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Chapter 24 The Prelude to the First Conquest of the Kingdom of Jin

Genghis Khan 井上靖 2363Words 2018-03-21
The Kingdom of Jin was established in 1115 AD by Wanyan Aguda (Jin Taizu), the leader of the Jurchen tribe.After the establishment of the country, the warlike temperament of the Jurchens became more obvious.They conquered east and west, destroyed Liao and Northern Song successively, and controlled the situation in northern China.For the tribes in the grasslands, the Kingdom of Jin implemented the policy of "recruiting and conquering, conquering and carrying away", which not only recruited but also plundered.Before Genghis Khan, the Mongols were still very weak, but a small vassal of the powerful Jin State, deeply oppressed and exploited by it.Genghis Khan's ancestor, I Bahai Khan, was nailed to death by Jin Guo on the "wooden donkey". Later, after Genghis Khan's uncle Khutura Khan became more powerful, he launched a fierce offensive against Jin Guo, and the Jin army was beaten. They were caught off guard, so they had to suspend their troops to discuss peace, and their attitude towards the Mongolians eased. Killed countless Mongolian tribes, and stipulated that every three years, troops would be sent to the Mongolian people, and men would be killed when they encountered it, which was called "Mie Ding".

This is before and after the birth of Genghis Khan.When Genghis Khan was very young, he had a deep feeling for the Jin people bullying the Mongols.The Mongolian tribe hated the Kingdom of Jin deeply, but their own power was not strong enough to fight against the Kingdom of Jin, so they had to swallow their anger and wait for the opportunity. When Temujin first rose, his influence was still weak. Although he "resented the Jin State to the marrow", he did not dare to strike a stone with an egg and kill himself, and still endured the brutal rule of the Jin State.In order to annihilate the Tatar tribe of the enemy, he also accepted the invitation of the Kingdom of Jin, joined hands with the Jin army to destroy the Tatar tribe, and accepted a reward from the Kingdom of Jin afterwards.For all this, Genghis Khan had his own considerations: both the Jin Kingdom and the Tatar tribe were his enemies, but with his strength at the time, it would be very difficult to eliminate any of them, so it is better to use the hands of an enemy to destroy them first Now that he has lost another enemy and has less troubles in his heart, he can go all out to deal with Jin Guo and realize his grand plan and great cause in the future!

After the establishment of the country and proclaiming Khan, Genghis Khan's attitude towards the Kingdom of Jin gradually became tougher.Especially after surrendering Xixia, Genghis Khan was even more powerful in the north, which made the Kingdom of Jin feel a little scared. At this time, the power of the Jin Kingdom has gradually declined, and it can be said that the general situation is gone, but it still insists on holding on to the facade of the so-called "big country", pointing fingers at the tribes of Mongolia, and pretending to be a ruler, which is simply ridiculous.After Jin Zhangzong's death, Wei Wang Yongji came to the throne, called Wei Shaowang.This Wei Wang Yongji, Genghis Khan had seen before.When Jin Zhangzong was alive, he once went to Jingzhou to accept Mongolian tribute on behalf of the Jin Dynasty. Genghis Khan led an army to pay tribute. The momentum was so great that King Yongji of Wei was so frightened that he almost ran away. Later, he reluctantly endured the fear and went. Accepting the tribute from Genghis Khan—just a few furs, Genghis Khan saw that Wei Wang Yongji was "beautiful and bearded, talented and frugal, not easy to decorate", at first he thought it was a talent, but after talking with him, he found that Wei Wang Yongji was just a mediocre generation, civil and military. It didn't make sense, and since then Genghis Khan didn't take him seriously and despised him very much.After King Yongji of Wei came to the throne, the Kingdom of Jin was as good as it used to be. It would be good if he could save his life and not be intruded by the Mongols. However, he still regarded himself as the ruler of a big country. Genghis Khan went to the Kingdom of Jin to pay tribute.

The envoys of the Jin Dynasty brought the imperial edict to see Genghis Khan, asking Genghis Khan to set up tents and prepare banquets for them, and also asked Genghis Khan to kneel down to receive the imperial edict.Genghis Khan asked quietly, "Who is the new king?" The messenger said arrogantly, "King Wei!" The image of Wei Wang Yongji in a bag suddenly felt contemptuous, so he spit on the ground and said very contemptuously: "I thought the emperor of the Central Plains was made by people from the sky, and such a cowardly person can To be emperor?" After saying that, he got on his horse and left without looking back.

The ascension of Wei Wang Yongji brought hope to Genghis Khan's crusade against Jin.He has had enough of the oppression of the Mongols by the Jin Dynasty over the years, he wants to fight back, and he wants revenge! The ascension of Wei Wang Yongji made Genghis Khan move his heart to conquer gold, but after all, the Kingdom of Jin had ruled in the north for decades, and his prestige was still there. Genghis Khan did not dare to act rashly. Kim had taken careful preparations before. The so-called "know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger", Genghis Khan sent various people to spy on the political, military, economic and other aspects of the Jin Kingdom.

Back then, Genghis Khan was forced to move his camp to prevent Sangkun’s surprise attack. When they reached the Bank of the Banjuni River, the brigade was exhausted, hungry and thirsty, and everyone drank the muddy water of the Banjuni River. "Zu Ji" records: "Anyone who drank the river water said that he drank muddy water, and said that he had the same difficulty." Among the generals who drank the Banjuni River, there was a man named Zabal Huo who had a particularly good memory. Well, very shrewd, Genghis Khan once sent him to the Jin Dynasty, called an audience with the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, but actually to spy on the information of the Jin Dynasty.Zhabaer Huozhe inquired a lot about the state of Jin's government in the state of Jin. More importantly, he had a clear grasp of the critical situation of the Jin Dynasty. Later, Genghis Khan deployed a gold cutting plan based on his information. However, Zabalhuo became the guide of Genghis Khan's brigade, leading Genghis Khan into Juyongguan and Xiazhongdu, and made great contributions to the Mongolian army's gold campaign.

In addition to directly sending people to spy on information about the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan also used businessmen, envoys, and even the border guards of the Kingdom of Jin to extensively collect information about the Jin Dynasty. Long before Wang Han's demise, Jin Zhangzong sent Yelu Ahai as an envoy to Wang Han's tribe.This Yelu Ahai was originally from the Liao Kingdom, but because the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Kingdom, he had no choice but to swallow his anger and become an official of the Jin Dynasty, but he was unwilling to work for the Jin Dynasty. After Genghis Khan learned of this situation, he lost no time in approaching Yelu Ahai, got a lot of information from him. Yelu Ahai not only introduced the information of the Jin Kingdom to Genghis Khan without reservation, saying that "the Jin Kingdom has no military equipment, and the custom is extravagant, and death can be waited for immediately", and he also promised to be a leader. Internal response when Mongolia attacked gold.Genghis Khan was naturally overjoyed by this, and his heart became more and more confident, and his confidence in attacking the Kingdom of Jin increased day by day.

In addition, Genghis Khan also took advantage of the dissatisfaction of the border guards of the Jin Kingdom with the rulers of the Jin Dynasty, and vigorously wooed them, and collected a lot of information about the deployment of the Jin Army from their mouths. an important force. While collecting intelligence, Genghis Khan stepped up the adjustment of the army, supplemented equipment, selected elite soldiers and horses, and held large-scale military training.A murderous aura enveloped the entire Mongolian grassland.Attacking the Kingdom of Jin is just around the corner! Everything was ready, and Genghis Khan held the oath mobilization before the expedition.

He climbed to the top of the mountain and prayed to God for victory in the war according to ancient customs.He took off his belt and hung it around his neck, took off his hat, and prayed devoutly to the gods to give the Mongolian army courage, strength, and hope of victory. All the Mongolian soldiers gathered at the foot of the mountain, with solemn expressions and ready to go.After Genghis Khan finished praying, the whole army cheered, as if the power of God suddenly descended, every Mongolian soldier was filled with great pride! Decades of oppression, decades of deep hatred, the blood of vengeance from ancestors burning on them, defeating the Kingdom of Jin, avenging the blood hatred!Every Mongolian soldier sent out such a cry in his heart!

Genghis Khan must have been in awe, he waved his hand towards the south, and immediately thousands of troops rushed south!
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