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Chapter 31 Section 3 Conquering Khwarazm

Genghis Khan 井上靖 3941Words 2018-03-21
Samaergan is the new capital of Khwarazmo and the political and economic center of Khwarazmo. It has a vast territory, fertile land and a large population.As a majestic capital, Mohamo did not dare to take it lightly. Although the defense of Samaergan City was already very strong, and although there were countless defenders in Samaergan City, Mahmomo personally led 110,000 main forces to defend it, and also defended it. Dozens of elephants were brought in as protection on the battlefield. With heavy guards and solid defensive equipment, Samaergan City looks solid and indestructible, but Mahamo is worried. He is always worried that the power of the Mongolian army will be unstoppable, and he is always worried that the fate of the city will soon be destroyed. .Before the battle started, his psychological defense had already been breached by Genghis Khan's prestige.He sighed every day, and his negative emotions affected everyone around him, causing the anti-war sentiments of the soldiers and civilians in the city to plummet. Combat strength, sticking to the capital has become empty talk.

Genghis Khan's army was not far from Sama'ergan, and Mahamo in the city could already feel the momentum of the earth shaking, the unstoppable majesty, he wavered, he was cowardly, and he retreated.He sighed: "The enemy's troops are so sharp, I can't stay here." Then he led the main force to flee the city in a hurry, leaving only 40,000 troops to guard the new capital. However, Genghis Khan didn't know the inside story of Sama'ergan City. In his mind, Sama'ergan City was still as it was said in legends: the number of defenders was numerous, and the castle was well-defended and indestructible.Therefore, Genghis Khan treated Sama'er Gancheng as a hard bone.

When the soldiers approached the city of Samaergan, Genghis Khan was not in a hurry to attack the city. He first patrolled around the city, surveyed the terrain, and understood the enemy's defense situation. At the end of the day, as a monarch, the enemy army invaded, not only did not take the lead and led the crowd to resist, but instead spread negative emotions, abandoned the city and fled, the emotions of the soldiers and civilians in Sama Ergan City will definitely be greatly affected, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened. In the future, the resistance encountered by the Mongolian army will be much weaker.Genghis Khan has more confidence in winning the city.

But Mahamo couldn't let it go.While Genghis Khan was paying close attention to the preparations before the siege, he sent generals Jebe and Subutaisu to lead the elite cavalry to pursue Mahamo day and night.Genghis Khan ordered them to pursue them without giving up. The cities along the way, those who descended would appease them, and those who resisted would destroy them.Zhebie and Subotai were ordered to pursue Mahamo, and they did not dare to delay, day and night, they chased in the direction where Mahamo was escaping. All preparations were properly arranged. Jochi brought tens of thousands of prisoners. Genghis Khan used these Khwarazm prisoners as the vanguard. The Mongol army supervised the rear and fired arrows and cannons. More than 200,000 people took turns to attack the city.

The Mongolian army bombarded the gates of the city with artillery, so that the soldiers of Khwarazm were trapped in the city and could not get out. They all retreated to the inner city, that is, the castle. Seeing that the outer city was lost, they wanted to rush out to resist, but they were all blocked by firepower.Genghis Khan first used firepower to stabilize the situation in the castle, and then calmly defeated the remaining defenders in the outer city.The defenders in the castle couldn't get out of the artillery encirclement, and couldn't confront the Mongolian army head-on. They remembered the dozens of elephants that Mahamo had brought in when he was in the city, so they put iron armor on the elephants. Under cover, they rushed out of the castle and commanded the elephants to attack the Mongolian army.The Mongolian generals have never seen anything before, and these behemoths can scare them?They calmly commanded the soldiers to shoot at the heads and feet of the elephants. Under the influence of their calm expressions, the soldiers also stabilized their flustered emotions. They gave full play to their shooting skills and fired arrows at the group of giants , the elephants ran wildly in the rain of arrows, trying to rush back to the castle, but trampled many of Khwarazmo's soldiers to death.

The first time they confronted the Mongolian army, the soldiers and civilians of Sama Ergan suffered a lot.After much deliberation, they decided to surrender to Genghis Khan's army. The next day, the northwest gate of Samaergan was opened wide, and the descended army welcomed the Mongolian army into the city.Genghis Khan's first order after entering the city was to demolish the city walls and outer fortresses, so that the Mongolian army could move unimpeded, and then ordered to kill all the Khwarazim officers and soldiers stationed in the city of Samargan, and the skilled residents in the city were selected and assigned to the city. In the various Mongolian armies, the rest of the residents also saved their lives after paying a huge ransom.

Since the new capital of Khwarazmo has been acquired by Genghis Khan, it will only be a few days later to conquer Khwarazmo. The victory of the Western Expedition is in sight, and Genghis Khan's mood is much more relaxed. The soldiers are already very tired after fighting for days. Genghis Khan ordered to recuperate on the spot and adjust morale. Jebe and Subutai were ordered to pursue Mahamo, and they dared not be negligent. On the way of Mahamo's escape, he kept spreading negative emotions such as failure and surrender. The soldiers and people along the way were very disappointed with this monarch. We don’t even want to protect the country anymore, so to whom should we protect the country?What's the use of fighting to the death?The sentiment of rebellion enveloped the regions along the way where Mahamo fled, and the whereabouts of Mahamo's whereabouts also continued to spread to the Mongolian pursuers.

After Mahamo left from Samarkan, he fled day and night. After crossing the Amu Darya River, he called his subordinates to hold a meeting. Lan Ding, after the generals either advocated seeking help from outside forces, or advocated fleeing, and various opinions influenced Mahamo's thoughts, he repeatedly asked Mahamo to call all Khwarazmo troops to concentrate on counterattacking Mongolian forces. He believed that with Khwarazmo's strength, he could compete with Genghis Khan. But Mahamo's heart was already occupied by the emotion of fleeing, "It's important to run for your life, it's important to run for your life!" He could no longer tolerate any words of resistance in his heart, and he scolded Zalanding's request: "What do you know! Good or bad The situation is determined by the sky, and you can change it? At a young age, you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and you are arrogant!" Zalan Ding begged him to put the people first, guard the Amu Darya River, and strive for a turning point in the situation, Maha Mo was impatient with what he said, so he sent him to add to the old capital Yulong Jiechi.

As soon as Zalanding, who was in charge of the battle, left, the troops led by Mahamo lost their vitality. Tens of thousands of people were listless and scattered scattered on the banks of the Amu Darya, waiting for Mahamo's order.When Mahamo was indecisive and hesitant about the various escape routes proposed by the generals, Jebe Qingqi had already appeared on the other side of the Amu Darya River, and was about to cross the river! The soldiers of Khwarazmo seemed to have seen the heavenly soldiers and generals, and they were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands. They couldn't take care of any tents, weapons, etc., and tens of thousands of main forces scattered like birds and beasts at once, scattered in various towns and villages, and stayed with the army around Mahamo. Fewer and fewer, the news of the fall of Zhucheng came one after another, the army's morale was shaken, and the princes and nobles led their troops to abandon Mahamo.

After Jebe crossed the Amu Darya River, he followed Mahamo's footsteps, crossed mountains and river valleys, and the momentum of the Mongolian army's inevitable victory made Mahamo more and more frightened.They fled day and night like bereaved dogs. Suddenly, a large group of Mongolian troops appeared on the other side of the river. Looking at each other across the river, the terrifying posture was like Genghis Khan himself. It turned out that Subotai led another group of troops to catch up. up! The terrified Mahamo fled towards Balihei non-stop. After arriving in Balihei, the intense fear kept him awake at night, and before he had time to rest his team, he embarked on the road of escape again.Jebe and Subotai followed them and arrived at Balihei City. The city owners of Balihei offered the city actively, and even selected people who were familiar with the path as guides to lead the Mongolian army to chase after them. The king who ran for his life.Since the king is unkind to his subjects, the subjects are also unrighteous to the king!

Under the guidance of the guide, the pursuit process was much faster. For the cities along the way, those who voluntarily surrendered will survive, and those who resist will be killed and looted. The towns behind Hemo fell into the hands of the Mongolian army one after another. Mohamo traveled all over the world, but he couldn't get rid of the fate of being hunted down. Later, he fled to a small island in Kuantian Jisihai (now the Caspian Sea), and the soldiers he followed died or fled. There were a few personal guards left, who only cared about running for their lives, and did not dare to pack their luggage if they lost it. After arriving on the island, they lacked food and clothing, and relied on the support of the residents along the coast to survive. Mahamo was full of anxiety and anger, confused and confused all day long, and soon suffered from meningitis, no medicine, poor environment, Mahamo's condition worsened day by day.Later, he heard that his beloved concubine was sent to Genghis Khan's military tent, his mother bald Han Ketun became a prisoner of Genghis Khan, his former royal family of drinking and merrymaking was in ruins, and his spirit completely collapsed Soon, he died on the small island, and his guards wrapped him in his clothes and buried him. How to put it, Mahamo can be regarded as a figure who ruled the roost for the first time. In his heyday, even Genghis Khan was a little afraid of him, but he was strong in the outside world and believed in the destiny. Facing the invasion of the Mongolian army, he led the people of the whole country to fight back. Instead, he retreated step by step, abandoning the castle, abandoning the people, and finally ended up like this.Is it pathetic, or deserved?This has to be explained by history. The new capital has been destroyed, the monarch has also died, and the fate of Khwarazmo's demise is at hand! But Khwarazmo still has the old capital Yulong Jiechi, the new king Zalanding, the brave general Timur Mieli, and countless soldiers who are struggling for the last time. Especially in the battle of Yulong Jiechi, Khwarazimo, from the general to the soldier, showed the heroic spirit of being unyielding and fighting to the death. After Zha Landing arrived in Yulong Jiechi, he and Timur Mieli worked together and repelled the attacks of the Mongolian army many times. Later, there was civil strife in Yulongjie Chicheng, and some rebel forces attempted to abolish the new king Zha Landing. Zha Landing was annoyed When he left, Timur would stay with him in Miili.They crossed the desert and encountered a part of the Mongolian army. Zhalandin and Timur Mieli fought bravely, repelled the Mongolian army, and then drove to Gejining at the southern end of the border at the fastest speed.They recruited men and horses in Gejining, organized more than 60,000 troops, and took the initiative to attack the Mongolian army. They actually defeated more with less, which greatly hurt the spirit of Mongolian cavalry.When Genghis Khan encountered such tenacious resistance, he was furious, and personally led an army to Gejining to capture Zhalanding. Zhalandin abandoned the city and went south, defeating Shenhe (now the Indus River). The number of soldiers is decreasing, but their vigor is increasing. , Genghis Khan's love for talents arose, and he ordered his subordinates not to hurt his life, but to capture him alive.Za Landing survived in the midst of the chaos, then jumped into the water and swam away.Seeing this, Genghis Khan sighed sincerely: "Zhalanding, a good general, is the only general who has ever defeated our Mongolian army! Wait..." He turned to the generals behind him, "Take him as an example!" After Zalan Ding left, Timur could not fight alone, and Genghis Khan's tough opponents in the Western Expedition gradually lost their edge. Let's talk about Jade Dragon Jiechi.Since Zalandin and Timur Mieli left, the dragons in the city had no leader. Later, the soldiers recommended Humaer Yimi, the confidant of Empress Maha Momo, as the leader, and made him the king of Nuurus. The king of Nuurus is not a general. He is not proficient in commanding battles, and when the huge old capital Yulong Jiechi was handed over to him, he became flustered.Under his command, the Yulong Jiechi Guard War lacked plans, steps, and disorganization. When attacking, cavalry, infantry, soldiers, and people all rushed forward. conclusion.Yulongjie Chicheng's anti-war sentiment was very high, but this high mood was not well utilized by King Norus.This situation should be very beneficial to the Mongolian army, but the Mongolian army commander Shuchi and Chagatai were at odds, and the orders were inconsistent, which made the whole army at a loss. Yulongjie Chicheng has not yet captured.Genghis Khan was furious when he heard the news, so he changed his post to Okuotai as the head coach and asked him to coordinate the actions of Jochi and Chagatai.As soon as Wo Kuotai took office, the situation took a turn for the better. Under his unified leadership, the Mongolian army stepped in order and acted in unison. Yulongjie Chicheng soon belonged to Genghis Khan. Both the old and new capitals were destroyed, all the cities were returned, and the kingdom of Khwarazmo became the world of Mongolian soldiers.The kingdom of Khwarazmo, which once dominated for a while, was still lost to the gunfire of Genghis Khan. In the summer of 1222, armies from all walks of life gathered in the summer resort of Baluwan. Genghis Khan waited for all the generals to arrive, and then returned home triumphantly!
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