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Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 60595

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Chapter 1 Section 1 Ancient Mongolian Grassland

Genghis Khan 井上靖 2697Words 2018-03-21
It is connected to the northeast through the Xing'an Mountains in the east, bounded by the Altai Mountains in the west to Central Asia, from the Baikal Lake area to Siberia in the north, and the Yinshan Mountains in the south to the Great Wall to connect with the Central Plains. The vast territory adjacent to the Tianshan Mountains and the Tarim Basin in the southwest is the Mongolian Plateau .In this vast land, there are continuous high mountains, peaks piercing the sky, and deep canyons.As soon as spring arrives, the snow on the high mountains gradually melts, converging into rivers, cascading down, jubilant all the way, the mountains and valleys, and the sound is endless.The stagnant water has created many large lakes, and the surrounding forests are densely covered with green trees.In addition, there is a vast grassland, with endless, slowly undulating hills and sandy belts sometimes scattered in the middle.From a distance, it looks like the endless sea of ​​Han, which is the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.

The climate of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia is capricious, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. In winter, hail and snow cover the sky, in summer there are thunder, lightning and wind and rain; When the storm broke out, sand and rocks were flying all over the sky, and people couldn't see their fingers when they stretched out their hands. People couldn't ride on horseback at all.Such weather often kills animals and destroys homes.It is not a hospitable environment and people are often displaced as a result.But there are still many people living there, and they set up their homes with tents in places with abundant water and grass. "Drive cattle, horses and sheep by chasing water and grass".This place has gradually become the stage of many national romances.

The Mongolian nationality is an ancient nation living in northern China, and there are no records of the activities of the ancient Mongolian ancestors in the Chinese historical records.From the perspective of Chinese history, the northern nomads in the past dynasties, due to continuous warfare, plunder, and expansion of territory, under the influence of marriage, annexation, and assimilation, there are very few pure-blooded ethnic groups.Therefore, it is difficult to figure out the origin of the various nomadic peoples in the north.However, the folklore handed down by the Mongols provides some clues to be followed, and it is also of great reference value for the study of the origin of the Mongols.

According to legend, when the world was first divided, the sun had two daughters.One day, the daughter of the sun came to the beautiful land of China in a light boat.The elder sister married to the south, and the younger sister married to the north.The next year, my sister gave birth to a baby, and when the baby was born, she held a piece of land in her hand.When he grew up, he grew whole grains and became the ancestor of the agricultural nation.His name is "Haiters", which means "Han nationality".The son born to the younger sister was named "Menggaole", that is, the Mongolian nationality.He was born with a handful of horsehair in his hand.When he grew up, he grazed horses, cattle and sheep, and became the ancestor of nomads.This is the legend of the origin of the Mongolian ancestors. Her history is as long as that of the Han people.

The Persian historian Assassin Dedin described the ancient history of the Mongolian people according to the Mongolian folklore: It is said that 2,000 years before the birth of Genghis Khan, the tribe called Mongolia in ancient times was defeated by other peoples in the Tatar region They carried out massacres, leaving only two men and two men.The two families escaped through hardships and dangers to an inaccessible place surrounded by mountains.In the midst of these mountains there is rich pasture and fertile land.These two people named Ninggusi and Qiyan lived with their families and descendants for a long time, multiplied here, divided into tribes, and gradually prospered.This place is called Ergenekun.

The word "Kun" means "hillside" and "Ergenie" means "precipitous". This place means "mountain".Later, the clan grew stronger and stronger, and because the territory became narrower and unable to accommodate more and more clan members, they began to conduct various explorations and attempts, preparing to get out of the deep mountains with steep mountains and cliffs, and develop outward.Finally, an iron ore was discovered.So they prepared piles of firewood, and used 70 bellows made of cowhide and horsehide to help the fire, melted the iron ore, obtained countless iron, and opened a road to a wider world. Grasslands go nomadic and develop.Later, the Mongolian descendants, including the Genghis Khan family, still thought about it.Every year on New Year's Eve, the Mongols summon blacksmiths to prepare bellows, iron furnaces and coal to hammer iron in the inner court to express their gratitude to God.

"Secret History of Mongolia" records that his ancestors did not go back to the distant ancient times, but began to write from Mengwu Shiwei in the Tang Dynasty.They believed that their ancestors were Boer Tichina and Kuai Malanle.According to the "Secretary of the Yuan Dynasty", the Mongolian ancestors Canglang and Bailu fled together.Together they crossed the Tenggis River and came to the source of the Onan River.He lived in front of Burhan Mountain and gave birth to Bata Chihan.But how could the wolf and the white deer get married and give birth to a human?Many historians consider "wolf" and "deer"

It's just a free Chinese translation of the two names of "Boer Tiechina" and "Huoai Malanle" in the legend.The couple named after "wolf" and "deer" led the Mongolian tribe to leave the deep mountains in the Ergun River Basin and migrate westward.After eleven generations of hard work, around 900 A.D., the Mongols arrived in the Burkhan area under the leadership of the Doben Miergan brothers. The Burkhan area is not only the birthplace of the Onan River, but also the place where green The birthplace of Lianhe River and Tuwuci River.The rich water and grass and fertile land here provide favorable conditions for the development of the Mongolian people. This area is the birthplace of the Mongolian people.

According to the historical records of China, the Mongols led by the Doben Miergan brothers should be the Mongol Shiwei in the Book of Tang. "Mengwu" (Book of Tang), "Many Huolun" (Secret History of Mongolian), "Mengwa" (New Book of Tang), "Menggu" (Liao History), "Alliance Bone" (Jin History), "Menggu" (Khitan Deeds), "Blind Bones" (Songmo Jiwen).The sound is very close to that of Mongolian, and it is obviously a different translation of the same name. "Historical Collection" explained: "Mongolian" means "weak" and "simple".Based on the above reasons, it can be concluded that Mengwu Shiwei is the predecessor of Mongolia, and Mongolia and Shiwei are of the same species. "Book of Tang" records that Shi Wei is a different kind of Khitan. Khitan once lived in the territory of Xianbei at the beginning, and they are Donghu people.

It can be seen that the ancestor of Mongolia is Donghu, and she has the same ethnic origin as Khitan, Xianbei, Wuhuan and others.They clashed with the Huns and lost. From then on, the rest of the Donghu people scattered and formed tribes with different names.The legendary Niegusi and Nayan are probably the names of two Mongolian clans. The "Secret History of the Yuan Dynasty" started from the first ancestor of Mongolia and passed down to the tenth Bo'er Ji Ji Zai Mier. Only one name was recorded and no deeds were recorded.Before the tenth generation of the Mongols, the population was small and the people were very poor. They were a rather pitiful and weak tribe.It was not until the Mongols entered the Doben Miergan period that they began to prosper.Duo Ben and his elder brother Duwasuohuoer are famous Mongolian leaders and the eleventh ancestors of Genghis Khan.Duo Ben married Alan Huo'a, the daughter of Huoli Tirtai Miergan, the chief of Huoli Tumadun, as his wife.Within a few years, two sons were born, one named Bugunatei and the other named Belegunatei.Within a few years, Doben passed away.Alihei, the slave pony of their family, became the only adult male laborer.A few years later, Alan gave birth to three more sons in succession.One is called Buhuhe Daji, the other is Buhetu Salzhi, and the other is Boduanchaer.Now, Alan Huo'a had no husband to give birth to a child, and Bugunatei and Bileguntai discussed in private, suspecting that their mother had an affair with that pony, Alihei.Soon, Alan discovered the suspicion of the second son.One day, Alan Huoa asked his five sons to eat pork and mutton.

At the same time, he gave each of them an arrow shaft and told them to break it.After everyone broke it, Alan Huoa tied five arrow shafts together again, and asked them to break them in turn.As a result, no one can break.Therefore, Alan Huoa said: "My two sons, Beelguntai and Bugunetai! You are wondering and discussing who these three sons I gave birth to are? What kind of sons are they? Do you feel suspicious? Yes! You don’t know yet, but every night a man with yellow and white skin comes into the tent through the light from the skylight and the open space on the forehead, and caresses my belly, and the light penetrates into my belly, and he goes out. At that time, he was like a yellow dog, slowly drifting away. Don't talk nonsense! From this point of view, it is obvious that he is the son of heaven, not like ordinary people, and he will be the khan of all people in the future." Alan Huoa said again: " You five children were all born in one belly of mine, just like the five arrow shafts just now. If it is an isolated arrow shaft, no matter which one it is, no matter who it is, it is easy to break. If you are of the same mind One body, cooperating with each other, just like that bundle of arrow shafts, no one can do anything to you!" After the death of Alan's mother, the descendants of the three youngest sons formed the Nilun family. Because they are descendants of gods and men, they are called "Mongols of pure origin".His fifth son, Boduanchaer, is the tenth ancestor of Genghis Khan, and his descendants are called the Boerzhijin family.
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