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Chapter 2 translator's words

wolf 井上靖 1069Words 2018-03-21
The author of this book, Yasushi Inoue, is a well-known writer in the literary world in Japan and the world. He is currently the president of the Japan PEN Club and the vice president of the International PEN Club.He was born in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, Japan in 1907. He studied in the French Department of Kyushu University and the Department of Philosophy of Kyoto University, majoring in aesthetics. He began to publish poems since he was in high school, and published a play in 1925 before he graduated from university. "Meiji Moon" was performed, and the following year he won the Chiba Kameo Literary Award for his novel "Change". In his long literary career, he worked hard and created dozens of novels.Novels and a large number of short stories, while engaged in poetry writing and art criticism. The novel "Bullfighting" published in 1949 won the Akutagawa Literature Award that year, which established his position in the Japanese literary world. and historical fiction.Modern novels mainly describe the conflict between the protagonist’s ideals, sense of justice, and pure love and real life, while historical novels focus on describing the complex relationship between the protagonist’s personal behavior and the irresistible historical trend, and the main female images are mostly idealized. A character with a tragic color.

It is one of the novels written by Inoue Yasushi with the theme of Chinese history, describing the legendary life of Genghis Khan (Temujin).On the premise of respecting history, the author develops a rich imagination and pays attention to the psychological activities of the characters.The whole book has magnificent scenes, many characters, and ups and downs in the plot, but there is no sense of confusion. It portrays the image of a generation of proud Genghis Khan from many aspects. In the author's writing, Genghis Khan has a fierce and fierce character.He lost his father since he was a child, his family has fallen into poverty, and it is suspected that his mother was born from intercourse with a foreigner, not a pure Mongolian "wolf species".In order to prove that he is the descendant of the true Mongolian "blue wolf", Genghis Khan did not hesitate to kill his half-brother in the process of establishing his dominance; Even captives are rarely let go.But on the other hand, as a founding monarch, Genghis Khan's insight was far above others at that time.He pays attention to absorbing advanced culture, strictly protects craftsmen and literati during the war, and is not ashamed to ask his subordinates, and listens to opinions from all sides.In addition, the author also spends a lot of space describing the emotional world of Genghis Khan.Genghis Khan has always maintained a respectful and filial heart for the mother who has endured hardships and raised several children with one hand; for his beloved concubine Hulan who does not seek glory and wealth, but only wishes to be with him forever, he has a lifelong love. Sons, he definitely did not let them take shelter of his supreme authority, but let them take the lead in the charge, so that the four sons grew up to be commanders-in-chief of an army.He also entrusted his most beloved youngest son, who was born with Hulan, to a family of common people incognito, so that he would completely rely on his own ability to determine his own destiny in the future.

Thanks to the encouragement and support of World Knowledge Publishing House, I have the opportunity to introduce the book to Chinese readers.It is hoped that readers can not only enjoy literature, but also gain useful historical knowledge.At the same time, the author of this book, Yasushi Inoue, is a friend of the Chinese people and the current president of the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association. He believes that the publication of the Chinese translation will meet his desire to strengthen the friendship between the Japanese and Chinese people, and it will be able to support the two sides he is fighting for. Make modest contributions to the cause of cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

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