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Chapter 7 Chapter 4 Strange Documents

deep ocean current 松本清张 15452Words 2018-03-21
Arisue Shinzo looked at Nakakubo Kyosuke with delicate eyes from behind his glasses. "Listen to me, the representative office of the Soviet Union is doing wonderful things." "Wonderful activity? What's that about?" Nakakubo Kyosuke listened intently. "It seems that they are looking for an opportunity to negotiate with the Soviet Union." "Oh, is there such a thing?" Although the occupation policy has been abolished, the United States still firmly controls Japan to follow its path. It is true that, unlike the Kuga cabinet era, Prime Minister Hanayama once revealed that he would revise his policy towards the communist circle.However, it cannot be envisaged that this will materialize immediately.

Prime Minister Hanayama and former Prime Minister Kuga can be said to have reached the point of hating each other emotionally.It is rumored that one of the reasons why Prime Minister Hanayama announced that he wanted to revise his policy toward the Soviet Union was his antipathy towards the pro-American former Prime Minister Kuga. "That's weird." Yumo Jinzao said again with that ambiguous smile. "Recently, a reporter from a certain news agency has frequently been in and out of the raccoon. We are currently watching his actions." "What does that mean?" "It appears that the representative agency is using that reporter to find a negotiating partner."

"The opponent in the negotiation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a regular opponent, right?" "Otherwise, it seems that the other party thinks that the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is under the influence of former Prime Minister Kuga and Foreign Minister Mitsuda, so it is difficult to handle. The policy of the Soviet Union is always unexpected, so this situation is very interesting. It seems that next year will Cause a commotion." Kyosuke Nakakubo tilted his head.He thinks that there is a saying made by the late Jin Dynasty, which is somewhat exaggerated. "Our Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office is going to be full of quarrels. Because there are both Kuga and Mitsuda's direct relatives, as well as their opposition. Mr. Nakakubo, let's wait until the beginning of next year."

Yumo Jinzo rubbed his hands, looking very unhappy. At the beginning of the new year, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov issued a statement on Radio Moscow on January 16: "If the Japanese government is seriously considering taking steps to restore normal relations between Japan and the Soviet Union, the Soviet government will also be prepared to study specific measures to normalize relations between Japan and the Soviet Union. The newspapers carried Molotov's statement in headlines on their front pages. As a broadcasting company staff member, Nakakubo Kyosuke heard the broadcast before it was published in the newspaper.At this time, he remembered what Arisue Shinzo said during his visit at the end of the year.At that time, Christmas carols were playing in the streets.

However, Shigetake Sakane did not contact Nakakubo Kyosuke after the new year.Nakakubo went to the secretariat of the Federation of Economy and Economic Cooperation, but he did not see Vice President Sakane either. Nakakubo Kyosuke had a realization.If the Hanayama Cabinet wants to seek closer relations between Japan and the Soviet Union as people say, the economic circles will inevitably become oversensitive. Japan's economic circles are dependent on American financial assistance.As long as the United States, which was opposed to the Soviet Union, reacted to the new foreign policy of the Kayama cabinet, it would inevitably be sensitively transmitted to the General Economic Council.

Thinking of this, Nakakubo poked his probe into the General Affairs Bureau of the Economic and Economic Association, only to feel that it was chaotic inside.Almost none of the sub-chiefs of the various ministries were present, and those who sat there seemed to be anxious. Shigetake Sakane probably works in the financial industry. There are probably only a handful of people who control the lifeline of the current Japanese economy.As long as the opinions of these few people agree, the policy of the financial industry can be said to be decided. Shigetake Sakane is responsible for dealing with these highest authorities to make their opinions consistent.Right now, Shigetake Sakane must be meeting someone somewhere again.

Half of January is already over. Shinzo Arisue came to visit Kyosuke Nakakubo again.They still meet at the old place. "Congratulations on the new year." Shinzo Arime greeted the new year with an elegant gesture. "Happy New Year... Congratulations." They sat down on chairs in the corner. That was exactly two or three days after Molotov's statement appeared in the press. Kyosuke Nakakubo immediately said: "As you said, I was surprised that the statement of the Soviet foreign minister read in the newspapers exactly as you said." "Really?" Youmo grinned. "But the inside story is more interesting. It seems that Mr. Hanayama will soon have a meeting with a powerful figure in the Soviet Union's representative organization under the conditions of extreme secrecy."

"Oh, is it true?" "It's true," Shinzo Arisue nodded, "Didn't I mention that reporter from a certain news agency when I met you last year? We have been watching his activities. But recently, through his clue, we found out A doctor." "doctor?" "If you tell me your name, you must know him. This person was well-known for advocating family planning before the war. He often went to the raccoon den as a doctor. It seems that the reporter finally passed the baton to this doctor after searching everywhere. " "I want to know the details."

This time, Kyosuke Nakakubo took the initiative to ask him to talk. At the end of last year, a certain second secretary of the representative office of the Soviet Union called a reporter from a certain news agency who was covering news in the club of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and said solemnly that if there was something urgent, please ask him to come to the representative office. The reporter immediately went to the representative office of the Soviet Union. In addition to the interim chief representative Tomnitsky, there were also secretaries present.They said they wanted to negotiate in the name of the Soviet government, and asked the reporter to arrange a meeting with the foreign minister on their behalf, and they said that the date of the meeting must be within the year.Things are urgent.

This reporter visited a certain person and asked him for his mediation. This person used to be the investigation director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was dismissed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Prime Minister Kuga and is currently a member of the Senate.He was sent by Anti-Jiuwo.As soon as the Huashan cabinet was established, he secretly regarded himself as the prime minister's diplomatic adviser. After hearing what the reporter said, the man replied: Judging from Huashan's personality, as long as you talk to him, you will probably agree.But there is still the Minister of Foreign Affairs, please consult with Minister of Foreign Affairs Mitsuda first.

The reporter went to see Foreign Minister Mitsuda.The typical official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put on a stern face and said angrily: It's really unreasonable!On our part, we do not recognize any Soviet representative institutions at all.Negotiations must not be conducted with unidentified Tomnitskys as opponents.When Guangtian spoke, blue veins popped up on his forehead, and he was furious. The reporter retorted: "If you refuse to agree no matter what, we will have to negotiate with Huashan through other channels to obtain his permission. In that case, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be untenable. Is that okay?" The attitude of Foreign Minister Mitsuda remained unchanged. The reporter went back to the representative office of the Soviet Union, met with Tomnitsky, explained that Mitsuda refused to agree, and suggested that the method could be directly proposed to Huashan. Through this line, the reporter approached the matter with the long-standing representative doctor, known as an advocate of the contraceptive movement. The doctor consulted an old MP about the matter.The congressman also mentioned the name of an important person before the war who is now a down-and-out politician. Through the nepotism of this person, the arrangement for Huashan to meet Tomnitsky was made. For the Hanayama cabinet, in order to counter Kuga's pro-American forces, Japan-Soviet negotiations are the only thing that can be flaunted.Fortunately, he also has the support of public opinion in this regard. "There's an inside story in it," Youmo Jin Zhanxiang said as if explaining. "Almost all the powerful people who make up the current Huashan cabinet have been looked down upon by Mr. Kuga. Given their situation, it is useless to bow down to the United States now. Because Mr. Kuga is very trusted by the United States. They think that anyway It was impossible to rely on the United States, so I tried to build relations with the Soviet Union, so that I would panic for a long time. Otherwise, they would not be able to get ahead. This Japanese-Soviet negotiation can be said to be a move that determines their success or failure.” "That's right." "Minister Mitsuda is about to collapse. The Japan-Soviet negotiations were not conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other departments, but by powerful people around Huashan. As the negotiations progress in the future, the Foreign Minister Kuga sent by Mitsuda will probably become more and more powerful. The more suspended, he fell outside the bureau. Guangtian is a typical old bureaucrat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This time he became the foreign minister, and immediately put all his cronies in important positions to strengthen his own territory. He is spying on The next president or prime minister. But under the current circumstances, according to our opinion, he is indeed facing a great crisis." "But Mr. Jiuga won't agree?" "Of course. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also lost face. Some people also said that the Japanese-Soviet negotiations were taken advantage of by fishery companies. Others said angrily: Japan's territory was replaced for the sake of tens of thousands of cans. In my place From the Special Investigation Department, people from the Kuga department have said such things, and they are planning a counterattack." On January 25, Tomnitsky went to the private residence of Prime Minister Huashan and handed over a note to the Prime Minister.The note generally stated that in order to restore normal relations between the Soviet Union and Japan, the Soviet Union was ready to hold negotiations. Japanese newspapers reported this incident on the 28th and 29th respectively, and also published the full text of the so-called "Tomnitsky Note".The gist of the note is as follows: "As we all know, the Soviet Union has always advocated the adjustment of relations between the two countries in view of people's fervent hope for an early restoration of normal relations with Japan. This issue was also mentioned in the Molotov statement issued a few days ago. As everyone knows, Prime Minister Hanayama recently issued a statement China is also in favor of resolving the issue of relations between Japan and the Soviet Union. Taking this into consideration, the Soviet Union believes that it is timely for the two sides to exchange views on measures to normalize relations between the Soviet Union and Japan. The Soviet side is prepared to hold negotiations in Moscow or Tokyo Appoint a representative." The Japanese side believed that it was not enough for the "Tomnitsky Note" to be published only by Radio Moscow. In order to determine whether the note reflected the real intention of the Soviet government, it ordered the Japanese representative to the United Nations in New York to negotiate with the acting Soviet representative to the United Nations.As a result, the acting representative of the Soviet Union to the United Nations replied to the Japanese representative: "The note from Tomnitsky, the temporary chief representative of the former representative office of the Soviet Union in Tokyo, to Prime Minister Hanayama is a document that formally expresses the Soviet government's intentions." After receiving such confirmation from the Soviet Union, the government decided to take the step of holding negotiations at a meeting held in early February, and replied that the venue for the negotiations would be the seat of the headquarters of the United Nations, that is, New York, where official representatives of both governments are stationed. . Then the Soviet Union responded.The general idea is: the Soviet side hopes to use Tokyo or Moscow as the venue for negotiations, but if the Japanese side thinks that other places are most suitable, they can also agree to its proposal. At the beginning of March, the Soviet Union advocated choosing one of Tokyo or Moscow, while the Japanese side stated that London was the most suitable place for negotiations.The Soviet Union agreed with this opinion and decided to hold the preparatory talks for the Japan-Soviet negotiations in London. On the basis of this decision, the cabinet meeting at the end of April finalized the plenipotentiary delegation. In this way, the Huashan cabinet's negotiations with the Soviet Union progressed rapidly. However, the issue of Japan-Soviet negotiations can be said to have caused a split in the Japanese Conservative Party.The struggle between the Huashan faction and the Kuga faction is getting more and more intense.The Huashan group advocated the early restoration of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while the Kuga group and the Mitsuda group believed that as long as the territorial issues and the repatriation issues were not fundamentally resolved, negotiations would be meaningless. "The investigation department is probably in a state of being stabbed in a hornet's nest." Shinzo Arime reported to Nakakubo. "Just as I said at the end of last year, the group of people who have been treated coldly by our department until now have taken the opportunity to counterattack; and the group of people from the investigation department who claim to be Soviet experts also think that now is the time to show their talents. They are desperately attacking the Hanayama system for Mr. Kuga." "As for striking, what form will it take?" "It turns out that the people there are all good at playing tricks. So, at the behest of Mr. Kuga and others, all those who advocate the early restoration of diplomatic relations, headed by Prime Minister Huashan, were labeled as agents of the red elements." "Are you saying Mr. Huashan is a Redist?" "According to common sense, it is unimaginable. However, what is unreasonable is exactly the common sense there. In particular, a member of the investigation department who is considered to be directly related to Mr. Kuga is also trying to make this case a nationalist because he claims to be a nationalist. The Japanese-Soviet negotiations were completely destroyed." "dumb!" "One of the reasons," continued Shinzo Arimese, "is that, as you know, Rastvorov, a member of the Soviet representative body, fled to the United States and gave a press conference in Washington. At the reception On the Internet, a person who claimed to be Rastvorov made a speech, to the effect that Tomnitsky was also a spy of the Soviet Union. This group of people took this as propaganda material, and advocated negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union, including Huashan. All the powerful people in the country are said to be agents of the red elements. Just wait and see, strange documents are about to appear." He smiled at this point. "Every time a major incident occurs, there must be strange documents. Do you remember, after the 'Rastvorov Incident', didn't there always appear strange documents? This time must be no exception, Guaranteed." When Arime Jinzo said "guarantee", he emphasized the tone meaningfully. "Who will write it?" "I can't say for sure. But I can guess it roughly. You just have to wait and see what kind of monkey tricks will be played." Mo Jin rubbed his hands like a fly. "In this way, the vulnerability of the Investigation Department itself is exposed. On the surface, the Investigation Department is the government's intelligence agency, directly under the Prime Minister's Office. However, if the government's policy is uncertain, intelligence activities cannot be carried out. During the Kuga cabinet era, policy At any rate, it is consistent, so it’s okay. However, now that the Huashan cabinet has been changed, it is necessary to implement a diplomatic line that is completely opposite to Kuga’s line; and in terms of diplomacy, Kuga’s influence is still deep-rooted. In this way, the investigation department is in an unknown position. The situation we are in. It can be said that it is split into two factions. What's more, the second minister is a cowardly and incompetent honest man. His subordinates are all people who are difficult for the provinces and do not listen to their orders. How can they be united? It’s useless for the second minister to talk about working together. The second minister embraced the principle of calming things down. That is to say, one thing is better than one thing. .I told you before that the investigation department used state funds to collect information, but now no one is serious about providing information to the Minister. They each secretly build relationships and sell information. This is also because they all want to go back to the provinces— —Go to their old lair. They only care about gaining ground in the direction that is beneficial to them, and they always want to be promoted. Therefore, a group of people from Jiuga’s direct line voted for Jiuga’s faction, but on the contrary, Jiuga’s lineage voted for the current Mr. Huashan, it’s like a mess.” "Then, what about the police? Once the cabinet tries to get closer to the Soviet Union, under such circumstances, the public security authorities, which have been doing their best to suppress the Reds, will be in a delicate position." "That's right. People from my department have been placed in the police force. Not only Mr. Jiu, but also political leaders have placed their confidantes in the public security organs." "Wait a minute," Nakakubo said. "A few days ago, there was news in the newspaper that Mr. Hanayama had summoned the head of the Police Headquarters regarding the Japan-Soviet negotiations. He asked how Japan's domestic security would be affected if the Japan-Soviet negotiations were successful and the two countries resumed diplomatic relations." "yes." "According to newspaper reports, the chief said he was sure of law and order." "Yes, yes." Arime Jinzo nodded. "Mr. Miwa, the current senator and the former Director of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was in charge of directing the diplomacy of the Hanayama Cabinet, was also present at the time. Mr. Miwa was originally expelled from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because Mr. Kuga looked at him blankly. According to the explanation of the Kuga Department, the police The words of the chief minister indicate that he has compromised with Huashan. Mr. Kuga once planned to dismiss that chief, and this time it may be revenge for that incident." "That's right. The situation is complicated, and it's really difficult to handle." Nakakubo Kyosuke said that he seemed to have witnessed the fierce disputes within the Special Investigation Department. Youmo Jinzao's prophecy came true. Before long, strange files started appearing. The first documents that appeared said that the actual host of the Japan-Soviet negotiations and a powerful figure in the ruling party had received 200 million yen in activity fees from the fishery company for this move.Therefore, stacks of banknotes with a fishy smell are flooded everywhere in Tsukiji's restaurant street. Some documents are even more embellished, saying that this powerful figure received a huge sum of money from the Soviet representative agency. Then, a strange document was circulated in Congress, the content is as follows: "Tomnitsky approached Bank R through five Japanese companies dealing with trade with the Soviet Union (T Bussan Company, S Trading Company, E Commercial Company, Q Commercial Company, and S Industrial Company) who often dealt with trade issues. Also That is to say, Tomnitsky's representative, together with Krubin, head of the USSR trade delegation, held talks with the managing director of Bank R and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss trade and economic issues. As a result, Bank R contacted Bank N , when Hua Shanshou talked with Tomnitsky, the director of Bank N was also present. It is said that the general manager of Jiming Trading Company I (formerly a professional soldier) also understood Lixue's intentions and approached Bank R and the ruling party secretary In a long talk, he put forward a proposal to hold negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union. This approach is considered to be the most effective at present. Among the five companies trading with the Soviet Union, the most active one is E Commercial Company. Recently, Soviet films and records were imported through this trading company Several of these business people are open or underground members of the Japanese Communist Party. According to speculation by well-informed sources, some of the Japanese Communist Party’s funds may come from this aspect.” The so-called strange documents do not stop there. For example, it also mentioned that a group of people engaged in the Beiyang trade industry planned to harvest the dense forests in the vast coastal area and import pulp or wood.They had already secretly passed the Huashan route and were able to get close to Tomnitsky. It is impossible to infer who drafted the strange document.Some of them may have been written by people who were against the Huashan faction in order to defeat the Huashan faction, and maybe there were also journalists who had contacts with them. However, some information was indeed leaked from the Special Investigation Department.Who on earth used the investigation department's information for this purpose! The Special Investigations Department is also torn apart at the moment.The original purpose was to build this institution into the National Highest Intelligence Bureau, but now the staff members are actually leaking the collected information to the people for personal gain. The quickest thing is to take out these materials and send them to a certain policeman in Huashan's private residence.He quietly went to the prime minister's private residence in the dark and handed over the information to the prime minister's cronies.It is said that this is one of the important basis for Huashan to judge the situation. Anyone who entered or exited Huashan's private residence, whether it was a minister, a powerful figure in the ruling party, or even an unknown soldier, was watched by the police, nailed, and thoroughly investigated. Even the incumbent prime minister was pinned down by the police. After hearing these words, Nakakubo Kyosuke showed a puzzled expression. "That's weird. When the head of the police headquarters was questioned by the prime minister, he once assured that domestic security would not be a problem. The head of the police headquarters is the head of the national police. Why should the police officers under him treat the prime minister and the people who enter and exit the prime minister's private residence one by one Spike, how about spying on them?" Hearing this, Mo Jin statue squinted his eyes like a woman, and smiled gently, "Well, I also feel baffled about this. In fact, even when I went to Mr. Huashan's place, I would be scouted." Well, this is ridiculous. Because this is a trick for the police to pin down the staff of the investigation department who are former policemen." "Is that instigated by the Anti-Hanayama faction?" Nakakubo Kyosuke asked. "Perhaps. Many of the police cadres are now from the Kuga department. Therefore, it can also be imagined that these people are deliberately making things difficult under the order of Mr. Kuga. According to the Kuga department, whoever participated in the Japan-Soviet negotiations All the people, including the current Prime Minister Huashan, are the agents of the red elements. You also know that Mr. Changbai, the director-general, adopted an impartial attitude towards the issue of the Japan-Soviet negotiations. However, it is impossible to figure out his real intentions. This person seems to want to succeed Hanayama-san, so he doesn't want to irritate the Kuga faction unnecessarily now. But he can't go against the will of the current prime minister. So he uses his stupid skills. It's interesting." When Jin Zao said this, he took a big sip of the coffee in the cup, and then continued. "There are also people who claim that Director Bai is a red element. This world is really wonderful." "Who on earth prompted the chief of police to go to Mr. Hanayama to do such a thing?" "Well," Yumo Jinzo frowned slightly.He squinted at Nakakubo Kyosuke. "Mr. Nakakubo, do you really not know who it is?" "Of course." Nakakubo Kyosuke shook his head. "How would I know? I just came to you to learn about various things." "Is that right?" Judging from his tone, it seemed that he wanted to say that Kyosuke Nakakubo would not be ignorant.Yumo Jinzo finally didn't talk about this matter, so he went back. Nakakubo Kyosuke returned to his company alone. He wanted to explain the meaning of Youmo Jinzao's last sentence.The end is indeed known.Knowing it clearly, but leaving behind a riddle that is not revealed.His expression almost said: Mr. Nakakubo, there is no way you don't know. Thinking of this, Kyosuke Nakakubo suddenly realized.He thought: Shouldn't it be.Shouldn't it be... would there be such a thing? Nakakubo Kyosuke knew that since the issue of the Japan-Soviet negotiations emerged, Shigetake Sakane had hardly appeared at the Economic Council.He wanted to tell Sakane about all the things Jinzo Arime had told him, so he called the secretariat, but the chief secretary insisted that he didn't know where the vice president was.The secretary and section chief used to serve him and make contacts on his behalf, but now he said so. Nakakubo Kyosuke knows that due to this problem, the financial industry is now in a precarious state.It can be said that the Japanese economic circles rely on American investment and aid loans. Of course, they are very disturbed by the approach of the Hanayama regime to the Soviet Union. Nakakubo Kyosuke knew that Shigetake Sakane would deal directly with the US government whenever he encountered a major problem.In Sakane's view, the US embassy in Japan is nothing more than a foreign office. It used to be like this.First, representatives of the financial industry will negotiate directly with the United States itself.The Japanese government will only let the Japanese government know about it after the agreement is settled.It was not until the track was laid that the government started the tracked negotiations with the United States, decided on the corresponding policy and announced it—Nakakubo Kyosuke knew that things generally took this order. But that is a long-established practice from my Cabinet days.This incident proves that the Kuga Cabinet has a direct connection with the United States.And it also shows that although a peace treaty has been signed, Japan is still under American occupation. However, the Huashan cabinet did not pay much attention to the intention of the United States, but wanted to face the breeze blowing from the Soviet Union.Of course, even if the negotiations with the Soviet Union were not good for Japan, the Huashan faction probably secretly tried to use this incident to make the bitterly hated Kuga faction lose power and give their own faction the upper hand. However, under the American occupation, even Prime Minister Huashan could not do this.Now that the occupation policy has been abolished, Japan is at least independent, so this can be done.The other side of things is this: the era of occupation passed, and the Kuga faction associated with it slipped from power.At this moment, a vacuum suddenly appeared between Japan and the United States. At present, it can be said that it is a blank period - after the end of the occupation, the US policy towards Japan has not been finalized, nor is it ready to rectify the situation.In other words, it can also be said that the United States is not yet ready to control the Huashan cabinet. Because of this, Huashan took action only with the support of some fishery industry players. On the one hand, from the point of view of the Federation of Economic and Trade Organizations, as far as the production system is concerned, groups of fishery producers, etc. can be ignored. The status of this industry in the Economic and Trade Association is very low, and there is no right to speak.The orthodox mainstream of Japan's financial industry has always believed that those in the aquatic industry are worthless. Therefore, the aquaculture industry's support for the government's approach to the Soviet Union can be said to be a small resistance to the authoritative and exclusive financial and industrial headquarters-the General Economic Association.That is to say, the aquatic industry players who have always been bullied in the financial and industrial circles have vented their old grudges. The center of the economic circle is very worried about Prime Minister Huashan's policy towards the Soviet Union.They were worried that Huashan might do something. At the same time, the Kuga department continued to carry out propaganda, saying that once the diplomatic relations between Japan and the Soviet Union were restored, red flags would be hung everywhere in Japan the next day, and the revolution would be realized overnight.Part of the information comes from the Special Investigation Department of the Prime Minister's Office, but it is true. The financial industry fears revolution more than death.It can be said that the Fanhuashan Department is clever in promoting this kind of horror psychology. However, the financial and industrial circles have not been active enough to fully oppose the Huashan policy, and the Economic and Economic Association has not yet accumulated such a large strength.Most people think rather that it is inevitable that Japan-Soviet relations will be restored sooner or later.There is a unanimous opinion in the financial industry: it is too early.Of course, this is just a lie.They believed that it would take at least five or six years to prepare for the restoration of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.As for the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, the United States absolutely opposes it, so it is probably impossible to realize it at present. However, Prime Minister Hanayama was instigated by a letter from Tomnitsky, acted hastily, and set foot on the path of Japan-Soviet negotiations. That's what caused the unease. Nakakubo Kyosuke felt that he could feel the fear of Shigetake Sakane.Sakane usually doesn't show his feelings at all.I haven't seen him for a long time, and now he must be discussing with someone calmly somewhere how to deal with it. It is conceivable that the distress of the financial industry is reflected in Sakane, the vice chairman of the Economic Federation and the person in charge of the financial industry. The pale face of Shigetake Sakane, who was not in front of him, appeared in Nakakubo Kyosuke's mind, so he thought: Shouldn't it be. ——Perhaps Sakane Shigetake quietly summoned the head of the police headquarters and persuaded him to investigate Prime Minister Hanayama who facilitated the Japan-Soviet negotiations and the people who entered and exited Hanayama's private residence. There is only one goal.It's not that he is worried about what Prime Minister Huashan may do. I am afraid that Sakane thinks that as long as the red elements are found to have a little conspiracy against Huashan and his cronies, the financial industry must firmly oppose it. Nakakubo Kyosuke heard what Arisue Jinzo said, and felt that it was not just Kuga who was looking for trouble, but maybe it was the General Economic Association who ordered the police chief? However, he thought again: Shouldn't it be.Could it be that the country's top public security chief is driven by the Federation of Economics and Economics? However, he also felt that this premonition may be true and unknown. Strange documents appear one after another. There is a document to the effect that: "During the current Japan-Soviet negotiations, the actions of the chief of the police headquarters and the chief of the National Defense Agency were strange. When Prime Minister Hanayama consulted on domestic security issues, the two top leaders of public security assured that there would be absolutely no problem. The Soviet Union has restored diplomatic relations. Who can guarantee that there will be no revolutionary crisis in Japan? As the top leaders, it is too rash to make such a guarantee. The adviser (whose name will not be announced) is actually a secret worker of the Soviet Union. He can speak well and holds the position with the qualifications of the Soviet Union. Both of them were deceived by his rhetoric. At the instigation of this person, Tomnitsky's letter was handed over to Prime Minister Huashan. "A certain investigator who was sent by the Coast Guard to work in the Investigation Department and who returned from mainland China, and a certain army officer who was a consultant of the Investigation Department, who was once the Chief of the Operational Guidance Section of the General Staff Headquarters, and a staff officer of the North Korean Garrison, are actually in exile now. Agents of Rastavolov in the United States. They are all closely concealing their actual identities. There is no doubt that they are members of Rastavorov's espionage organization left in Japan. This group of people took the It is an undisguised fact that he approached Prime Minister Huayama’s faction by proposing the opportunity for the restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and the Soviet Union, and engaged in strategic activities.” Jinzo Arisue came to visit Nakakubo Kyosuke and showed him these two strange documents. "It's amazing." Nakakubo Kyosuke compared and read the two documents. Youmo Jinzo waited for him to finish reading, and said with his usual cat-like expression: Some people suspect that these two documents were actually written by people from the Special Investigation Department. " "Really?" Nakakubo Kyosuke asked. "Who knows!" Arime Jinzo grinned. "To tell you the truth, we're having an interesting show in the Special Affairs Department right now." "what's going on?" "It also has something to do with these strange documents. Listen to me. By the way, it's inconvenient to tell the real names of these people, because I also eat the rice of the Special Investigation Department. Since I am a colleague, it is inconvenient to say Name it." "Of course." "So, let's call them A and B. Of course, Mr. A and Mr. B are not sent from the same province. Mr. A has direct contact with former Prime Minister Kuga and Foreign Minister Mitsuda. Please remember that he can It is said that he is a warm-hearted person, which is a rare type for officials. On the other hand, please remember that Mr. B is a person who is close to Huashan. The thing is this: "B is a staff member of the defense team sent from a certain department in a certain province (the department related to the foreign exchange agency in the Ministry of Finance) to the special investigation department. He is in charge of collecting defense data and military information. One day, he came to this province as usual He received his salary, but the people in the province told him that he had already approved his resignation at the end of last month. B was taken aback, and went to ask the secretary and section chief, only to find out that A, who was directly under the supervisor, claimed to be entrusted by B, and proposed to the secretary and section chief on B's behalf. resignation! "B explained that he had never entrusted such a thing, nor had he written a resignation letter. He wrote a questioning letter and sent it to the Minister of Finance, requesting that the resignation letter be revoked. "He also hired a member of the opposition party as a special agent, preparing to sue A for forgery and use of private documents to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office. "On the other hand, the secretarial department of the province was also taken aback, and asked A for the inside information; A insisted that Mr. B entrusted him in person, and only the date of resignation was filled in by him. The two opinions are completely different. "Then the Secretary Section said: Judging from the situation before and after, the resignation letter is reliable, so it was accepted for approval, and there was no mistake in the procedure. "But the Secretary Section explained that if it is found that I did not intend to resign and the resignation letter was forged, it can be revoked. However, Corey is not sure whether the resignation letter is in my own handwriting or forged, so I have to wait for the result of the trial. "The resignation was written in pen and stamped with a cheap wooden stamp. B said: "'As long as the handwriting is identified, the authenticity can be determined immediately. Since the surname B is too common, I always add a word of my own name under the surname. It is ridiculous to stamp the approval blindly like this. But the handwriting of the resignation letter It’s not from the boss, it’s probably written by someone named A.” "The assistant to the chief of the secretary said: "'The sign of the resignation letter belongs to Mr. B. Mr. A will not do such a crazy thing, submit a false resignation that will immediately reveal his feet. Listening to what they said, it is simply exposing each other.' "It is also said that B said something so inexplicable that a senior official had encouraged him to clean up the mess for him no matter what details were leaked on this issue. "In short, in the 'Rastvolov incident' in the past, there were people in the Special Investigation Department who violated the 'National Civil Service Law'. One committed suicide, one was convicted, and another is on trial. "Because of the past incidents in the Special Investigation Department, the outside world has become more and more suspicious of the Department because of this incident. Judging from the tone of the parties involved and relevant people, behind the false resignation of a staff member It seems that there is a secret battle between powerful figures lurking. "A said: Although the current minister is incompetent, he is in collusion with the Chief Cabinet Secretary, conspiring to turn the Special Investigation Department into a private property, and to protect corrupt elements and spies. The same is true for the Minister of the Police Headquarters and the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary. I exposed this situation and reported I gave it to Foreign Minister Mitsuda. Mr. B disobeyed my order and misused public funds. He should have been punished and dismissed. Because I acted for him, he was treated as resignation. He should be grateful for this, but he seems to hold a grudge instead. It would be unreasonable to file a complaint! If you do this, you will bring fire to the leaders. A is justified in this way. "B said: Although A is very talented, his behavior is suspicious and cannot be trusted. It is nonsense to say that those strange documents seem to be written by me. I don't intend to resign. I don't know Under the circumstances, someone submitted his resignation on his behalf, and it was accepted. This is not like a country ruled by law. I am not willing to be dismissed due to conspiracy. I can’t imagine that this is A’s arbitrary, there must be some reason behind it. I If you are determined to tear apart your personal ties, you must distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate. "This question made Special Investigation Minister Hamano feel very embarrassed. He said this passage: "'Because the defense team is likely to disturb the order of the Ministry, it will be disbanded for the time being. I ordered Mr. A to translate foreign language books about atomic energy in his home. However, Mr. A disobeyed the order and ran around to collect information. I asked Mr.他原来工作的那个省把他召回,但是不知什么原故,各局都不愿意这样办。 “'A君是个热情人,天生有办理某种工作的才能,我本来以为他的工作会做得很出色。可是也许由于自满,最近他的态度有些变了。他的特权意识还没有消除,似乎觉得没有比他自己更了不起的人了。我不知道B君提出辞呈的事,也没有发现高级官员在背后牵线的迹象。'这是他对新闻记者讲的话。 “简单说来就是这样。” 有末晋造的话讲完了。 “原来如此。特调部这个机关真是个奇怪的地方。听您讲的这些事情,真是意想不到呢。” 中久保京介叹了口气。 “正是这样。外界恐怕是难以想象的。” 有末晋造讲了自己那个部门的情况。 “A和B这两个人都是声名狼藉的人。本来给免职就好啦,可是A与光田和柏等高级官员有联系,以后大概会把他调职,马虎过去。B君也落了个辞职照准,可以说是两败俱伤吧。总之,由于现任特别调查部长优柔寡断,未能处分这两个人,所以现在部内工作人员不信任他了。” “为什么A君把B君免了职呢?这次翻脸的内幕是怎样的呢?” “总而言之,”有末晋造搓了搓手,“B君一方面秘密进行对苏贸易的活动,一方面收集情报,所以就被A君指责为亲苏派。这当然是借口,其实是由于B君与花山派有联系。我想B君也懂得,自己一不留神,也会象过去的'拉斯特沃洛夫事件'中的那几个人一样,遭到陷害,受处分。我想A君的活动实际上也正在这里。我的看法是:说不定A君的一伙儿抱的目的就是把B逼到这样的地步,把B君所联系的花山一派打倒,然后把曾保证即使促进日苏谈判也不必担心治安问题的警察本部长官和国防厅长官统统扣上亲赤色分子的帽子,使他们垮台。” “B君的后台只有花山首相吗?” “不止。提起花山左右的最高实力人物,我就是不讲出姓名,您也会知道吧。他才是一不留神就会把光田外务相排挤掉的人呢,他总想为自己将来当首相打下基础。现在的特调部非但不能发展成为原来理想中的情报局,眼看还要分崩离析哩。” 有末晋造笑了。 “这么说来,花山、久我两派争夺领导权的斗争就整个反映到调查部里来了?” “正是这样。这就是说,通过这次的日苏谈判,调查部刚成立时就具有的暧昧性质中最严重的缺点暴露出来了。” 中久保京介一想,这个人曾经告诉他特别调查部成立以来的情况。但是当初成立情报局的目的,是由日本方面接替美国占领军保有的情报组织。 宗像副首相抱有不再依靠美国,好歹把日本的情报部门统一起来,使之独立的理想。在中久保京介看来,特别调查部宛如马上就要分裂并在漩涡中沉没的黑色船身。 坂根重武难得又来跟中久保京介联系了。 他们会面的地点在筑地的一所小房子里,而且是上午十点钟被召见的。 中久保京介到了指定的地点一看,那所房屋既不是饭馆,也不是私人住宅,给人以奇怪的感觉。到正门口来迎他的是一位四十岁光景的女人。她是细长脸,有点瘦,身材苗条。从面貌看,她很象是曾经在花街柳巷混过的。 这所房子狭小,没有几间屋子。 坂根重武在八铺席光景的房间里呆呆地坐着。 中久保京介当即察觉到坂根重武今天早晨会见的不只他一个人。室内拾掇得很整洁,只放着一张给中久保京介预备的座垫。可是这所房子是不是坂根重武的秘密约会场所之一呢? 每逢经总协有什么事时,社会上的人们一般总认为它的会谈场所必定是豪华的酒楼。Not so.选择的是象这样不显眼的小房子,会上大概只用茶来招待,一点也用不着拘束。不消说,这座房子的照管者必须是守口如瓶的人。约会时间谅必也选择人家不注意的早晨八点钟左右。令人感到越是重要问题,就越在这样的地方商谈。 中久保京介在那里坐下了。他觉得席子上还留着五六个人的体臭似的。 坂根重武这个人既不喝酒,也不喜欢宴会。他背向简朴的壁龛,好象累了似的身倚小几。 中久保京介从坂根重武那疲乏的样子,看出多日不见,坂根重武够疲劳的了。 早晨那明朗清爽的阳光照在E纸窗上。刚才在门厅里迎接他的象是这家的女主人,现在端了茶进来。此外就什么款待也没有了。 寒暄之后,坂根重武还倚着小几,若无其事地开口了。 “我说,木下邦辅这个人呀……” "yes." 木下邦辅是T县选出来的众议员,现在在执政党内担任重要的职务。社会上一般都认为他属于执政党内某一方实力人物的派系,预料他将来要出任经济方面的大臣。 “对于木下邦辅的情况,总觉得有不了解的地方。近来那个人已经报告了好些事情,请你托他去了解一下木下的情况好不好?” 所谓“那个人”,当然指的是有末晋造。 “是的,他一定会设法的。调查什么事情呢?” “木下邦辅现在开始进行着奇怪的活动,想彻底了解一下他到目前为止的一切情况。” “明白啦。我立即同他取得联系,这样转告吧。” 中久保京介想,坂根重武目前在对苏问题上正忙得不可开交,为什么还分神注意这样的事情呢? 木下邦辅也还算不上操纵当前政局的大人物。将来怎么样则不得而知,他现在不过是执政党实力人物尾野手下的一名小卒罢了。中久保想到这件事说不定与目前的日苏谈判有关,不过又不大象。然而坂根重武嘛,说不定在考虑些什么呢。 要办的事就是这些。 中久保京介辞别了坂根重武,兀自走出这所房子。 中久保京介次日把有末晋造找去了。 “有末先生,”中久保京介这还是第一次具体地托他办件事。 有末晋造歪着脑袋听着,然后说: “明白了。是木下邦辅吧?不愧为坂根先生,眼光真锐利呀!” “这是怎么说呢?”由于有末晋造似乎话里有话,中久保京介不禁反问道。 “眼下倒不会怎么样,今后木下邦辅会飞黄腾达的。看来坂根先生很快就注意到这一点了。知道了,那末请您等一个星期吧,一星期以后,一定好歹了解到一些情况。那时再前来奉告。” 他没有说假话。 一星期以后,有末晋造那女人般的面孔又在中久保京介面前出现了。 “摸到底细了。很有趣呢。” 有末晋造总是觉得有趣。他一向是个密探,又是个旁观者。他仿佛是要说,再也没有比观察人们的秘密活动更有意思的了。 木下邦辅在久我内阁时代担任过执政党政策审查会副会长。他目前被认为是执政党元老尾野的部下。 可是木下邦辅还年轻。社会上认为,年纪轻轻就能够身居执政党负责官员的地位,这全是靠他主子尾野的提拔。 然而实际情况怎样呢? 他在大学毕业后立即进入官界。随后他一直作官。可是战后,由于某种考虑,他辞去了官职,以众议院议员身份从T县出山,从事政治活动。他仅仅当选了三次就爬上了执政党负责官员的职位,公认为是破格的提拔。 再说,木下邦辅事实上是尾野派,可是他经常想接近久我首相。据说,为了这个目的,他看中了久我首相的亲信高尔夫集团,而且自己也开始学习打高尔夫球。 可是久我的几个亲信形成了个小集团,特权意识强烈,对外人是极端排斥的。不管木下邦辅怎样努力活动,都难以接近。 木下邦辅老早就佩服久我首相不可思议的力量,同时抱有一个疑问。当时还在被占领时期,他不明白久我首相为什么那么受美国方面的信任。社会上单纯地把这种现象说成由于首相是亲美派,是最能秉承美军总司令部的意向行事的人,所以大大受到美方的器重。可是仅仅是由于这些原故吗?木下邦辅感到,久我首相的骨子里还有外人所窥见不到的某种因素。 如果说只是由于久我首相是外交官出身的元老,那末与他地位相等的外交元老也不乏其人呢。看到这些人也大都按照美军总司令部的命令行事,却一个接着一个地下台去的末路,久我正的特殊情况实在象个谜。 木下邦辅觉得其中必有某种原因。 社会上把久我所以有这么大神通的原因说得头头是道,人们对此几乎到了盲目相信的地步。听了广播和报纸上各式各样的宣传报道,不知不觉之间就觉得久我正有超自然的力量也并不奇怪了。 木下邦辅真正亲眼看到久我首相的威力,是在他刚当上执政党负责官员的时候。 例如曾发生过这样的事情。 有一次,久我内阁为了某项法案曾向美军总司令部进行难办的交涉。政府方面希望美军总司令部无论如何同意这项法案,因为那是执政党的一项重要政策,必须得到认可,以便贯彻。 美军总司令部断然不予批准。他们硬说这是最高统帅麦克阿瑟的意旨,绝对不能改变。执政党的负责官员几度亲赴总司令部,都碰了壁,被赶回来。不仅如此,美军总司令部方面竟另外提出与这项法案背道而驰的一个法案。 最后,总司令部的某高级官员正式宣告,如果日本方面在四十八小时内不接受总司令部所制订的那个法案,就要被看作是对占领军的违抗。 办交涉的官员们立即返回执政党本部,向领导方面报告了这种情况。同时,为了慎重起见,还向法务厅打听,如果象美军总司令部宣告的那样,作为对占领军的违抗来办,会受到什么样的惩罚。法务厅答复说:本厅认为,如果违抗罪成立,量刑还不止于革职,在最坏的情况下,还有枪决的可能。 执政党负责官员们吓得都变了色。但是意见还不统一。在竞选时,执政党曾把那项法案当作一面金招牌向选民许下诺言,如果现在被推翻了,内阁就有垮台的危险。 这样一来,除了去见久我首相报告一切情况并聆听指示之外,别无其他办法。木下邦辅就同执政党其他负责官员一起,到外务相官邸去进谒首相。 久我首相听取报告之后,连眉毛都未动一下。他提出自己的意见:事到如今,除了坚持我方的主张,没有其他办法。即使同美军总司令部方面发生冲突也在所难免。说起来,我们坚持的还不够。这番话是以非常镇静的表情讲的。 可是,再坚持下去,说不定真会构成违抗占领军命令的罪名,被革职甚至枪决呢。可是首相完全不把负责官员们的焦灼不安放在眼里,甚至露出微笑。只是一再重复说:“总之,更坚决地去交涉吧。” 于是,负责官员们又去折冲。但是美军总司令部的态度更加激昂了。 最后的四十八小时临近了。然而丝毫看不出久我首相有从中调停的动静。交涉破裂,要么屈服,要么被枪决的时限快要到了。就在最后的一刹那,执政党负责交涉的官员们忽然接到总司令部首脑部的电报:立即召见他们,地点在某饭店。这些负责官员都作了精神准备。一推开门,只见美军总司令部的几个高级军官争先围拢过来和他们握手。 他们说:我们输了。在日本即将独立的时候,美军总司令部对日本的政党施加压力是错误的。希望诸位把你们希望通过的法案就照原案迳直提交国会吧。 由于事态突然发生了变化,这些负责官员反而着了慌,几乎茫然不知所措。对方还说:如果拒绝诸位的要求的那位总司令部高级军官在日本,我们面子上也不好看,所以在法案提出期间,大概会安排他去国外出差。说罢,大笑起来。 从这时起,木下邦辅就对久我首相的实力感到钦佩了。占领军断定为违抗,用限定时刻来威胁,可是久我首相毫不惊慌,自己也不去总司令部,一动也不动就使美军总司令部收回了成命。 首相的这种实力到底是从哪里来的呢? 在这以前,木下也看到过久我首相的种种魔力,这时他似乎打定主意要了解清楚久我首相奇妙的力量的来源。为了达到这个目的,参加久我首相的亲信集团是一条捷径。可是这个高尔夫集团绝不容外人插足。它好象是铜墙铁壁,不容外人靠近。 木下邦辅本属尾野派,可是他暗自考虑,根据情势,转移到久我派去也无不可。现在,久我首相手下最得力的人就数担任过大藏省官员的某人和担任过邮政省官员的某人了。因此,在实现了久我独裁的这个党里,这两个人是主流派的二雄。说到派系,木下所属的尾野派是介于主流派和反主流派之间的一派,全靠党魁尾野的权术才勉强保住势力。 木下邦辅认为,要想发现久我首相实力的来源,就得潜入久我派内部。 木下邦辅有几个提供情报的人。他不断地利用这几个人去刺探久我首相的谜,可是始终也没有取得任何结果。 木下邦辅就在这样默默的焦燥心情中任凭时间白白流逝。可是有一天他偶然间望到了一线曙光。 ——讲到这里,有末晋造向中久保京介露出了似乎颇感兴趣的表情。 “您猜到底是什么呢?” "I do not know." 事实上,有末晋造是预料到他不知道才询问的。 “是啊,实在是偶然的。木下邦辅这个人嘛,运气真好。” “运气怎么好法呢?” “是啊,我先问问您,听没听说过千代田经济研究所这么个机构?” “这个名称好象听说过。” “这也难怪。如今经济研究所这样的机构象雨后春笋一般,到处都出现。这个千代田研究所的所长名叫是枝勋夫。您听说过这个人吗?” “这人嘛,”中久保京介露出点发窘的样子。“因为我一向光搞广播方面的工作,对经济方面就生疏了。” “可不是嘛。是枝勋夫这个人是个怪人。表面上他的业务是搞经济情况的快讯。也就是说,他迅速地拿到经济情报,立即油印,分发给各公司、银行什么的,收取会费。因此,他经常出入于经济界的各方面。而且,他和一个新闻记者一样,出入什么地方人家都不会觉得奇怪。以他所处的地位来说,即便与完全对立的两派打交道,也不会招致任何一方的怀疑。据说这个人提供的情报相当准确,所以很受银行和公司的欢迎。实际上,他所以能掌握准确的情报,是因为他别有来源……就请您心里先打好这么点儿底子,下面再谈一下木下邦辅抓住某个机会同这个人勾结的经过吧。” 有末晋造用舌尖舔了舔嘴唇。
Notes: 第二八五至三四二页,外国文学出版社一九八○年版。 第五十三至一四六页。 第一四七至二一三页。 第一至五十二页。
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