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Chapter 5 Chapter 2 Downfall

deep ocean current 松本清张 7793Words 2018-03-21
Japanese newspapers reported that Kyuichiro Kawakami, the special investigation minister of the Prime Minister's Office, was searched by British officials at the London airport, and the 3,000 U.S. dollars he had privately carried were confiscated. Japanese newspapers accused him, as the head of the government's intelligence department, of acting so rashly.Allen Dulles, director of the CIA, traveled to the Far East in strict secrecy and stayed in Japan, but people didn't know about it until after he left Japan.Compared with such a careful arrangement, Kawakami Kyuichiro's actions can be said to be really stupid.

After learning the news, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately asked London.The Japanese Ambassador to Britain submitted the following report to the Foreign Minister: "After checking with the British Foreign Office, Customs and other relevant agencies, it was found that no report on this incident has been received. Therefore, it must be that the Japanese news reports are wrong." However, Deputy Prime Minister Munakata asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the smuggling of 3,000 U.S. dollars.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that they knew nothing about this matter, only another matter.A copy of a "Private Letter from Bonn" was then handed over to the Deputy Prime Minister.It was Deputy Prime Minister Munakata who recommended Kawakami's special investigation minister to travel abroad. Due to his responsibility, this question made him feel uneasy.

But after reading the so-called "Private Letter from Bonn" handed to him, the Deputy Prime Minister knew another surprising thing.The sender of this so-called "Bonn private letter" was a staff member of the Japanese embassy in Bonn, who was in charge of receiving Kyuichiro Kawakami.This letter is addressed to Mr. X from the Information and Culture Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The content of the letter is roughly as follows: The Tokyo side contacted and said: Kawakami Kyuichiro does not speak English well, please take care of him.So the sender of this private letter went to Voang Airport on the outskirts of Bonn to meet him.I saw that Kawakami was accompanied by Closfield and McKinley, the responsible officials of the British spy agency.

"In Bonn, the two men, who claimed to be waiters and interpreters, accompanied Kawakami at all times, and they also attended a banquet hosted by the embassy for Kawakami. "It is said that Kawakami planned to meet with the top chief of the U.S. intelligence service in West Germany, but these two people stopped him and advised him to meet with a traitor of the Communist Party. I refused, and I still acted with them. Someone searched Kawakami's suitcase in the hotel, and the lining of his coat was also cut open with a knife, and the pocket was checked." The content of this "Private Letter from Bonn" was not only shown to Deputy Prime Minister Munakata, but the copy of this letter was also distributed to the reporters guarding the prime minister's official residence.Needless to say, the next day all the newspapers covered the incident.

It's an incredible thing.The official of the Japanese embassy in Bonn who was in charge of receiving Kawakami Kyuichiro reported Kawakami Kyuichiro's ugly behavior to Tokyo in the form of a private letter, and the relevant parties who received this "private letter" leaked it to the press.But somehow, the incident of smuggling US dollars at the London airport was not mentioned in this private letter. From anyone's point of view, they can only think that the sender has slandered Kawakami Kyuichiro.However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the person who wrote the letter in Bonn was the most prudent and would not write nonsense arbitrarily, let alone slander Kawakami because of his malice towards Kawakami.

Regarding the nature of the "private letter", outsiders may be a little confused.The "private letter" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also conveyed in the form of semi-"official letter" as usual, and the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also adopts the form of "private letter".This is completely different from the general public's concept of the so-called "private letter".Therefore, it can also be said that the "Bonn private letter" is the "official letter" of the embassy. This is tantamount to saying that the embassy reported to the Japanese government the embarrassment of Minister Kawakami who traveled from Japan to collect intelligence in official documents.

When Kawakami Kyuichiro returned to Haneda Airport after visiting the United States from Europe, he was surrounded by reporters.At that time, he had the following questions and answers with reporters. Reporters asked him what the purpose of this trip abroad was.Kawakami replied that it was to investigate the security situation in various countries and conduct intelligence investigations.Reporters asked him whether the travel expenses were paid by the government, and he replied that it was all at his own expense. "It is incomprehensible to go abroad for such an important official business, but to use one's own expenses. What is the meaning of the matter?"

"Because the government didn't have the budget for it, and initially I got permission to travel abroad at my own expense to attend the MOA conference. The travel was funded by friends, mostly gifts from people called N." "Then why go abroad on a diplomatic passport?" "Because this trip is related to the intelligence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it is better to use a diplomatic passport, so I will do so." "Didn't anything misunderstanding happen along the way?" "Nothing. If I have to say it, I have received a very warm welcome in various countries. I am afraid this has caused a misunderstanding."

"It is said that the Bonn embassy sent a letter that almost defamed you. What do you think of this?" "Maybe it's because two foreigners have been with me, which caused a misunderstanding." "It is said that someone searched your purse in Bonn, and even tore the pockets of your suit. Is this true?" "There is no such thing." "What about in England?" "I am very grateful for the warm welcome from the UK government." "Did you ever hear about someone having three thousand dollars confiscated in London?" "Yes. I think someone mistook the man for me."

"Is there anything else that could cause misunderstanding?" "I didn't bring my own documents along the way. The documents were handed over by the embassy along the way. Maybe this is also the reason for the misunderstanding." "Where did you find out about the publication of this news?" "I only heard about it in Los Angeles on the 19th. It was a bolt from the blue sky." "Do you have a bib around your belly?" "No, I'm too strangled to panic." Although Japanese newspapers seem to respect Minister Kawakami's defense, they actually believe in the "Private Letter from Bonn."

One day, Kyosuke Nakakubo, the deputy director of the Nichirin Broadcasting Division, was interviewed by Shinzo Arisue.Two hours ago, Youmo called and said that he wanted to see Nakakubo no matter what.He also said that he hoped to meet in a quiet place, preferably not at the broadcasting company.Prior to this, Nakakubo Kyosuke had met Shinzo Arisue two or three times to get to know his character.He was a nervous man, constantly looking around while talking. Therefore, Nakakubo Kyousuke appointed to meet on the second floor of the nearby club.It is far away from the city center, and there are only regular people who come here, so it is not very crowded.Nakakubo Kyosuke went up to the second floor and saw that Arime Shinzo had arrived first, waiting for him.Youmo lowered his head slightly, drinking coffee.His hair was thinning and slumped, his cheeks sunken and his eyes sunken behind his spectacles. With such a description, he seemed to be a gloomy person, but Kyosuke Nakakubo met him several times, and unexpectedly found that he was still a handsome man.He is fair-skinned and has a high nose.However, his face was covered with shadows, giving people a sense of decadence.Based on his intuition, Nakakubo Kyosuke even thought that this man might have had affairs with many women. Youmo Jinzao behaved elegantly, and was close to women in every respect.His original identity was the police department of the police organization, and he was transferred to work in the special investigation department; but from his appearance, he could not be perceived as a police department at all.But it was recognizable by the restless way he looked about him as he spoke.Someone walked in, and he stared too.It was the suspicious, piercing look of the police when they want to identify people who need attention. Do you know what happened to Minister Kawakami this time? "Arime Shinzo lowered his voice and asked Nakakubo Kyousuke quietly. "Well, I read it in the paper. Mr. Kawakami is in for a bad time." Nakakubo Kyosuke thought of the tall man he once met with Shigetake Sakane.His spirit seemed very conceited, and when he said his name, he deliberately elongated his tone and said, "My surname is Chuan-shang." It seemed that he wanted the other party to remember it firmly.This defect is often seen in self-important people. "There are some strange things in the papers. The jacket was slit open in a hotel in Bonn, and some suitcase was searched, and private dollars were found in London. . . . okay?" Nakakubo Kyousuke found it strange that Arime Jinzo came to report this incident.Because Yusuke was the one responsible for relaying Kawakami's words to Shigetake Sakane.Now he came here to tell Kawakami Jiuichiro what happened this time. At first, Nakakubo Kyosuke thought he meant to tell Sakane about Kawakami's excuse.But listening to Youmo Jinzao's whispered words, he knew it wasn't true. "That's a conspiracy." Youmo said this irritating sentence in a very ordinary brisk tone. "Oh, oh. So Mr. Kawakami was unfortunately framed by an internal conspiracy?" At this time, Nakakubo Kyosuke thought that Arime Jinzo was protecting Minister Kawakami.This is also very natural.Nakakubo still clearly remembers how Arisue Shinzo respectfully served Minister Kawakami on the train from Tokyo to Kyoto. "That's right. So Mr. Kawakami is probably doomed." Arime Jinzo said nonchalantly, moving his thin lips. Nakakubo looked up at him in surprise.The boss who valued him collapsed, but he talked so casually in a third-party tone. "It's nonsense that Mr. Kawakami's jacket was slashed in Bonn. But something even worse happened. The newspaper said his suitcase was searched. In fact, the suitcase contained my Prime Minister's belongings." The autographed letter, the envelope was torn, and the autographed letter was stolen.” "Oh, there is such a thing?" "Yes, I think it's true that the three thousand dollars were brought privately. Mr. Kawakami said that it was not him himself, but another Japanese who went to London encountered something that was misrepresented as him. Ambassador of Bonn All the embassy knew about it. Then why didn’t the matter of smuggling U.S. dollars just mentioned? And the newspapers didn’t publicize this matter? In fact, the person behind the conspiracy wanted to publish more smuggling of U.S. dollars. However, a certain province in the government probably thought it was too disrespectful, so after the incident of smuggling US dollars was leaked, it hurriedly tried to say hello to the newspaper office." "Didn't the Bonn embassy give him a very warm welcome when Mr. Kawakami passed by?" "It was out of courtesy. But they were very unhappy. At the beginning, someone laughed and said: "The officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are here to do something tricky. How can people who don't even know a foreign language set up a spy network!" "Yes, then isn't this a struggle for power between the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior?" "Exactly," Arime Jinzo nodded deeply. "Scrambling for the sphere of influence is certainly a major reason, but there is a bigger conspiracy. In short, this matter was done by the people who tried to get Mr. Kawakami out of power in the first place." "Oh, so, the newspaper's analysis also said that someone inside had contact with the Soviet intelligence agency." "That analysis is completely nonsense. The British authorities knew about the purpose of Mr. Kawakami's business trip before the insiders leaked it to the Soviet authorities. Therefore, as soon as Mr. Kawakami arrived in Bonn, they immediately sent their own personnel to take him in the form of so-called escorts. Kawakami has been placed under house arrest, leaving him helpless." "Then this means that there is a branch of British intelligence in Japan?" "No, no, that's not what it means." Yumo Jinzo said, shaking his broad forehead. "Only a very small number of people in the government know that Mr. Kawakami is traveling abroad this time. People do know that Mr. Kawakami is going abroad to attend a religious conference, but it is a so-called self-funded trip, and they will not notice what purpose he actually went for. .Among the prime minister's cronies, there are people who know the inside story." "I see." Hearing this, Nakakubo Kyosuke already understood the general situation. "Then it was people around the Prime Minister who informed British intelligence of this matter?" "Yes. Because there is a so-called golf group next to my Prime Minister." "So there are any Anglophiles among them?" "Yes. It is absolutely invisible on the surface, but in fact there is. That person secretly notified the British intelligence agency." "Who is that?" Speaking of this, Nakakubo must find out the name of that person.There are several people whose names are known in the golf group around my Prime Minister for a long time.However, Kyosuke Nakakubo has no idea who among them is related to the British intelligence agency.It's an interesting thing. "Mr. Nakakubo," Arime Shinzo lowered his voice. "Definitely don't spread the word." "Of course I know." This time it was Kyosuke Nakakubo's turn to nod deeply. "Please tell Mr. Sakane about this situation. As for other people, please keep it absolutely confidential." Arime Shinzo urged again. "Please rest assured about this. No matter what I hear, I will not talk to anyone except Mr. Sakane." "Anyway, I entrust you. That person's name is..." Shinzo Arisue slightly got up from his chair, and whispered to Nakakubo Kyosuke. Nakakubo Kyosuke's eyes widened involuntarily.Knowing the answer to the riddle, he couldn't help sighing, "Really?" "Yes." Arime Jinzo shook his head slightly. "So..." Nakakubo Kyosuke showed a thoughtful look. "Is the person who reported this matter, that is to say, the sender of the 'Private Letter from Bonn' connected with that cronies?" "No, I'm afraid there is no connection." Youmo immediately gave a negative answer. "What that person reported to the British side was limited to the purpose of Mr. Kawakami's business trip. As a result, Mr. Kawakami encountered such a thing when he was staying in Bonn. The staff of the Bonn embassy only knew the result and immediately sent a private letter to the country, so the relationship between the two It had nothing to do with it. But the man who received the 'Bonn letter' actually announced it to the press." "Who is that?" After Nakakubo asked such a question, Arime Jinzo showed complicated eyes again. "That person clearly had the intention of framing Mr. Kawakami. Surprisingly, it was someone inside the Special Investigation Department who actually leaked the 'Bonn Private Letter' to the press." The more I said it, the more bizarre it became.That is to say, it was his own subordinates who threw stones at Minister Kawakami. "That person doesn't get along with Mr. Kawakami. In fact, everyone doesn't get along very well with him, especially that person." "Is he also sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?" "No, neither the Ministry of Finance nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but someone sent by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. Mr. Nakakubo, listen to me." Arime Jinzo got up from his chair again, and whispered to Nakakubo.Hearing the name, Kyosuke Nakakubo let out a big breath as if he had been shocked.He stared at mid-air for a while in a daze. "Then what will happen to Mr. Kawakami?" "The Prime Minister is furious. Mr. Kawakami probably won't be able to keep his current position no matter what. Because the government has also raised sharp criticisms against him, saying that he should have concealed his identity and acted secretly, but he became a news because of the problem of smuggling US dollars. It is too rash. This alone is not qualified to be the head of the intelligence agency." Nakakubo Kyosuke thought of the character of Prime Minister Kuga that was rumored in the society, and thought it would certainly be the case. Completely lost trust.Let me tell you one more thing: the Prime Minister dismissed Mr. Kawakami because he was angry with Deputy Prime Minister Munakata.The two are currently on a frosty relationship.This is also because the relationship between the Prime Minister's cronies and Deputy Prime Minister Munakata is very bad.The cronies believe that Munakata and the others may be planning something, they must be plotting to bring down the Prime Minister.Mr. Munakata also thinks that this group of people are elusive villains.Although the motives are different, the report of the pro-British faction in this group also played a role in crowding out Deputy Prime Minister Munakata.If it is further speculated, the result must be to completely overthrow Munakata's idea of ​​intelligence agencies. " "That's right." "Furthermore, it stands to reason that the former Chief Cabinet Secretary recommended Mr. Kawakami. When this person was in Hokkaido, he recommended Mr. Kawakami to the Prime Minister as secretary, but the former Chief Cabinet Secretary was later rejected by the Golf Group. He himself I thought I tried my best to flatter him, but since he was stared at by the golf group, he couldn't please the Prime Minister, so Mr. Kawakami, who was in contact with the Chief Cabinet Secretary, was also cast a blank stare. In short, although he himself worked very hard, but because of this , He can’t do it for long if he wants to. Therefore, of course, the current Chief Cabinet Secretary who succeeds him cannot get along with Mr. Kawakami. Therefore, Mr. Kawakami is getting closer and closer to Deputy Prime Minister Munakata.” "Then who will take over?" "There are several people. The most vocal one is probably Mr. Banxio Hamano. This person is currently serving as the police captain in County T. He plans to resign from that position and run for the deputy governor of the county." "I'm afraid it won't work, right?" "Well, someone is trying to stop him right now. Mr. Nakakubo, the problem is County T." "What is the problem?" "You will gradually understand. The situation in that county is as complicated as it is, and it contains all kinds of inside stories. The movements of the characters are also very subtle." "Who stopped Hamano-san from running for deputy governor?" "It's the chief of the national police—Mr. Isomura, the chief of the national police. There are also ulterior motives here. Let me report to you slowly." "Then what should Mr. Kawakami do?" "The deputy prime minister will always give him a hand, so he won't be too difficult to go down." Arime Jinzo showed a meaningful smile on that woman-like face.At this time, Nakakubo Kyosuke suddenly realized something. That is: Arime Jinzo has abandoned Kawakami Kyuichiro.The loyalty in the train at the beginning has completely disappeared from the bottom of this person's heart.He is probably wholeheartedly trying to curry favor with the appointed next Minister of Special Investigation for his own promotion.Bureaucrats, big and small, often place their bets on the next candidate, regardless of the current chief. Kyosuke Nakakubo went to the secretariat of the General Council. The office is located in the vicinity, and there are many buildings of big banks. He walked into the Bureau and saw the signs of the standing committees meeting today hanging on the gate: "Economic and Political Committee", "International Relations Committee", "Financial Committee" and so on. He was walking along the corridor covered with a big red carpet, and happened to meet a bald old man wearing glasses who was talking with four or five people.He must be nearly seventy years old, but still rosy.He put one hand in his pocket and walked over leisurely.Nakakubo Kyosuke was also familiar with the faces of those other people.They are all general managers or chairman of large companies.They kept their feet steady, raised their heads slightly, and walked slowly. Nakakubo stood aside. He saluted silently, but of course the other party would not recognize him.Only the nearly seventy-year-old president of the Federation of Economics and Economics glanced through his glasses at the man who made way for the attention salute, and walked over. The old chairman's policy is to rely solely on large companies to strengthen the Economic and Trade Association, and other newly established companies will not be accepted.He wants to cultivate this organization into the stronghold of Japan's financial and industrial circles, worthy of its name. When Kyosuke Nakakubo watched the old man off, he remembered an interjection.During the Korean War, a new arms company made a fortune and its business skyrocketed.Speaking of Shinji Miyazaki of the Taiping Industrial Company, he was a famous celebrity for a while, and caused a sensation in the press with his clever methods. This Miyazaki had asked someone to join the Economic Federation no matter what.At that time, the president looked left and right among the crowded members and said: "What, Miyazaki? I've never heard of this guy." In this way, the question of joining the membership has come to naught. The chairman is not unaware of the sensational Miyazaki Shinji of Taiping Industry Company.That's what the president is like. The same is true when the chairman of a film company applies for membership. "What? A movie theater?" Of course it didn't pass. The greater the authority, the more it excludes outsiders.In order to maintain authority, emerging forces must be constantly repelled.Take a look inside the local industrial clubs where their powerful members gather.It was a magnificent and gorgeous building.They sat buried in soft leather chairs, smoking cigarettes all day long, playing go, shogi, drinking tea and chatting.This majestic building shielded from the chaotic city streets with a glass partition, standing alone.This secret room is like a contemporary bamboo forest, everything is supernatural and secluded. But the conversations that took place in this secluded room actually kept making waves in Japan's financial industry... Nakakubo Kyosuke went to the secretary section of the secretariat to investigate. "Hi everyone!" he said. Four or five people from Secretary Corey paid attention to him.The people in the secretarial department only know that Nakakubo Kyosuke is the deputy director of the business department of Nichirin Broadcasting Corporation.He often came to see Vice President Shigetake Sakane, but since the vice president also served as the chairman of Nichirin Broadcasting Corporation, everyone thought Nakakubo was just a person who came to make business contacts. "Is the vice president not here?" A member of the secretarial section replied: "Not at the moment." "When will you be back?" "This...is not good." It is useless to inquire, no one knows the whereabouts of the vice president.In fact, whenever Shigetake Sakane's whereabouts are unknown, it is the moment when he is deeply involved in the financial industry. Nakakubo Kyosuke knew this.Just as he was about to leave, the head of the secretary department who was sitting in front stood up.He was tall and in his fifties. He asked Nakakubo Kyousuke in a low voice: "Is there something urgent to find the vice president?" After all, he is the head of the secretary department, and he seems to be slightly aware that the relationship between Kyosuke Nakakubo and the vice president is beyond ordinary business contacts. "Do you know where he is?" The head of the secretarial department, who is in his fifties, has a strange feeling.He can intuitively guess not only the whereabouts of the chairman, vice-chairman, and even the standing chairman.By looking at the clock, one can guess wonderfully where they were probably at that time. It is ten past three. "Hmm..." The head of the secretary department looked at the hands of the wall clock and said, "I think the vice president probably gets his haircut in XX shop." "Thank you," Nakakubo Kyosuke said. He pretended that there was nothing urgent, and closed the door of the secretarial department. Nakakubo Kyousuke drove to Kyobashi.On the way, he suddenly remembered and told the driver to take down the flag of the broadcasting company hanging in front of the car.Going east from the intersection of Kyobashi, there is an open space, which is a recessed place surrounded by buildings. Nakakubo found a familiar Chrysler car there, and nodded knowingly.He asked the driver to pull over next to that car.In the Chrysler was a driver he knew well. Although Shigetake Sakane is thrifty in other respects, he owns several cars.Because there are fewer cars, it is easy for people to know where he is going, which is very inconvenient.He has to change the car according to different uses. Nakakubo Kyosuke walked to a barber shop.He looked through the glass door and saw the profile of Shigetake Sakane sitting on the chair inside, and walked in without a word. Although XX shop is very famous, it is just a barber shop on the street.The general managers of most companies call the barber home when they get a haircut, but Sakane Shige goes to the barber shop in person leisurely. It is well known that Shigetake Sakane's private life is simple.He also refused banquets as much as possible, and even when he had to show up, he always left early and went straight home.He doesn't drink much and has no interest in women. After Sakane Shigetake finished his haircut, he probably saw Nakakubo Kyosuke's face in the mirror, nodded his head with the short hair, and walked outside. "What's the matter?" Shigetake Sakane asked in the car.The hair oil applied at the barber shop is slightly scented. Nakakubo Kyosuke got into Sakane's car after sending away the company's car.He began to report in a low voice what he had heard from Arime Jinzo, the Special Investigation Department Affairs Officer of the Prime Minister's Office. Shigetake Sakane listened silently.His eyes were not small, but after hearing what Nakakubo said, he showed no interest.His high nose made his profile look handsome. He didn't talk about any opinions, he didn't ask any questions, he just answered with snorting.When Nakakubo talked about T County, Shigetake Sakane expressed a little interest.His big eyes only looked at Nakakubo at this moment, but he still didn't express his opinion. However, Nakakubo Kyosuke understood.Sakane Shigetake's nonchalant eyes kept watching the movements within the political circle, but that was not because he was interested in politics.These are the eyes of a pair of sentinels, resolutely safeguarding the interests of the financial industry. Shigetake Sakane told the driver to stop the car. "Understood... you can get off here." The place where he was told to get off was Qingshan Street.Going forward, Sakane would not let him ride with him.Nakakubo Kyosuke got off at the side of the tramway. The heavy rear of the Chrysler car that the vice president was riding in was getting smaller and smaller. The wind was blowing, and Nakakubo Kyosuke stood by the side of the tramway, watching the car drive away.Scraps of paper were blown to his feet by the wind. The streets are always peaceful and quiet.
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