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Chapter 10 Section 4 Father and Son Become Enemies

Genghis Khan 井上靖 1722Words 2018-03-21
After Temujin rose up on the Mobei Plateau, he won one victory after another together with Wang Han.With the help of the powerful Kret, Temujin cleared one obstacle after another on the road to establishing a nomadic empire.At the same time, relying on Temujin's strength, Wang Han firmly maintained his Khan position in the Kerai tribe, and obtained a lot of benefits from Temujin.As early as when Wang Han cooperated with Temujin to fight Tataer for the first time, a coup took place in the Kelei tribe, and King Naiman assisted Wang Han's younger brother Erkehala to seize power.Wang Han returned to his division to fight with him, but was defeated and fled.His other younger brother Zahe dared not take refuge with Temujin, and Wang Han fled to Xiliao Kingdom. He was extremely embarrassed, but he still couldn't settle down.Later, Temujin sent Tahai and Suke to take Wang Han back and place him in his own camp for recuperation.Gather the people of the Kelie tribe and return to Wang Han, and gave the plundered spoils to Wang Han several times.Wang Han's power gradually recovered, but he tried to plot against Temujin several times, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among his subordinates.Under such circumstances, Wang Han had to help Temujin in the same boat and won several wars.During this period, Wang Han plundered wantonly in the war and secretly expanded his power.Later, in the battle to pursue the Naiman coalition forces, Wang Han listened to Jamuka's slander, gave up the original battle plan, and fled before the battle, making Temujin retreat without a fight.However, after Temujin withdrew, he was attacked by the Naiman tribe. Wang Han's servants, cronies, and clansmen were separated, and the captured subordinates also took the opportunity to escape, and Wang Han became a lonely family again.At this time, he asked Temujin for help, and Temujin ignored the previous suspicions and sent the "Four Heroes" Borshu, Mu Huali, Borhu, and Chilaowen to rescue Wang Han and Sangkun and his son.Recaptured King Khan's army, tribes, property and livestock, and returned in triumph.Wang Han was very grateful to Temujin for his selfless assistance. Soon, Temujin and Wang Han met in the Black Forest of the Tula River and reaffirmed their father-son alliance.Wang Han also held a banquet, once again became father and son with Temujin, and made the following covenant:

When it conquers all enemies, it goes to conquer them together; when it hunts cunning beasts, it also hunts them together. From then on, they fought together, hunted animals together, in order to get along with each other forever. But in fact, Wang Han is a greedy and cruel person. He doesn't want to see the growing Temujin threaten his position of dominating the grassland.In Wang Han's mind, Temujin was just a fledgling bird, an appendage he could slaughter at will.Disagreement over the distribution of spoils, the agreed combat plan could not be implemented, and the disintegration of the in-law relationship between the two parties made the relationship between the two worse. Under Jamuka's instigation, Wang Han finally decided to break with Temujin.

Jamuka, Dalitai, and Altan originally belonged to the old aristocratic group in the Mongolian grassland. They were at a disadvantage in the struggle for power in the grassland and could not deal with Temujin. They had to rely on a powerful force to deal with Temujin in order to regain their lost power.Therefore, they seek revenge at every opportunity.First to win over Sangkun, and then through Sangkun to drive a wedge between Temujin and Wang Han. Finally, Wang Han made up his mind to attack Temujin. In the spring of 1203, Wang Han's father and son and Jamuka came up with a poisonous plan: falsely invited Temujin to Wang Han's place to have a wedding wine, and then took the opportunity to kill Temujin.After Menglik and his son learned the truth, they intercepted Temujin's return on the way.Knowing that the plot had been exposed, Sang Kun decided to lead his troops to surround Temujin the next morning.After the plan was confirmed, the shepherds Ba Ai and Qishi Lihei overheard the conversation between Altan's younger brother Ye Kecha and his wife.So they rushed to Temujin's camp overnight and told Temujin what they had overheard.Temujin was rescued at a critical moment, received important information, and escaped from danger again.

After Temujin received the information, he threw away all the bulky items and moved to the Shatuo area of ​​Haranzhen overnight. At that time, Temujin was mainly followed by his brothers, relatives, Naker, etc., and the entire team consisted of about 5,000 people. .On the other hand, Wang Han and Sang Kun's armies were in an absolute advantage, with strong soldiers and horses, a large number of people, and they were fully prepared.Knowing well that Temujin's subordinates were brave and good at fighting, Wang Han personally made a careful deployment, divided them into five echelons to deal with Temujin, and hoped that Jamuka would be the front-line commander of this war.Jamuka found that Wang Han was a mediocre man and wanted to preserve his strength, so he secretly sent someone to tell Temujin about Wang Han's battle plan, and soon left Wang Han by deceiving him.After receiving the information from Jamuka, Temujin immediately studied the battle plan with his generals.Uighur from the Busy Huti Department volunteered to lead the charge, and Shuchitai and other generals attacked one after another, kicking off the prelude to the battle.The two armies fought fiercely until late at night, and Genghis Khan's Mongolian army was beaten to pieces and scattered a lot. Khan's brother retreated together, his third son Wo Kuotai, and Borshu and Borhu among the "Four Heroes" All lost.It was not until the next day that Borhu returned with the injured Wo Kuotai.Boershu also returned to the team on a bare wooden pommel horse, while Heqier lost contact for several months.Uighur and Shuchitai led the tribesmen of Manhuti and Ulu-Uti to fight fiercely with Kelei's tribe, blocking the powerful offensive of Kelei's tribe.Shuchitai went deep into the enemy's army, fought left and right, and attacked Sangkun directly. Sangkun was hit by an arrow and fell from his horse. Wang Han's army was eager to protect Sangkun, and the offensive was frustrated.Temujin led his army to retreat.Go up along the Wuerhun River and the Shulianzhen River.Came to Dadalan Niemuergeen Grassland to rest.In this battle, Uighur fought desperately and charged into battle, and was seriously injured.Not long ago, during a hunt, because the horse ran too fast, it caused golden sores and burst out, and died a few days later.

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