven't contacted me.Such cases are rare. Nakakubo Kyosuke knew that Yumo Shinzo was working as a police officer in the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office, and he even wanted to find someone to call Yumo for him to make an appointment.He thought, although this is not a good way, but since the other party did not come to contact, he had no choice but to do so. One day when Nakakubo Kyosuke was thinking this way, he suddenly caught a glimpse of "Cabinet Appointment and Removal Order" published in the corner of a certain page of the newspaper. "Appoint Mankio Hamano, the head of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office, as the captain of the K area of ​​the Police Bureau." "Appoint Shinya Tatsuo, the second director of the Police Bureau, as the director of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office." Nakakubo Kyosuke was attracted by these lines of typeface. Hamano, head of the special investigation department, was dismissed.In his recent contact with Jinzo Arisue, he has firmly remembered this name, just as he remembered the name of Kyuichiro Kawakami. For Hamano, Kyosuke Nakakubo didn't know whether he was the captain of the K area of ​​​​the police station.However, the dismissal of Hamano, who tried so hard to persuade the people of the Special Investigation Department to help each other, cannot be regarded as an honorary resignation after all. Not only that, Nakakubo Kyosuke speculates that this is the result of the internal disputes in the Special Investigation Department that Arisue Shinzo told him in detail a few days ago, finally involving Minister Hamano. Ordinarily, when such a change occurred, Arimo Jinzao should have reported it in advance.He's always done that before.Didn't he lower his voice and come to report the internal situation of the Special Investigation Department with an expression of interest? Thinking of this, Nakakubo Kyosuke felt that the reason why Arime Jinzo did not show up was related to this personnel change. Nakakubo Kyosuke was a little worried.Things are not trivial.Something must have happened to Yumo Jinzao himself.If nothing happened, Yumo Jinzao would never have shown up until now. A fierce factional struggle rages on in the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office.Arime Jinzo reported the situation in detail, but it is hard to say that he himself was not involved in internal disputes and something happened.Kyosuke Nakakubo also felt that, if this was the case, it might have something to do with Nakakubo himself and the secret meetings he had from time to time. Youmo has been constantly paying attention to the movement behind him.He was too cautious.Nakakubo Kyosuke even thought he was suffering from neurasthenia and took pity on him. If you work in such a place, I'm afraid everyone will do that, right?Although the tables are put together, you may still be very suspicious of your boss and colleagues.Maybe at some point the opposition will take over.Not only that, but in such a situation, you have to guide your subordinates and gather information yourself.Because of his job as an agent, is he often threatened by his own shadow? Although Kyosuke Nakakubo is now serving as the deputy director of the business department of the broadcasting company, he started out as a reporter.He tried his best to find out from the reporters he knew how the head of the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office changed. "Well, it's not clear what's going on there," answered every reporter. I don't quite understand—there is nothing more straightforward to express the nature of the Special Investigation Department than this sentence.The reporters are very good at interviewing, but even they gave up their minds, saying "I can't figure it out". When it comes to the Department of Special Investigations, even these reporters believe it to be a government agency shrouded in a fog of incomprehension.It is no wonder that it is Japan's "secret agency". In fact, this institution is closed to all journalists.Journalists cannot break in here as they would in normal government agencies.If he broke in like this, someone would tell him: "This is an agency that handles state secrets, please do not enter", and he would be very coldly shut down. That being said, one cannot refute it.As an agency that handles the top secrets of the state, this is also a matter of course.If there was anything to report, the journalists were content to transcribe the official speeches delivered by those in charge. News, however, was circulating among journalists of fierce struggles among forces within the Ministry.The so-called "incomprehensible" refers to the secrecy of the Ministry and internal disputes that outsiders cannot judge. They said that they were not quite sure about this change of ministers, which was true. However, some reporters also paid close attention to the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister’s Office.Once you are turned away by the other party, it will naturally be like this. One of them answered Nakakubo Kyousuke's question. He grinned and said: "Probably there was still a dispute. The personnel in that agency were sent by various bureaucracies, and they were all very experienced. The only hope for these people is that they can make some contributions to the agency during their work in the investigation department. Go back early. No matter how much Hamano persuades the colleagues in the department to help each other, it is in vain. Such indecisive people cannot lead well. Because everyone is arrogant, and no one buys anyone else's account." Journalists know these things too. Kyosuke Kubo also knew about this situation.This is what he has learned from Youmo Jinzao for a long time. Nakakubo asked: "What kind of person is the current minister, Tatsuo Shintani?" "He used to be the head of the Second Department of the Police Bureau. This person is a direct descendant of Chief Police Officer Toshiro Isomura. Isomura once told Prime Minister Hanayama that even if diplomatic relations between Japan and the Soviet Union were restored, he would be sure of domestic security; therefore, I still hate him for a long time. He. But the incompetence of the Investigations Department probably finally got the Prime Minister's patience." "Then, is Xin Gu such a talented person?" "Well." At this moment, the reporter showed a really incomprehensible expression. "For this point, I don't know the situation. I knew Xin Gu very well when he was working in the police station. I don't think he is very talented. I don't quite understand why such a person was brought out. It seems that behind the scenes is For some reason." Nakakubo Kyosuke thought that it would be great if Mo Jinzo was around, and he would tell him everything about Mo Jinzo.This time when he inquired about the situation with the journalists, he realized that the content of the information provided by Arimo Jinzao was very conclusive. But what happened to Youmo Jinzao?Just can't figure out why he hasn't shown up since then.It would be nice to call even once. Even so, this is the only thing that is inconvenient to inquire about from journalists.To say his name would be to personally expose his relationship to oneself. Nakakubo Kyosuke made up his mind to inquire about the current situation of Arime Shinzo through appropriate channels. Soon, he learned about the current situation of Youmo Jinzao from someone. The man said: "At the end of the day, the police department will be dismissed." "Resigned?" Although Kyosuke Nakakubo expected this, he still couldn't maintain a calm attitude. "Did he also become a victim of the investigation department's struggle for power?" "No, it would have been better if that was the case. It is said that they actually embezzled public funds from the Investigation Department." Kyosuke Nakakubo asked back: "Misappropriation of public funds?" "Yes. I don't know the details, but it is said that the deficit is quite large. That guy was originally transferred from the police station, and he was someone close to Kawakami Kyuichiro. After Kawakami Zuo moved to the local area, he stayed; but he is gone. Boss, I always feel as if I can't touch the ground. And it seems that I have a mistress." Nakakubo Kyosuke nodded after hearing these words. Arisue Jinzo's original task was to pass the news to Sakane Shigetake according to Kawakami Kyuichiro's intention.Kyosuke Nakakubo acted as the informant. However, ever since Kawakami Kyuichiro was transferred to Kansai, the information made by Arime Jin had become his own before he knew it.In the era of Kyuichiro Kawakami, the reason for conveying information was justifiable anyway.But after Kawakami left, if he didn't do so, it would have the meaning of betraying information privately. Arime Shinzo always had a malicious smile on his fair face, and he reported the situation to Nakakubo with relish.He predicted that he would collapse at some point, and had been watching the internal conflict with interest from the eyes of a bystander.Youmo was undoubtedly desperate about his situation.Perhaps he didn't have the improvisational ability to switch from Kawakami's leader to another horse either.Or rather, despite having such abilities, they are not appreciated in any way. It can be said that no one paid him any attention, and he had to adopt a nihilistic attitude as a result.This is the decadence that frustrated bureaucrats always fall into.It seemed understandable why he had a concubine.But is embezzlement of public funds real? Kyosuke Nakakubo doesn't think so.You should be quite rich at the end. In fact, even if Nakakubo Kyosuke personally handed over the money to Arisume Shinzao, at least he would not be in short supply. Embezzlement of public funds is probably the superficial reason.He always thought that Youmo had become a victim of the internal strife in the investigation department. Nakakubo Kyosuke saw the sunken eyes behind the glasses of Shinzo Arimesue and the white face of a woman with high cheekbones. Kyosuke Nakakubo suddenly received a letter from Shinzo Arisue. The envelope was thick with several postage stamps on it.His real name was not written on the back of the envelope, but the alias he used when contacting Nakakubo Kyosuke was written.There is no address on it either.Turning it over, the front of the envelope was stamped with the postmark of the Tokyo Central Post Office. Nakakubo Kyosuke avoided his family and read the dozens of pages of the letter. It appeared that the letter had been written hastily, and that the handwriting was rather illegible, and some characters were even illegible. "Mr. Kyosuke Nakakubo: “久违了,我想您对我的事情已略有所闻。这次我由于意想不到的事情而从特调部退职了。不,与其说是退职,不如说是被免职了。关于这件事,我不愿意讲一些替自己辩解的话。外面一定流传着种种谣言。我不否认自己有了情妇,也承认私生活放荡。可是,说我挪用了公款,那是绝对的谎言。究竟是谁以此为借口把我免职的,我想您早晚自然会发觉的。 “有一次会面的时候,我曾向您谈过A君和B君之间伪造辞呈的事件。谁料到这件事情竟然落到我身上了呢!您看笑话吧。 “我现在在东京车站附近某旅馆里写这封信。大约两小时之后,我就要离开东京,到地方上去沦落。按照一般的说法,我正要以落魄之身作远行呢。不是我说负气话,其实这样一来我心里倒是可以大大地舒一口气呢。 “中久保京介先生。 “蒙您帮了我不少忙。临别之际,我想向您报告一下总理厅特别调查部到现在为止的情况,包括我以前对您谈过的事情。这样,一则可以把我过去奉告的情况作一番整理,二则是想补充一下我没有讲过的部分。但是,两小时之后我就要上火车了,能写到哪里,就写到哪里吧。临行仓促,字迹不免潦草,请您谅察。 “第一任特调部长川上久一郎先生在第一任警备局第一部长手下担任副部长时,曾兼任调查部长。当时川上先生由于曾任久我首相的秘书的关系,被委以特别重要的机密工作。那时正值过渡时期——美军占领局面解除了,虽然只是在名义上,日本算是成了独立国。川上先生充分考虑到同美国的特殊关系,由于舆论可畏,未便与旧时的特高或军方特务机关接触,所以在组织机构和调集人员的工作方面费了不少心思。考虑情报工作的人选时,无论如何总要受到资格是否合适的限制。总之,作为第一任部长,最好是使用旧特高或特务机关人员;可是这种做法即使稍有泄露,舆论就会哗然。川上先生的苦心就在这一点上。 “这时,成为川上先生的幕后人的就是曾任驻上海特务机关负责人的陆军上校山田重三,这一点我以前已经对您讲过了。他就是通称'梅机关'的特务机关的头子。川上先生在计划调查部工作的时候想起了在上海时代曾照拂过他的山田上校,这是并不奇怪的。川上先生对这个从事情报策划的老前辈表示很深的敬意。他沿用了过去特务机关的做法,也是很自然的事。 “这个新的情报机关有日本政府和美国方面的特殊关系为它作保障的背景,它有很大的权力,但只是缺少经费。过去的军方特务机关暗中有一笔称为军事机密费的、对国民隐瞒的巨额款项。不用说,战败后的日本是没有那样的经费了。'新情报局'只是成立了机构,却要不到预算,这是它唯一的苦恼。 “没有钱就无法活动,这是非常简单的道理。 “您听说过现在在日本仍成为话题的臭名远扬的美国卡比亚机关吧?这个机关曾隶属于美军机构。可是如您所知,在美国,预算案得由国会通过,所以不允许要求庞大的预算,照这样,派到日本的美国特务机关是不够维持的;于是自然就开展了筹措经费这样一项特殊活动。卡比亚机关曾以什么方式就地筹措资金,这个秘密如今一部分人己经知道了。 “特调部也不例外。我曾几次把总理厅的预算数字提供给您。那是微小的数字。作为日本的'情报局'、或者'秘密机关'来说,这项经费太少了。 “我是从警察机关派去的一介警部,是调查部里地位最低的职员,所以无从知道那笔经费的性质,也不知道这是把隐藏在什么地方的资金投入的。关于这个问题,请您利用您本人与金融实业界之间建立的极密切的关系进行调查吧。 “早在日本有军部的时期,设在中国大陆的特务机关就不断地就地筹措经费。不必列举,您也一定知道那些机关的名称吧。总之,光靠军事费用是不够的,所缺少的部分只好由机关通过特殊活动来就地筹措。何况今天根本没有经费的调查部,两手空空能够有什么作为呢?久我首相和宗像副首相偏偏对调查部抱着殷切的希望。尤其是,就象以前向您屡次说过的那样,宗像副首相还怀着将来把这个机关发展成为'内阁情报局'的理想。后来同久我首相搞坏关系的川上先生靠拢宗像副首相,也是从这时候开始的。 “川上先生是个热情的人。他以第一任'内阁情报局总裁'自居,把满腔热情贯注在工作上。在筹措经费方面他也很热心,自不待言。这里我就不谈筹措工作的具体事实了。 “因此,由于川上先生的性格和日美双方的特殊权力,他的活动特别显眼,这就成了以后引起种种问题的重大原因。例如,就以樋胁定良的谋略来说,那不会是完全没有得到川上先生的谅解而进行的,因为樋胁背后还联系着久我先生这条强有力的路线。 “要是把川上先生时代种种特工机关的关系和盘托出来,那才叫惊人呢。我实在没有勇气在这里说明整个情况。只谈谈日本方面的机关为了对中国和苏联进行谍报活动而同美国特务机关(例如反间谍队、中央情报局、空军谍报队、海军谍报队等)保持紧密联系的情况吧。还有这样的事实:日本方面的某机关把一个成员伪装成机关工作人员,偷偷混进与中国南部毗连的国家(例如越南或老挝)的势力范围内,其中一个有力人物在当地开办伪装起来的兵工厂,制造武器和弹药。我总觉得老挝一带眼看就要硝烟弥漫似的。本来,象这样大规模的谋略活动不是单凭日本人就干得出来的,必须与某国机关互相勾结。 “但是,对工作这么热情而又活跃的川上先生出人意外地很快就垮台了。这也可以说是虽然掌握了独立自主权,却失去了过去那个'日本帝国'背景的、战败后受外国支配的国家的命运,是战后创建情报机关的人必然的下场吧。 “我以前同您谈过三笠丸事件。通过那一事件,弄清楚了原外务省官员(情报局总裁某先生)实际上就是卡比亚机关日本方面的负责人。可是为什么会在中途暴露出来呢?这可以从内务省和外务省官员争权夺势中找到原因。在特别调查部里,情况也是一样。因此,只要考虑一下那回川上先生私带美元到伦敦去的事件到底是从什么地方泄露出去的,自然就可以找到从事情报工作的川上先生的弱点。 “关于川上先生,要写的事情很多。川上先生的失败,不只是由于表面上的原因,即并非由于他打算扩大和加强这个情报机构而遭到在野党的反对,指责它要使特别高等警察复活。首先,川上先生虽说是久我先生的亲信,由于职位关系,也不可能每天都接近久我先生。而且他与久我的亲信有一线之隔,气味互不相投。还有一件倒楣的事:总理厅特别调查部长的顶头上司是官房长官,而这位官房长官与川上先生关系很坏。因此,非常通达事理、又有相当见识的宗像副首相是很能了解川上先生的,也是他的支持者,但是在官级上有着这样的距离。再加上久我同宗像感情上的对立又牵涉进来,所以川上先生是迟早必然要垮台的。 “但是使他垮台的方式是很奇怪的:在国内广播他私带美元到伦敦的事件,而且完全是以特别调查部独特的隐蔽手法进行的;尤其因为川上先生又是第一任部长,这种命运就更带有讽刺意味了。 “滨野万喜夫出任第二任特别调查部长的原因,正如我以前屡次向您说明过的那样。他当时是T县的警察队长,正打算辞去警察职务,为出任副知事而开始活动的时候,被召回警察本部,担任人事科长的要职,接着就继川上先生出任特别调查部长。 “在滨野先生任期中发生的主要事件中,最能说明当时情况的是樋胁定良投奇怪的文件一事。在政治上,现任花山首相和特别调查部的主管者官房长官不断谋求日苏和平谈判,他们这种态度实在是总理厅特别调查部设置以来的严重问题。如果说有可以与之相比的状态,那就是战后设立的特审局本来是把重点放在审查该整肃哪些法西斯分子和垄断资本家的,以后却变为以镇压左翼分子为重点;由此又促成了公安调查厅的设立。总之,在久我内阁时代成立的总理厅特别调查部,随着企图与苏联接近的花山内阁的成立,性质发生了根本的大变化。内阁中枢的情报机构倾向哪一方面,更是个相当重大的问题。尤其在执政党内,形成了把所有的反花山派都动员起来的局面,包括亲美派的活动、大使馆方面的特殊活动、与大使馆有联系的华盛顿政府和美国金融实业界系统的经济机构。 “除了'拉斯特沃洛夫事件',反对派还发表了关于花山首相的种种离奇的情报和文件,并且进行幕后策划,宣传在花山内阁执政下,日本明天就会闹出赤色革命的乱子来。特别调查部好象反倒变成了打倒花山的大本营。所以替花山首相和托姆尼茨基联络的渔业公司老板,曾经保证国内治安无问题的警察长官,以及执政党干事长等人,都被说成是赤色分子。还有一部分金融实业界人士对日苏谈判有所期待,所以反对派又环绕着恢复对苏贸易造他们的谣言,甚至还让钻进特别调查部的新闻记者到处散布说他们是同情赤色分子的。他们利用的材料和情报大部分是由公安调查厅或某政党的政策调查会提供的。关于当时特别调查部担任过哪些工作,现在还有种种传闻。问题是,该'机关'本来应当团结一致地工作,但由于内阁的更迭使它失去了方向,已经形成无法统一起来的状态。离奇的文件等等都是从这样的漏洞中产生的。 “第二任的滨野先生由于这次政局的变动而迷失了方向,终于无所事事,落了个暂时调到地方上去的下场。 “但是,不论部长怎样,需要特别提一笔的是在这个机构中还存在着川上久一郎和宗像副首相精心创设的某机关。姑且把这个机关叫作K机关吧。它的首脑某先生现在表面上是某广播公司的职员,实际上他是在利用国际上的短波通讯网秘密收集和分析情报,并且展开活动。这个K机关表面上从事的是民间广播事业,实际上是头等的情报机关。最近新闻界就'小志田机关'如获至宝地大肆宣传,这个K机关可没那么简单。可以说,它实际上是头等的国际机密情报机关。这个机关也是在川上先生时代在极秘密的情况下着手设置的,与前述'梅机关'的山田重三上校关系密切的满铁调查局的某有力人物也是它的成员。轰轰烈烈地展开活动的川上先生不期竟成为摔跤场上一名急性子的选手,遭到惨败。但是可以说,这位先生的热情,正在这样的意义上取得别的成果。 “第二任部长表面上解散了内部不断进行纷争的特别调查部防卫组,可是这样的形形色色的机关现在仍然存在。 “新谷辰雄先生新近就任第三任部长,并没有非他不可的深刻意义。调查部的部长,要由川上先生那样热情的人或者第二任部长那样的好好先生来担任才适宜。如果部长好歹想要办点事的话,那只能落得从内部自然而然地被排挤掉的下场吧。 “但是正如我以前略微提过的,我总觉得从川上先生时代到现在为止,特别调查部不仅从事政治策划工作,另外还暗暗干着什么。我觉得那不是在特别调查部内部,而是一向维护着隐藏在调查部外面某处的什么东西。遗憾的是,我不能清清楚楚地说明这一点。可是,我凭预感觉得那是在日本的领导阶层(尤其是久我先生的系统)同美国领导阶层双方合作下产生的某种东西。就是说,我总觉得某处隐藏着一个并非在政治上、而是在经济上来路不明的庞大财源,受到有关人士一致的维护,特别调查部在受到它的一部分恩泽的同时,也为着维护它而出力。相形之下,特别调查部长的更迭,可以说是微不足道的表面现象吧。总之,我觉得在什么地方存在着我所想象不到的某种东西。 “我想,净说'某种'是满足不了您的,所幸您与金融实业界也有联系,再说上述机关的头子又是民间广播公司的高级职员,所以我觉得,如果您本人去探听,反而能够早点了解到情况。 “所谓日本的'秘密机关'的实际情况大体上就是这样的。 “可是不能忘记的是,不论内阁怎样更迭,这个'秘密机关'经常在谋略方面同外国协作。这条路线是绝对不会垮的。如果现在的旧军人集团掌握特别调查部的领导权,就会与外国势力建立密切关系,以代替旧军部这一庞大组织。 “特别是,就象我屡次谈过的那样,特别调查部是由各省派出的官员组成的,经常为争权夺势而发生纠纷。除了这种争夺势力范围的情况外,我觉得在上述从中国大陆回来的旧军人集团的心目中,这些官员都是外行,什么也干不出来,就看不起他们。据我猜测,将来的特别调查部恐怕要截然分为两派势力,一派专心致力于争夺势力范围的内部纠纷,另一派则团结起来将对方各个击破。我总有这样的感觉。 “长时期以来,我一直把我所隶属的机构的情况奉告您。一旦离开自己的工作场所,我就成为一介市民。今后不会再有可资奉告的事情了。就在我执笔写这封信的时候,特调部也象下等动物似的,时时刻刻在改变面貌。今天特别调查部的内部情况已经不同于半年前了。 “我动身的时间快要到了。所幸在这里大致可以告个段落,就停笔吧。 “再者,最后一次同您会面时,由于时间来不及,木下邦辅的事情不是没有讲完吗?那件事情就那么着吧。 “由于您的嘱咐,我曾调查他的经历,在一定程度上掌握了他的情况,可是那个报告也谈到一半就不得不中断了。但是T县确实是个不可思议的地方。木下先生本人今天属于别的实力派,为什么偏偏要去接近久我派呢?他为什么现在那样飞黄腾达呢?他从来没作过大臣,怎么竟担任了执政党的重要职务呢?这方面的事情,请您跟木下的选区T县的特殊情况联系起来,特别仔细地加以寻味。 “我象讲小说似的把木下先生走红运的经过叙述一半就中断了,感到遗憾之至。您是明智的,后一半情况就请您直接调查吧。 “前面已经说过,日本某处还隐藏着某种东西。我觉得这个某种东西与T县有密切关系。我是解释不了的,但是我觉得,要是您想弄清楚的话,是可以凭您的地位动员形形色色的人办到的。 “那末,关于这个问题,我来给您介绍一个适当的人吧。 “不过我不能附上自己的名片。我本人是个败卒。再也没有比一朝垮了台的公务人员更惨的了。 “所说的这个人,曾经在通商产业省的官厅任过职,就是当年以新进的经济评论家而闻名于世的江木务先生。提起江木务先生,您一定会立即想起这个名字吧。作为经济评论家,他以对经济问题具有敏锐的分析能力而知名,论理犀利明确,一时成为新闻界的宠儿。 “这个人在两年前以经济考察官的身份去美国。也许您已经在报纸上读到过,他在任期还没满就回国的时候,患了神经衰弱,最后因服用安眠药过量而死亡。另外也有人断定他是自杀的。 “不管怎样,反正他从日本动身时曾有很多人送行。可是当他回国的时候,前往迎接的却寥寥无几,也可以说他是孤影悄然地从美国回来的。我想,知道这位先生下场的人,如果把这种景象同他先前那显赫一时的情景相对照,必然会感慨无限吧。 “但是江木务先生为什么患了这么严重的神经衰弱呢?江木先生精通英语,年轻时毕业于美国的一个地方大学。他患神经衰弱的原因绝不是不懂外语或者不堪寂寞,这一点是摆得很清楚的。那末,究竟原因何在呢?这一切今天都成为隐谜。他也没有留下遗书。不,也许留下了,但是没有发表。 “我要介绍的人是江木先生亲密的朋友。附上那人的名片,我想您最好设法同他取得联系,见见面。 “我打算离开东京,到乡下的某地方静静地生活。 “日本还有种种不可思议的事情。就以我讲得很详细的总理厅特别调查部来说吧,不定什么时候就会被'外部'力量取而代之。而且这种可能性非常大。这么看来,官僚是软弱无能的。 “看来不久就要发生什么事情。朝鲜战争虽然结束了,可是正象前面略微提到过的那样,这样的机关有一部分已经潜入东南亚的某个地方了,在不断地进行点燃硝烟的工作,战火说不定什么时候就会在什么地方爆发起来。 “再者,就以T县来说,不久也要发生什么事情。那个东西现在虽然还隐藏着,一旦发生什么事情,也许就能够第一次窥见它的一部分真面目。 “中久保京介先生,长期以来蒙您照拂了。上车时间快到了,就此向您告别吧。祝您诸事顺利。 “还请您代为向坂根重武副会长致意。 有末晋造”
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