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Chapter 14 The second section implements the thousand-household system

Genghis Khan 井上靖 1649Words 2018-03-21
The establishment of the Mongolian regime marked that Genghis Khan had become the master of the Mobei grassland. If this emerging regime wanted to be consolidated and developed, it must not only eliminate all kinds of opposition forces and continue the war of conquest, but also establish a relatively complete state institution and create a set of Political, economic, and military systems adapted to historical development. In Mongolia, where wars of conquest are a profession, the army is the main component of state power.Therefore, after Genghis Khan unified the Mongolian grassland, the first important thing was to enshrine heroes and clans, and generally implement the thousand-household system throughout the Mongolian plateau, integrating the Mongolian army and people into an organization that integrates military units and administrative units. The form - the system of thousands of households, was all placed under the strict control of the Great Khan.As early as 1204, Genghis Khan had preliminarily established the thousand-household system in some areas he controlled at that time, which played a great role in his rule and conquest.After the founding of Mongolia, Genghis Khan further developed and institutionalized the thousand-household system that had been implemented during the war.Genghis Khan divided the entire Mongolian tribe into 95 thousand households, and assigned 88 of the founding heroes to serve as the heads of the thousand households.According to the principle of rewarding meritorious deeds.Menglike, Boershu, and Mu Huali were the first to be rewarded and ranked among the best.Menglik is the thousandth household, and a special one is set up in the tent of the Great Khan, or one year, or one month, and Menglik is invited to sit there to discuss military affairs.Boershu is the 2,000th household, ranking above all others, pardoning nine crimes without punishment.He was also granted the title of Wanhu on the right hand, governing the people from the west to the Altai Mountains.Muhuali is the third thousand household, occupying the upper position until his descendants and grandchildren.The second batch of seals were Huoerchi and Shuchitai.Genghis Khan fulfilled his promise and appointed Huoerchi as the head of ten thousand households of the people in the forest.Shuchitai was granted the title of the 6,000th household, commanding 4,000 Wuluud ​​people, and donated his concubine Yiba Hebieqi to Shuchitai.The third batch of rewards were Genghis Khan's "Four Dogs".Kubilai was named the 8,000th household, "Nowadays, when it comes to military and horse affairs, Kubilai is the elder."Jebe, Subutai, and Jelemi were also granted the title of Thousand Households, and they were allowed to form the Thousand Household Army.The four adopted sons of Yuelun's mother, Borhu among the "Four Talents" and "Four Heroes", were also named as Qianhu respectively.For Suoerhan Shira, Baai, and Qisilihei who had the grace to save their lives, Genghis Khan not only named them Qianhu, but also granted them many privileges. Households, leading the cowardly Xue army.At the same time, Genghis Khan distributed the head of a thousand households and the soldiers and civilians under his jurisdiction as the private property of his "golden family" to his family members.According to the "Secret History of Mongolia", Genghis Khan's mother and younger brother Hanti Chijin had a total of 10,000 households; Legutai had 1,500 households, the eldest son Shuchi had 8,000 households, the second son Chagatai had 8,000 households, the third son Wokuotai and the fourth son Tuolei had 5,000 households each.

There are hundreds of household heads under a thousand households, and ten household heads under a hundred households.The size of the thousand households varies according to local conditions, ranging from as many as 4,000 households to as few as 1,000 households.In this way, Genghis Khan and his "golden family" firmly controlled the country's political, economic, military and other powers through the heads of ten thousand households, one thousand households, one hundred households, and ten households. As early as 1204, Genghis Khan’s initial establishment of the thousand-household system has proved that the thousand-household system has the advantages of disintegrating the clan and tribal structure, accelerating the integration of various clans, preventing the restoration of the old clan nobles, integrating the army and the people, and combining peace and war.The formal establishment of the Thousand Household System marked the final disintegration of many tribes and clans.Most of the 95 thousands of households compiled by Genghis Khan broke the boundaries of the original clans and weakened the power of clans and tribes.In addition, for the conquered in the war, Genghis Khan deliberately broke the clan boundaries, reorganized the surrendered or captured people, and rewarded the meritorious personnel.In this way, the primitive clan formed by blood relationship became a trinity system organized by region, integrating politics, military affairs and economy.First of all, Genghis Khan organized according to the decimal system, and organized the Mongolian adult men into ten households, one hundred households, and one thousand households, which was conducive to unified command and unified mobilization.Genghis Khan's younger brothers, nephews, and enfeoffed nayans at all levels, that is, military officers at all levels, were in an absolute dominant position, and Genghis Khan was the supreme commander of this army.Second, this thousand households is also an administrative organization.The people are divided into thousands and hundreds of households and assigned to heads of thousands and hundreds of households, and are recorded in special booklets.Residents under the jurisdiction live and live within the designated area and are not allowed to change.The head of a thousand households is the chief executive of the local area, and at the same time, a thousand households is a kind of economic organization.Genghis Khan allocated the scope of grazing by thousands of households, and carried out animal husbandry, hunting, collection of tribute and conquest of corvees in units of one thousand, one hundred, and ten households.This thousand-household system is a combination of peacetime and wartime, and men from the age of 15 to 70 are both herdsmen for production and cavalry for combat.In peacetime, they gathered together to raise herds, and in wartime, they prepared their own horses and weapons, and went out with the army.For the nomads whose occupation is war of conquest, the thousand-household system is a system with multiple benefits.It laid a solid foundation for Genghis Khan's later large-scale expansion war.

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